Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 Sep 1913, p. 5

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"as " Flannelette dressed-... sys .. V..;`.. :ens, `young . . ,perAlb per dozen . a`, _roll, perlb. ..-;. _.-___ J Anon: -1|;-vu- guy. `for; quarter. 263 FOR_ `sat; =f'gre`t s`svigt $8.Co , .to $10.00. These coats are made from imported Diagonal tweed, Brown, Grey and Fawn Blanket Cloth.` The` Style is new . and the `value is from $11.50 to $15.00. We sell special for Fair days Miises and7VNo`nien_ s at $3.00 a_nd $'l0.'(.)0. Autumn at iL l >a_rgqin. Fair _ Day; ` ao doz. Worsted Hos, .sizes (Sta 9, infportcd from, ,Engla"nd. ~ They are good value at 30c and 3 5c. Fair j Time at ooonutll nr\..- \JOV ' ' I The 1mu'1'ing- uf Migsw Bafriw; Duttou. dnig'ht<~r nf Mr. 1n(I__ A. Duttou. tn Mr. (}e0t?'g";e` Bjfon Hall. of Etllnuntnll. took Tplavw 1113 ten o'clock T1w. morning at the. home of thv In-ido s parents_ in' Westmin.~'tm' am-mw, Tor0)1to._ Mr; and .\Irs. Hull l-ft later for their" home in J'I _ grrie, Sept. 17, 1913 .. gag. 5 LADIES iif'.HEARD, A 15 Ross St. Coats} pair 25 Ir vv -av vv ':'.'1o 00 1200! unnl 25 25 -5 50' 50' 1100 1000 4n.nn 85 34 l A- ii The Biggest assortment anywhere in this district of rst-class Underwear and Corsets in all qualities and sizes is here. Some excellent numbers from this` stock ate placed on Sale for quick_ selling next week, which it will pay you to see. UNDERWEAR OF Aslize and Nisi Prius, 9 `,\ or and, SIMCOE` & Terminer and General Gaol De- ,'ro W11`: ~ . livery for the County (I Nimcoo will` be held atthe Court, House. Bawrie. on Tuesd the an-d day of September next. at the. hour ___;9ne o g;lock p. m. ~ ` W._M.HARVEY. _ ` , ' .' 8, !-38 Sher!!! County of COUNTY } Take notice that the Pourtof ma` `..v~ma..: `|`:.4.;.-c. Sahtnmhhr =m.1.;1nn'1.f.;i: - ` in TOI`0llt0 can -.--.... - 4uu,uu,uu v"T'-" Miss K:-'/.iu (`uniioroii ax1dv,i;M"- Geo. U. Sil`(-M. .-nu of Mr. George Street, m'i.~;r, ..t' ()ril1ia.and form-V etiy of B&lI`!'il', \\'u-1'0 quietly mar'rieg_1_, . 'l`|1(2s(iay, Augutr` 4331. by Rm`. .|4.~3})i1 Oclery. ` Mr. and Mrs. Stlwt am- vszreet, Oriiiin. living on .-Wwesist 1 VV- AV].- 8'7-88_- _ ' ` . * Shegiffcounty Simc :5hen"sCmc,;Bu-rie,ASegtcm1ggr 5th, ISM- J1l'LVllIy So.-pt._25tlItLo Oct. 10th incl usivel From all stations in Ontario at very low rates to: Vancouver. 3.0. -Los Anteleis Cal` Vlctorln 8.0. San Diego. in. Nelso kc. Saul":-anclso.caI. Prince u ert.l.C. Mexico city. Mex Portland. re , Seattle. Wash. Spokane. Wash. -om:-wnr sacoun-cuss ncx- arrs oumr WILL alnssunn. 3___.-._A.!__-A_ I_,,, . 2 - up air I CC Ilnl XX IYCSKIL Proportionnte low rates to other Pomts in Arlzon Brltlsh coIumbla.ca Ifornla, colon 0. Idaho. Montana. Mexico. New Mexico, Oredon. Nevada. Tex- as. Utah. Washington and Wyoming. Ii` 4' I gull - ` _ . A . - . _- L.._LL _---_.._A:_.__ _L- __ v--- _.. - - ---. --v--u J.x.'13"11'im1 .'s z`. Ti`-k t A t Phne6bI D38 ey la ICU C. 9 gen w---3 -- -on---`thou uuu vi UvIuuuIu. F`i"'uil particulars, berth reser\'a.tions,. etc. .from any Grand Trunk Agent. V `'1 '\2II!