(.'LJ\'\ C1`. > Wal, Gineral, "he said islovy,` "1 know this eyere `Br1_ck Hamlin-, an he s a nght smart planfsman, tsnjer er no sojer. If he says he saw thet pony herd, then heVsu1,'B. did. Thet means a considerable" bunch 0 Injuns thar, er tharabouts. Nmv I know Black Kettle s .ou'tt is down on. the Washita, so the only conclu-sion is that; this` yere lnuul thet the Sergeant stirred up is .-,nme new tribe er other, a-drift-1 in down frum the north. I reckon if we ride up` ther `va1leytwe7,1l'hi*t their trail, an` it 11 lead `straight_ down to them Cheyennes. ,L_,. 1.--`- J.:-...` J... |:a JJIHIIILIUII L'll1\3.LL|J|`y D\J"3LlB6IIlv _I`hoy led out of the tent mxc-.vsnn1e of the-61de_r 0319335; P335". iug a noment to speak w1th~_Han.1-T_ T0f\0NTO WOMAN WELLAGMN~ Freed rom % Pains, ackache;37nd,P "in Sid by Lydia E. . ._-L 't0tob5Lt t0'1} (())l1`1o?(:t(') B.C( i as I':aa; `~` Compound highly` A ers."--Mrs. E. 'W nue, Toronto, On` = 4 Consider .W`,9l'_` `No woman suite L. female troubles" 8,0 4 she has given Lyditv` etable Compound Thin ------- --"` way. Irecommen .` . macaw Q T3 is mous rem" g_1jedients of whichgr _ _,Wognen residihff ; -iand town in the `he commented, his] glanwz, "You may be right, -gf faves` of the officers. "`b\it" not agree with the v uhdtimdin` at Camp Supply, nor the " `T1'p(L3"1't``L;Offf our Indian scouts". -We Black Kettle `to be farthqrsouth` 011? the Washita. How large was -Ithei puny herd? - ' - 51111 eld eqtiiphientw, asked -a_, 333\ 7 5$333id-& -bl`-\l`&l'\'5JBlC\.I Ell W ` .; Oh; ',yes; she is safelyhon her way. to Camp `Supp1y', under ample` ,guard. The convoy was to stop on. the Cimarron, and -pick up .the__ frozen soldier you -*left "there, . and if possible, nd the bodies of the two deacj. gneng ' `I `I0 I - TWIII :11 1' nu, his` %owii,captaiujLegtangiing hi`s_ ghand cordially, with a warm word of ~ T commendation. The Sergeant andJ~Major Elliott alone *'1fema__ined. 1/--g -up` -Sand back a Vcburiei-1at\`qrfote,ab1ilt advance cautiously,.. careful [not to expose yourselves. There is to be no attack *_ except `ix; saurprise, and with full force. This is important, Major, as ,we_ are doubtxess gut- numbered, ten to one. Was there. something ele, Sereant.? V I was `going "to ask about Miss Mo-Donald, _sir?`. 0 ' ' f\L ` L . 1' 1 A `I --- ) `;If Iv al, asked the 1at_ter,` am. I"t`o press forward` or wait. -for the main_ body gar uc1._.,1-1,1 7, .-"/ Long before daylight Elliott's ad-' vance V camp was under. arms, the" chi-lled and sleepy troopers moving forward through the drifted snow of the north bank; the wintry wind, sweeping down the valley, stung their 7faces and 1 . benumbed their `bodies. The night had been cold and blustery, productive` of little comfort to either man or beast, but hope of ear1yaction`ani- mated the tgoopers' and "made them obxliviousy to ~` `hardship. _ There ~ was little grumbling` in" the ranks, and by dayzreak, the head "of. the` long column came opposite " the opening into the valley wherein Iilamlin had overtaken the fugitives. With -Corbin .-beside him, the vsergeant spurred his-pony aside, `but there was little to see ; the `bodies of the dead `lay as they had fallen, black blotches on. the` snow, but there were no? fresh tra.ils to show that `either Dupont, or any Indian ally, had returned to the spot. 2 1-__ _- -_.