FOR 0mLLIA s T_ANKS.~ OH! YOUJJOKERI V j_A8'1`1EW' .'B'.l',_ " BARRIE- 1iS.3i..99g:`15T0t80&Public:nd r-_ gChTireyjq;n9r;i: aft-Money to"_lo'an in f`::;8"LIly;8`t`/-5 perj-vcent; Oice, 13 `Own .St 2,,, ~`Barrie. ,. H. .-D.. _Steyva~rt, - D." M. _ ':_Siewart. __.-.- )1g!u_ Bing. we 7nI:rnI=:s`i:N?r:- All Lrnca an N In . _ ` talraedlan I-a"'n?'iaa:?7v'a'" V nn '".':'.`.$ .?`.`3:1. ~5.'?.: n. :3" Holland-America _Wl I.!'I$I:5' on `CALL lrgn jsnnau LIST: riaters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- -_'b_at'e of,` wills,` guardianship and ad- . "minitr:liti6n, and general Solicitors,- Notfdea C'o'nve'yancers; etc.` Oices, ~. Hinds?` i), ;. No. 6 Dunlap street, Jeowzgn & BROWN, EZR. A 'G. A: fRA{])E NHUR,S`l`, BARR1sTEtc, ' Solicitor, Notary Public, Jae. . Oice, --lstfoor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loop at lowestiateo. uuuuvsv `I U LOAN ; Wehavexa large amount of money to loan. atlowestcurrent rates.eithex- in small or in large amounts. onthe ~security of _ good farm mort- glela; .McOA,_RTHY. BOYS MURCHISON. on Street Barrie. 0 REBWICLK-E a A1,ExANnEn, BAR- rister, Solicitors of . the Supreme `Court-" of Judicature of Ontario, .Proctors, Notarie, `-Conveyancers, " etc. Money : -block, Bertie. to loan. Oce, Ross . `A. "E. H. Creswicke, K.C.`, Arthur Alexonder; ' L.R.C.P._ an s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 3: s. G1ago}w V ~ --_SURGEON-- ' L rsnvmrons. UNWIN, Il[_fIltPHY7 c*,ESTE1\T, `SCI. tario Land Surveyors, Engineers,- etc. `Established` 1852. ` Oice, Medical Building; S. E. corner Rich~ ~ mond "and _Bay streets, Toroixto. `Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left ' yvitlrstrathy '85 `Eaten, Solici- tors, ;_'Bdnk ' of Toronto ZBui1d_i , " Barrie," will be promptly attended to. ,-_._.' --w-c Qllluh Haviixgs out; years` Post Graduate work in British itals and ham 7 ' rved C11 ical Assistant in Golden Squarengg. Thrggt 8; glose Hospital, London:. Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; tor a term as Resident S eon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bx-is oi Eye Hos ital. Bristo ;and Birmingham Eye Hosarital. B rmingharn dormer Member of British phthalmolozical Society: A_ 2' I Vi_1l_f-l3arrleT lagtarblaltfillfdt the of- ooen_t-res in, one particulgiw---the' teaching`? `of -music _iu the schools. -- `Wel-I-to`-do parants ` -are aalyways ablev `to lprovide funds to develop the latexxto talents "of. Xheairh children, but the children T of" the poor are handicapped, andv, unless; some good angel (to _a ariovu-al theatrica-1 term) ' ambeanrs .with` the Jneceeary lfu.nds,`1;he child from: . the poor home may never sluwes in tho g`lorious- realization that a know-' lpdgo of music the greatest of all` arts. brings. And from this` latter` class have coma many of the worldfsl most famous musio-inns. ` A P. 0. Box, 96. ` Towil '-9-= % `STRATHY Ev , ESTEN, '~ BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High .