Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 Jun 1913, p. 2

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I \AJL\A\ll I)JBLJ\J\lO . H. HEARST, .1- 'I3____1._ 0; 1l !___ any _ tender T V not -.. I1/es 23-33 V ;:,-It . 3 &jLL:2sTv v1RT, -mantis- tors,` Solicitoirs, N otanes Public, and Conveyancers, Money to loan in .-_ .. .......a. .43 K'f\n1- pant, Oig-.a_ ]3 mcxmox, comm & .BRoW,"X- ..:..L...s Qn`|n4-nvn Pnr. n`h`I'.n{nnu nrn- G. A. RADENHURST, BARBISTER, Solicitor, `Notary Public, &c.- Oice, let oor Bank `of Toronto Builiing. Money to loan at lowest rates. CRESWICKE 85 ALEXANDER, BAR- T risters, Solieitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature. of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. 8. ?-RATI -I'Y.` & ESTER BARRISTERS, n':`A:`@dI 3v: Iv`: l"|.u..6 A` T11a`:nA I .Jon-56, of Missouri,`s-truck a. ring- ing keynote when he said that orie of the chief needs of the farmerTto- day was self-reliance. As Emerson said, it is the tapxyoot of all success. DONALD ROSS, Li;.B.," BARRIs'fEE,` n:`-at A`-n `Dough A` 'DR.~W. H. OOHS (sU0oEssoR| TO DR. PALLING), Physiciaml Surgeon and Acoouchour. ` Spec- ial attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and 'h1*.oat. Glasses Adjusted. Office, --_-np 1.41.. ;E. W. A. LEWIS AN15 DR. R. G. ; DOUG_LAS_..`_. otgge am; Residence .15` imuo DE.` A. T. LITTLE, ALATE, OF] (oL;.--'I..21I I\...L' man nun.` unu:Ra'nnn \ U0l_lV.6ylIl1('.UKB_. -,Lu.vun.y _ -uv a-vu... 4... sumi aLt'A 5' per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Barrie." H. D, Stewart, DL.D.,. D. M. Stewart. ------'_.__-: `on. W. A. ,_3oss, PHYSICIAN, SUR- ' eon, etc., L.R'.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., . ondon. Oice and residence, Dun- >1_op street, Barrie. Telephone 77. Brown, KCl:L".LV U43, \J\I IV 11;` III ' J-I.LII\l vv Av, gag...- rristors, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate -ofirwills, guardianship and ad- - Notaries, Conveyancers, etc.. Oices, -Hinds block, No . 6 Dunlop street,: Barrio.` Money to loan at 4% and .5 per centiu Branch offices at Cree- mort and liston., Haughton Len- nox,' Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. ministration , and general Solicitors,` D3. 1;. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON l ' St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. 'Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. ' Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation `hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment.` ER. 0. 0. ALEXANDER, grad1:;te .-. 'I`.........L- TT....'_......_!J... 'll'.....L-_. -1 _ El.?he- Toronto ~Seterday Night says: Boylike, Prince Albert, who Wile our visitor" in few days ago," showed some resentment at having 3. `party of photoIg'ra.phers= constantly on his trail, snap-shottiI_1g'. the Royal Prince and his companions `upon -Iejieryt {poesillle coecatsso lA{ndI ([11 thought `to myself, how much. that littleubrovy has got to learn before arrives at man s estate. ~ ~- DR. E. ROGER WELLS, late of `New York, Hospital, N.Y., Man- hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y. I New York Skin and Cancer Hos- pital, Gram Hospital, Toroto. Special attention given to_ Die- . cases of the Skin. Oice and Residence, Cor. of Col- lier and Clapperton St. Phone 275. p 21-ly` i Havivnglsipenti 5;ears' Post Graduate work in] osp British itals and having` served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear, Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hos ital. Bristo :and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, B rmln ham ; former Member of British hthalmol cal Society. OFFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. `Phone 5;. _ _P. 0. Box. 96. mz.c.p; 8: s; Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8; 5. Glasgow --SURGEON-- ' '=v=~E=-- N28? 