% _, _ cur-t T u III 00!; Havilmgpent i_ years Post Graduate work in British. ospitais and having served 'nioal Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat an Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moortieids) ; for a term 8 i R , lLo d urir`g1ic;3 H%?ital,nB1?iIsto : and e Hosdaitai. B rmingham zfo tish phthalmologioai Society. OFFICE`--78 DUNLOP S1-nn1:1_'. 5`- Po .0. 98. -___ -..u -@735 L.R.C.P. & S. Eiinbnlgh; M.F.P. 8c S. Glabgow -T-SURGEON--- f Ey. Ear.~ Nose 5 Throat. Having nnnntl m....... n...... n_-;,- . - - DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye -and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen S.t., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Disouses-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throut. Consultation `hours, 11 I am. to 5 _p.m., and by appointment. DR. .11.` T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND 'D-...I-_-- --__-_ -1 I--~- Inn. A. T T. LITTLE; LATE or DR. W. A. ROSS, "PHYSICIAN, BUR-_ 9011, etc., L.R.6;8., Edin., L.R.C.P., ondon. Oce and regidenco, Dun- lop street-, Barrie. Telphone 77. DR. H. A. DUGLAY, .0STEO'- PATHIC `Physician, Ross Block, 'Ba1frie, Ont. Ofce Hours-9 to 5; other `hours by appointment. Phone 565. . 45-ly STBATHY & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High. Court of Justice, . Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ees over `the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur.- ront rates. G. H. Eaten. poiiALD BOSS, LL.B., BARRIBTER, Solicitor, etc. Bank of. Toronto l Building, Barrie. Money to loan. ._4__j__ Publumarom . " uni "E't1-at". tuna: u:%%!lm13>3. eAPro-cg V jvinoo nu-in 0n.nada.every - . ~ . y liominil. by J '`.-4-..._`_.-__ ______._._. ___.___. __ A A, ` DR. W. H. OOHS (SUOOESSOR To DR. PALLING), Physician, : a_-..._.-._ -__.I A..'___--1_--_ cu--- KW.` A. LEWIS, M.D.C.M., surgeryl _ and Diseases of Women especial- -` ly. . Ofce 58 Collier St. .Phone 61. > 35- 0.? 41.; BADENHURST, JSARRIGTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, to. Oco, Iqtwoor Bank of Toronto Building ' V" Money to loan" at lowest rates. :. 1 so<:1:4-Ana gun`: `:4-.. _ 1 L - I mw am, mnnw :S,oli_citors,, Notaries Public, and '6bhVoy1incers;'. . Money to loan in `nu. urunniu-'-.` 11` R an: nan` hm... `IQ }. G. SMITH -& 00., PHONE 82. ES- tabliahod 1869. Undertaken, Open 1. day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. ` Borne, Ontgrio. gov v1.5.5`, Jll.Ul'.5.I'.'..1 & ON` tario Land __Surveyors ' , `etc. [ Fbtablishetl 152. Oce, Medical Building,` 8. E. comor Rich- Barrie' I ', will be pidm tlysttendod to; w : vnnvy `IL L Ll`, vsauu auu LJUJ." `goons of Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon V` Toledo -`General Hospital, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage *_Sa._nator`_ium, Gravenhurst, Ont. Successor to Dr. J. A. 0. Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale, Ont. Tel.` 269. 23137 . ___.__________..___.___________________ " r*-"`'.'-. ' -avsuaeaso`% r, Fwe-we n. The disgraceful condition `in. which- -might also be enquired into. The The matter of the` long deferred improvement of . the P.O. Square has been brought to the attention 91' the Town - Council by a letter from Supt. ' Lynch, of the G.'_1`.R.` the contractors on the PLO. `building enlargement S left the surroundings hint of Supt. Lynch is timely; I >11 0; 0. ALEXANDER gradEte' of Toronto University, Member of TtheCollege of Phya'cians and S1_1r- tnnnnn -3 f\._A.__.2-. 1'3 LJLL LJJJ-U J-`KI. J: L: \ L' u(3hu;;i1iH: 0nt. Omce and residence, John. St., near` corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. T . `ii.;.