Cream S9? Cabinet ? trrie sbig Fair _%InA You will ge Welcome. V FRIENDS A desnatch from Rochester, N.Y.~, Sept. 15th,d says :---Robert Ag- new, 40 `years old, died in ' `then county jail this afternoon from con-_ vulsions. The man, whose home is in Alliston, Ont.,., was arrested on_ September 2nd on a charge of grand larceny, second degree. Agnew was one of a party of men in John` Bi1'lington s aloon on Labor Day.1 ` Vuusuty snag ..~s.;u.uu _Mrs. "Chas? .m:a1:gaa1e was the guest of her- sister, Mrs. 0strander,' on Monday. * - `____`_- _ Lt` `A--a-nn . Ac` 211 weeks `and has added many names to`-=th`e `list, which will mean a busy night with initiations ` at the next meeting. ` I ALLISTON MAN `DIES ~ %-I IN ROCHESTER JAIL R. J._ FLETCHER, Secretaryl `Magnificent Vaudeville Attractions BARRIE The .m2in had no n1un0,\*, hut parti~ c1pa_ted in` the 0llt01't1lll]I l](`llI. That '.ev_ening James R0,9:.1n cmnplainl Of missing his pocketbook contaim ling 362. `Fjve ll01u'.< later Agnew gappeqped `in* the hotel clad in new raimeni and with money. Complaint -W '_ `de to the police the follow- inlglvmotnilgg. Agnew was arresll while_ in bed. At the Lyell Avenu sta_t_io'n fhl3l'1nan 21(l111ltI(`(l that l15 h:,(ll'{"tail<"eh the Inmncy. .~`z1.V iDg hi` 'f1;vl& it ..i'alI` `to the mu-. He hal speiit nearly all of it when arrest~ ed. His hearing \\'a.< tn l1:1\'9 take` place Thulsday. - n-__--.... 1z1,.:...J:m\_`+ will lmve-all 4(l\.\7 uLlIl.II\)\lI-I`): Coroner Kleindionst. limtopsy perfommed t11i.~ |asce1-tain if the man t4 \_;`I3Uo 51805 auuua, Uu, .AlLvuua.yo` ;;Fire -broke out on. the farme-V of Ur. Thos. Bowman on Thpgjsday [night and` burned both house" `and ` -The cause of the. n; is_ khown. 5"4_.jMr. Frank `Atk'in.$on,_ wI1o h_as been -on a trip to Edmonton, an-iv-' ed -home on Friday. ' , rm__ 1_--__ 1-_._-.. -1 o-;.__...r.;_' ....'LL-i In their screech; idionst. will have-an need this morning to man taok poison. London, Laughing Ac-` robatic Acts Late Fr land eamome Jmuay. V A ,;- - ~ The heavy frost of Saturdhisr night` last has killed all the potatoes _. this part .-of the country. ` 1 S '11.. rm.-- 1)-..;...:.1..... -1 n...'. 1'. who and this 1(- Miss iug St. {And Hut "as inml Mr. Brant fun M1'J~`. -I 4) (II II X`-MI UIIV VVIAJCVIJ D Thos. Partridge of Orb busy threshing` around here thia_' a furxm light pl _ Mr. Of Ur. lattm-`.< left 1:15 avftw ford. u.-.. Mr. "New Y (,`\'(_ . \\ Pmac-tux) fig, \\`21 I V ' (.`-awe is L_d00r \\ 1`:xa;;'a17,i1 and 11(- Paciv oar] \VaM . 4 u (sinwe J He :3 gm h York Thv Duttnn A. Du Hal], ( `V Mxis. John Key arrived H" hoin from the yfest on Friday.` T . Mia: 14`. Qnipr nf Rlmvnln-in 1-LA` `In 1:71 Street. erly H1 V `C Miss '\ 3 Via it) .\Ii< {-0 VOL; VIJU V II ' 6\lUI Miss E. sI{ideI-"oi" i31mv'a1`e'is .the._'l `guest of Mrs. C`. Beli. ' _ . I .'II'_. I`{.. `I1 2,- of` in .Sep t.o 16th-.