9? tI`hroat.T I'I'---.!_... ____L n _., , LUILLLLJ. ' BU -LIKILAJLV, .I.I.s;J.v.LIl.Ll\J.L.I.n.n.v~J, l Solicitors in High Court of Justice,| Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- _`cos over the Bank` of Toronto, Bar- rio. Money to loan,at lowest cur- rent rates. 17%. H. Eaten. `G. G. smrrn &_ 00., PHONE 32. ES- tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. Sfeani` Boat Agencgri WI REPRESENT :- _ % Allin Line can: Ian Northern . , cunndlnmracl c Rallwnu W t 8! ' .-D In! C (I k ofau #2:: "` m`. .' run`}.'3i' . llollancl-America` _ 4 0|! cAl.l.J l"0ll:..BAlLlNG LIST rlo I`o PHONE 4-1211. ` UNWIN, MURPHY '& ES'lEN, `ON- tario Land Surveyors, -Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond snd Bay streets, ,'1`oronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions _' left. with Strathy & Eaten, Solici- V tors, * Bank of Toronto Building, s.BMsrri,e, will be promptly attended to. Mons`! ro LOAN _, -Wehave Q large amount of money 3% atlowest current ratemqither in small or in large unount on the secunty of 006! ram mort- Baaea cCAR'1`HY. QOYS MURCHISON. nnlov-.St.reet. Barrie. T ` /~_ . `when he becomes at big Prince, will 1 he is part of the State; thatihe be- . longs` tethe peop1e;_'that is,j he will 5 graceivof as the copy-bookf` tells _~ 113`, but by the grace of i the people, `A For "instance, the" little Princegl; have found out that being photo- graphed in seasons. and out, for the benet of the British people, is part of his business, and no matter how _ much he hates it, he will smile,` good-naturedly and -allow. the photo . graphers to `proceed. "Later on; Prince Albert will learn, thatihe is not;.h_is~ own property, like common individuals. He will discover that ' if a successful Prince, `and, a wise qne. jHe may_ even ` ciiaooveif. that his holuse does not reign by the \I$` LIJJIJ J-U\JKI&I, JJ&JnJ-'0 .I-ll-_&JUJsU.LI.l L 5.1!. `Solicitor, etc. Ban of Toronto` Building, Barrie. Money to loan. ":hh;;iail1,; .01; 0mg; and residence, ` J..l.L.|.l.IJ J-.a[L.ILa_ \l-L | John `St., near corner Elizabeth? Phone 213. ' ~ ' ` an. anoyvnn vs \a anuuvvw Owen St. _Phone ` I-*[ . .W M row-% Pro- for it unhioawgy fgrpng. . CQALVI AI 38" 65ii{$"e. `"1`5ione 61. Fire and Lifensurance , R631 Estate Agency Residence_ comer of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone_167. v xi: Aa.n.a.n4`.nA4nI.nJ.I..4.l.t, 5J.I.lv\.L|.lt&u\4 3% Toronto University, Member of theCo11ege of Physicians and Sur- rgeons of Ontario; Former Senior House Surgeon Toledo General Hospital, Toledo, Ohio; Late Res- ident Physician Muskoka Cottage Sanatorium, Gravenhurst, Ont. Successor `to Dr. J. A. G. Evans. Oice opp. Presbyterian Church, Allandale, Ont. Tel. 269. 2315' over. to poker and cigar- Liettes, but this will only baonjvmr .- medial occasions. for in 12136 m's..in_L have 9. weary` exiseneej;'LAlii-; ing ...up' to his name` anti ;_hii_jv 9;. J: ARTHUR ROSS ___' to thg llate R. L. Bgrwick) -a-:-;__ Mqmzv ro 4 5 Q Ian:-1. g-....