liab `Id .4 a cork out of 9. bottle. There is no lneedi to send` marked copies to Oaha. om Ba1~1-ie-.._.}m+ +1.... .-..:-___ 1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE anon conn vnau: emu Pie---but -the information in '|m~nA.. 4... - 1;__ `Nu... +...J ..uv.-uwa uvsuvvlo] ' __ ' We hear and' read. much at .5ent about the great need` `Of .gerving' our forests. Let `us fnocwi `turn our -attention: to. N01'f0Jk.g0V 3', on the shores of Lake Erie; . `re this work is not only talked , about, but carried out. Here eei-saw 'yastj. area. of land of little value 'forfam1- ; ing purp0ses,_ about ten miles long 5 and three miles broad. Parts of this` are known as: the Plains of Isaac 7 .9 The Burned Land id! The Safd -1 Hills. At -one time it was a -fa.ir1'y_ I good farming district, but `through L. unsystematic: farming the land was drained of its n.a.tur5.`l fertility un: til neither grass nor grain Nvoufd grow. It is` constantly becoming worse. The scorching heat" Of sun s rays burn out any humus th-at. nnay be in: the soil. `V V The high` winds of Southern On - tario have taken a.d'v-antage- of tho] ba1'1'en11ess, and sweep over, the sand. in great clouds. T It drifts along. forming sand dance. 1 These .` mm}. The dunes are ooizstantly .A w.r......,_ ---~J- A "' ` ' ' "' "` U516 J-V\Jl Ln: 44:9 .5 aumwv g`-` buted the article 1:0 `,`The Fomm,?' published by the Literary Society of North Bay Normal -School.) L T `. U7.` lu/xnn nsnill -Innis _..-- -1. . A- - U5""V V```' " """"""' " *0 `'`'``".`a I775`-Iv" 'ever be done 00 put back 1511 `_ o dart on-the bavren land of which we have` so much in Simcoe County; `TheV following` article is -reproduced; fnox the North Bay Times :-- ' ' . . V F /`n! T} `D T)..__.a.:_. -. 1 The Same Plan Mi tably Be Followed Iii; , nu. Simcoe County -.`V-~ Ontario Gov ern- ` `M F ment Assisting : s V Siancoae `County Council _ cussed reiorestatxon so _often little has. come of_ thelr (1"iscussi7'm,*2, that One wonders; If anybhmg .. Ln (1l\YII\ AA GL1!" LL - ".E__-__L I ow WASTE l.ANDS BEING j->- voL. Lxu. No. 25. _, momrsou cuI.w.;I_.-_u '5` '0", VV`lV C55? IIOIV .l\JU|LLI'3a lull` lthough only ve years have.` elapsed since the work began, it can be said that it is a great ,success'-'. Hund- reds of acres formerly barren are now growing trees `that "in some cases have reached; the height of four feet. Many of the farmers, having found parts of their farms not giving good! `agricultural results, are reforesting quite extensively. To encourage the work the Government supply t"h'e"ftr`ees free. of charge. In: this *._way~Norfolk V `is fozllo_w~ing the tendency of the age" to . make use `of eyerythixig` end. waste ncthin-f"` 4 {gag .nnIn; unofovou ---~ I: the fall, the corn, which has` served part of its `duty as` a shade, is} `cut '_ a uniform length of four feet, leav- e ing thestock `and: most of the leaves to hold the snow; if _ ` In: their -third " year Of growth the trees are again transplanted for the last time. Theland on which they are to he placed? must be carefully grade, as it would` be folly to plant an elm on a dry hilllor 9. .Walnut in a hog. Fur-rows` are plowed and the trees are placed: in them four to.six- feet apart each way. . The sand is graded and trees selected for each then` covered with brush, and they are left to Natu re etende'r fare. _ _ ' `IT. I ; In discussing this amendment the `Shelburne Free Press says:--Seeti on . 