;E;zMAN Penn. AND . L womms sut-*ERAc._l '_.,l?lal_e;_TowmH_a1l: L was` lled: to ca`- on Tuesday evening: when the ` "toriewl "and eloeutionary contest `of the" Barrie _C'o\11egiate Institute was held. Ami the large crowd: .was. treated to some striking omtions on topics of enough importance to have engaged the attentions of the mem- bers of parliament. . The_ subjects ifanged.` from the existing relations between. Englanld and Germany to Woman s Surage, that question which 1 is causing British statesmen to -rest uneasily.. Interspersemi, were reeitations by scholars of the school, vocal -and instru-mental} solos and duetts and choruses, and}-`every num- bet on the lengthy. programme was followed by unstinted applause-. "~- ` It is nov,e;a:5: Enyoe un`-_ accudomed --to _ `public `speaking to stand before a large aud'ien< :e and dlivrgr an orationterv capite, and% it ,was* ndt surprising that some of the oratm-s", who had chosen weighty subjects, '}1pu1r to refer. occasionally` to their notes. - V "n 11' -__-_ _______J:..._`I LL... '.U |.vu<.7u' uuuca. . .~ ' -Gnordon -Bell was ha.ward`edv the palm of honor as . the best ora.tor,`h-is .$u.bject being Anglo-Sraxon-German Relations. In `a. masterly `manner he reviexved the formative` periojs of '_t.hcse: two greatest nations. and spoke of` the close "blood -relationship of the two peoples. He cautioned the British Government `to not rest on -,_;__ 1.-.`; 1... 'l-,.,._. -... pl IUIIWII \l_\IV\.4l.JlJI,I`'LIIl [.49 AIUII `.1 \\IV V-- ';pa_st_ achievments, but to I keep in ifthe forefront as a. .r'w.va!- power, The l..`we1*manA populace, as a whole, do. not L ,-_. L;,1. LL-- _.'I] ..___....__1, `[7,. ..LlIZl.1llCIl1` llvyuxcu.-v, us: (Iv vvaav,-Av, uv.navu war; .bn_t the va:1:l-power_fu1 Em- {neror `exercises such a pre-dioininat- i ing power. even over (the Reichstag, tha.t itiis well for. Britain to be ever ready. ..Canada; should assist in this policy of protection. A ` ` No Voms FOR Wonnx. Chas. VVarniea had many argu- ments against the granting of _ the suffrage totwoipen. and his oration .was_ adjudged. second best; From every possible point he assailed the policy of fema;1e. surage. ` showing that it was "but a. step from the suff- rage t0r- female {represent-a.t.ivesy in Pai-liament. Such a telling` case `did he make out. that Principal Redditt fac-etiou`s1y protested that the senti- ments were -not those of the staff of the Co']:]eg`iate. V , {, CANADA AND T1~Ie.MP1a1:. . .. Duty, 'Love audit Loyalty to the Motherland, was abily expounded `by 1rI`4 ,' "5 ___- _ .. --.....]...J .L`LU |.rl.lC'.I. Auuu, `V (I6 awn`, vnxyv I-I --xcs-us avg D. F. Mc.C_ua.ig, -_who was accorded third place. There were many strik-l ing instances jwhere Canada` has attested; her~ -practical loyalty to the Motherland, notably, the S. African. War, the British Prefere11cc and `naval_a_ssistance, and this policy was to `be ' e.nlar'g'ed shortly by the Can- adian Parliamellt. Throughout, `his oration was given witl1ou.t-`1'efere11c'ef to notes, and he was never at a. loss for words` to express his tlioughts. V M. W`-. -Brock spoke on " a ..