-.... -1 ___,# UNDERTAKEB8. "1TnrsIc1ANs. Xmnln. i1i`Bi%%NORmERN ADVANCE -_ Barrie, Ont. Poor little Prince. Ho I'1gaVa; lQ.t vletirn and a 101; $9 _p}1tfup-with: l>Iozfea,.he_ arrives Aat, . t`11g_a`___A 1V1_qu,u1ruu-w pay uus prwc. Jldvertisements are charged ace Ipace-`-12 lines nonpareil measure inch III!) Aivnvi-Jltvn. .......- __-...-_-_-. .,.`,, 1 `' lotices. A_uct1on bales, Am . . etcg-First insertion 19 cents er 1i`xlx:;u,e3f1J cu `uentinaertlon5cents per ine. ' ' inst notices. in mmtn nm- Hm. .~-_ .. Cuts for adv6'tisen1entn111st in every case bemounced on sohd metal bases rue am mums mm on Llmlte d Manufaeturers of and Dealer ; in all kinds . Rough and Dressed Lumber .Boors.sash. Blinds. Interior Finish. Etc Columns. Tanks and Water Troughs` Planing, Matching, Moulding`. Re-Smvlng V Hot Blast Drying Kiln. [Quaint and Polishing Hardwood Floors - a Specialty Confracting and Building Estimates given. _ 0FFICE-BAYFIELD ST.. BARR.|E.0N'I" I fffEm*Is1Nc RAE? A CRAIGHURST, ONT. `LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE counrvfoi-'s':M'c~oE' Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales T313? }\:'1 EFFORT JOHN JENNETT I,h9.!9w E9 vridxvl * m-:x"I'Doon.'ro THE TANNERYI [St John & Grocker| jj Druggist. MAKES YOUR sum LIKE VELVET- Monkmanfs Glycedqnia. Has a marvellous effect on `rough skin. One or two applica- tion: will remove the roughness, and` by its. occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia is notvsticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25. Delight- ful after shaving. Is 0 in for all orders in CASTING MI L REPAIRS, 8:2. BELON-GS TO THE PEOPLE Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stanonary machinery mu do ~ and repaired on shoxtest notice and moderate prices. Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class. BARBIE Baewmc cnmmv DUNLOP STREET EAST B_A_B_R |iE _BI"ewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. MON KMAlf1`_. a General Banlcing " `.Q . . Notes Discountezl fat. * 0 0 0 u x ' 9$*i_and Accountagimt I;Beecrolt :SlI|end|1`I ALE and roman The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle T , 9V Thanks on SUBSCRIPTION .-- .-up-urcnnl 711 [1111 TRANS! ENT MANUFACTURERS. v.BANKERS .f'-?.o1a' Expert Machinists _P_l-IO7N(E7 1 as G. CO. vonstrates the uam Me any advertighg u," gleait reaches the peone qharged according to -ell measure make n... vuuu V (Iu\Ul'l] 1100 cc not In I)?!` fhn r-nun-v Plwins thank on&the%iarms4. .of' caunty. % be wasted? *Suoh ;a thing is possible may easily occur, V Already the ranks are_'b1'Iok- _1. 1.1.. ....::u:. TISXXN 1[_anager make on Barrie. 9 ? mil o61i1pa)iiy` have. ffdeparte: . `d'_ "e1se'+ where` leaving the fgnn "help `morb- _ _ `gcnuun VVIUUD V own: 7 ,-..5. . .___ - lem in as acute a ever. .- val! 'I\,,&9_: "..-..J-co avooo .-:v-_ -..~ Some ` of V f were, imetaphojiiggaitly` 'epeakiug;Lto1eri_ fromi him in `Eastern '=;fWhi"_* .he wlae headmgt ' the aontmeenteylerfoi Grey` O`ou?nt'y.' 5 ;e.onfe7` Vorfv the pertyfleft his. place near . town although "he had a gooct home, and securedi axposcitiony in New "Ontario.-j It is -also possible that the Western ? "harvest excureiotna will -prove ' an . irresistable magnet to many of the newcomers. Whatever l -happens to his men, Mr. Du is through with l the task. of securing men` from the old 'oo~untry.