-Court of Justice, ` Notaries Public, ; Conveyancers. Of- fices over` the Ba_nk of~Toro'nto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur--T A-vrent rates. G. H. Eaten. V M. D., C. M. ('l`or.) " L Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olllce or the late nu-.~s'mn'n. comer : I-I%?%_ #;RNOLD DR; E._ ROGER WELLS, ` late of `New _York Hospital`, N.Y., Man- hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y. New York Skin and'Oancer Hos- `pital, G-race Hospital, Toronto. Special attention -,given to Dis- l. eases of the Skin. ` Office and Residence, Cor. of Col-t '_ .lier._ and Clapperton St. Phone 275. - ~21-1y] --:--- DONALD _ROSS, LLB. ` BARRISTER, {n`:n:`nn 1:61: `D-.. A` Tncnubn ma. J. A.` But it is not alone the benat Such training is to the chilid who would make music ti llife-study and a life- work; it is, rather in that larger eaplmm, the. development of the 'chil:d_ s 'tem;perameut.a1ong' lines of rene-, numt -and culture, so that. music -may become a. living language a;td_ that every pupil may able-to grasp with a fuller r6aiiza.tio11 the beauties `of the would orf music. ` `` - % . . Several times the questioiiof beache- in`; music in the schools` has ben talked of here, but_u.p3 to the present, iiothing denite. has. beeu'deoided' up- on. In Midland` and` Orill-ia. special music tegwhera havu been provided` by the Boards. a.udJ it is sa,i`d_`the'work being aocnomplia'he<'1`isz highly encour- aging to rpupills, teacher and? `school board, alike. ` ' _ 3 _~ _. ____..l DR.: A. T... LITTLE, LATE or Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John St., near {corner Elizabeth. Phage 213;. A - ' 'nn. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE ` AND Residence "corner of Toronto and . Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. DR, MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., -Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y/.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to`5 p.m.,_-and_by`appointment. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN; SUR- vgeon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Qice arid residence, Dun~ lopstreet, Barrie. Telephone 77.} Il}IJ,I7| ._..L.V_\Jp V VJIIQBOVFI, uunvvv, ; vjigrio. Money to 1o_gn:iat 41/; and .- 5- p_e'i"; Tcent.` ' `Branch V. ofeed` at Cree- jmor(_ rgnd` fAlliston'- Haughton Len- V ` , ,x_,j-jK.0.,` -Al`ex.~ Cowan, G. J. _ Brown, ,LL.B. ` Wu 1.! LI\J 1:401 Eye. Ear, Nose E-Throat.` r.I7`I\DaI-nact} I -on--...' `l'\-_'A. . . "tt}1ished 1869. Undertakers. day and night. Moxfgue and in ponnection. `Barrie, Qntari 7\lLY FLJJJI _-I-U\IL7LJ, Solicitor, etc. Building, Bani . mcUAtc'1`HY; J fwn St,reet"Ba1-tie. F 019: [tlfese U I- have =foi1'i1_'d_ that the following lengths ovf leasqnq are besbfqr chi-Id-ren; ` 0 g `'1. 1.]. .\J V ILL` L7, .I. LLVL LFLVLILLV `Surgeon, et.'., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence? Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone , 269. (8uc0e. `fv!8t'to 1thc;_.lat_ it; n.. J. % ARTHUR ROSS` Monizvlro Loahni In Iniian nnuuuns -1. _._-_ , u Nn1:1u'Axnns; % LU\rI\.nuI, AaA1naJo, .n.r4a..