T11 ,%Gi*!a!i Sale Continues ., vv3nu.a. Pun - nun guuuyuo. yegooatg ' ` "$12.98. f Boy s ..-~ VAA, 4.11 In, `I: \J\lAA. SAgRJEA-NT---At Bawlf, Alta., on V Jan. 26th, a son, to: Mr. and Mrs. `Charles Trenanan .S_arjeant (David Edward). - ` THIORNTON---On Wednesday, Feb. 4th, to Mr. "and Mrs. Thornton, Sanford St., a daughter. _ DIED __`__ MINiNIKIN'--At North Bay, on February 5, 1914, Evva, beloved wife of Mr. .Osmond Minnikin, aged 25 years. VVI-LLIAM S_-At -Regina, on` Feb- [-- ruary 9, 1914, Evan Edward Wil- ._ liams-, in his 80th year. The body i` is being brought here for inter- ? ment, Mr. Williams was at one time an the sta of the Barrier bran of" the Bank of Commerce. OInll\Ib an ' :La.|~|.\.4u. `any The Board is to be highly com- mended for their excellent manage- ment of the cemetery during the past year, and the public owe them [11 _debt Of gratitude for their gratuitous labors to .beai1tify the Union Cemetery. .--u- u .- 1 .".`BeloW zero. q F The Grand Trunk "auditors in : report" for the ~ week ending FJanu_ary "22nd, .1914, shows a de- -of $166,784. For _ the same `,..we"k{"_i_1; .. .1913 `the gjures were t~%$1;452,5,s2, and in 1914, $1,285,798. Feb. -, `New `by-laws, prepared by the Board, Were adopted after being. given their threereadings. There has been some friction between the `monument dealers and the Board -and not. a little misunderstanding ontlle "part of the -public, in refer- ence to- the charges -in the 1913 by- _ ws;-for the erection of monuments. ,'.ll1e; scale of charges included the b"ui1d`ing of the foundation, but to avoid" misunderstanding the Board ghasalzolishedi the old rates and de- jcided to build all concrete monu- ment -foundations at cost, plus 10 ing tethe fluctuation of ' prices in `labor. and materials. II`! as per cent- `This has been done, ow-' ALEX-ANDEIi--On Monday, Feb. .. 9th, to Mr. 1 and Mrs. Morris Alexander. Bradford St., a son. r`lAT"nu'r1.1TT AL 1:11..-- _-_ 117-1 ALOQADIAAL b|l\.I.L\Jl-\.L KJIIO, Cl: 5391.10 'CALDWELL-At Edgar,_ on Wed- ' ne_sday, Feb? 11th, to Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Caldwell, 3rd Con. of . Oro, a daughter. ' 'JEBB-Inf Barrie, on -`Saturday. V February 7th, to Mr .and Mrs. D T. W. Jebb, a son. "KEN-NEDY-AT. Meaford, on Sun- ' day, February 1st-, 1914, to Mr. and `Mrs. Hunter Kennedy, a son. .'lI13`.'I)JF'l\T'I'1T]' 2 f\_- `KIT. .11.. .. J _ _, a J.A.kIA.LI.\.Il. .1; ALL: J, by 0011- "Mi}`;E`]5i",I`H--"-On Wgdnegtiay, Feb. 4th-, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mere- dith Inmisl St . a son. 9 9 (VA"l')`l'T3A'\T7I'1 AL 1'1- Jr A1`, If annual _ meeting of fthe '. Barrie 1 Cenfletery Company ._ .(Wh5l1'. Iitle ' includes < every owner __'o:;a;.plot `in. the,` Union ' cemetery) held on` Monday afternoon, and i*tl1e`:'7.attendanoe of over fty of the -':_`shar_eholders was the _ largest ever recorded -in the history of the ceme- tery company.