-_-._L `D..:,.1..7!I IIUU. YCDUFIIUU IJU uuu uyuv. That s evidence enough, `Brick,.`. -commented the soou't,., staring about warily, . that--thar~wus no perman-. ent camp over thar,' waving` his `hand toward the crest of the ridge. Them redsking was on the march, an that geezer had 'ter follow em, er else` starve to deathy He d a bin back afore this, `an on, yer trail with ~ 9 bunch o_ young bucks. _ 1:\......'.. A... 4-,. ml! Hm 1-itap. thev WlT:I1", Duucu Q yvuug uuunm Frorh the top of the ridge they could look down" on the toiling bluff shwdo ", an `gaze off over the wide `expanse ._of_ valley, through` which. ran the half-frozen Canad- ian. ' Everywhere stretched the white, wintry Adeeplatien. ' ~ ' Whar wus thet .pony he'rd_? _ . Hamlin pointed" up the valley to the place where the swerve came ` in the stream.` - - L w * ' u-r .. 1,`_1'_-_;.j.'L..L ...'!.-.4-o . An` vnn '"c'ohimn*oi' cayalrvmen belcw in their 1 I ` `I7 "'V 7' ' V I 4: A _ A. -V`_"V_ We were not neqr enough {'t,_ count the anunals, S11`, but-Tj`.;th.re' nmst have been two hundredA-;Vhead'.j ;: LL__ _ 1--_L" `ground'~ bare '~_ U116 Shruusu. ` I . J ust_ -below `that point ;- do you see where the wind has` swept the 1 Sure they _ `fnn t buffalo W A V i They were `ponies al-1 ri5gBt', `and bherded. The two mlen-. Vspurreuiii ~ba`ck` f'"a_ross the hills, and gmade report to- , Elliott. There Was` no hesitancy ` in that` oicer. The vletidingl. squadron was _instantly swung , into formation as skirmishei, 'a_iid `sent forward. From river-bank " to `crest `of bluff they` plowed thrbglt _;t_he. ~fifts, J? ruxu. .l.'1Vt71`uuuz\ they" plowed thro1Ih'7'{1ie -"drifts, dvercoats strapped behindj,a,n_dv~car-. ` binesung forward in readiness for ` ac_t'ion, but as they climbed tomhat ` topmost ridge, eager, expectant; it was only` to -gaze doym upon` -ya .- deserted camp, tramglgd snow, and blackened embers of merous res. L Hamlin was the` rst_ to scramble down the `steep blti, dirnout, and dI'&g`_hiS- tfembling ,_;ho11se *s1iding, after; Behind plunged Oorbivn and `Elliott;-_ anxious -1;o1.%read @119 V" signs, . to open ` the. pages ~"ofj_ this ..vg`i-ldertyegs boo1_<. VA rglance help; nd .;the1je; ';a 6 theaei 131a;irisr1,1.e11`: ~"` knew, t1.dfw*%`d~tory;d. = d'11hde"'* .."`01"'"-*i`:t?9si3htd':;T:S;-PP: sifshwd rhand dhf. hi$ a:=!,1;orTs dd'1i?2ck,ddh%d'*T ves j _Eth9Q ,>'W?-PhTvdr-i510ii! d'}'-!?O_:f715b9;` " -cmssVed.f A_s.'fo('>11" as ascertained we 7'will_ford the river. ? ~ ` ' " .L n I` *1attas:h9rset:aafter~ehorse;[s1iprd%`#sid~ "171'<.1er? :.W1th`% hiin;-int6;_ `tlije"I`.`iey; I `Conirade*s'j liiatulecij fthe7f.;`fi1i1forla`te Toni:` .-forth,_>:.;a;xid.- fres. L . 'v'ere,. -.`Chsti1y' ` W, V 0% i i`3h..= s.tsoi1th jb ;QThose __.w1io . ireachQ= ~the"-1and- riing ` shared . their , ex_tra'7cl'othing -with those watersoake'd{3_ and hot `coffee was hastily f * served all` alike. - "Eager the men "were to push forward, V more than [an hour l was lost in passger for thezihstream was. blank full, the current f rapid. and` ~littered with quantities of gating ice. . Some or these ice cakes startled the struggling horses" and inflicted painful wounds, and .it was only by the free use of ropes and lariats that the entire command V -nally suceeded in at- taining the southern shore. Shiver- ing with the -cold, the troopers again found their s-addles and press?