--Jac k Frost has Vin- ited us several times '-during the- past week, and the gardensare_ be- ginning to show the consequences. rm 1-)......_`_-_L._..3_--., 1_-1 1 L1, __-,_ ,___ \auV'Uv VOL`; J-UM 0 ul. IIULIIFDUIIO The: '1orntdn HIM:-aithodist Chdir `provided the` music for the - Egbert` anniversary on Sunday last. "` Rev. and Mrs. G. N; Grjr and` amily of Alliston called on fifiends here last week. ' 1--r 3 - n Barri " spt Sunday with (Mr. Thos. Craigu. " auoouoaag nu Du vv vlA\." \z\I51U\J\.1|.|\4l1\4\$o The Presbylserians held their, ser- vices in"t_he Orange Hall on_ Sunday -last, on Account of their,chu'rch be-` .ing repainted. The service was con-: ducted by the Rev. E. Thompson, I rm..- 'lVl......_..4.,.'-- 1|r..n._.1_--1. nu. _':__ o-ovanvouus uun_\.p vyvolu lulu vvUUl\`_Ul.l\lc 1 ' MISS. Mabel Nxxon IS` Vlsltlllgl relatives in Toronto. ' ' ` `It `rt I I I. .5. Va. Vu uvo ! w.1`V`I~1:s;.wB;a.rber, who celorated her. eightieth birthday last week, received oong hundred congratulatory cards by post. 111-- 13113:- -u-on '1 , " .- 1 aavlu 909 VV\.\Jl\o Mr. W. 0. Henry Zmotored.` Vtoi `Montreal and spent the week-end. l `[2..- '\l'-L-'I '\'Y.'_-__ 3, '!,1 ~ , Oil -CJJVII The anniversary qervicea-and 'fr`e-; -.~'.wil1 oiferigg of the 1 Methodist; T church will be`-held `on 19th at? 2.3O_m_1d 7 pan. {.~ lH{UI ;v8spl'a. , -. . . Miss S. E; Tracy is visiti,11_(g' _rel`_-" u :Midhurst. - L `- I,.______ _` H , 3.,-._.. _ i" 7".:, Born -to Mr. and' Mrs. Robt. Mc- Murray, 9. daughter, . on" Thursday, Sept; ' th. V ; . AT `Mr. -and Mrs.` Stewart >of._,='1`-oronto motored to Mr. Geo. M. Moir s one day last .week. ' - Mrs. RansieQ:1_' _of Stayner_ is_ -the .3 up In-1,1: u:vaugua _UuU __nuu&uIVL I-IUIVQ . v Mr.` John Moir o1"cookst3wi1 spent the week-end with his brothef ' ~ I I T 1:: '-r1- u a nu. _-=_u-vnv_IA-1:! ,JLl. .1-VJ-Llllluflav > `I ` ` L L Henry` '."1fracy,,,Midh31rst, ..; duughter,}_ Miss . Tracy,/. . :Cl3arom 511% -"1 `V sp_'ant_ `Sunday -. i1I:`V,Mi1J1sing; _ auuuu u; .uL1o aLu4uv_u_ .a.Lva.u.uLLu or Mrs. `McKenzie and .son,,_J...-1).,` "have rettirned to Detroit: ~fter' spending the summer heife. A . 'Ir;.' 1.}... 11.3.. '.n - A---1__;_vA-_, m;1ll.1e Misses ;of Stnxl gpent Sunday with Miss Elva Gif- en. A , ' . ' 4 -ur up.1u - - pun _ g sta'y-ing with her sister, Mrs} " B, `vol . Mrs; McMiHan of Shanty Bj is McMurray. `I ..- .T-_ C1,-!_.L_- ,_,, 1 1` nl ` -.--.........,,. . . Mrs. 'Jos. Spickev went to `the C'o1lingwood'_Ho'spital on Friday last to under6`3.'m1`-V`bperation. ` `We are glad tb note the; oper'ation~ .was successful,. and` `Mrs. ~:SpickerV _is ~do-, ing nicely. `A v f. _. ,~_ `x I vuyusu.u.y ll; .L!Llo VIGU, .lJl`UW1!Bc .Miss ' Mary Lo1ig`heed- A retu n1od I home last week, after a pleasant. visit with friends `at_ Toronto `and, King. V " 'Il'-_A.