nath; J": tat all ivnn; `CANADIAN ;/PACIFIC .GRE-AT ` .LAKES_EXPRESS_-STE.AM- A SHIP,` SERVICE. wvvvo The Tuesday and Saturday boats` contain inside and outside_ state-l rooms and Cabins de Luxe. Large, Well ventilated dining saloon and rest rootms together with spacious decks for pmmenading; All state-i ngoms on the Monday, Wednesday and Thursd-ay' boats are outside and it. ' addition there are Parlor Rooms. . If you are contemplating a trip, |d_'om t let this slip your memory, Canadian Pacic Steamships make the fastest` time, have the best of ac- commodation, and the ble is unex- celled. Full particul and reser- fvations on `trains and ships-, at every: Canadian Pacic Ticket Oice. To-i ronto City Ofce, temporarily locat-- ed 16 King` St., East, in a. few days will be in the ne,Wv big South East corner of King and I Yonge Sts. ` . 25-26' Think -of a steamship service ve days each week `across the Great -Lakes. The steamships are built -and furnished to `give the very best comfort `that ' marine architecture" can devise -and the cuisine is the re- sult of years of studied effort and experience,-and` is-, needless to say,` the best. I ` `mu; uuud v, kJuuu4\5A~JA) uIu..|.\5 u.1LAA.I\.suuJ uo -I - IN . 1 `I . I CIJRABLE CASES. GUARANTEED on no my H E Ax-eyou a. victim? Have you lost ho 2 Are on intending to marry! yovr _ been sensed? Have you an weakness? Our New Method Treatment WI cum you. ,.Wha.t it has done for others It will do for you; consultation Free. No matter who 01:33 1':__reuoc:`you, write for an li1__onest `.` Fa.u:'er'hood." (mua'cm'- ed) on Dlneuuot Hen. . All letters from Quads mnstbeaddressed ' V 9 to our unadian Correspondence Depart- V . _ ` mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to I?11~at:,9ur Medial in `Detroitas we see and treat V whigh are for Correspondence and V. ' all letters as follows: QNEDY 3.;.1_=__gw Euzs MEAT__MARKET NEIIVUIIS, LIFELESS` DEBILITATED MEN -VPOVINES ' BARBIE Can it cum} JSL. Detroit, Mich. -n-- `:-._ .--.' YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN the victims of early indiscretiou and later on ceases,` who are tenure: in life-you are the oneswe can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. Don't give ulin despair because on have treated with 0 er doctors, used eeciric belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has watched hundreds from the brink of des ir. has re- stored happiness to hundreds o homes and hnsmade successful men of those wh6 were 231? `"e`3`.c":i ZuvY'a?..i""" 'm"`x `&I'.' es or csseecco n e symptoms and complications-we have no patent medicines. This is one of the secrets of our wonderful successes our treatment can- not torwepreecribe remedies adapted to. reach! lviduel case. On! curable cases no- zudnea Illnndaout 009150114 Wehavedone -Cuednferonr-30Yeu_u. THE BEXUTY of ' CORN-FED HOGS \1\lI\iI J I Department of Public Work 9, Ottawa, May 31. 1913. Newspafers will not be paid for this adver- tisement f they msert it without authority from the I')epa.rtment.-89678. , 23-24 l'llllI'IlE'(l- The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. - By order, R. C. DESROCHERS. :1- ___L____ unvu uuu nuvu un. n\.an..vnnu\. vs vuvu llliallll-llvl ,VL ' P the firm must be given. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted cheque on a chartered bank. payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of ,Pubiic Works. equal'to ten per cent (10 p. c.) - of_the amount of the tender. which will be for- feited If the nerson tendering decline to enter `intoacontract when called upon to do so. or ` fail to complete the work contracted for. It the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. TEA `rlnvnnuofu-van-1} Anna nab R3-`J itnnll On nan--`G ing at Collingwood Ontario. lans, specication and form of contract can beseen and forms of tergder obtained at the oloe of Mr. Philip. C. Palm Architect, Colllng- wood.Ont . at the olce of Mr. Thos. A. Hast- ings. Clerk of Works. postal station "F", Cor.