|.UJvJ.Iu J. J4 Bank of ' moron??? Baufie, Mony to loan. `C. ETLANS, 1>HYs1c1AN,i 41$ ' V nnnn nu ' ' "rn!sIc1ANs.- Jo, LAJ.\l.LVJ..'J 00. DD` Open Mm-mm nn .1.-.-mt Home, Headmies of 1{e118ing'ton (Eng.)` High School, writes- interestingly in the j -"`n`.n.nrnn1\.`\ An .-....._',A"_J. -1 21- L.` 5.`; `5 c1."afe'i e, Qntario. TI` ' manta. KWANOR 1s - , _ voipulauon ofanypp$:,ni,::1l:] };: mu :` `H ` .M-L, 1:`. 1 413,9 '0-`5! far the largest subsu- . . V ' iption - , f "fact" demonstrate 11 - It you have any ads`-elTti;}}:a1'1tyot 2 t`7\_Vf.%h thovpaper that reaches th.-g to d ` .. . "PC! the` price. L 9901510 Qrtiqements are charged accordi Iins qonparcil measure nlakggog ` "* ;_..`l',`AXBIEN'l' Auvl1.n'l ISl.`~w , Auction was 4; -.ctc.-.--Fl_rs,_t..in__aex`tion 10 cents 'c`1-n1]i`;Se" ; V _ llontihsttloncents per inc ' each 11: no ces 10 cc t - -' ; .gin_sbrtiox; :, 5 cents {yer linenf rpe:ea:c}l;l21(ibf *3 ';in;,e;'tlonof the some matter. Obituar\'m1uen ;'P9.W'm..- v(V`Il`Il'.I.Vbrvv A1 -5.. . , up , I_wuIuuae1'uon o ccms line. ` v notices. cents per mm msertion ::5 per line for each sub jnggnion of Obituan .nn1n:n.-mun. . . ..--_ ',_|vI\'r~9S'lLlUo V '`m' `COMMERCIAL DISLAY begiyen on application. .*i`i A1Liertisers will please bear i at 10 o'clock, and the _-later. thnnol ofclock noon on Mond CONTRACT CHANG ES. b _ _ n mind :1, notice of intenuon to change advert` smuathe handed into the oice not 511:3 . 90W f `change must be 111 THE ADVAIWE orx`3`.`i,' A . . 83' in any week, otherwise the a. yvertxsex- s annou - `1n`a yVnot'be made pubhc until the w meme mg` eek follow. CODIDENBED ADVERTISE-SM ENTS. . Condensed a.t.'v_ertisements on first page gm}, 5:: want: of-all kmds, lost and found _ for sale oreto rent, specic article Dropen) S Ct .. must accompanied with the cash C etc` Cuts for adve-'tisements` must in every case bc.moun`;ed on sohd metal bases _ L Foa fry-TIE E')U}V_.1'vY'O-;-'-SIMCOE. 'Mo_st reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales I CBAIGHURST. om. [LICENSED gygrronrnn F jun: g.- -0 u-.59 nut:-cu, -I-4`-ll&'l.&\l:6J VII UIIV `FWVJUUV I -L music in schools, and v'e,Na.ppend some if her valuable ideas otn the subject_ .__ In 1'ega.rd_to the; imporbant._.:qus.- lnn. 66TJ',.... ...... 4.1.... 1.3;..- L- -_.-'.._Jl `THE am mums mm id Limited Manufacturers of and Dealer; in all liinds ` , Rgugh and Dressed Lumber Doorsash. Blinds. Interior Finish, E1 Columns, `Tanks and Water Troughcg Plani Matching. Moultling. I:--S;, '1 D8 Hot BlastDryingKiln. `"3 ;Lgn1ng and rguggggggdwooa Floors l"nnmo.-.o:...... .....I D..:1;:..., an, .- vv------V.-ua uuu nwusaulllin} J'1aLUlH1U`5 gl\' Ol!'l"lcB-BAYl='lELD 51:. name. JOHN JENNETT ISL John __& Groaketl I.'!9..,!i9!! E9 vndl u vpcunallu Contracting and Building Estimates givm. )Il'II'lcE_nAvl=-I|:!I.n up an ... -_, -N,E'x1'-noon TO THE TANNERlY ` if :?1{`: p`i1'1?z `.J MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. `-;I[-Bas _a`marvellous effect on txons W111 remove the roughness, rough skin. _One_ or two applica- and by its occasional use the sskiniacquirss the smoothness and `softness of a. baby s. Glycedonia "is not sticky, and gloves may be `worn: few moments after using `it; Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. ` ;@9*"v*i%5.