* _ The Review has this > statement on the best of authority, our informant stating, that the task involved was an enormous "V one and r a person undertaking such being . continually subject to the greatest drifcultiee. " e Other counties, who have ` ed this experiment in solving the ' farm help problem, will do well to be guided by the reeult of Grey :` Con-nty. ` - ` Orilliav lTimes--Barrie _s e passen- ger station was repaim_1te_dIv inside _ and T putside this Qpring and is a.- `credit to the. town and the Grand.` Trunk; On the other hand the Orillia;-G.T.R. station has been allowed `to deterior-V ate to such -an` extent `that. it is` doIu.btful if a coat of paint Would} be a good inveetment.' Can it be that Orillia is to. be .favoi'ed ' with a brand new building `as: soon as the old one tumbles d0swu1.-.-Here?e hop- ing`, and may the fall come soon. . ` Medicine Hat has b'\pop'u-Iar vote granted a street railway franchise and rejected the proposal for ` a Ii1unie_ipa1 service. Well, youth milsvt leahl by experience. ' Su.re.1y 01-illia mugt` have more Branch of the Department last year ' 0. _ - _ ' totalled 10,147. gdg t 'h `"` ````` than V Twenty-five Rural School Fairs Other W in _ 933" The were held last year in twelve dier- P3ket- If you d'0u-bt_1t, ask the ent counties, each embracing eight slick gent who was giving away to twelve schools. ~ gem ' 1,1 A. ' I During the` motnth of June, 1912 . at thgezrsg as?` H cutleri between 15,000 g andy 20,000 farmer; 13333 n from all parts of the Province visit-' Peter streets on Saturdey.- The ed the College, 0 same crowd W111 be eager and ready ' ,,Th:rough the W omen s Institutes for the next_hark. Q_,f'm,u5" day will the Department has instructors giv- ao d th _ e _ -- ing demonstrations in `cooking, sew- r' em '8' rare opportunity `W ing and nursing. ` , get rid f- their h'i'd' n`l` hne-5 ? . District `Representatives conducted: T1 : 1 Just try to estimate how many thousand dollars has been spent `in Orilliaealreadyeen tomatoes -at from 20c to 30c a pound, and you may get a "h_int of one reason \or the high cost of living, says The Packet. . . ' - . 7 ' ultural interests and nearly Go-mIn1ss.1one~r J. E. Starr, of ` the agr 1 Z . - . ti f t1 -P - - b Toronto Juvenile Court, addressed 32?: . on 0 16 mvmce ene- . . ` Q the Huntsville Oanadian Club last Co-operative Egg Oircles have week -on E'mpi-re Buildi-ngl Through Proved it 8'1`3l3 8l1<`&$` in Ont9~1`i0 (`munfu `anrl. nflanv nn11hf.{Aa. am: `rm- the Jaenai;{ dTog1r.?5JL King township council is anxious `to get in line for Hydro-`Electric power, andf has ealledr a [-public meeting, at Vwhioli two or thre Hy- drdvoicials will be asked to 'be pres_ent. I - 7 . ' ` "-=~"`CS) A .mJsn ... l'm\'I'_It_ea`!romt eomoe, 188 Dunlo Street. _ o.1nth- any of Slmoood. e.Pro- noeot Ontario, Oman: every Thursday Mornmr. ivy .; _! EO'M_P8ON onnw. mnmsnnn. _`By- the will of the late` James Hewitt, retired- farmer,- of Orange- ville,` $500 was bequeathed to the Muskoka Free Hospital f6r" vCo`n-- sumptiyes. V T _ 5 - - Sheep:-raising demonstrations: car- _____x____ ` ` D . ried on by the Department showed - V . . 7'} D substantial `prots, which should Goldwater Fire Brigade will, hold lead to av revival of this important a Dominion Day celebration. " ' *""' indutry; ' `" * `- 1l`lw-Ir-unnqvnn1\n n1n.;\-uv"&`nA 'L...J.. A......:. sumptives. against tlfe asaeseme` `in Towinship, and three in Gold- ` Q. _ Wjthin six months an editou? from` each of Cobourg s three Iiiapers `hat -passd: uv_v_ay--H.