Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 Dec 1912, p. 7

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, CHAPTER V. % V .1 RIVALRY. .; ` 7". 2 . `1.1`1$'-.`9f?118-'J=W5 -`119?5-th9i:9n*'``Y. 501159 7 1 . . . . .1 . . 1 - A . of1.1a.'1socig11*,s11u;perio11.{fTliutirindadr.:1 T1111 1111.1-1;` z~1t (.1"11'esford 10161111111` w.:1.~, 1111 11 o11u.n _-_g1,ngs, j%dm11u1', 1'd.t.11L1l' '8. 51118113 .3. 111 . It-8_ `Q I s11111cw1111t, 1111-.1111g'1'119us br11111~1anoe.w1a8' Percy Bpaygha,w 3-1 V I] 111z1i111y 11111: to t`E((:1l11;i:)'3I1`yLab((iWB(:'1iI1!?l1'18_vi .Wa1S great 11 11'~'".111 _ - . 1 . z .- ` 1 \I1-is Apleh-gw, ' w1I1o1 :c .em` `a n oztgtogmwas :* ` _ _" . .g_ ._r . 1 111111113] .11 1111111111 11l111be11;1`.1'(:Sss11a1gg1`a;1n11;1,_t be-d1-aw co1_1111d1 Iglis s1ty]e_1_1 11nc1111111;: 8` `.~ ' ~ 95011---'-In 01` ` ` ; 0111151`. '1`11(i 1'(`S1{1}11} that, lgiivg; I131 lx.1'g-,1 ~ 9 asjalm 1-` " 1-921111-1 '1111(1i/1-1-31111\~1y11:ve1'(l3:(:es butwthen, `prev 3 lsgifhxgeya s1fn2: tw "te11`1.1i1111f111~.~ss 132111 go h9,I1dWi1I'|1V1;i1;1,`V it. in: Q1131. 11111111 111111 tents. O Of the two Pa~1'VIW__.n1ere a1ec11ent.t1hat, 111 was. not. legally V; f11111111o.~`, the (:r1mqw01't.hs, .W'h101 _w1ere Ins was too shghvt. to rnak_e~muIch "-1 V 11111111111111, 11111212151111 to -pa.tx-oniee and1--_ 1. d1ierenoe{`., Allyhfrw. 181811181-wane tghei-1-1 1 '\11~1'yo 111111 --- sneer a. _. -_.cai'ma11.t was mg -. 1 18 11511111? who vv81'e_ mewxhm ; was .vSil;d 301: 11,; 11' 11111-113 r1n1SW_.0 _ ;_W.3,9' _. 1 ,coInc11rn ` "~a._`, .,Sf-B50111, V;_1..1_`l.1,_. 111yste1'i1111s somet111ing .? 111 the pity,-311.116-sl1g1g:efstdp11 1 1l11111]c11.-1 `I10 :VV1()1l11d _ . h1m8:11f...i be Wgilby as 91 mm` Wllcl, 11+111g' 111tAarp1re ' mean 9. 1 A ~s1oa,n` _. y _. W 1 1111111 111111 1:.1,111t1'i;)f;E}1h; after? a,1me12h0dh,'a`d1 npt gt-he privilege of villtir 1 11111111111 1-1111,11 i11 nance to spec- matealy aoquaintjedj wi. _ ` ,a " most`; 1111111 with 11t.11er -p'eo1p1e s I Il0Il6y in ; chm-ming manfa,1;d-a1 dLightf11-1.c<'_nm- 811011 11 way t11a1t.11;_he-gains WEBB hitry " ` .1 1 ` 11111 11111 11) thelrs. . __ 1; i pwin ` Lady (_11'1111sw_o1'th was .a t1un, reat~ .,ASi1-.179;-y 3A .1_t glance that` 11:1-`.9 11111111111 with an articial smile he itiolude` his `011 11 fzlw \\'11iu11 cvidenttly .On1_c_e; ifl "t'1he,pp.!'t-y. .` Fozhthe 1111111 g11111l-11.111ki11g', but was _nQy1'- 1'1ex;.siIdiex_..was_ gf8.vevd1iti1no - 11111.1 s1::1111c11 ,witl'11 the linm W.11iGhe.,ii11tiV()11'-to fadl hie} 13111: 51111111 \\'111'11.1, 1)e1}01(0ll 3tc1'iV' R i11g.+. I11 1~1-1111.11. her vexpresxsion was 1_contyggt to t11e;ra,t.h1'er `#1189183. 11110 of 111111'1{1.111 disoo111'1e11t, (11011bt111e89'1OeI10$d `by>.the 111111111.