`i`.iee3}}.`3`'..: "1`~J}3`%1 .335 Elizabeth Streets. (Op oaite Eliza- beth Street Methodist C urch), Tole- nhnvm `IR7 UII EU` 97 Ijlvlone 167. 0' " nsters`, `Solicitors of the Supreme Court of J udicature. of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, .C'onveyancer's, "etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross bl__ock,* Barrie. A. E. H. Cres- __..- -`_- T7 1'` 117 A -I\ 11 co 1 `\JI J-WZIRJIIELJ v11 rge`<;x;-anzl. Am . Spec-I _ia1AattgI'1tio'n to Eye, Ear, Nose _and Thrloat. Glasses Adiusted. Oioe, Owen St. Phone 95; ' 14-ly wavvn 'J.J(lvL.I. 00 11.. 13. I1. ,w'icke,, K.C., W, A. J. Bell, K.C. ,,D_]3_.'_ ' ngrna. -. n. 1:. pi M. % Stewart. QVHVCIKHDUI U07. 3- -LILIII-IV UV 611$!-I ALI ' _ ,5 per cent. Otce`, 13 .,S1:.,'-""B`_`:Azrr`ie. H. D. _Btewart, f'_*. 1'` ` .:7 A a51:1nnQ` 1I4ennox,~ Gowan & Brown, Sbliior. for obtaining 'of_ wills, guardianship, and `.ad n _1inis_`tr'at~ion, and General Soli- c`ih0'i`,-,._/Notary, ~~Conveyancer, etc. .`0e,es: _.I-Iinds .Block, No. 8 St. Money to loan. thtolur curlers V have won` the orGenerd s prize, will Inn 4... ..&L......J .11 LL- ..--2..'I Dr. J. AR'l`I_i9l_l_ ROSS (VI) Le 11:31,; uwu$UI&I IV UNDERTAKEBI. =.:m::_ I IIQIQ lnnhnwrthe If. ".c`Y...?.?... Each wotxvzan-' who Awiehed to register -in order, to vote , at the Chicago aldermaniq pyimaries last week, had to state her exact age. .'.l;`his -looks like a bold attempt to head off the female surfife, _ ~~ ESTEN, ON-1 rs Engineers 1552. Once: Toronto. If_8.mA traction; L`... 12;:-,- muuzm. _L, % Wit` -. BA'R_RIE. 0 later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday -t-f-VI-Vt-I-In-raw nun. plU%U IE5]? In t ::...::`h`::::21:t.`t2:" 2 I10t latg ~. Saturday at 10 dclockhan the co go; ` d . huge mustbe in TE ADVANC%.yomcWb 511C; '= geek. otherwise the vertisefs announcgil t ' ear may no he made pu 0 until the week toun`; ' ` oommnsnn Anvnnmszmzms, (`gm-nJ.'nan.I ..Iu.-6lg.._.....4.. ._ n v yvu ..-vu . _ comnmncun msnnz Rates will be given on application. oonrnlcr CHANGES. Advernersn will please bear in m notice of intention to chan e adverl must be; hsndodinto theo ce I: Snthrnv at In n nlnnlr ...a n... --_- vv--aunnvwauaa any 1 nIvA1Bl'.llL\"]`S. Coniehsed advertisements on 11. t T as wants ofall kinda, lost and foul;18d,p age 3" for sale orto ten specic. articles, e{?pen""` must be uocom ed win: the cash. Cuts forTad\ro*tisem ent must in em, Tclate bevmounked on-sohd metal '1 91 tr CRAIG!-IAURST, ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FORTHE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given ouall Stock Sales. sunny: an I.` T1513 Legal `Notices . Ancnoh bales A :6 Iew.--First insertion 10 cents ' er "1`i"`l`:0menr. cu uont insertion 5 cents per ne ' tie? gnot1oes. 10 cents per line 1' 3; W933 5 091133 D0! Line for each subggo sosgergigeet the same matter. Obituarv p '1 . ' " llll-lebt A `I , run: A 1: ` x THE` suttmmm: mm on _ Llmlte d Mnnutneturers of and Dealer? in all k. Rough and Dressed Lumber mds -Doorns,8,asb. Blinds. Interior Finish, 23 columns; Tanks and Water Troughs` Hm M:.t::*.;-sag mzsn -Lauln `and Follshlngiliardwbod Floor, a spec any Contracting and Building Estimates givgn` OFFICE-BAYFIELD s'r.. Bnnmnom ** A than many other towns. We` fear _ '.-The 019i1li_a Packt _;en"e avo;s to! convince .its `readers that -0 ri1lia has 9, -lower net- debenture? debt this will not materially assist to `convince the man who pays .fhe taxes that he is not being done to A death}? However. JOHN J ENNETT .ADV mi 4 is a Z ' `eatVc1roula:`l')n ot anyI;)l`:;eerni;1tr:h,',"}.')th. E; :hyVfa.r the largest subgm PM 1am: tact demonstrat ch :,"...,.P**;'..':*:a. {f.z*;,`;:,*:::h:': 3:sr*3s` % a _ ., 1'88. -notch-aidtopay the Price. Work Advertisements are charged accordi ?su1:ae-12 es no_npareil measure ma "3 I o . 