F"? ,......5 u we suver tnreads begin to show. Bea Young Woman" in looks, nlweye. K The grey hairs belong to the chaperonend to thegrandmother. Stay out of the grandmother clue, (Ind! your years justify it, by using - -[.[Avvq LIA in run A - --- walnut], III Ilrengtn Grey hair is as unbecoming as old age. Natural pride should have its on say. You wish to look young and it `in our DUTY to appear so. You can ! even L60K young if the silver threads begin to a Young Woman" :. I.....|.- 4..-..- ay by day, cg, qf hair that its strength and its 11$`! '3: ac ouragmg story, too. . a few more strands are add- ia turning grey,.losin` ill health. . Iuo|Lu.-A----4 ~* ` I `THE COMB S MORNING STORY You - know the story the comb tells. It : a very discouraging story, ` Day bv dV. 3 fan: IIIIIPA .oo-nJ- --- --`J botmcil a(`ijom-ned to meet at Le- _-__ _.. 'I3._'J__ KT-,, ting`. ,,,1..,, LL. much sweeter and ten- beef than those that have run miles every 120 3eeau.raa'Evingvotn heAra.nAgue. CORN FED CATTLE you no moire than theqosther _ You are sum` it. fkii. (wv..\' SOUND-MEAFORD 1 I ? RAIL\xf1gf NOT _DEr&1Di| VIVI l\ {$1.00 PER Auhuu m Anvnncz I!IOLl COPIII Thai! BENT. T I II, II UUlg -'H}{1'r7m HAIR HEALT ,, VINNISFIL COUNCIL` -L n517zi:'2Z` ROMP!` n R. J. HILL, Tp. Ohm-k. OL. LXI. No. 47 " .wH;6|.1:j at V THOMPSON cavzw. POI>l.lIH_n n _V I A range m_ay`bc' good baker, a!_1d Rood roaster. ' ' ' V " - . . . L v..v .r.` _,..._`._._.-'.-5.`: (37,, Roasting is one of the most expensive of cooking---more fuel is used inspropdrtion;jtoftl1esT result than in almost any oth~erle:cooki:1gls 9sptati9h,#;;5 So fuel economy is wortli F` `A Happy Thought ' ' are constructed to give vc 9}`-'1L1l. tratcd heat eicicncy in-th %:7-0????- _ . . . w - - -cw`, u-u T`-C?7V -,,. ` You know how is to proper roastin n . 4:... .a... But. the has this further advanth'z~4:(5A heat is controlled: entirely-' b GL1.) ......l ...._ , ,_ , 1' .t__'_'.`-, .-- .. ..u.....uuu v_u~I!`j'J. ';" _-Y?`." .,.""' ' size and strcngthvbf ' So that a smuil, lazy 531" slow cooking heat,_r:{d inc re gives a quiqki '3 THE I ' h` ' V M uutun I||u\II|s`-IN; Igyfypsn H. in. man ' 3.9.! See Roast! and Save 1 I think it is safe to gay thatethe people who are; all]: the time talking |a'b-out the high -cost of -living, have the remedy in theirown Theme is plenty of `land in this `great prov- -ince to work and.` they can go out and buy a piece of land and get into com- petition with the gxrotwers It is much for the man to get a few acres`-.of land-"A God has made sefree, which God given him, rather than worry abocut the high cost of living; T i . PREPARE Fog WAR. As to the immense expenditure on equipment and` -munitions of war ' as a cause of the high cost of living, I want to say right here thza.t I have ; always been impressed with the fact ' that the proper Way to preserve pen E was to be prepared for .War. . V - . /on -- 5 HI Md .;,g 5;; uh` a boy in Ontariowho would not put in K his drill lin lomehfq1:!111 05- other. Not nmcvessaaa-i y at 0- `on d go out to ` ght, not necerssaaily lmt he should halo qusarrellbome, "but. . orde}r- if he time evreurccomes-, ' 1: e wj 1' be called: upon to defend: his country, he will" be in,a posit.ionV to_ (1301 it. So Says Hdn. Js. S. VDu`ff.-'-- `Would Have `Every F arm- I " era Son Ready For War and Thus l:'.mui'e Pea`ce_ ` ` For c;.nada. UTOPIA MAN" KILLED ON . C.P.R. _ i Kenma, Norv. 15.