anaL:r5 xnsumnce [ :: Etakte_ Agency {t%I'.3'n l3,A:i ~ ARNOLD WK K LJJJOJ-'0 XSXLULV-LII In J-JLU \:}icitor,_ etc. Bank of Torontc; Building, Barrio. Money to loan. VIII-I, IIUUI, Jdecl-Uo\.lco, J-IILJI-Ia -I-Jed-Ue\JeI. 0, ndon. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. 5. 53.1.14! aznad-lo \IL' `I. L\J.l-J ILJJAJ "e;1'.ience corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Op site Eliza- beth Street Methodiet.C arch), Tele- phone 167. `CIT uln ` A `DJ HIJIJJIOLJ, Surgeon and Accouchseur. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses Adjusted. Oice, Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly ,'e"1'- r. u. uo.Lu1;.Ln GU UU., .l .l:|.Ul`US 82.` ES- tablished 1869. Undertake:-s. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. um. mun an-amy dz Eaten Solici- tors, `Bank of Toronto uilaing Barrie, will bo.promptly attended t .1 11-14.`, J-ILU Iv.l]..l. G l'JD .I.'.I'Jl`I, UN` terio Land Surveyo Engineers, etc. Established 152. omce, Medical `Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay , streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathyv dz Eaten, Solici- torn- `Rn-nb A-I m..-.._;- -_:1 32-- _ "F?""'."."' " VI '3 -I3I`nultev " A Ifhnrsday min.13y -ow ;QouradN onnw. 1 ` on-.J_. _.RTnJR ROSS -v---- vT- to the lte R. L. Barwick) ca. mcuanrrnx. op Street. Barrie. I, MURPHY as EsT1iT"BN- Surveyors Established 1 m mu-A I MoNi:v ro LOAN I n Iuluun no-us.-.._L -1 _.,_ . UNDBBTAKEB8. aunvmronb`. BEGIN AT HOME. VT` ` .. BARBIE. ' IIULIB 35; 7 DEC'. Tn: /ADVANCE lfrgeot circulation of OWAI. `It has also by far . '_l'RA_NSIEN'1' '- `Legal Notices. Auctxon *a1e 'etc.--First inaemon 1:; C5,, 5' eAm.\1gemem. an nent inse nuuulng- nonces, 10 cents 1 insertion ; 5 cents per line for inqertion of the same matter. I be per line. 11:51.`.-- -- - - mind that _ txqn to chan e (1 ti must. be handed mto the otgce n.}} 1,,,`;n1r):ta `Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the c ` `ch `e muatbein THE than 12 o'clock noon on M ADvAN?3 iyo$'ce"},$,` d . week. otherwise the |dvertis_er s amxla ay In any --.,, W. V coxnmxsxn ADVERTISEMENTS Coniensed advertisement . as` wants of all kinds, lost aiggogxiitipage 3'1 for sale or to rent. snecic nv-h :-1.... 'H"91 -must be accompamed win: the cash, no vvuuuovn an luuun LUBE 8.110. f ` "" "Wt rent, s peci11c arti(:1lens(,1'eI%?p:3 .. | Cilts for advertisements must In case be mourned on solid metal E13; L `nuns or 3038031913613. njnu THE am Puums mui . Llmlte (1 Manufacturers of and Dealera in all kinds Rough and Dressed Lumber Doors.8aslI. Bllnds.!nterio H La, columns, Tanks and Wa{er "`T:'OuE`l)c3 Planing, Matching. Moulding. r:e-smug Hot Blast Drying Kiln. xuuuug, nnutcnnlg. MOl_Il(11n2:, It paging and Polishing Hardwood Floors. a Specialty Contracting and Building Estimates given. OF_FlCE-BAYFlELD S l`.. BARRlE.(` NT e-Sawing CRAIGHURST. om. `LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1:: -.-_ __,_,, , _ _ 1-` ran TI-It coun-rv or's'un'c-oz. Most reasonable terms given on an Stock Sales JOHN JENN E IUDII Nun pm g|OuJJl uuuces, IU nsertion 5 cents each 3 ns_e1-tion Obituary oVpe_r line. ' ' conmmcur. menu vRI.tes will begiven on application, 4-.\..-. . _/ Derlle J81. J_olm & Grookerl T,'18"BWE9"n@rv1 M Tnnnn-rn -1- -- Tm-:x'rooon TO THE TANm:n'yl Is 0 en for all ord ' C 1S'I`I.\'G_ MIIEL REPAxRs,e;8cTn ` Q` l . KDVERTISING RAT};-:3 Drugzist. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE" VELVET- _Monkman s Glycedonia. ' Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tzons will remove the rougnncss, -and .by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be Worn a few moments after using it. Price Isc an 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. DUNLOP smza-r EAST BA RR I E Bfewed Entirely from the Finest ` Malt and Hops. BARRIE BHEWING GUMPANY Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repairegi on ehoxtest notice and moderate Apnces. ,,__v--. .... -. M Al work done expert machin- ist and gugrantee first class. ` Splendid ALE and PORTER _ . The Best and Brightest In Cask and Home V ` 'EdVi`t'orJ ;.J jG603feI1dw "v%_ef-.'{-the Midland` Free; Press [Will bevmor rmly` convinced than eer of the power of ' the press '. He had three ngers crushed whgjle operating on'e| recently. - ' ' . ._;,, _ 1 | .V Transact a General Banking Quainess. . . . . Notes Dfsrotlftd : alifraaonable rates. . . .. Collec- on Note; and Accounts give" ` [apc_3'al attention. Issued payable anywhere. " `M ' ' ks caalwd T.Beecro ggo. MONKMAB}. V1--.'.;:cI=xo:-'r, . MANUFACTURERS. .BANKERS _ _ - --- vuuucnpan :1` fact demonstrates th If you-have any adver:1ggm,:)701 1 thgggper {that reach. n`- . do Ojlce Hours--10 to -6 Expert Machinists _P'Hio`NVa`Vi is : x T13eF}.WE1y ;%G1be :*Am, w{`%aa4 ll contjnued *at*_j;li and yof 7-prese.n_t' I `G. CO. E 19 Droven tn ` 333' paper in W 11: the am 0 T ` I) ._ 4: the r mover in thozgg I Istrmm. H. _ ' 4'th, , Mangger 1913; Barrie. } The" Bell Telephone; ;ta1;i'rx:g {down their. poIes~ on Kent `I yS.tV.,i rljndsay. When will they. do_;the isame on Dunlap. St., Baprie. _ A .' oR'aiI'road s ruuning i1;to- 1 Toronto have been Lbned " for cruelty . to dumb animals,- but people` who travel on some of ethse railroads about holi-_ day times; know there `"is consider-_ able cruelty to `animals who are not dumb, Valso. ` V ~ ATo'ron:to`_ now has at nnotor hearse` -whereas for some time it looked as if the `chief function. of -the motor _ in Toronto `was to kill people instead of conveying them to "their last" resting plac. - ' * . Toronto has, had its _rst automo- bile funeral, with. motor hearse and the mourners in automobiles.. It is '_ not stated Whether` Toronto people "are any more anxious V to ride in. the motor hearse than _ one Idrawn by horses, however. A A postcard .poll of the membersof the Pennsylvania Bank Association in thirteen counties showed they favor a stag` party with wine to a dry banquet with- ladies attend- ing. ' There s where N. W. _Rowe11 might get in -sorinve good "missionary_ work. `the stu that now passes under the V The Guelph A Mercury says :- Makers of fake maple syrup will hereafter be prosecuted. . Some of name of genuine maple syrup. never came much nearer a sugar, bush than Capt. Cook got to the North Pole.- 7 Unquestionably it `will take more labour to produce fty bushels of wheat from an acre than to pro- duce ten bushels from -the same acre-_-but will it take `more labour to produce` fty bushels: from one acre` than from ve ?-Abraham 1 Lincoln. . -all `over the district comes the news Parry Sound North Star-`-From of "the success of the deer hunters and at some stations, it is said, the deer were piled up like cordwood. The `whole question of a close sea- son, hunting with dogs, and killing fawns an-d does should be` carefully cosidered by the. Government and some better steps should be taken to save the deer from anihilation. Probably the. _st1`on-gest timber` in the world is: 8; speciiers pf eucalyptuqwf _kno`vn as._.ya`t_e,. which .g'rbws toga j considerable -size in`Q 1A,i1ASt1'alia. Its; T gaver,age% tensile str'e ngth` is- 24,000 1 pounds; per square "inch; g in. ojchegr-0 - *a_`:.. "'bgr: `bf , I 1 wood on * .f`W1110000 - In l Newmarket has had diiculty in] increasing its supply _of water" from` artesian wells, and `The North On- tario Observer, Port Perry`, sayse:-- Being by `vote constitutionally made dry it must now` be as dry as a` sh in the very best acceptation of that term. The Newrnarketers are certainly `in a sorry x to be deprived T of liquid ' in every form, and - what makes the affliction still worse, the Newmarket Canalxis gal-V so dryl ` ` - _ ,, ,I!.._._.