ability. Youth and first cousins in the ey men. ' A LITERARY FAMILY .-3.1 color". to will know you. se is not a dye It that re-inv' rat and the p, Ishnent, a n - lea hair, thu brmg al color (1 lux ves dand guarant 11; to I y will refund: a fair <;:o.(MoN1 N1) `RECOMMEND. ED BY BARRIB. ONT h, 1914? VAV, II a In the County Property Com.-! mittee ten were "for McLeod and ten were for McLean; the Warden had, the toasting" vote and. gave` it D" to Mc-Leodof Orillia. , The Committees. Finance and Assessment_--Scan-` lon, Elliott, Bethune, Tom, Mc-I Arthur, Martin, Manning, Todd, Somerville, Carter, 'Horre'l1, Bant- ing, v Walsh, Staord, Caldwell, Pulford, Wattie, McLeod, Gill, J. Walker, Train and Simpson. TI ,,'I ,II For Woo'd-B-all, Banting,` Campbel-1,` Carter, Crawford, Dow-' _ner, Dundass, Elliott, Gill, Hor- rell, Law, McLeod, Potter, Scan-` lon, Simpson, Todd, Tom, Toc1e,| J. Walker, Walsh,AWVarnica, Wat-T tie, Wilson, Wood.-24. :4 __ __`_1.,_ (1-... County Council. C After the election of Reeve Wm. Wood of West- Gwillimbury "as. `Warden of the County for .1914`, the Striking `Committee of_ "the County Council presented its re`- 'port at the following session, the ` Warden having previously been sworn in by Judge Vance.~ C _ The Vote For Warden. H For Martin-Bell, Bethune, Caldwell, Corbeau, Copeland, Coughlin, Harvey, Lovering, Man- I ning, Martin, McArthur, McLean, Ov-ertend, Pulford, Scott, Somer- ville, Sprott, Stafford, Taylor,` Train, R. A. Wa.1ker.-2l. ` 117 ,1 'n n `n_..J.:......' This Bankoffers nnsurpassechl-Afalcilitiesvtoh hose` doing with `foreign countries. It is specially ?-,equipped f the purchase andsale of Sterling and other Foreign exchange, draft nd Cable Transfers, and for the nancing of imports and exports of~-in chandise., Commercial cre_dt, oreign l?ra'fts, Mone Orders, Travellers .AChe- ,. _II .._..A... J LL- ` Finance. . The following grants" were made: IUT IHU llllilllhllls Us Iluyvn so any. ., .-u .-- - -___._ V credits, Foreign Isgaiffts, Mone '0rdeYx:sz,V"liravellersl Che-, ques and Letters of Credit issued and availabl in all parts. of the world. e Collections effected promptly at reasonable 1' es. ' ` _ i 523- nogttsh_Ient; cmm. $15,000,000 aessm Q- "_l)o ;`"r's:o r_t mixtures at . ;21hat.T5mF'5*9 - " UII BIB ll CCQ` goitl of ..Emulaion -for.-your ;:M`rv8+-nu-11z!%n%s~T or. comfp" II'te'a, B` `I f` `uni I7... "'1 ;-1- it,` but V insist; ggnit ct?;f&.: ' % T hat:-- - . . JO AIRD._@uft General Mannie: HESEB ru 13,500,000 FOREIGN BU J BARRIE aReAN<\I_-_g_ \ \ --u-c `(coat 1 - i4o:gvi's la.tion - Scanlon, Martini, 'Oampib'ell, Scott, Dupdass, Sprott, Lovering. f|-_-4!_-.-._. -0 , 'l\ .. on `H. J._ Manager. ~ i The_'wi'dth of. road. along Lowry 1 ditch on Town Line , Adjala -and,` Tossorontio,` was loft" to the reg ` presentativest from those Town-} `ships and the County Engineer. W N No action was Madvisd with _re-" ference to the. request for a re- fund of 8150.00 of_ Councillors. Harvie and Walker on the `boun- ` dary line, Silncoe `and Ontario. I -,.__.