4 k0 0|. 1 1mnomum V ADVANQ _' Ont. A FEi3 Y. }Sj._ J_0l!l$|A __&_ Brooke: `GEO; _M()NKMAN. Drucsiat. ,A Ban Whe New Found] _NEY'l'nnnn -rn -rue -r. ..... . . I A.NEX'Vl' noon TO `rm-: TANNERY| In 0 n for all orders in CAS'l`11\'GS_ V MI REPAIRS, sac. 7 `~ -_Iflu'l tand Hops. new as a dump` ground for. excess The P.O. ~Squa;e has eigein been {snow off the `streets. This oi, s,, pos-V _sibly,. done with the intention `of impressing travellers passinxthrough on the trains that we are only a few miles farther away from_ the North Pole than Ori~l1-ia. . Sure1y_ some other spot could -be found to-.` deposit the snow from the streets. MAKES YOUR sxm ma: VELVET- Mogkmads Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica trons will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia ',.-ia-not_'v sticky, and gloves may be .wo_ri a few moments after using Tie Price 15c and 25c. Delight: after shaving. 4..-_A %D1UiiLoP srm-:21` ansr BA R R I E sum BREWlNG cmmnv ; Conak- ccounts given anywhere. - use and PORTER lest pad Brightest Infant and Home e -~~--- I King George, it is `said; lids de- cided ;to increase the wages of his" -agricultural laborers on his. Sand- ,_ring'n-am farms, to give __ them _the -Saturday half-holiday, and, -in , ad.- dition, to grant a"-six months - se- curity of tenure to" cottage owners on the estate. _ First thing we know the tide of 'immigration_ will be turning toward` the Old Land. , ,_ :__.~, -van Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on ahoxtcst notice and mode :-ate prices. int and guax-gntee ,,___.-- t ____ .. Al `work-done 1(:o1yexei~tmuc1xin- rs c ass. %;aAzNKERs MANUFACTUREERST mien Machlnvlsts { P_HiO-Iii! 1'56- `a. co. '. ' ` `$5 b'3'hW'1"%5"2?1?I1a1:f' `$3 so'c'{$1 .functipns at .-Rideau Hall? - ' j 71;lanagr J Ielftiaem hm. Barrie. V Llinlrnnimnr v-"W157 NOTE AND? COMMENT. ffmiua "or '.-maao'nu>rxoN. ' :13 . A nvvocun CQC A can: A nun; uuinulpll '1 onaw, There are many people who are not in sympathy ,with the accept- ance of Andrew Carnegie .s money for the building of public libraries, but the number of people who; share this opinion is rapidly becoming less. Many towns in this part of Ontario have now handsome public library- buildings, made possible only by. the gift of money from the Laird of Skibo. Barrie Public Library Board `now owns the library build -. ing on Owen--St., 11 building which has served the purpose for, some years `now, but it would appear to be an opportune time for a frank discussion of the advisability of ap- plying for some of ' the Carnegie money to erect a more commodi- ous, better lighted" and more orna- mental building for library pur- poses, The town owns an excellent? site, the Market Square, where the." hand stand now stands, and as the conditions imposed by.Carnegie are ` that a -free site be given, this may, `easily -be accomplished without any loss. to the ratepayers, and the. com`, struction o f such a buildiingi would mean V that `possibly another $20,'0_'00_ would be put in circulation ,'here,..`in' which. the working men (would sl areiw largely. The ..old '.bu_il:ding could be; sold and the prots turned into the" _a fund .fhr new books, etc; '..Midltnd5 is one of the'1a.test ,towns*to.i;.'aceept-he` the Carnegie grant and the Coin]:-* 4. cil there has appropriated"$159O ;fo_r;, the purchase of a s"it"e., It,wou,l_d==` do ;-11o harm to have ..a_': sion of the mattei`,. - Provincial blue -books, are - as a rule a year late in .