`uv_ yvvy u. is rmaking slow given 133' `was a \de- [ Ana; s`onV1 e-`-_s'c'a.r'c o$ their ,h..;gid ;.45 .1d?`,,3m`?=` VW9 5" V9993? le? .;.,.. wen`.t f." 1" ,.-:3 '-, . apafibmewha _-.Wonf1e;fing a tL VD`eath 7s_ % 4st`ran`ge v oon:-, 'g;1it:_1tin'gs> fell on ._(~}ross and . jglloi-i ecl~`= _l>1e p1{aying ':face. Ifhearcfl t1 `.w_.1ii stir in the 'wo93 ,j;"ATV:-s_aw%the.V .st_a;*s`;_ ansdvmusic` hushed. } the %~br<>o1%<.`+`+1ow T 1111.183:-S: Whe i%%8underei1%%ihbaxts.A 1`-h .priestr` 1 V1izii1c;is'Va3Bi) i-1t.'V < %_ H`ol`di1_1g'_ ` ` high `fr_ G6d As; ysv .~'.0rhd0 L.t1 st ni:ght I.5'Sf('Joti 6;; Forest Halfeway above the s1eepiz`;g:tow`n, -Aiid watched` go i'n- _b_n1`; Eestraiht T .O1d 'fo1k'and`yo un'g, a2`n<;1:`L~`1'_)`iI`e ad -.--~, \./no ." i5i:~X1'~`I`1E'? J; * CHEN-E;-Y. swam to. before me and -sub- scribed in my` presence .:~i;his~'6_t;he day of December, -A.D. 1886. 1 /gun A TIT l'1'r11Ar~r\-up .- (Seal). A A. W. GLEASON,-; ~ ' '- i ; ` Notary Public. ' Ha-Il s_ Catarrh` [Cure is taken in- ternally, and T acts directly on the bloody and mucous surfaces of `the system. Sand for7 testimonials `$1-ee>`.`a ` J; CHENEY `& 00., . -' V " T `Toledo, a~-0. b " Sold by all Druggi.sts,~`r75c. a `Take :Ha'l-1 s. , F,amily- _ Pil1s\T.f:)r ` nnnnf-:.nn431')\-.-.~. ... un5\t ' ..l..J.$&l co'nstipa1ion'.; |- g11 s wants 1: uusguvv UV ._Uata12rh Cure- -111-\ A -av-re SS V Lucas County. V Frank ' J. Cheney` makes oafh that; he is Vs'enior"par_tner_ of the _rm of -E. J. (}heney& 00., doing business -in the City` of Toledo, _,`_that.sa`id rm will _pay the sumo of ONE~HUNDRED DOLLARS _for `each and every. case `of Oat_ari:h "ITnI1 a {`!'..o..'...-..1.. rt.-- County and State `aforesaid,-. gggd _ that` gnot be cured by the use: of W5 .:`J. Leonard, uu vvvvyL .|.vU.y.L;vI.un, .lJ..U.|. Bro. Norman .H.'.Wice, J .S. ' > Bro. George W. Hewson, -I.G. Bro.` Frederick E. `Smith, Tylerffi V Investigatiiig -Commitee -.-Ang, W. ._Wai'nica, Samuel. Maneer, W. Latimer. _, '5 ` if ? J`Ai1ditbrs 4-` Eben`; Tbgd, J. Black;- N. `W; -._. fVAvn.u.:J-I-A- -V W. Bro. W. ` H., Martin, W.M. _ _ . . .STROUD- '` `E V The ofcers of Minerva. Lodge A ,-. F._&f-A. M., No; 304,.G~.R.C., Stroud ,; were .insta11ed_on January 2nd, 1914;? as `_follows:-'--' ' ' * _ W. Bro. G. 0. Allan, I.1>.M. . Annnunnulu T `1T.._..'.:.A '3 Mifs Minnie .V`Hvic_klin-g of l_',Torontabf' visited -her sistgr; Mrs; I'Ifbra<;e Patti ri80.`lasf. \%ek. . = - ayagavg 1a'cu vvvt7A. ` "'~-' .;. 3; School reopened on Monday with} Miss Taylor -`inch`arge.y :2 .v 4:, > .v REV V6ic;a1*ing.?J. , ~\ Igdzvasf my her A.brother;%~&%Trm. I;ewis.l Stewa'rt,.\ nd _'.W.aSj ` Iii'1atten`ded.'." ]3.'1.i'-7.T:`T1`3"1'1'd' Mi`$- . H..1`?7.'Ti .." 8.a15t.9d , ` foI .; Montreal oh noon` tra'i_ii. ;?