- Yon eand Charles Sts., Toronto Out. and at this epartment- Pet-Anna tnndprino are nned that tnnnra lull} lJUplI.l'|-lIl(`.'l'l[- Persons tendering are notied that tenders w=)l not -be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied. and signed with their actual signatures. statingf. their occu ationa and places of residence n the case 0 firms, the actual signature. the nature of the occupa- tion. and place of residence of each member ,0! must Fan}: tender mnnt. ho. nnnnmnnnind hv an an. I 1:51.31) TENDERS addressed tothe under- ! sixzned and endorsed "Tender for Public Building. Collingwood. Ont.. will be received at this oice unul 4 00 P. M. on Monday. J uue 23. 1913. for the construction at a Public Build- ing Inna, sum-.imnfi'nn and fnrm nf nnnh-not nan sausages, etc., Afrom corn-fed: hogs, Once you try them, you will never again be satised with the other kind. ` . ness and pg -' eme W` %.1r d'm.": E 23:4 Harvey ' 1; ,, 13, that not alone does their esh taste sweeter, but you feel it is cleaner e than the s_will fed kind. Our hams, ~Weddmg Sttionery should be correct as to form, style and printing. Our work equals in every respect the production of the city houses, but_ with prices greatly in your favor. Prices on application. The Invitation THE ADVANCE _ Job Printing Dept. .. Equipped with Latest Type V and Machinery iofi: E4- nomw n 'LL\lJ-I u as DELIV1-IRY Secrgtnry M r. Myrtle glanced: through _ the_l report. It is all right a-gainst the deceased man, The pbserved,' as" he gave it back. But the question not clear in my mind is how_ f_ar.f Sir l u1<:y may have been -impli-_~ cated. . ' ' ` V ' If they worked together, re-i plied Wilson, in a quiet tone .of_, conviction, "would it be likely that Rzistilizirr .~:h0u1d have 01105611-._ th_6 `V most way of ".6nter i:Il3: the house; Brayshaw, knowin gV_ you were on the watch? It `is. 'ili1:' coii<.-<:~ivezib1e that they should `HYe,* coiirtcd detection. No, `my f_ri'end-,_.. it is (ii.)\'iOLlI:' to me that `if could lizm: got` any `Other way,` e would not have used,_/she. ow." T L i A Clllaptel: q4XXXlIV~-(]C_.lIontin1m_d.f.' Wilsoll look out- his pockgt#boQ1if, Now, I have here, he pursued-*,` a sketch report of the now deceased man f1-om one of our agents in: Paris. Baron Emile de Rastilla-+-7 his correct name and title, by way, on which he has traded--seems to lmve commenced as a forget; best known as an expert er. and---ah, here it is'!--what~ a is` IIIUYC to the purpose, a_ski1ful__J'ewe1, thief. Suspected on one occasion of 11uvi11g drugged a rich young fool whom he had eeced at cardS,- and.` substituted a sham pearl and dia-5 mund. tic pill for. one valued; '_a.tV_ 2,500 f1`i1I1C'-S, which his victim habit- ually wore. That, he handed-jt,heV_` papm` to Mr. Myrtle, is where we, have the key to. these -jewel oper-1? ations. _ ._ _ - I ...,. through the Change of Life and f6;"tjv9?? Ileana hurl Ln; a.-..1___ _____: I.-.` 'I_--`.~.IJ,.=. wumu SIGK run mas r------bu mu: \JllaUgU U1. years had hot ushes very bad, Ef-EL5 uuu not pushes bad, cg 68: soreness m the back of hea.d,'\y`u_*, , St1P3t and had Weak, nervoul tee!-ff mgs. The doctor who attended m'e*terr ilnlmber of yearg did 11` ab ave been entxrely relieved of _t'I Io,fj V we Symptoms by Lydia E. Pinkhamfr vegetable Compound, Blood 1Vl' Pillc on.) ....'