Christmas Day was marrediin this cinity `by a terrible shooting` acci- nt, which occurred on the Second 'ne of Nottawasaga, just on the tskirts of the town. It appears at Fred Deer, aged 15 year-s,Vson Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Deer, who re- es near the Second line crossing, cl Joe Fisher, the 13-year-old` of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fishr l` who also reside on the .-Second e, were enjoying themselves and` ng a little hunting in .Mr. F ish- ` bush during the afternoon. All t wel-1 until about half-past r when the two young. lads were- their way home, and young _- er accompanied Deer` dovfn the!" no 3:... `nu LL- _-_L- I ACTIVITY_"A }` E1:yG.1a_1~IIg WL- I\._'1.._-_2 XI 53?; M. Harvey, sk. -- uh ` or camp`: nun cnrruvnon. NEW SCH]-:Dll_LE! T. D. Redfern J udg Vance D. M. Stewart W.A.J. Bell, sk. 10 1---A.-u F. "C. Grazly A.- E. Lennox R.'H. Web Tjrnni .1 Vice~President. . G. A. I:1g}'am I` `If ov\-V u. vuuuuu, my vv. vv. rowan` son.. There are 'a1so*1-unning. just now two series of sketches by two most. entertaining Canadian Writers, Mrs; Ar-th'ur.. _`Mu1'P.hY, who continues fiburneyi from. ` Athabasca Landing `two `vQ'lfO1:lH81`d, `and Mrs; Forsyth G>l?8`Il""l:',*_7: who Vdescribes charmingly ber` recollections` of ._ Torontok fty e7ye._1f`s`ahgO} -if One '-_Qf the most inter- .>i`s; , the sketch Robe!`-t. * i .R.oze1'.-=3 by 'her.delig!htf1i1< description e of her _ . - .;i. ~1i!1d91" ithe . head.-V - ;' North vau .a.vv-uvz U .lJa.l_. 1 , LIUHCXIH, [Margaret Bell, F. Cfmljleeder, an [Peter _McArthur, all of. which are humorous to a degree.. It is re- freshing to; have so much good Canadian humor in one number. There are a number of interesting -articles, . historicl and economical, ......l.` .'...' VDL- `l'|-_'l-;. `l\ - u Inov-VQVU, A.n4av\rJ.1\4uvL GLILI. UUUILULIJIUCL, such as The Barlett Drawings, `b , Bernard Muiidiman; Canad'a s N ew Parcel-Post, by .. George W. Austen; Speculation, and Its Ef~ "~fect'; in Canada, by W. `W. Swan- .soh_.. There are also` running, now two 'se1;ie_s _sket9_hes by `two The Canadian Magazine begins the year with a `fine number for` J anuary.' First mention should be made of the really Splendid offering ;._ of `dhort stories by. Canadian auth- ; ers-Robert Barr, Ben Deacon _ 9 `D:-J1 1:` IV 1' -A J --' - 3 James Reid, a former well known hotel `keeper at New Lowell, died in Toronto last week,- and his re- mains were brought to Bethel ceme- \ tery, -Sunnidale, for interment. He 9 was gateman on the G.T.R. at lDavenport, and took 9. stroke of [paralysis a day or -two before he :died, and. never recovered. conscious-' ngnnn In the Appellate Court of Indi- ana, the city of Newcastle, in that state`, was recently found guilty of maintaining a nuisance in the na- ture of the town dump. The judgment was that, while a town was charged With the duty of pre- serving the health of its `citizens and was within the `bounds of its governmental function-s in provid- `ing a suitable place in which to deposit garbage, yet it might not deposit such garbage at such place in a careless and negligent man- ner,- thus `causing a nuisance, nor negligently permit it to escape up- on the lands of another to his dam- age, also, thata municipal corpora- tion hasno more right to maintain a nuisance than. an -individual has, and for a nuisance maintained up-I on _its property the same liability attaches against it as against an individual.