`::;Th_eyL will makp the_ir::;honge - in _jhornton.` --V*'r.--M-s -----`W J . - -We;,_.;are tsorrjy toj hea';u{thg.t ~ =Mr.` Melville. -`Cal:dwe11.xwei`s` 6p'e`rat"ed_ on` for; appendicitis in ;the_; Hospital` on . Sunday.f We hope for a speedy. ref covery V ` ` 1` ~ ` ~ `Manley:Partridge"refurned to .1`-oi'onto,-this week.` " fmiss Mai-55 Xti:i6n"$? Egroht) has been `yisiting . at her home here. `V __ K/I-U\I `V -L]' ill-.IuIJ i %5h+-Thema'n3+ *}inasQ% he has nea._rl'y :1V'ecovered from` ~th`e~a perationw for append-icitis `in, .R.. V._' Hospital, Barrie. . Mr.% `Jose'phL Li1ck*ar glad` to` know 3 117.. -.._ --__.._ ;.- 1.--- `j_'I__L 1r;_. ' f WM: i1171i1r.'%'v?r. :,E. .Parti'idg er}-'-> tertained; the Methodist chbir_ on _..v`riday.e:venjng. .' ~ ~ `. ' Misvs can: uilah left 611 Satur= day`. for Niagara, , where s1ie_f: - will teach `school. Miss Alice L accofmpanT.- ' her? sister 1 for the week- ;};EI;*F:;`% % . [S?$;vEi.r `oi fjgatttl; ~;tenaea.%:% th"%wedaing,v%1*w;1;ch.% -was %,:Vrx; qit~1y. s5e1ebfated- 7 ` As`; FUNERAL AT i. N.IGifIT .1` -191. vs Bro! Bro. ASHA1.\ITY B AY' V _ "Jan. 6th.-V-'-`Mi,ss.E. Hughes, who spent the. -holiday -with 3 M. V10 -In Bro. Bro. Bro. n_aa.\.rI 1 `Lo ! -LII.(lrl> 0114 " DJILI Angus W. Warnica, S.W. Wm. F. Wonch, J ;W.- Silas H. Smith, Ghap. C. E; Chantler, Treasurer. James Black, Secretary. W.`Lennox Black, S.D.` Frank `Rich, J.D. ,. Sylvester Reynolds, D... of"! WJVJ. Leonart'i`i+,. S.-SL1. _L 5 x1';.....` .L__. 17- '~ .,m;?. .1E:f:';;={...a.*3.`1;2'.-$ og4vu;J .La.4\4I.J.uD ,0-II .I.lI`AIIUl-'9 ' Congratulations to .'Mr .`. and `Mrs; "C, `Cunningham on the anji-va1v_.of a little son. . - . Sleighing is very -thin . around Baxter at. -time of writing. - V ` - Mr. and Mrs. "Sam Ruddmi spent _N'W Year s* Day with Mrs . Bud-%~ dick S "brother and . sister at" Allis? _ tor'1. a?s;:%`sWe?] e .Good eggstkvilittstinktt in a brine. of two ounces salt to a pint of water; bad ones will oat. ' ~ A ' To stoves, use boiled lin- oi1_ ,o_n _ the stag} _ Ru=b _we`l71_'f with _'a- woolen? 1qtIi. L -` - A T.ir; cture "of; a good ; ghing 1',i1 the water used Jto rinse _1_>r1_1'shing - y,ur_ tgethg " . - glass {when 'vgas1ied,in' tepid` `water and briished ."_2J.`l`_':-"_~ .'I..'.`_- l'_"....'...1.`l- `l:___-_.`L ' VI II\IAJ\I\A AAA Uvtlsu. '1 UV; (1-Ill witIi y'a ,1;-Ly: brisue brush. i?.ring'1e 'AtAcheso.n of 'To1:Onto has returned ho;ne, after 3 visiting` `Baxter friends. 3 'f`|.....'_....L__1-1._-;_-' 1 `Ir 11 I 1 ~ I A ' Salt sprinklel on av `carpet, before I sweeping reduces. the amount of.` -dus1`:.~t,hat,--ri.s`es. - . . tcI_eVa;ap::I;1panese- `trays, mb :1 1itt1eAo1ive~-.oi1 on. and then polish owith a annel. . Coloel ' 01$ .,.Maj_or . . . .. . . .