-1111 11_\' the c011s1ciousness~ `(ff 1 Sibyl 13-m;s1.,,W.1wa,,si1;1p}y f11111_1r1,- 111 1111111111 t.11a.t social reoogrll-`ed a)`giu]I)`14y `10ffI'16_1 t.11111 111 \\'11i1-11,. by 1'eas011 of her ~huse~- ?p;u.}s ~her.:orm1-yo`1r-1 11111111`: 110111111, -she. ~c0111s'idered,? }1e~me1f111Im;m ent 0111111111. 11111` 1119145 was, for the Dc-'_1gave-5_a"_ -11,1. 111511111, 1'i11i1-1111:111s1y elaborate, ynd 11 ' . .1. 1 that . . -9 In An -: nun-o`nn.IIlr 1- Q ` " _ltt9rs as Iouuws: THE SUNNY SOUTH IA__ ti1A'F1h3c.A'A-H'A_1i'vESf% 6:oR1iow FLORIDA` ~ Bnurrjs. ' I-|\-IT-7lluI.ll1y_ auu-sac] a. - J-.. .._- Fix? i:uR15 AND Candi zmit be addressed."-to our i Cntklianticqrregpondehge (Depaxtglglit ,I.e.~.ns~-w:n.r9n&l1y scan nteour M V n`=f,,` :1,-..% 1 is its own reward, especially -1f 3 f_2:1l'er 1s runmng a seven column {T paper-in'a one.cq1rum11 town. ' iDepa|_r_te1|t of Militia and Defence - _A L.` I 4 _.A f OTICE `TO CONTRACTORS SEALED . TENDERS, marked on _e11velopeTe11de1` for Construction Of New Drill Hall, Orillia, Ont. and addresedvto-the-Di1ecto1' of Con- tracts, Department of Militia and Defence, Ottawa, will be received u`nt.il 110011, December`19, 1912, for the constructioxl of a New Drill Hall at o0rillia, Ont. ,-_3__L.'--_ --A___ L- _.,,,___ ,____] 1 V `. It C03ts sq Liie and "DoeI_s so Much. V (Ala KIIIIIIOII, \JllV Speciea.tions may be seen and -full part-iculars obtained at the hice of the General Oicer Commanding 2n Divis-iovn, Toronto, 'Ont., the Towii Clerk, Orillia, and the Direct- -or` of Engin-er Services, Headquart- ers, Ottawa. 7Y`__, `I_,__ -_-,, ,,L L- _-__ 1,- ___ ;1_, .L' -/Av, \/uvuvv nu- Tenders must be inadelon the form supplied by, the Dgapartment and ac- companied by the accepted oheque on a. Canadian (7ha.rtere:rl Bank, for ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount. of the `tender, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of _Mil.-i- tia"an& Defence, which amount will be forfeited if the. party tendering declines to enter into or fails to com- plete the contract in accordance with his tender. ` The Department does not hind it- zelf toiaccept the lowest or any ton- er. ~ -u-sarong.--guy--g `----;-s.-u.- 1-. n - q saw`- _ EUGENE FISET, (.`rolo1ie'l, b ~ Deputy Minister. Department of Militia. and Defence, . Ottawa,Nm'ember 19, 1912. _Newspa.pexs will not be paid if this advertisement: inserted with- out authority from the Department. 14`-123-4.--31801.t 49-50 _.v.-..-\/..._.