___ [V1 -,, In! ` . A-' Sept. 16th.--Miss Sadie arm has `returned home, after a` pleasant visit .with friends in: Toronto, % --I 11: u ur- `pomted to tl_1_g3 incumbency of ;.'%_All: ;_.Sai4nta, Galle, "Ceylon. The _F... S.-..StrGther_ isV`f'e%'1,_bx'ot1;e1f _of `-Rev_,. Strother, "=ix`1cum'ben, of` the fpitryi ;{it;0f_' ;-`VePl`a..`:;' . % % ~ g V 1:-.. Q 1:1--.nw_.T_`: . - V-Rev. F. S. Strotlier 1;ae fbeeii- J IAl_crc,|I uvsuaa JIIULJLIB 155- .LJ1U_llD\Io Mr. N. .,C`am'pbelI` and si_ster,- Mis Olive, of: Cookstown, spent, Su}iday' Vwith friends here; " Mr. `J. Nixon` of Pai11swik.sp nt' S_und_ay _at Mr. % Geoj Brown s.f f ; `Ill-.- ll'_._- - ` :M_aster C-lareuyce .Thompsou yof Ottawa has returned to Barrie, __~after?~ a, months visit with his` aunt, Mrs.` "A. Dyer. f ' V ~ "`L._ -___-_'_,-_.,., I ,. 0' I an A` SUNNIDALE CORNERS 3:. Evan! Miss Edith Miller has` retnrned` to her home in Creemore, after 9. The Women s I titute of this place purpose visiting the Churchill 1 visit spent with relatives `here. ' Institute on A,Wedn`es_day,, it _ .A 1 _. Mr. J. H. Lyons `is.' visiting` friends in Toronto. . ' - ' ' Marl Thompson has returned, af-7 iter a visit with her sister, *Mr3. ;_ Stubbs, of Sault Ste. `Marie. ' "3. THORNTON MINESING HQLLY \ Mn o :-Trunks .R.81lW9;2 , i. f?i.l9ti1 whet 1:niincjiP19S`?' L reading ems ;pa.aa its` . 'ns=~d0W` marassits,;pass.ensers.`is ;. Th,e;%e`ompanx. `is now `.eo1npleting}-`-the` org\,niz:ation`- ` y of what is..;l;nown' as '}_the `(Safety First department ,of_ `their system, a'n_d`.a large.` number of employees-of - the road, iii_`any5 of whom .were act-" comp'ani_e'd`--by their wives and fain- ilies, and others interested [in the movement, which gathered in the" Opera House last Friday "evening was an i_ndi_a_ti`on of the `interest `jug amused [by the oieials inltheir endeavor to make I the ', ' `.railroader"_s ilife gs<=i*free `from accidents as` pos-` sible as well as to give the _ travel- ` }i'ng public the assurance, . that everything possible is being done to ensure S their safety. Mr. Geo.` Bradshaw, the specially-appointed; j Safety Organizer, was the speaker [of the evening, and his address was Iffulle of homely advice, illustrated- , w_ith, pictiires of how `accidents hap- pen which might be avoided by a `little more carefulness on the part` 1 I of employees of railroad ' companies. There was not a dull _ moment . in" `the address, and the hundreds` of ',G.T.R. employes from all parts of 3the Northern Division -listened at- tentively and gathered many_ use- i ful hintsfrom the speaker s address. , f\_- -_... TT . _ . . A , Jul CIIILIE -LIVIIII llllkl UIJVIOLBVI D UIv\-l\IO,\lu-Iv i Eveiiy seats din the Ogiera 