AT 1')1rlor ineetin 1 1V:ilZ1e` M local option will be held-~atf the" home of Mrs. E. D. Brown, Blake St., on Thursday evening, Sept. .18. _All interested are welcome to at-. tend this meeting. ' ' 9-; ocod , {vI"11 a.m., ';).vr;;.="s:t I 1d M7756 iiilifj M,` Burry, C.O. ` .. - ~ ' `Ivy Band .will furnish music at. the`=Co11ingwood Fair on Septembe1`\ 25 'ancIn26. Some` Ii1em_b r`s~ of the? Barrie Band will assist them. f goohoooqooooooohooooooogj "o'o'o-ouooo8 _.3{ . Mr. S. %Dy%ment has been r'e-eleet-jl ed` `a director of .the"~Colling';w7ood -Shipbuilding` Co. e ' V r`i` Wednesday, Sept. 24th,,is the _last _. _day to pay the first -instalmehtve ofl fjtaxes to avoid the additi`o1i'of per -' 'centag`e. ` - T g or LOCAL mmmsr AAAAA LAAAAAAVAA AA AAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVV YVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV 7 _ @7903; ? . '. 384,5` TED-+Expetien0d A`L%.iAsRe?a14i Ar Ai$i)1y' t0 Mrs. `A: '.MOP1n; L 79 lir`_Street; T` 0 % ` : TED.--- -At. o1_'1.c'e; `a 00k}5:_-`gen?; e;'al',` no upstairs "work; V Mrs. Bur'ton;-4'1`oront()'St; "37-A 'WANTED-3 or 4 furnishedxbr-Lu`n- :- %,furn*ished ` roq1fns,1'_ ;uitable" -_f_or- , .. light `ousekeepingh: '_ by ,couple2__. ' fA`dd1"ess Box '567,L,-Barrie. 4 -'37-`_ . L .x\_ v WAI_\_TTED---An '@.;r;ganist,%:io:.Lchrist A . _(3 l/lurch. Dutie` 10]` commence at ' once. State.- salary. Apply. to R1 Buchanan, " care *Hamb1y s Hard-! . ware Store. -. 37-tf.| "_FOR' SALE.-.-A Bargain--I_ top` `buggy, _.1 cutterr and set Qfligbt` sleighs, nerly new; `1. Set of` " runners for sulkey, 2 {buggy tong'u Set of double harness, Y _ -,,_.1.~ 1,___,_-__ -.1_- _-_-_- .,..,.E,...=, ..w...,,. ......, -_ ,..,.. V--. runners 2T gbuggy tong'U9S.:' set harness, set of single harness; also some. ne lumber for inside `work.I_ Ape ply Advance Oice. .38-.4Op-I is coming to the Queen : Hotel, Barrie. on Friday _Oct. 3rd. to 4. o _ replace hair onthc heads of ` ~ ` )3 2 of Ladies and Gentlemen, A who have lost their hair, 1 ' ' By his beautiful, natural _ 4 . -. . hair constructions. which ar known all over} the world. e\fcry~` woman and man, can be jmade to look `younger *aot1d'havAtjhe_;` natural "protection to the head,`-_ whic.h,mans.>-health,.~coml`pg, and good appearance. A " ti - ""11! .1 lsiinnud V " PROF. DORENWEND ~ or TORONTO " ;;..;,,;i,e,;e 2;; age Auxiliary. of St. ' Paul's, Innisl, will` meet at the residence. of Mrs. '.I`h os.___`Ca1der,'` _Con.,=` on Wed-` nesday, Sept. 24th, at 2.30 o ele ck. A parlor meeting in t_he_ `interegts P I , , `America : Greatest Hair-Goods Artist men and Full Wigs which Prof. Dorenweud. wl bashowin 4 ~_ q . These worgdorfui coverings are so ustuca! 1;: spngamuoe t ab. detec- V tlon isdmpnsanble. They are adj uated so,securglK..tQ.'g;`)7 head. that they; cannot come of!` one 1 o..tMt.heu_ egrer s.w1sh; . `hey '11! give` 9. young I w` ,` ... und_sott;enlnggxprosa on to Ichngracg. 4,`. , ` V % Arfrce.demdnstra29rt;#?Js.%1e%xt9s!cd<:war;a1 - ` 'br1g`;youp-frf_nd- . Protect and adorn your bald head with humu'n"hatr.-- In order` ':to have, a conception of the wonderht''m min the art or h_'alr; .<:Tona_t:uutin.._: every bald man ahouldaall undsee the large &Im'O;,ll00k, Of-;""l`Ilil`.'3.'_p_l`l-` ?`?r%.';2f.%2.`..L`.$ :; ...';`L`2}: .....";.`. .?.E?.'.`;!..".