___-.. I ANY person who is the sole head ofa family I or any in ale over 118 `cars old. may home- steada. narter section 0 avai'able Dominion landin anitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in, person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agenc ' for the district. Entry by proxy may be ma e at any 1 agency. on certain conditions by father, - mother son. dau htcr. brother or sister of in- ] rnnrlinn `uni-nnnfna: an SYANOP-SIS OE DOMINION" LAND , T REGU_L.TIOl}IS._ _ I tencnng nomesteauer. Duties -Six- months residence upon and {cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of hi homesteadon afarm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied bv him or by his father,` mother. son. daughter. brother or sister. In` nm-tnin intrinfn n. hnnipntender in stood 1D6\all\4 . unn uvlnunu -mother'son. d u me: I tending homeste er. nnna _Qi\r n\nnfh mt hex`, momcr._sor}., uaugnter. Dromcx` Q1` sister. In gcrtain dnstncts 9. homesteadex; m good standm may pre-emgt a quarter-sectnon along- side his omestead. rice $3.00 per acre. rmnoa ._;`.\Ilnat_ memo nnnn fhnnnnnstoad or sme D18 nomeswau. rnce $1.1-u per acre. Duties -4MI_1st reside upon the`homestead or me-em tion six months in each of six years from ' ate of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fty acres extra. I -A hnmnntnndmv whn has oxhsummd his home- I cumvute nuy acres extra. 1 "A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may epter for a purchased homestead in cer- tain d1str1cts._ Price $3.00 per acre. Duties.- - . Mustreside SIX months in each of `three years, cultivate fty acres and erect 8. house worth (fill! III V W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior '.N.B.-Um:.t.thori2ed pltbliation of this ad- vertisementwiil not be paid tor.-26686. 45-18 INDIVIDUAL iueu} Drill Hall qt Orillla. om. -__-1-4 - -1.` How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. Sowing their wild oats ? in various ways. Excesses, violation of na- ture s laws, ` `wine, women and song -all have their victims.` Yiou have re- formed but what about the Iced you have sown- what about the harvest? Don't : trust to luck. If you are vat _ present within the clutches of any secret habit which isisapping your life * by degrees; if you are suf- __fei`in from the results of -neat uA3gnuAAosn- if unnv ICIIIJ5 ll.Ul.IA tuc Ivcuntw vu st mdxscretxons; 1f our loodhasbeentainted tom V -_,__ ._._:_--n._ .1: ____ .. ....A --45` -S.I}RP_l;lJ S . nu\ |u`uUn`UJ uswumryuvvg . . H the su1w1'1hlit,y of -her , peal`s um! lialnouds, inTex'c essii.' }y I ~ 4 .4`), bad t_ast<~. But then her bneedi she hved at I Iwckney . uW01'th, then a city clerk,` first V _ .. J: _ :3 L -... Lgnu. --.--`Fnnnun..~..] II ~1ncor3?;`a`: {.- |"Vo\J8, |.uL'll cl C11-`y U`IUl'l\, -,f.\v0l11'(:(1 ~li.~'.p]Jay 3 andl, V W! band would .5113 ; what's: th havlug mom-y if you don t kI0`0kA-I37. to people the fact that you ve, on. well W83, bright 'ax1d wsymp. theti'c V ut- terly` withotu:t_: aect`a.t'on. % S-he. `Ultllluulttv V1-(ID avnrusoonag vv vbowlsoa,` V0555; gwas Sir Percy ear for` as they wre `concerned , and `always abound: be. And , the sug*g`estoo11 thakthe possibly` might E not be was by them scouted as an piti- ful` scandal by those . who _...L 1.