Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 31 Jul 1913, p. 2

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and to this farmers pay all "too little attention. It is part of wis- dom to run in a good. paper or a eeries of papers an announcement of what you have to sell, and to " keep such an announcement before i `the .eyee of the readers. Men may "not `buy at once, but when the time comes for them to buy they will know who has the stock or the . grains needed. Then every farmer ehoulld have a tting name for his farm. He should have attractive letterheads and circulars. On the envelopes he uses he should place a slogan of a few striking words, or . 8. portrait. of his prize is winner, ora _pictume' of a scene with Holsteins -or Jerseys, as the case of his dairy _i Jnay suggeetnat their grazing. . There. is" also: direct advertising One man can _lead'_ a horse? to `_ water, but ten men cannot , make -him drink. But_ _if_ you lead` your- horse to the Vtrongh` regularly. he will know Where the water is when = he falls dry. 0ne_'.adverti_sement` ' may _ prin,g_u_a3 thought to what "you- -' have," to foeii; * ten` eadvertisements vg cannot make men" buy. But.' _when uinen (want a pure-bred Bewkshire `Mort strain of new blood in the=..da.iry,_ Fbarn th'y;.wi1l _ ' what_ _name.:to `Put. 611 if you .wdVfttiee. lqyatematihay. ._ A . ..___._;_._ _. U WIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- * rio Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc.- Established 1852. Omce,` Medical Building, 8. .E. corner `Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions re, with Strethy a Eaten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. ' _ -._, _.`.--v -v -nuUKI. Having pent 4 years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and_ having served as Clinical [Assistant in Gold en Square Bar. Throat & Nose Hospital. London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital moo:-acids) ; to r a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0`) o hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hosgital. Brist ;and Birmingham E,Hital.' ih:t Mbet n`fusn6 pnm.1mou3`.c2f `soc??-? " ' 0FFICE-78 Dunno? STREET; BARBIE. `Phone 54. P. 0. Box. 96. _ l '0. G. sum: & 00., PHONE 32.. ES- . tablished 1869. ` Undertaken. Open l gay and night. Morgue and chapel. 1:: connection. Barrie, Ontario. ; __ -`-,--:: ! L.R.C.P.& s.1cd}_nmu-gh; M.F,P. 3; s. Glasgow --SUI_tGEON--g 5 . W jmzw` urr, BARRIE- . tjers, Solicitors, N otanos Public, and T Convieyancers. Money A to Iqan in . any sums at 5 per cent._ Oice; 13 3 Owen St, Barrie. H. D. Stewart, _LL.D., D; M. Stewart. :.-.....__: lLENNOX, COWAN (5 BROWN, BAR- rifsters`, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyam-.ers,i. etc. Oces, .' Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlap street, Barrie. Money to loan` at 4% and .5 per cent. Branch oices at Cree- morc and-r Alliston; Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan,. G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. . `G. A. RADENHURST, BARRISTER, - Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Oico, V lat oor Bank_ of Toronto Building. Money to loaf. at lowest rates. CRESWICKE 6'5 "ALEXANDER, BAR- __:_:.__... a_1:-:1.-.._ _ 1.1.. `a.......,....... __.._._:..j. . ,__..._.._. STBATHY & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries_ Public, Conveyance!-5. Of- ccs over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- _rent rates. 0'4. H.` Eaten. `DB. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND 1 Besiiience corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- beth Btreet Methodist Church), Tele~ g phone 167. Publtahod trom e olce. 123 Dunlo Street. Battle. in the ounty of Slmooe. e Pro- vinoeof ntaric. Canada. every - Thursday Morninlr. 