'f9%%sTe a.1%:1 cL1{jL%en`qu%i/1%`e` the price, as we be1ieV<-> cansa-V6` money. > OUR,So.'I`OCK of useful articles for Christmas e Gifts; never wasso numerofls as they are this `yea.r. f invite all admirers of CHRISTMAS GIFTS Cut Glass gsilverwarek 4" Brass Goods Pearlnandledknives and Forks Coffee. Pots Gas and Electric Stand Lamps The popL;1~a.tio inereased-by.seven births in one. wegk; d The Forester thinks the Roose-; veltivan theory many stun mirers. there. ' an n of Bracebfidge, was ad?- OHS ` ' .5 '~` V"-..``. . . . . , ,_ . ` 7; 'r.(- ~ ` r ' -,- _-` ` -7... 1 ' ' " " ' '\ ` 2 V K-.- -u 1.` Iiiga-Dd Chocola ,.., 2 lbs. for 253 i XMAS WEEK - A` Your Dinner will not be com- pleye wichogegamcx or OUR DELICIOUS ICE, CREAM.1 F % %'I'%he%LYMPIA CANDY ORKE':]&has the Choicest }#LBest L Home - made A % Fine V Chocolates, 'kB_cmvBons and Novelties of variouskinds. % ORDER EARLY A `A Among 'A t`l1,e most pleasing Novelties are etc., `in fancy designs, especially pm: up for` Xthas Remembrances. ` H.` E. Stodddrt, n ear Ir.adf0vr1,Ysi I who is mentiionet as-. the_s:ooessor of J ailer Sissoiis at the Barrie.'J.ail,_ will have `an auction sale of `his farm stock, etc., ._on Dec. 18th; ` 3 Vnumbe; of designs. :19 ofvdoz. or doz. PHONE 303 Tln eveuix dmn EULA; . Ipainl 011 beer and ing. one indl fail tin! ban enti cu. the pea ha she Rerv. T._-G. McGonig1o, rector. of Islington, and formerly of Oioaok.sr- town. has been ti`ansf'errreodi by" the Bishop to` thci Parishaof 'Newma1tket. G. II." Baycroft of Beem, Abaggedw seven blacli squirrels and; 2a? irabbit one day recelltly. V The ` Simcbe C'+`onty Odnil pay-3 roll for the ve~diay November 888-. sion totalled $1240.10.` - ' " Qrillia. will vote on the placing of` the water, light and power and sew.- Qrs 1111xjner a'o0mmissio1L . ` ` - VBradfor`d {bachelors and; Ab6llBdi('?t-`S will hold a. masquerade ball to-mar row evening`. 7 . . I `Messrs. F. Cook and W. A. sfiu$p- son wi1~Iucontest the -m,ayo1"a.lty-- of Midland. w _ r ' 4' V N ewa~rket has a. by41aw prdhibit-u ing girls under 16 and boys under 14 being on the. ~st'ree.ts after 9 _p.m. - i Lmdsay ra.tepaye`rs_ _ have` accepted a proposition to gmuvantee. t1_1'e`bonds of the Fisher Furniture ~09. up to` Q nnn "~ u u` vnav .5. InJU\..-`.5 s;3o,0<)o. % nuo96o6o6 *2 FROM. NEAR AN-D FAR 2` 366ooo6oobqo.`9jo 'o3i' ` A mii115ioipa.l:`odntaeSt is .fo1`c~shadp[w- '. ed in Tecuxlsenth. ' V` ' I wif.1'" J'e&'" }o$`"'ie` E"1?i? L auct;iovn. . . . {Victoria Hm 'bo1- itizeng "a&"e"_e:`!?i3-I deavooring` to .re-org ani"zo: teir` brass'- band._ - . -` The Ladies? Auxiliary tome Olli. Eospital ,cIeamed A $800 in a.` two-days azaar. - -' 4 _ T ` {ion repeal" Owen WSo'1ind. wi-1:1 .hei~v; 15.1 - Thombu-ry eva$.porato`1f-zwas ,d-estrvoy ed by re, a_ $0,0_00=1oes. A` - , ' `A The anam was f facility` for the transaction of k}t}he,ir% &bapkii1g huslriess, 5in`clud'ing% the discount` and coIletjon ` bf ~s a]es. mes; `saiesf % 'riote%; are suppljed of charg`e?