*!9t*1 B'I_'eIivec_l Entirely from the Finest ~ ' Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST `ajvmn I E BARBIE smawms COMPANY I.BeecrofI , _ , , , _ ____ ____-v, `purv- . Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made ' and repaired on shoztest nolicr; and . moderate prices. A1 _ A1-work done by expert machin- 1st and guaranteed rs! class GEO. MbNKMAIf{, naalnb splendid ALE and PORTER _ `The Best and Brightest V` . In Cask and Home .BANKERS `VVO V\`H OIlvS 5\o gg 'l`elqg'rz}.ph, London, on N V'rr\1`|.n.`r; In un`1n1'\.`n nu-14` --A. n-m-`..u..I __..._ Vi JJ "the aamgbjct o| MANUFACTURERS. VGLCO. Expert Machinists VP/I-I OVN-E 1:376 Wnaw Barrie. tiou: How can the t-ime.,be;s`pa'r_ed for this compulsory musical` od-Inca-. !,...0!) ..L.. ...-,.-......-- E` Atll`hej % as .t'o"th'Ae7futg1' * frm.1?*4n+ MUSIC IN T`I+IE~SQHOOLS;_V--,. pm: ,.B_0ARlJ QF'h'EI)_U:(3f&-_A~ -flit t\`.'Il n 1'0 IRON. in} 'roosi:oa;Mm|.wi.. . . . . ;; N `Ohm 8: ? L L . . . . . ungzvlue Tor:n:??}.,it "Ill '1' r N . era?v'e}'nb`n :':-'3't.'-3 ! I II n m , ,'I!n-.....o.. 1. |n'.n-...| u an ".~'.::.:::.'...':'sz ` rn _ _- C.Dm.u'l'0!'unto&M_HHll_l_d `IMO p_an..Uqbal&;p es3'l|l .. ' Daily`_ itxcludiniz Sunday. L 2."..........m'=`:z `L5 3. T..;iC;u:` "7.'IC))4m ' '1 :-6 II V n :(via. Elmv:i'e')H To 'l'wnuu[or svnuonmxog. bull rlnunn `III `Arne "-'v~ 7' , ` | -U1 me 1,zvq:.1n-.pvameuus Just-yearn A word` now on the pract1ca.11 ques- 341 `(mug {mm 213 ou.tgidie of= v tioms of how this extra time is to b.A.'1`0rout0, 36 the 7IIOs$'yita1 i. 1'_iot {)o1xx1d iuusuc;hoo1 ho;1rs-. 1:10; clgldan a locfml, gut a.;,: I?z1o(vin;ciaI{" Instittn-t,ibqi,. etween ages 0 4`an ' 1 re is In` n'.%_Dg%pjarmn`em;' in no ~dic_ult_y. Bgtween the nzesf 8 3.7 yea,. .;,,g.1y%~ 79,-bo`,;u.m;& igib and 12 -1t11s as-nmpie matter togtgke _hIa ve' been jafigd- tep rruuuteg -off the _eu4_1- of u o}ity- .a;b`out_f~'3o0; - zmmute lesson m some othp; sgbgecg, V1fthe_.:.I'I')J(`}Q -ou-.tA;_;_i1;e.j;t--jo:~ and ten minutes 03 the A f l"h:@v ':h:L_:_rfVa,i`fi: another,_ and to put the tyenty_,..~;1i1,1.il_r * 3 2'01; `,ear"-trainix1g;}Iesao_x} in f ' " *2 ' " ` _:far*'foum-. days:a.'%w:e9k.V_.., ` .%H9adt~ o&%schl%%%Wb%VA:`99r:% V most-Atecrible . A V.iiue- ` i Ht m I n rn _-rug, cu in IQIIIQ p ll cgnw. ;wuum; xi... -.IIv,vI> 0 u _`_ 62 C fv {V 0`.-van G919; % 55.: V I lvm I Siroet. " A Dan. A Wi1lV."ym x. kind: 1 think at What aw!`mm1ew`!ti1J~%4idM%%It `ghaalth ~ ad ire? bag ~`ta:a5zht;[:%eet as av-uuw; wuv M: J. I-IUIV Iulvlu-A .a.uavxvu'wuu.~ \ ' V In `the`Qrt-hopedlic .Depart1ne1.1t in 3,7 y_ea~rs', 1zea.}'lbr' 790 `boys: and} girls- have been treated 1_fqr' cl.u1)feet-,, a`nd~ -a;bopt; 600' were Half of these came. : from- `V pl-`aces o1i.t;s`ide,f* of`- J,.`oron tp, _s`o .$1_wtly' we htw a,-_ fair. c1aim. ,;'j for help people} of, .;.`.:..n.:- ;.;.'.1_;. 1.z.`-..3..I.=`_', ..2'..'