`... _....:-.:`_n-A A: -:i\`:_ Sibyl Brave w was -simpb'. dwess-I { ed, so simply that the necklace of'.neI `pearls which was -almost` her_~qn13'-401; ; gnament wa2s`fpeo11._Il.i9lV 9"'"k.`3'3 "W gave ya: su.8`8 8tion.` of i_'ichn98.6 50 *1 ._-..;... n...4. mm uh. Hnnlf the mvemeu %th I Twhen this party e _1'aJ189 [came in,_.,,Sir:Perrcy received Rlchfwd . rs. -`I,-__ ____'L`. '. ...-1-I n"l'lanI|"I"'IQ'|- Ciun In, D1I"re1'cy TUQULVUKL .l.vu.uumu . LO-ardotn with 9. good deal ofom-dial-I` ity.` It seemed, too, as thou`h..Lwd5' . Gladsmuir, SibyI s olmaxprome; 7 had been prepared`, for she, in hgar rath pompous, high-bred! manner, was at- `|1'nost.g:ueu_hing. Hewas next present- - `ed to Sibyl, and an helooked at_l1 ` face and met the gllkmoey `of intagest `Engxtish girls are the most. beautif in the world-. . At My Ete -he; had met that day vtwo"-apecimI'1%SLcon-`.v tiastaeci indeed; W'hic!1,'_ in-_ hi, li1riited-- exmbtifnw, it .wou su.re1ybei1r ard to % % ` `Q li_ 'ng.,g_!ag11ce1efj;~S%iby1 .s; . face -it fell on M*l.1'191 . 'Ga_,rd{on s and ,` 4 he nogegl _in~ Rogues IN ARGADY A fhrllllnd Story or have and` . lntnltueln an-om: Ilalls 9._3{ I .I9`2*."." %L$48.oO.9oow or ouso:.unx`wigou 1 4-sAI-m us-rue Vgetxh01",\\'i1ll the ` 8xpaI1se`l'u1' the [l.i'..~'.pdPa.y of "e(`?591`.\' <.'x<>1'tiu1'1, was in O mak111 1101' ulwofnlrbabmy ai5.5't hm` 1H'i:4'11t e11ab1edl.'h`e41' *3 011. Her g'u1'e aord E15: ``*t=`].\' lmrc `and "5' 5114'. unhke her nval _ `|"lL)l|1V(;l smug`, a. want '+.. .. '. .` A-' :-;B.l'8r5Ew`:~-"~7;Th]6}.(ll1eSti0;r .WI,Sfp11st iL py `a A guest ; ii'11d3.,1iuiaen1e1it,v A A % '. ~un`1 . .- ,n n--1 4: HOV I-9901!} \b he fampi &;9f_ % so: thatj I ` shall Ta *bmt'e "if Ij~1ib.ye 1301-t*111'll %ii1y.v;:{>tMiss&:3rya;hawseems v`ery~:fond. ~ ' % , V;z`c':z:r;x_u_.T~'..1`.-,5"..;__;-.~+.-.__ __-:3. m`L_n la an me .p)1jpQrty. N_iat1m_`alIly .8110 thought. `I- !slxould3_be'1nt.e11eshe:1, and I was. 2 ?Natur3*sT .; Ma-risen Of ` acourse, ou1fse1v'es ?-`she 110W," eifecl to a f-.`they.* do; not want the trouble of turning out` if `they helpit, but lit dn--+-3 % % - l {'{ She paused. as_ -thoiigh f asfraid of 1. Saying too` L v_ 1. VT... 0 jdon?t\- think. you. ..nVe& 1.`beginv to re- yoursglf wit.l1-_-t.hat,- she said K- _..--__._-.. 1---.-. V `~TJ'-_ '.1__~ ; b9en Vabopt 13% . _ b ` xv-.. .;.-...L. .... ~ :9 LL. ltahyx '\3U\\.'u_au- * .. -1-ItVi,s`Tnot pleasant to haveoour good . oithpressiolxs .eace*, and; RiehaL1`d' felt a touch of disam)4ont;me11t.> at the `given his late compan- , ion. Still, he `thought, she knows the .|gi-1'-1 better than; I;_.she' may be 17ig~ht_ and I mistakeal. 4 - - - " Oaptai11Wi!lXson; was- talking to \ Iadwi -(':`rrirI1s~v6"rth:,~ who. to at man` so smza-rt a.nd.;,such good style, was most ` gracious. T ' A TL "l'< ...