-making their appearance, and that of the provin-" cial' board pf healthffor 19`12,"`jus t` issued, is no exception. ,VNe.vertlJ_9-a less there is in` the eavolurnae . mu`ch_]` that -is of *inter9st.7`For '_-instance a`; table of cases. ` deaths . frame`; .comnngnicablo *s1iow s`:~. thiiii tduriizg thekyaar V `cages of Stud; 1 ineaathetgprbvin 4 ' Aided and abetted`:- -by. the _ Toron_- | to press, the , annual `outcry against} j"e`fak'irs at rural fairs I is being raised at the meeting s[9f fairs as-V sociations. There are the usual threats. of cutting o the govern- ment grants `ifs the rrura-1; fairs do not \stop horse racing, close their" gates to fakirs`--in` fact if they do not make` somewhat of a "funeral procession of their fall- fair, the powers that be may cut off` the pittance they dole out in the name of government grants. ` But the To- ronto press are never heard: to- grumble about the Canadian Nation- ;a.l s galaxy of . freak horrors and '- fake games openly allowed to ply their trade on what is known as The Midway. Apparently_the big hogtown fair wants a monopoly of - the fakir games, and would in this manner endeavor to crowd the smaller town fairs out of, the amusement features, which, however inane they may appear to some, are the life of the show to _many of- our rural friends, both young and old . Let_ us have the best agricul- tural fair we `can organize, -but let us have the amusements, "too, for the fall fair is a `holiday, time for the man -who has toiled almost un- I ceasvingly for months on the far -m,_ and who comes to be amused, as? well as educated.-` Rigid censorship; is all that is necessary to keep thug attractions of such character` as to ; [be harmless. ' V T ' 1~sah1e ?.t=iihas7 a1 ; r i1shers,**".i.r*bu?1`.i ' V . fl. . 9% *P*. . is 3 i8f91:116niaI.1 87-i the` `e`a'r`ly_d`ayse"of t_Hef`tOWnS7f.in . district; s. (which? by the ,-way; 5} jve1-Ase: then considered on the northern fringe `if oivilizat_i_on) yit yvas- not: uncommon for the poker I shark clean` -out some adventugre-lovingj lumberjack f of winter s ,earni njg`,s.; These xeections were ubrought `to. mind by the 'news___`7that_' `Gaston . Gavinetti, theboss gambler of Pan - ama, who had run? a gambling- establishment in Panama since"t_he days` when the French started -to build the "canal, was _. murdered in front _of his place in .,the restricted districtxthe morning of Feb. 1st. Gavinetti made a fortune by run- ning 1-o ulette games from 1888 to 1903. His concessions were annul- led by the Americans in .1904 and he has rmaintainecl a poker joint ever since. i T %so1uso%%*.A4?Tior. problem - . T"this - V ssmorsrs ormgfmii 130.31 E `W38'1'.'I.A`ND gggpnuxorqs IIQIIIII ___I.--.3 _J_J -I r In! none noun or am.-muy. or anymaleovcrj J. 18 years old. may homestead a quarter- - section of uvailabve Dominion land in Manitoba. . Saskatchewan or Alberta. The A plioant must , ar in person at the Dominion ands Agency ` or uh Agency for the.disu'iet. Entry bXI-oxy an be made at the olce ofan looa cent of ominion Lands (not en`-b-agent . on certain ~ roond-itlons. _ . Duties --Six months residence upon and ' cultivation of the land in each. at three cars. A homesteader may live within nine m les of his homestead on aterm of at least 80 acres ' on certain conditions.` A habitable house is re- quked inevexecase ` except when residence is V. . vicinity. ` districts ta homeetggier in cod a ma-are-em a us} ca othn .: side htnomzstead. uric: `110 per acre. - Dlttioc.