1Hou se was led; an musica se ections alwere give11 by `the A1la1_1dale.Chorus, under the direction _ of Mr. `Fred.' Norman; vocal solos by Mrs. Spears in and Geo. IVvrene, 1 and `1r)iano selections by- ' r. A ei . Me icar. Special trains had been run*for the; 'benet of ` the employee" from V North lBay, Meaford, Hamilton and inter- `mediate points, as .well as a special ,from-the south, and` special arrange- ments. had `been made to` allow" as {many of the railwaymen and their `families to attend as possible. ` . 111. T1 T__._ ._L- . _ _ _ ___.3_,] | JCvIIIIJIl\4\3 V\l IIIJ\l\Jll\.| Iul$ 1)`; ggggg \II I -Mrs-41-I.;:tE; Jory, who occupied. [the chair, introduced the speaker, 'Mrtt,..B!Qd$,h_w, who proved to[bel~ _a' `most worthy` exponent of the "Safety `First:-' niovement, which will include `every branch_ of the service, from the various 4 superintendents, the heads of departments, the _ oflice stal,' the conductors, .,_,,e_i1g,i_n'eers, trainmen, hrakemen, -1 yardmen, sec- tionmen, down to the latest. recruits , .' to the ranks, the.. call boys. Even t1!..~,w,ive.__ofc'the trainmen are vital- l ly;:i11terest,ed,-.and their co-operation iwi`~,ll_z__}3e enlisted as far as possible. `cilfhecmovement was not for the or- ganiia i'6i"i""o`f a secret society, _to `benet, its members only, but rather 4 1 1 a .movement#'Ito guard `against _ V, the fliof1sa`_f1ds_ of ' accidents and fatalities.-,. which occur on the railroads of this con`tine nt', many 7 of " which V" .we'u_ld the avoided if the men worked, harmon- iously with the company in guards ving'_th0ir-.7ewn,.~as as -the lives `of --their.- fellow `workmen. _jIt' .was ' ian -educative campaign which- _ is `being adoptedby the biggest and - best `railroad corporations of the continent, and engineers will be ap-` pointed whose duty it .' will `be to make thorough inspection of lines, terminals and shops, and make re~ commendations based on their ob servations for the remedying-.of un--v_ safe conditions. i 1` o 1311 g A` u7:_1 p 1 Th`ere.i _gn .i`mprf.e"ssio1_1 Vaxong. :sqme. ranlwaymen that-I xt was neces-' "Y `__. I Stu`: |.3\ II.'\.IIIII`-Illa! . One person is killed or e-maimed on the J railvvays of this continent every -24 secondl said Mr. Brad-,_ shaw, and the gures are ' appalling, in this day of modern inventive- ness, Scores of accidents are caused by trivia1'thi118`S; and. it is to impress the_ importance of` not overlookiiig trivialitiee " for `which this educative campaign largely, is being promoted. The picki1'1g'~_`upeof` a spike may. prevent a serious _acci- dent, and if each" employee` `would take an intelligent, active interest- in this work, the toll of death and list of accidents might be materially la1'edI9_c_ed. ` ' 5 1 ` - II ` 1 III I\>\I|.I\r\I\-I The railways may be soulless