-O.A.H. in Conserva- |ti,on.e N vcnviv v v uuxxxao D "Al:-derson has since b'een ` released on bail and will appear at thel ` Sp`ring Assizes. [ \ .....____.,_.. -.,u. A-`-iuczauu. l.11b'1l UESISI` `ed and the Tzoung laxdy made her way: to Brown s cutter and claimed his protection. Alderson in the meantime got into his cutter again and drove rapidly away. a The de- tective took Miss Hales back to `Lisle, and on getting her account of the assault, r' got out a warrant for Alderson and taking Constable Anderson with `him next day, to Alderson s residence, a. few miles out, arrested him. On being brought before the `magistrate the evidence was so strongly against the prisoner that the magistrate had no other {alternative but to committ him for Strial, and he was taken to Barrie `that evening. ` an .... -. L, - -' ' ` TOWN DUMP IS 15:;/fThe; Ci'_ee`n'1ore~ Star says: Geo. : *`Ald6i.`50'n" was arraigned `before, R. H; '.I1ittle, J.P.,_' in Lisle, on. Satur- .` afte1_'noon,V Dec. 27th, charged with having assaulted Miss iHales l `on -the fpublic , highway on the l `evening of Christmas Day. It ap- - pears that` Miss Hales, who .lives F with her parents about a mile out of Lisle, started; to walk `home from - thefpvillage between" six and seven o cloe'k, and was followed by Alder- _son and a young man named Ged- idw, in a cutter. When -they "over- "took the young lady, Alderson, it is` claimed by the _prosecution, got - out of the cutter, seized _ hold of . her, threw her to the ground, and maltreated her most shamefully. J ustat this junctu'reeHarvey Brown a member of a private detective agency in Toronto, who was" spend- ing the holiday `with his wife s friends near Lisle, came driving ` along, and stopped to see what he at rst thought in the dark was a drunken row. Alderson then` desist- . -pa or-`A. 4-lnn"f....-..... 1-/J- DASTARDLY ASSAULT NEAR usua Boys Suits, Norfolk Style, sizes 22 to 28 for _ 255, and 3.50.` I _ . , _ _ . Boys Suits. D.~ B. Coat and Bloomer" Pants, was 29, to 33. for $3.50, 4.00, 5.00, 6.5o,_md 7,50 Boys Suits, same; style, sizes 34 and 3 5, `for $6.0 A_ 6.50, and 7.50. r ` T - V ' FORMER HQTELKEEPER PUBLIC NUISANCE! n charged I Hales .1. LULJJJ .l`JJ.Il.l.J$.` \J.lJ -_ MyTdear, he said to his wife, `who;.!1ad"_ca11ed him up_ by tele- phone , won t' you _ please. talk` ._ _a;` .'%s1ow9r? . AI Vcan tL unders1_:I`1' T jg. ..-r-.='.-`.32 .-luv-v _ up-was `ad-Inna. .~'J`\JJ- `vyva-suyuv vu owgo` _ .' `/ I:I2'il 3i_wx1 :be.;p1gg_ty. `_s.11_e .r'e_p119d.-; ptdfihg t ins` mmnagmqoa IJVUV-OOEEV V9bl\L' \4\IVIIl.IL-I\IlJ` Their feature offering this season is 9. new` musical comedy entitled ..`.-`The Canadian Express, - which will be given at the Grand A Opera ,u.r$*1 12th- House on. -Monday efrening, J an- \/wxnuulsnsb ULIUIIUL VBUOL Last season F. B. Stuart-Whyte brought out a. small musical co and Pierrot show, which created such a favorable -impression, that he felt justified in putting `all of his prots back into the same eld. and for this season he has doubled his company and supplied them with elaborate and expensive stage _`S0ttViI_1gB and! costumes. semi wamm iim? THAT V ;&PI.