`n%app1iaLtio:n f . ..: jgjjn::'j:-_:-;-_ York County Golincil `listened . 6 a The Maple. Leaf Hdtl, '.1`ottenI_1am,_ .311 L... ..m.......l -1:-.. .`...I- I__ __,|_I_'_ oo.snT' *.sa;s`;'.=.1-.` } JOHN n._u:afs oL1> ~ST_A.\_ID 1; Jaunnf . ,_ _ .. _` ` cean:L`ugg'.gr,` -s MA \YU.lACT *JRFit, `V63? V :; ;=.*za...* `,em'%.o ., H. J, cnasmfl`. a%ARI-`(IE aha NCH % .ua.Lvb . J. l}l1l_*5U4ll '6:-hair--Hiv'i-us! ' "Pa1;--"?A.is`y', ~Vais:v.! 7 >152 his Vlb`g"'..that s we as `cad M1: be .to' .it`:whn.-: :7E7;afth3111ght he was %ki11'1I furs-#% ? ` i`? L ~ vJimmy'I~13aJesa,iof the Dogs; Nest, . near Allistocn, was last Week` at Beetou with illegally keeping and selling liquor, and"t-he case attracted~ cousidewable attention. V ; Ha-Is did not appear to m1swex'_th_e charge, but his solicitor, Mr.` Jas. _Fraser; inti- mawted'_tl1-a.tChis client was unable to attend tlirough` iIJ'ness.[ The` defense asked for and= was g'ra.x1bed= an _ ad.`-` journmeirt until Dec; 4th, - on `the {ground ~ that. vch;arge;had `been, amended -slime. oo`uns'l had an oppor- tllnihv two -cqmsuhithe accus'scl.~ will be ivemexnbered as the who S(?1'_V :d5 a term in Bzmie Jail fo`i--;_ _m_er infractions. and g ve ra.therv,sen-' sational`eviderice at thegailf V injvestiga-*. Lion after Pa19l1 s esame -a.df`1tec.a:p- ture. A `At , that ixivestigation-Hale_si swore that he '1iq'uo'.i'. on di_ere11.t occasions w'hi4l:st.i_n J a,il."_and .h'ad_ on onT`oojcasion hadb",a_"li6tf;hlie hid. .511--thiwash-.room 1`I:e:tT$b= P910111 L [had ~t_'od fgioi1igi',._1;oN?. run" V f I ' ' P`ati--,`Mr`s. FjlannigA'a/n`;"*y11re Moik - has-,jj ust felljo th ` Saolidin land kil;ledi-l_1.i.malie1`f, hdad. L `*5 . { *Mm. Flanmigan . ( Vchs.-ir-"`Hi1'rim`x-I ~ .The Beaten Methodist `A `Church sheds hayve ben used by the general public for the "past two yam, and'- an inediespendent ~ oomn1itt'ee" has beer; formed toput the`grorund$- in repair the merchants and mill-ownesrs do i If the'fannems' who `use the s-hds an-`ci not respond, the `sheds will be p1o'sod:, [except 9n Sund"a;vs: . . 7 Itfis tliat the iI 1corp 6r-. ationn 6f -Do1l:irb0wn ` as part of the Town of MidLa.n_d_wi.ll be oonsumated this week, the Twnshigi Council hav-% ing rm`-lly agreed to the town s terms, says : The Argus; The Township Council .will' probably, meet during` the present 'w_eek_and.= pass the necessary re,so1utio?.n~in connection with the `matter and itywiljl be then I x'efer`r.ed\ fo? the "Municipal [ Boand` for? }n'~a,-1 ratication. __ I of Thorah took down a. show gun"to A neighbor V-lad of olm "Lyon" clean it. As usual}; the: not know . it -was lqaded and the contents were disuhaxrged in the face of Mus. `Lyon, who ,stood close by. She: hsuf a nar- row escape from -death. . "~Buggies,% Carriagxes; h ` Lsleishg nnl__Cu%ttje:_-%s.i % n.....`.;_ n.