--`Co-nd'u=ct0r Fred Socor, a well-known conwdiuctor on this division of the C.P.R.; died at [the Royal Jubilee Hospita`li,.' Kenora, iaftcr suffering in few. days from in-` `-ju1'ies received on Saturda.y -morn- iing-, Nov. 10th. Cmvdnlcton` Secor `was boa.1-ding his tva.i11 at the Not- lmtui Bridge, neamt Kanora, when he 3 miss-ed his footig and slzipped to the 9 rc.-oks below. He was thirty-ve hyeas `of age, and was married only about `six months. " The remains were sent `to Angus for interment. ` ! remarks madr by Hon. J ins. Du am a. ' ooeriference -of` ~ag'rikz11It11:raq1i 'om'gani.v,p.r tions in Toronto last wizl ~be- 'appa:r.-V em to all. Referring to the Toronto` .Bpai~d of Ts1~ade s rnecent. report on the cause of the Ehrigh aoezt of living, Mrr. Du said; `in part: I% The sound; am 56` Aof ,5 jfaw I. GET 0UT0N FARM T T0 (lVERC0ME7HlGH COST or IJVING The sane rebox -construction of the `.` IjAa_pfpy' Thought" fene- ables you to pcrfectly control your re and, thefcforc, your` .Aov en?heat,. - V ? % 'rh~ point as. You get a. aueg value s in oven "heat vfrbmf pvefry `ounce of fuel. ~, ._ ll`:-can _ 1` 1-` \lI:lll_\rIv Ian uwvou ` `Over af'Quartet. M.iI% ion Can- adian` women, who know this gym 1: x p e`r`i c :1 g: c,` fuse cVh5_.-_ 1 Ham Th9*48W' v=rv dw- *'r;-u.:. ;N1`:n:_1's~ oI=-.|1_.\ii`i;vcI_::-.`4.`Ifu-o_:, ouwrv"-o`r smco: mo THE uomugou, or AuA_o}_"..oua cm}-r:mou. `B7AAIiRIVE,[CoUNTv OF` s1M co1~:, oN1'zi*R1o, Nov{f'EMBF1s: R 2 1, 1912 --..v wv nnxwvvv VI. 0 .l.lIulIAII n uuua` luau lb` more than a dream is evidenced by a representative convention of the On- tar-ion Muun-icipa-l Electric. As s0-ciaftaion held in the City Hall, Toronto, last gveek. 'Baarie' is vitally ointerested.i.i1;1 this ma.tt;er,'o1-, r-at1he.r,- should be,--- and` so slhoulld every town on the new hydro lines (as Well as Ori-I-loia) now being ronto and Mr. P. W. Ellis, the Inca commission. T A ' I Mr.` Gea.ry.sn.id in `his opening ad-' dresas that no reason was 'aprpa.ret'1t why the Hydzro Commission should not relieve the municipalities `of. an- other bu-rden, namely, tra.nsportation,. they being now at mercy of` rnonopo1'ies'. Con.tr,o-Her Fosbm had moved in Toronto Ctounoil originally` that the pnesen-t step be taken to 'in- tenest the Government in this {MPO-I 1.nn.1- - - -_ \/ nag:-|\.uI I. U}Il-CBCll lCll .1 U` In, the "disacuuscsion \w"hic'-h followed` all the delegates spoke fveely, and} all bt1t"one were ent.husita.stic for the scheme. Mr. Beck was asked to em-` press the a.ttit.ud_e of the commission` towards the plan, Whieh _he did. The commi-sL=;i:orn was willing to give ex- pert estimzatess of the cost at building street-raiJ1wa.ys, of opemltting than, and of -the revenue .posri:bl'e, but he refused; to suggeatiens ass: to how the made might ,, nanced. That, he c(msi~dered-, was" outtsi-dc the V pnotviVnee'-_of the commission, ` rnt -I-r 1 --- Deleg1a.tes: from 72 municipalitniesf were Ainvitedi to attend, and "the ma-' jority Oorporahion Coun- sel Gem-y presidieod and Hon. Adam Beck was present by special request. |Contm11er Chu.mh represented` To: mm:-A nnr] RI- `D 117 `rang, .1 _ The Hyd1oEJec.t.ric C ommiss.ion *cou;]:d not assume any however, and would on-]'y [mt the vamious munidipalities as customers._ The car] lin`7s must be /built only where thei business Wouuld .s`ucpport them. The} lines should 'be__ - orpera.ted'. an a cost basis,-` atlowing 'su -icient for doespnesciart tion, to7 replace tha whole plant. with something new (in 15 or 20 years. 