-__ LL. __.....I..--...1- L`-.. .~\vv:u\tu 5.; mm .~ns;% he iobj eoted, .-;fe_e1ing " unfaii-; -."o1._:_`_-_ ;-'n:_...__..- -11 _I_-__;. `L- `:'J".`B..VV-!9'~W`vI _ . ' ~ <`Yes%? V V . % V , I "V: If they do go; I fancy from what {I of 'Siby4'1`,K she will soon be `equally in move. with the 2 next `place i.t~lneYj~..tal' I Shaw . has; that enviable v 'guas1ity_,' -a dis1;Asoi1'.'i'o nTto be complete-' "7ly ha.ppy _ _anywh0.,re that offers" the ~1ea;t.}e:`;cvu_se `for it._` .'I ,1 lery. S114` V A affuutxnl 'ulI.)lll'1`v(l ,SYX301.93' _ Wont tn rim.-' 1'0ffUm8"3t' 81l(`1?Cts`a%i\'I* ni;.-hts w;it,h ~!11_ 1.05 and b'z1pphi1'(.'LS. laIuI1.ruD. _ , - ` If `may be` pardonai fou-saying 'so, he obse`rved;pre_sen'tliy,. I have been admiring your Qovely jewels" an the evening. They are wonderrful. Ailal the habitual diseontezrit left the `1ady. e face, which softened with-~ lpleasure. Not Ofteri was `she eompli-V "mental on her dlisplagy-` of jewelxlaery, `seeing that the vulgarity of its ex- `eese disgusted one ca1ass_of.peop le `while it filled the other, the lower," iwith a1n envy which found its; oinly palliative i_11Aignoring` what it ooujlad ;no_t emu:l49,te.. ' ~ I v ' ` `.1: _A__-_`9, _1-_ - uuu mutuwuuc. i ~`They a.-1'e"a1-1 specimen` boi1:, she .-replied wit11'a`vo~1u"b1e weloome of the- | inteiresting'c furn in their talk. Sir Mar-c.11s__ will `have mouthing but the very` fnfsst and does` nqt care how rnu3h"*'}1e ~.pa'ye' vvlmen; he the real `thing. ,,This* necklace -was ezxh-ibited at the Imt Paris Exhibition, and was insu.redJ for {twenty ohou`ss'aud pounds. "7 -____1.1__'_-.. `L.-A. ........_1,. ulmutziw LUIS rvwc-uu.y uwu-ucuuu '!1vu|u\uJo I never wear anything -but pearls and diamonds, she" went on .wit:h-_a glance across the room at Mrs. Apple- sha.'w* s n1ajestic'a.11d ibedizened gure. ` "97 ,`I13atxe' `clpe1!011.1'`at!._ sfgonesv, daoqn_ _t you ? __--_9'9 L- ..._._-..` _J. unuo 4Uv.uuu-sou. vvvuvw; ,\-v'~_-1-2 V JV" 6 ` I prefer Awh.ite`st0I1S', he 3_95}"`f ed her dLp1onmt1caMy.. \ } 241'. ._~..-_'_.'I .I-'.u.~ ..........- ....`|..:,.,. :4? -rrnoa L Cu .llI .7l.' \.lllJ- .lllUjllI|(Ul_IlA\;4bl:lIl-`yo. _ A I"wou1dn t wear` rubies if ' you gave me the finest in the world. . she docl-awed`. aznd~ as for emeu'a1sd9.and' sappl1i1's`; , I d= as soon wear a 1)&:-ace of coal or pebbles out of txhe noad. }`I_..L__._. 111:1--- ............;...J 4.1.- m...+:_ U1 uuuu U1 `PUUUIIKJD vu-v uv; vguu uuu-uu Captain vWilsovnA accepted the senti- ;ment with `a bow. . You .must "iid |~ycu.ri magnicent suites a great re- isponssivbilitm. _*he retmarkedx. `Or lpevhsaps` you . don t let. that trou-ble W11- ~ . " A `- Oh, welll,` natuurally one -has to take came of ` fty thousand: -pounds worth of jewellery. ,When We travel, our ma,u;'h.asstri`ct orders . never to let thecase-ocut of his handa. It-*is one msg?11 _s'.