` An active interest was;disp1a yed-in the management of. the cemetery, and several com- plimentary testimonials were record- ed in appreciation of the work of the new Board elected a year ago. All the old officers were re-elected-, except Mr. Alex. Clarkwho resigned and was replaced by Mr. Thus. Nash. ` ..' 33 "3 VOEMETERYN MEET`1NGn RY: Will be do`m,sv1}j _ {soo PER Aumm Hi ADVANCE ' $31-I XPIKC T703`! CENT. ' AA ; .I_",a_shion- ' u`gh_nuts" . - THE WEATHER Low- High- T5,: eg 15 _BORN W. H."i3UTTERY. or twisied 25* 12 24 34 13 13 ` Opportunitics such `as these} to secure H _I,GH FU RS are/_ not pres?ente_d every day. Therefbr, should act `quickly. and Vtawkfliil advantage of our preset Of- ferihgs during our _ V Snow -- 2.5 4.0 VOL. Lxm. Nb;.'~':-r 1'I'DM0.N`9IQ_ _ STOCK-TAKING SALE ?a%?3`3&%33'J 3.?9,3Ls,;*V% ;%%,o.I` al Assets (Ova 1 BANK M0 Y{0RDERS`; nu mnnrv I-I guns -1 As: 1. max` A% JACKSON_g1%F5 % MAKER oi: V I PORTRAITS , V . :` , .1 ' ' ,1` . r. `-1 . _' 5 ` . . y . _ v, _ 's>=q~. v :. `. . .' *1 " =":.s:+;w;`.'-9' Bar c Bf_,3:!1ch.]`.; -,5 iV";`f?j F. T, SHO . .-* '-."` ~ . West` Ward--J. E. Mor.n'so_nf 42, Miss I. Ushcr [_5`O,_~. _Mi'ssl. E.` i`Usher. 4.8.Miss"Moriison` 33,` .'Miss Kearna" 34, Miss `.King`.-W423. VV 1?enny $94.96;. . V ' `I 'l".`| ` in-a 1pU'.:.uu._ _ I , ;_ . _ South Ward-E.;Shp'ar 15, Miss! Kennedy` 30, `Miss Hunter 38,- -Mists Small` 29, . Miss =Collins `"32, Miss % Reynolds 21.; Penny Bzink_`$3; .63.-P` L ` q _Penny1i'13gnk` `Inte_1"`et _. Trustee `Loveenquired; * in .:the_ -`intexgst-`;,()n'ipve:A1;1_5f. -bank dgpgsitsihad." _9t ",been' Irad_e} ` u1);J` _ -.- -3, .,_-v-_~m.`..V ;...-2; ir.~:.'+~ 111911. `VA; uv---- -- 'his :,wfamil_y, .., Centrial--Jas. Mar1lin- 36, Stewart 28, Miss Booth`"34. ~ Miss! McCall 33, Miss " Ldngm,an 32, Mrs. Stewart 33, Miss CIutt_on_(13`, Miss f Norton 28, MissMcRobief`_46, `Miss :.Rod_gers; 20,3 Pen_r_1y*Bank ~_..$39.98.* . :-1;.1_.. ' on I U uuxuusg Qavvv--wv-- [I190 _UUVu. utnuv u ,y~. H ~ . _ 1 . Trustee King-I-~'do not know,bi1t;| will write. _'1foronto,1j ._1T}1e.;.Bg;{rieA_ bank does not tkep. 1 =1 9.> money, .-gimply forwards {fijt to _ _fI0r0`r1tp.,g;.':_'1_.`;h<, ;.1nterest`._ allowgds - is A thgeg ' pt.m`6pt..h 4 -Ur-1. Wallirin-i-H%W}%V%%%L isf a`.`t..17,%`.i_9i1_34_i~_..%,5'9.5:_`g1`. %.7-,,f.V , ' ` H; " ' Vrnangon the recent bereavement { in_ JDILI. N `W;-`If aaaa -4. V _ , H I ' \Kin'g--Wal1w.in`--That the Board! reord its sympathy with the: Chair: I .l\UVU-gUl"3. a_U,V_ LVDLAEJ >-`IJHLa..a\_ _..;,..-v.. East` Ward-H. C; i.Ric_kaby_ _Pen11.y._B_ank"-$4.10. ' " ..-- 1 r;..._'_' .....- Caretlaker Pink s salary. "was in- creased to $450 and a. heater in the South Ward was ..ordered- _ to be re- paired. . % - _ ~79 5 ' . vWa11`wi11-V--_Lov.e--That ` Mr. TL. J. Salter be the Board s representative on the Public Library Board; for" three yea r_s;_2 Dr. L Bosanko was" last` yf6a'i"s`Aappeintee.* -. . L ' V 11'? 11 0 fl -1, A.1.-' plication for-_{ V `V `V The Property Cbmmiffei ;.-`roem- '_`Qme_11ded that fMrs. N. B. '.T6hnston` `be allowed to `use ya.