...-., ----m- _ L , "V is one _ of tow ns.`V where. .loc-ax; option has hurt business`, --'-the liquor 'bus_ineiss--said T Mr. -Spence, but they are " notgoing to vote for. repeal this year. Forty-'se:vcn I jeiegrams from the 'M'a.yorrs and Reeves of local option municipalities were producer} by Mr. Spence and! he the oapinioons of a few, of tliesm. N rly every one said business xv-as as .goo:1\or better, hotel aeconimoda- - tion ~betfer, and` prosperity ,m0re pnoe- i 11`0 u.nc`ed ._under local" option than li-- cm s . . V - I-"_' the last eight; years 403 places . "under license have given large ma.-' joritises for local option, and` only - seven 1md'er,1ocallI-option haves voted lagainet the temperance measure. ` This, said Mr. Spence, is conc1`usive evidence that the measure is a.- good` one and that thepeorple are satised , .with it. There are now 463 dryj '-m.un.ic-ipnlities and 365 .Wet. ones, "this shows how wide-spread the movement is. . Out of 105 places where local option contests could be 4 held`: this year, there wilfll be 80 con- I tests. ' V e ' - ' 1 -r A 1? ,, __,A ,, _ x \ 5 Rev. Dr. McTavish preceded the Rev. Ben. H. Spence, "with an ad'- dress onJDeh'1siorns Concerning Al- co1;ol,~.~.-in which-A he quoted specic ins,tances- to show that even one glass of "liquor inaxle a man weaker _ and less eicient. He said the expression t1w.t.a. man `A`pama1yzed-,d~runk is 'scient=ical:11y corrreut, for liquor is 9. na_1;ootic which paralyzes the nerves. Ninety per cent. of the cases of cirr- hosis of the liver are due to drink- ing of `beer. Linotype operators were proven to be? 8 per cent. less eicient after taking one drink. You can easily see now why the mm1ufactur- etrsa Want to go to the local Option _tawns, said Dr. M:cTa.'vish. We electors must lea`:-n to vote as we pray, and: -the days` of the traic will! `be numbered, for we electors are primarily responsible for, the drinnk evil. ~T'he- -day, is fast disappearing when millions of bushels ofigiood grain are turned into `-a liquid poi- son with the same eects on the sys- tem as ,c.h1.o:1'ofc(>`rm andj ether, though _2__1A 3- _L._--_ ..` Ivtllll W I K)-lUI\.Pl. \JL\l1 (I.'lIl\.I. \v IIII-\. L " IlII\I'IlBAl not so rapid`. `Strong clrink is strong fonlv to destroy. The man who: Wants to be at his `best p`h=ysicail'1ly and men'- tally must leave .. liquor entirely alone. These were someof the `fea- tures which Dr. McTavish emphasiz- ed in the course of his half4h0ur s talk on the illusions con.oernin.g as]?- oohbl, which he claimed; were being fast dispelled by more liberal e&uca~ ` tion-in the matter. V ` _ . The morning session of the 'coni vention was held` in: the `Police Gotu-rt Chambers routine business being tr_ansact.ed\. followed! by a conference on IIa.w En-.forIcemen.t. L _V'T1a"v`t;-;';x;t'>1'1`;isvev.i`>rn`was held! in the Town Hall, with Rev. I. G. Bojw1|_es in t-h ahwir. "A - A Delegates from various towns gave their views on the success of local option in the dry `towns of Simcoe Cbunty. T _. L ` ` Mr. _La.w:remce of Coulilingwood said the hotel: on in his {own -was better now than ever. The Globe Hotel is now. best hotel OoIling- wood ever had. Two ofthe former hduses up, but them is no kick agwai11srt--the : . Reave Msuam men `<`1Ti like op- - '._-).. 