_..AI-._. |__4__. l'lI1_I__L A __._'4 Colonist Rates ,nneuai iBriti}{h Columbia i California Montana 0regon .. Washington [Arizona Idaho, Etc. .oggt`._o 2:5 E0 Ovct-i. 10 1..-... .17uT1`{ric"In, 1' ` ` \ any . P. R. Agent. friellus .53 visiting Th 3, .M l_bec 1_s v1s1tmg.;_ i;_1_ Mmrvi1leQa11(l Detroit. .. Hunter Kmmedy of Meaifotgi, M, `and Mrs. Chas. Wailed for the Old Oou.nt-r.y,.- Miss `V. M, ;\11i.-011 of Han_uVlt,qn-s her In-ntl1ei', L. right season` is here for glove seIlingand we are planning. for BIG BUSINESS durr Fafr Week with our:~% C0l.0NlS'l'7 EXCURSIONS Chicv Kid G'loves_ at $ I .00 Lil) : { Napp Cape Duplix Fabric CORSETS . Imitation Suede LADIES GLOVES One way - second class) on all stations In `Ontario -_ - `To certain points In - - Underpriced and 79 68 25 ' n II:--v -~ - i W o'o.o3 rs. Wm. Taylor 1s.v:smngJ `V '1toufr1e" .- .` Ham) ThQg,.1\1;lbec 19 v1s1t'.1ng-..._n__1b. ."`v:%1$;-ville and Detroit. _ .1- Hunter Meafordu 1 s0cIAL AND ransom .00 .11'<~1 At the 1'<'.-`itlmw have aw rning W ponson. -_ S'l`Rl*Il'I'I`--J `A MERON j- `.,:`-"'".`,;',; , .- ~,.':`',.'-;`: 5 ON SALE at SE$glCES--$I-00. ; ' 7 S<=._i;__-_ 50-`L " {]t'H< Hf 31!`. .\J_o;\`abb ret;i:hiiel;' Los Ange1e_s onj` spelldillg` se_vera1j_ ?.\lc(;`UAIG A reaI re, -luckily, is` somewhatl of an oddit'y 'iu Barrie,;_cons'eq uent- ly there was no surprise when .T a big crowd turned out on `Sunday `afternoon, .when the house on Bay.- eld St., known -as the Old-._ Sani- tarium. was burned toethe ground. It was just 3 *1-)'mI when the alarm sounded and- Sunday. School. bells 'jimged discordantlyhwith __the fire` bell. . Ionn I. iron the laddertruck in .pre paratio_n. .for a trip.to Allaudale, if _ueces-` usury. The r'e.,ha`d' made great head"-* '.way and the` entire building w_a2-1 a; `mass of .flame before `water wasj lthrown. ' ` II" n 1r '0. 1\ . 01 V `I D y 1 115 uv He had`. `L, 33'? 1` l Wm. -yiM'c1'\rtlmr,` mien marriage of theirvsister, Miss Mari- garet sMau_de McOuaig, ; to` V Mr-_.v" Qs-" car William -Juckes, [lea/it('>ri bf"-' The ~Watrous~Pest, was-V so_leni1_1ized`;_ by Rev. N. Cam'pbell,_ BA. `The bride, `who was given away by her brother- I in_-law,` was unattended`, i"&n` wore a gown of .white----satin' with`,shade<,i lace and: crystal " trimmings. .eshe Campbel-lfplayed the `wedding music. After the wedding` - breakfast Mr. and sMrs. Juekes left for 1 a short trip to -Niagara Falls `and Bualo, carried a '_shower of white ' asters land maidenlxair fern. Miss -Flossie: prior to leaving _for Watrbus, Sask.,., where they -.will reside. Mrs. J uckes travelling suit was of tan Bedford `cord with brown and tau hat. FIRE BURN_s'_r_;I1s;_ I Some djfculty was exlierieuced in getting sufcient 11039 .to reach from {the nearesthydrellt rtd the "re, a distance of` 400 yards`, .' and a trip '| had to be made to-the re hall, for` more hose` `which had' been " loaded] VIII UVV Ila Wm. & Mait. Partridge VtV1ndVfam- ,ilies and Mrs.` Warner occupied the uhouse, and the Ladies Golf Club had ~ro6fhs in the front. " MI- ;iht furiture was safely got out of `the building ' w{thd't'"3mage' t6". it.". The cause "of the~re is unknown. a All___ 1-1- ;__.