`Qa11'- ladian Navyj " Ezra Parkliouse, on .Electri-cit'; and W. Dawson on '``China. and each` oration was an gevidence of` ca1~fu.1" research work. n'eoe'ssmfy . in the spreparation of such valuable mformat:ion.. ` - ` "V a 1-\ 1\~"1 '1 Richa.r }Rov.. I. G. Bdwleg Aa.nd`_1\_.Tr; Donald! V Enoctmox . _ A Mrs. A. S. Burton. Mrs. H. G. I Robertson, and Mr. _W. R. `King had a difficult. task as- judges of the Eloctltionmgv rContest.. There were no less tlmn] nine contestants, -as` fd- lqwsz ` ~_ -IQ,-D`ox1AaCld. __ `Marion .Spaord, .Wm. "B_o9,g, _Cava3,_n.- nah; J .M_itchei1I.; Victoria Hm, "Edward Wamica, . Estella. CYe{t,ch 9.I 1dAEste1=l'ag Gore." The rs: inn-ee; " ' the, V 4 `D 1.3.`- _____...-- __.-.__1 5 ` Vocal Solos by Masters Robert Vine and Aubrey.iBrqwn and Miss. _Reeve were muh--` ;a`ppreci.ated,` as -well j as ,otl_!e_1-fmnsical . numbers H`- ...`<~ wzuuzcw 'Wl'lU uut.'~v| u!'-u M-LU pl 1:15:73- 'prizc`s.' was fwith` fh handeV. The distribution of the `prizes won` at the recent eld day sports _.was\a 1)1easa.nt_' fegtum of. the veping. Mrs. madim. '_whti? gave `out thei \ n .` 1r; : ;_4,;;: `I1-L-..1.v-` i 7 Oziminal Sessions open 'on [T1"1ie5ey ne_xt before His" Honor Judge` 'Wismer. he following cases Taggeon the_docket. \ _CRI$IINAL \CASES. ' 4. vs. Ha.rold___DTicke3}' of FY1303, assault. \ . . ' `Rex vs. Martin of Craighurst, for iemoval of goods under_ `seizure. i ' Rex vs'.~ Baogers--Accused of ring offa, gun, with the r'esu:l't that a six- ye.a1gol(_1 bevy lost his eye. `l'I`L 3.1.! T1 1') - J 1;;-g .-vsav-Q-rv-a-nun. .&Q&Ann'.rr .-.-o avuuvu with obtaining money under false V. ' COUNTY Comrr (JURY) _Sher vs. 'Tudhop:e Carriage Co.- For salary `($164.15) _ and damages for Wrongful dismissal... : Geo. T. Grant for pltf. Mr. Tudhope for .111. ' vs. :Kid(]r--F01 the return `Off $210, purchase. money paid for a horse and. damages "for misrepresen- tation and breach of Aagreemxeut. The parties live in 'Flos. _ McCarthy, Boys - & 'Murchison. for pltf. Cres- wicke C`o.`fo1-7 Ldfti Murphy vs. Charlton Sawmill .00. of Co]1ingwood--Un9tated damages for "injuries received while working in mill: Plainti _c1a.i_ms negligence of defendiant company. McCa.rt.hy Boys &` Murchison for pltf. R. J: McGowan; Toronto, for dft. Chas. E. Wright of Vesrpra. ,vs. C.P.R.-ClaiIf1 for $145. value of cat-tle killed -by't-rain. McCarthy, Boys & Murchison for -p1tf.` Mc- Mumhy &' Spence, Toronto, for dft. ' The-U non-j`ur'y,_ `Sessions I Vopen on Monday, December 16th. ` GIFTS FOR FIREMEN. [ A pleasnt event took place .in the Fire Brigade rooms on Tuesday evening .when`three of the members; who have recently joined the ranksl of the benedicts, namely, Messrs; Geo. Rodgers, were -presented` with Percy Bingham; 0. VV. Carley, and tokens `of `the good-will of their cinn- ,_,A J. T)-_C_--L..--;.A.- \ laUl\\/AID VJ. vuu 6\IVJ\l. vv :1; v1. vonu.-. yu-.. r-ades on the brigade. Refreghmen `were served`; and Mr. J. Shrubsolel `I 1 '7 _,.`I_-___ --__ ww . - e Fund` H Pain!-:11)`-l(i:`,f2?1l ['31-`2.st'1"T' (Oven: .a_.