`a:'.!.?2`:2':.}':E;.4;; I do not mlis this i:y..-Se his Trasfdrfhatfon Switches, Wavqiets, l :ompadou__rs, ull Wigs, _(I:t>n`rl.-;,. % The Do;enw.V..qJ sgnscggyw Vmgnc `,LA:DlEsu A The o1ippi`ng,t_.'I.'-he Globe in `last issi1'e..'.in V rferetfceotoo the _street `car accident _ in _v`vhi. c1i. " Mrs. _; Best lhad her .9 hibflqjuredi should. liave read Mrs_.:..Bdss,- of Barrie. _g;',[he,To- lronto'pape1"s had the name splled wrong 3nd"hence `the error.` " `Mrs. Bass was visiting" relatives - iri-. `To-. 'ronto,'and she [was " taken `to a hos- pital after the accident. Her aged father and mother,f Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, have been in poor health for some ,t_ime._. ' t ` ~ V ,Meet We at. Barrie. Fair. nexf Tuesday or Wednesday, `is heard on`. every .side1i`ne _these} days. There` is Iurefto be a; big crowd and it ie.~_a' g_o0d_- place ,to_-,me'et your Vfrierjgds; - i -'-You can get: the. :Engagement! and A Wedding Ring_ `and".the Mar- riage Licehso at. E. H. Williams Jewelry Store, and ,feel Athoroughly satised that you h_ave.;the best va'1- ue Dbtainabie. * tf db youf advertising for the fall fairst`, You may secure "customers in this"wa$'7 who have never" been in your store`; f"a1.1d thus bring _ trade 'which,no"1'v'gbes -elsewhere. {Neatly printed cix"cu_lar's,, `blotter ,'_ ' hand bi1ls,_for tdistri-_butibn ht "fa`_ ' fairs canvbe had `at The" Advaneioice on the , shortest ,noi`ge.-_j | Midland Argus- Chief of Police lOowan and` Nightwzitchman Pfyne `swooped `down upon a gang playing poker in Sam Lee s restaurant on Sunday afternoqn and grabbed; chips to the amouimt of $26.. On Monday the 'o'e.1`1ders'," six in number, were ned` $11.00 each while Sam Lee, the -proprietor ,of '_ the vrestaurant, who-"Was a 1so~taki1_1_g' a Thandin `the game,_was,n ed_$50;hor a topal of The annual citizens meeting] to` elect oicers and ine_mbers of the ,Citizens Band `Committee will be `held. in the" Police Court Chamber 1 on "Monday evening at 8 pm. Everybody `is, invited.. ' I O i'i11ia_"""Times---None' `(if "the. cases were. heard in the Division -`Court. last .Fridaye2ic'ept `judgment sum- n1pnse.s,` there being four judgment V debtors cQmn1itted._ ,The next Court iis held in 0ctobe_1'. VDeputy Judge IRa`denhurst,Po1_ice' Magistrate _ 0 |Barrie, `presided. V` ~ |.1 Mi-ses Noble and; -Bowers"_WiI1re- nprgsent h the Central Methodist-~ Ep- !.worth League`-at the District con- ivvention in Orillia early in:(_)ctober._ \ . 3 * A - 1 I`; Ulalllla Carl {J Ill `- uvest ' Thanks' Services will "be held` in this Central._"Mthod- ist Iiext _. Sunday at 11 a.m. `and 7 p.m. The church wi1I:.beTs'uitab1y~ |- decorated.-A _ - A | I W \iV'1`1\`i1e".cut1:A:iI.1`B`.: ., , 'tree ` be- hind `B.-._D.;_:.`-Q Nei1 s tailor shop, a `shed was payrtly. glestigpyed ;by falling branches.` ~ Several `empty .I_wa11_e"ts-A I andvspursiiz-;',;..presu1_g1ab1y phose 4t11r'o.\vn `away by the'pick-pockets who oper- E ated here on- July _1st,. were found. .5,` 1 _`w_e_k _for`"a. fe`}y' weks "i:n;`_Br1in. ; .t"vrndA <;viit~f4_n% i I 91x;< ,_A; *fWeste`i`=Ieare!i. tliis 4* VanaBaby%TA1%'IPoutiac; .Mich;, % are,,_yisiting'_,her ,,pg`ii;ts, .Mr.W LOW J % ~ 7 North Plo6iep s':? `Will l1__Dli1?