___. l,Y UUVUl,(_?u IJJ Ivagvvv Jnouuauouyvo _The presence of a policeman might ` have prevented some of the small boys from robbing the or- chard and destroying the trees. _ . On Monday morning the re. de- partment was again called to the scene, the] fire having started again, .;and threatened to destroy a back kitchen, which was saved. Afew minutes work suiced to -put - the re out completely. ` ` 1 III? Ca UDU UL IIIIU {IOU JD uaqnsaav VI - Mr. B. Parker of Allandale ow:-1.3 the property, and the loss .was part ly cover,Qd'~by $2,002: -i1jsuran_ce.' ` 7I'\L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,__ `I pals unnumnnun APPOINTED BANDMASTER; V AAT PENETANGUISI-IENE 'Mr.~Nei1eMcVicar, solo clarinet- tist `of ' the `Barrie Citizens . `Band, has been. appointed bandmaster of the Penetang Citizens Band, and .will ,assume'his `duties there .' the 1st of October. Mr. McVicag.. ame here axear a'go,'.a11d `-has Since in theimeinploy. of Mr. }_J. G5" -Keeriani ,asVc1e'rk,V and has `also `worked up a good connection as piano tuner. He will receive an initial salary of $400 from the band committee. and wi11. devote his_ spare time _to teaching music. and `piano t1'ining._ i ` T I -Q--5-D--0-I _SANITARIUM.'i `5-'4,__'The funeral of-Mrs A.J.",Marshall,f `who passed awayrrin the "R.V. Hospi-_. 24331 0I1.'1_`l11;r_sday, took, place from the residence of her son,` AthoI, on `Sun- day_.afterno'on the Union Ceme- .t`el.'y-L Rev. `J. T S; Humphrey con- dticted` the services, and the pall- bearers. were J E. Morrison, 'A. Brunton, J. Brunton, W. B; Webb, Geo. Lawrence and Ed. Shear. AMrs. .'Ma`-1_'sh,all was _a valued member of ti_II1`e`._wa'_o1fg'a_I_1ist there. Two sons, Athol and Gail; are` "the only sur-i vivors. . the Methodist church, and for some -A.` L. Coultr, 1 "Ji?.h;_Xl 1-gtlfeet, `has.-been appointed. . as; j ski_s,t"jan1:"? chief clei-k . `i1iAthe;3g..'1`.;-_Rail '3 *wy;,. gudit` _ofc'e,`."-Montreal, and with ` -family , will ;_lea.v_e4 OriI1ia. . Tthef? of'.nxt `gnbnth. , 1 V 5 1 . E \ ~'=*X- qr L :3 M ;V3ms;T~ Ii: }`:~f* Iiiifsd tfti*'%Jiiua"r3r?,7lst, 1918;ff:oinV ;t$in'z.i;.L6fXIiIe;i ,;ba"gg_age` 0.1` passenge1'- .._<;3aa`:~ras:-:;1,Iot`V"r1;b,de_=3bf -%stee1.. A __ . an V VDUQ, ',_._r_A,fte'rjbefing _vin. poor .health fore `iygyerr a year `Mr. Thomas V fPye,. of. A la,ndale,ij\-died at his ; home` _113 1(5}owan_=-_ on `Saturday, at `the age _o,f.-756;,-.'&ear_s.;i He `was a member of Qr`o f`M__ethodist vchurch and . .; Super- intendent the Sunday School: for fteen:~`.'yea_rs_ before moving to A1- 1anda1;,y;;;w1;;re had has 1i\'r'ed` ye!_i'S,."`." --"Byesides his wife, he leaves` -a' falm-i'ly-.';of -eight children. Inter- `m8IA1lLtO0l$`. place at 030' Methodist` . eeh1i.rel_a~,__.,g:emetery on Monday after-I noomiiservice being conducted at the ; house and grave -by" the Re\?. vMr. Beatty, .The pall-bearers were:s Messrs. John Archibald, G. Win-; lgrove, .,Fred Elliott,- ..Isaac Barnes, } Chas. Barnes and Wm. Barnes. Much sympathy is felt for the` be- reaved family. Mrs. Pye and fam-ti ily wish to thank the neighbors and} friends for their kindness during their time of trouble. W 4 [`~**;'?){CROSS % ; v;_$;z`o*o 6;ooo ~LlI\lIlUbl|.] IIll\A \Al5sv\.&All\.