Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Feb 1914, p. 8

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' ,1/!,;.J; ...L '8/HDMBQ Of these England; has both the` largest absolute number and also] the largest proportion relatively to the population--name1y, 28,900 al- together and 7.8 per 10,000 inhabi- Of 511, the nations of Europe the British appea; to care" more for health. In `all there are `about i 100,000 .doto1fs in Europe. 1:.uRfO_PEHA-S 1o<'),oo_o DOCTORS . .,`,?L"'W3~ . if V '"e5 ints. B be here, and if yofur tforder for Menu, A k now, we will be sure as soon as the fine _L Let us show you and the latest designs in et e;ry Work. ' Felix La` Batte -hale been appoint- ed chief of police at Veictzoria Har- -bor at a salary of $600`. -I `you can have Idea of its beaut Come into-day an l let us show you ho_ much pleasure 1t ` will bring into your ohomeol for a small monthly outlay. 2 IT! :1 you e er hea} anythi % % like -that? A No! For up `ll now such music ,s~ not been possxb and 1;nt1fyouhear new "__(.`u Jim, `: IOI-OIO1OIOX Midldnd Tovn -Council has made. 9. grant of $1500 for the purcuase of ?a site for a Carnegie library. H 1;a`nts'. Bulgaria has t11r- ;ma]1e;t [number `of medical prar'tit 1me,S; ,o.,n1yj0.47 per 10,000 11111111,i1a,.1, 'In- Germany the total 1111111111-r pradtitioners is 22,500, 11; 3.6 per 10,000` inhabitants; in Ir11111:1. the tbtal number 19,800. '_:1'\'i11g;',.1 per 10,000 `inhabitants; 11111.1 Italy-'thev total number i~ 15,2711 giving 5.6 per 10,000 i11h1111it1111ts.; Ire1andi s Own. in ' 'FE'B Y. IO-0:0-O-0101 0-OXOICKOIOIOIO 303 // ._ E . 12th, h, 19,11` -Mr. and, Mrs. T. s. Thorpe oil Bradford last_ week celebrated the -ftieth apniversary of their wed- ` ding. W. A. Doner has been` appointed` treasurer of Stayner at $100, per year, in place of G90. Clemence resigned. 2 - . - 3 `It is generally understood that postmasters who have the making up of- rural mails will haveA their salaries increased. ` ` L \ -I-_Jl\J VV'|I\l&VV\l&U&lu \JV| Vt V\lVV Luna`! have rented a store in Orillia. T1_19y' have" ve and ten cent stores In hundreds of towxgs and cities; ' V I . ` \ ' i Freeman `Watson. was. assessed.- $30 and costs by an Orillia magis- trate for being drunk and disorder ly in that local option munici-pal-, Oookstown Advbcate--We_ kne,W that cigarette._ smoking V was; ina- dulgeduin by some women-, but the spectacle of a woman smoking `a calabash pipe on the road, ` near T-hornton, the other eyeni;1g._ wag something new. (Port ,McNico1 % Presbterians will build a ne newqchurcll; . V Victoria Harbor Board.of Tradel want a dentist .to locate there- and` will endeavor to secure industries. "Able? :3tli? tffelir t.0.i',f `ii1t`,:bf his jouxfney in. _ec1 payable-i_1`1_every~ *Iia1_:ed 'by_ The Canadian B,::1`nlg ;ot2 ;;;(3on_1r_r:.e;';:_e,; I ;proyigl_e liimself with funds, without delay at e;I_.hf; .11 onvenieht yet incxpensive manner. ,-They. are ik _- . country in the world in denominationspf` ' ' ` 4 ggg 43 aQ LQ Ensign Wales of the >Mid1an d S. A. corps, waswprsented with `a ; Royal Humane Society medal` for .1116-saving. . . .` i _ -Owing to the `fall in the price of muskrat furs, trappers along the Holland River and in other ' parts of the County are complaining. Beeton -Council have decided * to discontinue the fre porch and verandah lights; They also en- dorsed the proposal to give married women who own property thq. franchise. V , "South Simcoe Orangeximn meet- ing at Aliston last week a" resoluti'oI_; expressing .a'pprecia,tion_ for` the noble st'and which Orange.