25 above recited! retires His Honor u Judge Maitland McCarthy, judgeof - the county court of Duerin and a ; number of other county court judges n in Ontario. J udige McCarthy of Orangeville has filled the position of county judge with credit to himself a and to thescounty since 1875 or 1876 and his many staunch friends in Duiferin will be pleased to know that he will still receive at retiring allowance equal to the amount al- louwed him if he remained on the Bench. The annuity in either ofthecases mentioned in this section shall com- mence i~1i1m_edia.tely after the judge s retirement or resignation _and' con - tinue henceforth` during his natural life. i v own 9 ' . ii . Every judge -Of a county court - who has attained the age of {seventy- five years _shall be oompuleorily re- tired and {any judge who has con- tinued in ovce for a period of thirty years or upwards may. H resign his retired, or,.wh0 `so ra-igne, Hie Ma-` jeety may grant an annuity equal to the salary; of the oioe held by him s-ignation. Ill?! oice; and to ` any judge who is so- .at the time of his retirement or re- ` cu-Lv vv -LVIIIIIJCVJD uvtnaut \II`$\7v (`D "N-0;w, wgxat .arethe 1;esul~t_sv?; A1: 1', ' A After Age of 75--Liber- al Annuity in I, A Both Cases % J It .aks.apA`:t1VI5O.-`V05 01017 . well IlId.~pI_.l_tI nut out line 1*? % IIIO7 A A X _ _._ UIIIIIIII. IIIIIIU any suw Unitodsuguforzliepuut. . Come to our store today, and let us show you that the best camera for `you-e-whethcr you arig a }suonod amdtgur hhotog-_ :1-apher` or} ohlyl -a .. `rah fundigw } _ --- v- w-V A gt $35 935- : is ; Pi! V i- \-`L \.l` JHJUI U10 IO1'C9` of `hey are out of the care of 4 other tree, so that man must Aly :1 substitute. The summer` ' scorch them. if left f,ected, so a form is built 0verT`:.t_h3,? Qbeds. suppo-rting slats Whioh~G1'j9-_ gtened to~p:0t}1e1', thus allowing 'th93F` ._t0 be rolled: up each aftemqoli` fforest hol E J uly_ 3--Aurora. at Bradford. T 9-Allandale at Newmarket. . 9-'--Barrie at Aurora. _ ` 16--Brad~fo,rd at `Newmarket. 16--`Allandale at, Barrie. 23--Necwmarket at B'a'rrie. 23--Aurora at Allandale. 24--Barrie at Bradford. 30 -Newmarket at Aurora. 31-A11anda1e at Bradford. 6-Bradford at Barrie. 13-Aurora -at. Newmarket. 13-~Bradford ajt Allandsale. 20-Barrie at Newmarket. 20-A11andale at Aurora. r 27-Aurora at Barrie. ` 28--New*-niaarket at Bradford. 28.-'-Barrie at Allandnle. Sept 3---Bradford at Aurora-. . 6--Newmarket at Allandale.` . Membership in .- . y t J 7 'History F , At a largely -attended meeting of , the representatives of the Northern : Bdwhng League held at Bradfvrd 1 Thursday, June 12th, the e;ehed'- ; lowing, oicere were `elected:--1_ ;res., `i 3 H. -S. Broughton, Aurora; Secretary, 1 James C`larke,"` Allan -e; \Treasurer, 1 0. Field, Newmarket. Each club ; sent representatives, Barrie being E , represented by Messrs. A. Brownlee and S. Wesley, and: Al1anda1e.,.`.by Mr. `Jae. Cl-afrke of -the Y. M. CJA. Much enthusiasm was displayed `and a most enjoyable season is `looked f0r.w_ard to. Last year Allandale won D the ehieldr, -and this year the` compe- tition will -be keener than ever for the possession of the trooghy. T-hree BARRIE. Thq` Ba.-rrie am. has` the largest! spawns. 3, Tl-ll iTHE GREAT FAMILY 'car.s' alfhrr they are planted} ` ng can be done. tux!` uuu urau ,) Uwf' W151` bro .-Uwn. otherrs lie dormant. `;\,'0.1l'.s`. A good exampl Of 171113-` the ,wn1nut.' A few ISB3d'1i118'3 up the m1 they .are.p1al_1t0d`r he fu-lluwiug spring,` -andJVSO!319'*t.