4 '7; I`A.W`_ `- - : .In order;.tha.t` the request to ' - the Hyd`r'o`-v_E1ectrric - Potwer Com- _mission be made "definite, it is- ` fwrbhel` em,-ggiested! that the initial ; report should refer only to roads following the hydmo tmmsinission lines of commission at pres _ ont existing "andi conternplzmtedv, _ in `the Niagara power zone ex- ' tending t.'hmoug1ho,u.t Western On! tario and the district. It is desired: thiarb the treplort shall` cover eos-tof consatniction, cost of _ operation and probable revenue` in `each case. ` ' Hy\clro-Electric 1ig}mtin.~g managed by a Goverrnment, commission and the various municixpaalivties in cooper- ation has proved so successful ` that municipaailities of Ontario have begun to think _a'bou-t applying the -same sys- tem to the transtportszttion problem, with" the idea of street cars for the towns and cities and ra.d:ia1*1ines con- necting the di erent _munieipaJities like a network. That this ideal is nnrunn 4--l-ans` .. .J........ 3. ~--9'|- ` ` " Mr. Carter of . the Guelph Power gand Light O'ommi$ion-. Mayor Ines`, `of ,I-Iarniltbom, Mayor. Price, of St. Thiomas, .C`ontrolle1- Church of "To- ronhot Ex-Mayor W. S. Ding-man] of ' Stratfovdb ' . Of P. W.El.1ris of Toronto; "and sa_ve1~a.l.othersL spoke , enthtnsiastical-ly of t:_11_esc`h!me. and after the was `by-8." unanimous; stand- `v'otie,; vmotion ndorsing `the administration- Hydro; it-.n'.n,~ .5-/_ r~;_`.__2-_s-.- ___.*1-,, 'rr;,_ UIUC `4`K.UlII`LLll7UCQI|Ul'\JUI` ' \ |. comm" [ ieeion uifm "1333; also .'Qat'rieId` unani- ` .EUGENIA POWER TAKEN _ `OVER. : ' Mr, ` McLaugvb1in,`g secretary gfthaa Bay Pbrwer-Co., was "ui:Ja.t\ in ..conve1-sation A%'33V9-*kSm ? % * have.,.nowAdiep~oaed X 1 Fah1s'.w vb-2 `Success. cifthe Hydro-Elect:"ic" Lighting and Power Scheme May Be Enlarged.--72 1. % Towns_ .Asl; Coxhmision to Reports MUNICIPAI-IT * wouw on-mm; .s'r1u;1z'r RAILWAYS izeesozved.` Thaatin ,tlie"0Iplini0n of this .meeting, 'repn'esentiing municipal-ities, It is ;desirable that a system of electric rail-A ways, inchuding street railways, to be owned,` by the municipali- ties, -be established and built, and further,` the Hydro Electric Clommizssrion is mqutated to look intothe advisaabizlxity and practi- cubi:1~ity- of bui.leds'ing sausc-.11 a:- sys-. -tem and? to _f.urnish: an report hecreon to this assooiateion. Presidsezn-t. Nolanof Newton Robin- son, occruipied` he chair. In ad- dress the president spoke of - the poor homey crop of the past year, but stat- 'od' that the `prospects were splendid- for the` coming` season. Mr. C`. P. Dedant, editor of the American Bee` Journal`, 'read' :1 -paper by Mr. E. B. Tyi-re-L1, secretary Nation-al Beekeep- cars Awiation, on Improvedi Methods of Selling Honey, V giving} ' many useful` hints: to amateur s2tIies- men. Them was, he said, a -neei for business methods to be used among beekoepers. D-isaoussion `arose re,g'a.1-ct-' ing the quotation of _ the weight of. ' honey sold in tins. It rer.=-uxltaed in the} decision that the gross weight of the _package should bu quoted and thxat in -set pzjic-e should be. put on the pro- duct and .by the =a:ve1-age *-.rop ggtthxerretii `from the neports sent in to the Government. - I BEEKEEPERS is 1\IERc`IIANTs. , A bee-keeper who is a business ion of` "Miss Ethl Robson, " seomi nmon is almost a paradox, in the 0Ip1n- . vice-president` of` the Association. , Miss`. suggested that hee- keeipers, to be srucessful, should" study the peopd:'e.. who use homey in_-_ stead` of conning theiriattenttion en-- tirely to the bees whicah pnodu.