-..\n VVCLC X1 `\`\l, .ll\.l. 41.1.4. 0 I I511-AL |A|.I\.:\.I.|\t E "'fu1'.nis'hed. a.- select gramophone c`"on- ` cert. Chiqf Smith `made the presen- tation and C`haif1n-an of Fire and Police Wesley was premnta At" a special meeting of the In- nisl Council held on Friday last, James` W'ilson Black, of St.roud,, iwas elected Township Clerk. `to _11 the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr. R. `J. Hill to the` West. Mr. Black has served in the Coun- 'cil for sever-ail years, and his ap- pointment. will be a popular one. He is an ex-school teacher and is emi- nently qualied for the position. He assumed his new duties at once. ` -4-Nice AW.ll'I11 woolen Blankets , best `bought . at Vickers. .-_a..-..._.. Ehe death'<;cc1-1;:e zimte her home,{, We11ing'to_11 street, on Tuesday morn- ing of Mrs. J 05. Seeley, who had! been removed several days previous! 3 from the Hospital;-as it was thought. she was recovering. On Monday, in the morning. _ Seeley was for-mer1_y_~ `1_\Ii&a Minnie McC`-abe. daughter of Mr.` J os. McCabe. Her "she suffered a relapse and died early! husband, who formerly, was on the G.T.R. ofce sta` at A11'=anda1e. had just ;'eturned to; Port Arthur, where he is, `now engaged. i Two small boys are` left _ motherless. Mrs. M. Ma- loney of Toronto, ` Mrs. Wm. Mo- Donaldof 5 _Tor0,= Mrs. Capt. Gau-7 ley ofAGo1\1ing:'woo'd; are sisters, an vMr. Thus; M.e'Cabe,is a brother.` The ;-fmaetal`-fooolcj place this morning to! 'St7. T`Mary s 7Church_. and cemetery. ` i \_\I&\-_I ll'VI'J > avvu Va vu vs. RedmmIi5-1=himip H. Redr- .__-__'I.r -L___..-.l _1LL ...LA.-!...!...._ ........._. Tj(Y1`AL .REOEIPTS -OF RAIN-| -us:-xvri-rxnnn A1399 BOW BAZAAR. ` .White booth, $93.50; Green" bobth, $52.55; `limtve booth, $19.10; Blue $78.7 5; . Candy booth $89.50; booth $53.40 ;" Rummage booth , $8.45; Dcior receipts `$2.75. To-ta] $418.00, expenses $70.00.` 5 .Net;prooeed3 _ The ladies of exhendf thanks to every `them inmakihg the gtsugcess. . W.` WATT, Sec, E V-`November 29th T_Yt:0,Mr..and F13ed _'E11is, Gum-A .berlnn_ a . 1_F( )UR`_ ORIMINAI. L CASES. NEW CLERK 0E INNISFIL DEATH A OF SEELEY % BORN. OF ! mu; sronv By roman VICAR or TRINITY cu ~`PickanocK a Tale of Settle- ` ment Days in Older | % Canada. BY BERTAL `HEENEY .' % now or wmumsc .`F. T. SHORT, - - Managietf 9 _ One 'of the greatest Objections the novel'rof to"-day is that it 'is hard-.- ly ever true either to nature or to life. There is always a straining after effect. ~The incidents are high.- ly im-probable in themselves, and gel- _1-... ...p...-- I1I\`lJI\`FU'I I\ nu-nos cg:-.#:1\rnn`I-Ir\_ `J `ll-I'1Il\ IIIIlIJ'J} ALL UII&I&lIA)\rLv\g.7, t~An\-A KI`-IQ dorm, very seldom of any rational "in- terest. ,The plots are, generally, both "inane and silly. But the gravest side of theobjction is that such a book irnbues its readers with utterly erron- eous notions of what is true and manly. a rule, the sorrows endur- ed and the joys realized are selsh `and narrow,` to af degree. It teaches nothing worthy, it gives no inspir- ation for the really true, good and beautiful, `The adventures of hero and heroine are such that one is lost inr,wonder that, when -at last. they _are' married, they can possibly enjoy, nay, endure the common routine of daily "life. . Such literary Vpabulum is bad for all, and "especially bad for young people. In the modern novel (and the press pours t-hem forth in thous- ands).