- men and other Pggtestants of Ulster `are taking agafnat " the` egtablish`-' Vment. of . Home` `Rub in; ` E: `Midland Council ha `genteregi at protst_ aga .V !titinf% Wt? thE,V% Iinuusn wALi1}t..v.o.r.-L. .cq F Joan? T ' T "V. ` T I TT TZ liwlthuthe exact equivalent in the rhoneys f {he princi A 1 countriee stated Eon the face of each cheque. They are economical, a oltitely safe, `self-j ldentifyiog and easily negotiated. V 7' ' ' 339! The Woglworgh C9. > `oi Egw Xbrki V St. Valentine's Day (in -Saturday -~'next. . - T1iAYELF_-ERS .QUES BARRIE BRANCH gm; L15a;3`ao;f oo, L $_2 _ ELL .._._.- -H.-J: Manager. News "Notes of lntrst F6!` AA 9 Busy Readers. _PHI,UUUo LIIU l'U:IIU1JaJUl'B VUUCU CRUU,` ` l 000 to the promoter ..Vandrboom, but to be paid._on1y,a._fter $33,000 5 was spent, and now the Town re- Pl fuses to pay over` any money until ;the work is gone, on, with. Local urms who supplied` imllterial will y'now have to'wait -for their pay, ` Midland'.'is_now. linked up with ;the Great Lakes wireless ` system, B the longest in the world. The On- 3 tario stations are; Kingston, To-_ ; ronto, Port Burwell, Point Edward, Tohermary, Midland, ault Ste. F Marie and Port Arthur. On: the l_At1antic coast and St. Lawrence there are 22 stations, so: that the 5 Canadian, system now extends from Cape Sable onthe far east `to Port lv Arthur, the longest stretch ' of` - wire- less in the world. In addition, -there is a -powerful station at Le Pas, which can communicate with Port _ Arthur and one the Pacic ,'Coast there are 10 stations, V ` What is Mn J L % * ` `1 m 8'iY..i!18" upAt4h id'9Tthai Ashalle ~ have-% anything `left -'aft6r`":bur .Depember".2?bills _are jfpaid-?'..4`3hiG Qnini Fisher Motor Works (formerly the The Paeket understands that the Tudhope Motor Works) of Orillia, intends to materially `increase its staff in the near future. Already a few "additional men are being taken on. ' ;Whi_le'no- assurance is given as to thefuture, there is rea- son to hope thatithe` factory will continue `to be operated on quite a large scale for the present season at `least. ` yvuuuxwvl . -'UIllB Inez enmm. Wildcats seem toube numerous in the township of Melancthon The Dundalk Herald says: Geo. Bea- mish captured; a wildcat in aftrap Saturday out in Melancthonp In an endeavor. to bring the animal .to town alive it` strangled` itself. `Ernie-"Be1l,` also. of Melancthon, got a wildcat in a trap that he had. set ! for mink. `It got away -with -the` `trap, and a neighbor. fshot it some, days later in a `barn. The" trap was V returned 'to'- the owner. Another cat was trapped by VBel1;,on _Mon- day, andhe has,,itja1ive_,;:`in` at box, A commercial '.travelle`r bought it from him and he`wilI vshij; _To_-W rfonto in` a fewr.da'yia..~;` .1 Are yo,I,1 startlng the new; year by giving up_..anything?:~ . . . . ll`7'-_. OI " ` ` . Owing `to the % rm of contractors who were bUi1diItg' the `plant for the new Midland Malleable Iron Works `getting into " nancial '_dii- 'c`u-lties, the work has been abandon- ed, after an expenditure of some ,$27,000. The ratepayers voted ~ $60,- Innn L- LL- _-_-_.-.... v'-_.1.`..L...... USICIU \ll.lWlII.|llA 95 ton will be adorneci with the new German nitrogen lled Tungsten lamps, which the Provincial Hydro Commission has just sent the {Ham- VIIC UV Ill) I.I.