-V-,-5iXwI.0l.Ith!' rssi enee lunch of; at: (gun and ot.homewesd'. _ent_I-y_-{including . he to earn 'el1on,IBmadq.pete_nt; M `;r:"';.; ~*..e-:.~::,*'.::.*";. sWm*% 6 * .~'..|l0.. M 0* _,or. stony = land .% reportvb W moi a .. ~ . L ~.~I- 1`9'mlItlon ;:3f:{eao16-3 : , Ridihvg of - Simcoe Agriculture Joint ,uuuuw; auuvunaua UL 0116 VVCIa \ Stock f Co. was he1d?'last week and! , the old oicers - were re-elected . No . dividend was declared for this year, V but the prots were added to rest - accou1it.~ It is" somewhat of a , peculiar arrangement V by which the . buildings in the Agricultural Park 7 are conti-olled. The Town ._owns the_ , grounds, the [Joint Stock Go. ownsu ,' the` buildings . and the Barrie Agricultural Society conducts ` the ., Fa1l'__Fa.ir. Withv this divided , authority, `there has been a lack of * concerted effort to have the grounds % and buildings improved V in such manner as to be in keeping with the magnitude and success of our annual fall fair, and also that the V grounds might present some appear- ance of. n`-eatness. rather than the. present disgraceful, unkempt dump fheap that `it is. Secretary Fletcher V! has outlined some of the more ur- ; gent needs of the fall fair, includ- .- ing added acommodation for, stock, drinking fountains, and it would seem an opporitune time for a con- ference to beheld between repre- sentatives .of;,the Town Council, ,the Joint Stock Go. and `Fall _'_Fair directorate. a Now that the Town has completed the culvert through the park, it `would; look less like _a `wste of" money 4. if the front of the ' grounds. were levelled, a concrete walk laid, and a modern` fence, with 'orn-a'men'tal gates and improved ticket dices erected. Plans for further .' improvements might be worked out in conference with - the d'i'`erexrt representat-ives, and in a few years a. time the fa-ir grounds might "then, present an appearance in keeping with the beauty of our `town-, instead of g the unsightly, p`r'im'it'ive condition in which it is to-day. . The time to formuyl-ate plans "is NOW. -new grand s`tand,`7 lavatories and` -u- - -----I 1 ._nU1\II'w -_-anon-Va` $ THE sole head of emmily. or anym sleeve! homestead a. quarter- Annfdlnn nlunnllnkln I1...-.t..-8.... 1...: .l.. \n-_:._L , . Even `in the Holy Land they` are st beginning to fall for the modern railwzry promoter. A despatch states` that a concession for the construction `of a street car line running` ,f1fo`In Jerusalem to Bethlehem, and i also for the lighting of Jerusalem by electricity, has been granted. by the Turkish Government to the French bank which supplied `it with the money to purchase the Bra_zil_ian" dreadnought Rio Jani-ere,-recent-_` ly added to the Turkish navy." 7 ; ~ T .w.iv%~r,z.Lcoiuz5: % , 13.011393. 9! thq Mlyipggr otthq In_.teI-ior - _`N.B.'-g-Dyan _hOl'hed.,lb0l${0_n of this `ad. .:y.e!_'.l.iI,Ol_n_99_t; Viinqt for.-a-87986 `1.1 ` 'of deaths from 6,11` V causes` yea; was 319,695. ` The, annual Imegting of the W_est J.'u... ...E, Q:.......... A ._.`-__1Lr-W-- BZSNK OFTRONTO JINCORPORATEVD 1855 Bah-'i}e and Al%landal e' Branches 'I)_|Il\lU qua11 d'31v`T` .With full s mpathy for ;temper- ance, "it would be folly-, to predict unqualied success for` the `recent resu'l1s in Huron and Peel, for the Canada .'1`em`per1nc` Act,- more familiarly known as the`Scott Act. [Its history is against ;it."y Itwas enacted `in 1878, and then" Wei`-_ corned. But a short seven ',,years. after it_was discredited "in, prac-i tically all the municipnliti_es .were; it was `formerly favored. . _j Simcbe; County carried the Act Tin 1885.! but three years after` it suel-el_a.