%.E1?ERE.rI0fr= .. Cl (lit '-n ' Boys Overcoat: with V_elvAt. Collars. \V;reW$6.5oA't' $7.56, Boys Overcoats with College and Convertible Coll 9.00. V V - . T Oanadian theatregoem. I 1.1 ,f_.- _._j_.-.--- `angry- The popular eomedienne vaith The Qanadian. Express at the Grand on January 12th. themselves in the good graces of (`L __A TIYI Tan` A--h-- uAvLLvJ 6|J.LL[' 111.11 1 J UGLJIX emit is altogether differentiiwith the English shows, they come here with `a reputation which bears the stamp of approval, and endeavor by conscientious work I to establish` \r\JLAJ\-/\.IJ 0 Among the English companies one nds a greater sincerity of pur- pose than in the offerings Irom across the line. The idea with the majority of American shows seems to be to" jump over here and get i-the money and hurry back, T4. :. _14.....-1.L-,. _1.-11-,,,, 3-1 -1 `I vwuol With the exception of the Versati1es , these companies have all offered us dramatic fare, rang- ing from Shakespeare to modern comedy." A____v_7 __ .1 1'1 10 `I That Canada oers a vast and protable eldmto English companies of established reputation, has been evidenced by the increasing num- bers of London theatrical offerings `in this country_ during the past year. `I1'Y'.I ` ENGLISH Muslcn comm comm! comma HERE "r@RSATlLESl vv -IIIIUIIJ U: ` Modem ence provgs that ' - ms result from run I . Snuffs and va rs are nmta : and useless. on _ slgouldb - yourgeneral health Devlin 8W `MI-ss HARVIL FA-WN.. vvlll IQIBC y0ul' standard of health to correct catarrh. Slum alcoholic mixtures and insist on SCOTT'S `Q, 9` w run HIIIIIFH UN ADVMN gnu OOPIII nan can i I 18 IIUUCI. breathing oes J;Ol1' throat `X : -._._A oven: an a. n w-v\o haunt-I Qnauuu III slaw |UlI'u.`nn lit] III -`l\JI~ $16.3-5 tvo" $18.50. Now..`.....- ...... .;..A. .... Men's Extra Fine Worsted Suits in sizes 36 to.4o on you will see worn for spring. Were $22.50. No IVGII_ 9 Ti Mar`-z s Brow'n T.weed'Suits, button" single breasted. sa ` Men's Brown _ Tweed Suits. Were $12.50 to.$I3;5o. " Men's Fine Worsted Suits made in the latest style, so Q!` PA 4-A-410:0 FA Innu- -styvle Were AS 10.60. New. ow..... ...... ..... have: `cuffs on pants, sizes 36- to Men's Extra "Heavy Tweled Overcoats in light and can-0k:01$rli nf shZdes,lCd11eg%0Cznar; Size 3 5 to 42. $10.00. '0NOW............. .a.v.o..;-.1. 0.000o 0.o0oI'cooo0'0`oI.oo'ooo.of$.7 5V Men s Fine Tweed ' OveVrco'ats in dark shades"; _Conv`ertible ' lax;-some,`rev_`Single. Breasted. St le gnd some Double, Belted Backs. _Were $012.50 and I 3`._5%o. ` vow.._ . U,UO . .A .- . `. . . ,` 1.0.00 - Men's Shawl Collar Overcoats made from a nice heavy-clot` only a-few left. Were $17.00 to $20.00 NOW............q.........;...._.`...o.o...._ 0Io0O.v`IoIf`OOlO0$140o I Men s and Boys . Rejady-id ` A Warm andCo 'll'-.. _ T.`__A._-_ -'fY_____ F!" ,-_ I I\,-__,_-_L_ 0,- II_,I,., ,,_ I I I I t4onomoats .:1;...s. u.; . w.....' .;T..:;, Tuoulnou caaw.nunuuu:_u ~ - ['hirteen-year-old Jas. Fisher; pf Nottawasaga Killed By L } Accidental Dischargc I of Rifle." ` . Barria 7` 5o.=a'. m. gin`-" 5 er /, i .~ . 7 , is '9 `mans mum! hum, % ;'g=r_cWriw_r%E% Jm. 4qu.%Am;. ' Train arrivals anq departu; nwa:nvLl-fI6!n. Barrie drqu` f.6110 V:VlA : X % :;m1[N LINE . . - . Barrie 11.00 p.m. .. ...'.C6bhlt `E:[rroIa_..V....` Lv.;B.arrie 6.10 H I 8: pomu I 0 v 1 9 I~_l `N. - VII '1 ' u 8.50 p m... ..Toron_t'o 8:: North; Bay; . . Hun n -12.25, ' -1: 10.50 a m.A._=. .To;onf,9jlB N9rV_t_h _ ._,.. . ~ 1" "5. 