` room in T the` Central for one hour a month for, temperance work. '" This clause was later eliminated`, ' as it was fear-adv some of the pupils property. might be, injured and they "hag already en- ured enough inconvemence. * T 1'\I ,_'4.Mr . . B.-Edwardxs, having laticl.-. ited, the books, reported a balaince of $4501.88 at the Board s credit "on December. 31st-, 1913," and $29,`- 861.3e6eto- the `credit. of the building fund of the B.'C.I'.' Amounts paid out of the later fund to that date were $19,015.63. ` :I-Ie I< :omplimente&' T-re'asurer.,Marr on 'hig book-keeping` methods. ' ` ' -0-V vnoocwvn 'V'-I- 9 -r-0'1 . _L A_ I Replying, to on nqniry manager of tho Penny Banks, To-, ronto, ,as to how man`y _pupi1s ; were attending the Barrie Public Schools, the following gures were forward-j `ed; West Ward 828, East 51, South 259, -Central 545, totalling -1183, withfan average. of 885. One th'inVg93ohe' Boafd is ' thoroughly ,in accord upon is %_hat- the _Vwo`rk~ should be gone on with `as 1 quickly as .possible, and that the architects`. should decide who is responsible `for the building of the roof over which so much.disp_ute has arisen. * ' 'l`......4..... ~(\A.A...~.. ....`..... 4.1...." ".....'`|_. ....`|- .3\-1' CIO\vI\lll- VWJ CIR CIICAFQIIO _ Trustee 'Otton_ was the "on`1`y-9ab-_. .-entee.T % % F- "I: 1 It " mig- dayy night endorsed -?a '_reisolution_ to askthe TOWJT Council-`_ `to;-furnish `them; with $30;0O_0. -to~'7complete`_' the; -.J Collegiatef building.` This is` tlie ~emount`.'they- have decided (`that is` necessary to complete and equip the gchool ready for occupation. "They do not offer any suggestion to the Council in fegard to how the money should be raised; vexcept iby deben- . tures, and Whethe-r""the` people should again vote on the proposition J01`. whether the Council is supposed to make a direct levy, each year with- out ` the consent of the ratepayers, is" left an open question. " ' FINISH COLLEGlATE% f-:|c:-:aI:IIaI:-at % {E max" V JAcKsoN iF ' vv Oi<? 7 W PORTRMT` anuafy Atlgndance ` Number of %l?'ugi1s Reports I jr`__;HI:, cbtrfy vT'Bo1r.i5'8f.'0fl` :Aa;to__`_`_` .1`"I_-It comma: ;or `A riAn.o 6?. W .30. Oiuadian Peace Centenary Associa- tion will`! held` in" the Police Court C-hambeivs on Tuesday` evening next; _.w.he_11_ the. secretary " will- be present "to, address ?;he- meeting '_on I An o1=gai-1{2atA`1-on` meeting of the . `the objegts `ofythe ~ass'"'ocia`ti$o11. Bar- ' e.rie lies been `7s`eIect-ed: as one.7of the centres fer _the -ho1ding,of' celebra- .3tio11s-'to 'comIexr1d1"ate1 cer'1t.urx ` luff peace . betweeir the;U.S'. fand , Can- fead a,[ and_M,it. is.lAhopeti that_.-1713639 will b Sfgo6dei%t9IRiitii 1at'-"$119evrgnir eewivne -i9*inI:ev11exteeieiiesdwe .YT UV "'7 `T. -7 ""7 "~. .__" . . The Board, ,theretor,._ under the _ -clause referred to, calls upon `you L to decide `the questioryof whogis rev ; sponsible for this `roon"g. - If "the ,~. 'Oo11trai:tor, undc-rthe terms` `of the ;- contract, should do '.this work.- then the Board wishesI"you- .