~ J; 'Sne1g'rove o th6 Woxf_ld,' J. o_f;_t>h'eIPot; _:an,d Isaac Wilson `of -Thefo1lowi1_1`is` "some .oafxt1__1e in-' formtion joont;aai_t1ecL in; the? of`i~%Hon's:i Jae; ;0ntario% f %95Te cent. of AI}. V % raw J1uUauJ- vbvv - men who :60` * t1i, Oai-. . ~ A _ 4 ' _ , 1 V _. doruuu JD lucuxsus 9...`. ,`_..__g , The. big stock slxows at Guelph and Ottawa have; shown great ad- vances. - n . ~ ~ ..__.-u. % -A `mums our uuuuuusrsvsgu. - 11:00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE " UNI`l`ED 8'l`A'l`ES_ SUBSCRIBERS ` Q1 nan nu ADVANCE ' Financial assistance was given to 118 local Horse -Shows and 37 local Poultry Shows. ~ - 4.l`A `L... L... Uouege manna. . T _ Ninety-nine orchards ' entered the orchard competition conducted?` by the Department. V M1 -..-. -....v hm: 1.....-..-..-.L..=- `.n.~F the Ami-ar<;r`;f ~ I has been` added to the Ontario Agricultural Co11.eg`e`-lan_.ds. ".lJep`8.1'uuen me u. _ 0 ` There are! 7 25- branches ` of the, Women s Institutes, with more than 22,000 members. ; ' .1 _..~_",J...:..-. L-.. ..mA. g -nk] ZZ,\_JUU 1I1I`3.ll1IUU1'D- A .. A new "dairy barn: and a eld husbandry building are being added to the College equipment. "' ` ' ~ - `-1- ---- A-C ` -I-Ln 1:43:10`!-o] U16 uouegu vquxyumuu. Ontario s % `share of `-the Federal grant to the Provinces: in aid: of agriculture last year was `$17 5.000. ""1... Q.|...11nn 'n`,'nrwn1fnnnf. A(i,f_ agrwuuurc: man Jun-1' vv',u q.-. .... VI The Stallion _ Euro ent Act,` adopted . `by `the Legislature at-._ thej 19? Session, was put into eect. ] All -u.-...1........ ....4- +1". {'\n+-1 1812 Besswu, was puv Juvv v....~.. | I . The total attendance at the Ont- ario Agricultural College and] the} MacDonald Institute last year was 1,431. `. j 1,`w1. -County Boards of Agriculture are` being formed as the result `of 'the' success and number of Farmers _ `C111-bs. . New.-comers to Ontario through the auspices of the `Colonization the Department last ltotglled 1Q_,147.n. --'_1 -D.\:11a l>l\lHl3_ .~vvw-av yyyyyy -_ ;- . 5 A $1.50 IN AovANc:' 11`, 7a!,'No new namevwlll be added to the Sub-` ycrlption List untiljho money is paid. .- ; BuhIcrlbers now in arrears for three months nd over will be oharzed I1 50 peranpuxn. ` laUL~tu1Uu .LU,.l.`ZIn v Twenty-ve were differ- eight} twelve sghools. ; L`- ,1 1--...- -1n1o* U4 U110 \J`J'Il`75Uo ',,Th:rough has in ` :...J...: .1. '1)nuan-nn.nu1`.n`-:Iv1\n. .lIl\1`Il1.11.l'l"hfl Lug u.uu,- uu-u:u.u5- District conducted: agricultural; oolurses _ in [19 High Schools-, with a total of 377 young` men 5 in attendance. -n -L` cu1__,A,' _____, IIIUII. ILL av!/\uu.uuAA The last Winter Fruit Show. was the most successful in the history of the Association. Over 3,000 bgxes, all well packed`, were exh`ibit- Ontario s share pf A the T ``Federal` grant was spent on. all phases of agricultural interests, and nearly every section of'theAProvin-ce~ bene- A._.1 1 WW CU 5l\IIrlV GOA \JOL-IISODCVI County, `and ether counties are `or- ganizing "on Tslmilar lines. . n...._.:- 4-_._.:; :. :.- ..........4. .J..........,1` 5:4 l4&ua5 \I-ll VGLLIIICIOL sgasvvu antario fruit is in great demand in `Westerri Canada, -and the Depart- ment is sending out demonstrators yuvtsoooau Entries at Poultry Shows receiv- ing grants from the Department totalled ` 24,221, and the amount of prize money paid to exhibitors was ave: $1'O, Q00.t ` ,,'I(\.'n9 1'1 v"I io1"VtV'3;{1"1;1v1-.1`a1_~Societies, which aie aided by grahts from the Ontario Department` of Agriculture; now total/73, with a"membership of over_ 1229- _s;2,- _ ,1._,,, .