61 " `THOMPSON DREW. DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat`- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 -a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. J ------- ` 'O_l KI;II flIQ_'l_I_I Town Pn- ' 1 tor talc on any mm; DONALD -ROSS,` LL.B., 1A1"mIs'1*ER,` I 1`4|:`t\Q Al-A `D....1y A` "`t\.nuu`:\ l DE. A. T. LITTLE, LATE or` (!`II1DA`|:`I tuna.` cnn:4:;\-unn- DB. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, BUR- eon, etc., _L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., ' ndon; Oce and" residence, Dun- lop street, Baa-tie. Telephone 77. DR. W. H. OCHS (SUCCESSOR TO DR. PALLING), Physician, Surgeon and. Acoouchaeur. Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses Adjusted. Oice, Owen St. Phone 95. 14-ly `DR. W. A. LEWIS -AND DR. R. G. DOUGLAS. Ofce and Residence _@CollIi er St, Phonq 61. "Fine and. Life Insurance lfgtat Agency Money to Loan |Js. f ARNOLD, ----.2 u umruuu -- Eye. Ear, Nose 6 M` l`u'oa_t.T fnvlnnnnn-no I .......g 11..-; A hirivs and eprturs Ant and from` '- j; `Barrie are aafollows: ` x I ---q )R. C. C. ALEXANDER, graduate of Toronto University, Member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geone of Ontario; Former Senior` House Surgeon Toledo General` Hospital, Toledo, . Ohio; Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, Gravenhurst, Ont. Successor. to Dr.` J. A. G. Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, `Allandale, Ont. Tel. 269. 2313' l IIul.'JD VV .In\.JJ._xJ.`J IN aJ.a:u4xr;;1 JJJJ-LU risters, Solicitors of the Court of Judicature of Oitario, Proctors Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. oney to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrio. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander; ` J-ILL `I-lllpl J2 \lI-' w('J.hu1:;hill,()nt. Oice and residence, } John St., near corner Elizabeth. 1 Phone 213. ~ ` LU\ &I, LJLJILII, JJLLLUJ-U4-KI`-J-`J-U, ohcitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. ' "Dr. J. AgT1_fgn,,noss Il\I'\ A ah-an Blmdmgs, Ba;-rte Iijouv ro LOAN I I Inncbn -nun....a. -3 __-_ _ 3. A MALCOMSO` uunnnuxnns. svnvsyonh, hcIurthetugdvuucc > rmrsromxs. 'T3'4anxE_. 4-; .A.DA!,CE is proven to 0 - '4 ` . . ' h circulagioxg of any paper 11ithe?3`:,e,lht: ' f. 315 3' 3 th ts. = r 9 largest subscription . latter fact demonstrates; h {f.z`;.`;,*::::;:::v wve8s`**w .n'ot*atraid to pay the price " `*l*llgn3;"1 Advertisements are clfarg Notices. Auction in 1 etc`.-First insertion lu cenatses A an uent insertion a cents per Tine ' each 113 notices, 10 c 1 . -' insertion ; 5 cents per 11n`i"r3r"cr'.`bro; 'a insertionot the same matter. Obituzilrsfe 50 per line. . COMMERCIAL nlen |\7 _:v. pvvo qnanvo V ' ` uu`r Vnotice of intention to chun 7` COMMERCIAL DISLAY Rates will begiven on application. V j com-n.4c'r CIIANuzg_ Advertisers will please bear in m _ e ad' ' must be handed mto the orce ngtellger Saturday at 10 o'clock, `and the co fora change must he in THE ADVANC 0mceh later than moclock noon on Mond ` week. otherwise the :.dvcrtiser`s an . . oem not be made public untxl the week fmltw .l".f\SYl\I'\!Il|h A rxvvn.-.._-., , Ij FOR THE CiOU`N`T'Y`O-F-SIMCO . Most reasonabie terms given on all |'St_ock Sales ,. .unUW' . RvrISEMENT3- .cO>'9N r . . tisements 0" 1 `ed 36$ 8!` conle I'D ` at page sue! a found. P100911! kinds 10$ 2-m rticlcs. 9` . tgof 8 t specic 3 `gs W3`; or to 1-en v . ems must In ev __Cuts for c.. etc, , . - the cash. amed `ma mil!` "(1 meta ases 1 b on I . d on 5011 bem` case J j [ ~ cnmcuuns-r, on-r. ,LICENSl:3l_)__{\yQTIONEER [JOHN JENNEFI T nus mu mmm; Mm co Llmlted M ntae . - . ` `.. .