> decisive? ">1 defeat, _- . Sir} Jc_rnes.;. Whitney. s . enactment _ of,'~ ; l_oca1.1'_i- _ option, with {a `three-fths?i`1mjority_ in its favor, to ensure dtgbili;,e u ,... _-, , beew armed has i d f33i%i' The Accountsoif. meichants, inanufaicfureis, corpor- a.uon societies_an'd individuals are invited. Ans customers oTheI` Bank. of Toronto are assured every vcourtesyiand a_t-- tention, and the service which a Bank `with ample re- sources, wide connections. and extensive facilities is well_ 1-ninivhnl` n :i'Il7n '%fHEA&N0RrIiERN ,ADvANcE'} Czitmercial SIMS. Manager.` Paidup Capital ...... ,ooo,ooo< Reserved1'unds...; .... .... .. As_sets., .................. .;.. ...-...-sso,9%do,6oo in the ` I vuu . > ygliullll % I19-it nm``!'3,5' . _ -aIl9e'1BlQn`. A . `vi ` - fl-,-k*'_A"""_y"OT'Il " t-Ill I u-------4 - ~ 7s,..m=;;;;" "*"'A "'""*'- , RA \ " . " `L -' M1-nnrxox PAIDPTO. L l"__0_l'868h0BilIg; - "l"l"V .lIen.uIIn-n - ` K ._____.--`-v T V` ` MA Vvrgorunm our Buggies. Cnrriigeg. Wagons ~ _,Slejghs unit I ; ' :'l`Rlc'l" Putnam. A u." x . '6i'$f`" viiAfI`:`i'E%'L'I'J"'%"}`,` wapnnen-r an-sags ..._\ Aannnn-u.=n_ ' `- 3W -__- - v- .-`sac 3 `apply to [WlLLl_A/! D._ MINNIKIN ./' I T Builder and dnei. `Elizabeth St. Plic HA l;8._W ; 1'a'v-vu-l be added :0 the Sub wription Lin unti the money 15- paid. nn|......u..... ..-.._. 2.. ____-.._ b__'. 4.1.--- __-__Lu._ A beautiful home, situated on Mary St., . brand new brick` hosue, 10 rooms, ne reception. hall with seat, vestiblue, trunk room, cloak room, plastered sun room, 2 pressed brick replaces for coal or wood, linen chute, linen and clothes ' clos- ets,, broom closet o kitchen, chinal cabinet" in dining room, large pan- try with cabinet and roll rim sink, best oak oors and \ trim Qlown stairs, 3. piece bath, also toilet and sink in basement, wired for .electric` light with every light on switch, hot air heating, front and back verandah, front balcony, will be completed by `rst of New Year. A'l|....' ..-- H----A-4` Also new 7-roamed brick house on Elizabeth St., with every con- venienceyoak oors, 1 pair sliding doors, pantry and` attic. Possession at `Qnce, ` - vnovvo Also brand new brick house on Toronto St., a few steps north of Ross` St .. 7 rooms, every conven- ience, pressed brick re place; ohk oors, 1 pair sliding doors; pantry and attic. Will _be completed byi endof March: __ ' ..I/ FOR "SALE on-rug ac-avu-vv 1-um Quounuuvv ` Phone 530. m niinnqp St. min-rue j own YOUR= own uomlat Cease vyasting- your money A rent. _ V A - 7"i' have $200,000.06. worth of `houses and property in Barrie ang A!!andle._ m.rr.:;i.l:::s.i`\.~`['3.ayments. Balance asrent. Farms for Sglg. rfosanlio vvIn.vIrIU'Q uouvv Ipuvvo vuw OIIVIIVJ IO` flllo ' carlbora now in am 1-: 1'- three months . avurwllkbe charged 1. perannuuu. . -_ _ .-vvvuu-Ufifi-` V LoPeds.n';, Ross sir. Josm mama s`o~.p;g'r.gxr;>_ ; '(HQMX' WARE ., , ron Real Estate and Insm-nnco; RING 263 Phone 431.. Barrie merchants are .combining to give two days of bargain selling on the 20th a11d 21st of this month-. In union there is. strength, and the success of the undertaking is "al- most an assured fact now. Towns`- people and those from all the dis- trict surrounding Barrie may `rest assured that real money`-saving, offerings await them. Our " advice is to read the advertisements of the live merchants in this issue;. '- We n9r;i:$=T=- A . f~5 ,`u.|:'.3lI7':ae'ilhu cl .anc11 % ;..1':E.'.`.?..3`.`:.:!?9n'|! ` fiaualfdwn Pr oV-1': I-D :;oa,oo1a:a`*1"in3"ii`: Avwcn _U_.['l'ED '3TA'l`E5 SUBSCRIBERS % , swsoan ADVANCE %