-_ .> Montreal Gazette---The . provincial i -police of Ontario instituted 235 prosecutions under the liquor lic- ense act last year, securing _179 ` convictions. These were mostly- blind pig - eases Hand a large quantity `of `intoxicating liquors was seized in the: raids. The facts indicate that the government is do- ing its best_ to have the law-`obeyed, notwithstanding what political op- ponents say to the contrary in their attempts `tog help the moribund Liberal party. i ' ' T The ghostly. glimmering of popiar chips and stumps, ' frequently ob-. served in Canadiauforests ht `night, is due to a fungus known as the `shoe-string fungus, which 'is com- monly found` on . large-sized poplars` throughout Canada.. It causes a yellowish-white_ rot which detracts much from the value of this wood. The presence of this -fungus ._is ex- ternally indioat__ed_ by ..the mushroom- like fruiting bodies which '_c1uste'r_ around.-`the hasfe of the ,tree;"` In- fectede trees should; when possib;g,l `'.be cut f_dow_r_`i "end fioi-;; re - 1 n anus mining, {on a scientic` basis, their lutility for structural work. hampton, , The practicability of `wireless te-i legraphy , for the operation of rail-l way trains, we. are told, was demon- strated the other day _between . Scranton, Pennsylvania, .and Bing- New York, when the! Stanton and Binghampton wireless stations of the Lackawanna stations of the" Lackawanna railroad were able to keep in touch constantly with the .Limited,_ the fastest train] on -the road. Messages were sent to and from" the train and received perfectly. ` But the. same _ result was long ago accomplished in a, much simpler manner. All that is] necessary is to have a telegraph wire strung so`. near the top of the moving` train that a parallel wire. on the top of one of the cars will be aected by _ induction. . When this is done, messages can be com- municated with ordinary telegraph instruments. The only reason, probably, why this system has `not ._been put, to practical use more ex- tensively is that there is not` a Su`:- cient demand` for comgnunication with moving trains to warrant the expense. `While? _many of the towns of Ontario which have made much progre;-:~s industrially during the _past few years of good times (towns which may rightly be class- ed as boom towns). are now begin? ning to feel the pinch of the depres- sion and consequent shutting down of factories, Barrie remains a good `stable town for business, with little likelihood` that the eects of the hard times-will be felt to any ap- I preciable extent.` TL- `n_.c.'_._.---_ _--;.. L'I--A. 1`--- LL- I \/\IlI.GLlJ\.J , DQUVJAV . I, , _. The Reformer says that for the first time in many years Oshawa. has vacant houses. _ Our contem- porary continues: Ancl there will [likely be , more vacant "before the "winter is over, for whether the stringency in the money market is of. the imagination` as" some claim or "not, its effects are to be seen, and we are sorry to predict, will be `felt before the winter is.over. Our "factories are not to blame. They have "done their best, and this has -been better than in some places, where `many concerns, _and some received` at Ottawa untrl Noon, on NIJJLAAJAAJJ .1. -I.4\a.JJ.JA.VkJ l0\l\A to the Postmaster General, will be: Friday, the 9th January, 1914, for` the_c.onveyan'ce of His Majesty s` Mails, _' on a proposed Contract for` four years, Six times per` week each way, over Allandale (via Pains- wick) `and Rural Mail Route from the` :.PQStI1iSte}`. Genera`l _s '.Ple`aure`._ U .L vcuulgccvt \JUuOLaL 3 .|. ACGDUJ. Cu Printed notices containing furth- er inform`atio n as to conditions of .-proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms o-f Tender ma be ob- tained at` the Post Offices of Alien- dale and Painswick, and at` the oice of the Post Office Inspector, eToron_to. `A A. SUTHERIIAND, g Post Oice Inspector- ;O1icAeA `.Ins'pect_or s Oice, `~.TT61"fontQ,-n1\_TQv. .24, 1913. 43-50 ` "` "if"'1 'Xi3'vA?.'uoI UNI'l'ED. STATES SU3CRIBlj;'BS_ ` % % _ 31.50. IN ADVANCE SALED TENDERS, dressed _ '1'3.,-)._____A.-__ I1-.. -___`I _,.."II `I , F`orthe Latest Novel or Barrie and Allandale Branhe `lVIilWCbnEract conservatism and Strength are i1'1c,:'<)rf>Vor9, Tce.d`_"coiI -1'" mad- 7_eri1Ig"1,j_..fa,;, bank with a_ :view`7"to opening .~ `an; 'aecou`nt `shauld;thorou9ghIy,convince themselves` of `the } conser- : management. and naneial '.s't1'ength A 0 6f tthe. in'stitu1;,i_oi1_ `to which they `propose to 9 entrust. ,thei1` _funds `.The' names `of the Directors and Officers -. of The Bank 61' Toronto, its large Reserve Funds and and. its Assets ' of ` $59,000,000 are its depositors guar- antees of safety. 4_ A - `Lg, 0 Paid-u'p_Ca.pita1 ....$5,ooo,ooo fReserve.d Funds . .._. . .. ._ 6,176,578 Assets, over . .. . . ;. . . .59,000,000' ` awn will "g;.to.the Sub ption Lmun the moneyll d.` L V be I V three` th :1.:*.3z'o.*:..*.%3`.* ,*;......:*=..:" H. A. sms, Manager; large. ones, have been forced to the wall. . The cry of hard -times, which has prevailed during the year, is now producing its inevi- table effect. Merchants were afraid `to order. Agents throughout `the eountry were afraid to stock.. _0ur `factories . have about lled, all the orders they were able to get this llast season, and a shortening of hours has been forced upon -them. It looks now, however, as if next year promises better, but that will not buy coal or the Christmas lpresents for the children this winter. s `TENDERS mrwoon mm T TENDERS will be received by. the undersigned` up to and incli1d- ing Wednesday, the 31st of Decem- ber next fo1"._the `right to cut pulp-T wood on a certain area situated on the Metagami River in the District of Temiskaming. ` Fl`-.. J_,___,_ .1. .11 _4_L_ `L1, _ , , - 1 un. vnnnounsuuann-4:3: I Tenderers shall state the amount `they are prepared to pay. as bo\1us in addition to the Crown dues of 40c per cord for Spruce, `and 20c per cord for other pulpwoods, or such other rates as may from time to" time be xed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council, for the right to operate a pulp mill and a paper mill on or near the area referred` Such tenderers shall be required to erect a mill or mills on or near the territory and to manufacture the wood into pulp and paper in the Province of Ontario:-the paper mill to be erected when directed by?-the Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. Inca `ngnaqvvau lgarties making `tender .will be required to deposit .with their tender a. marked cheque payable to the Honoizrable the Treasurer of the Province of Ontario, for ten per cent. of the amount of their tender, to be. forfeited in. the event of their. not entering `into an agreement to carry out the conditions, etc. - "TL- 'l_..`L--L -,, __ _ ""`A"S6#many _gods,. so many c;'eed.e,,% '(;e'of_?inany -paths that vindend wind: fwhn just the art of being A `kind 35.9`-e`Ve1l.this oldiwovrld needs. p1;.`;`ti`(;l 1`i_8.t1:S :6 to descriptionl of territory, capital to be invested, ,etc., apply to `the undersigned. TIT 11 TTT3 A `I")`1f'l'\ Andrew -. _ M4 vvuorunm Tomi Buggies, Carriages. Wagons '"" Sleigh: and Cutters. hsntnm Dlnnnn. . .v " D I - - `:`.:?.foN .>:`,`:,"T.. Horseshoeinx Ancnrrzc-r Plans prepared, Estimates given with or with- b , . font personal supertiaion. , . . Head Oce. CO LINGWOOD. ONT, ' ` phnnn IE0 : \a| vaav \4\IJI\.l-l_l4L\lLL2, \JV\4D ;1:i 1e Vivghest or; any tender not neaessarily accepted. ' I . __. __ __.L3 -__1-__, __, L 1,. ' ;` - IV; 4.4.. .l.J-.I.JLLJ.UKI-I-, . | Minister of Lands, Forests and Mines. 1913. "L 40-52 Toronte, Ontario, September 17th,. |?*'i=7%%%;':!*Y_FJ.E_tl!; 5?? :PH|LlP C./ F_'_5!._| N. o.`A A; u-tot &Il Phone 380. hygsiometta,:,.pgn,:,,;,er:s1-; 1'1: ? church ; bui1a,i`ngs`rea:-ixisr: their _x K` 4ler3Wileox.' we ::the, .sz5ers>~.*"heavenward,, "and T-xhear 3: 7~the~' ' 7'ehi,n_ 1e -. out,` callijrig the people. }sworshin.s and then: stop to wonder, t % gill ' the rivalry, _' the _ competitive" }:.apirit,~ exists between the dierent;_ : denominations, with such ' a lack (of .4.:f,t':On-erte fto * help . each ' other our less fortunate or w' jfrrother or sister. I hear someone fivirlignantly refute this `assertion, -' and point ~ to the ; La'ymen s Mis"sion- ary Movement ` as one of the out-_ "standing examples of the unity of the -Protestant churches in their `en- 'deavor_ to evangelize the whole world; `within the present century. And `this -maybe a hopefulsign of a bet- ter order,---but are. we not` looking `too far aeld---making a" personal. canvas for money _to .evan`gelize the world, (a rather vague and visionary objective) while we are- neglecting the teachings of the` he Nazarene, who was a brother to all men, and forgetting to- make... a personal appeal to our brother who lives next door. How many minis- ' ters of the gospel of the Town of Barrie ever go to one of a dozen or more drunkards who `could be named,: and endeavor to give them a lift? I-Iowmany of the women, whoare so active 5 in many lines of real Christain usefulness, fever speak to a fallen, sister in regard to her so-ul s immortal welfare? There is just the possibility that in our eorts to Christianize the heathen, we are neglectng oursel- ves and our brothers `and sisters `right here athome. _- -2.I.__ -1` rn-_.-_.L- LL . _ . . ..- of-5osc?:" '6--'57.` Axons mmzs ow swamp 9bh. :. 1l|j..lV,'sIAs4t.,0.i:e "v:Ff"H.`i=`f1iI{'1 i`s"i 3.1.... _ T-__.`l_ 13-; *'?INORbRAfED 1ss5 hes lLE1V_I'NOX,~,.COWAN & BROWN, BAR- ."risters*,- Solicitors for `obtaining pro- V bate of wills, guardianship and ad- fministration, and general Solicitors, N otaries, Conveyancers, etc. Omces, Hinds block,` -No`. -6 Dunlap ` street ` Barrie. . 'Money to loan at 4%; anci 5 per cent. Branch oices at Cree- more ' and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C. Alex. Cowan, G. E; J, Brown,` L` .A Bannis- V Solicitors, Notanea P`ubjic, and "G_qnve'yanc'ers.; Money to loan in ~-s`ny ..s`n_msat' 5 per cent. Oiee, 13 I '~-Owen 8t.`, Barrie. " H. D. Stewart, I.L;D., ,D. M. Stewart. T ORESWICKE as ALEXANDER BAR- r So1icitor3;o>`the dupreme Court . of Judicature . of Ontario, Proctor: Notarfes , Conveyancers, otc. oney to loan. Otce, Ross block, Barrio. A. E- H. Creswieke, K.C'., Arthur Alexander. A Oaitv acvbv ECU ll`-'&6J\J0 In the city of Toronto there are said. to be 4000 more poor people (many of whom are foreigners `liv- morally and physically) than there is `housing accornmodation. for. The `e-'e`ct of the evil inuences which they are breeding and `spreading even over thegvhole of Ontario- will be hard to `estimate; Why not begin at home and? evolve some scheme to Christianize these people ---to give `them homes to live in where the very air they breathe will not be - infested. oHere s real work for all people calling themselves Christians, and itlis safe to assume that ten foreigners now in7 Canada ng under the most abject conditions less expense and in less time than for each one in China -or some other eastern country. From `an econ- omic "standp_oint-is `this not good business? And I believe that Christ expects good business `methods. in this matter of evangel-V V ization. " . _ ~ I may be ` turned towards Christ for` STBATHY Q `ESTEN BARRIBTERS, Solicitors 1n\High ourt ot Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. ' Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie.` Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. (1 H. Esten. EV AI.1)13oI I.i3. BARRis'ri', n`I-LA- A61: `D... 1;. "`nAn`n on W. H. ocns (SUOOESSOR L 0 DR. PALLING), Physician, Cl- __.__-__ _.__'I A _-- .1..- .. CL.-- ma; 1;; '1'. ARNALL. _ OFFICE AN}; DB. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen V St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment; DR. 1 A. '1`. LITTLE, LATE 0}?` Churchill, Ont- Oice and residence, John St, near corner Elizabeth. Phona 1 I DR. W. A. ROSS,` PHYSICIAN, SUR- T eon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., .nn4-Inn Gian nun: QQQLIILQAQ nun, 5 W. % A. LEWIS M.D.C.M., Surgery ' and Diseases of Women especial- ly. Office 58 Collier St. Pho1;`e DR. H. A. DUGLAY, OSTEO- PATHIC Physician, Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. Office Hours--9 to . 5; other hours by appointment. I Phone 565. 45-137 R. C. O. ALEXANDER, graduate of Toronto University, Member of `the'College of Physicians and Sur- geons of `Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon Toledo General Hospital, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, ~Gravenhurst, Ont. Successor to Dr. J. A. 0. Evans. ' Ocev opp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale, Ont. Tel.-269., 23ly In Canada, in spite of the_ phe-. nomenal rise in prices, most of us "are _very 10th to admit that the poor `are really getting poorer, but it seems just possible that ifs/we were to carefully estimate the difference betweenthe increase in wages and the increase in the cost of living for the past ten `years the` facts ` would point in the wrong direction.- Mr. Charles E. Parker, President 0-." the Methodist Social Service Union in` England, _ has collected some gures which are worth not- ing. His gures cover the? period -between 1900 and -1912, and he- classes all those who pay income tax as rich and all Vt-he.jrest}as ',.poor. In ..(1 90O 5 -there I we'i"e ` 1,000,000 income tax-payers ~ and 7 their incomes aggregated _ }$3;-960; *'f00Q,0O0; in 1912 these mien ;e1i'ned ' `all: iI1C1le3.53_l". 0 ",p_r"cent. -Lin 12'."Vyears.'.V l-:A'_[1'j.::f 1900`? ..'.there were `13000.00Q g. 5303111331780 d. *hA`3i..1""` efamllits:-' `5m01'1- ed amgfrbximately. . of L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Tlu-oa`t. unt9nrnnu.'..-.5 I _-_-- "'|A-L " ` ' _ __ ._..v-w QJCJQIIDIQ Having spent 4 years Post ' Graduate work in British Hospitals and h avinst served as Clinical ssistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8: Nose ospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident- Surgeonin Royal London Oirhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital, Bristo ;and Birmingham ale Hogaital, Bgunin ham ztormer Member of tish phthalmolotgcal Society. 0FFICE-78 DIJNLOP STREET, BARBIE. `Phone 51. P. 0. Box; 96. % `"E:':'.:';. .i:.. `i=%'."`i':'`;"lz".?" ..' a w W 23.? ' -""5=.!;'::.: . `:::;:"* Ill! ` V llol and-America on A|.I.ron sumac us? - `G. G. SMITH & C0., PHONE 82.` ES- fnhiinn `IQRO 1'T...:....a._1--__ r\_ --- uuvvvsv I U LOAN Wehav 3 large amount at money to loan atlowcst cu tra.tea.eitherin small or in large amount on a security of good farm mort- cCA R'l`HY. BOYS MURSHISON. ' Barrie. }. A. RADENHURS11, -BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Olco, lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. I ARE THE POOR GROWING POORER2`