ccrporations,, but they are earnestly trying to A full their obligations to the public, and in` order to do so they must have reliable, trust-.. worthy, `clear-h'eaded"emp1oyees, and not .men " whose brains are befogged by drink, was Mr; yBr_adsha.w s' ad-. vice to all V railwayinen. Don't drink, either on or oifduty, for if ten glasses make you drunk when. o duty. one glass will ;make you` _-one-tenth_~.drim'k; and the` "e_ects~ of that oxistenth 7? .1.a5 ca118e.o to _. ohagleqt something,-`toy the jgletruction `of-* your owxi Iife,\ ;tI;e1iv;a`some of your mama thoaeeeofsasae Pp- 9E8!f`8 *iM9r h".f, a%Ri1iex:1ber;ae azso. , that. you rate leaymg A-someone 1 94* -.h<:>mo6 yj`that5`i9e.;`nar`.e ;..".:-.1~n: . ;ex-ey fa1se,. Be 5.` n`AliO!'> ..zn%* _ A g? m* >rk `:'aII1Li.a!;'l,!v<"il.;,;11,.<.3'.:f`1.11.f .1. ,',.t.1...13.9 iI2, ts) carry 9 .... :uwvIlI1 ..`1 n- v "417 .~|!3.Vu. `UV-V-'4 - `-~' __`~ I` ;ai;I?f,}s: lost, a: iontliex were s_ 1:`uch" {pr T` 'the`_`` tne'1i s safety. _-.i'8_ft">`1_*._th3 benetof the 1ai1- ` '~.vva*ys7 -in.:`2i'.Aoperating 'the'ir~ `systems j wi:1r;:eciencv despatch~% ' V-\\- n - `hv ' ' , 1 `x . _ . -, LL- --_......-...... w-utnrrvn A: nn`n1..` ' 3`~_W1'` ?$hW3 T ` $1.16 f11 11`f 1: 7 ' ?`.`_W9.1` .9 . 3 ~Th3T,?- . .. , Sfkiitl ;ii_1fi'D11:.' qf ;g>:.3," tor \.;wheni ahbut` tb step mi '; to the,~_;i-iut1ii`1g.Ib9ard- was illustrated, V 7` Vandi` J orect ppsition at : the .side .. of; track was -also depicted. The * *impq`s sibility Tof ,heing.ab1e to give a s'ig'nal while ha`ns'n*s` won`, to E the `T r_ungs*of a side. -Ladder with _ the feet ~ j gm the brake-rod orfw oil `box-",~ . .the`5 - .c_>f` sittin7g"__ ._'9n the brake}whee`l `on. the top `-' of "`--~i_a carg; with" the of being jolted `ojjf and undei --the fwheel_8',;' .were also-i_ pointed.-_ fou't._ and emplmsized ; N withfi _ pictures. Then, `there were_ those-._' prolic of dtrouble-_..-taking; 3chances-- eaving .the rear. of__ a train` unproteeted by `ags, wo__1fl_i'ng on- tepair work when; the cars ;15v"ere un-' protected: and failing to slew down_ '-_..4_: L...1| admn+nIr.2:L n 1vnn(L~}u3A---nu: "W191 `-WH"_.~..~r-. . lprqtectedr and .1a1_ung to ~s1o,w uuwu; over? bad `stretches ,_of ,road'bed-all,_}; |of which h5.d, contributed `largely to; [the appalling loss of the lives of.- many railroaders, the maiming of? others, "and the 'loss7 of Ctime an A; [rolling stock. ` ' .. . ... 384- ` ` _ ., rm- - . .a.__..-'II}..... ....L'I:n = I morn olan,-'_ ;ruu_1ug uwun. The ~ travelling?` lpvublie salsa; given a few -'hi1'1t's'_-whiclI wQu'ld con-`T tribute.