__-` ;"L.:1{'J A The up .5" WVJBW`. ` L~ -` -- .1 . `u V " .A n 4555!:-ov'vu-1.50 1- _ IU_ um a~I\J'lnl|II I\.7\2Vl'L|I I -`Of the 1,2s$3,`in-patients lust year,l from 218 ovu.t:sidie`;.of Toronto, tlgat the is. a} put Ya;,: I?i;1ot*_iAi1<,-:a.1`;"Institutibgi.. During the 37 `years of the H03- pitai1 s eaxiste-1106, f_19,3'70 % in-pativents lmvia. bee11'T'-adknittgad-, and 133,724 q_ut- Vpatients` have `bqeu tmatedl, "a total of 153,094, or an average . of_ 4,138 "per year. _Of- the 19,370 ~ in.:pati'ents. 5,495 were. from p1aoee`.owt.sideVof Tomato.` 9,644 of the` in- patientz were aur e,d,V and 5,711 wer ,impt'roved. `Thxisfisx 9. gweact record`. 7 ..n.c ;.l..-` -c nnA'~:.. ..._;.:-_.;..~ 1--. ____.. *2 Mow-= 7 `l3'e 7a-`-'jtop*.A ,%r.ight% :1ii:eooim% 9i *Eauem._ "wimld`,"~iikejiiivj:'fgationsr as "66 ag&%Vaeaesw%Vf% to b"r.s~de1-ivLe&an<'1 `thor< >`i1gh1,v" .c13souss:, this at tlxgrr earnest `convenience. `f if ")2; `in was.` a:sa%saixs*.J:tx:s:c} ploftblyi - ; to cdnsciiusness` of _jFor girlfs of all.-ages this pa;-ticular 3,566 of the t_ra .'1nin\gVis 9f tl_1e ut_;,nost n.'..._`_'__' ' L`. %sig1;r, `flif cjmly {do so if --_Dem' Mr. Ector:--It_ takes more` space than youca._n' to tes1.1of the good` work done -by the Hosrpibal for Sick Clmildiren, '1`()nou1to,T for the` sick and decformedl Tchildreu of this 1 vrovi;1c'e;.``me, in'a. few tell, you` of V the steady g`rovv d1\of this HOSP.-l';r, I . \ \ . " _. n__,- In a 5"ear-1875 thereuwieres-onlbt six cots and . beds/, `one `nurse, 44 in- patients aud 67 osut-patien-ts. `In -1912 there: were 250.oots`and beds,_,64 -`uurrses, 1,294 i`u-patie-nts. and 17 ,86_2 'o1lt#1)a&im1t$. - - __ -1- ..._ . Perhaps, dear reader. you. say r to; yourself: This does not;oo_11ceru ~me. .* 'I`l1e'reris no -delinquency among child- reu worth, mentitixxixlg in this .Co1_n;- ty. We are gl-qd'to say that `A the County of Simeon. stands `well in this respect, but the fact, t.hat'.vvithi_1:L the past few months there have been two boys of 13 in the Cofrnmtm. `Jail on theft. charges, `seems to `indicate. that We have not reached: "an advanced stage of dealing with juvenile delin- quents as; yet. i '- . - tlii I All-(`I ,-Last `week the Uhild!ren s- Aid" So- ciety held. its -_annua.l meeting and` discussed. the matter of providing a suitable .sl1e1te1- for delinquent. "and dependent ch-iklren; It was felt that the pmet was `one. V in .which_ the whole County shouldi assist, as ne- glecfhedt and dependent . children from every -part) of the County passed "through the hands` of the locml` so-' 1 cilety. which is said: to be thevonly ac- tive Clltildrells -Aid Society in the` County. V _ - l T 1 I The providing \ of a permanent shelter om. homo is :1 work which should be*`endor?eed- by T every u person, and there is an _exqell'e`nt opportunity for cxhurch societies,` `fraterna.l|_`orI- ganizatioms; etc-.,u to assist in nanc- ing the project, The subscription `list will. undoubtedly. _be headed- by many of our well-to-do citizens, and the committee should expe.rience Pita- tle 'dilcu.lty in raising - suicient funds to pu.rcl1aso -a,.. home which would be large enough" for many years to come, " ` \ uwc up uuu_uUuHb U1 .Du&L`, my ren,v ye have. done it unto Mp. ` :'...