-to ;gi_vg the . regular _ notices `-leadinggup to the V letting of the`, job inrvthat respect` to tithers so"that it" r'nay doneaat _ once. On the oth`e'rha_nd,'_ if y.T1j~- come to` the conclusion that the" fboard is to do this work, and that` the contractor _ is free from it, then the "Board "wishes the meontract therefore let` at once and. the work cotpletec}. ` T 7111.4..- __ n____n_,,, 1' -, '1-' ..,...,,...w... A . I There is, therefore, a plain dispute between [the Board and the con- A tractor as to,.o\1'1e of the terms - of the cjontract, namely; the putting on >r:f the roof, and whether 'or.n6t the item comesdwithin the, work that- the contractor was to do. Under ..one : `of the clauses of the bntract when `a di erence"Of-this kindfarises there is a reference to you. The Board interviewed Garrett and asked him in view of `the difference. to refer the matter to you. 4He declined, afteL' 'consLi1ti11g`~hjs_j lawyer, to`, do _so. Why this" `refusal the .*Board' cannot Ltnderstandlf. ' ; V - V 0 0 4 ,\.ge% It ":?m1p.i1,8:` :-119}..V8_.;ff.":=- as? $49 `of 33101; ` .13.?`-`:5 _~ 57111 ""12? .0 , ]1`?3 ;. ,. 116; ?Fh%3'Bank` ; has *31xci2,".0rig0h1;'*``"i)*-hold`:--E3'5the0_ iri;ifiey jfw_ithout_ payi:i1g`._in_1:eres.t-. ~ Ask Coqncil fo_}'.:Money . ' 1` VFrawley+-Mfzl-lwine--'1`hd15" for. the . .c0mp1etio1_~1,. ` `jgquipmsent,-~;j. gpd` -im- ' : provement , off the Collegiate -_ Insti- tute building a `sum of $30,000 is` estimated to _0_be required. ' There- ; 0 fore `be it4re`o1ved tha't~this_ Board f request the Council fo raise by de- . bnture the sum ` above named ' in 0 such way. as that body may deem 4 afiviisable at as early 9. dae- as pos-,~ 51 e. hag zfaiied-~ Lt_o3 so. ' auvwwu |r\I yuv vu uni.-_1VV I .....u_uu3 L. . `a-You` had ..c9r1'95PndP..-W.th.,hi!!!` OI_1;th__3v subject` and you wrote him on Jan. 121;}: _that you had given him [an- opportunity" of prddubing any evidende to show that the item referred to was deducted from his bontract with ' the -Board, and " t:h't'he \/vuuuu, Dltl. uuau, up uuzy _-'-.W`U.l.'4U ~ bu e_-let _ any more contracts " .the'ym'\ 1`st know where the money "i_vas"to come_. from and if there "were no Lmore .money_. there could be no .imor'..' con - tracts. Sompeopie said the Board ,wase.i.;i~' a. bad` ' box-.` :Theyv .;did'n t want to:get__in any worse box. . . j Upfto the Architects; 2 ' On motion of Trustees ;Frawl_ey and King, it was -decided towrite the architects as ol1ows:t__ - ' .It appears that the contractor, `Garrett, disputes his liability (to pi}tvide- the roofing. -He ;wrote the Board on J an. 10th that the` Board hag negliected to put on the. .`roof.. '. -.`I ......_--.......I-._-- ._!LL L3... ' Tomi;-man" Frawieyf in urging that a strong i,com311itteg wait .1xp_`9n,.;the Council, said that, if - they _'-3.W8l`B tO' I.-.4. ...... .,........ -....:.....-4.--- 1.1.4,: -;_-_' '7 ]h ;t1hc';Big, Fair ;,.f_ e}'s,L;an1,'c1j:'Iet;'\isV , A %:`;gq;;;theibsggest; ._16ad %:`ti=fWa`- ',z`fiaftj4:jta!;;i1;:f':`, 5*-fk Aai,ia'1I. A `I7W`it3i`jQjd1i5t"?: ;h*it`cAh_.1yomddll; ,`.'7'9-L ...