\:v\o'nk` to look after, it in `these days of rwilway thieves. t~~ urnL_ _'I_-_ ..-_. .c......,. 4..1..:.....,.,. A5,, A4. ` llllv uuga U1 lui,l.IaVVa`y Iuuvuvw-u - The d.a.ng`er from thieves ddes not . always` end with the jou-rney,. Wi1- son rema.rLked.; -r . ' . N , I.ady G.rims~wIo-rbhL agreed. I But here. ` there -is `a delightfui 'a.i'- .1.here ._orught be in "overs? coumtry they etxpecxt their-~gu`es rs to :bri1'1g 'a1'1ythin.g `worth stealing? Oh! =1W`ha tis tahaf:? `. ` L . ?A :i;ewe1"sa.e, `built into the wall `gf'on:e S1b,edm0m. idea,` isn 13 ' `1n!-;',_;.L Aagbo `R1-|+_ T rangvement, -`such as Sir Marcus says . Enc woxmm. 1 ros rity, HI` 3.... _ _ - '- `Mrs. :\p])1c.s1Lu-\v was what lhnunf .._.L A - `..._..`--.._- ms} ARE INCREASING Resffofun Res`-tr-% 7 ar-Genrhl~Prinfed `rm. % . Brisins 31 Depart-V - . .ment Up-To-Da:te. ' 5` The neporft. off. Dr.31,J 'Qh_11".,=' McCu1- ,1o%ch,j >Deputy " ,G'<::n`i_`a1` `fo`,r. Ontario, ha just}; been 1)`-rintaed. _f_01'~ -the yeein-.1911. `This is -.t;he ecopd report of; this natme appear this year, *thefrst.~ one being-` for i thb year 1910._ " . ` i n`! 1riix ges`,:' 33,341 idatlis; `of ' 3,937 regi_s~tfatiqus'_, moro- %t.h.?`11"191.0. 1:354 -b.i1`th8{"15]771`~ 'morevmm'1`igeS and 802 more d'ea.h.1-` : _rgi`s1aered 57,235=births,1125,so_7 Amar;1 J The Coau1_1ty._of York, `Which i'n<.f.h_1d- 336 the Qitylofv ;TOrOntd, furx1ish 340 `of. the- 117,383 re-gist rations._ York Co11n-t.y.,,fum'ishes1 .2-3 elf tHe' total Tiuci-ease fer .the_ whole I -rovinc} York if1_1911 had 11,743 births, 5,604 marriages and 6,993 . - . "_M.mIma1:s 1 " .. The xna.1frizigo qust-i611 is an inter- esting one in 'many"phases `of *the"re.-., port. L -Toronto and Esisex County sl1oi'v~t-he greatest. _number. This. is` due to the fact that couples 'come over` from Detroit and- Windsor to- have the knot. tied. In Windsor last year there were -2,774 lnamiiages, an increase of 481 -over the same period - for 1910, and 5,604 in the County of .Y9:!<- ` < `-1 u 0.. 1| -.1 ,| ;, \l'll\n _ The t1iab1Z'2s,s-1i-binittd-H in t11e *_rc4po_rt i s~h.ow that irnixd 1narri~age-.` are on` the inqrease. In 1910 there were 7,351 Roma Catholics married. `. `V ~ Of this number 5.482 only married; in their own. religion. leaving` 1 .5_09j mixocl marri-ages, In 1911 6.743} Rcm1an Oatholis married in their ' o.w1_1 rel-igion,Vor 1.519` mixed marriag- ., L_,. ,__ ,,.- LL._'. 