- , . ; k epglgfmgf of crime ~ ci'im'i;naI_it_;y,~ : innti9ns`_`l ' `criminal leaaxf, the'icri;ii1i1ig,1*fce; the criminal .head.~`orq`tti:;g %raw%:,_ n_Qt.`kriowi;ig_A'thint have. no ex'i'sten'ce ;i n fact. and thacrim-V notbor11'but niade;_;' Ks - The. `b'a13, gimplg truth is - that the criminal, in tlteifpreponderating num- bgr of gases; is?th`e produgztgf his eiivironmem, the dutcome of forces which hays been at work dur- ing childhood "to. moul'd1'and.Vfor.mV Such reads. the introduction to a chapter on delinquency fin the annual report of the Suprintenidbpt ofNe-I glacted Children for the Province of Manitoba T % `fur a. ' `3Ix1,aa Vs;rn 1'1.c:'}: z_:s ye have done. it`/unto one 'of the;1ea st'ovf', My child-- Inns` CIA-`lllunu J-..` IL .__.L. `If `. CHRISTMAS APPEAL Io THE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO % [A .1W:)II;E. W011}; ..-V uu vwu wxxmxzvuo 6 _ Remember that your nnaoney can help the` Hospital bu'il6d a. bridge `over which the feet of little childmn may travel the.jovur"1`1e,y from sor-jv row "to joy, from sickness. to health: aye, frpm.ld'eaIth to`-life.` ' _ . V Pleas .-':.s'e11d.I4a~dql:1`a;r, iolr mom `you can: it; Dbilzlcas TD'av`i4- ' son; the ` of: the ,Ho.snita1; ~ M Rpbertacm, Ghairmw 0?. the J V manager, who shall have complete! I I ;form of Govern- iAn\ent- for: is a move toward the ` concentration of. authority and re- saronsibi-l*ity," "substituting three men for the `customary type of adminis- tration. consisting of a mayor. ` and - council. T With this ,concent-ration of authority naturally there" has been a greater demand on the time of the administrators; since three men must handale the business: formerly cared for by_ many council committees. With each .a condition - diiculty is sometimes experienced` in getting: the most desirable type ..of business or professional men to accept the oices, the politicians and men of _ second- rate iability being alone eager for the posts. ` 'Fu.rthermore,` in the case; of small to.wns the nancial resources do not permit of salaries commensurate with the abilityvofi the type of men desired. ~ To escape these cliicunlties the city of` Sum-ter, S..C'., which has adopted the commission form of gov- ernment, proposes to employ a `.`city administrative_ control of the muni- cipal government. The arrangement will be -analogous to thate of corpor- ation management, the commission- ers corresponding to the board "of d-ircctors,] and the city manager to the general manager of the corpor- ation. By relieving the commission- ers, of administrative detail it is be- liever]! that the. ablest citizens can be induced totake the poets. Their sal- ariesyvi-ll be nominal, thus" making it possible to oer.tothecity'manager a salary cominensurate with the- ability ; of a competent municipal expert. This I I__-.|. __-_;.L___. .!_..'l.'_-L!-_- A.