12.`. ..L1L__L-. _._.. `KIL \/'Ulll\LVV;(l4l4\i|.L \J. aavu uxnvv uv-u-uuu - \rV tion, but.` the V3`V`=omen"s Institute plied} a.1.1*the necessary-.aooommsod`a . tion when they bought. a.hote1L `antih have since run it satis~ 'fact_i9n: 'tmvelel{s._.and5 _ A. __ .-- _ g g `QC: U ' \./IILLIIIJIIV .waauu. _ . {press co1Igpa.nies'_.:upon' _ ~ i , in vaddzit-ioyn`bo"preeent-. as- smmetit . ` . L -- . "Registrar rs-.. -:1.~ *...'_.`D.`.:..:..... 51.2. ;.;...;..u;- Ulla. noon train. uvuwuu, unguasuzug uup uuuu. V; .._.v.., `V accommodation _in` the registry orice, owing to the ` -j_activi1;y _.i1Zlf 1'66]! *es.tateain thi$ -'Q.l1_I.. Tgt:; 8}..i15*"iivi8imIiS.. fxId;_%.:,iav%;ih1i>" n .l.uo5~xuuL a L LCIHILIJIQ .y;, mi bun. ,~ iv?k64TV LIQUOR A, NARCOTIC. man_ufaoturersa, merchants_ and other` business men endocrsed local option, some of `them who opposed it at the time being now Wililing to give signed t% tiD'l0Il.i&I1S to the effects from the measure. The hotel accommoda- tion, though not of the best, is bet- ter than under license. Assessment on one hotel? property mider lieensel was some $49,000, and since it has been turned into ofoesa and stores,` it has increased to over $54,000. There is no question that iboc_a]- option has brought .01-iihliia prosperity to a. large extent, said}, Mr. Hale, andl there is not a man who would stand `up ipuhlicly and say the town wanted 1 to gobaoksto license, and if he didl L- _-__..__1:n I... .. 24. ......,l:,J-nu. 1,... T1\.l\ Local]! Option and its eect on -business in Midland! Waetaken up by McTa.vish who said that so long as thegpeople provided the hotel ac- commodation there would be no ques- tion as to the successful working of the measure. He said. that Mayor Digby Horrell hand: openly said he was well]: satised, and other pmom.in- ent men.` such as `W. H. Bennett, M,P,, and D-r. Raikes `had pronounc- .ed'1soca1oIptnion-asuooess. Then-e.Was a rumor that MidJand s ~me1-chants w,ene.g'i.ving as: high as $200 -each to ght for local option in Penetang and that when it was earriedj there `Midland would bring on a "repeal ieoutest and -get some of the money going: to Penetang. This was: a tis sue of lies, andheknew olf a brewery tna/veer who was circulating thew story.` M~id:land` he.i1- with ode-J` light` .C'0unt.v `prohibition, inclilding i LR)` .I.L\JCuJ$\.a', AlL\j 1.; can; unsuu` i Eve '$}'ou1d be a. t candidiate :"or_Joe ADOlW`11ey 9 institutioin. R. A, ' Km;.rh, of. B111'1in'g'ta0`l1 - is bringing action agulnst `V. R. _;KD:_0p- hens 11' ' - danlai-W f0 znllcgml s.1a.1_1derr. _ Kmghhmu-1ol n j1'u111 a.t,Burlvu1g'bon. wwa t,i'k('t. w-Inch had been dated ; in ink by tho agoxltg whose stamp- l`.R. 1..-o11duc.t01', 'f0r5`7$3,000 was out of m- and he alleges '!t__ the (.(,mI11(-tn)" vlulxned-` that he fo_1'@d`:- `he dim] um] .+i;:11n.t-urre of the ag`eh.t, and hmniliutml him b(?f01'O a. cachr. .\ _~.\I\n'AH'_` `Kilgotur of Penetang sa.id' heir contest now _'on would: be- no` simp-lev sparring match, but. a ght to 8.