- there will be found scarcely aught in keeping with everyday ex- perience. The mind irbesottedr with idle: and foolish eollsiderat-ions, and the heart. is enervated with hopes and feelings the opposite of all that is sound and "sane. And even if one coulcl achieve. in this world the am- bition of a, hero of the ;\Iincrva. Press, his. life, we repeat-. would be utterly `selsh and devoid of all generous ama ihition. - - - o 1 Yet, rightly - . `viewed, the novel- ought to be one of the mightiest` `instriunents for good. And so, in- deed, it is in the handsof those great a1tt-l101'S- that have the genius to hold the lnirror up to nat1u"e_. that are con- tent to represent life as it is, so that. we Inay recoil from its sins and struggle towards its virtues. Deeply indebtedlare we to t-llOSe great novel- ists, `whose W01` '5 broaden our lives, enlarge our sympathies and make us forget our own special trials and sorrows lly interesting us in those of others. ' I l A It is`. then. a genuine pleasure to `get such a. book as Pickauock. It comes as a sweet refreshing breeze from hills and lakes. There is not a. trace of sickly hsentimentanllism in it. Its joys and sorrows, its -victories and its failures are the very stu of wliich life is coxnpo-sod. Its key note l one that ShOl1.llLl' appeal to all that i is best in us--love_.of our l)irtl1-place. For he that forgets the haunts of his youth, and the first friends thaft he made. lacks both sense and sensibil- ity. and `will go on his way unoheereti est and sereuest of pleamxres, that. plezfstuwe `of which Sir Walter Scott` so rapturotuszly sang. and .which ought: to be deaF to `all sorts and oonditions of -men; .Pickanoc_k has all the fresh- ness and the charm of the country in which its scene and events are centred`. It is a story` of the days when lumbefing was the sole business of the O_'t"t.aw-a.' And in the clear, sin 1e'sty1: of `the author the men ._ M - _-__'I 2.. A_L-L ',,___.I, ,,L_._L 1- I and uninuenced by one of the pur- ` -aA;AstI;.vu \J VJ luv V` u-A ul VAln\Il. vcnu nnuv-ca engaged-in thgt .;'~or;k start up be- fore us with wonderful distainctness. I.'.[v`hem `boss, lumberman, the boar- F?"`.`'.%" [:1 .00 its muuga m Aowmca `lanai; `calm: 75.55:: ppm... (Confinued on Pge 4)- vv - -lU Fvvuvvnl ll` JIIIIHIII `omnu Lconnf-n_au cunn- T by c.nr1'viug- on ymu b ." ~ " ` . .. u I. . ` I _ . > `` J usrt mall us your deposv:s3__b hen you \va.11t.t hfh'a.. ,._ w; ohoqu(~s w mone_v. We give wpecial `A H ` A * att ` ~ nc-.-`..: l1a.n(l`10(l in this w::,t`*:n dtcf _bu_si{3j glad t0 h{]\'fo_ you nlake. srtr\'ic(-, ` I Ill I-III U-I-I-vwuu-v --g --wv r.w.AsuE. - - T Mun . 6. M. c. mun` smm. Quinlan! gr. Save Time You Are B uy F0 w:1 Eotvs` ~ W Farm Lan ;'-" 'f" i s_f1iqN_c I-`EA_'ryREs" hould. 