`_-L -L-_. -- -'I"I'.'e1`1c| `of Hue [ Sgemst A to B'I 'owar_djs This 1 `II. It uunaupuuvanv ........w,.... ....,..,...,. .I.lI1D step is but another indication that some day, possibly not very far mmov- ed, governmental service will take a rank in this country similar to that` wnh-iah it.`holdls in Germany to-day, where~ civil gqvemment is". a profeskl sion. It was in . furtherance of this movement _Mrs. E. _I`Ia_r~rit-I ..........-.3 -nvnu. Eswuuwu v-yyva uusuxug lulu 1a `b_ ening of his iLnun`c'e, `for engineerini; training and exiaerienoe Sihouw be invaluable in such. a posi tion. Th_a.t this is appreciawdiby the authorities of , Sumter is evident from their imnounoement, in wh.ich, though _notAme1'1ti-orning~ the Jegal` de-` partmeuja, police ad-ministaation and the schools, they emphasize the neces- sity for experience inioverseeing pub- lic works, s/uh .jas T paving, lighting and__ water supply,--Cqntract Record. .' . `,.-|ll`.`--V T !'nh.!mi:lcho 0131006! 138 Duuio Street `V V Stucco. t aPro-. " ` "viuooot do G and . 'l`l|||I'ldt:! Wor:in. "7 J 1) ,__,__ .._--I H_ospita`lV n1iy.0!Ii1 of - COMING TO T commsslon ` MUNICIPAL aovrr} PKID "CITY MANAGER . ONE or New IDEAS \/'I.oo\4Il II III ` 4!-l.l I70 I plwl-IJ|I '1 I. somg tijx-re ago - it fund! for the `trai_ning;,of men for"p=u:b- lic service. `To thevengineer the step means still greater miporttgnity and `n J `.3. :.....n_-_..`.`- /1'--. % 51\I:{%a ia`:ia?iI5f f ` " *' .wv `asA.mcrchant;s~-;- A-for'%f51 ?!iing. to be` protable,";mu$}`fb }4doqe,o*iL sh`-.`.5'1s _3Afli;is.` M A "_' ;,_-ta. ,, _ . ` .. x . . a -. w". ._-'~.\ , -g : 1 A 4. _ .. T3. . ;u; we: x.-uau-ywus\u,y Juuultil UH-'UV`G'. ticm? she al1S'\VC`l'S*! T , , H _ I n the majority of cases this work, is opening`. up a new `sense to the -pupil. This is apecia-lly so in the case of odder childmn, Who, if their previews ,iustruo.tion-- has ..been _Von- `orothodox liues,. have nevexjv been dc- - cnstomed' to `listen in-the rea'lVsu;nse ` of the word. The -cnc;6nbtrationT %neceesa.r,v during the {work is there`- fore such that 1104 child can -stand the otmin of a. long laasoni, -and` every doctor will tell! us than '9, strain of}-` this sort rosults in .po;si'tive harm ` the 11eyvo1ns system; . f 111'`! . .. ` - rs: - BANK F TORONTO .i_ ana nsaah or the am Managea; /,.Cm}3_sult _V with him as to iloahs, `,Jts_, pu'rChaS.S ?adI_"fDt-hif bi:si_heSs ,'tV_i?'`zVx'saic ti-ons. ] . ,, M , %_ Tb<: bus1nss; of -farmers 15 welcomed by V contradict a statement "in the New- . ' OUTBREAK or STRONG LANGUAGE Orillia Packet. . . V V . A Sutton orresp0nde11t writes" -to market -Express`-`Herald to the Ect that the Public School at-that place been closed, owing to an o'r,u7t- }meak- of` itch. _He saysthe statement is -a malicious Iisegand a dirty libel, and the.m'an"'.who'>g'a;v`e"cn4en9y `to it is a; Worse liar-' than:Tom- 'I_?epp_er. The correspondent;-i'wi11`t (Ieny 1' `1`thler,6`"i r `T5been~v"g._';7\i`idlent'v oi1;1_;f-' ` an hour four days a. week. ` Fv61 a 'q\Aa1'tr"_ of `Train 48 to 12 years, twexxty min? uuzs four days a week. 7 > -. . From :13 years` u.pvmrds_,-.