` ed grimly forward on the trail. Hamlin, with ve others, led the . way along the beaten track which V numerous wicky`-ups. had been trampled by the passing herd of Indian ponies and plainly marked by the trailing poles A of LUIIIUJVKIU IVJ\./53.] 3.51:7-u This led. straight ' away `into the south across _ the valley of the Can-, adian, on to the plains. beyond. The snow here was -a footjdeep son; a _level, and _in places the going `was- ._heavy. e As they advanced, the weather` moderated somewhat, and the upper crust became` `soft. Be- fore them stretched the .dreary level ' of the plains, and: in- places, broken by occasional ravinesand little iso- lated patches of trees. No `sign of Indians were seen other - than the deserted trail," and `condent that ,the `band had had fully twenty-four hours` start their `pur- suers advanced as rapidly * "as the ground would permit. The very clearness of the trail was evidence that the Indians `had no conceptioni that, they were -`being followed. Condent of safety in their winter retreat, they were- making no ` eort to protect their rear, never` dream- ing there were soldiers- -within `hundreds of miles. Whatever re- port Dupont _had made; it had awakened no ,alarm. Why` should it? So far as he knew there `were but two men pursuing him into the wilderness, and both of these he [,believed- lying dead in the`. snow. 31- LL--- .VV,lv'VV\-I `.7---5 uu--~.. --_ -__- , CSteedily, mile after mile, they `rode, and it was" after dark `when the_ little column was nally haltea beside a stream, where they could sgfely hidehemselves in a patch V of tlmber. Tmy res were built. un- "d}3r1l)rotectilon 0% tlile steep `bangs "o e cree , an t e `menfma e coee,` and: -feed their hungr horses. T113 sli{1ermehVwas.1p11lofo1i1r;gl.i;It was at a_r 'nig t,- at oug -" t e sur- lrgunding _ snow plains. yielded a Spectral light. Major Elliott, drink- ing coee and_muI!0.11ing_ hardtaek with the troop captain} sent for Sergeant Hamlin.` 5 The latter ad- 'vance& within the glow of the re, land "gahited. . A1, ___ uuu on-uvv--w :' We have been gaining on -those fellbws, Sergeant, [the Major -be- gan, Aand `must ;be drawing close .169 the,Wasl_1ita..- ' I T A` " P L- .'-. ;.L..-- I .,|IU Uanv v v us.-- -... " `-`We -tare t trave1Iing~ fastei` . than they did, sir, . , was the ;'p'1y, be- cause they hadtto-_break< trail, and there were s"ome Women `and child- ren with ' th6m.- V I. have no knowl- edge of this, region, but the. creek empties ixgto` the Washita -=-without . That 7vu1d be __my '- judgment. `Spa-rling and; I were ..just tjalking it over. " I shall wait . here until small to` attack openly, and` my o1_'de1;s are not to bring on an en - r`g;g'ement. Custer has < some Osage scouts with him ` hvd will * knosiv ,this-*oountry.- Q V - V ' = [l ' `_-B1`1t,`"Major,"- \rr3I1"1:t;;fed Hamlin, . If the General"-ffQl1ovg`:VaI..pur -`trail .if1.j~ivil1 hbug Tyeti befbr"'='*h_e?`c1n r.',-,: ;1.-;-1_ . -.~1..`.*2:2.;-.2'.,:_ :2: 1. _ Custer. comes up; my fo is too. ~,[he`re ,- an . :;he11 L_ "his Lmri` will` "A large party then, .at_ . least; What do you ` Say, C0rb1n`?_ i ' rnl ., . --_;. .. .'I.J..,.......J ...'.......'....... ;..