2 600D_BUYS;.2 3. Maw, "i=1?3% EFURS No. 49 "F; son cuw. SUNDAY, DEC. 8. 11' Sunday 511 -AdYnt*. S.:}0a.111.-=-}Io1y C`ommu!l1g011g `f" " _ 11.0 a.m.---Matinzs V 3.0p.m.---Sund:aY ' 7.0 p.1n.~--EvetnsO~n.g* = Rev. Ermst RJ. Biggs; EA`- mooe. A 42-43? 0 1' Prices anc_lV Terms, Trinity Chtch, |u\ l" liIV\IU jun: at` 51 Threulncedle S 3.0. . Inn: nnlll` - BUY YOUR Don't leave ydur selection` until close to Christmas _ U The rapidly increasing number of but out-_ofe3} town customers {E5 t'e_st`i-'. mony to the quality and. reasonable prices of our Jurs. ' See our speciai sholnif of FUR sews this week smmous & C0- ?j c1mA?D}Ag{ Barrie Branch. --- EARLY- Furri_e| s :3`:2?$s.175,ooo : $69,000,000 wt-(cu: Nd; .m} PUILIIHII , .. . 4 -RING CLOTHING FACTORY7i L WILL sum wonx wmnN%AmEx but tllg \il\l\'l'\'.` Markt Hall to. Thinl | . For OneL5Yar,.----100_ I ` 1 Employees. T` H FOUR BY-LAWS I-`on JANUARYIELECTIONS ` 'I`Re_e\_re"}3e_r1nett, wholrarely lrnlsses, l _a . ses-ion of civic Jlegislagturev was absent on Monday eirening. All the other members," except` >' Bunker, Wel_'8 in: -`-their accustomed T places, andthe bu.srine;Ss.of the ' sion `moved rapidly and )vith' little discussion. _ - ' ,.J.'t was expected that more be coneidera.bl"e`V opposition _tof; the renting of the upper oor of the .Mar.- ket Bbuilding _ for a munufaotory of meI1 s olothinggbitt only Ald. Lowe voiced an `opinion `against the pro- ject. He, howex'_mr,- said he was not personally _-against the -proposal, but felt that many citizens woulld` not like the `idea-very well. ` - COMMUNICIATIONS. =Geo. Cameron asked to have streets near took yards improved`. 13,. _s_._.,_ 'n.r--,J-_-1l. l-....%..... ' uu\_ DVJCCUD IIVCOL UV'\ \IvI\ Jqwuu anonravvyuu _ Engineer Mvacdoncll; having _in- 'vestigated. the drain,` between Wit}!- Tlinm St, and the [Essa Road`, report- ed that it hack caved in and a. new box or tiles were _re`quired.- Duiiing TNove1nbe1' $526.30 ` had _been e.\"p_nd-V ed `on, repairs, . . n_- -1)..-..1..-...>.. mu .4... 1:...1.+ n+| W15? f'Cr"b2~'13g bin -for light at presentA rates would be $500; _a.t the Simcoe ' Sanitari-unl, and he apped `for r'educedV light and `water 1_`a1'-OS. It s a pretty big bill for a young` ilxst-itution, said the letter. -...-- 1-rr\'r\'v1 Revs. Dr. McLeod-and-~I. Gr. Bo?wl- `o.s_ .va;ited on `the Coguncil asking `us- gist-ar1ce for the Chi'.dresa. s Aid So-_ xciety. Rev; Mr. Bow,1es%appealed for $100 V-to assist in naI'1cfng their good 'work.and' to be appliecl in pay- ing o the.ir' indebtedness. ' | 'I\__ '\.l'-T.......Tl- --..LA 1`.-an `.\nr\I\ n1n.Q.n11` lug U11 Nu:-u. uLuc I.:|.v\.u.ux.-.xw. Dr. McLeod`, who been closely assic-iated with the society's work } since t-he...org'anization-,` said the loeazi society was in urgent need of funds. In every eoinnninity there are in few delinquents and` depend- ent children, evil associations and misfortune being the main cause of the downfall of many.` *T11e=e%chi'i`-d'.