` cmunt of this fact very li't.t19" _4 II`) reamland BEER MADE MILWAUKEE `FAMOUS Acouufry or sumac: AND. ~ AMUSEMENT RESORT membership in its `history, but the_ `genial treasurer, Mr. Fred Marr, has room in his books for the names Of a few more. Extensive improve- ments are being-[made to the Barrie Club s greens, and it is expected that the new green will be ready to play on this fall. When this is dom- pleted', it will be one efthe best inf 4.1.... `D..._:_ -- ravvvu, All WILL the -`P-rovinoe, K wvvuvav, -lid-IVIG5 , 0u.l.l.6 H Albert Ferris, Lavender, sold a _ pig weighing 635 lbs. in C1-eemore the other day for .which Currie & Allen paid -him` $52.05. . The three rural mail routes from Elmvale start .on Monday next. Mr. Robert Carr .will be the. courier on route 1 and Mr. J. P. Dean, on rotittes 2 3. ' ` - 1'1-r 4`- - '--~-- in the fill] and others: in the P1'.i1!$-E Wlxr-H tho farvnl .was: ready: th3.'1,'_9a-11 \\'m'k ma m.-Q grorwing was Th!` a~'rM:~'. which 'Were _obta-i=n`e from rfm-r>im1 countries. an(1"j'-100?i1_' Ifarmcrs, ,were sown in the b6ds.* a5.: W: .~'rw 1'mlis}1os, Some .were SOWIII '%111<- -mm; up the first year; $111? .~'\\'n. d0I'ma.nt -. -rf0"1`f: .1..- um. vv . uuggurb OI been appointed Collector of toms of the _Port of Middam lnew _--vuvu. uvgauvi. uuU.l'Ua' _ A lighted cigar stub srtarbedia lsmazll` re in the G1o1_e _Hote_l Col- excursion to. .'Barrie.b$r train and to. Oril'lia by boat on J uly 15th. At the last meeting of the Or'i1- lia Public Schioo1uBoard` it was de- cided: to establish a.- V permanent- School there; ` _-._LL_1 .- -' - V I -News Note : Of lntenrest [7 or ' Buoy - Readers. [THE WEEK IN REVIEW ; THE HYDRO` EXHAUST FANS---Dtisplac_ing 18,320 Cubic Feet of Air every 3 minutes A (more_tl;a'n1 the Health Dept. calls for). THE X-RAY REFLECTORS -- By Which f(Y)ou,_ Can Read While the 'Show s Going TI-In: poumlou or.4:ANAnA ._oun cRl`l'l:BlON-. . _ 7. . if WK, Whom fa nf v from jfarrners, we `1':u_lish~ % HAS MADE ARRIE FAMOUS in [L The following is from the Orillia lPacket:-Ihe Wpitby Gazette has, 1:-v\nL--c A` -A -_L -1- - .....,...,... ..uo vvuxuug uuacblv uuar an instructive article on -how totake: ma; ;;`i=.`:';,i;. ` &;;`,:;m`i;"`;:i`; ;; ,: which will this year be held on Wed- nes-day, July 16th. ' Orillia Packet-When the `Kilt- ie bgmd from Haxmdltom was parad- ing -Miseissaga St., a critical 0nlook- er` objected that some of the men had." poor- legs. The obvious answer is that they do: not play with their ,. legs. 1: Stayn_er _Suna:---The ` choir `of the! ;,;M$1.?h0dl$t . ` ed 1-11 dark surplices W_1L;h..White. ea]. ' l Qiiiialn-- A-n...'._.. 1` Continuledfclold weather has had} a depressing e ect On the summer tourist `business, complains the Huntsville Forester. The bookings to date, in the Muskoka. district, however, -are exceptionally heavy, and a prosperous season is looked forward to. Arrangements are about complet- ed for the annual Conservative pic- nic at J ackson- s Point, commonly l(`l1.0IITl'1 nu. T-Tam`-s :T (kinda 1`!-O,- -~ -' --- vvv-nvnnvvu Bet used toi t.` . . \ , .a., vv as 1l1aL'l'.`LU UIITUIVU ` 1Tl2Hl2l_`.:_`t`I'. Fences were built" and Vbn1iJ1ings improved. Term acres wQre' sot u.~Vi fovr nursery puI"p0SeS.." Thi5 ,wz1.s' WC fertilized? with sa\\'d11.'~t,. lime. `and fertilizer. The` land \v:1.< w01'ked and marked in beds` lougr. IIVI ve 11-r.-t wide and a" humfred yards % vu cu. uqxn. _au;.'p1.lUUS wlul .W'nlDe 001- Jars Sunday evening. It inno- vation that everybody is not quite `reconciled to` yet, but people will. 