|A-IVI V. Two sons survive. Funeral ser- vices were held Monday afternoon at` 3.o clo_ck at 646 Duerin street; cndithe _ umains Trent. . ,tQ_;, _W_i_nghan:aj for interment. on Tuesday. ` . BURTON AVE. METHQDLST3 ` The: subjects `for, next Sunday are: '-am., The Unities and Diversities of Human Life ;`:,p,m.,_The Great- ness of _(_.).urT0h1fis`tian I11heriteI}ce. J` .' Li Q: g: ;_._.'__._ __ ..;;;.s,< The Toronto District lost one of. its oldest members on Sunday,_ says. The Star, when Rev; Thomas Ed- _wards,~a Methodist pastorwho had been stationed at Chapleau, died at "the 'W_k:stern Hospital, Toro1_1 co\,' `after a ' short .i1-lness and gut oper- lgtion- Mr.`Edwards had a'rriVed in; |""_"" ~ """' """"""" "` """' `. Toronto, only on_ Friday, when he` was taken to the Western Hospital. I-Ie_was' 53 years of age, and had served, `in the ministry for \27 'years, being stationed at various times, at `St. Olarens St. Methodist` Church, Toi"oi1tO,' Mount Albert, _ A_l1_anda1e, 'l`l1ornbury and Qravenhurst. vl Vl'V-_-_ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _. 1.`.........'I ......` iaconsi or valuable farm propertuln the 'l`own- % ship of `an In the comma qt slmcoe . . In pursuance of the fpowers v'st-H. ed in him the `executor of the estate T of William H. Bonney, late of the said Tonwship `of Tiny, farmer, de- ceased, will offer for sale by" Public , Auction by Mr. W. B. Middleton, , [Auc,tioneer,, `at the Q ueei`i s `Hotel, in. the Village of Elmvale, in the County` of Simcoe, on Wednesday, October 8,4913, at 1 p.m., the fol-| lowing valuable farm property, 1 na_ng_ely; {Lot V Number Eighty-_,onc.-` (81) in the_ Second (.2) Concession _ of the said? Township of Tiny save and` exc"'ept- that part thereof here-. tofore'so1d. fto' the Corporation of the Townshipjof Tiny and as parti- cularly described in Registered In- _strumeht~ Number 5656 for the said Township of, Tiny, and also -the; northerly `hart of (Lot Number Eighty (80) in the said Second _,(2) Doncesfsionl of "the---Township of Tiny as conveyed to.the]' said W. .H. Bone-i , ney by. one Edward Dundas, i, and "par:ticu1arly`.v `described in Registered . I_nstrument.s Number 5472 for the -`said Township of Tiny, co;ntainin g , a1`_h_irteten__ . Siii-tenths--acres more "or fleas.` save?-and -except, `those,-`parts `thereof heretofore conveyed by. the said` W.~jH.V.Bo,nney,'~deceased, to the [said it rporation .of the "`TowrgshlP-` , _ - ..4, l `j `o,"iTiriy,., ~ mu--- 4.4-. inniizl +n .-I-so nrnnfnrl rmi 01'; J. lllyo I There are _-said, to -be erected on? said lands, 9: comfortable ten-room-` .eg1',',on-%and -.a. half storey frame` dwelling house and wood-shed there-.. ~~A- -1 `-A---- alrnnn` Qwelllllg IIUUBU uuu Wuuurauuu |lJl\.a|.\4',. ?to,y good :barn with stone` .sta-bled underneath` and good stables; and pig`-pen 1, and- other out-builddiflgsyo The -property also has 8. large oor-A, `hard and some` hardwood bush'o1--and is `well. watered both by `spring amid; wel_I_-water. . ' There. are "about?! on_e; =1_n)'ndied"A a_ives"` of skid land iugeood Qfate . at cultivation and theoofyholo ..1S1:opgrty_-dis ~v."'ell;.A~ fonoed. and i3 con- `o_ven,int1`y7. situted':Vhs` " to _Postf_0fiice, 3 gm! church. V `L -gQ_noo1 , gnu; , uuuruu. vfhe - property will be offereci "-for` :~a;:ra:i 7r*`_bhf.l 5r<=e1 and %subiect:*-to; a :i?es%erved%1:id. A T - % \ n'1'-ImI1'|'rd.' Q" A . 