--I __-..._.._-_ WV The salary of the caretaker or] the` Court House was increased` ~fron1 $450. to $500. a, S R.V. Hospital, Barrie, r Mc-4` Coy, $1-5.80; Victoria Ind_ustrial _ School, l'l0.0l;. Alexandra Indus- 1 trial School, 32.50; St. , Jolin s Ilndustriall School, 16.01; St." `Mary's Industrial School, 32.50.l Twenty-ve dollars was V granted` to each of the` folloviring School Sect,io ns_: No. 8, Tay; No. 12,% Matchedash; Nos. '8, 9, ll and-15, Orillia; _No. 16, Tiny; No.~.-12. V-es-. I-pra, and Nos. 12 and .l3,,Sunni- _ dale. A T_ V` ` "5137." vi tor} $400 as a'gtant_to County-Roads in Orill-ia Township `was sent ov-I cat to the June session. ' - At theyeqeuest of Mr. 'Wattie, a 1 committee Qomposqd of "Messrs. 1 Martin, Si1n'pso1i, Wilson, ` . H. " Ball and, Campbell, . was." appoint-V: ed to _ consider-" the .ne`oes`sity . of 1 placing a newTLor.on. the Eden- val Bridge and report; in `Jun; 4 (1 .j_` .* -D .. ~ -.J-..'L_-.;_;i._" 1114,. ~ I 1 v-v~vJ `snow -u1.oQ`t\I\J 8555` \ILIU`I-JO If adVis_b.bIe, in on the estimationg of the representatives of Tecum-p seth and West Gwillimbury and the Engineer, `:1 -bridge opposite Lot '24, Tecumseth, Town Line (Draper) will be built; the request `of Messrs. Simpson and Downer for a new `bridge over Wye River was also referred to the represen- Itatives; "'1'!-xiwcott of Not`tav_qsaga, and Mr. Campbell were `appointed to `attend the annual,-Ontario .Good Roads C'o1yen_tidn. __ _ I ._v_-wvuvov unduly. IIIIIJU J-\.IVVIl'Cl-II!-'0 F. G. Campbell, the Reeve of` Essa, and the County Engineer,i were empowered to_ build 5a -bridge on Town line Essa and Tecum- seth, if they deemed one [neces- sary. ` " . _.-- .--..uuav sang!` UUIIUI G. ' A.` R/ade*nhurs_t s `letter with reference ; `to ' a` ~dr_ain on the (`1-.-..;`__` `n. `J; and J; T. ,Simp-, so n; _w`ereE `appointed *au~di`to rs- " `of, hi.` C-ri!nin81: :Ji1s _tice ..aci:Vqun;ts. _ ._()ri*11ia_f8 Vdeb9rn_tur_es T for. -Water` T-6<;1.1l.l:encies -. Potter, Tom, Caldwell, Martin. . The account of D; C. Ca.mp'b ell% for supplies on County Road `in! Vespra, was referred to the repre- ` sentatives from that Township. 13` (1 (`|...`.....,L-n u._ nu--- -cI ------- vv . VI-3 u uxcuu U1} `IIIIU C.ounty.Road" at Majd`v'..River, `in! .\S1{1n;1_idile, was `lgd. ` T` ' I - -'__. 1 -Jinn-Ilxfldlv, was I.lI.U_\alo The) application .5: %_Me`ssrs. Scbtt and Tom; for a grant -of ; 3500 '_to repair ~Lak"Shore} rad ` near Collihgwbbd, 1$'1_'V-o!V;f'ry.reVd to tjhej Juh_Esessib'xj;-~ ;,`-avsn Otner grants Were: 35th $180; Farmers Institutes, each, 25; Central Womens 1 `Institutes, each, _10; 35th Band, 50. V 'r\ 11o _.._..._ ._ -..._.--_----. avg--av- ur-vv- ` Alex. Sco_tt s removal from the: Barrie hospital _to the House of; Refuge was ordered. ' e Llalvuvxuzs 4..n.a.as:.J, .-.v-v._-- ; The account of $20.45 f1:o1;1"t .he Township of Flogfwas not recoyg-` nigefl. - . ' T Eln` `I1' I "E01;"of"'i3uLn;"'L;we; Simcoe applying for grant tothe County Treasurer, $10. ` ' .'1 "P ._--_ ..=v .vv you 9- vuvavxau No action was taken onthe ap- ` plication for` in -grant from the` l Beekeepers Association; and. the applications of the County Hos-! pital, transportation of discharg-i ed prisoners, and from the Gover- 3 nor and Matron of th-eJ Ga.ol for? iincreases, and also from the; i.C-hil'd`ren."s Aid Society, were all ltrgnsferred to the June session. sick 'o C-hildrn s Hospital, $20; Prisoner's "Aid Association, '10; Salvation Army," Toronto, 10. . g 9 nnn As 1..