'o'Af. near` iv; :4 _..... . . v V a.w.avu.a JJILLIU. W'1`l1 compete, and it is expected that Lieut. Slater Of the 48th Highlanders Band will be the adjudicator. ` would gelebmte` the 121211 in Allan- dale this year. B1-adaford is plan- ning for -9, oelebratino next year. The Northern Volunteer Fire- men e- and Band` Tournament will be held in Orillia. on July 24th. `Barrie Citizens Band will compete, BJIH` 31: in Av-nnnlvmvl. 4-Ln; T.'..-A. (`LL- _ V-......,,o uuugw m. we v1c1_mty or 'B11adford= `decided, at a meetmg at -Bond- Head last week that they would celebrate in A.o1n 4-1-:2 ; nu..- D--A -11- ` ' ` .. - C Under the new health act any I butcher . found guilty of buying} from a; farmer, Or any farmer found` guilty of s` a butcher a veal calf under four weeks old for eating purposes, is liable to -a. ne of $50; - Orange Lodges in. the vicinity of ; `Bnadford at meeting 1 Bond. last I would np'|A}n~n+.n +1: 10;]. :_ A11_,, - - Elmvale Lance`: 4-- Probably the. Hamilton Board of Trade neglected ,to pay us a. visit because they kirow. _ that ' we are isolated. -and! `that they nan --Irwin 1ht\.`\;vaou 1... ...--.'ll1--.4 `wires. `V I9`. I9`3 to the W W. J. Park- the ro.-<'m1'ces of the, County, romlvs m11.~'t be opened and`12'he- $111`.- roum1ing- country .c0ver_ed with `bush " to cheek for -a. time. the restless: sand. j The TI mvi11c*ia.1 Government, undeiy the iulluellce of Norfo1k s`ab1ae re- pI`t*~'n*1II.21fl'\'0, A. C. `Pratt, ,__ -1141.5` .~'f:1I`T-L`(.]. 1, nursery to mforest th })iLI'I`(_`Il urea. . _ V . _ A l'u1'm .was selected in the -.ce ntr e'_; of the di3t1'ict, which `immediat'_ely> 1n1 a great change. Mr. Lane. of the ().(/`.A., was placaedl therdfag I 1TIn)l'Hnn- -II-`t'\Iv\:;I\,- ------A ` ua..|1.|5 Ill-III V puzlling gift I -----.~. ...v-nag uvnzau. \/uuruu. CIIOIP, has resigned his position to accept that of organist and ch0irmaster of Wesley Methodist Church, Brant- l'Fl\'I\r'! ' V Follcwing `negotiations by the Orillia Boardr Of Trade, all the stores in Orillia -have decided 1:0 close at 5 o clock each evening ex- cept Saturday. "lit. Frederick J. Poi'ter, the popu- lar and; successful director of the |Orillis; Presbyterian Ohurch choir, hm l'1: 1\t\n<:+:nnn LA -snu----L A. E. Somerville, Sunnida1e,d-r0ve ' to Edenvale one day last .week and - put his horse in a stable while he walked to 9. saw mill :3. little farther E i away to do some business. ,Wh,,gn.._ -he went for his horse again he found the stable in ames. The horse .was burned to death. -It is supposed the re originated with `some children and matches. See A serious accident was narrowly t averted on June 9, when Mr. Hoey s horse, which ,was standing at Mr. Col-bert s harness shop, Avening, took frig-ht and ran away. Mr. Hoey s little three-year-old girl, who was standing on the seat,~was thrown back into the hood Of the carriage, where she clung ti11 the fastenings gave way and she fell out. ___ _____ uv uuusu: uwluiulllg 8J.'I'9.n8'9' ments with t ,at Barrie. When this system is put !into operation, it wil-1/add ever one hundred phones to. the Barrie ex- change. . ' he Bell Telephone Co. v~~ v ...=..u The Onta ' - -_ Pl Board gmm ITlgsp1::u1;:;. mission to make switohi an nge. menfg un'i-J. +1.4. 12.41 "l`..I11_g__L_ Ta ,. nlight co1:e in handy to umber of -Orillians, though. nu A~ , . nun .l.(|l.'l/ V01 ,[1y_[,1g 'y I ` ` . . I I ' - ' ~ {'1 ` V cctps .}()11Il;'t~}%100(n}l1g`s 11111815 - ` mm 0 orces Of V hl`\7 nvn nn4 51 LL.