'l`m;.* nan/`(innit yeuervuu qsu. T V T *" -'1`ERMS.OF SALE: Ten percent. -pf \'_pujr_`c'hasie* Lmoney; "to be` paid at :,:t$nie iof Siflef and . Lbalance within: }Fay3a4;:t;1_erafter;% ; o '.:Vf\1ft_h@1':`Vi1Ie!HlS. {and `\partiAcuI'_o,rs-. `A 54 ... `?"`*`*'iL:,:33:*}?:: 19., HIKE 4ooom1.Es I on 53000 WAGER Leaving '1`oront_o at 4 am. Sun- day and covering the sixty-ve miles of hill and hollow` to Barrie before midnight, is a stunt in -this age of easy-riding-motor cars, `would care to attempt. That` is what Walter C. Brown, -who is walking from Providence, _to' the `Pacic Coast. and back to Winni - I I I I pedestrianism .which few of us in peg on a-$3000 wager, ~clai'i_ns_ to I have _done".1ast__Sunday.. -I -.3 . ,`l1,_'I ,-.1 "VI.-- A .`I-______. roice on Monday morning and gave the` trip, ,which he claims is 4000 also I \.I \AvAA\I- Alavv us: xungu Browne "called on vlre Advance`. a short outline of his long -tramp. He started from "Providence, R.I., on `August 23rd, and - must nial:-T miles, Within five months, _which. will `be January_ 23rd. One Thous- and miles have `been covered` already and he must make an. average 0 of about 27 _miles a day to - win out; He"`will go to North` Bay_and`-then to Fort William around. Lake` Superior, from Where he will goby Lturning-ytou Winnipeg, within _'five the Shplftest. ` route to ` the `Coast, ~re- I nlggths a of "the `time of "s a rti.n g.e F, `l\ ,,___.__. ;A' _.., -..;-..-`I'..-'L IIIULIIJIIB VI. VII\.( . I4lDIJ\l VJ. union II-one; Brown is 21 years 0 R86 9-Pd .was born in Darlington; Eng. `He is a hfbrvmer member of the King s Own. Scottish Bo1`derers,- _-and wears. a` Union -Jack sewn to his -shirt," -a- piece` of \ advertisiiig which created some trouble _for' himfac1ioss_, the _line. He weighed, '152".pou'nds' "on, leaving Providexice `ha's th'ree1pouxi_ds.' . it ~ 1'1". "...1`-`.` 4-.- ' luu:v pu uu_uu. A. He L called .011 Mayor Cowan for af _certic,31te on Monday, ..and .spent_ the day selling picture posf . -cards, `from which ' he derives his living,` and "left: `for Nortlij Ba}? early Tues- % `L:;Si'1i .7B:A'N.D': l GONOERT Tug 1g't_-ba1x_d""concex'}:'-`5of the seg -F son will = be givea in-='%st;*sL_iV ,1 F? Visitdrs to the Fair Sept. . Charming Collection of Millinery` for Fair p . Week Our Millinery opening held this week has been a splendid suc- cess and now the way is clear for busy selling Days during Fair. _A large collection of - Ready-to-wear Hats have found \their way from our workroom ready for the rush sales next week. We invite your inspec- tion whetheriyou desire to pur- _ chase or not. ` ' ' *Raineoata at Len Weoffer two lines of Raincoats at bargain prices next week. `2 5- Rain coats. some short, some fu1l*len gth, assorted Tweed Par-4 amatta and Cravenette. "Reg-' jular price $6.00 to $10.00. On Sale during Fair at . . . .$2.00 I2"only ne Paramatta Rain Coats, all ~ sizes, full length, during Fair _ Special. SARJEANT sz KING, Limited l.was missed through bad weather. 