35.15." . ` -./ '.-..(_}raA_vf:_z h_11rt;g;A1;n_`qlo-",._A i'_r, 'u_j ,f}I_,_8__5`, A*pi1i;In;g;qs,g s:gaasy.%;%~' 1 ? Bg;RnIm,A cO1,L1Nq\@voQnj' a; M;I:.A%iro ki>V Primer Class, J r.-J eannie Wil- son; Harold: Pearson, Evelyn Hun- ter , Ethel Wright, Katie, Arm~ strong, Barbara Wilson, Elizabeth Brown, Lizzie Nicholson. * _ 'lnose who passed with honours at the Christmas examinations? are: Kenneth Cameron, Laura Forbes. - [ Miss M. `F. Millen, Teacher. 4 mm mow IT WAS LOADED GUN ramum chime} Class, Sr.--Reta Win-' grove, Cecil .P1owman, Norman |"Brown. First Bgok'u-(312-1's;,:f]`5`;r`n Win-I grove-, Norman Atkinson, J gmes Nichc_>lson. ' ` A ` I up-I; \.I IV 500 Primer Class... `Sr.--Fra1"\1kli.n Armstrong. ' . - ` Form. II.-Laura Forbes,` Ruth Forbes, Harry ' Wright,` Clarice lFerrie, Theo~Brown, Bessie Wilson, [Lizzie Tuck, Alice Atkinson, Willie lMcKever, - George Wright._ ' - I Form AIII. J r.-Kenneth Cameron, l4Richa-rd Armstrong. MONTHLY REPORT GUN-DLE S SIOHOOL I ~ Form IV.--`Jean McKever. 'Form III. Sr.--Freeda. Ferris, Mafbel Brown, Gladys Armstrong, Jessie Wi1son.._ : ' `L BILLPIOS TING MERGER Bgys: _O\f{rcoa_._ts BRRIi{ ttheir young! The Owen 30111161: 51111 59-Y3"`'M1`- `her accompanied Deer down the J. B. Leslie, the well-known Owen as far as the gate of Mr.` Sound bill poster, has started out er -s other farm near the rail- on a big business undertaking. In where Joe was going to attend : company with Mr. E. C`. Gould, of me chores. _ The two lads stop- ' Midland, he has purchased the bill and were playing for awhile, posting plants in Brantfordi, Galt;-g having the 22 calibre rifle in Berlin, Hespeler and" Waterloo , and hand, during which time the together with a number of plants _ n was discharged, the bulletin such towns as Barrie and Orillia ring young Fi.sher s stomach. ' Vjwhich were already owned by*Mr.. oung Deer on realizing what Gould, ..they` have about 15] towns happened immediately ran for " and` cities in their control.` They," V Fisher, but the little .fe1lo_w 5 have formedva company known; as : `aged to walk home `himself. " Gould:-Leslie, ``Ltd., .and `will have L doctor was summoned and upon ' their _ head `oice in~B1'.ax'1tford. g the seriousness of the aoci-. Leslie` expects 170. e;1'mV_ #150 : GI_!`1t_ had the boy taken to. the inga short. time .ang1i wi11`v41ook ate1`, ingwood Hospital as speedily the busihes poi11't,7 f f ible where the bullet was `ex- ' these growing ewhich.;w7.~they?- _' , `but the wound `(proved : fatal hafv_e 5 the little fellow passed. away on that I ' "Saturday morning about eleven ' k. Both lads thought that the work! snipe; new` ' was empty.--Stayner Sun. V. gvline '9;ogfr*-1,:o1,iifr>_:`1p%s,.=;;a{-e * - ?*m1=1iiI%A%&% .M9n s Suit . I.` ;~ .. MVn_iI.' .".:V,. , ...._.Mix6d.,.,.5. Mail . H-wrtT~ .'n-u: _IN1f:nI:g`1ig or ._u'If\IIu:". 1'n": quui-1 or space: and ms ' have? `-c;.i1't;f;s"c_>\' 'h%;','j2s` 42, , Were `int:-nth , . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - v - v - - - w - - - - - - v - - I I I o o ~ 0 I U I o I n 00? C 3.?` Neat hair line. stripe e`ect, just the: patter `Ill lm Hhpmtonb. L..,:..%xs.;;.i.,..w .,;..%%.% [.3 II-vii; j.-.T__.v 7` u _.~ 7 45" .,......-..a ua..uvu. 0111117 `nu .7 -.----, v _ n- the bullet.` ing "A oung what'_ ; for` . Fisher, the `little .fel_16_w5' "aged t6 walk home himselfg and" upon? _ seriousness! of aocie. 1\n:J LL- L -1-- ` 5` " '. % Ly,%Lmro}d 5,25 s. m.` vn:nn_ _v vlurlila 'a Lv.-Barrie 6.10 a.'n x._ rf. Toronto}7.30 a.m n_ n ; '7.45-1.m. 1: AV u 10.18am, 1!! n V 12.25.D.!|). -u". "'05 '_ ' '30 5.13 p.__m.' ' `A II `_ to .l'l`lVo _ A: `u ` 9.35 78. Di`; .4. . ,. ;`--.4.-.-~. - ' 9 adopt was} --r_ &BAR1i fE or-1 fs1McoE.. ONTARIO, JLANUA RY 5; m4 L-2.i, 5" _ _ _ _ _ _- ..----u wr-cw JV UV avian, .|,`VVl1VlM-IVI." uucy B11311]. Ll-V3 '1 supplyof electric `power from the `Hydro Electric Power Commission bf Ontario. They will also vote on a by-law to raise the sum of $6500 to purcliase the. C1-eemore Electric` Light Plant, and to distrivbute eletric to be sup'p1ied`by the H. TE.` P. Cpmmissioq Qf -Ontario. i DESPONDENT ENDS LIFE Huntsville Forester-A man named Sewell, who lives in Ohaffey ' 1`own.ship, near the home of Rich- ard Watts, took Paris-green while in a -state of despondency on Christ- mas `Day and died on Friday morn- ing. ` Mr. Sewel came to Mnskoka from Toronto 8. few months ago, purchased a V farm. His. health was impaired, and it is supposed that despondency caused him on Christ- mas D'ay- to take a dose of Paris- .green- Dr. Gasselman "went out from Hunsville` and did much to `re- lieve the unfortunate . man, -but was not able to save* his life. Deoeased ` was at one time t a `conductor on street `railway "at Toronto, ; '- _HYD.-ROI VOTE IN` ongguonlzj Eh hTh`1:atei);y;;; 3}` th:'{r'i`1'@: of gC`reemore will decide `on Jan ~1C~th, 1914,`. whether they shall have I` JLIAAL-3- --A---- -B----A -l`- ~ . I FORMER BOND HEADV `MAN DIES IN_ MEXICO . ,The death occurred on a steamer in the Gulf of Mexico,` on Christ- mas Day, of W. E. Davidson, secre-_ tary, of the Pearson Mexican cor- porations, having head oices in` Toronto; which include_the Mexican Light and Power Company, the Mexican Tramways Company and the Mexican `- Northwestern Rail- way Company. Mr. [Davidson left ` New 'York_ on December 18, appar- ently in good health, for a short business trip to Mexico City. _His death. was due to a sudden attack of heart failure. Deceased was born in Bond Head in 1868: He was a, son of the late Rev; Canon vI)avidso'n, who, many years ago, was rector of Trinity Church at Bond ' Head and superintendent of `schools . `for the township of Tecumseth. EJLV. Toronto -8330 p.m. T Arr. "Bl_v|_'AlfiI 1l-`QQ H u 5 45 p.m.` n ,_' `'.`l : 1 lv 30 ` ' 8 _ Uivy In lilo : V3}. n:-H` . . ' . ' ' ` `C. o o . . . . . u up! 3; L30: 5.00, 6.50, 10.00. New ....... ..$7.50 .% ........ ..%.%...........$19_.9o. - ". . "lvI~' V ` ' 9;:-1-'iVa' 7;'1V7 ...... L ~j n ' "l2. 4,0..p.jl'l. %As;?a&,pgmg4; Going South 30 46" 18 a m, .12 55 p',m,.._"%0 [0 pan. 41 t 4 o`g 3-r %3;s;F .02 . _sa~a .'Nexx}b_;-]q . VH`e 1=pi'c i ` sizesis '6-L<.>,1d.:A 1_'a`ntee"7it:% ta` vnn unav IJVUVA 0 You don t ge this with 21 bottle of Nevwbrofs He icide. It is ndt an experiment.` ou numiber among your. acquaint es and` friends _h1md=reds who. ; used- _H_e_rpiaide with 7sa'tisfacti-on,.; `and 1 you know that. You c.=n. dg;-~ same. re- For the L rexgiovhl gtp, check" falling zHe:-picide is rliabl `d.113i}8a1'9311.1t3 .th$t* =f;:'~5V91.1 .