`;?,2L3"%,P:t'.$-mszu mas ~wwa';:3.::,s"3,2;:'s*:..i:b: W Doors.8ash. Blinds. Interior Finish, 3. columns, Tanks and Water Troughcs Planing, Matching, Mo1_nldinz_. Re-Suwlug - - Hot Blast Drymg Kiln. Lulu! and Polishing Hardwood Floors 1! Specialty ......... auu ruusnmg Hardwood 1: Contracting and Building Estimates given` OI"FlCE-BAYFlELD S'l`.. BARRlE.ON'r Ti` Druggist. Jhe NewFuuAr}__(?| St. J_9||n` _& Orookerl ?_ NEXT DOOR TO TH E TANNERJYI MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET-- %Monkman's Glycedmonia. A` Has a marvellous effect on roughskin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness. and by its occasional use the skin "acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it.: Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ` fa] after shaving. ij?ApvER'r1s1Nc72-}.E i...OF... ADVERTISE: YOUR FARM "Brewed Entlrelu from the Finest Malt and Hops. DUNLOP s1'nr::1- EAST \. .. Tfanaaot a General Banking ', Bccaineaa. . . . . Notes Discounted ~ 13` reasonable rates. Collec- ; O3 Qf Notecand Accounts given : cjnecial quenuon. Q: Issued payable an yu-here. " Ghegueaion outside banks walled fate: ofctchangc. . . . - ` or Collected BARBIE BREWING BIIMPANY T.Beecro msajamabas mm. Is 0 /MI `Ewen for all orders in L REPAIRS, &c. __Ioen in CASTINGS, REPAIRS. &c , _ __ _--u-, www- Boilers. Engings and all kinds of farm and stationary nmchincry made and repaired on shoztest notice and moderate prices. AI Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class. A -. "For ` From ..10.20 0. m 7.47 pm. . -7.50 pm ~ 5.25 p m. .l2.30 p m.Allan. & Penetang.2.30 p m. _`_g:o. M0NKMAlA.W Splendid ALE Aand woman The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle BANKERS mm-10 to 4 Expert Machinists B_@Af_-'f_RA A|_ E 6:. CO. -P'l-lZOVN_EV iae Manager 'iII IIIIE nuum was 31st A 1913 Barrie. Tmms or Hunsciurrrow.` MIDLAND mo. Elmvnle) 13..-. :?]Tl3i(l;a;t1\Zre .Z1`une-22nd; 1913,` There is an indirect way to ad.-Al vertise the farm and the right methods of its management. By good fences and clean fence corn.- ers,-" by gates that open readily. and do not sag, `by, wel~l-oiledi `harness and` tly groomed horsw, by sleek `and gentle cows} by neatly` kept buildings and all implements shelt- erecl from the weather, a man may show his neigh-b-ors and all the pas~ 5 sers-by that he is right up -to" `date and .Wholly up to his task. pmf: HAMILTON . MAIN Linn: BNETANG 7.50g.m. 536pm. 'i.~:...,. 2.20 p m....63 I Going South Train No. :z2| . . ORE and more the farmer is coming to be an alert business man - And along with his new thl`ift_ he is coming to employ business methods -in advertising. Such methods` should be_ far more 'widely icopied than they are. _`It pays to advertise is the deliberate -opinion of the mercantile world; it is no less true of the business of farming.` IE6. `erable friction has insnedi between resulting in one Police Court case. Farmers in- the neig~hboii'hood\j_t_ of Newmarket have petitioned the Gov- ernment for permission to pasture cattle on the banks of the `.`New-' market Canal. The canal was fenced in last` year, but the cattle broke down the fences and consrid-A the 5 farmers and the man appointed recently to look after the property The farmers state that there is ex-`__ cellent pasturage going to waste. The Collingwood Messeng`e1f says: --The tax bills are nmv a1lV dristi-iy >b'utod,. and 4ther+w_ail;s are: heard Nallx`. _; over town," but i_t_ .i_s_` Va ;ase..,_df `pay Q The Canada Gazette` on Saturday contained official notice of the amalgamation` foreshadowed` some time ago,; of the Canadian `North- ern Riailway f Company and `the Canadian Northern -Branch