1 Three were given in Allandale, one at the Lount property," this will be the third in St. Vincent-,. and - the balance were in` Queen s Park. I '_ . . . 1 l I am leavmg town for the W111- ihzr earlier than expected, on Octo-e her 10th.` Come at once and leave` your order, or perhaps I can sujt you from stock on hand. `Bathroom at -to. let. 'Il"'\l`I '7T""\~` T\ 38-40p I-Turkeys -Chickens, `young X. `Hens, pet-_lb . . . . . ;.._ `Eggs, per . .~ Butter, roll, per lb. . ._ Lard, per pound . New Pota`-toes, % `bag._ ., . . Hay, per ton . _.. '.` ,.`C1r_Qd VHides, No. 1.f._.` No. 1. . -v-av wing... -. `Muttoi1 . . .. Lambs, each , . . . N Aauoannnal, v-avg. u - u - Lamb, per_ lb. -Hogs, 1ive; _seIect_, ! `live, heavy (I J__`-.'-- .(i00r Woritl and l{ecreaji0h,7: -8}. 9 (sinm nmrrimi) was the---teacher. mu. "1_'" v r v : .\ir. il\v;ml Ilurriugtou C'ave_.o New York (`it,\'. sun of My.,.W.. 7 (i`are, whu ,w:1.-' :1 farmer `off the Pelietullg Rum] nearly thirty ;yg3ars_- ago, \\'zl.~; in town last weeks JMTI A Cave is Imw wiitm' Hf The Out- mag'z1ziuo [m.i)ii.~ii1mi in New Ydiiti mid he is 1m1kin,.:- a trip to - 'th03? Pacic (`ozist for his publication. In his early tizl_V.~` ilu atterided the -East; ` Ward Sciluui, \\'hon Miss Applebee He was i'a1.<<-imxtml with the beaut- ies of Barrio and Kon1peuf'eitit-*Bay,:- after his lung 1-o.~'idei1.ce - iu={Nw York . "*- """=*'j" 5 ---~ iv IIAl.I.--L--I)l..T'I`.'1`,0lfT .7 $"e P?ft3` `-.,`;i ..-`:'.'_- 'v:':~;;: ' I '1 `V! -ma THE Lmasr MARKETS Our imported lines are here and they are marvels of value: 34 inch striped Flarmelette at IOC, IIC, 12%c, up; 34 and 36 inch white Shakerat IOC, 12%c, 15c 20c." These goods were bought months ago and are `much below to-days prices, as you will readily see if you visit our Staple Department during the Fair. 4 D62`. only of Navy Blue and Black Skirts. Cr\isp new gar- ments made of V good Bradford Serge that will give the best of satisfaction. Ail an '- under: priced for a rush .s a'l'c 'du1in`g the F air at._- - - - `-'r.,'`." ,{ ':_;e$.2t'.9.'5 Dress Skirts at 1: Saving ` $2.95 -' Gr eat_ Sale L ``' 1 Mi.~'.s' 'ret2tirii e;l%_ .. and Mrs. John ; this wee as illadvmtv Bmntt'r1'l, urn the guests of MI`. and M1-s, mu . 4 . ' `home 111 Los Angeles several; onths 19" . f ` -' F . warm] and lllfallt _chf`_d,,7`.` who have bevn the g;uests of Mc(_.0sl1, ' returned k to l1`m'ni0. B.C`. _ . L Miss.Kut]1lt~v1l I u1liug' is atgend,-., - v '..~ (`allege '.l`oronto' mg St. I\la1'.IHt ` . . . 4,. dnot Bnslmp htruchuxl School [Ill ntly slutc'.1 last week. Mr. and .\|r.~', l)a1v1d H.u1'rie of-V Mrs,Jn,11l1 I.z11}1li('. M1`. VHuri'ie was af0I'1n_-.1` t`ll,`.lllll-`Pl nfv the electric light plant ]1('1`(`. - _ T My, Ruin. !I1n'1t of the Bankof T01'011tu stnfr, 1.~' hnvfug rs : two weeks \'i1(.'illlUll. `Hf? ..-psi} `T0 ronto and uthvr ('1t1oS.w Dr. l)m:;_r|u.~:. wlm was 111? charge. (,f1)r_ J.mvn.- ]3l'z1('tlCe during: the la1tte1".~'ub.~'m1m~ nu theVO`1d Country,` left Inst .1 'llt`.~(1a1,\" fnr_ Qgoni after u v1.~'1t at 111:4 1101 e 11 fol. .......... , , 1~1 ,,| H.....:...,.4.,... (`1._,`..,; mp

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