` r ; A feeling 0 of possible (1 goes "with an_ paration. Thaf chase, just as. ` onwthe _bot_tle. gertainity, 9. dgead intmentx always . brand hair pre-. is .ipart' of the pur-' ch so as the.label IFHAIR YOUR PRIDE! USE Emma I 5 lnlll \I6& vv 1.1: U1 Ullll LIUULIO. Engineers _ have sometimes thought that reservoirs` alone will effect the satisfactory regulation of the waterow, but it is now being recognized, that, for the best ser- vice. reservoirs need the assistance which forest ` cover on the water- sheds furnishes. Especially for city water supplies the practice of ` for"- estration of the watershed has now `been generally recognized as essen- tial, ' mainly for the reason ` that erosion and the silting ~up * of water reservoirs -is prevented thereby.- TIT T (`G ` a vuva 1 VJ: { W.L.C. I v '.a.A..L JJAULILJ-JJJJ L J.|a\.l`.l..'.I.'J.\J`.l. L\l.LV Forest preservation is often of the greatest importance and value on account of considerations which are sometimes not apparent at first sight. It is not only the `direct; nancial side of the matter which merits attention, for_it must -notibe forgotten that forest cover on V a watershed helps to regulate "the run-o to prevent oods. 1'.~..__:__--.__ 1_-_- - _-.--L:,---_ L.I.\JJ..l..I.L.l-.L 11.. J.`JU'\1.l`4J.VV.I.1 `The Ontario `Hydro-Electric Com- mission s_ engineers-. at Eugenia completed an outline survey` "of the pond or lake that will be. held,-back by the big 35-foot dam. ' The rad- ius of this Water storage is thir- teen miles, and it will cover one `thousand acres, and maybe can little more. 7Work has been started` at the dam. Piers are being sunk and the foundation plan prepared. ` A large number of farms in that section will have to be 7 Wholly or partially abandoned. The arti- oial lake will have` _an average depth of 12 to 15 feet.--_Flesherton Advance. .- ' ' FOREST }15ERvATIoN AND 1ZATER.SHED_ _PRQT-EG:I_`ION A 9 4I.Lu\..1.4u1Uu. JJL. Ll'_11i1l1 [iii E Stephens, sk. . J. D. Milne, sk. `A. . J. F.wCraig John J. Coey ' H. C. Channen John 0; Powell `J. F_. Pulling Robt. Pajne,sk. 11 A 12 _ TA. Lister C. G; McGuire Rev. G. R. Turk _ . R. Andrew D. H; M'acLaren Dr. Arnal `TD A GL-`-_L-,_: , 1' `I\ 11-01` 1 u u vanxvl. J14. LBIIIIUX A. Campbell A n.`.H. Webb D. R. Murhison, slit F. T. Short, sk. | I Albert. Bryson |H. toddart `I ? F. H." Hurllfurt `Claud Elmsley `hf '(IT..`I1-,... E ....v... uvu vvuo.5uu1 |aU uywuu | some lads stop-II ` playing for j 22 calibre "inij `hand, which time `the,j h Ivvnn ` l \.rcuu\A\.lv M. yve1j1;;;;" uu unuuuaux ,\J . 11. Lngram T. D. Lawrence. D. C, Murchison John Walker W. B. Ai-kens 1W. N. Duff, sk. J. H. Bennett, sk.. I C.` I V W. "Moore T W. W. Rainford W V. A. Hart Wm. Ness G. Hart, sk. E. A. Williams, sk. A S. D 1'. . . Z _ , ' Price Dr. Duglay `_f.___. ----v. on on: V `V i . The .- rinks for -the `inter-club series were drawn as follows: President ` .(O`o11ix[1gwood)-- O. ' G. Hart, _ R. H. Webb, J. D. _M`i1ne'and R. A. Stephens.` - 1 ITVL- ` 1` ' -`. ` The foI1>wing5 _ skips.` have V beef: selected , by` the Q Thigtle Curling Club for the-`various competitions: Tankard -0. G. Hart and R. H. Wbb. District Cup--Dr. J. ]3enet. Pulling and A. -._. __ --# "o`1?i'11{7i3`Z}?i" cup--W. M. L Har- vey, W. A. J. Bell E.- A. Williams and: W. N. D1`1ff.. '11 IV .1 4.. ac. musma CURLERS _'_`Lv. Barki ` `IFS . `gt " I 7' b :1