~ % the principal .c ies of4thei"TT`UzIi1i3;T States with % nimut`_f;`i"";co:"}Zi_{.V trouble and abs utcly Orders for s 3 up tp,.$5_+cO:t73.1.. --from $5 to_ lo; 6Ac.-`-efro;n:$.1__q_;..g`g T-.. $30, Ioc;-fro $30 Use them. :.=i$iiifgs'peusna%:ns..vi'~'% asthma; ,`T9*!_L.`!?`S9`?5?_$1if- ' h S51-.. ....The 7event of the y Business Life'of. Barri "big Auction Sale 0 ' high-class J eW. ;V Stock, which commences on I ursday, February `19th. `-See 88 posters, and dOn t eat `opportunity -to se-'_ nes/L at. practically the 111 bejhe of Reeve s your ` Lpjljicesn ` ; . } ._Mr%.j~-T. W. Jbb, watch speciuiist, who .hts-`_;b`een ; with `W-. ]Z'_..~`_Reev"'_<-> .s . Jewelry. Store; .f-9'1-,; ?`L-it-heL:'. ;_j:past= fvel `years; will next Mondd$'<.dpnjfd store * in "the- "Kingf`:_B_1o'zckL Jebb Ah%a`,s_s; ..*been; in watch;4_husiiie,. fa-5.19 . T I _ _ The .Fra.ncis`_ Willard Memorial Servic will be held `by? the W.C.T.U. in their .parlors' on Fri- day, Fbruary 13th, at 3 o clock. Mrs. Hys1_op,_ Dbmixgion Orgam-zer aild Lecturer,` will .give% an" address on Women s- 'P1ace._.in; Moral and ,Socia1 Reform.., There will be a ` social hour aiiv-~.tl3e_ close. " _A11 ladies --`-Lall at Keenaxfs niaient display of Pi`anos, the ne 'c Store, A ,t_he mag- ` and Wright ade at thmost _reasonah1e oe. Come in- and hear the L You are assured of every ention "and a warm , wel- 7'7 ('0 V'.[_`he_ stallion inspection, uhder the bmmexlce on. Feb._T4j_417th-`V, _Mr.` H, 383311 been asked to be V`Tdi11:%3"'nf`the.Tinspect<> rs; "but has de- lihd, owing to other busiriess en- gagen?_1Qnts." " 'I'\ -1: 1-1- ..Ontario.:Dept. of ' Agriculture, will 13132:: ICo11ie1- St. `Methodist, Choir, Ad-I '&ison s orchestra, and a number of sjqlqists `from Bafrie will furnish the` prografflme . at a concert `in, Stroud.Method.ist Church on Friday, Febru&ry' 20th.j ` . A -1-You` can get the and` Wedding Ring 1: ~ xeiage License at `V -H. Williams "Jewelry-` Store, feel thoroughly sfatised` than on have the best val- .1ie obtai ' - V - tf = -,,;=`-.. CFC i? Y X` I I" ' r`_O!9gooo,9o 099909009 g.,-u.`~n_- u_ anuuuag Uvcugug, 60. A Many` people in Barrie felt the hf_emor`V `f.0f"`_Athe arthquake (in Tues- day _'_z;_l>_'()1T1,_'1V: 7 1.30. The Voscillation seemed to be from gast tovwest and listed `dbqut 10 to 15' . seconds. "f% i% Ba at. Tug : 3:; 4S??4? %evemnss- inefing` `of I the _(3hiTdr'eu7,s Aid --So`ciety_3vas. held .s:1_f1;ernVoo nj. ' 4 _ A The Central Metliodist Sunday on F`.r"idaLy`Jo_f this viek at 4.30 _ Police -`Court =Ohu_nbers _ on? ,119Q1}'Wi1l,*1`1pld their aimual sIeigh~ ` vvvvrv OOOOO 990 OOOOOOO O9 "`0iO6`oooao Watch Speci st; Will openini :King Block, % `_rea,1qHgo6d` `owevseweddjng 1`:0 1'r:.-tb19 Bouquets, Funeral Designs, ~91 TF10r1-6etS, put up in`the most v7'l:`av4rI a.{2-L` 1-am-.3.../....'r n... `[1711 Hi K VT nn I31 oo`"0,I4b.oo"o o:4o'T_`o$ooA/ oco o"ooso`% III! I A314 9 -n:n----- A :.L:`; - C. ._L.u ; gjj l,vf'.'.i~."