Lines_ `Company, making one. entity of the whole` Canadian Northern V sy- stem in the West. The `amalgam- ation agreements have been approv- ed. by the Governor-`in-Council. `The Canadian Northern takes in also the Winnipeg and Norlern Rail- lway. . . ~ *5 | The Barrie Citizens Band is be- coming one` of the best advertise- ments the Town has. Their victory at the Orillia `tournament last week has -`but added to their prestige. August 28th the bandhas` an en- gagement to play at"To1$onto- Ex-m `hi-bition. and` the exoellenee of the lbandk rendition of ` the Bette; class I of music cannot `ffaig to be -9. good advertisement for_ Barrie. While the band `plays on the stand at the Ex- hibition, the Council _ might have "ti tastilygarx-ang~e.d~` advertising` `v--fQl:(1.6l; 1 setting firth many` adyalntageyi `of eBai'r i`e, ' distributed dtnongi the , ` Fwd i whi_h is .. s`at11efe frhomi It is said ,that*' the - temporary roadway mapped out for use. be- tween Jhrrie and? Allandale during the construction of the Bradford to `automobilists. However,I they will have to make the best of it, as there seems to be no other solution of the perplexing question. The new. roadwa.y,_ when constructed, will, . it is hoped-, more than compensate for any temporary discomfort or inconvience experienced` now._ ' St. pavement, will -be of little use It appears that Sir - Wilfred Laurier has been laid up with a bad cold. folowing a political miss-ion ger of the ailnient settling in V his to Montreal. There is grave dan-l feet and preventing the projecte autumn tour of Ontario. ' 9 -5 The winter of the Liberal `dicon- tent` was not made glorious sum- mer by the North Grey 7by ion. Ah no! V ' I. . | i This does not mean , that the town s credit has [become '_ ungatis-_ factory in nancial circles. It -is money 'markete `of the ~wo_rld` and the general falling o `in- v1:e'spect to. `the. purchasing`: of municipal: bonds. One thing` that it does mean is that Collingwood will have to V continue its large overdraft " for [some time, "probably for seireral 'months, in any case until such time as there is a change 1 in the tinoney markets. In being`. forced [into this position Collingw-ood .will' not be alone. There -are othef mun~ icipalities in the same boat and all will . have to wait. a r `' usilnply due to the tightness on i_ the >.\ ., . past yeafs, % a' .1nixhea3ate1y tug trasurbr ;m;;:%;be-% with` 'i1;"qi1ir_ies '<`e}gentures, Vfhe` debt ofjihe other parti_u1ars_ perta.ining'_1_:o; our nances}, all of which _ were promptly replied to, but on "the date for receiving tenders not one was in hand`.- The brokers simply stood` away and if nt by word; by act, said we are not bpying munici-. pal `bonds. 3N0 eew name will be added to the Sub Iorlption List until the money is paid. 4 orlbers now in arrears for three months In over will be charged 81 50 perannum. NOTE AND COMMENT rgarucu uuuu `gel? an appente 1" The appearance of the vege- tables `in my. Cardenj? replied Mr. C1-oealots,` discourages an appetite. -V-Washingborn Star. . - Even: Toronto, with its long ex- perience in building roads, is still. experimenting, - as `the following from 9. daily paper of last ` week .would show: ` A _The new asphalt", oil and grit pavement experimentally` `laid on, eWe11esley street. may prove a. big" success. . This is. the idea of Street Commissioner Wilson, although he will not tie _himself `down to a posi- tive statement as yet. I went over the new road in an auto,? he said, just? after the bar- ricade had `been removed. It cer- 1 tainly' was `a lovely road. bed and i almost rema.rka.b1e considering that Wellesjley street was not in the best condition` to receive this treatment. _"`I dofnot think it will I require any further, treatment this year. However, .We must wait for a few days` before we can denitely know of `its merits. T ~ " - Mr. Henry Ford, automobile manufatcurer, says he forsees 500 pound motor cars going 200 miles? an hour, as the result of the evolu- tion of the motor car. >Light1iess is what we are striving `for more than any other .