___ - , | At the first `annual meeting. of `the Waterloo County `Board; of -Ag.ricru.1- tune, the. executive neco-inmended that, `as a. means: of. a'vert.icsing an '__ex- `hibition- be organized `to embrace nboth i_nd'ust.ria_.1"and zugricultutral i ucgiuities ' -of the. cotmty. T h ` - ~- on-uoxnuuucus - Uunfu uwfvwmalvu ` Lful LL` IMIU whole > lumber yards. Imoeudlaifism is suspected; ,; - ~ . ~ l * Lockluu-s`Iccss;-76, i1.~n`ativ9 of E.sa+| died at the. Beet;on_` of Ion Nov. T21se;V%afwr a.3year.. `and-r.`a' ha1f s 1"esid ence3_`in.. the Home; V Hie 1-ema.ins,:.were' ,inte1-red alt: Angus, on the23rd. . _ V. L % "The J Bradford i muesponderie to The` Beetoxi World says, that Rev. Mr. McLean `of, Churchill -win likely IL- 4.1.- _L_:-.- -1 n___.1_n-__1 1)_'-'__v1_'_.;_ . 'E.;5'o1Ie7.1f5"i "3"'I}Zh8}`& ians to ll" thgvaoant pastorate` of their church.` a ` W-hil Deputy-Reeve Iecaeiby or Midland was attend'ing`L `County- Council in Baa-rie re destroyed a- large pile'of lumber in his yards tit Midland and t.hnea.tend .to`_b.u1.'n_ thp ...|.-1- 1__...L'._ _-____1_ I epu tation of wb1;1e1i W110" asked}. them I to :_me1iio1`i_a1ize '-}Athe_.C1`-i)~ic.1`nnnIi71i' ;in:,' favor of votes 0: womegi. ddunvi -`ail agreed` to Tserio1_xs1 yL c~0nsitler.. the`! matter. ' % ~ ~`% 3We9t2.;; as'7i8A`..b9 had?!` V ket; 13m itfs'~.19"5` 'Bm:_AKmt: 'r H1z_ NEWS; .2:'|r1 " 1- n '40- -_;.9_nv.I=J.u1_sri1 'rojs1-:Rv|%=:%M % T V . ";e;I;w_:_*`--11.ei;_L-I'_-- .. `W .Vw. O|`?Il\Iy_~ . _ . _ A he .1mee.A T U"" L! `LA. laagu _a:.uu.:. IIAIUlVV_lII QVUU DI-ulu-Lil` 5.7110 _llU QW1`.` ` "`l'.`'IL.~_"- ' ., shoulii` ope Am: Y `J.-.. u.....s n-._L ..-_- - ,An:i -.b3'0.&~use she w a.sV'?ai {*A3gsLin Igaw- her sis Aa: maiflefx ' A`. 1.~-.u-`.-_..9.1. `1.1_...... ..._L.`.._ _.-_-. T, W Auuicldv atop: coughs; cure; colds. and heals the throat and lungs. . ::- :: - 2.5 cents. ' >A5u|uLa Q. uwvv A7 .60 llauasuvlh 6|-Iivvtb, A.11'a1f~ope d blossom, _whose rare; -"IL _..-A-_, -?,n"~1'I _ I' 1 1 - . - aaulvju ; u449I.n.r.l.x h`1y:_ii>mxi;ise osf{`the- ,aug,`a;;a ygt gma ` _2l...'...z.';.. '.' a.-AQanvIl_ Wof f ;-gloris. w1.;,%u ___1T1.L .1 , "my ow1i,;.: y _ ` 3 _ With; low, sweet iiaughtr, V, set my _ hsart awhirl; V . _- `Font-hgr wondrous'eyes.of dark- : %fe ` ' ` " ' ~Sl_1on`e~ k ` a.j;.s_ou;l* `an _.._.{u1.- . al-ll? things gyoung ~ - 1.-.}; -.`.._ - `With 13are_3br5wn legvsantifadled ging- saw hr lovely Ali1_;,txIe> `girl. ` Htg- _.'slf31mder {1ger,s ` clasped wlivthin For gm "?2$ 1o ve_ha.th mg man in .t-his" . ' _ _ -L_31.'- ~ ' B.C.L Students Contrihute H Poems of Much` M`rit= f bhoie soulg. were nerer to God` As His `p _at'h of sorrow and death they ' --J..;".J- s-mm Pansom`-u A 'l"lVl'.\`('l`ln\Y DA In a .1-\r& b\rs~Ir\/`L L\l.'v an-vi-was nan onnvu-.- --o -ac..--.4 ~ . ' I ;" strife, ' .