2nd Innings--`-S. Elliot got 8, safe. hit tocentre eld, and W. E. Bant- ing followed .with aibea_utiful one` which Lynch. mued < and Elliot scoreci. Coxworth `got a short hunt and Ha;nlin s error _ allowed `three more of` the. Ivy nine to negotiate. the diamond tsafly;- Lennox- came up and fanned. Score-Barifie 6,~ Ivar` _ 4. E ` ,`n1.,.1-. 1'}: Dyer~waIked to first, but he got no farther than second, for Ham- lin s foul y Iwas natly picked o by Catcher F. Banting, and Frank `Smith and .J.immy Smith were struck. out. -No score._ C A I.'. 3) 151151;. KILALA Una, IJ\lV-IO \t Uoiiey gained first on I`. .Bant;- ing seifr_or, and Jack_._ Bibby fol- 1owe;d witha twp-bagge Then Sib R9w<;~ negotiated with a :s.afeV_ one at_1d Ooey and BiBby _bpth- scored. F. Banting caught; . LyixcI\ s.' y, and Goiton and" Dyez.;anne % `Scoie-'-`-T- Bar,ri,e.8`,-,'Ivy 6. ` . ` ' 1;-L ~r__.,2_ -r_--__- _- ;_._ i__:1- -.;.1` .AJ$QALl_\/ IJ, _.l.V" 4th Innings-":IAv y_ dame bak and "evened the .sQ'ore. up iigafn V in the fourth.` _w.f`Baming ;got.`a`way; with % a. .:1i1ckyaj,hit,.. td rig ht,. ;. and - Ha-1j.ton followd wsdth?` ~`grc>i11iT<.1`-' rs, whi;eh~M\bro%u.gh%t Bi1ly" '= 3.3.n1=ins:. _troopi;3g__ like a, two~y1egr+::1.1;.% . and Toxr'i" :Ai;5."Ba1x _1}t;_iI'1g_';_s`_sen,t : .the1i phg}-. "Wh1'1'.1in2: `dmA `Hf G93??? \.-"'Vh`"!'5"'f"`.`_..1."5 - d 430 'h91.1f8`?."-91353303;-5?:` 3; ...-'AE:'8`?t9?1;V. Lt PAW VA Us . I let ~Inni11gs;-It was shortly after four o clock when the umpire start- ed the_ game, ,.with Ivy first to bat. A very few minutes elapsed before they retired with a blank- 611' the score sheet. -T T 5 L ._ alalbll uvuj Va. -vn-\_: avvuvanvuv, you _pv 1:) some .,time `since! the iilayers hatie "had a,:.ganie," aiid little, if `any, practice "has be en done` by any of the players. .- 1-1 T--_.E.__._ 1;; __-_ -L-..A.`I-_ _.L___. uuu 14 U0 aayag was .t`1`1Ie-1ar,<:>;es`yt"A]cr0Wd' cf. I season which assembled at -the yAg'ricu`ltural Park on Friday_ after, noon, _and `before -the game `nished the fans got warmed .up,, and` the noise at times was deafening. ` The -um.pire,r'W. J. McLean, of _Th_om- . ton,` __came in for a .g'reat'dea1 of adverse criticism `frame the Barrie very raw -judgments on his" part, and it was very `apparent - that- he .wa's'.ndt looking afte1>the'pl_ay pro- perly, Errors aboundeid-I--so plenti- I rooters, `for what they claimed` were I ftrl were they, in 'fact,_' that the ~sc'orers lost track. of them; . They were not conned to either team; for the players on both sides seemed [to be decidedly off color , and at itfinesithevggme was a` mere bur-V lesque on some of the former games piayed in the ? league this season.` Back of `practicewas the cause of a great deal of the looseness, as it is some `since. the; 1ayers_ ; Ivy s ` -of ball tossers wentyhome from the,` arst of the `series- of L {home vanid p-home nal inmes of the-_`South h Si'n1e.k)e;.Le, ag'ue,` -5la'st7 Fiiday with/a margin of -- ve riL`.ns_ their credit, ;;d`e-ffeating the Barrie nine by `a, score-f of 15_ `to 10, in I0ne`,of the. Ioogest, exhibjtionsnqf the .ga'I_ne ~seen-..hgre in many ,a. day; Barrie and Ivy were a` tie for the. ehampj,onship,- Barrie having put e_(#)Ok__StQWl l: `out ; of the A running some time"ag_o; andpethere .is great_ interest taken in the pes'u1t.'of' the _league, as the `winners `become the holders of the shields presented by Mr.` W. A. Boys, M.P., for annual competi- ltion. Ivy and Barrie had made "all arrangements to. play the rst of home and -home games at Barrie on Sept. 5th, but as many of the play- es. were away, the game was post- poned for a week. _Runs will count on the series,. and the nal game` will be played at Ivy next F1'iday.l L`._ 1_,_,,, gr .1 ,1 lVYHASi%5-RUN LEAD IN FIRST FINAL s. SiMCOE LEAGUE I Oil \i,\&`\l1 `Jl\.I\IbD 9th Inning*s-;-Coxworth was struck "by the pitcher, and Lennox and Hat- 1 ton followed _with singles which` brought ,.hixn;_home. T. Banting, with a ,s'af grounder, let Lennox; home, and"this ended _the scoring; fox; the game. Frank Banting fail-4 ednto reach first, and Boyd fanned 1-311:4; _,. _ _ Q..- _-;._L--1?` [ELI IJU lvcluslu unuu unnxu J.IvJ\,|. AUIl||l.\-9.4:: Sam Elliot made a ne catch` of Smith was declared struck out `on another rocky decision of the `um- jiire. V Ooey 'filed to get to. first. Scoi'e---Ivy 15, Barrie 10. ` . _Th_e teams were V- : `Ivy--,t-W. E. Banting p`, T.'.Bant- ing c, M. Boyd! lb, H. Banting 2b, F. Banting 3b, Coxworth lf, Len-. nox s's~, .Hatton rf, Elliott cf. 15--..-- Q "15--- _ `T Q_..ZA.L .. Frank Smith s long y, and J immyb LUUK U5, -LLUUHUUI fl LLJIIIUQU U1- Barrie-S..~Rowe 1)} `J. Smith 0,; A. HamIin\1b,J. Coey 2b, I. Gof- ` ton 3b,` V.` Lynch ss,. Bibby 1f,; Dyer "cf, `F. Smith rf. 1 _,.L H 1_:., -1: 13:11--_ T)-._a. 4 Wxfig o't7'"i{i'{s 13}: Billy Bant- ing and Ivy `got. 14 o Rowe. 1 lug uuu LVJ .gUlr_ .1`! U11 .[\UWU. [, Rowe had 11 strike outs and {Banting `had 5. V 9 A yA`T.TENDED MEETING OF n HISTORICAL `SOCIETY [ Mr. .A. F. Hunter attended the} j_a"n'nua`l meeting of the Ontario: Historical Society at Chatham last: week, -and was re-elected a member of, the.Council, of the Soci-`eiy. n_ 1t-`n-n___._ -111--_. 1 r-_L _-_J v;.~ Ill-IV-I \JvuaI. ` sJ\:vauu Dr. McCo1i1;`m,uofew Yorft: vand fg,1`merIy (:)f4 the` `Penetanguislfene? =A$`y1um,; gave a most `.-interesting paper on Simcoefs oldest. town,. Pepetanguishene.` ' , rn1,., , , 1 on J vans. UIJILB A trip down the Thames and St. Clair rivers"was one of the most: enjoyable features of this year s ; :gathering_ of _ . the historians, and.` many.`p_I`aces. of historic interest] .pi3ere;*jvis_ite_d.1 .A somewhat humor- j .;e,ot1Sf.ginc.idence' was the passing be- 2 .IoW}:hti:9it ofdan excursion party of t Amegicans, - including a vU.S. ag- f;5f:i;p',7`who" 1v:e'rLe.A ce1ebra-ting Commie .d o.rg_ victory over the Brit-`1 "Liakef-Etie;. (while the histor-' '" i*2`im?ere`_-oeiehrating the victories i Aaunsv I I \ l A 8th Innings-'-Tom Banting s y was` easy for Jimmy Smith, and "Frank Banting `followed him to the `discard when 'Go'fton delivered `to rst._ Boyd got a ne hit which Dyer 'foozIed, and H. Banting fol- lowed with a -grounder T which got past Gofton ,thus `letting Boyd tal-` ly another for Ivy. S. El1iot s Safe hit brought H. Banting home, and _the `rst half of the eighth saw Ivy, ileaiding `by _13 to 10. "l \__-,_ -__.`l T] .....`I_ _...L2.....J l .L'. _`. l>\.tI.b\.|l`ll-5 ll. _.l.r I.'\J J.v- . . l ; .G:ofton, Dyer and Ham1_1n_ retxred` tin quick order.` ' l'\A_`_ `I ___.-___._ f`|___x..A.L __..- ._L._-.J.. m;:;>;t - *Pr_si`denf % 1e `Q66 b1:gn.ch_,} V .I._J, J.r|AAn.n\. A_"c>`iTe;'fai1ed to get t`0wrst.. Bibby} was given a free passage .to rst byl -Pitcher `Banting, and rewarded the generosity~by stealing second and third. ;Rowe and failed to `measure up" and the last half of the seventh closed iwithout a score. fl I 7th Innings-M. Boyd managed to` even up the- score" in the rst ofl the seventh, and` S, Elliott added `another, making the Ivy nine one alfead. A close, decision `declared Goxworth safe, and the fans roast- ed the umpire, and called for a new man. With Lennox on third, Bibby. made `a pretty catch "of Hat- tpn s long iy, and Ivy retired. Score-'-Ivy*1,1, Barrie 10. ~ i l'Y_l!_ , A'_21_J L, ___L L- _....A. T)ZLL-- 6th gInningsr--I.ennox failed to` reach rst before Coey deliveredi the sphere there, and Hatton xvasi given the benet of a doubt (if any] could have existed) T in what looked like a -foul. ,'l`om Banting failed to reach the erst _ sack,_ and Frank -Banting fanned, .With Hatton on third waiting an opportunity to even up the score again. No, score. I l T\-_-,, -74-- ..A...-_-l; .'__'u. .._.;.`l .. .._._,;.1 ...y.. ..,, ..... \Jl_\4 ..,,..-... -..,_ --,-,. Dyer was struck A0u"t, an a good -throw ; from third to rst put Ham- ljn Out. F, .Smith walked and `trooped- gjaily to, third wh"e "Billy Banting was giving Jimmy Smith |some_WiId-1ooking ones to fan at.} No score. ` `ll 1\ 1` 1 'u\""`h J`II.I WU-I.` A J '71 A--" `Bibby and Jack Coffey managed to add two more to Bar- rie s ,total in the last half ' of the fifth," thus placingythe locals one run V ahead again. Errors were; numerous about this time. Rowe? "and Lynch were both caught` out,` and Gofton struck too short to reach 5 rst. Score-Barrie 10, Ivy 9. ALI, 1`_21_,1 A... I `:~':I..IY\l&l ,P- 371 i_1"in'lgs--_.-H. `Banting led I off witlna ne hitfbut `Jimmy Smithi passed; the sphere to second before ` he `reached -the second stage of his- journey. S. -Elliot singled, and _W. Banting followed with `another safe one,` whicli; however, hit Elliot who was on his Way / to second, thus putting him- on the retired "list. Coxworth- s short `hit forced `Banting to second and good elding resulted in -both -of them going down." Nohscore. 1 -v 1 I\A no . ofdr; '.Ie2iv'ing thLe7 cr\sti1l one in Ivy s4favo,1.'. A - -vii-'5 .1" 71' '1\ .- 1 1 an _ Mr. Mitchell touched on the evils. of fraternal insurance ill the early days, when the rates were too low. Since then the rates have been ad- justed 7`and_ the whole society put on a better business basis, and an immense business has and is being done, but the old members who came in under the former rates have not been asked` to pay one cent more. The Government has 'taken~a hand and will. make all societies show that their rates are adequate or show reason why. The I.O.F. was one of the first to ad- _ just its rates, and everxwpromise made by them will bekept . ib Arepiyou living for yourself and i self alone, asked, Mr. Mitchell. If viso you have no use for the great and brbaden_ing inuence of -a great fraternal society like the I.O.F., for the society needs men who can look upon the promotion of Christian love and fellowship, as well as the commercial aspect of fraternal in- surance. W'e want, and I am glad to~say we have, men who are band? ed together to. look after and pro- tect the fatherless, help the sick and needy--one united body with one creed and one aim--striving al- ways to make this old world a bet- ter place to live in and to make the other fellow s` life `a little happier, ` for by so doing'do~we nd happi- *n`ess ourselves. Think_`of the mil- lions of dollars that have been paid out by fraternal societies in insurance claims, the free doctoring, the sick benets. What a grand thing'it.is for the working. man to feel that if thedark days of sick- ness and death` -come to him, his family'wilI'receive from $3 to $10 per .Week during his illness and $1000 or more when he has crossed over the Bourne, if he is a member of the I.O.F. Contrast these bene- ts and the assurance they bring with the small monthly payment necessary, and it is hard to W-e why any_man,will remainlout of this great fraternal brotherhood. And if. you never. need to draw from "the sick benets fund, what joy it is to know that you are assisting some less _fortunate brother. l Every young man who respects his: mother, every married man who loves his wife and family should have a policy "in the I.O.F. If the `insured jliva to age 70 he gets $700, ortif he is totally disabled he gets $700, and the risk has been carried all of these years. This means that the insured gets back If`6-_A..',_--_J ,-__ 1")- ..- A\ Eaai Withan " audience which lled the Grand Opera` House on Tuesday `evening, Mr." Geo.` A. Mitchell, As- sistant Supreme Chief Ranger of `the . Independent Order of Foresters, `delivered a . thrilling address on Benevolence, in which he dwelt .011 the `good work being. done by "fraternal societies in general and the I.O.F. inpartieular. The con- cert and address .Was a compliment- ar,y.,pne arranged -for by Court" Rohin -"Hood, No. 84, and Co_mpan~ ion` Court` Lucille, No. 824, and it is safe to assume that each person .in `the large` audience went away with a better impression of the noble work of fraternal organiza- tions, and a better` realization of ,what the real brotherhood of man means in our daily life. 1- VV Mayor -Cowan occupid the chair, _-andintroduced the speaker in a. few .w_e11-chosen words. l.0.F. 100 PER CENT; STRONG, SAYS nu: ASST. sur. cnuzr At our fountain you will find our pure cream ice cream served in many delightful ways. Our-lfresh fruit combina- tions will tempt that jad- ed gppetite. . If you are not already a `patron now is the time [for something better. Brysmfs Irnnnav v-av annv I\d\A by Vxr (Continued on; Page 4) {$1-OOPER INNUM IN ADVANCE impel corms f|'-all CINTI . -Cor. Elizabeth St. and g;1`s:'9`._p}_e`. Ave. ` Phone 26 PURE CREAM ICE emu TRY ty of 5th. $3 8110' """-" 1U LIKE. IE matter or ' ' N1 _. gialqane Bl'OWn la?! .>e:s.?'a`:se... V H; i m Sept..22, 23, and 24 ' . USIMMONS &(:o. D . - - Furriers [ +_;_._ " "`1 1:? {LCREDITORSLF `V-`!.`hE man..- _ EL=_Lgl;a"ea;J}=3-E:cJ"l Sunday. .\`r-pt. 21st, 1913. F. of S. .\lutrhow, A. E. M. - ._~_ XVIII s1'.\'1m' AFTER TRIN-_ ]'I.`\_'. T . 8.30 am. IIoLv (`ommuniom ' 11.00 a.m. .\mi...-, Litany and: . ' Swnwn. ` - : 3-00 p.m. Sun'la_v School, . W0 p.'m, Ewmsong and Sel'.m0IlL_' :_ ';RV.E1'm-~'t R. .1. '3iggs.B.A.,ViC.31'=f e Brown late on` the Townslli 0! Vespra I the County of slmcoe, ':`| | |ed W;`man, Deceased. ` ` otlce is her-ebv riw-n mrsuant to the Stat` . W8 0f0uta.rio I (:r)u:~g;XV', Chap. 26 sec 55; r it all creditors and others having 0181139 ,, mlnnt the etaln of the said Catharine Janet, ;,)u"" Who died nu or. about the 15th dayof: L. l9|3. are I`(`q!1er5Le41 on or before-the l01 ll. ':- 01 0ctober.1'.r13, to send by post pro l_id'0l.' :1; nag? l0_Crcswia'kr- S; (L'~.).. of the` 0.W0f .1 N solicitors for Robert R. Brown the Ad I E hglilrator ofthe eslum of the said Cahhe `fun: BTOWD. dcccuxx.-.d, their christlln anduurlr "1' gm. addresses and description. the 1.31" mgiulars ofthcir uluirns and the It-8t_0,mB_nF~ - F account and the uatureof the pecutlg. held by them. . rther take Notice that atter,u1d;, _ gate the said Administrator V1,? to dtstrxb re the assets of the deoellw` W l 3 .iLl_ed _t.he_reto havtm:-re _ i-- uoactu UK we ueoellr "9 Dumas entitled thereto hav? -re:-i 0 e claimant` which he aha! I 0 nd that the said Admtlstraloff 3 be liable for the said assets` 01" III? `M0 In.V person or ox-sons,of vvhosg` mu not have een receivedbl-1 _ V` cm.h.EI_1g_9fs11cl: dist:-lbution.: \ ' by carryig orl your banking" by]. Just mall us your depo=it`S~* `or your cheques when .;you`\vm_t*ti(`;; mail. .wifh_dr.1w money, _ _ _ We will give special attent1o:n`.TW\'t;)e`:` business handle'l in t1` A k S `V33 . and` will be glad to have V0 maku, ' . ye` of our service. ` 1-1 I F. - - Manager and this `ex-1; but `anotherf ---vb '11 , - _- all cleared and { `Of cultivation. 7 ~( .d- V ' md.up(`.ug.ital Reserve Fund$8,3 d '-d Prots (Oven) .rTt:Iniisvsle;s (over): sma TIME WHEN MEw@ f pita] Rese_rve Fund V.:p;id-|lI1`((;i`:,idcd prgnls .-' __ __ urn _ v Q jbii ,. ..-mu nor. nu_V6 been` p--u_Ilth_e Um of such dxslrlbuto '_ CRESWIC ' BARRIE FALL FAIR funded by us to. pur.-L Chasers of $25.00 lot" over from us during $2 . IL No.39 VOL.LX .1-uowson cnaw. All Money G. '1`. R. %Re_tAufrn` Tickets will be rei`- ' 'rinity C-hurcl\%% Barrie Branch. -. A;-/JLA5 . .1. 'I3igg`s, III` "is. LIV` LILVVIIO A., Vicar: ,_.... .-uuuc unuu Elle!` anu- ;sue Ad ministrabor wl,Il:`> '1.bute hes _ent.iLled haV -|.`8:~ u,`{`:'.'&`5 { J?. l;`S.`}..?."..'."...'..*`_?.i` CANADA. ate of Township mu (1! Simona- Punulmn (T WHOLE. No. Wit ? 37,: I The Reeve `had hoped. to see a freport from the -Works f Committee L in reference to 'the_\t-rouble on Blake St. with :Contraotor;.-.* Ga!-fret`t~,e but nvas disapppinted;[.'.when nothing. was lpreeentegl. ` ' ` " '- 'I'\-.'._'Z:J.;.'. Q;...a.LL ` ':L4\unnrv|.:1-fatal } IJICCUUIIIJCKIO ` v ~ I _ ` ' - Deptiy S prott--.-Th?e~.` Committee` ; was_instructed to ..desl11 with the ` ter, and there, is` no ,. report._ ' -u _,_, "tr"... ;.L':-- v.-.~........;.v.:u-..`.'.`l A report of the-Works and Sev?ers Committee authorized. the s Engineer to" have`Bunker s Creek cleaned out from Bradford St. to the _V bay, ..at an estimated cost of'$30. ' s 4 Enquiries . \ 'Ald. Horseld enquired whether the Board of Works would proceed at once to fix the sidewalk at the-I culvert on Elizabeth St., as he un- derstood the contractor would be no longer responsible, and ' Deputy Reeve Sprott... hastened to reply. that the sidewalk .would- -.be` put into `hape as soon as the culvert was nished.' - ` , The Engineer was asked" to c ex- plain. He said that the concrete work was completed, _but_ the forms- would .not" be taken 3 out until ".[_`-u'es- day, as} it must: have.'.`time_'to` inset.` He said that V. the iconfractor is `ab: solu_te'l_y: responsible anti! fthef work ` 's takeiri over, `.vvhen{"'the sidewalks "*'.E}id he xed? s - 2 . I " I_~'n ave no fa y as`! DUI, uuu IILICIU JD 111.! ,.aUyvL V0. .`The . Mayo,r,~--Yes, this ommitte ` `does things, instead or simply bring-` ing in Ar'e.ports.' 1r....:...;.`L ' `7 A3 A115 xu Lvpvluuo , . . ~ . Moions _ 7 Sprott--Olark--ThgtA the accounts `of J. H.ANeAelands', having been in-.' vestigaed `by; the `En:gineer,_` .bQ,'.;pa`i_d,` I ',1`13_ _amgu`ng .was"*$40.25. * % A.-"'.il1L'_L LL-- _Lut: muuuuu mun vxvuuu. B.idw_e1l---Sprottr-'1-That -the wager table on ~B1a_ke, St.', from Geo; -.Mor`- ;_its natural 't>,1jrse'i ` n|"-- .-Ir ` '_ ;."| tpn s~ cbrnr to Rodney` St"; "be- "clan- ; ed out; so a$ `;_t(}_I1919.;2the.~;`iwttg"_;ollpyg, `us uuburm n;uun;uc. A Garrett ;.affair- ' iajiczi % sholuld ~be `my instij The .Mayor9=e'21`hi.s`i5":'ie. pm hi? the` dealt "with by_ thefvlaoard ,0: ;Works;i " . Th R9e,v7e- :S,i;r1i315t;' _I,f.9.1:1. .i1t*. ctius=%% %?Tt.ik2i: i5i1+135fL*i . ? ,f=i1.`.ii@l:l1.- ;'- :vf;it65i1`;%:,;'.ifdv`_1s'in`_ .:`- ,3 uP:eviv;;<:iau1U Registrar advised that thestatistics for Barrie for the quarter endiilg 30 June, 1913, were: `Births `29, marriages 30, deaths :23. ` Qommittee_Beports A -nance report was Ltpresented .by Ald. Sarjeant which ' rrecommended ithe payment of a large number jbf ~accounts. Included_ in `the. list was` the expense of taking the vote; on the Lount by-law. ` - ' A -.-__-._L -9 AL` 11-r___1' '_.`I n,`-`fin- The . Parks . Coxnmissiom wrote approving of. the {t1"a'nsfer', pf __Lot' No. 1 on the East side of" Small `street and"7Lot..No. 1 on the .West .sid_e of High street to ` the . `Gov ;-ernmexit as an armory site. V .\ ` T2`, 1 ' - "W 'l[.-....-. A......;_:~L_;-_._. ft: ;::i "Toronto, advised that a child of Ed.- Myers," a VGQ.T.VR. employe,` ' earning. j_17`c_ents axfhour, had; been admitted `to that h"ospi_ta'l and 7he`r"`ma4inVtAen`- ance of $1.00 pefiday` was being 1 charged to the town. 1-` u - n I 0 1 I SteW'a'.i"t & Stewart.` wrote that` they had; 1received_instruc1':io1is from Mickle, Dyment. & Son, .to take} action against the. town if certain obstruggtions -placed opposite their yardsion Bradford, street -are not removed 'as soon as -possible; ' e VFL- '[`l'....._:1._1 -1'- , * /11 -`I `I -4 ;- A 'vu. cu`1UuAu._al-2U UU. ` ""JohnWsf""McBride of Chicago, asked for exemption from taxation `of a lot on Penetang street, owned by ihjs mother, but tenanted by `an old lady from/whom1'1o rent was collected. - " _ -' A ' I n rm`. \vo.`;nAa\.L1|.' K40 -lfL1 OIILIIIJI ` \ wrote protesting` against "being yasked to pay `for oiling the _road in front of ihr` property. Water was free and oil should also be. '- T-L_, (V 1r 13 - 1 J axuc. ._ Mary Armstrong,` Ilssix ;street,L -_. Short .and A liarino,h.i0_uis -' council meeting on Monday , even-` _ ing, when less thaiii an hourjwase re- quired 'to'eelean off `the `municipal slate. _ Aldermen ,[`h0mpson,V :Wa1-;_v lace and Tyrer Vyvere the absenteesgf The formal three r.e[ad'ings-A were giv-` en .to',a ,by+law:je<'>i1veyin g' aportion of land 'iI_1 _ the f"`Q'ue'e1'1 s_ Park to__ the Government-__..qr the I ar;I'10ry','.. Jfsit. Reeve Caldwell 'en'q1_1ir_ed_ " _. `whether the site of the present ,arn1_oi ry would I-be deeded ` over to A.the-town when the new. -building isaerected. A The >Mayor said there `was "nothing de- Hinite in refere11c_e totha.t -yet,` but 'he hoped that _ our parliamentary representative would look after that, ..... :4. ______lj 1,, - \vrI- V-VVJQUVI ya v u v vu.u.t 1UU.l\ .l..lJtZl lallll la, as it .would- be a .very_ ' valuable %aquisi'tion to the municipal land %ho1diu_gs. - clvlcws TRANSACIEDIN? ! LESS mmounj Fro"-I; %:u1":Ii_tfs`r`s' for .> .r ,~- _ _._ 1 OF smog. dmutuilo, SE PVWTEMTBER 18, 19:3 General"F. tLess a'rd,' C.B., the general- oioe-r commanding 2nd Divisional Area,` accompanied by Major A. C. .3(/`aldwell, commanding `R. C.A Engineers, "were _in tqwn on Monday, and made an inspection of the present armory en Mulcaster St., - `whih they" ` had` no hesitation in gtating was `entirely inadequate f'o`rt thf, Lneedg of-`this district. 1:-1-\1 JUL luau. Jlvvuu VJ. uuaau us Lt.-Cols b Sneath_ and McPhee, Majors Ma cLaren and - Cowan; and Ca-ptainsi Rodgers, Macdonnell 4 and Biggs` met the visitors T and enter- .tained"them while he`r'e.. ~They. iris; lieted` the Queen s `Park, -and pro- nounced the `site "chosen for the lxiew 'a`rm'ories `a's.o`ne of V the .best `they had yet seen." -. The L-a'.ppro1')rir 'ation. has-_been"13a}s_sed, the"p1_aps_ ap-. h9;r;t13,'- e- e . e L . V ..p1'm;rd -and teI_I4(_l'5if's }Av_vilA1;._"b`ef'\1eglled g INNISFIL SC~IIO0I.FAIR l ` V `Mr. J. Laughlaiid, district- repre-' _sentative of the O.A.C`.7, tat :Uolling- -,'wood,_ 'y_vr_i_tes that the " ntriesf are coming in_ -in` Vla1gg3_>"m_1mb_ers; for the ' `_Ini,1isf_i1_`2g;fu`x't';1-:",f_"c_~l19,t,3,}; 1>f`a.i1'*. ._to_ `be held at Sp -and ';t611brr0w,%.;LSeptembf'I 19, :;1n_1d,; whey expect. thf'e. fair will cease Th_;oug1i f.a_ on: .navJ g o Arna1- ii J. B. VMcP ee :1 "W. Scott . . _ . .0 T. Beecroft .A.:1-7. L7\a\I| \/ Barrie - - Collingwood H. Jory . .0 W. T.` Allen . ..1 F. T. Short . .0 G. B. Westcbtt 1:} W. A.` Boys . .0 Dr. McFaul . H.T. Arnal 1% F. A. 'Hodgson 0' J. _,Creiton ,...1 F. F. Telfer. . .1 Beecroft ..&:. Dr. Irwin . .. ..`1 |;J.. ` E." Leeds . .0; Stewart . . . .1& T- Crew .'. ..-.0; Dr; Connolly . .1 J. H. Bennett A. Henderson 1:} `SITEl -.'FOR XEMORIES AP- A 4nPR_OVED- BY TGE_N.L1r~3`_SSAI{`.D `I"'I,I `I r t ; BARRIE GOLF CLUB T 7 V TheA second match with the Col- lingwood Club for the Hodgsonl cu"p was played in Collingwood` on T,h ursday.. last, when the; local .men [proved goodf for-" the. Barrier players. The following was the score: V JNI 110 I .._...v, .,,.- ,._... ..,.. F _ A Move that `we adjourn) ::said Ald. Bidwell, and a number of the aldermanic faces brightened,` as there was -a show on in the Opera House, and the evening was yet early; I .` _We1l, it s not there yet, said _the_ Mayor, and, all we can promise is that .We will dothe best `We can to .have, one put up. T 1 cn`r-__- u.-L .__-~ __1:-,,__;n `._,-.1` as Thank you, Mr. Cowan, `for the! light, she said,` as if: the light were] already shining in `front , _. of ~her d00l'; " ` T V ` llb II l.I . .I . A: II .I I lssvvs. 4 - `0 ~ _ .:_ I . ell, T we .w1ll see-what can, be done `for you, said his. Wqrsfnii), who noted the fact that the Elect-A power in regard to V plabing _ -. the lights; ' 7 ' ,,,,, 1r,,. n ,_-,,' r, .1 , ric Light Commission now; had dllv 'es, but, one i ha_d decided that she V ,more"cha_nc,e tonget what _she want- ed` if-she helped "the municipal cof- "T?l\lo, I- believe `these gentlemen will do,what` is fair with me, said "Miss Mahoney, as "she continued to pour out her troubles. She had thought of refusing toipay ner tax- second` consideration, would have fers` out with her yearly contribut- ion. A sidewalk, also was needed, but `if the light` were` .plac'e-_d there she would forego the -pleasure of walking ' on a real; pavement, yet awhile. V ` ~. lift! 1` J--;-_I.a-9-__-, - -s+u-u\vv.Iof_avuLl.-__\_l `U_l'B. :.- * I,`:'.':`::A1d::':Gray! .Low='e $*n:1a 3 Horeld !:.spOl$'.e_'$ in : fgvofi` of; 1;he_;;ni_>tio r:',~e but a ith May' o~:thought.;;it ;:g1z_'9`u3di go, to -. tiilji .for._[.theii';A".A5\io1isider-L ;t`-ion.-AL f A _-ides .HE_11en~ ~ Maiioney, '7}~3;who had .,;been. occupying `a ?seat- in,`-`the gal- '1er`y- i fa'loi1gside of slnepector Hag-a1:t, jnearly all -evening; ; had; a "gxiievancev iof longstanding, oand1?va's given an opportunity" "to -_voice_ her ,_`cOm'plaiI'1t `frame the Mayoris` dais. : `She :said -' her fai_r1'i1y had lived in `Barrie on~ Codringtonwtreet` for nearly sixty years, duringi which times the taxes I had -m a`teria'Hy increased,`-out, "al- though she had often applied for a lightiat her corner,` the council had ' turned a. deaf ear, and darkness had reigned supreme in the immediate vicinity of . her home. She had in- terviewed Mayor Cowan recently, and in a heart-to-heart talk, had un-R lburdened her. trou-bles to him.'1 3 111`? `I Now, don. t get `angry, - admon-` ished the Mayor, .who, un`doubtedly,' 'had not enjoyed his previous inter-1 lviaw; % 4 -v 1 In as V .-I co.1l`c ti1ig . t11"ere complaAii1e;'1T Ldf (Fred; Haskett__aiI`di _ pthersE__ A A L1 . 'n.____ `T? II THE` TV=`i.I`\"I`I3t'I"\'V -` at stuco AND`_. 'ri`-at-:_ pommpu ._oI'=' AuAnpT oun. -.cm 1'.:mon. 1% 9% f3:" 1`1`1vihgs;`-`-:H`;1v1:;,b`;1'--gained rt ' bcause of awild throw to Hamlin. Coey caught T. Banting s., y to" ..centre. Frank Banting brought Hatton home on~,a' bounding ground-" er, and badvanced to "second .himse1f,l Marshall `Boyd..sing1`ed to right and brought Hatton home, thus >tieing`: the score, Bantingjwent down on Lync.h s throw to first, and Sam. Elliot's y was neatly 1pi__ckedo' by Jimmy Smith, Score , .- ~rv-m-,, .__:_--_1 12..-; -__ .,15.-_.[ uyvn v vunvvvu i" Then the fun commenced? when Barrie came to `bat; no-`less than six runs. being etalliedc before they Tetirbdi . ,-The big crowd Went ,wild, and it looked like easr"mone:y' f for the Barrie nine, but they were not to be so successful in "the later part] of the game, Three errors contri- buted; to their -tallying of these half dozen `runs, and the -Ivy team seem- ed dazed and i1nab1e.to get their bearings. T V V< n_, .1 11,, 9,,;._-, on "n11-,. ; phi