` I_1i_sh. It was a profound for . the tempeurgnce ople _i,_`.. `I ;_1.!_._... _l___-L 4.]... I.LllIC\C JUL VI-I3 `A-4-Ialallll./'ll.ll\.\J '\l'lJl\J `to say" unkind t ' gs about the ,French R. C s. In Penetang many I of thaem`~.w,e'rg~ side by side -.with the; others: for flboal ocption.f was an un.mistaka.b]:e sign of ? fear in , the enemy s camp, and the ? ',hote1n_1en were ?`].'oosening uIp._ One QIIFIKJI-ILACIIL VVQD` Avyulnay vi} 151 uswtvv 1 `ed? in `his: awn 'bar twiw mliu week, solethingg-T_no og1e_w1nx1' seen him do: for a -at--x ._ A I`. .5 --- .w vv_._- Mr. -MeDermort.t 0; Staynr spoke on the needj for cooperao-n a.fterAth_eg1h.1:.iHs `over, and`; the dim- .-`1i1t.Y'Woca1_'P,01ice `had: in. detecting i-Hicit'.sa`e11i'ng. Gq1lingw.o0d~ s suc- a;tta'-iburted, inlarge mean ` -3. _1._'._._, _. -12 .. . __-_.'l- IA) vluu \Jl.l-I-!_\lUl V Au.\..\.I .IV \l *6 tmvelm 7,-w '1 _ v gvettiwri ;:_po1ihies. _-If` government, m out THEBOYS son rm; mu) wmnan ms Mews .theJ Our:st'ock of Boys Tand Youths Over- coats in both R'ee%fers%and Ulsters with cpnvertable Collars is the best we _ have ever shown. % Prices ra%ngefromA $3.50 `to $12.00 null uu load of Boys Corduroy Bloomers just ar- L j 7 rived, $2.00 per pair. Sarjeant & King Fownes Gloves for 1,1M1TD sale here Boys? No, 1 Fleece l`ined_ U nd er w e a r at.,-.'. . . ._ . . . . .35c at ... .B \Vodl` Gloves. Black aud c`0lo i:e_' COME IN AND SEE `discussion on what. a local! option committee can_d:o` zwherre there is li- cense. Hsaid! they must edumte the people that if the Town is being made the (Pumping -ground} for 111 the ,1... L.{..__`.4.-._ :1. :- 1...--- ........ ....., .......,..-.,_., 5.-.... .L\l'L a1_ uxxu dry territory, it is time f r a change. The preparation of the voters lists is ,where the battle is won or lost, and the appointment of Van assessor is an important point. People had diver- gent viewsr as to whether the temper- anee forces should have a. civic slate published and! Work to see t-hem |elected', or whether they should Work ..--2..A.1.. AL-__.- -11 1.I___ _L-_,1`I ,,,__',`I ' .`_._.v..., .A _-~vv gtlunn u.-uJ no-`avg;-\A \.nv\/A\Q extravagant. stntements or actions. I Tlizere was need for greater effort than ever in Barrie to-day. WANT LICENSE WITHHELD A motion was to ask the license commissioners to .W-ithhaold theeense in Adaxlza-, as the open bar t.-zere was proving a menace to and nu.].li-fyingf the effects: of local option in surrounding territory. An expression of regret will be A. `II . T 'lI'_I1|-_, .. ofVI.|..M1: 17th. 1.: \JA\_4\/V\J\L, VA .vv a.uu.'uAAI\.u. vaut./J \.7L.l.\JI.lJ.Ll. VV U113 `lqu-ietly, Above all they should avoid -..J...-_......'._J. ._L_J.-...___L_ _ ,A_`---_ or`a`mded:"7`M$"`isztr.J. Y3. `i.l'1'.:; SE Orila who `is sick. _ "'f11r;` o<'1TI71v\%ent:ionTa1so passed a reset- Iution of condolence and regret at .1 1 .1 n .1 11 m 1'? `n 11.- -1 LL` U1 \Ill. VJU. \A\ LJ\I-'\I'l\AJ u\/LA tau And! A the death of the Rev. T. H. of Waevhaga A 1`! About thirty delegates from all parts of the Okmnty were present, the evening` session being largely `attendled. V Voca? numbers were giv- eri by H. Ruthven Maodomd and Master `Edlward Grant of Toronto. Boys Hockey Tbqucs all ` "colors". I a t e s 1; styles. . . .25. 