-... 1.]... .___.__v-- .1`: vnav `(Una-.\l wvuwgsancu f_The sa1'a:.ry of the Gaol Surgeon was i_ncrea.sedT to $200" from 1st January, 1914. ' T "f{{>}{1 _and Bridges-Campvbell, Taylor, Walsh, Warnica, McLean, Scott, Train, Pulford, Wilson, --..o `co... -w----l_v--~--- I `Goupland, Dundass, ,Ba1-1, 'Law-, Bethune, Lovering, "Martin, Cor- beau; R. A. Walker, Scanlon, Mc- Leod, Potter, J. Walker, Gill, Manning, Simpson, Toole. `II `I `I `II - '` .. D.C.L.., I idontj I0 Amn._Ao-'c Gene Fm, 813,5 -v --nvwutri Roads and Bridges. V Education. j F`ihtz 1ce. `v_-V-Vi] sauna`-A rv IVUNILILQ `.ll.Gl_Ut_,.'o . " V V (`The Extamining Committe;.o.` fozj Uriiform; Promotions is_ oomppsedo N *9 " Er:t}rance_ examinations will -be-\ held at Alliston,`jA_ngus, Beeton, Qremore,` Co,oksto'w_n, Goldwater, Edg'a,r-,- Elmvale, I-Iillsdale, Hawke , ,s1;one, _Ivy,% T Muinjesing-, .- Leiroy, Sta yne_1;'; : Tqttermx-ham, Wiu'b &l1_S'h.` e; and Victoti5*LH6fBor-TA? 1.\mL. 11.2 . .-xaslovu B , `DJ&I.5Jr'hl\JGC, County Property--McLeod, Mc- Lean, T-odd,. T-oole,_ Caldwell, Crawford, Ball, Carter, Harvey, Downer, Corbeau; Tom, Dund_ass, : Overend, Law, Coupl-and; Cough-ll lin, Some:-`ville, Wattie- 'I_`l___ 1-. In 11 in 1-; _ . Vv\Jn-`I QQSVV, F1107`! ` B Cookstown Continuation . School will receive a grant computed on percentage of teachers salary on furnishing the usual `statement. I I`1-`I.`l_.__.L ,_-, . Messrs. McLean and Sprott i asked for some repairs to the east l of the Court House an-dgthey will be made-. under the direction of Chairman Phil. McLeod. _ V _ Education. _ Mr. Bell reported that he had interviewed` the ,Minister of Edn- cation as to providing P. S. In- spectors with -oices and as to -making County - Continuation" Schools into High Schools; the only satisfac_tion"obtained `by his Committee was -that the matters would be discussed with the Min- ister `of Ag-ricul-ture; Q..,_-:-I .__...i.. Q: annia 'ec?;15;ZiL"$s 3101) were granted to the Bradford and Al- liston High Schools. nu- 'n,n - --_'1"h.o: nfioflowihgvvhyments were ordered: Markham High School,` .$32'.~74; Orangeville High School, 1 49.38; Alliston High School 381.- 00; Bradford High Schoo1,.985.68; Meaford High School, 43.54; Owen Sound Collegiate, 30.75; _ Barrie Collegiate-,i 842.04. 0 10 (`N I . .--.---woo--3 voav wasp: UVQOUVLLLDIJUO Goldwater ha\:i_n'g decided it. did not want. 5 High School, the by- Egvvd tp e st.a bli_sV1iV one was repeal- ' ".'['he`.` High. School Trustees ap- pointed wete: F. Potvin, Mid-land; R. Stewart, "Bradford; D. A. Lahey, oPe,n`etang`; E. A`, Doolittle,` I'Iar`vey, 7 ColdW9a ter,_Vand _D!'.\ Alliarper,` A;l,l~isto1'1v._ v`_,LV_;'; . ;, ' ` ae`s"l<"p'l;< )ne-`x;ri-l l."le_ pieced `in the barristers room in the court Hgyse. ` - - J .Legislati J =3` ` ff \ A ,l'ha_i_rm`9n ,7.Sp;:ott s* vafter; going. into sat-'hj3,."i111'_9`St`1.V<>Il1l-. `duty uPO11 certain V trees. A d6id9d'" to ask. the Governmelltto IBIIIOV9 same, and tha&:step' Will bahtakeny Printingf V f _ _ .S_evera'l- accounts were passed, by this c.o1n'mitt'ee and the tenders ; of Walter Scotteand The Graz-ette: were accepted. - , ' ' Roadsland Bridges. `Messrs. .Manning, Stafford, A. Walker, Scott and Campbell were 1 empowered to build a bridge in Goldwater if they thought ones necessary. ' F` . 