` to their safety- Mr. .Brad-`i Shaw drew attention to the constant. loss it -of ' life 3 through alighting {rams and attempting to - board" trains . hile in motion, the minor acci4 dents which occur _ through piling the aisles with suit-cases and plae-V ing them insecurely in parcel racks, the disregard of rules in standinge `on platforms,- and pointed out that the people _who travel. on railways :_are not always blameless. ' f` - 1 l'V...---1_':,. J... L.` '...-.n'.`._ In ~ .A(C.(.mtinued .` AI?ag: . )` all 'he paid 3i11ivat."-.9 and- .200 vtere,s;1:..-6--,v -~_ ~ - . L` 1 1:-. '1 II` ` 1'1". _;'_:;'II |.u.I.'C uuu auwu-`ya uavuau.a~.;- The `Grand Trunk "is .to be `corri- mended for their endeavor to die; seminate knowledge on "this import} ;ant subject. It `is at step in the `right, direction, and every right- thinking person, be he railway em- ployee or patron of the -road, .wil,I* be vbenetted largely.` by ..a. more 'eral application of the pri-ncfples jof the Safety First. movement whidh U is being "promoted among the rap roadmen of this continent. j T ,3. `i 51.0.1751 Ceh t. Strongia I ` {Says Asst. Supreme` _l.bU&\l-b .IJ.\l IJ .I.l` -LJ>\l .1. V1 _ry""St; _- T_hV_is is a.,nea_t._;properCy fcr t`~1g7wit barn -and chicken . house; on Hen- `Iere'..`".' 2"": T`. .` ; ; `j-: ' 3 M_r_. Mitche_l_1_. paid a well` ti (1 compliment to the abilitygo -,Mr.` . 0. Morgan,- fsuperintencfentfof _ Orphanag_, in -whi_cl,_1_ institut" n_` over 800 children 'are_' Being, ca for. It is the proudffboast of I.O.F. that no chi1d7'of` a de Forester .will ever - want; run: I _ S ;_ _ 0 1- t\ `IV ___ 7 _;_'__ N13A'i*"o BRICK HOUSE` ON -f OWEN ST., the property of Mr`. ` ` Brooks; Price $2200. A` rsnap. , _ NEW..P.LASTERED HOUSE W11}; 'I'A`I\I`ITH 1`f\lII-',wZI , The I.O.F. also maintains a msanitarium `for all mgmbers a1iqed- with: tu-bercu-losis,`; "- the pati It lreceives his sick `benefit in add' `in `during-.theveetime._he -is in .=:-,,e 11- stitution. There. are over 250 pi'a'nist, `,_.Miss Bigwood captivated the sides _`.tl_.1ee~ _j;wo _a , home .fo1_'_ aged Fqresite1`s"i`;Bas , been ivn _by 7-E, 7` {G. Stevenson,` who has '-most ger1roi1s- '1y" Set aside the $100,000 insurance ` the home. 0. 1 1: -I,__1 1,3, __`I_1__-...- On` his "deceEased.virife to_ -maintain 4Sl.zIALL"'- PLAS'1"ERED' % HOUSE . 011 William St. .Sal price $475.: H`7.S1 ?.AN9 ~I:T FV1T3BAR1`. Blswx E0??? AND LOT gm ' |u`l..lt7' l.IU.lIICo .Mr. - Mitchell closed his address with a strong appeal to the members here to take more interest in their lodge and " work for the inerease_ in `membership, .which simply means that they are spreading the great "beneted of the I._Oe.-F. over a 5greater_ area and assisting -their fel-lowmeni '1` , ' L1,- -__-,_:-_ A- 4-- -._-_'l1-_.L HOUSES 1'=%oR:sALE; In .In_ `-;:-: . % `V `.l`6.t1%`x+`-.-.4.-.'1`.1le._.Lad!e_s ii"`Aidfh1d? "'j.~=i;7:anhual `garden ..~part_y*~ t3.t':.;;_~9~_`_1:'h'e' L. .1-y" - last twednesday .;.`_,. was ,9, `large crowd"'ii;','-tte-L 'ang_:`e. The` band furlshed . during the` evening, `and ..the. J`1")r6 ei cee <`is_`amounted`to65. j = ` * 1,--- -1. aavasqu um -A--I-\r\1v~1-q .514. V . \rv V ` ' LIER St., Barrxe, fourteen rooms; with" `all L -conveniei1,ces.~ Price} $2500.` Easy terms. _ ` BRICK `HOUSE AND LOT WITH BANK `BARN an?! owing Well '_ on Elizabeth ' St. Brigg. $1_700. | _-Easy terms. ` _-a_. 1 -is -c-';-Au-you--u Avnv l UIUB GILLI GQGIDIIILJE I/l.l\aI-L aL\Jll\.I vv nnavsru \ During_ the evening an excellent musical programme was given by Miss Maua Bigwood, sopra11o.; "Mr, {Harvey es. Lloyd-, tCom_edian; and . i;FOUR NEW` BRIg1 I;0UsEs Q};- -`'\T' A???` ff` .l.'\llJ.L|I LVJJ .1..JJ.\u.\/.5; .-.a.\:\4u~.a.-.a-V Va: h "BLAKE T.- adjoining `\`St.,Vin`-, .% suit; purchaser. L` cent s `Park, _ with heating, light- ing ndv plumbing. _['1`Vet-1n;s to BOARDING .fI0I_ISI22 ` ON 001; - T'T'T"I\ l`I- -I-J-JQVQC _ C-\l\J\).I-I V "iXfFG"`3.oT aif ne` ochard on ; . Ann - Eliza `;St.= A Sa,I_ e pl'iCe`$,1150a': `aft '- _-..-.-p . Lg-1n-`;uC|' `;:'i;Jdu`od`i+i`v;`;`::f11e` a`Ia"3}. rst .c1aasf1and`_.`~ Sale -price v$;12 50." .un4-u-c ecig-p-pp.--n A --.3 -- A-- BbA RR'IE saw`, ow-u of is -the` wguest of Mr. Rqbfc_.; Murgagfa ' Iva "MnKnna `av :-at` `n"n' - .T ET}. Missh Lillian, Dillon, A contralto and pianist. _-Miss Bigwood captivated the large audience with her several numbers. `She has a well trained voice `_of musical quality, and her `technique was faultless, the most diicult . passages being given with rare g ra`e_e-' and `ease. j " She '.was loudly applauded_ V and was forced I .to respond with an encore after. each number. '_ She will `a be` welcomed back here at ' any time she appears ona local stage again. . -' _ V % `The local committee in charge of the arrangements was: `W. J .' Gray,` T. .T. Youngk Dr. Ochs, C. 'E.War- ren` and F. C? Lower; Mr. ` Ed. F_ellman, the `Deputy Sup. Chief Ranger, has been in to.w.n' for sever- The `Gieatesf "Japanese_ H _ Troilpe `. ' n theCdntin- I - nt J _haiAve`spared no - legitimate expen % ._ . Sein e pleasnre in. announcing `that the Free Aura . A V ' * Ctlons . . .. Grind St_(jd`." 5;;5ye5i~ be ;he' best. that have ever been presented b f .fr .t1t 1 \4`-I\ \-I0 IIIOJVI-III Una`! vv Iyvifi , Quite" a `number from the Oro "show on V ,_ " a_ Barrie Audience. Royal onfthe Evenings of th e _22nd,`ahd 231-d. Barrier. Citizens Band in Attendancel AQHANGE QFVACTS EACH1EVENlNG| . 20th, Rjetiifningsept. 25th. 1 This includes Toronto. QIJ`jIoNLA-N , 1=}~esident`o @ - R. J. FLETCHER, REDUCED ` Single Fi|9stclasLs `Fare, Commencing Evening of Sept. vvuyavu lauv \/LU Uuvvv via gvwuygo 7IRev} E. R. `J. Biggs, Vo'f Barrie, .",<';i:ducted `the "service at S_tj;_:"}'.Tolij1s Faiurch last isundays; `1r__ 1*. - ;".i" .I`I_-_'.`_':1..`;- = -1 ~.'n":Ii..;V.1.'.'l.'.