` ` ` *~ ',_l`11saiif that man for his brother should" I L gisfe his life. - ~ f _' ` " L ,ARf`rHU_R/S. P. Woonxrousal *ooo ' av \.;ou"\aAa.nvV-FBI SI-Iaavuna vvaovl. Iasosunau Irv "aiove the male bird immediately 1' `the breeding` season and market no fertile eggs; to provide` roomy nestsfand plenty of clean nesting ma.te.rial~;_ to collect the. eggs regular- ly at least once,` better twice, a day in modgrate w'ea.ti-lrer and more frequen1;- ly` in warm and very cold wea-. ther and _`oo remove them at; once in C1Zl.Ilf_,1.'ll39IlSl.lS.t-O` it coo1,.dr_v cella ; to jcover with a clean cloth` to prevent d:u'st. Tfrom. settling upon them and also go prevent evaporation and fadlingj; to ma.rket.r11hem in suitable cases as frequently and azudirectly as possible. -The uggiestioms oere to _mercl1ant:s, buyensa. -transportation companies. and V otlxers are equally specic and practical. And as:;?}1w;.ban& played it, the great - 'ship`sank 1 _ , ' - *|To- "r resting place ' Ne.wfoum1- "l_.--J7_ 1.-_.I.. " - .' .`: : :Given Q E (C on`tim1edi From Page Three) . ` to die`, ' v_ A VSpoke_ no W0l:d_,{)f sorrotw nor heavg-d `LH.a.sigh; . A -And- tbs: g`]:`oriO11S~.stra:ins oated _over `war I:-you ;[Naarexr.._ my God Thee! Nearer to ' L Thee! . - ' ` Mm.an* Bu:u1L*r-Mihistar.,# of Agh-iculture;_ a; T>u11e_f.i1I1:;.` oaitlxei; care of. mar- ket - eggs from Otta-` ;w;a ._' . Itidi-1:_<'actsL particular attention ?.to n;8ftur`Qrf the` enormous losses- - l:l1a';_t-;.:'1fejsu111_; fr'('_>m' L_ ih_adequa(eT and un-- gsa.tis_actQr.y m ehhods in the handling [Of market` @8852 ax1d~s1]tg'gests means thy, w*hich"per'ma.1'1eni;;and im-~ E;p'x_"qv.eme"nt: may .be brought about in : the egg trade`; to the, cor- |_1~espdnding `advalx-tags " of both` pro`-= [`d1`19er._ coyjsumer.` .;~.,. ~ ' `-T1m'i_s. Abullgtinu` which N6. 16 of Liv'e`..Stock Branch, constitutes a pai,nph1(t of 24 pages, in which are shown of clear photo, ` en- gravin`gSv' .W.hich_. are `very .he1pf ul to a clear understanding of the text. Copies may free by applying to the Publications -Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. -:A`.l'A.-.. _`I,_..__.l.._.. `LL- -____-1 ..--1.`l`_-.`I .,..,.....,....... .. ..,....,...m..., y........... T . describing the usual method .ofz.1 wnad.-liqg eggs`: and therreisultz-of flack j [of hate of various kinds, the bulletin offers specic stlggestions to. the '.:fsu'mer, the mevoham, " the aegg buyer, the railway and express com- -panies), the dealers and pgickers, the -rcit.a~iler`.a.nd.,Lt:he consaunger. The far- i [ mer is enjoined among Ether things to ` LL- ____1- 1.3..) _',___.--_`l_'_A.-1_. nu `s Mzmonsj S'rm c'r Pmesgxs A1. Awnnmon Pun '_r_o u...e.am;..,% I O yaw-an u|n\v'` : land s_ `E3131; BE'OAUSE or HER. %DOn t&FOf8et Place: 80 Dunlop St. L:YM*P% I A C AN D Y W O R K S Special vaiue in . Miss Jennie McNeiill, matron 9:] Owen Sound. J ail, ;'w1a.s- badly injured by Mrs. Percy Ringo, colored, an, insane prisoner. , " V It is said Port MoNicol1 will, `ap- rply` for incorporation as a Police `Village at the: J anuary session of the. County Council. ` ' . By an v_ad-vertisiement ins another` coohunn, the Dominion. -Government is advert._ising~ for tenders for an ar- mouries at Orillia. A