` J; fnty` minutzas J two < dayp _t_lC` w,eek.};V ' f ` ;_ `.25 Tm'ont__o Telegram." , . - ` North York favors a policy of naval aid to Britain, as betsfa com- munity with its whole coast line ex"-` . `posed to the ravages of hostile c1'ui's~ exsgwhose guns, could rake both banks `of the` Newmzirket -canal. _ A `omen PAPERS onmons} "'f"VixKf~L";b1% that G;T.R.; will establish a. tank service be-A tween Orillia and Barrie asrsuch av .move`ox1`the part of the.rai:1wa_y will deprive the `County Town" of `consid- e1fable.`po1ice- court iijevenue which` it derives` from viiting OriI1ianS'. t During the next three years a, hun- drecfthousand town lots ill the West will be sold for taxes and: thus pass into the hands` of farmers, where they should} have remained. `I If there is any purchaser who .w;ants town lots let him attend the` tax sales and he `can get all he wants at bargain; pric- es. L Not the West is going back -it is `going fo1'' the sub- Idivision is overdone. Forgexample, lthe Edmonton town sie is now 64 miles square as 'a.g~ainst~.To_ronto s 40 or 45 square miles, and Edmonton is not. as bad as others. V. ' ' LuSH0.0KII~:I_(}_ S.TA1fIi`J`('f).}'` AFFAIRS ` ElmvgIe_ un.r-.-pups-.u-qp-.-_y --------- _- -~ - * Over e,{a_nt on _ Main` V St., '*sa`y_se ` North V : "Times, Chief _CsOInI'tabb .r-unoovened a; of! ima- nioraai.-i1Ey'hax~i11y_'e'ooz;<:eivablev in a civilized} c`ommu_nit.y., `Mea_ge1-ly. fur.- nished with one bed and the mantiest of ~ household -Ife,cessities, 7\'.re chi-ldren frem ' five to eighteen * years of were huddledi` Without food or re, dirt and .wretc'hedn~e'ss., 1 The family consisted of...a girl `of eighteen, an-*` other of twelve, .. two boys aged teen and; fou~rteen, and a A bright wee chaxp of vi. The mother Wasiout prf towngande how the family lived is incomprehensible. The eldest girl was sent te Mencer Refofxnatdry, the little girl was g'i\fe-n in charge - of I1'ghts.'ore1`amps,, no fue1-nothi_ng but \Rev. W. W. Ryan,` Child-nen s Aid agent, and `the two `boys were sent to e Mimioo Refannatorry. `The boy of ve. will also be kra.red1 for by the Child.- ` ren s Aid `S.0ci_et.y. A communication was treeerivedi by York County Council from Mr. An- derson, ~sol-icitor for, the company which owns, the private road between Holland 7Landing' to Bradford}, of- fering to. sell the road. to the county for $3,500, and agreeing to hand back $1,000 of this amount to the town- ships for the purpose of carrying `out repairs. If this offer is not accepted the road will be repaired; and put in- to shape by the eeompany, who wi.1.1~ eontinile to collect` tolls from iiser. and .the purchase price yy_i-101 be very considerably raised. - 0 0 Ow}? `ONE '01 THESE Lows? RT he Canad/tan` Courier. 1x__,-_,~. .1 - -1 %-WOULD sE_LL `PRIVATE _Ro_Ap. ' 31.00 "Pi! _ .AI;lNUM ADVANCE U_NI`l'EDi STA'l`E9r* 8UBBGRIBl:R`8V ' $1.50 IN ADVANCE CH0 new name will beadded to the8ub" punpuon but until the money in said.` Subscriber: now In arrears for thre monthB' and over__wiu be charted I1 _5"v8r annum. -: