1:3, 56 13 g vvv 5750 18 00, 450} 225; .2 25 225 ii gs :11 25 3 821 11 25 11 51 13 50 22 00 67 38 145 50 .4` 4- 11% zl 18 12 18 67 6 75 17 75 18 45 26 75 13 95 10 50. l'\Al\ 55 :32} . vvv 715 750 .. ...- _`7A`.w..R."'i`:; <`1 l`1:>1J.<:;.I'[n!:#I;0e`ti1'1:_: J. H. Graham, Inspecting. .. vvv 1'62` 75 - 75 4 87 AA. v--I ` -5 E5 615 525 1939 ib 225 gag Z56 `F59? eil INN ISFIL I-I-Iv vvuuau us an Iutcs vw ~- -- _ ulpent Wm) youth in England. Itudiedmt in English University. -to love and admire the E -peopled .-=~.T0_hn}nnhaw, a aandwichman. 880 j0lV9t.0`ot th.rnk3 to Princess 1'0"" ;t-- _ .. libel`: for`-opening a D3: `gt. , 1, the `object or which W8; 9-t9,,rqtqeA`s3o,ooo tor the Le8E . During its nineteen V93 - .. A . . med the League has DFOV 'iA!!eO!t1IA.fe`j'.000.000e meals for chdf: ._1!1n'nex-av and dalnties 101` Y . f9;- QI ;#e for W 9'3 ; '10:. the homeless. any . ` meals for the U0 _ --J ------ ---a writ W -" `mind, was to try and make the force as elcient as possible, and to keep up the numbers. The trouble was that enough men were not obtained. The Territorial Force was now 60,000 `C5011. and they could not hope to 66- cure the. number until there W83 greater sympathy with the movement In, the country. He thought it was tplty that omcers, who called them- [selves disgusted captains," should write to the newspapers and as) U13` the Territorial Force was a fraud. The proposal to hold the Turktr Bslkan peace negotiations in London Input: to have emanated from th9 Porto, which, besides desiring tha` they Ihould "take place on some 1181*` tn! ground. also wished to enJ0Y thet Odvuntaxea of Sir Edward Grey's 3d An V IV`: The British Government agreed t0 gthc suggestion, and expressed KW` Acnuon _at the confidence shown bi the belllgerenta. The Bulgarian PW _.$Dl0I'.' M. Gueehotf. was esD9`9-"Y Vlecled at the choice of meeting D13_' Sud in the coufse of an interview said- OI'- ...._-...L '___- , .u o 1-3.. _.1-...I an uncv VVV nloyed-j '-YC\f In Illl Ill? LIBGLU IQUU LOA- Fortunately for Australia's nancial position there seems to be too much Independence `among the citizens or the Commonwealth for ll] advantage to be taken of the Act. Very few applications have been made for the- bounty during the short time it has ibeen in force. Major-General Bethune, speaking at the opening of a. new riding school e.teBarbo`urne, Worcester, said they were told that the home army, as con- stituted at present, was sufficient to protect Britain from possible raids. end the only remaining duty, to his Ih'Iu` wrong 5;; L... _...I __-l__ LL- `ACAA ZfVfU vice. ..$ 61? 20 128. 99 I yde Av dustries H9 ~ boom for you have over :1!!!` Nstllv Press and public in Australia `lake fun of the Commonwealth Maternity Allowance Act, which provides for the payment of $25 to every woman who `gives birth to a child either in Aus- tralia. or on board a. ship proceeding from one port of the Commonwealth to another. 94 I , uv to-`rung It has been calculated that it the 326 were claimed for every baby born, tor'- example, in the State of South `Australia in I year, it would absorb more than half the State land tax. I.1._L.___.|.-1__ D-.. A . v --V \a vague). ' , The cup was at one time believed to have been cut from an enormou. emerald. For a long time the vessel was kept in a steel box, and was taken out only once a year. Then it was lifted by silken cords, and placed by the Archbishop on the High Altar for Veneration. After the fteenth cen. tury, according to the chronicles or the day, many tetes were held In honor. of the vessel, which attracted thousands of pilgrims, not only from Italy, but frcm other countries. La Condamine examined the cup. and he declared that it was or glass. fl. nu... I........_`|.a L- 71-...