.... ----- ..-~_._..1_._1g_..'a. VG - ~ Blood Li\5e`;'Ldi UilI?s,Uz)1rrr1) you publish my testimonial. - BEAUCAGE, Sr., Hammond,Ont-,` 4 sum- one s - veran- 5 the Z a,_},, arcotic or 11 holds the record 91 Mr. '.\I'y1-tle blew out %k4f%Iong%`; Vants Other Womnlo - How She was Finallyr` ` Restored to Health. .' ` J_ };;II;UiaSDAY; Bu SIR WM. MAONAY. -Bart. Author of ~ The Red chancellor. ?"lf||e Master spirit." Etc. v Barrie Branch: Five the most For eigI1t.y~V3_(v'e__,gA-i organ1zation%,`oju_~;- perfect servicg Inorporatgd A%I832.;\\// Rogues Wilson rose to go. Anyhow, he remarked cheerily, you round it `off neatly as it. is. If you insist on `trying for the impossible, which is Eto bring other parties into it, you [will have loose "ends, and subscribe your name to a failure.? That is my view,` and you may` take it` I` know what I am talking akout.` If iI see t to change` it, you may. rely `upon my letting you know. , -` Ierence was uvcx. . . I I should like to_hav.e a .ta1k;with V you about last night, Brayshawl he . said as he` joined his host. ;Sha1l we come into the library? ' Brayehaw shot a, sharp glance at him; there was" something in his guest s manner -he had not noticed before. 11 -4; -_V_..-.' Ann; w:1un . r',`.v-.__.. _ ....,....... ...-_- On leaving Mr. Myrtle and the ,Dragon s Head, ' Cjaptain Wilson lost no time in returning to A` the Hall. He found Sir Percy outside the `house, speaking to the C0rone'r se `toicer, and` waited.x_.near till the, con- ference was over. ` _ -11 1!I_,_ `)._ 1_..__ -V.. ;..1I.'.`..:+L } No; I suppose we must accept the conclusion that the `hunt ; ends with -him., Mr. Myrtle looked rue- fully .con'sc`ious ' that the affair . had not ended as for the advancement of his reputation, the would have liked. T _ . __I DOIOPB. ' . ' By all means, my dear. W,ilson,= he answered -readily. , ,5-`I . cn`. give you half an hang; Lthat,is,i_f `.i am not waxited a;boi1t='thie hbrrible af- .fair._ 7'.lv`!1e jinquest isVt`o- be he1,d&this 1 Not likely you would, He would not be such ahfool as to leavethem there. The country `aords plenty `of hiding-pl-aces. The ~Baron de Rastillac was no foo1, ev_en if he "did pitch off a ladder, head. down- wa'rds. . A _ _ _ Mr. `Myrtle offered a last" "argu- ment. We found, no jewellery or jeweller s implements in > his lug- .--.y..-can .a.v an aavv LUL ,1-NU DU GVJIVIBU a professional man of your exper- ience, Mr. Myrtle, but were I in: your position, I should accept the fact that you have got the thief `Sin Rastillac; dead` and sofar an un- satisfactory capture; but you ve got him. Supposing Sir Percy tohave been an accomplice, how on earth are you- going: to bring it home to `him? You would never do it, in his own `house, safeguarded on all sides. No, no. If the operations continue` in,` spite of Rastillac s ldeath, follow up your suspicions e `you. like. Personally, I am ready `to lay odds that. they stop. You will do well to '-be content .with Rastil1_ac., ' ~ ' Whether my supposition is. cor-I rect or no4:, ? Wilson continued, will be sh0.wn inzthe fact of " the. robberies coming `to? an end or con- tinuing. It is not `for me to advise .. ...-...c..-..:.;.. -1 _- -__ breath. T`It" a p1izzle, be ;de- l clgred. A Thrluinai -stnoru of Love and Inn-lnue In Baronial. Hulls IN_ LARCADY oaptlin Wil_s:>;1 speak; out L. J. sman, Manager m:`I;mi:;n1;;r?a?1:; ? Wilson pro- ceeded`, ' if I V__a.m not to. be. forced to take -9. oou"r_se which -would be re vv vvvunna UV \r\-I Iutonlw I V"I'[I.'l\]l KIW7 I K?` pugnant to me, thhngvghere should 1) no indulgence in bluster or any sort of A blufng theories. This, then, is your position, Mr.` B1-aysh.w. Mr. Brayslhaw, the other re- `poated; ,with lowering face `1IT2'I.._".. _...`I-..1 ..-...A.`I__- T7`- _-_1l ......,,. - I was going to say, when you interrupted; me, Wilson went on unruled, to pay it according to the dictates of. honor` and fajr play. But that depend-s as _1nuch'j upon yourself -as on me. If you will be good enotigh to hear me _without futile interruptions I will put the position clearly. before you. T74... -e....`l1. ' .. 'TL-- 7 ` `-- `J - UGLVLC Wu. Very W011; `go on, Brayshaiw reponded, wmh an effort to `match the othes coolness. A I!'I' p rlvva vA'\.r&a V/A_\.lsU& 6` ' to both of us". f ` That the thief is-I % regret to rhavve` `to say, tit --the `man calling [himself `Sir Percy Braysh.w. " 1 -B[ray_8h8,W sprang "T to his feet. "C`a.ptain Wi1son,.*i is this a joke or an infe1`nal insult " _ ` Neither, Wilson replied, hold- sing him with a steady eye. It. is the expression of la truth well known w.;`.'lv y `making an abominable charge against me, A Brayshaw` broke in hotly. T Tv __- -.-_`-- -- A -- "' mi '7.7%f;"1'I-"$1 %%`?z``{;u`3:eE" on his part_, ', Brgyehaw _ I have as _much:,right to the txtle as he. um1_..;.s `_._1:-_1n'r:I.._;. I ...:1..- .. vvvv U\J\A0 LJIJ lUDyI Null II. I 2 I ' have, Wilson .returned un- moved, allowed myself to be enter- tained on the proceeds. of certain robberies. But I .don t tliink we need- discuss-the logic of that point. Particularly as it has all along been my intention to repay your hospi- tality ` (`.1W._V _`I i C .11 / GP unuyu Llauv vu vuv I-Iv-v nu; nu. That, replied Wilson. ,with a gesture of brushing away 9, side ,issue,- I, not being an` -oicial of the Heralds 1 College, .9 cannot "prev tend to , decide. All I know is that Sir. Fmngis holds a -parti-cularlxy strong opinion to the'co%n1`:r'a1'-y, and is - more tl1`s'.nT11_nvwi1l-ing to share the title?-'withy;you. But let. that %'lYmi will pardonmay Speaking roithger.` -'b,Iu`fx[1t` 9 dirtiness, but ini _ career sp UIUGJ I `*.ni`~h`o. fa-7. ? .Bja,y_dhaw " '11" with aVj-soornfulgy Lbittey I ~... I" Put OVEN than 6 m5 of Vopinjon tf};;;:_ you _~.were `BMW uvuugu *vuvvv va 0 inggptihg -to!-"':hxm" the umeans of to ...bani&op7 `yom | vuLLA_U.]o .. VV IIUUIL dently, ' -~ _ j.What? V .. _\ _ . V thief regre` have it--the ct himself `Sir Braysh1.vy. R103 11nI1'|>n v-u run :41` on - Brayshaw rlaised a clerichied st.l Y011 dare say that to me, yo-u,--i Am -1.. all-.-..........-..- J. I` Lug. uare say mat tome, you-7 _ As. he etammeredx for an epithet, Wilson waved. him back. This `is no. time for _-bluster, he said, with a stem imperturabi-liity which V had its-eect on B:ayshaw s aggressive attitude. `fIf you take my. advice you will, in your own interest, sit down and hear` quietly what 'I have got to say. . A`__ __ __ _'__._ _`9 1 o. .0 1-. .-uuu-, 4. uvyc .1. ans uuuu. I B-rayshaw -`blew out a contempt- uous laugh. It'-loo-ks like it when in the capacity `of a. spy you have accepted. my hospitality. T 1.....- 1! 11721-... _. ...... ,7 7 `I 4 vvva IJIUVII-I J J uu 111 I.zal_.x.Iu.5 uuab ubcp. . Brayshaw had: gone white, but- he contrived to exclaim, with an ela- dborate sneer,A detective? Is that what I am to understand? _ More or` less, Brayshaw. . I thought you were a soldier and a gentleman, or you would never have crossed my thresholdf ' . 1\T........11_n _-- ALA uuvu ysuqwuu. Aug wucwuvluo Naturally, _was the calm A retort. Still, I hope I am both. ' "D...-.....`l...._ L'l-._ _ _ yo-V4, uv :'Natum1l&'," .; B_1a.y`Shaw` R a.nswe:e:1,`l with a. show of impatience. Every- thing pointgto it. Dom t you think- `so ? _& avv W Wa- . _After a m_oment s hesit_atiocn Bray- shaw, with the appearance of im- posing a V check on his indignation, turned abruptly to his chair and sat down.- ' * %prompt-* :;_'13h6refj c$;n' .be_'1:itt1e doubt. that 7t11B"'m_an..Who is `lying. dead outside was the. thief. , Latent A. T1g.;?:am:;'jae%mn1...; waison said'f. cool1y.'_ Do youI;really_ beliv, j Bmyshdw, Vthat he. was the perpet- rater of " thtgse thefts ' -. ZIXT - 1' _ ``Very\ well, Captain Wilson, he responded, with an ugly look of de- terminati-on. And _as a. prelimin- ary you yill perhaps; `inform me in what capacity you take upon your- self the right to speak to me in this lou`t_r1;g1g'eous rm-afmer. A so save vvavv uh) `suuuuva c Wilson .made an _ inclination. Certainly. ' I have been authorized sind ~inst1'fucted- to keep observation `upon . you by those who were per-_ lfectly justified in "taking that ste;{.| -Rfvnllnuvv Lat`: no:-:9:-gnu -o-`a-:LA _ By my listening to reasonvI' sup- pose you want to make terms .with me '9 Brayshaw. A retortect - bluly. Well, what -are they 3 J ` 1 These, Wilson answeredn 1:h-at |, BmyshaW. s face had been grow`- ing d-Erker as Wilson proceeded .. to multiply his evidence, till all the evil in `the man seemed to be` writ-, ten there.- You can do all thie,can M0-u.!' he texiclaimed ` viciously. '.'g,l1en.mvlhy the devil don t you do is . I ' ' " It is not my specic Jbusiness,- Wilson -answered. Nor, if you will listen to reason have I any wish -or intention to inform the police of I .knoyy. f a..nAuu.1\a, I V A-gnawing IAQALIIV vavxu Q unannv you give up your assumption of the Braysha.witit1e,i and? that `you aban- don your present mode and means of living. I fancy you will` `not nd the [last conditioin hard, since it _\xi!1'have become a. neeesaity. ` 'I3,-_-,_.`L _,, _'l_ u ' a. u-vua, vv 1 vu. (L QLIVVV `UL muuya I1l,VLl.\JUo . You must be new to, your "trade, -`Captain Wilson, or you` .would real- ize I `am not a man to be blued. : You know as well as I do that your - accusation cannot be supported} by ; One jot of evidence. _ On the contrary, Wilson re- returned imperturbably, it rests, as I have already hinted, upon the clearest evidence. .The evidence of back to the jewel safe to which ac- cess is obtained by a movable pan- one who is well aware of the falsepi cl. Of one .who has seen you take of a set of instruments made for the purpose, and abstract articles of jewelry. Of one who has seen your accomplice - -Cal-don '--- visit this house at various times in the night and early morning. Who has had the said Cardon under observation during his visits: to London, more out -a jewel-case, open it with One] or less in disguise, and .Who can call a certain Mr. `Poynder, -of ` Clerkenwell, to prove the purchase ' at various times of articial stones. In short, Brayshaw, one who - can have you in custody at ve min- . utes notice and afterwards produce` an irresistible case -against you.` So much. for; 1 1 1 oper- " }3`;';s1-1;:v;r`A {?"Sn" ffgly `gu -So you are not above` compound.- ing a felony, Captain Wilson? ` 1 TL- -1.L-_ _L..__ .___.l (NFL- 1-..... .5. any V Venus wags ueavuo .5. bI\l o\.r-rw - said of that between us the better._ The `felony des n0t aect me` 'or my client, except .`indirer;t_;ly. That is Inspector Myrtle e` business. . Btaysha.w s eyes hardyened. He knows what you ~ claim to know? `he asked, with an. anxiety ~ .which could hardly be d:i3E11iBeda` V . .l A`L_.`|._ .._4, L; ......JL..1..-'I'_ 'l-....`_._ f;I understand, VBrayshavr, cqoly now, as -he seemed; to regain -Ins temper and settle down` to g-ht, that having ` an" idea "of 1ny'1`eord not being quite clean you a.1-egoing! 7+}. 1..1..4.'c .._..