- ren were an expense to the eormmun- ' ity, but the Society endeavored to make them an asset. A. sm.all~grant , would: be most, acceptable to `the society which was one of the niost worthy of ~phi_;i'a11t.rornhie institutions. McAlnine and Ri-charcison. who . luwe a large clothing efactory in To? xjonto, applied for the use Aocf the u-nper oor ; of the market builiding for one y'ea.r . tom. :1 manufac- m1',v of ;nen s clothing. They 'wi.'~:h-A ed to ' istart'" work at .. once.` and` would e1np 1oy;_100 liands, one qua.rt~ `er of which wou1d~be me-.n."and'_p1`ty $16,000 ~ in wages` yeariy. They ask- ed no further eonsiderat.ion. b and would "1)a.V.'$25- zi. monthf~1~ent after end of the first year, and` `gfu.a.1'.a.ntee `to leave h'a.1~1_i-n its present c,7c1_1'r1ition, . _ E.\*QUIn ms .,. ` ' ~ - A `Au 4... 441.1) ..--_ .I_'4x\\Uu.unn. - V .` Does any person know why the [light at Thompson St. bri was ~ not put in the plade ordered ? asked A1d.'Rusk. A _ T *' `_ V T;hc,~M`ayor th/a'1'ight }was' `in the position designated by the-Couw `oil, and that they gonsidered it in `the best .pc`sition.',.- ' I V Ald. vFraser jan__tedv- to ,kn `why a communicagtionv from W.C_`. , TI1o1np_`-v. so'n _not_ . 1 ' B*199- ii W96I1 1.'.% $i1f~,i1i J 19:34 I presuml . said: .zWqr`_ship.. * unr-n `M'.. Jl"lanmm'nnnn .. 'Hn.Q'7~ ugnruug Luwu `auuuv uv-Mg --- -~-...__ work, and tackling me on the streets about it, said~ Ald. Fras- er. V - % ' - % ? We11,r}he knows where the throne % of .graoe-is, said His Worship, and `I dou t ' think V he has `kick com-. ` ing` in regard to the way'thVe , has usechrlaim, either. i=fPerha;ps~ you all are not aware ,1she] , ._1`own built sue -feivfer Vust %='V_m+ his `,be St1:eet;%..r`uV1[e'rs_ Maire` `f: m%;mwunui?:;< , % * X 1 presume," `WW .1410 ~'1v*.v.~:'- Well, Mr; Thompson % has been` * ' ad~b t%de1a.v inhewer #10113 In ourt in d ya:-.`INfi; rZr.`L IAn'ns`:';` '"m:.:.9,uu'1-vfar. sf:'gico:, am) Tue` common or casual: _o'ua .m1 1:_anon. COUNTY OFAA-s1McfE,`%%bN1'ARI :91; ;`per`}jmi;ist5e; tr Biairtifof {A Health found that` the. man-who gen- `der6d for.` the job was unable to o.1\'it the coletion p'a.1_'t_. of "the" contract. There is an agremnt befoge the Council for the ni`ght7'oil `disposal, and the ,._man Tilly -has agreed. to do -the work and `collect his own fees as provided in the` by I law. 9\ .1 . .0 II Irv- I'D Ill ,,wl1lj__ f '.Ald. Davin -`W38 npt. satised". Is- jit .true .`that tha Board of Health were . led `to expect nothing from 'Coy_I}`ci.l_?`.l'1`e asked. " 1 1| of`_'l`hey did not get a. gneat.'dea.l of sympathy, it is `tn'1e, _ .sa.id` His Wor- ship." `-`The who *has- been'<,-:o1- Iecti11gVga.rba_g:e?ait $3 per day, is now doing the work on his own `respon- `sibiiity and_` using the To.wn curta "`Y0 1' . ;{""'w7iIsa ?ox1 l1z{Ii2 -l7"T1a'"'7uI.;"iin- gineer instructed to put the `Ward VI" sewers_ and sedimentation tank . in working" order. -as soon as ;p<)ssib1'e. urm____- -- __:_1. `_A____._ -.._._.__..,_,1 Vrlll VVVARIAAB \.u-\-|\.u.| no .wv'vn wv arvtoiurnlvovi ~Ther_e are jwide powers conveyed, in tliisfmotion-,. cautioned the May? _or. The Engineer imightLhav'e' to `dig: up the whole system. ' - Ald. `Wisdom protested _that ' `the system was not working now, and ports of it were blockedr The sedi- mentation tank has not been . ushed out-`since it. was bult. People} are waiting to V -have aiawer connectipns mndeiaxidk many are V complaining, said the Sixth Wander. " i MAY 31-: CHARGE L or MANSLAUGHTERI An "`Ar1ne ni_z'1n shoemhker, named }Ardine, fvom` Midland, is .in the 3County: J air]: -aw-aiti11g' trial, on. a_ charge of _ feloniously. .wounding John Lo_ckhart of Vasey. The trouble seems to ha.ve"arise11 over LOckhm't s wife, ,who {mbout a. "year `ago, served i u H I130`; ,\V ll.\I a tfnl in the jail here my vagmncy, unador the name . of Annie Boyd. Ardinc was. an . u11suecessfn-1.rival for her aectiolis, -and it 'is'al1e.ged that when he'n1et Lockh-art on the road near Vasey an altercation en- suroxlg during` which Lockhart. was uuv\-v u- '1'-wt!` \Iev -.`.-.--- stabbed in. the arm. The wound .was _ not a Srioiis one, but gangrene poi- soning has since set _in and -I.Dc`ig-.. I : hrtfs condition is" regm'd'-c-di as pre- ca1'ious~. and on advice fron1_n1edical | men his statement has been taken in l1i-Se bedroom at Vase-y. . -r\ n [N Au; 'f`(._A_L.__. lI\`\.II \. I.IIlv`l LUV V I/V~I\.`.y 0 Before Crown` A ttorm;y "C'o~tt,er rand 1\I.a.gistrat`e Brown. the prelimin- Larfr` hearing was lield at Victoria I*Ia.rb0r_ on \V(h1esday--0f last week tau-d Ardine was committed for trial and brought. to the County Jail. -Rmnem1$er% ms Sa.lf of coats` ,_tll_ld Skixjts Lat_Vi<.fke.rs. . . AA ARM OR-USVI-IED `BETWEEN I ' V V ` \ . Mr." Murray Thompson, a y(_>ung* married mzu1.whc_rse home is in I-Iuntsvitkle, while at. work at "Allan- da1e,- met with `a serious accident on Tuessday morning, and umputa1_:iou `of his: right, arino -was necessary. He,` _in . oompziily }with Conductor Small, was working bt\jv_ee11'two cars `and being intent on the work in hzmd, they failed to notice an en? -giue 1uoving_slow1_v down.'the track ; under control, of Engineer Allwzmd. I11` the impact "which followed, "Tho1n13so11 s _4right~ arm was badly crushed.~ He-_was brought to Barrie and walked- from t-he.-ca_.boose. to A the v_ambu1.a-_11.`_and at the `Hospital `the arm was ainputatedi in little below =1:he `sliouldeqf. "He is progvresisiiixg, .fa'vorab1'y. and his Tmanf friends. hop'e .J;~'oo,_n tolsee i1i_m_ out agairt. ~ V .1` pu I ugzuav - A Mr. Wilfrid. Hi1l s sgle at.'_1`l1orn- ;` to__I_1M last %Wedne sda.y was `one of the lblggxestj auctioneer ` McC0nkey _har3 this fall. AIn:fom- hours: he $4, 00'worth_ of farm stoclgand _ -'..'A... DWIO \s {mp `V V v v - laments./~_ ~ The '.annu,g1 suipvperr and `lection of ;oieers (if L.O',L`.' No. 452, Barrie," Vwi Tld- _on A-Mondafy. evening, '1"-nit. Q. `nvizoollen V Blankets. l >est(l;>ou~zh1z`i;d= Yickersn. " * L ~s,~#ama*;w. .GUn.n on Page 4). vau I:oou:;:b.:_n:rn;`vm__e!ae.s_l1mien!s. V Wlllllahcld name. ` R41:--.on% mscuss SEVERAL I WEIGHTYSUBJECTS O1r%a{torica+l and-. E}oc'utionary `:,j;j.5;T:OI_I_te`8t Drew Crowded Ham: on Tuesday.