|. unaaaonocn i1'fon commission. The latter an-I nounced that the newly-invented lamps cost $25,000 lessxthan the arcs of` the" Canadian Westinghouse and iCanadian General E1ectric-Co. ` ` . It has practically` been" deuirded that tl_1o\ iness street_s of `Hamil- "T Octavia F<:)_urnier,- .a French we- man, about` thirty yea.rs of age, able to speak English," was taken from an `express: train at. Nqrth Bay on account of her condition, which indicated insanity. Out of work, she spent all her money to return to France, but. fqund she had been given ~~ a ticket to C1 _ _`_-L -L -_._-_. THE WEEK m mavnswj lI\4\a_no ll ~Sask-atchewan. inewal of th e liquor store license at Penetanguislmene`. A "copy of the motion will be" sent to gtihe `East Simcoe Commissioners` and ' also to the Provincigl Secrettiry. / H PLENTY or COMTEANY-~ 3, . mute `was. la ;`}fom_. CraigVle.' xgugll all parts OI `H19 countryl . -vrecexjtlyt "13ub]ished_ . show- ed` that Ontqrgo easily led` in the number` of free V dielivery `1-autos,` thquh. in the `lower p1-ovinceh and D9 g `of the `west "increase-:7:is. Vmafkgdg vuvnuga ` ` ~ We. are locating and establish- ing about forty new` .rontes _per month, _ said `Superiiitendent " Bol- ducjlast -week. ` The vpetitionsi `come r all parts 7 `of .th oountriv. ; ;0l1Iv'.:A .v|nnnvJ4-1.; `....L1!.L-I.I , '_'l'_ while upwards of -six hundred post Forty `New Routes Are Beingl V Established Every - Month. __ No department of the federal public service shows" -any expansion quite so rapid as that which has characterized the rural mail de- livery. It has beeii in working- Operation only a few years and yet so far, over twonthousand free ` de- `livery routes have been established, foices have been closed. When the free courier comes the -ilittle /post office in the country store or` else- where: goes. The new` =~ xsystem _ is more ` expensive, . inasmuch ' -.a`s*_ mi't7=_ '$30_;per mile of " .jeacli~ _' route per `year; but the yextendedi measure of] 'public- service and-* -convenience is 'the;comp_ensation for-ithei e1;.tra_:= 'outlaI7;; ~ : v` czar; __Q. 4', .4 1 ;- `. - " Mr. Jas. Bruce of Egbeft Kins`! 'takei1 `-suddenly ill e with ` a. -.-~'s1igh_t" _to Cookstown on the train: .frox'n Lisle. He was met at the tra"in`by _Dr. Shier, who took him to ` his! home. . - 1 stroke of paralysis while returning * V9 JIIQIJ Eggs, sh, meat, _fruit, vegetables, glass, L. ecrockery,` (greases, `semi - liquids, or any articles of an ex- ceptionally fragile nature. ` Tl:<;"'%c.>l1owing articles beinsured: ` 9 Ottawa, Feb. 5.-.-I-An oicial re- turn shows that. men enlisted for military service to resist the Fen-- iari raid in 1866, `consisted of 122,- 031, divided as follows: ,Upper Canada, 12,199; Lower Canada,` 7,598';_ Nova` -Scdtia, 59,379, and New Brunswick 44,055. `I`_. LL- ____~__ -cohn 11.- _-__,, __`I1__1. ._'|JVIVC "The 1Yi'nister ihforihed ,J. J. Hughes that there is no record of any P.E.I. corps haying been call- ed out. . ` .....,.........., ...... . . 3; As regards ownership the right is . reserved to re-instate the .con- tents instead of giving`. `pecuniary indemity. i ' . ' NIL- 1-`I`l-_.!__ -- -..A.: -`|-- __!11 _- -1. T_I_IE FENIAN" RAID BOUNTIES ocunccaluvn I.\.|. .svv,V I no When. Parliament passed the Fenian raid $100 bounty act in 1912 it did so on. the_ assurance of` the Minister of -Militia _th_at the outside estimate of all the men who had been called out for service was 10,000, and it was intimated that not more than 6,000` volunteers or their widows, at vmost, would be `still `alive and entitled to the bounty. ` Already 16,470. bounty payments have been made. There" are as many more applications still coming in, the inux being now principally from Nova -Seotia. It_ appears that practically every man] who was enrolled-fin the militia at the time of the Fenian raids is env titled to a bounty, since the Lieutenant-Governor` of.