8: 50 Boys Coat Sweat- ers, from 75 cents if` X? {O Boys" Mocha VV.ool lined Gloves and Mitts % . . . . . . . . . 75; YOU cmuv Maw mam * B U T I.0.\"l`--I .: . 1 1;: Y orksllire. ;\n_\' il|1'u1`1l1&1tiO`ll Will]. be grateiully rm-<'i\'ml. .=\1be1't. Pratt , Ph0'ne7_17, A Dentrific is Cheaper Most people can have their natural teeth all their days by taking proper \ care of them.` Proper care means thorouih and regular cleansing with a harmless antiseptic clentrifrice. twill prevent all further decay. it % will whiten your teeth. -harden your cums and keep them healthy. Mur- -ililo ls antiseptic and all den-ms are nest:-oueii In Its use. Price::':::::25c. ONLY AT Robertson s ..... . $533 * % Vnnuc $3292: 41 voosxaet Biiri:I9I9tsL M. J. L. Austrian Collars MURILLIO Tooth Paste I,0S'l`-'l`xm (`att.lc--From lot; 25, con. 12. Innisl. Red and` White and nn1rI with hole in each ear. 1]. G. .-\rn1. R.M.D. Stroud'..? E\r1~:R\ 1a<>jy\` SHOULD ;ga.ARN} . . ' 1. 01'f m. dm}l9.`.4'n, cm`! ;l'||"' -'" "or failure 0: Iormer (.1-_ng,;u;:. iu'd'{ie, sure. simple speedy saving. II'`,.toppi11g sickness, sensflnlhi` 05 nd 5ensPl(`SS sprgcry J ust twoalimll`- suture does the: Fog ; r$se;?,?tt;xl-111.1 a'ti0n see or write T _ H, Agent for Ontario Oxymthm-. 0- mrgnnandale. Out. 434:}; V .. ,_ 'j`-$; :3 SPECI}\L--So1ne illtelligent laxbotr era wa.m for all year work in 011'!` different ehvpartrnents-. Men` that may grow quickly into better (`0'l]11110ll I-.1hm'e1's pay. Enquire. ('01}i11g'\\'m>] Shipbuilding C0].]iH`,{'\\'(HH], Ollt. _ mvxmm .xv1:. METIIODIST 19 .\`no\\' -----_____ ' ' TE.-\(`IIl-`.1: \\'A.\"I`ED--]E`o-r` Ms. S: No. 15. Um '17 0wnsh.i-1), duties "to w.nn1nn<-- fix-st of January, 1913,- Light .~-}m>l; zwera.ge- attaendanoa 9: N0. nu ml] 1:}. Boardrcl-oseTt_0 *<']1<> um] rn1'n.1 mail eve41`y diay... _`_'\D})1,\' >1il1i!I;_ ,' sz1.].a.r3' and e`x1pel"!,' M19 U (100. "I1/`ea.1c*y, Slmnty Bay R H \`.. :1 v \\7.{};\"'x`r-T:13_.\ra}1 a'1;Lf':v-ife xvithbt. _ \\'mtm' months. :1nd.if foL1d1f9Q't"i` 7 % Ridge Road, Oro. % i%4s5?15,fj:L .\..u- Lu um, 11/eamy, m1a.1ll'Y [-WV`-V7 R..\l.I). No. 2. faunily. ,.\l-an to look a.ff6l` h9'rse9 .' Sheep and vow; attelld to f`urna.'e ` and In uthur ontrrsfide .W`01'k- 4. . t0<{1O141:1i11 ('0-(iillg and h0n.<<~\\'m']<. Board am? 1``dg.mg_ u1'ni.-hm] with goodf W.a8`i`5' for the fzlctmgv would engage for 3* from the . . Ap11`y Raikes. Barrie P.O., R_e~31d01_10.9m Ix`{o}i;1;" <).1h AI Id.L\ 1 1l\ [1] L |7Ll-LI`-JJJJo' -`Jul-"`.""" 'l'() I);\.\'(`1--Le.a1'11Grs Class at .\h'. ;\I:n'rin's, 133 Collier Stu Tl1es(1:1_\' and '].`hursdeay ervenings. Pm-tivulm-.< at above address, 01' phone 414. _ ` ' 47-47"? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WHY CONSIDER It`. . ..4s 50 0.25 ....34 38 1.02 . .. .33 41 0.08 . 23 31 -` ....~2n 33 ..3 33 .'.I'.I'f.2s 30 46 $1111. }m' 't'1{e' 15th to a depth am the 16th 0.2; and on thg 'Kn<);.:'h, of Bu1'1ingbon., ..!--.4. 117 T.) V`... _ der druilgsi ,,n,;,',r:,`e;;yI?don1asterinx moans] ( F9 Wm,-.~, of kind. cause. sever-_.