- 2.50. Captain. on `lieutenant 2.25 - Warraht oilcer . .` 1.75 _ _,N.C.Of s n'ot` -belowm "Black sto[ckings: shou1d ,be riiased inAb1ue"water to "makefrthem a good Color. 51-a.|.l\ U.L Call: 0 0 0 1 {Rank andble` .. Stair car1`)etVs s1`.1ou1dV heavily pa`c11`c1ed if one desires them to wear :Whe;1 V: -{ 7t`e-r;1 povr'ary Tduty, for more than seven days, outside camp, the~,following rates to ~co_ver `all expenses are1 allowed: V .J_fC'o'lonel `or gllieuvtfcolonel, $50 per diem; major, $4 per diem; captain, $3 per` diem; lieutenant (qualied or" provisional), $2 , per `diem; pay- 'master, quarter-master, $3 per diem`; adjutant, in - addition to `pay of rank, 50 cents` per diem; brigade regimental .-or staff sergeant-major, $1.85 _ per diem; brigade, regimental or staff sergeant-major (if W.O.), $2 per; d.iem ; brigade, regiinental or staff sergeant, Q.M. sergeant, $1.60 per diem; orderly room se_1'g`ax'1t, $1.50 per diem; pay sergeant, `$1.50; squad ' battery, `troop or company. sergeant-major,` $1.60; squad bat- tery troop ,or_ company Q.M. ser- geant, $1.50; farrier sergeants, $1.50. sergeants, _,$1.3,5;, corpora'ls,; ,$1.1Q; -bombandiers or second corporals, $1.05; "7-privates," 00 gunners, ?sapp'ers, `drivers, bandsfnen, etc., 5 $1. ~ vvvw .r0ttawa,- Jan. -2nd-.-The Militia Gazette. to-day announces" a `new `scale of pay for -oicers of the ac- tive militia when on active service I as fqowsz 1 Pay .*"V`(`}`cv>;1.g"r:a.1;`1`1`i;:1`;,:.i;>ns`to- Mr. R. Adams` who was elected councillor. ~ by` ac! clamation. '. - - .. _ V - Mr. and Mrs. S. `- E. Bbon .of ;Oa_kvi1Ie has f been visiti-1"1gf._ `their many friend's t B'ajx_ter.} f`l___ _.___-.L,,'I _ ;! , `V! un- 3Ne:_v Sghedpi for Men on Active " 7: " - iSe3'vice Announgd. ` f"bo'unci11'ors'-.-.-:T.d's.-. ?Dj-ys'd`a.le, 3 Smith, f2An$1ey.-_" V I ` L \ L*4'6gnuinas-R.%'%%.Lzmiie,~ R: J" Ad, ams; W. J.. A V ' ` LIl\I 125. _ __. :.Re'e`ve--`-I, jSo6tt,;;'. (gcc); V L _Deputy.--W. -J. Somerville. "_ 3 C__}`6ui'1c i1lore_._--4Gien,` J amieson, \./v u;_.u.au.A 9198.` HIN'1jS_ TO oUsEW1vEs uvvwv Iv vwltl _ _ Mr." Randolf Jenntt has retu`i7r1:: ed home, T after visiting friends "at 0a_1Evi1l_e`. _ ' ' Train, `majority; ' Deputy-'--A. Coughlin, majority % . ;f N,OTTA_WA $AQA__; - 4 _ _ScOtj:, acclimation. Dputy4*3i19x- M0Ariur; (aIec)n% I Cfcgincilloi-s:-`J.f H.` `V 2 -rx'~1i-1*r- 1 ` ` :D_111i d`iss;_r !`imajority: _ % last week; ""isi}'.7 a11I1"'% Mrs. Jos. % McKnight entertained- a number of `their friends and neig_hbors_ one evening`; -I1.--r .. - l `;First `No. `61?LAi)xv1sxoN.. . _N.OT1`A1W*AsSAGA` p::z;a;1:r 1s;.:;;;1:;, niof % Ba,min`s;:*imaritv `Increased I vo A: vs: V $561! .51 V15. 'V'-C:ii1gratulationsV ' to Mr. Alexi -Wilson on his success as being , elted i"DputyReve Mr; Wilson must -be 9. favorite` judging by the way his_ neighbors and friends turned _ out-- to- support him. V - . v . V .1ev%I :ov:-:11: Qi11{;~:.f; .f.". % c1nng9voa%. % .Btgici:<>_1r or HLnn._:.'l Lmm craig?.;; [ o'&a"s'_q 3__n_vmo~ :cbu1u*s (ca. or am...) Jan. 3rd.--Quite a. number of bur .yo11ng people Vattended` the ball at Angus last ..week and report 9. good . time. ~ T --u `I .u - .. A -- 42.25 1.75 533 2.50 1Jn;]1 Hy. Coleman . . . . . . Wm. Martin. . . . . "Thos. Cook. .. .V .'. `Geo. Dyer. . . .. . Nixdn. vvvv-. urn: g 1.! J-J-UIJVUUQ ` :.I`11is~wil1 be. Reeve Potter_ s ninth year as reeve and he has -?been elected by -acclamation each yea for ' the -past eight years, ' a record L % The Polling piae Ohurchill, 3 Lefroy, 4 AI_ ain_swick,::9.Big Bay` I All the Counci1lore;v-e_1e elected` `by acclamation as follows: Reeve, A. `P. Potter; Councillors; J. J; McKnight, D. M. Williams, Robt. Po 3:`te}' and E. A_bb_ett_._ ` F -nu .<-.1` mii}. Earl Cunningham of To- .ro_nto spent his holidays with his parents here. ,. '|['__ `II , `I -it vi a `I . TS. "\`7'\;1:z;3,', :1. ad. C`ha,ntler, W. ` Bemrose and Harold Strang-ways. J. W. Black;... 53 A.W. Warnica... 'u`..-:.....u.__ 3- - `I17 V` 7 _ ; gnomination` ' at Beeton onjDe'c." 29 offgvery quietly, there being.:'no' `opposition ' offered- this y ea'1". s*-1 Reve_ .. and L Councillors. I M'anifestly L the ratepayers are satis- ed" with the way the Township aairsf` have been V managed during 1' the past .The Cduncil is as "follows:' Reeve, G. Campbe1l;3 _Frank -Wilcox. I Deputy, H._ W. Carter; Council, Thos. Fleming, i'Cyrus Dunham, . BetonACou;1<;1wwas elected by ac; `clamation as V follows: 1-u ,.,,l,.., _._u--_. u.Duu.I. uuuuucu w. vows puuea. 1.116 execuon I01 coullcll in the- return of Har1fyCoIeman -of Cookstown, who llomled ".1?h.f'P911:,`Wm.' Martin of Vine and G. C.- Allan of Churchill. Suxne ~01 Z the -iother contestants` made"'rema1-kably good runs. The results. ohtained. 1.-om7 Township - Clerk `R. McConkey, are as follows: iwhichef 'been in progress since before the nomination Vmeeting, :?W_as' concluded "on Mondayanight, when the counting of the 5b_a'HOts showed that Asfordj Wamica of- Painswick had defeated Ex- Glei'kh'J. `Wilson Black of Stroud 'by 45 votes. -There was consider- e-_'{a'ble-_ excitement day over. the election, yet. there was not much .,q'_r 1heeusu`al' number of votes ApoI=led. The` election for councif 1.11 '1-11. nah:-nn ml-' U`.-.......(`!..`l........... -1 n, -1 . 2 ~ v I `- f g>One .of.:he.Jrnost contests ever seen in the Township of In- D9p.Reeve~4W. J. M Somerville-, Vacclamatidn; . ; ` 3 Isaac >McMaster .... .. _ .... ..l 1 W. .W.. Boyce` ............. ..lO I Reeve- E_im."i1"$l-{Jf - fII3 G. M. Coutts ............. ..64 "R. . G.-` Richardson ....... .24 -no avoayav all A! \/ VV .l..l\I V1 U510 -Mr. F. Foyston and `Miss Einmpa Foyston are spending a- few `weeks in Toronto. ~ " Councillors-T uavuiur J-ILVO A`\JI G. Knupp > ................ .{4 L V "5? SVub-Div`; No; L 1 % lilx. WiIson.....- . . . . . . . . ..17 4 'D. M. Coutts ......... ...78 5 - ' M.a]ority. for Wi'lson-87. = Deputy-Reeve`--' - ('1 I" ii. 315 "'13 Z~%i T I? Majority for Wattie--34. ' M A SUNNIDALE. Reeve---Ja s. ~Ma1ftin, "-`acclamation. lF"" cu IJJJBISNJ 0 ' The W. I. will hold their 1nt11- .V-ly meeting at the,ho.1_ne of A. C. ' Moran oi1_ J an, 14th. `- A1. ` VI (0551-IUGI I 0 0 00V Z0 ajmity `for V Warnica--4 V i*irsTZ1IeJ "ie.-E.-2'1. CONTEST ,1N INNISFIL [TD be xmpressaf` thgiperfect cleanlinE3` ; _ 1;; No housewife : .; be more particular 3 th;1Awe are to exclude dirt cit- any- kind. Come and Se, T *lect.yo1_1r'meat in person and fypuef will better `appreciate 7 our care m thxs respect, _ ` ~_ 1 ' `T-hat s onbz one of our ways of making this market the i` .,very best place at which to '% 1; buy your meat. ME 'r*MARI WATTIE REEVEL % 01-` VESPRA rg,-,1} 1.53? f TOTTENHAM \IvoAvd % Mr.'La.'Chape11e' of Sault Ste.- Marie called 011 M. Cough1in s/` on Sunday. ` (FL- 111 1' '11 1 1'! .1 0 .}Ap 1l1 __Sub_'b-Dix}. No.`l_ V "Sub-Div. No. . - - - `J -L Iv 4.0 12`! O1 15 25 35 -44 13 4 7.. 21 9 18 ~15 ling .}_pI.ace`sV as given above" are: Lf_1'oy, L4IThomtonV, 5 Strand, 6 _. Bgy,.LPoint;;and 10 Codkstown. ' BEETON _ oovnawnvo gov;-oqvo Mrs:JuA:"E.' Bushell is progressing favorably since the operation ` for appendicitis. ' V ' " '|r._-- 1rr:11:____' T!__1_-.1 9, go .i_ i 2b._ -. .66 . ..29 .31 ` f~' I< `[1914 . =IJ*vl Miss Jessie ;[]_`o;;'-ston ' is T visiting`. friends in New Lowell, . v `ll 1'! "I"! . . 1 , -u 1+ 1518. Councillors, 1'. I-.. 1.. -66 . 41 :57. 24 L31 6;'.6' sf; $515 64 70 70` 17 18. 41 .59 Jan. 6th.-Mr. and Mrs. Grover Reynolds have returned to Midland, after spending "a week with Mrs. Coffey. * -l`l'L_,,-1`l. ll H ` 1. n. 61 34 An 65 "lSP`l` 35. 1 m_ . 12` ~67 73 54 10 32 33 12 32' 48 ;]o,c.[: . J .` H. Mitchell was re-elected by -acclamation as Mayor of A1li.-u,n_ The Reeveship was contested, F. B, Elliott` defeating Wm. Mr.-Bride_ The .Coun_ci1'was elected by a(-(-1um- "tion as _fo 1lows:A W. D. Latimer, 'Jas. Moore, T. S. Gfraham, W. B; `Clifton, J. E. Paddison and J , J. -Goldie. V . :15 ;1:_;u ,g11{L 59 hld for village ;_trust9_e,__3 gglllsdale except one re. new nommatmn must ;;_-Staynherr Council was elecgcd by Igcclamation, as follows: %MayoVre`--D. G. Bell. _ -_Reeve_--'-J. W. Bethune. " Council1o1's--Jas. Stephenson, V` Johnson, A.u E. Swallow, C. .J Bell- wood, H. Gibson and A. M. Warni- ard. `ions 24 x nomr-1-V DELIVERY ;. w1`1ic_h' speaks` Well'1fo_i his dtlxninig. `_t;'atio1_1,`.`.,_ at `splendid `fexpression of cqgidenceg [It was {his intention to 1ffir:`:this year but View of the ` Of, A 3" 85'9?te,m Of water- V. w6i'ks, being instal-led*-111 191-1 he ', consnfecl ;..-to A `again occupy the. _1_1air, and safeguard the town`._- in. ". .'~3?'.f' I 2J 28` 69. 52;` ~`"#i`[ 1`;.wV5_;`i`1Jiiarr1'. Fralick on hth sick `list, ` ' 15 . a I 0.0 - 76 37. gs 5; 'h`7op' '12 `E `.- I4 - 4 47 0'1 9-. - xh` . ;'w'. -` `~. ~,.:..*-,?": -:5 '0' ` w" "V;-""9 ` \ 1`: ."._'_ V ` ,;.`_.~ .38 26 5% 20 31 4- 48 32 I Dec} 12 10 17 P1 20 08 EIILLSDALE 19 23 10 19 .58 '21 *oaq3 V504-1.59 5 Messrs. land ` VOla1"Ve`n'c'3' Sloan of Belvlevillle and W. _B; `Sloan f Burlington were holiday `visitors 629- % A - % % Irv -\ In ~ - 1 _- 19 .14 12` ALLISTON is 59 20% ~15 STAYNER 65 34 24 _ ' L MINESING _ .. = g 1,: Jan; .5th.-Mrs.' Collins {of Stouville, Miss Bertha Wice _of Toronto, and Mr." Wilson Wice and Miss J ean Wiceof 1 Sgroud, " spent New Year s With Mr. and` Mrs. R. -C(:l'ilns.~_v-V `T 1`. ;u .- -nu 124 231 20: 19 41 03 :}g`b. I: 1915 ll 30 16 18 16 .02 34 10 `V"1?E{s`' Edith G.. Grady of Tom. apent fthe Xmas and, New V.Y,e.ar"s holidays at home. j `If--- , .1! 9 ~h`Ic},!` 16 ll 117 `13 18 16 18 19 4.- |Ap'l gm; $9 T9ti 342 303 - Tot. 37? .533 L 288 276 209 3563 'Wn.ZI`5.I!i:s`s:`T`\"`iu1`1, 1.1-ie`1_&_l1a_ii of` `Toronto 'sp ent;. New Year s. Awi_1.;11' , her ` `j`sister 1...... itor _8.T8l Fthe " i J = _`mh.;.;Mr. (31:.1'ul&1a`;SAl<`)a?`Lx1V:\A-.;_1-`f 7 Edsdn, .- Al'bea*ta, is; visitin -his :.=.p9;1"-"` "e-nts, ;.Mr. and MrS. ~ R. :f~ 'V.,5~.slVo_9,n._f and. Mrs. Geo. bf` To.-' ronto `were New Year s _Yisito1-5." ' `be app `ing Eu ev 38 ye 1954 _Wh dri the ipr tro th el qvouvv VVVJC, J-VVYV J-\Ill'D VLUIVVV-V5430 ' "Mr. and Mrs.` Hart TVThdmas"L % returneci from C8. viks-it ;t"o Woodiill `and Toronpo. _ ` ` ` ` are , '17 A is . Gun` ;wD I 9.111 the nu reg` HIE T114 -`w`i;ating" Zand curling, re fhe k1r.~5,- ing cards 11 w. \v ' V 1r.._,,_ 1 -,_,,,_ , 1 in Gown I/I V Mrs. H. Dolman spe1ft1 -Nw: ,Year s with her ;-brother, Mr.` `D.(..'l.. me Lmasf MARKETS ANTEN V MILLS` V Barfie,` J an. 7th, ]_3AXTER" :5; you, c 85 52 35 `AA so; .5 so 12 oo 10.'00_ 12 a_oo= 4| r 87 53 `J .-.~:w_, w*suW1u9(1 .3`1.53-I, 5 . "iiiIert%j'?Br>wn%:- i Efi. Kingston. V oyvi+':`jL`the"-+h9liday at Rev"; % "J % 3%? :P*11 s Sundi .`%:$,.. ?. . `>31 Mr. .W. Keir: a My %reader.,V 1-tahd a hearty` ;W:1_c9'me ..-to . W;-. and.g.Mr~s.'; Prfy, ;.fvvh(>:_.%,l"'?x'vi1lv-:`\ h re thLis. -week; . S,ervi`c`-~;11ext__TiS_u1;f 3daV5 at 3 pm. - 7 `* 2 1?" . L`f~,3ani5.. 5th;--'5Sefvicew 7i:7ia_. s', y+',b . '*`iZJ"i i.1eTf$ %Eh&1 * cqr-' ` be_t:t1`{vh`ited "Churchill Wee ,- '.;.` - 5 `V f f * ... V 9953` I `5Mr.Wes Corbtat of . -'I`Vc9_1'on,t iA.s ' visiting his uncle,-3-A ,~_ A.`fOor- 'bett. . V" 113$ 113$ - F ?Crbgg?s,% is") . - . at_ ,SS. % ~ A ' Churchill frien3. 9. ..-.-. mo ;vuna ny U13 In Spent " . weekf-end in- Barrie. 1 . , V ; Mr; Vernon `Horton ~i_s' visiting? V Misses Gertie Hehry -Greene tbave` returned A to To;;9ntq resume. their s, t1J_.dieVs;_L - ` "':.;_.__. 'l'T-"l, ._-~`_." . - -. v ....., ..v..uu j'J.|LULl nun VV U311. ' _ AV .2 , .Mrs. Thos. Pratt` -is? attending the Brethern s. `Conference ' at Mid- land." V f ` J.f;;1.1<.as.Moran died very sud-7 den1y- on Sunday. A Full p'ar.ticu1ars`_ will be given next week. ` T4 - Mr; and Mrs. Wallace Richard-son_ are home ,f.rom the Wt. \- "L'~ h`AA`.'\ . . '"1I'r'. 5'oo1in M. 'Kei1'- returned - to Cobalt on Saturday, after spnding his holidays at his "home here..." " `M - nu.-- m_'L- 9, u um uuuuuys at 1118 nome nere.. ' Mr. Chas. White is. home . from the West, after an absence of about three years. 1' -f`__V 7, 1r ` an n : A Miss Finnegan of Toronto*is the; guest of Miss Ver'a_ Higgins. Mr. John Gaston of Macklin, Sask., is visiting. relatives in this place. ' L A A -- V .Miss -Darby `of Toronto is" visiting .her` `sister; Mrs. '- Gr. 0. iCa_ston.~` . f. ` mm ... .. . V f, hind quarter -. .. -. ` ' `.... ..-`; `-1-4 ` a V.n.v;yuvu. . .m`1S'zIvi:ssOlive .MeOracken, vuhrlto Ifas been `at Petenboro for the past; three mon-tns, returned home` for New Year s. ` ' -us -'-'- uuu su vxuvucu uunuc. . Mlss Mary `Crgng is v1s1t1ng- rel- atlves 111 Toronto. .. - . V - `ft (\1- TI` IN! c ' - - .u.-.a.u. v_vJJ1Juu1 ,.Ll.l.\JJ.l.l.D\1_Ll' _ULl _.l.UUMll1.Yv. Mrs. Geo. Binnie is .renet`wiAng old acquaintances at Edenvale. ` . ' `The annual school meeting was held on Dec. 3151:. Mr. Geo. Binnie was re-elected trute_e.- ` `III... `II, tr_;vl:uAc.|A8 UV Lvuvlf cvvuc The concert ' recently, `the Ladies-, Aid Socity cided success. ' -cw-vo-nun ' an -. - r& V85 Qhfi Mr. Palmer,` our stort preparing to leave soon; ,--__,L`I .a.savu.ug. uvvzL uuw 411.1. o g) U111]. . . . . . . .. V`3 -attended the go"-1den'~" wedding of Mr. `and Mrs:-cJoseph~ `Swan ; in Balfrie on Wednesday" - ` ' `Mr. and T Mr.`-. J as. Gam`pbe1`1 6f 'the ,2nd of Flos -were the Vgu'_:stsT of Mrs`. William Morrison. on Tuesday `Mun (Inn 1356.: `I ' A15" l\ -A ...... 4;_.-_- __ '1 he skating rin progress; - ..A_. 'n-1.__ __. _,A,, w.1\VzI\;'s.?E 7@~i11v"i.:a;m' Luck of Crown H111 spent last `week with `her parents, Mr. and `M`ifs. J's5 Edwards of this "place: " ._-__+... Rich?a;tfi'6n1`ic1:"' zm ,L1, 1 1'1! ".".I`-1 0. *`I-famba, -each '...,;. . . [8 6 `Beef, mud` kixim-'t'II ooj o"co_ Mutton 1 ut:vAAv .sI\a1v ;vu& D .050 IJJJKJ yuuuuuagcn Some . talk of 1 a~ telephone line - in this burg, which would add greatly to the comforts 9f the `people. ` ` - '. LA ..1-..;:...... .....1. .. .-.......1-:.... ..'l-_a U Au dred Toye of 'I`_6;'onto, Mrgand-' Mrs. Sanderson of Caledon East, and Mr. and Mrs. H.` E- Toye of Hillsd-`ale _spent New Year s at the parsonage. .Q......... 4...- `.2-..,J...1-..1.__.- 1.`--- M5311 Mr. Gold and _DALsToN) .'J1n. '5--V-Very little; snow in these, parts. ` ` ' -` Mr. and Mrs-. A.1ex.`,Deb`enhe`im, of Sintaluta, Sask,,* are visiting" `in {this -'`place.- ~ ~ ~- " * 'n`__ ___.1 `ll .-- n_1:| ,,,i`1`r'- TEE` "\7ro52n`in{t$`iii 3id their first meeting at` `Mias K. . Cock- burn s home on Tues., Jan. .'_6th,, at oon'........ 2 -v - {fi1z.~~.'.the?vi.1h011d `H : hr V _ ` " -Mii!,S-7R "1S95`?i1d" er.s_ retumeth tOsi%thir".{;h9i1`;e ' in *..f1.`9_-_ ronto, after spgnang-. ,_Kthg ~holiday.i` at AF?jixer::<~hdme. `-,`,_. .s 53 wi13jf%M_55;T%L13atte;son; 1311` '5; ' 07. .quaintances here;__ niaou . ,,VA`,:.;k..*.5&V\JVVAIJUB Ha.-vLfI.u.I.I/Lg. `I , ` Mr,` N.` __;Sm11_:h,. of.- Reginh,`f- -j_and~ .b son,`_ Maynard, ' of Weyburn; % are `renewing old ap-"` 11:. 1' c1:_..___ ,9 -In - ' .1 DU..-LULUIIIVJU VV UICQILI L515`-F\l!, A -Mr-:. and Mrs; R. %Y.'FWi11iam;i1a}e. a`tt.,ndii1g _ .th'1.iT. marifxa Of the-it ~ daughtei`, A Miss} , ` Alma, --bf} A11r[o`ra.. . -nr.:`.; n.-._..:- AiJa'_.;... ......'..;.r "nT....;.I `Mr. Joe. .Hewitt s recently. r" '\'1" n____-- -,-v_o--av JUL` vuu gfvzsuujvo ' 1 Rev`. and [Brown J and` family of ' B&rr`ie.-8p/_.ent a week at `|l'..V '.:;.l: `Al'_. L`. I as; uuuvvv agys VI `wilfr. ._J. TS_i__ss_ons" of [ Barrie` as7 L the guest-V Of`J1i}'l daughter, Mrs. -G. _B.' J a-miesdn, "oh New Year?s- Day. `Mr. and Mrs. "A. K. Addion and dlaughter of Sas_k.,_, are sppnding the m*fintTe;1T' at 7,111: J40.` :Ad s;{`_ \.L(l I.l6&`IV,>U\iI, bIInL$_: L-Ii&IJul(I .' aL-LV.blb7I,LI9 - ' % % `Missl- Gbrti @9911`? I7` New _Ye_a1`f9: i. f;ri_ends . in 4 'B1Ex!gdfond. , . 1 New Wheatufl n no 0' '0 1 `V `I. `U. `C... -C v`ooV-'0" o-..o`o u T Buckwheat . .- ; '.-n'_A-- :`Jan. " _'Pan sp'entA Nev? `Yea;- s `in T,oronto. ` .. * A": `. 1 .& VIQL DJ II-I `Ly! Miss Rae .Bm;i&on `of : AVdbo'n and% Miss Li;1y. S;lesef of Hamilton `were home for -the" 7`11o1'idays. ` `D-.. 1:1 -...1." `at... --n_.___. --,,1 |= days...-at `hi8h`b`me;:.= & * ..-'.1r2'__ n`;f'_L:_' -'1`-rr:11:-`_..;_ L-*,,..'1....'l:..'1. .`%.." .uu uyu uv :ing: at he,1::hOm9%Tpri9r~*to;11er _gin8 tb'TOronto to 1i1"nLT"&'s.a`11nr see;,AL % . '1"-1-5` V1 'v~rv.I'I1- Q T-I`I_.40.Rb1N:VI.~`_(%)1\TJ. EDGAR 4.3.0 A GU U1-.~ >erta, is visiting ;_at ' Aye'rst - ' t1 _1e_ lit:-:15 s} storekeeper,_ , is A... L.amb,`per 1b.`. . Hogs, live, s-execs; ;. . 3 50 . ., I *3 di- . 10 go: ;.fJIurkeys;; .7. ; *~ 3 L 13. .}::7;'W;' 15*" A