111 T"Co1nm'issi or'1, payments . Were: 4Jn.o. Stewart_,` .6. days, $18 ; S. Caldwell, 4 days,$l2,~sa.me to be deducted from `the grants to Me- donte -and. Barrie. , . Mr.` Potter endeavored to have: the Towns andx Villages p1aced..on` the same basis as Townships with reference to good roads but the suggestion was shelved until J_une. - 4.McArthur, Gill, Crawford, Watf m].d1"1'cva:l..iv<;rl-.-..-;1v`2>d'c'l, ililxvwjvner, Ba;nt ing, Elliott, Bell, Ho :-tell`, Man-- xiing, Campbell, Sprott, Harvey, tie, Coughlin. ' ` I `l')_.!_-1.:_.._ 11 A ` In 11 r: 1 -- K ' County Gaol-. - A ` g Chairman McLeod repbrted the} ` _,_ -gaol `in orderly state, no. repairs being needed as the Gaoler was keeping everything up to the min- -ute . The inmates now _ are: Drunks (I, -v`agra`nts` 2, Eheft 2, sell- ing liqu-or 1, incendiary 1. .L .`_AI --`I ~ `II I I _ `I ,' UUUoUU'~-Jill.---* -uxlu UR .0 - A . VS a Messrs. W',1son" %an.TT3a1i,;%.app1ia[ for `a gra1fit:~oLf_.$200.O0 for the- Union Threshing Cog but_ did ' nojt" vstvzcceped,-V as it was laid over `_u1itil June. " ' avvvv -'-.--- The reconstruction of- the Co- martin Bridge in -Sunnidale was left with Reeve Martin and the County Engineer. 4 I II? 1 1. 1"? 828,000.00, j fo,.. ,.' . 1Vfoa;dsg"_~e_znii4 $8,009.00 for ' b rid'ges.' ` V -.1 ngn -nnii;;` .. The purchase. of the gravel__ pit by the County on the Town"Line, E168 and Sunnidale, as recom- mended by Messrs. Train and Mar- tin was not approved, neither was Adjala. s application for $500 for` good-roads. ' ~ V ` "lVI' . n .1 I! --- ----=-..vv- yr .-rv..- i Iteeve Ball 3? am renewed -5 his application for $500 for good; roads in. '0ro .but it was deferred to the `June session.` Mr; vBa1l was more successful when he went after a new 'bridge opposite Lot 10, Con. 2, in Oro, and it will be built under-' the `supervision of the representatives from Oro. . House of Refuge.` Chairman Potter reported that the Inspector reported the House ' in good shape; he also furnished a slot of other jgiformiation, with ref- erence to `Governor Swan s I de- partment. rc . ru 1 `applied to have the Hamlet Bridge site changed but it was referred "'J ""'5""'_ ` 7 Messrs. Jay Waiker, a,nd ,Harvie to Jay Walker,_Mr. Taylor, and` the Engineer to act. upon. - 11,11 -3 l\,__ __.`l 1,'_J %;wVA<`NeE _-v -v-=-o-ops: ` A Printing-R. Aa _Wa1ker, Cough-3 lin, Warnica, Cart.er,';:VVilson, Bell, McArt.hur, J. Wa1'k`er,: Lovering. V- 'D..:l.-...-... -__.I n,..-1_ cu_m-_._n V-'.'-`:5 .. - ' "3. FL ciarkp at *1oi;i}en;li'aIi1'} anal `Ag T_.;\*B`atstone7 of Cooks`town,I ;were appointed to'_ the` Board,` of ` "Entrance Examiners. a County Property.` An` architect will be employed to devise 3 some means of providing increased accommodation. for the County Judges and his report will be taken up in June. IT , I, ,"I1 I , __"I , _-.J .n 7. ,. Thf`cjirnton;`?i', ` :P..5.!!e1 t;ng;g_ VJ. A;_` Gillsfiif,` ;_.Yitoiia,s Harbor; G. ' A-. "1 Qple; Orillia, dud` Morris'on,7's-Barrie. 