~t;their"`aiii1u'\'2tl"V mitcli on `a \ .farm nizf ;]3a r1?ie` km A-Octdber` 28th. 1"Mrs. Imfering =_is ii1o'\ ihg' to To-- -ronto A at the. .end of this _ week,` lxhere she-..will reside at 30 Albany: ve. ` - ` . 1 The mehibers andfriends` cube! I Con5g'regq,1;i('>n'a1_ Church ~are .s_pe_cial1y` .ur'ged `fob_e present" at `the `Harvest Thanksg`i'v'ing .Serv`ipces`* V on `Sunday next-, when the;.pa-s-tor;'Rev., W. `I-Iip-' ' kin,_ hop_;s` to;""re1i'_me;: his `ministgry. I Barrie - and the othert `re brig a'de'si which gave assistance at the recent _Chewt Bros. lumber ' mill _re at Midland have been given-$100 each in-_rtecog'nition of theixfhelp. , ' : I H` ]3'z':t=:nnA21.1`i:L:T5 of 'L.LMo1if-V `reaI,_`; ';n-Eold Allahdale boy, _1';s_Lv' isit-': Vihg_ffrier;1d in<,;,.- ._ A . Y 4. .-. lg. KJ\l J-V H .|_.1.unu_u.1.U1\;I!4""l'U2_, _-rthef Methoidst . FOo_llie7r` St'.'-,. % 011;: 4'S9ptemb61`:.,8th,_"`--.1Q13. .b3'.th18 ARe_v. Iurk, ?..Pea1fl Duns- V -;;>111'o'1fa'_'. : to ;B'r>y.s_on,% " both of, 1e.-W V . W . , . , ' .ALEXANDERT'- -vI;1i-]`3ar'rie, `on Sept.-I ember 10th,; to Mr, and Mrs. ` Alexander, -Bradford St., a daugh- ter ' ` . CATLIN-In Allaixdale, on Sept` - V emben 11th, a daughter` :t_o Mg. and Mrs.,JoIm Catlin. - ' . CREW-,-In the `Hospital; Bai- rie, ton `Sunday, _` September` ._'14th,_@ 1913,; daugh . r" to` Mr. `and . Thompson Crew = 2 ` _Ba ti'ie,'.=;__6n ; Spptembeij ;. a -s_oxi_ -to Rev,9Andre.w' ;,ang:lL _% $3: .;S1:.nth-,&} A Miss Gay charge, Miss Dale ' in charge of % trimming ` j % staff. C/c -ATa Gfae a'n d ' _Ner'nc} Corsts ~ A`rpeI{a" "White F lannelefte is :the beef `made; _ve_ buy it direct from Manchester, England;_ It is pure bleached, soft nish and best wearing.. It `is thebest .White Flannelette that can be b'ou`ght.A Buy Arpekas". We recommend it. T 5; inch "Arpckas _.`.1'2/2c.y ` 36 inch "`Arpekas..16Vc." I, `C . . `I V 3`, .1: ..2oc. `ll ' W` * . .-.-..` V the-beautiful"weaves for`Dr%esss%e`s and Sujitsis a line of Bri'tishfh"'de Vigoreaux 5 lovely shades of Grey in bright clean yarns-4 W This magerial has not an equal, and greys%:s;s::yery popular for Fall Wear. "The width is s46inches. Price per yard $1.00 ` Although ot denitely get; it is! ` will be proclaimed." for "the "last "expected that Thanksgiving Day! Monday in November. _f . * "B eautifulVigf>re51ixaric] Eglish Whipcortfbress Goods _]30RNA Lwhite` Flannelette _ Ypu'll be. t}_1iz}king7of..warn1er. stockings; -this is worth your TAnot`he`r 50 dozen pf Pure Wool Llama Hos, insizes 9 and 9% (1 as offred a>y`ear.ago) _It is`_oft nish with seamless foot, worth 35. ', A_Our Spe.:i`alat....-.._ . . . . . . . . . . . . I VVe"'are` showing aibeautifnll range of Handsome; Man-tailnred Coats for Lalllies in the mnsrapproved 'F.?ibrics"; we show but `one of asize in any style. that youfmay `hav_e_'yQur own without s_o_m'any duplicites-on the `street. These styles lwill appeal to you and the values will also please you, Come and see our~rC.oats ; 4it s_an peducati/on in style-craft.` Second Floor, adjoining Millin- ery Showr_ooms. ' ` l - -` New Styles in Ladies Coats C -12/2C.: -j1?g1<;;`" . I56.` .The-.B,r ookda1'e horses are` at` that - jWood_bine in. preparation` _for -, the `fall II{eeti11g of the O.J.C,; whichj xgopefns `on Sat_urda_.v. - . Cashmere Hosiery--Llama 29%c. !' ;.`Twenty.-eig`1;it new, l,wer"s,f__ i;1'-_ `.