` thing, -i he, says. It will not be long before_ -the present 1,300 pound ,motor car will be ` reduced in weight to= 500 pounds. This will mean greater speed and a somewhat lower price. Although I am` not a speed enthusiast, I see no reason why_ motor` cars should not eventually attain 150 or 200 miles an hour. If this ever hap- pens, the cars will have to he made to run,_ on railway tracks, or spec- ial concrete roads` will have to be built to accommodate them. Oars running at. such a. terric pace could. never be allowed on ordinary roads HE OUGHT TOSEE OUR ' ` ., GREEN- `PEAS A L Why. do1_1 t you` work in your ` arden -and: get an appetite? F nv\unnnc-.\-.~n -1 ` L`A ~ The report o-f _ the` Conservation Commission on . the . Long` _ Sault power development scheme ` will shortly be .ready ' for submission to the Government. It will declare emphatically, against such V an under- taking" being `turned "over to any company, and that if the power is harnessed it should be done -by. the Government. The engineers, have found the , scheme quite feasible from their standpoint,` but_ there 1 would be danger to navigation as well as risk of ooding adjacent territory; The immense value of the power as a natural resource will be emphasized, together .with a de claration that its export from the country should not be permitted. The report is now being revised by Hon. Clifford Sifton, chairman of the commission ' ' I property at the foot of Ste. Marie street. -The worst feature Of. the whole thing is that there is-'n'o pros pect of lower rates for the next few years. Happy is the man who does. not own property ;in` `Calling-V .wood'. e 3 _ . . . .... x., `?NQ_ TENDERS The Bank of w 1 Saving %oWf Smal|Sums Brtie and `Allandale Branch` THE? c o o of 0.0 I 0 o 6.0 0` o - RESERVED FUNDS ..... . ;. . . . . . . .6_,x76,578f 117 Brgnches in Ontario. Q1_1 beg and the H. A. SIMS. A Manigen-_. _ % FOR DEBENTUBES5 Oollingwood News-T-Thte gm- " cial stringency has tit` vlaet struck; Oollingwood as a. municipality),,Pb,r7 some . weeks the gzance vministgg of the -town .eou`ncil has been fylzpgpt -L -% Viating` for the salo of ` the ..'j;`(l e_Il_$;e 11 (':'-1 },;ur.s Aamopnting b to _ $5-'1;0O0,V 3 L,ft'o;wi1'.'V':has "to 3611;" vD'dVIllg3 'l\;l.UlJl_lLD cu tuna asnuuo u- contienient form of thrift. `They ed and added to at any`time.. Interest is added" to bal nces half-yearly. The Bank of Toronto- receiv s deposits of $1.00 and upwards. V Savings acizounts are the most approved and _...;.._.S..... t....... -4` +I-...:l`o- Tl-mu r-an hp-'nm=-n. ,w.... uuul uuu: ox nomesteau entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and 60 acres extra cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to reduction in case of rough. scruhby or `stony land after reporth Homestead Inspector on application for paten . _A lgognesteader who has exhausted Ma hnmn. uuueu.-=1x manure residence in I years from date of homestead entry tlnme to_(ep_rn__homee_t9 ll}! -A-sun ---A--- - nuunesu.-ea mspector intent. A homesteader exhausted his home- stead right: and cannot obtain 3 pre-emption may take `a. tu-chased homestead` in oer- tain districts. rice 83.00 per acre. Duties.