` the prov- ince proclaimed at the time: that they were all liable. to be called out for` .`servi1c'e'. _ . 0 .- 0 I` _*I 1- -r uunuu u _ not It _ 2. regara; contents of` the sustained, * and ._ _-__,J_ Ad Still` They Come -Country s Defendgrs Eagexf for $100.: I dun unav vv avlt L J.,vtII.I. In the year -1870 the men called out numbered 43,541," - divided as follows: Ontario, 5 20,956; Quebec, 15,066; V-Nova Seotia, 4,192,. and New Brunswick, 3,327." The total called, out to resist the two, raids numbered 166,572. . _ V 'nn___, 1:, 12 ,,,-`,,1 1 .1- vthe Narrows,` near Orillia, was The Peninsula House; a summer hotel valued at $8,000, `situated on- burned to the grqund last. week. I pU,Bb.l,1.l'/H15`-. - uuvu ov; wv. wve-vs-v-3-y . \ The*?'post*oce,%-hOwever,_ does not even V in 7 these cases assume `respon- sibility for properly, -enclosing and packing a parcel for insurance, which eare -rests with -the sender. ' Ind`emity_ will he paid if` claim is made within one year of the date of posting to the department upon the" receipt of sworn. statements. that--= - . . ' 1. A-ccordiing toe the best of their knowledge and belief the insured parcel has been lost or: its contents damaged in the mails. ` i _ regards the value of "the contents of parcel or damage .1 ..._.`I qupp , wnuuu. a"I11'f taixggnt Tot .825, _ Lien Vthe:L,:leB,iI'i:'1?\;1`al"s A value inf, -t_h_e.= jeontents; when `less `than _?T`thait' am'0runt,e (upon i:p1lyre1_1t of *9`.-i,` fee` pf ve cents wiz`1_.s` postage} stamps--`and up to -an aniountof $59; or the. - actual value, when `_less than 2:, that "sum upon ~pay- ment of at fee of 10 centsgin sta;mps;- `All insured! parcels must be mark- ed insured ghti with the ametjnt of the insurance fee the _se1_1der~is paying in this wway, * .insure`d "10 cents- It must be. handed, into the post office or tothe rural email carier, and cannot be dropped into a box or receiver. .A certicate of posting... is. then to` be sercured. ` TL- ...nn4- .-.#Inn.L-1-unnvatrnv Anna nnf. V`j*W'+ uhabi K! Na -QCQQQV` . V dealt`7" ;With __to_ s'b_me`_extent in.` the regulations. gover[ning parcel T A ? post just issued. L -' 7 __-v-.I..-'L *......... L- 1v\nIII\l1AJ rum`. `in RURAL MAIL.DILIV'J;RY wa Nokfrt R1N7&D j ewhool nan... - -4-` A ':`Ori1l-ia Fair will be held on Sept.` 16tlI~'af1d T17tl1 and_Oro` 'o_n `Sept. 15th. V 5 ' ` 4 l .. .71.)` _\J`l.l_`.`IUl. .- the. _;r_ Ayiewl ;IM-- ,Iast wee1=$T will not _..v wwgu vuauv ~ vuu VLLVLLUVD VVULU cu.` leged to have talaen place in" th school room in front of all the pupils, and!" states that the magis- trate talked over the case with the fathers of the three girls ,i1'1 the absence of the accused. - He. attri-. butes to the magistrate ` the state- ment that the case was not serious, but he woixld give him thirty days. - 5ULlUU1 W33 11].` Eastnor Towdship, Bruce County. He says 1;hat..th oegces were al-- 1-..-) 1. McAllistr wh school was _in- 'm-..;_.'__ 'rn_*, J. '. Rev. A. 0.` Miles has been ap- pointed: rector of the Parish of Sunderl-and-`. V ' . I01010I0iCXO IOIOXOI O 101 10 0101010 010101010 OIOIOXOI Ice cutting at 'Bell Ewartf atfd Gilford has been delayed. on ac- count of the mild weather.

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