(3lu,_ding~ one lady, Miss JeaI_1 Ca}iri1sJ of.`Hu;1tsvil1e; we. syypmiihefoze I T___`_3-__ _'-`go 1 1.1. . of~.`Hu}1tsvil1e; reswom "in7bef'oi-e -1-. Jt\1stice`Migi&letoi1 `a't.--._Osg": e ,Hal1 last? Friday.*- Mr. V .J.` Braden of ,_ Barrie _wa sV , L amon`gg..,/,::ft}i'T? ;-nu}b.91`.- " `- _ * Wm. Taylor, Dunlop St., Barrie, on Wednesdaf, September 10th, `1913, E-l'ean'or .Lenore, infant daughter of Thomas and Mrs.` Bishop (nee Miss Gertrude Tay- 1. lor) of Carbon, Alta. 4 . SMITH4-At Utopia, on Thursday, September 4th, 1913,, - Margaret, ~ beloved `wife of Francis `O'Brien g .Smith,_a`gedg79.year s. VA V ,MARSHvALTr+jiAt_,fthe`-R.V ., ,H'f '- - tal, one '1;1__1nr$day,' __Sept`,e,mber_ ,- 1 a t-tA11anda1e:a "in 7,her,,i~,63rd?t year. be ' '..i\.- The Variety, the Rihn%ess aknd the Value all suggest to the intellia gent buyer- WL g } T1524 chief `thought can New Fan Dress is thje_Hat thatsIcps th`eA Cose .tume~;Disti(1ctiVeness% ffcocints for more` in . the V cregticn of Nllinery styles at this timcthan in anycther article of ` women's apparel, and this season our Millinery staff has scored a great success sintheprep laration of such a Magnificent Gatherig of Distinctive Millinery. The partridge shooting season] will open this year on October 15-,- and will continuoto November 115.} In some districts partridge are re- ported to be plentiful. I MWHEN ITS MlLLlNERY~; % Go To VICKERS. a`n3i2};`ji0f_:yithout :d:oubt .the nest 911.. his d'7act, shows the steam! h Fht,ter,.`.; -cc-mp lLeteV in: all; ` y',`lJs,,,a__11df{i`t-1`: e.marine eect ` 4.5.5` M The_ storm`? {is . _most`=- thtillixig V _ k otit .'3 `di) 11bt;' . the finest istgg fL_i'e"aj1is'i`1.1" `ever. produced. ,4 I*itorkd 7.0ut`:`L`in- this` ..u `II `same cast as that .which' presented :this most succ&sful. comedy for i morejahan a year in New ._York. A _ brief synopsis of` the play follows: The first _.act is an introduction to the .13pu,su_al ,o_ccu1-renew of. the next ` and. T_ shews " Monty Brewster '1g:,,_..possess_1on of a million ,_dollars, .on and Wcfre prepared to meet the d_t!)8lfl Whb come to this store for G1oV5- '.QUf1 $tk.5"i20I1'lf)1tt; aeIl`new and fresh from the Makers. if-;'>l'5;|'t"1V`*s,"_ BYOWADS; Greys,- White and Black. 'Fhxjee"mpst'in; demand ire $1.00, 1.25, I-50- -this worth your attention. Vin`-'sizes9 anel (The same Ladies Kid Gloves 29. ---For real good `owers.--wedding| or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs, or Floral effects, put up in the most artistic" manner, see~ WM`. TAYLOR, Fl-orist, Dunlop St., Barrie. {sf :`.:.15S_1_.,ices.of toast .~px`~:1d with 19"? Z and serve} with 21 tom make an 0_\`w-nnexxt breakf mlcheon dish. 3 .$2oo,ooo.oo_ and property I ` gjale. } \ .~n q g-`ti 200 00 . O . Drgberfoo .`"th`- y m B, " Congregational Chm?!` =_llrvest Tnanksivlnv 5"" I `H . the choir. an. .011? . " Special Music. form in ' Secial - `A ':{31C.Torc.. by Choir. "5 bl! `he Pastor 1801-3-ice _ ' 11.00 N xn` and (II There was "a. big crozv cT$fT,(.Sevl1er8 and buyers on the market `last Sat-` ,u,r'day- and good f)riceS~.reig'ned~: Potatoes rtook a,jump to $1.30 bag. ? -p.- _._. . - I Jeagar Underwear Vyella 1 lannels 'pcia1 Harvest Thangsgiviiig Services will be held by thel Salva-5 tioh Army on Sunday, Sept._. 21s_t,_ .-.4. 11 .-.3... 0 -........ `.._.2l Hon _._..,