~ uuouagrnla. ononvoavw wucv H U `I-ITVU '3)`-I U rotation to be as follaovvgs: rst'year,| gr-min; second yea_r, cultivated crops; year, gram ;-. fourth year; patme. . % ~ 1 `M I A HAS -"come about nowadays ~-that Citygm-an must cry1hisvad- w""V"i_ to the farmer `aloud. Cityman "'-i`s Vkwpt to be noisily wise, _whereas Arm R Joikms SPEAKS om` fthev farmer is not much given to" fvociferous speech. Now and then, jjhoaugh, a voice is heard from the tall grain. Thomas J ones-, .9, Mia- 7 Gouri farmer, was ivitgd to - adiclress `-the `St. Louis Business Men s Lea- r sue, and he said` thing~e._ after this um ;;ing of Small Sums i:`:iJe`;'.iments show `the Ram -A..'L_'-.. 4., L- _ 3,11,. In .. _ %Late`s%t%w jM%a%%L& am: es" "n:""~. 4 -f\1';l -' yor thebatest NW` i` Barrie afnd Allandale Brancha THE PAID`-UP CAj1TAL. . . . .. RESERVED FUNDS . .- _. A. . . . VVOIPVQ V 7 .`-`Send your prizeghtersi and bar eixioom bruisers out to_ the fafmss to iiwork o their surplus energyL- That s whatfs the matter with the` city--` waated energy. More energy goes to `waste on theater stages` any night in the Week than. it would! take to raise a. bumper crop, Every -time I visitthe city I see` 1'_11.._..... A36-Jru'nnn. 1qn.~n1],r` 117 Branches in Ontario. Quebec and the ii. A. SIMS, Manisger. Saving accounts} are the most .approved'*md. convenient form of thrift. They can be open-* `ed and added to at any time. Interest is added to balances half-yearly. The Bank of Toronto. iireceivesv deposits of $1.00 and upwards. TENDERS` FOE PULPWOOD I A LIMIT. e 1 Tenders will `be received by. the {undersigned up to and: including "Friday, the 15th day of August next, } for the right to `cut pulpwocodm on a certain area tributary to the Lake. of the Woods, in the District of Kenora. _-_ -'L-'I1 ..J...A.... L1...-u. nvnoxsuvullr 'or near` the area referred to. I`! 1 n 1 (UV VV UUUD, LIL. lulu JJJQULJVII Va. .n..-y;v-on Tenderers shall state the amount they are prepared to pay as bonus in addition to dues of 40c per cord for Spruce, and 20c per cord for other pulpwoods, or such other rates as ma y from time to time be xed by mi? Lieutenant-Governor in -Council for! the right to operate a pulp mill on `I `I11, -_,1L_ | '-Such tenderer shall be required to erect "a mill ormills on or near the territor, or in suchplace as shall be I approved by the` . Lieutenant-Gaoyer- ;nor in Council, and to manufacture {the wood into paper in_the Dominion i _o'fCanada. I U a W '11 I \I.L \Iu.oasa\AuI |i Parties making tender will be-re- |quired to deposit with their tender a marked cheque p_z_1yab1e ' " to the Honourable the Treasurer` of the Province of Ontario for ten percent. of the amount of their tender; to be forfeited-in the- event of their not entering into an agreement to `carry out conditions, etc. TL- 'l__`__I_._L __ ,_. L,,,1, .1. V- ".l`4Ve1'y -uvuuc .; Vtoavv .--.. ,9, lot of husky. fellow-s sitting: fdund} wearing their pants shiny `When they ought to` b out on the "farm. I see men leading d:O5g"S round, by chains. I don t know. What you Ought to do with them. l'\ -'l .Wi3`v<>~1:mp;ai`1,'ti::i1Vl`eJ1:1:s`iw7as to description of territory, capital to be invested, ietc., apply to `the undersigned. TIT T1 TTTHATICVVIV V bl II \4\JlJ\.LL IJLVJILOJ, U vvo The highest or 1 .necessarily accepted, 13`--- ___._J._'_-_1__._ _ Minister % of Land; 'f$es`s& Mixfes. Toronto, Ontario, - 'l:._`. and. -cn-an An nn IW. C. Andrew! _ MA vumorunmnv or Buggies. %Carriages. Wagons` Sleigh: and (Gotten-s. S1~mc'r Prmson A 1. ' Anwwrxox P411) `T0 Hl'83hil.