`-' _' - The_ Hamilton Spectator of last` i Thursday says: Another of Hamil- ; _t0n s old and highly esteemed` resi- . dentsswas removed this morning by ' the death of William Robertson, _ who passed. away `following an ill- . ness of two years. Deceased was ' 67 \ years of (`age anc1._V.wa_ a. native. V of Kirkwall, Orkney` had been a resident of Hamilton for ':the "past: gfortyv years.- `In his younger days Mr. Robertson served as purser on the lake boats, and later occupied the position of con- fdential clerk and accountant .for Copp Bros., of this city, for a period. of A twenty years. Five years before his. retirement he was in the oice. of Burrow, Stewart & Milne. H; was; a devout Christian and a man Who` was esteemed for his `sterling worth by all who knew him. ._ He was- a member of the J ames` street Baptist Church, and .for thirty years served on . the board of deacons, having been an honorary deacon of the `church at the time of his death; He is sur- vived by his Wifeand an adopted son, ~Herbert G. Robertson, the.- well-known d-ruggist of Barrie. ` `Collingsiiood and Barrie cur1en; T o ` for the C'o11ing'wood- `Barrie A Cup ` yesterday. ` H. G; `R5-BE.I}.'I`SON_ BEREAVED nits $4.93, Men .s .93. Men s $15.00- . " _Men s {$18.90 . j% en s $20.00 Smts We- 505 ;9 Soft Slnrts ' i` w3.ter: : - . : `.'--=:~>1` `:"'.}"9.'*"1+:;a`.;3-2-;';f,,;{{,_ Paid-8Pf`.nr:ita1`%eser V - - `L ~ ~ E a ` 4 * 1. X nd ndlvidod ta` Total Announcement`is made of - the _wedding in New_AYork_;on Jan." 31st, 1914, of ' Alice Berryman Bosanko, `niece of , Dr. `C. H. Bosanko,' Bar- rie, Ont., Canada, and. Francis Par-I .sns oowebb. Juneau.A1es1sa.:orm:1z. [of Htford. _.-'1`he oermony was berformed by Rev. E. P. Newton. Mr. Webb is a cousin of Colonel `Francis Parsons.--,-Hartford Daily Courant. . Missi iAG.uis+Bag1ey and Miss Isabell Allan passed the junior vocal examinations of the Toronto Con- servatory" of Music, and .Miss Bessie Ness- passed the primary examin- ation -with honors. All were pnpils of J. Hf}-rbert Morgan. '~. 3ooooooo6ooo$oo0000990 SOClAl. PERSONAL} -AAAAAAAAAA-AAA--- A - - - A - - - "Miss . Annie Sinclair of -. fhe Gravenhurst `P-ublic `School; sta, spent `the week-end". at her home ML : a_nd J'.A{ T. V.Corbitt of] Thornton) 'ann/ounce the engagement of. their` `daughter, Isabel, -to Mr. J. E. Carrol of `Thornbury, son of `the Iate"Mr. . Carroll `of that place; the marriage xto. take `place quietly .th1s ` month. ` ` ;` Agnes Sevigny, `pal of stendgraphic [ icllland} Bus. College. , , . ~--- . """ . ;3o6oo9ooo9ooooooQoooooo ..;Mi1sS_Ruby Fe1t_and. .Mr. E. A. -Loivell-V` _` of ` Osh}_a.wa were. recent guets of _Mr; and Mrs. `A: H. Felt, ROSS St. j` A * H * v. Ir`. \lllOA\l ' an u\1A.-.-`A; I ADyE7`rfs"-D V6N THIS ` its-ii')n I _Haiv'g2.yo ben -in. If not come At.o-day.. Th sale will lose sharp. at .10 lock SATURDAY NIGHT, F . ..14th. Really we ngvr.- fo"e such` BARGAINS. Come and `for jourself. _ L Read the argain -List. Hund- S<.*.;;f:.l.?E1.`3; 42213 ; `SALE