-_ 1__, \v unnunu J VVKQQI IJI. B1000 l""i't_;as brought to Paris bf Napo- vleon, who` was persuaded of its 1n. trlnslc value. On being submitted to was upheld. But the verdict of the. scientists was kept a profound secret There were several reasons for this. It was thought that if the Genoese learned that it was only glass they would be less anxious to ransom It By somemeans the secret (`eased to be such, and in 1815 the Genoese got it back at pretty much their own price. [the Institute, La Condamine s view iustrallans` Rlicule Commonwealth V Maternity. Allowance xnv Quvvnn VI. hlllvllli DU zuug 0[ ' Afnll events, it seems to hav mom 1: in Genoa since 1101, when it was31;, by v-3-knight who brought it mm 5,`: Holy Landxwhen he returned from um First "Crusade. It formed part or the {booty which fell into the hands of the .Or.uIaders at the siege of Cesare; For .3 long time up to 1476 it was mi `tliowed to be touched, not 9 ve adorn it with precious stones whichltg faithful were desirous of offering_ This rigour, was not due to piety, bug there was 9. fear among the citizen; that should the cup be broken pngnm. -would cease to visit Genoa. nun- ---_ _-.. -.. _.., . as tothe Authontim, of Legends surrounding an} f _ ` is Priceless Cup Interesting account appeared i "I.'Pnris`paper of the Holy Grga], mi" in -preserved` in the Church 013 Lawrence at Genoa. It is a large greet .oup,. presumably hexagonal whim? gcoording to popular belief, was used stgthfe Last Supper, and was rgm Iitioned at '-the Crucixion. Bu beams to have a history far ante:-not to thlt -Sreati gvent. and it is chime; 10: it. that it was 9. present {mm the Queen of Sheba to King sommom ~ Afnll to have i...- '8 1396 71 $25 FOR EVERY BABY __3\Ind\Vovlch'r_IIan and Princess Why Londdn Was chosen More Soldlere Needed 9174 -v VI! 3000 % .10 -v vv `15.00 3 83 30.00. 41 25 $55 E6 66% 22 so 't\& AA nn ii 53" An! AA 21 oo 10 so 10% so 10 so . H A A 38 10 29 20 15 41 75 _ 150 `.45 .41` A4; 19 25] Z33 Jan. 5 'ml E66 2410. 5800 2625 ' d TV}? 199| 1i 56 12 00 .12 00 '3 E} AA` VIIV 333'.` 1?? 319 gas A AA ovv 225 _4-...;\ 150 `.44 `M &V LBIL -I--Id -1912. F- Ian. 4-Ingot Iron Culvert -00., 1 Culvert. . ' ~ R.J.McAfee,Cedar.. J. Wilcox, Spikes _ B.Fisher,Gravel _ J. W. Thoinpsqn, Gravel . . . . . . . .. Feb. 1-S. Browning . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . .. . H. Pratt _ . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . jMh. 1-Wm. Beelby, operating snow -plow . Aiugg, ' 1912.; _STnid er, Bonus Wir v`~....'-_L..-.. .. 1 MEDONTE 8 2053 34] % i3`Z i 15 43 1 11. -25. 11 52% 10; 50 `I000 `7_29 'Al'\ AA" ":35 j 3 4257 11 00 $45 22515 %`Z*? 1500 aims E .725 22 `? %1i 5% AAA A ,75 14 70 75 -1- A- vvv 1? `E9 A15 53.] GAIL 46 EE V13 75 1240 DH 1.1; '15 14 oo. 123.53 45;; gr; % ' 11 10 14 55 -v v- 10 50. 4.4;; 1 20] `AA own: ` 75 1 9?` `i A. Tndhope, . ' 15:. Kenwell,'drawing gravel ' J. Ken-well, drawing gravel .. Gk 0 av. 0 0 o a nick: .A'.aV o 0.}; olcwovie 0 of y R. Po ` i o `ode 0,0 o_'rQ9_.o J9} o-o tc.a>O.;:I0 `00_-'`' `- ` J} Irwdn ;..l.,.....;;,,,;;..,;g;..;;g;` , J. H Graham inspectin'gq _f IT; Wallace, bonusewire _fe'nce; 1 - - H. Smith, bonus wire ,fenoe.l..l._... ..... ~P. Doran, 'b0nlj8' wine-fence W, Langman, "wire ;fenoe.`.. . .4. -. . . . . A John Kidd`, bonus wire fence D. Ganon, bonus wire fence ...-..., -W. L. Ritchiefbonus wire'fe_nce . .,. .- T D. McNeil, drawing gravel. .. . B. -Graham, drawing gravel \ ., .. .;. . _-W."J. Langman, drawing gravel. . . .. . D. McArthur,'drawing gravel . .\. .. .. ; .. . R. Hisey, drawing gravel. . J; R. Kenwell, drawing gravel . .. .. . J. Kirkpatrick, drawing gravel ;. . _ T J. F, Kenwell, drawing gravel`; . . .. .. .. W. Marr, drawing gravel .. .. . "'..1... 'Il'..... f1-'.-....1 --v if 99 1 29 -v 10 an 55' vv 47. 5 75 `AA . E5 45 45 K . oooooltooeaolooooocj .OOlCO. '1`. Wallace, bonus wire fence . .. Smith, bonus wire fence. .. . 00 ooooteoaooyoo bonus fence... . .-. .. . 4 .9 oi: oi. n a'o.o . Ritchie, bonus wire fence . gravel . . . -Qral_1am, g_'1-avel . .`. . . . . . . . o 0' 0-61 pi 05-16 rob. .._'g-; 0 0-Veliqlo die` I1 `..O..* Ilunomoi ao`o'o"`o`o,oo Ion . 0 I 0,0 0 0. up 0 I I0` l_`O O` 0 0`: V0.10 0 uog .6,ooooo_oo_-3'70 O_` 0 O O0 0 Q"O_OVOO'Q5_ no bioio O`- 0'00" OO`C`ODIOIQ`O- R. Tudhope, inspecting . . . . A 49 75 '35" 51' >75 (`A `Feb. 1--F _Mch. u-v .1 LI): Iv ADAUA. 1912. Jan. 4--H. McDermid, tbonus wire fence Alfred Leach, onus Wire fence. . \]r_,_,_ .T---`L 1,,, r `- H` % cm; Miller. Inspecti`ng,`\ re Eadv Bri 16-C cement Ca, 1 car cement 1'6 , "y Bridge . 19---`W. Beafon `... .. N-OTTAWASAGA. $ 1639` 78] " .4-Continuedffom L IJII. VV 91 56 13 so 13 75 l\.l|4\ `io 05 10 no 1 75 -g `.4 2:7. 55 '19 50 14 63 14 62 4 88 1 75 6 75 an. `our 175! 9 75 18 59 30 00_ A-., wt`: 1680 798 AA- `H --V'""~: \"---e 59"" John Man`, Gfavel . J. R. Ganton J. 'L_. Brown ,. D.-W. `Andrew, .. John Gubbon .. "Neil Bowser {[as.G.1'1"bb9`n . . . . . . .` 2 . `T