|8 |"-% -__.!V_FJ.U1_ 517 SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS . |THE sole head or a family. or any male ovcr l8 years old. may homestead a quarter- section of uvailate Domimon landin Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, The A pncant must appear in person at the Dominion nds Agency or Sub Agency !or the district. Entry by Xroxy ms. be made at the omce of any local gent of ominion Lands (not sub-agent). on certain conditions. ` ' -1\,_,__ ch, .,.,.,...4.'...v _-..:.1`-_-- --_-_ - ,- C0110! lvl-9115- 'Duties-~-Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader V may live .within nine in ice 0! his homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres on certain conditions. A habitable house is re- quired in ever case. except when residence is pertormed int. e vicinity. In certain districts 5 homesteader in good. standin may pre-em t A quarter-section along- side his omestead. rice .00 per acre. Duties.--Six months` resi ence in each of six years from date of homestead entry (including -the time required to eam--homestead patenti and 50 acres `extra. cultivation. The area of cultivation is subject to. reduction in case of inlh. scrubby or stonyiand after report by omestead Inspector on application for patent. - A homesteader who has exhausted `hi: mm.-.- 'w:99V -v V.` You. city men who go to Cali- fornia or Europe for your vacations l---`why don t. you come up_ to Living- "stone -County, put on overalls, "get. `out in the elds antl help us ' do T-something ` ` T The `farmer needn t take off. his- hat to any man. ~He s the real pro-` Vducer. Other people all depeI_1d;,or_1 him. He s as good as anybody, and `if he will only believe it himself gnobod-y else will think of disputing 1t." nuxuesu.-an mspector on application for patent. A homesteader has exhausted his home- stead right. and cannot obtain a. pre-eruption may take a urchased homestead in cer- tain districts. as $3.00 per acre. Duties.- - Must reside six months in each. of three years cultivate fty acres and erect a'h"onse worth [$300.00. I UIIIIIVI-W K $300.00. V-ruvo VVI W. `W. CO1-1&7, ` . Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.Ba-Unau-horized publication {of I-his`ad' vex-tin ement willnot be paid 1 oVr.-87085 1944-` ` th .app1"o\'ed"T1r`!L`l. I, ,`l'1_ TL _-- `-4 `no. Au-\nf|; yzsavlml AV 4331 20th, 1913. oI3P'o'sI?1i' 'I=6s-'s1".` JOHN BABES OLD STAND ',g" --~$5I76;s78 ....._.-..-._..l.....__....--...-...--......_-._...._._. opp. ,tI:.e= .! 9$i Os K&5T%%RE IN c oRPdRATEb T "1855 % He will even -be trained to listen to address after ,add=ress`deliveredV by V Mayors and other oicials without ` the-- trembling of an` eyelid; and. he .. `Will be able to make replies, which, "in;the main, will begin with, I feel "deeply honored-, etc., - without indie. gcating that he is` really being bored ` jib "death, and would g1a?ully*esdo,pe , ;l:H~h 001315? V. Of 'oou3'8f.-On9e in "n i_;while he will get: awaay`7 `fron),. :all1 3 as` he did on" his ' Lawrence; and be ableiilivo A

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