'I`I1e-teach-" ` sers win he. allowed 34.00 per` diam! and traveuing expenses jjfor only!` one meeting,` and the Inspectors vtravelling expenses only for that meeting. 11 1': I11 ,.`I_ 2 rl"1-J.L-..L-... __,.,.,,] . Finance. Cree1i1ore s debentures for $6,500 cost of electric light plant, were guaranteed. - uvv via`-_\a-- UT on. - .-:v- i No cdrk mattingwillwbe-p"1ac'ed V in the goal corri'dors,`a`n'd the Com- mittee also _reported against mak- ing the alteratiens tothe Regis- try Oice. A Engineer's Report. County Engineer Jupp reported $36,000 would be required. for roads and bridges, and the fol- lowing distribution was agreed to: Adjala, $l1I0; Essa, 1730; Flos, 1660; Innisl, 1980; Medonte, 1100; Matchedash, 150;,Nottawa-~ saga, 2240; Oro, 1580; Orillia, 800; Sunnidale, 940; Tequmseth, 2240; Tiny; 1270; T-ay, 1200; Tossoron- tio, 545; Vespra, 1170; West G`wil- , %A11ieton.%225;Brad ` fl-70; . I"`Bjre,-- 1:455; Beeton, `C611in Vgw_oOd,7. 1288;` Creemore, ~,'I2j5;,CoIdwat9r, 120; * Midland, '. 950;i0'1`i1Iia,, ,12'l6; Penetang, 450; I 9staym>,r;i 135; `Tottenham, 1o1;i `Victoria Harbor, 110. V 1 xSing1ey-Because- he won t break away_ 1 from his` combination. Es.to1r-.I_Iis "combination? A Singley-Yes. He tries to im_i- tate Robert BroWning s style and doesn t try not to imitate Josh Billings spe11ing.-_J udge. . `... The . Wages averaged. 01311.50 to- _$2.00 for a man and from $3.00 to $4.00 for teams. ` ' ` - Roads and Bridges. Reeves Scott and Somervilleg with the Engineer, were authoriz-1 ed to build a bridge over thei Noisy River in Nottawasag.a,`.near Creemore, if they considered one necessary. V f Eaton-Why don t you think Penlam` will ever be 'a literary lig-h_t? ` . I `n- _ , 1, `-9. 1 1. VV QQQIDIJL -IJ\J V V5 1 -;z-ii;';y,s vt;.nd` .Canals-StaEc:'d', Law, ' Loveri-ng, Couplqnd, '_;To1'n,_ Crawford, Wilson, Taylor, Over- end. - - . reported the to- Ftgl V6?,;fe3epnditur on the County ` dj{:,systeh1~. for' 1913 at $57,803.- tforrepairs, and the balance, $31,- '_l89.39', in permanent improve- 'I_ne'1_1t,s6_. The new' bridge at Angus cos`t $10,904.54; ve other bridges were built, one at'Wehstervi1le for $2,886.59; one near Beeton, $2,- 705.62; one near Vigo, $2,165.87; one near Nottawa, $393.36, and another on 4th of Essa, $3,708.67. that sum $26,614.12 was= UNPROMISING DRUGGIST. stoir-e`.' I-`OR ....., ..... .....,.. ,,.,... It tonic roots supplies new nourishnent, lease of life for your hair, thu bringing back its natural color. luxuriance. 11; removes It is ft hair rates the hair - .1 an-v - v;;v 1 av up-w-.5-4 We guarant. it do this. Yur money refunded if it fails after ial. 7 $1.00, 500,- 250. Get it at our "Pauline writes. stately Sonnets, ' lBill~ writes the sporting news, `While. Jane, of turn domestic, Descants of soups and stews, Ma writes in words of Wisdom Of household cares that vex; But dad; with tastes plebeian, "Writes out the family checks, " - -From Judge, . Do_n t Iet a few gr hairs spoil your chances when s so easy to V prevent or cure the 'T'I'___9, 1"! TT 1 '11-`('1 vaav Hay s Hair Hea natural oo1or.to one W111 know `TL _`.. _.-A_ _ J restores the hair and 110 e it. ' T. - mouse of Refuge--Warden, Wood; Potter, Martin. . [ _ in u --