-: ti or of f0I;3!gVa:;i%?'1_`; ;~sars:.2:;?;:;3::;?L;r%e " " 'rm: \\'EA'l`IIER m ~`.~'v11;:x`~1*.<. L0\\'ecst. I-Iig'1wstA Rain . 31 ....3: . .... .>6 ....: ,1 . 28 44 57 :-31. 38 35 0.04 1 0.03 ; fur Sunday, a.m.. 'l`msts. C'hi1d`-. "'l"1'a.pI~`." P`.M'.,v \ BUTTERY. ` `~ / i . VotesVFor%.%Women_%MohonT ` % A-.. 2.if= &;. .~~`' in ;` 43` .yea1's5-` ` .of"Hon.'Dr. `Pyne, anti" I ~ @819 my % has` among the`in'3I>ect0rdteei.qf the _in._higher;%Pub1`ie, work`. Ixrproof of. this I haveonly to point your H0nm'abl_e~ Body, fto the ins j ~ tot-9 of Cb1__1tiniaat.ion- `Sch `mas. . tle amount. fgrapts receive htivg hound}, A ~thank- you mosfo for your lciudtfess and 4enw1mgvement. in my . work and to ask you. most. respect- fultly ~ for .9; -`reoommendationgv to_ Han. Dr.` Pyne, after so long a._ sem- vice, for 9. retiring 4annua.l,a11ow:'mee, .li6Vwevelr' small. I `hope you w_il:1- be, able} hp secure a `man as my sucv .. 4 .-....- _. `2;;uc.m.,11s for ma mm W mead` from Alex. Campbell, Wo.ter-.- 1 .J-...... .'D TIT 'D....._.. IV:I-MI!....__.___.1.. WM-.9 "'-~.-- 9` FJLE. Peto'{ 17:;1m gman % * Ban-ie;' G `A.-~Carefobt, St; Cfli; arines, v(forme.1-1y of Bradford-). . HALF A'M1LLIoN]1_`<)"iz Roms _, ' - Fmm Geo. Moberley .of c`o11mg- wood, "the following communication was recelved: no at I - 1 '0 As the quest7.1o_n of g*oIod:';oads {is_ ` being genem11yLdisoussed am `over the ifcountl-y,. it.seems~ to be a good: time. to`,rprepa1_-ea for a gene.'ra1- system for buding them. Now wIil'1.| _ --_ -2 _1-_._.1_1`. n .__~.~._.-__.- --_;. _. ._._ ...._ utuuuutg lull-D1110 J.Vv\_JW` QIIVIU` Will. be considerable Govrfimeait rrioney %d:istri.buted:f among the dierent Cioruuty municipalities: it` becomes more important that it should _be, with other municipal ; road money, s-pang in `the mbst advLa'nta'g~eoo-us' mhan -- j.T-he County of _Simc.oe h'a& been spending -a.. good deal of what is knotwn as Groocd'_Roadv Money, in a 1 rather desultory manner:-, and in many pd-aces niakingi the roads absolutely `dangerous for loaded -teams to pass ` ---- --- -LL-.. TL--. ` A..- ..acqA`n `V.-.u\ \.I(1lIa\}I'\J'\.l"l Lil!` IVJV-UKl&'LII I-laIvI`Ill V\.I tI\&\JUJ one another. They are 7 much top 1 rounder] and `na.1'ro=w so that. when ` there is snow on the rbad oir icy mat- t.e1~.- it is impossible. `to -keep the vehicwle fr-om" skidding if it leaves the immediate cntre of the road; and! so far as automobiles are conoeme-d they are dangero-us atal`] t-imesa, more I pm't`icularly-when the road is `at at} ___A J. $5 '0 3... F _ Gravel _ _ _ _ ,_ . _ 1 Fimmn of Ba1"1'ie ls vxsmng 513.-" H tel Hc~br.-rt Ditchbutrn; ` % Quirtc t|U|\V'-' 7 ~45; ;: ooooooooooooooootf >1 111m-st Ba,1mer '--' Miss Midlmld Fm-c- I. r~ess --- Mr's} 1' of Victoria. St -was--su(denly. to Allandale on Monday i.1~lncss of her _`m0t1I_1er. canvd to the se1'ioru.s jfhe pat.iont was -said to be sinkixlgl fast and Mrs. McQuir ter` dud. y(,m1g`0.s`t da411,._:-]1to1' left on the afteif`-_ . ..,.,.n mun. { I think it will -be generxally conced- I ` rid that no expenditure `by as Cbunty "Council is or more general benet to.` the public and the farmers` in nm~ti- I o'u'1~ia.r. than that spent judiciously on rosvs. ` ' . -ml u;sars`pAs.`. v-,-at I \Jll\l-7o \ There is no doubt that; macadamA `,1-nadrs 1`I'.th9 best foe-. general; pur poses, part~icsu1a.rly if built` `from: good hard. g'ra.nite. ` '6 ` - I II 3' ,- C I` 5-v. ---.--... c..-.-__ T-he?` County 3% sinicoe is one of 1 the largest (if not the -largest) in "Ontario, and is _ a. fai`1-ly ..weal-thy County, and in omder that the q-use_s- tion should be` fulllbf oonasidewedo, I would suggest that; the Wardena ap- point a. special committee tb-.make all necessary enquiries-- as "follows: I ' posuitionbf all!` roads in the County which might fairly ;be oonsidened! as leading roads. ".1'-1`=1}e'3"pe{a;i1e%%?o ma- cadam road, with the cost of steel or osthesr bridges, t.he'b'roken stoneto be 12 to 18 inches deep, `according to locality. Of `course, w1he?eve:r rm- 7 class gravea], can "be obtained: it could 3 L- -- .....J| l.l1Xl.||o L3.--The hocalsinty from whemae {he ma_1.:erie}1" ooundiwbe `obtainedi. V paovv vv vo-on. - ~Spea.king of n1va1w.tl3l`1"i-sll~,T`t,l1ere are `some in _.the County where su-italble gravel co-ulld be T obtainendu, but so far, as I `know. not many. But granite could] be obtained near Midland, and -Long`-ford Mills and cou:l:di be brought from the A_noIrb. n shore` of Ge`orgi_anV Bay to Col|lring- \ WUUU!o - . . The County esovuld wcil ` spend: to `advantage for good! roads: from1$500.- 000 to $750,000 without-putting a too heavy bumdlen onthe County. V ` _ ;I._1. _......:.. .....`-G..-` ; the County, but when we eonsidier ` "- "J v---~-- -- ---- _ I am quite aware tlmt many. pe'r.- sons would oppose any sruolm? expendi- turre as plaaoingga ruinaolus debt on that when the one half of the Oounty gwve bonufsesto them of $400,000, or . over (which really benetted on.1ya' small .portion of the -_C'ou`nty`), al `of: whiohlhaas been paid, and," dlotesa not .-'_- 1.-.... 1.414-.1... +1m. mm. J? \\..\l..l. llcut (I `luosvusafg 4V; `V! mis; quilt m '.l`11e~s:lia.y at Mrs. (Dr,) IC\':1n=. ' ' I ' L I. LV_.-.J.--- .. .-.. I188 -IJCUJI `IJUJU, u.1A\,.|.' \u\JI\.nJ --~- seem to `have. been feilit "by the rate-` % pa`yeu's.L The `Bounty now, asua Whole. Tmight easilfy spend: the larger sum I haavev-mentioned to` obtzaifthe greater benet _ _ V. . M It The making `of good 3-leading roads all over the County give great _-----1. ;... $1.- TIN.-An-I ~rn'.nn.;. was vvva u-av wvv----V `A enoo1u'ag'eme_nt> to . .Dbn, t be the agipehar- ~`anc6. of 9, -Piano: O1-`by So.lem9 _n a ~ arguments. , The `1.aStin`- _ qualities are value, ` A .-_-vA p-.. ,.!=emtsma" -43-; Dlnuin ' - Barrie; 13- L0n3'man;C Care-foot, s. cam- I__ -3 'B__'. _l.-...j\ Pa1. .~'lll)_i('(`tS Thtf (:l":lt1h~'t hf ren"s ve minut.v.< John 3. 111." ; rEun-i- I-I85`, ~ .".**, }- , Wm 83415 1856 of ` ` - `wheth- ULIJUIII .-.a In 6- L.\J.L. .........--...';.`:.~....4.:.... -.;`4; ' gL...4. 1` of In . ` , . `L `:-4.1.; ..-;... '-saga `nil n_.,....._.. -1.- foi Gm 1`'*5n :<.~h.6 5f`t1.1e.i'i39K3S*;: they oivder. T1_'1.i's,j :_1;yf' 1 long -,,s;inee'. of'*._SimcQe is' now fast 'm'o1_e_ able `to gpuldmony i i1 w.a.y. of these I ".....-..J..'-....;._-_ :-.;' '-than. . ' ` vv.Icv -tls\r1Iv\JIJ\A|.:.aL,vIj`ll: I i xi 71856,` j- taI1be';Za;n'ied 7cpn= `tra-ct-ors` under a competent l. - - the rpon-to:-the Council; when-I I could` be such action >aLs'.-might) he oVon- I sidered advisable. . '5 > ' ` Owing to the '_neesit.y for s ision c_>}gargt11e I'1---..A.__ ..--.1_. -...J.. |;...`.`l........ L _._- 1.-I be adwisaable thnt the` COmty;;jsta;b- `li`sh dppaptment-vqith a "t11oa'0u_g1bml-y enginejea-yand, :_s:ta, responsibtle to --the ton all the county e:npendit1i_i'_ee__ on roads and"bridges.;'1'3roper.y out. `By this means `_(V1ii:rticulan'ly if -the suggestions of t_lm Iuii1tlii1}g of ing roads. by the County ls the County enjoy a system ;o'rf ....1 ._.ll.. _ 1. _.-.. _..1:.:..L __-_-.`I..1: L}. $11.!) \.I\.l'I_.& L I uasuvv cu V""U'V\.Uoa- ' ` . vijtf;-r}`x'i;1g which 4 '11dL l:: m_uch'to the .advan1tagaeof the far- -me1~s"and to. the general} ttvaveling I Vpuxblsic. ' ' Turezsimv >:M(V)RNING.- The mpzrning session on Tuesday was taken up with the a.ppoiu.tmesnt` ,_n _ (V-]_=_.-I T.,......-...4..... ..... ' Q,....4.1..` Nov. 11} H I Illll UUJLI U` \l I lnlIvAQcv'n& an lwylnstpecw tor fgr South Simcoe .to take: the Elam orf : Thos.- McKee, resi There were ` ve names` put to balibt-t, alll f who, are reported` above to `haave,ap- plied =bei11-g~ in` the `running.- " Mr. Edwin Longman of the "Barrie C'o- ' legiabes, was the winner, and the re- not eons-idering his: own chances `of ' sult was a.7 surprise to many, 11im$a;:1f the best, against; Mr. Campbell! who. was rualller-up in the eon.ters.t far the N._ Si1.nc-oe.vaca.ncy.v L " I Councillors Mi-Hard zmdy Church; acted!" as: sca'ut.ineers, `while Cbvunty ,,__1,1_, ,___-,.l LL- 64....` _ UUA. `man and Preston, The names} oh 110. board were: Bro-wfn, Carefoout, Campbel, -Long- _ L1 -, .3-.. ! l\2|JI1l.l,' G5 5lJ|lUl.l.IILI.IUc-Au, n',uaAv uxvu-nu`; Mwseuger `Beardsley passed `the teal 7cun.n.ister (minus a handle) ballot; ultl.-ll. lldlkt J. ICDIIUIIQ .-Brown and Pres-ton? were a tie for `last place on the rst ballot. am} they :wve1~veo A. n 1- Q ' This left Ca1'e.root,.Campbe11 and Longman and the second ballot. gavv Oarefoot and C'amxpbe11 each '13, and Long-man 14 `votes. Waaen. Scan- llon exercised his prerIoga.t.iveg to vote and: cast 9, ballot for Oamecfoot, thus making Campbell the." lowman. '_ third-~'11aJ1ot sboIw.edu Longman -1 4.`- r________ ____ ! the winner. Any of the-former can-i didiartcs .were an opportunity to. contest with Mr...Long`n'1_an, and Mr. Oampbelili availed himself of the op.- po1'tu.nity, but the tally -,aga.in showed. la` majority for Mr. Longman; 'Oonsid'erabIe`=oonvass/ing had been done: by the .aptp1ioa.nts, but it is said `Mr. Lon`g-man dlidl work for the position than any of the othelt A by-law W.-ill be prepared endors- ing the a.ppoocintm'emt. * . ' TUESDAY NIGHT. V ` `T. iBeecroft and M. :N. Stephens were a.uditorrsL `- . The Warden, Treasurer and Ohair-. man of Finance were am.thorrized to \se1'ILd|e~bentures; * IMJVVEVKU JJUILBJLL __1.. - 'I'_.j`_'_- 1` HUGH! UUIEII UU ICU. The customary` a.ceou.n'os of Indus- `t1-ia- S(3h00]S{ were p'a$edI, amounting to `$250. . V ' -_-__J... _1- n. 17 o:-, .:-.-.. Qua`. UU 'q:t:<;,1.1nts of 0. K. Sissiocnsn, $23; %A. W. Beardsley, `$28; Jno. Me- i- Bi-ide, $13, for services at jai-1- during- lnotidays ` of Gaolclr, . Matjmon and |'1`L'11'nl were sent on the Criminal {Aulngit ' T V . 1'1I',_1 L- '_`____ fIf1 Council. declined: to ,pay G.G.. "Smit7h s bill for - burial of Kusrti "Solvoni, in Barrie. Neither would they pay Oro wfor at- tenidance and of R. Reeve of Cmeemore, Reeve. of Nottawasaga `and. Crovu-nty Engineer weren. appointed to have a; bridge con- - -1-_`I. -....' ..'_.,. -. ...A...1..n.1 on 1t.he 4th con , Nottawasa-. Uu uul: `run \Q\l'llg, ;uu..-.,..."u..,u., gay where the old one was washed away,'msbead off "as nevpiorrted -on in T~---- . The ].auIi<*<` Ai'10f Bu.1'to11. A.ve.. Metllotlist ('11111'(.'h will give. a talent tm and cult`. of work. i'ollow.ed:'~by"'a~ n11zsi<';11 pm;:1'n111n1e on Wedfllesday, NOW. 2711.. L] The \\'..\I..-\. had a quilting fO1" {H . . in 'l`....~_l:_.- - A`: `turn _La.ngfe1dit? oom:p1'aint regand-. ihg otverow. of wa"1ier[at~S.t..Pa .ulPs. } ]:a,inejvg`ick, was . referred? -Innigl L3U _Ull|ULl`. "Miller and make settlement if he ndb. that Essa is responsible. Reve Borrow of Matohdash was auvthol-i zedz' td settle account fof Shep- herd and: Goven-, amounting to $8.00 for Icbeaaning out dziftwood at the River. Iomvided _the 1 1* hV0i1i`- FOR Wow. - 'i?.tf=* am `an ad 'u. :. 1"_';_`-'_ -. --=I`_.L9J" '1' Reeve of` Essa. was instructed- to investigate the account of J. A. ` forkhlbeniytteeti? the bridzeu _ IIHUWB `(1`.ul-31551115 , U3. '\(`\l,uI.lM.Aba.vusu .n.v. Bel1v,2Glaodev'e f 8-%11"d7 Geo. Campbelv, was appointed. to` .repkn't upon-the ad!- viawbi -lity.:-`< of V 3 ~memo\ria1izing the `to, "women equal .. have?` " 33 7 3 Wet 01-7 0ril&ia_;, Aurora `for dry N`e:_wm.azrket. =wet Peugaetang or dlry : Midland? { Of. oo1xr'se_a]&_of:. the of not be a.t.tr_ilzubed7,to local R but th _.prdg1_tassi`ve' Spfit, eiam `;,-l)usir1'ee;' sagacityx andi jfaxesiizrhtbnij `-`policy Wliih. ~ they hairs` d.-isplayed by cuttin;g 7 out the bavroovms `has had: a benecial cect on progress of-tlhese dry towns, Th fact of the matter that people have come to realize that the bmkis for the town a-ndl-loeal Option `"1ss goodly The bar is"a ~1aoaI problem and 1100511 option is a.` local method of | `dealing with it. _ - - P ; A I . . 1 I have a far better rlocaal opti:on`1`J.aw than when Banjo voted, l continued`M`r. Spence. "The law is.` now so s/trict. that men are scared out I of 1j.heir`li~fe to run blind pigs; That s I [why the law is so well enforced in! ' O.wen ,-Sound ndw. Other o.mend- | ments to the liquor act `were- q-noted 1 by ._M1;. Spence, and he said he could ; svee*_that.`men W119 ootusis-terntw "voted l ' - T1_._.Z.. ugwuau` 1\A.'R1L UyL.|vu.. Ill. .;;uu-..v vv years ago would vote for it ,11ee_;;`1': Jam1ary, whe-n the measure "would-, no fdoubt, beome - ` .. ..._ _ ` _-I BEE uuaa.u luvu. ,wu:u \.4uu_>au:-vvu.-av v\.Iv\r\a I _agia_.inst1oc4a;1`0pti0n_ in Barrie two *`------- ----- --A-x1.J. vvrx`-A 1. 34- y-ggvfw a E . T ,,.o . mnncc 1'I.ll.` DAV