- - Must reside six months in"each- of three years. gggivate ttyaeres and erect a. house worth VPHE sole head of a family. or any male over 18 years old. may homestead a quarter- section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The A plicantmust appear in person at thehominlon ands Agency or SuhvAgency for the district; Entry b _ roxy ma be made at the omce of any loca `gem. of ominion Lands (not sub-agent). on certain conditions. nllfina _,Q!-p -u.n.'.a'n._I _-.'n_s_,. : V " - VII qu V w; w. ` cont. J Deputy of the Minister of the Interiot N.B.-_-Unuuthorized publication of this ad Vveniaemenrwiil not be mid tor_.--87085 119-44 u ----u v- _--r.o~ {Loo rriii ANNUM `XEVANCB _ UNITED STATES sunscamnzas $1.50 IN ADVANCE smorsxs or CANADIAN Nonm- wnsr LAND REGULATIONS pm` 99-- uhzwun sag anyway with I Wi?or particulars as to description of territory, capital tq be invested, . etc., apply to the undersigned. `I17 1'1 111: A'~nnrn IH'\`INC Parties making tender will be re- quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque payable` to. the Honourable the Treasurer of the Province. of Ontario for ten per cent. of the amount. of their tender; to be - forfeited in the event of their not. entering. into an agreement to carry out conditions, etc. ` TL- L...L-_L ,_ A '1 MA VIUFAOTURER or - Buggies. Carriages. Wago gighs and `Gotten. % 5-rmcw Pmksomn. Alliuauvl-Inst Dawn n |No. 55 BAYFIELD sf; 33332n--1 1gg .__.. \.I\IJI\ll UI\IJJ, `I U\aO W'i`he highest or any tender- not necessarily accepted. 14`-.. ..-._L!--_`I-.._ _, L 1.- -vv-, -`.r-J vv vaov uoauvauneuvuo I V W. H. HEARST, Minister of Lands, Forests & Mines. Toronto, Ontario, "ll-.. nnn_ -on-an ' An 5-'-I 8 wt P R80 ' Aggnxrrgx P:x`nL'1'o -. Hr3e3he'ng -I-\lb Al3....10.20am vs any 1: Innvgc n\/.n\.I.I-\a\A uvu Such `tenderer shall be required to erect 9. mill or mills on or near the- territory,` or in such `place as shall be approved by the Lieutenant:-Gvover nor in Cduncil, and to manufacture the wood into paper in the Dominion of Caqada. t 0 . 1 0-: u I Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to` and including Friday, the 15th day of August next, for the right to cut pulpwoodu on a certain area tributary to the Lake of the Woods, in the District of Kenora.[ 111-- .1- _..._ _`L 11 -A.-A... all... ULLV vvvvuu, Lu. In-\a..|.aAuvL.Avv V.- Tenderers shall state the amount they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to dues of 40 per cord for Spruce, and 20c per "cord for other pulpwoods, or such `other rates as may from time to time `be xed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council for the right to operate `a pulp mill on or_near the `area referred to.` 1-1:: on. TENDERS F-OR PULPWOOD 'I'1"I3"II \ILCV\I \ll-IUCLL JV, May 20th, 1913. 0?-I=',osn?'.'I5<>"'-s1'. JOHN BARR 8 OLD STAND M00 Ks1"o R"'sl.i nncoaromxrso I855 - { AtIIe.%;., _P.o}9!T-59 llI :ej - Iv... 58;...10.l5 a. In 55.... 7.45pm 4. hes UICII OI SIX (including and nnumu 23-33 i `"_*_?T_ Ll-'9"'- 0-A A- WE REPRB8BN1`:- ` Allan blue Canadian` Northern _ (`Io 1'0 `PHONE 417" =Ste%aIvn Bdat Agncy uguuvnv I U LUR { Wehge a largenmonxnt of money to loan atloweat current 1-atea.either in small on-in large amount on the neon farm mort- my r %; oCARTHY. am?s KIM` Unlamson. ` on _ . Street. Barrie. 1) xi). [Cobalt E_xpz-ass`; . . .`5.10'a m 31 ' 8.35 p 1;1..T6ronto &_M,ldln.nd. . 7.15 a m . 3.50 p I'n.Toront.o'& North Bay.12.25p m no m {%`,:'53*:,a%,.';=. :;v'.`a%:} 2-05 m 11 man 13 m.Toronto _& North Bay. 5.15 p m 31.10.50 9, 1n.Toronto to Mus.Wht.A 13.; _ ("L35 0. m..Bu a.lo & `North Buy."9.38 p i _ . Gravenhurst t-o Allandale 9.35 a. m Daily Including Sunday COLLINGWO0D and MEAFORD _ For . . From . 58....10.20 a m 7.47 am... 3.30pm ' 12.40 pm... 7.50pm . 15.36pm...

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