9,. `L, ,- 2 U ;yoa1'. , v _ T LV Two htnldsred a1_1ds_ixty-six men did not claim ',a11eganceTtr>` any de- nominaon. compared with 40'? W0- men. % The preponderance of couples married were V agfid from 20 to--24 "years; W0man s reticence jig} regm_*d to hot age `is proven by the statistics that 258 women` did not report their age, as cmnpared with 33 men. In t:>`go,_ and Archer Ca-rdo`n suggested that-, as a; newsoomer to the country, Richm`&5W.oruUd.1ike to see it,: and th-at,Mariot1 should drive him UV 0! . Il4\n I11 I 1 10 Vvvac ', `fOf oourse you viu be ,a leading spirit of the hunt, my dear boy, When` you settle down one of these days, but it is just as well that you Shuo-u'1`d take an early opportunity of _.seeing how things done, and the meet at ` `the Ba1ma.in s Bench, which is one of your beauty spots, _ will be a_ pretty sig`ht. T ' "I (I L, ,,-__ _, -1 1' 941.; Al. 1". 1.. l hounds a.bo11t,.four away. }vAIl~,pl1e Gresfond Halil party had ar- |.... .A......J 1.". .... ....,J A___`L-_. 11-..]--- w.'332i}e you not out" wit>h thm to-I d;a.3:3`Rie}1:a.rd asked; -< , , -1 `L9 1-.-: `I (FIT, LU l\.4'l 515'! \l. IAKFAUV-\ l "M{Af1{cl1er_s;hook his . No, .worse' luck. I shoulid have enjoyed it -above all things; it is ,9, perfect day _an_d` we are pretty sure. of a rousing run. But I have to. go into Stambutry on brusi-f nese with my lawyer. . He} writes: he is going away t'o-mo-rmw. for. a, week, so` I must see him to-day. _I shall" be back, I hope. to luncheon, and! ..wi-lil A...I_- _.-_- ........_`I: __ ...-_._.1: -1! ..L1_'.-.'__..-_. _ 'Mariom s cart, with a smart pony," `duly came round, 81151; `when his cousin made her 'appei1r_wance'in a well:-csut, perfectly tting driving coat she lookedi, as Richard told himself, -supremely handsome. It was a. plea- sure to him tornd "that he hadiso ` smart a reLa.tiQn; she might easily have been. countrieda and dowdy, and he cong'r'atuJwted@ hi_m'sve1\fv that ,was,. qutwardily _` at least, be-yuomd re- proach; On the way to Vt;he meert they- pleasantal-y of country through `Which. they dmove, Marion- was in goods` spirits-;, yeste1~da5r, s note` V of sdiscontent, whicVhseemed tothazve ._been foncedi .11pIoIn.'her, was eiiti-1'01}? absent, .t1_1eregwas. nothing now but the enjoyment _ tionntry. li_feL . She '. tolld him, 1 tourshsing; l:igfhit]y,. a` good ` "poin;ti`ng_. ;o`u.;t_whgi `not, `telling of his mus dn'd;.th.:eir.`_, til-1 i V L? 05 , f f E 1; &}I\1I\, ulu UV)` Ll~UIrN\Rd\I'J XIIKJI "VI A Ill take you round` as much of Terty as we can see before dark.' "'Il'-__2,._,5,, ___'_A_ -, , ...;_-_.J_ _---_._' {LL50 Avyeuuu ;5;.v_g .\ - "On ` their ar ival % jat `_Ba1miai-n s Bench, V.w}i:e,re scene was animated and pre_t.ty' n:otugh,` he` "soon fomgd, himself` ampllgv :a0gu a.in"tanct';_?s- of the nigjht before.` `The 'j.i`8:t` ,-j~=f@q1`i1.ia.I%' ? gru'1`eQhis eye .31!.8"ht" .' `W`.`3 f . `H13 llllttvv `Lu. "lIIc|D`_._`I.,1\il,lrlI,_-l0|Im`\._v_A:., __.u... I.~.w.'h&t.a. _ `.2 an I\/JIBIVUI \lL `gt-gu `or ten more than Jlnnnvxn. IIJICI I sub in the preyjous `- ii 111 `59,23j5, births there - w.ere ,29,607_ rmizlesr and: 27,628 females. ' I -were 1'gf,istered_ during the ` V gear` 1;262 "multiple. births, being 622. oftxvins and 6 `cases of trip- ; lietis`. Th t_WinS were, represented by 632 and 612 girls, and the! trip- lets by*.7 boys_an(l 11 There "Wi2re~ ~1,087 children bo1jn`o-ut of .wd.