`u.-;. ___-_ _.-_ L..._ -_',_ J_.1_-_-l `~-vv -uv;u5` I4-u1U0UlK3(1-11 `yvu. luv suuxg to blu me that you can brimgrtzhese jewel thefts home to me. If that is so, you may as well save yourself the trouble. I - have not such a. bad name that I standin danger of be- ing convicted on a detective s mere suspicion. . T T ' l(I\ '1 13 . . .1 -| \.\.' ua Ll 4LvwL\.|_V IIIEI cave |.pAf.r\I\sI "I think not; he certainly knows from. me. And! last night s tragedy `has: rather obscured "the is-I sue. I may tell you,` though, he has his `-sux:p'.cipns about you, which an- other jewel operation would` `in_ev.i-_ tably oorirm with ' disastrous. re- sults to you11self,` . - -. , Brayahaw rose and a `few the room. f`-It. amouhnta tothis, -tl1"en=,A he said}: I am, Sir ~Francie B:_'a`yahavv. s. hintere_"st:s,h: to And at hhad.1+{ . WI~t is not, AB mys1V1a;vv a. L touch tof his -' masterful haiiactar, my my` to .extins-uish% {my} : lights particularly % at:s9 bidding: .-ta f3 I -yusvty uguuug uplrlh. " : " 4 I "propose, Wilson return ,with judicial de liber-ateness,` to put the position before. you `in a .way which will, `I think, V induce you to see the wisdam of abandoning '_5ouf_ pre- tensionsa ' - V .1,y- :. -.- _- -- .. .7... V; LL10 uzvgvc - _. - ' V I I*'sh_a1l not _git?e. it ufr, B_rzgys~he_tw- declared through -his set teeth: :I ithink you _will, . -the qu;it4 rejo-inder. ' ' "`Do you p pose to make me,, Captain Wilson 2" ` { The question; was put deantly, with: an evident touch of the tu11er s. ghting spirit. ' T A'.,._,._;....... 79 `(T751 - "` `-` Wt, ____ H, . V Quite so. `But at the present moment, Wilson rejoined", you stand in danger of being convicted on my clear evidence -that you are the auhor of these robberies; you and your `accomplice, Archer! C`ard0n. - - - - 53-r 31i`vin at p1ae?_ igerbaihjng` ~I'a1n-gely on a`Soertain,-1 able_ means, was in _itse'Lt'. more` t_ha,n*, suepicio-us.V _SO ._I was oommissipned` to furnish the explanation. . l I L. . v--`v,--._-.- -- ` f the `di7il, I 1 wih s`u11en.?"acriinony,\hz;.dL 1t-_ to do with Francis Bmjrshaw (111 1` | Surely. I .have'ye1;p]ain_ed, Wil- son answered; He wantecf `La ,1e_ver" _to- dislodge you from" your assunm-b .tion of his title. T `I 11 E Brays.haw?s face changed! at the unexpected hit. He ` forcexi a laugh to cover it.` Amber Ca.rdaon now! he cried derisively. Poor Cardonl `What next, Captain tWi1son`? I Fl`L..`.1--1_ ,, L.-.u- ,0 W . I I -navvv lA\l`QU, \JCC0D-VIN-III]: - '7 W1` ` Thefdock for both of you, if you don t take my advice, . was the blunt answer. ' ' 011- u n- -x u lvovnaav upAAb.J|Ivvan Thi-s is childish, Brayshaw r_e- t0rted~, with a show of impatience. `7'____ _______` `|_ A __ ____ .L_ _.,; ';,,- ,1- `Eu LULVALJ , _:I`he other -1` J.`_-A. I-U11 0101145 eimgged. `L -J.__--_. -_.. LL- Few people realize .with. what ease` `speed ; a trip from the East to _Fort William a1id*Win_n`ipeg can be `made via the Oanadian Pacici i'Gr'ea t Lakes Express Steamships. Stop for a ' moment and consider. that you can leave Toronto at 12.45 noon on Tuesday! or Saturday' and arrive in.` Winnipeg `at 9.40 p.m.' Thursday or Monday. F ifty-seven `hours -from! Toronto to Winnipeg; twelve "hours faster than any other service. For -those who wish to leave on different days in the week, and have a little more time" on the water, the trip can be made leaving ,.Toronto -at 12.45 noczn on Mondays, Wednesdays. and Thursdays, arriv- ing in Winnipeg: at 11.40 a.m. on Thursdays, b Saturdayse and Sundays. "l1L1__1n -1 _ _1...-.__..`L,_ --__._ -__ _- | If: laying a fable the sharp edges`: of all knives should be turned toward the plate, ' I -rfr