-~ Uuav v.1. nu-.. empties into_ 0 doubt}? " ' , , sauna ...v-- TUIIUII, ..llU1'U, uuu. ~_gf.fu; H .. be gfmpletgly f ~ .`H,' will not fbiazour trail. He hasfjC` rbin_-\ A with hi1'n.`LjThey % re. _1a.i.I18men cn.wh0 .I_:`i1ow`their` busiT `sf. `\.1He. l1s. cross """~---1-'-- ....J 4.-'&Ldu31n . nn+ .nn\vtu" and `aliforixig: Joe ; ULIUI-I. 'U uluwuuu ~ 4...... -,- `.- I :i:he' `-Canadian, and scike out Athe*-plains to intencep _ us.,`f JIn_>;,th2it _`_-__ -"|l'IC1l)n"' "VIII u_uu ' l\_U_ vuu wvp _ - .the ~~=p1a1ns to mtencep us._ 7t1`aV'/3;} that wfe ha:'re"`V~ha way nh will 'have"' f1;Jrt_`IV1 enT'.~j-to _ . _, G ,` JuJdgment_.we` ,sha~117;A`n76t~ V .w`t_!%.v i`_1,_3ene1 mug aiom: %`I13aye4%4y:; eaten 2 %,~ -3.u'\'f-' ..l...\3`VI'-.' vx1:\nn"]\ASn. nf.ni-inning` V451-V915 9. mg BJIQUU. ` ._ .I.{.`!l,_V`_U- '\I,|.I. > (r ;.._`-`No, am; :.'I- h%ye.}'..bgen< statlomng .._>~'_-.-'..'.1' 9) 2. CR rHERi~I . ADVANCE T V of .\a, ' - whsv spoken ; above _, spwhisper, and strict Q'1:d_e1"s7 were. passed down the line pgohibiting hth~71`i gh`t.ing,of a match ' hr the smoking bf a7pipe`. 'Gantee`s were muffled and `swords thrust seburely under saddle` aps. A Like ;a body of apectres` they, move'd`si1ent-. 1.. -_...-.__ J.1.....____. :_ ,L'L.. ......... ll\I\.nJ -VJ. ` |ZtlU'\.1IIl.\JD I-.lA\.l I '\4I.s vanynav - _-gly across the}: snow in the~ modn -' light, cavalry capes '.dr awn ?` ovr. their heads, the` only Sound. jthe crunching of . hdrses hoofs "bre9..king through" the crust.` ' '\ A \ Tl{<;.f Q3; \dis't~in\ct` {as `a road, and the guides -pushed ahead __-_._..2_`l.14_ _- I,_ ;I_':.12..L:. ._..a. ....3&'L V'\'1l'lb UU JUN auly, wusuau'o `I 1 The scout addressed, _o,nspA1cio1is`: in his bu'a1o skin coat,` leaned] agaixxst the Vtent-po1`e, his black`- whiskers moving; indust1J'i'ous1y'.a'sjhe` (.-hewe.d. ' 117 I (` `O! "I, -__"I ~,`_" 1 I'VE, ~auu.' uuv El.l'l\J?3_.1I__|l9,l-lTJ\Ja uyu-vuu as ' -rapidly `as by dairli ht, yet. with -ever `increasing. '-caution. S`1'1ddenly/ _one of the Osages gignalled V for a halt, .la;verring_ that; he" smelled re.`-. The scouts dismounted and crept forward, discovering a small camp- lre, deserted` but still smouldering, - - _L_,_',_ -1 J.:_..1..... d.....:..1 .. ,&l5..V, \lV$IL vU\l. uuo LTUIOL in a strip of timber. f33`J`1T1:"1 amination made .. it certain that this re must have been ekindled by Indian boys,- ' herding ponies during _the! day, and probably" `meant that the village was close at hand. ' The Osage guides and the two white scouts again picked up the trail, the cavalry` advancing slowly some distance behind. Custer, accomgank ied by Hamlin, rode a yard to the rear and joined the _ scouts, who were cautiously? feeling their way up a slight declivity. ` The Osage in advance crept through the snow. to the " crest of the ridge and looked carefully down into the -"valley below. Instantly 1 9- `L,,,,1 , _ _.....L..... ...B LUUU but: ` vuJ.l\:J V, utnvvv. LIIDUBWLAUOJ his- hand went upl in a gesture of caution and he hurriedly made his cautious way back to where Custer sat on his horse waiting. ` ' What is it ! What did you see 3 Heep Injuns down there !V. - The" General swung down from his saddlle. motioned the Sergeant to follow, and the two men crept to the crest and looked. over. The dim moonlight _ was confusing`, while the shadow of timber render- IVVIII-JV IJLIG DIJGKLVIVV _\J.l. VILIJIJ L I ;..|.\~\ao ed evrything /4 indistinct. Yet: they were able to make out a herd `of ponies, distinguish the'dista'nt bark. - _ .3... ....a `L- ;:..1-1.. -4: .. I-`A11 of a `dog and -the fcinkle of a bell. Without question. this was the Indians winter camp, and they had reached V its undiscovered. "Custer. glanced: at his watch-'-the hour was past midnight. He pressed Ham- 1in s sleeve, his lips close to the .Sergeant s ear. t(l`l..--__ L-_'r_ -_..:I' 1_._:...... C430 Amngm `P011166, uxauuguuvu uuv ulauanxu woun- I I K)5l W110 COIL! ` '. V Creep back and bring my officers up here, he whspered. ` Have the_m take o_ their sabres,- ` ;`I_ - the General, whose eyes had become accustomed tot the moon-gleam, pointed out the location of the vil- lage and such natural surroundings, as could be vaguely distinguished. The; situation thus` outlined ;in their minds, they drew "silently `back from the crest, leaving there a single Osage guide on guard`, and returned to the Waiting regiment, standing to horse less than a-mile distant. Custer s orders for im- mediate attack came swiftly, and Hamlin, acting as his orderly, bore them to. the several commands. The entire-force was slightly in ex- cess of eight hundred men, and there` was every robability that the Indians outnum ered them ve to one.` Scouts had; reported to Sheri- d?an'. that this camp of Black Ket- ` t1e s was the winter rendezvous not = only of the Cheyennes, but also ` bands of, ghting Arapahoes, > Kiowas, `C-Aomanehes, and even some Apaches, the most daring and L desperate `warriors of the plains. . Yet this was no time to hesitate,- [` -to debate; it was a I moment for . decisive action; The blow niust be . struck at once, before daylight, ; with i all .' the power 01; surprise. - VITL - . 1'2L;.'I- nnnnluwvnnn ' IJIICIII IJGIXC U11. l_lLl\31L Dclvluuc As they crept, one after the other, to wherehe lay in the snow, VVLDIL an uuv ; u; uu..,_......v P""V - The little body of cavalrymen was divided into four detachments. Two of these were at once marched,- to -the` left, circling the village silently in the darkness, and: taking m up a position at the farther ex- tremity. A third detachment moved to the `right and found their`? way ` dovin into the` valley, where: they lay concealed `in a strip_ of ti_Inoe;_'_. -Custer, .,with the fourth ._ detachment `under his own ".com-- mand, remained in position `one the trail. iThe`;,sl'eeping village was thus! completely `surrounded, land` the or- ders wwere for..\thos}ein of -the. djere tfforceo to` approach as -i . closely as , tvV;ithontf`"rt1nnin8 -"risk; of disiedvery, and l.tljei.c' to vre-Q , 1nain~.gbsolu'tely_ ` ciquit-ffuntil _ dayyi biedk; Not v_.a;_ match.` was; ~ to `he; "H8`1ltBd. v11C}1,;`.`~.8;A.-_$l10ti ;'3ifed until. th6- chafe` i was suondd.o by ;;thetru`t_n'p:-_` j eter lW1_i5{` o;;c-rernaiawe .. with - : ms OPPOB.TU.NI.TY . {S . ` 4 '. Comedian "(whose; jurh i\s`.,"next)--4- Pin afraicf If ,cVa n tg go gox'I;_to_-.niVgKht.; ,I`ffe1V so `dwfully funny. . A ._Ma;xrae-4-?-Godd v`~ heavens; I. x_h,a_u1,. at fgna` tgie; "most %9f i?i.I.w%1e %itI.-71as9%*%tB&a?aIss:fe. uuwu LU UHULII \JllUJU`llJl\'Bo C`uste1'Atook` time to consider thig L1-.\'p1a111ati011, Spreading the eld maf) out on his knees, and measuring the distance between the streams.