- T -lock, 553 boy and 537`girls. . _'_I`his is first time in the history ,of t-he,Depa.rtment of the Provincial T secret'a.ry that the report. if the Reg- istrar-General has been issmed so `early, and: `the rst year in vvhich two reports ,have made" their a.m)earm1ce.. bringing the department up-to-date. 1.1`; 3.. ;I_ 3.. _-_A.2_-- -..E T\,_ \l'-l"f..11--'I- tAeVn yn-s*i4;802':' people have `diedr in 9 ,"Y,<)rk County frbm tulierc losis. The . popu.lat_io_n: of-_' York, inc ding To~ I ronto, uzjs. `given as 444,234, with s a `birth year.of 11,743 and `of;..6_,993 and n1am"iages 5,60-1. Of the birt-hs in York County 10,046 were i{1i1e;Ptg1;)nto,' 5;191.ma;rriag_es and ,6:,:0_11 _ _ - ~; ' L ! Axneau, yup`; _ I.|.\/I411: ,4... ..n { It `_is_the _intention. of )Ic.C111r(;1\i: ;`1cha irman-of the Provincial Board of ' \ i`Hea1t,h, to kp it lere. llll I4\.- - i VVe` underst-and that the Ontario Gove-rnment has been asked: to ap- porin-t'a Cookstown citizen as a Li- .quo1: _Detec.tive to `assist Chief Cons- Ha-ble Gi1ms_y of `Cookstown and the `License .Insp'ec.to1S in -this vicinity, says The Cookstown Advocate; Peo- ple have seen too many dru_nks= on the streets" of Cookstomvn during the past_ six months. There are times when Cookstawn more like a licensed bu.rg,than a place where the local option law has" been in force since May,- 1910. A It is said" that` Cookstown has a blind pig in her .midst.:_ A few `more heavy nes will" f1il_;e15y sober some of the drunks up for a;1l`tim. to come; , - ~ A1')VQ(.)AVTES' HEAVY FINES FOR DRUNKS 1): L. 0. TOWN F q To New ~Subscribers--For $1.00 .w'e| will send The Advance f1'on'1 now un- till 1st` of January, 1914. Reduced clubbing rates with all daily and papers _ t.f. Winter Tours` _'gAurokN1AT L MEXICO "`I.lmlted trains leave Toronto dull : maklntdlrectconneconsatnetro 1 and Buffalo for Florida and at cm- - code for cpllfornla. etc." = ~R0@d Tp Tickets at Low Prices` J. FLBTQHER. Atlent, Bqrrlej L Fuli particulars from any C_.P.R. Agent ' I;-_IIs WILD OATS` . 3--j@j`4nK 3133 ,.. _ FT` -` `K UIUUUMBS Uccu Lanusuu IAVLAA T j , . , A ` . - _ _ . 0 ' ' any-private disease and you 'you.ate andliiixe in dreacff sym totfns breaking ' V you are 8 ering as e resu t o a misspent 11:-enas.;j K. C; u.Aa : xoun REFUGE. Lay your case betore ' anclithey will tell you honestly if you are curable. ? "-4-gag A-ts. Iain! `IIIILIISII t\IllII!'I'\ wuvms sue Ill CANADA $IO\I9$ CI! ` Nllilljruui " --_-__-. - . ---4`: jiu Bu SIR WM. MAGNAY. 80:81., Author of , "The Red Chancellor." "~`l`lIe_ Master Spirit." Etc.` " T

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