` No one in the -little group spoke, although. `several leaned: for`; ward eagerly. The chief was nqt :1 mall to ask advice; he preferred to decide for himself. Su-ddjenly he straightened up and threVv back his head t0"`1ook .ab0ut`._ ` A _ 2- ' ..:.-_1.;. `JUL IILIJIJIL II I 1 . f %--a1af::wsec1+:?:9;i:1ii*t :?`qu,s.. 7I_n?"s. e T :H,Ous~?:'6f~; r1"y:. . de,`,Bum _ -.p 1~tme"n`-t? = . 2` "- -.. 1ec1.. Sylvster-Wh1efe.. df&*` Jaenfg? .. ..:-if_1?5n Such, "';?i't"Ifd `%%- Iu'7. ."`v ~- L (Tof_Be..Contin_ud)_ or a lawyer in my life. MORE LIKE A THOUSAND GE % % EM. ` % . `,`I never paid a cent to a dqctpr I .- _.. .-V v- -__ 7--U Of .c_ou1fse not! .Who ever heart!" of a. doctor `or a lawyer chargingl such a fee as that? ' Gentlemen if You are Bald Call and See [CHAPTER I-..'ad;sF cannt L1):l_i;)ne or write and Prof. Pember % will call at your home. np'v H M , TAREMEMBER THE DATE At the Queen s% Hotel on February 1 6 aft`; nof onl best at first But . arn..t"I1fIEl'.in th end than any .7othr A kina` inf walk.- A g V. 3 to , bccogne. lqose no HLU [JUL U111] llvvn. _...- ----- _ l~ are cheaper in Q1 than rmancnt and safe. 2 " ere 1s no- imottantvis the fagmhat they ne 1' wear ` cnt;h&:?ierL`need repajm * 7? ' = "521. 1'-Io.tqld ` Company Limited ' I no. A epans 1115 ucuu bu 1uux\_uuuu.u- I had intended crossing here, but. .stream. `There is dooubtless ii ford strike -an Indian` .'trai1i"`1eadin'g:" by night, or day, and `it i iboilnnd-to .te1"mi11ate at Black Kett1e s namp: Return to your_ troops, and. be." ready to march at daybreak. Major V Elliott, you will take the advance -agraini, at least three hours _ ahead of the main column. Move` -with lonution, your ankers wollj-- out; '-\- both Hamlin and -Corbin "will tgoi -wit11_`_x"o11. Are `there any'_ iques; -rib-113%"/1 >` v ` .. ... '1. - r A .1.-. 1* ..'.hi' .IrC n In my judgment '0-orbin is right; `I gentleman, he said impetuously. - instead we will go} further up " near Buffalo Creek, andif .We.can`7 `the Washita, we can follow i-easily % .t'!'0I. remuer W110 W111 116 111 1)a.1`1'1t: an um: QUEEN S HOTEL A MONDAY?-.3-.1.5 nllh . -":\.v'II`I\ 3r'.'5'.;.f-.5: Beautiful hair make every woman beau- ' tiful and all who de re to make the best of their appearance should pay a visit to Prof. Pemher who will be in Barrie at the with a very large stock of the latest styles in hair oods to suit every individual. Ladies s rould see our Transformations, Pompadours, Bangs, . Fronts, Waves, Switches, etc. A free demonstration to all. . The student-It meaxis that you talk forever about your hater power` `and coal mines `and never use 'them.-Bua1o Express. I The `ExaVminer-VVhat do you understand by the conservation of natural resources? \IIu.'L'. - -_ - -, . "(`e1'tnin1y, although A in case of ' going: into action the oerco 9.t,wil1 be (1i.s'carded. Look. over your am-if munitiun carefully to-night. ml`/>74 .mt\A] -__;. -.c `L- 5-..; rumn; 1-mi. The Pember lighweight ventilated Toupee which is the most natural substitute for one s hair ever pro- duced. Prof. Pember will also dia nose free of charge all cases of see. p trouble. Do not fail to call 3, and get any information you may ' `require pertaining to the hair. oming 1}] makeg _1_, __I_-_A. iii-., Illl ` _ "I. till w \l[\.' IHIIII c all - yaw: voice. I/'1