-c-e it, ` An excellent adidress was given by! 3Dr.` Hewitt, Domin.ic~:n Etymon1ogist,{ on the Tsu.bject\ of disease among bees} He declared that the great difficrulty in the .vway of _-~preventingL the sprresaodi I of disease was the slmge -a}meoruntv of I honey irinpourted fmm the United ! Statesand the West. Indies.` 5 ` ~ DISEASE `AMONG BEE9. A A great deal` of the among beesg aa.i-di Dr. `Hewitt, is carried! in Imney;-anid; while it might be possibie by 'l|_egisa]n.1:ion to control the importa- :tion of Queen bees, this could do: -no` -good legislation. could obtmine Thoprevarrt any honey com--. ihg in e`-xcaept f1'_vorm distets croirtrifad 4.- 1_-..:..-- __...? ' J2--- I use the brains and let the men use the picks and shovels, replied Mr. Clark. ` The'sol-ution of the help question tliies in 01'.ga5niza.tIwn. A man shoulsdi have his wuou-k so arranged that a laborer of ovdinaa-y intelli- gence can carry out omlertsa. ' Ma-. Olark said th.atAp0u:1try, fruit, 'and bees, made up a good combin- -ation for a. farmer, as the busy sea- sons im each came at diiferent periods in the year, and no time was lost.` He raised 500 chickens, grew 900 barrels of applies, and kept 90 colonies of [bees on 25 acres of 7 By feed- ing poorul1i1'y` once aVwe'ek,"Wi.t.h the aid of .a. hopper, instead of once a (lay, `was an instance of ' how he saved 1 . V ilfb" r"7r8LI`9d`{s"23: "5'"}}5}i other hand: you can iumgine what au.| lotttcny theme wioulrd ~'oe-fr0.tm consfuc-I -L.'..`..._..... `I;.._._,; On .-;_`.`I -1..L`_._.. ._1_, .:_, -. vw-V av: ..-y.u Ln. v.nuu\I\.- \,.|~ .7' VL|.l,lLg, are not many men lbokiug forgwork. Advertise in the pasers-r and' you get men as easily as: the contractors. . Have pick-axnd-sshoveul men enotugah brains to be (if any service to a bee- ` keeper? V ` ; VV_'\-Iklullbt ll .I._l VSLII: troners and others who use honey, 1: --such a: `law: ,were pamed. - `Dr. Hew=itt`prtYmis however, tluat` ` if --any suggestion fazzthaoomiug for" a _pra:ctioa'b1e .method of prevent- ing of :be9,diseases by` leg ':_m.;.:.:.. "L. .._`'..'-__1.1,'{'.' ~-`-_.1_*_ .__., _1_.-_-._1! I know` who 'can1yot.get men because they wn'-B. not paydecent w-ages. How do big c0n_trac'tors out West get men? In _thee days there f`The `farmer who fxeglects to hire suicient help is 1osi_ng $5 a day in to save `a $1.50` a Vdzay. ug we 3 menu: or `uetpxmsearses ny 'b.o`n1yb0io.p-1ea.seId % % f_f;_`o~ma.keVa;_re;a1ommex1)dMa_1:i:ornV to` LAAIVOU hundred; vvvuq um; -~su-(uvo usluuauvv IJ'.|. V , 59 of an sexeso from almost every coutn_ A ` in the V` province. inn`. I-V-I-III. Mp.[,. B. D;et1`otit.,J1[ic!h., Secretary of National . ' - era ,4 Association; gave ` an. int-erestin`g' . axressgvown-'= `V`P-roblamst " fn6nt_:ing , T.1;hIe= Naipipn Mtg ; V W`. `I3.=S1n-j[~ 3. Hired is the best investment a farmer can ma.ke; said J. W. Clark of Cains- vilzle. T . V n. N1 RE-ELECTA [Simeon PERSIDENT i ' The` question. of `labor. on ' Afvarrms wasga live topic for the Beekeepers ` Association annual convention held in Toronto last week. ' i It` Pays `to Raise `Poultry; F ruit mid Bees.--Advertise`; For . and PayHir_ed Men as 1, V ~ Good Wages as Con- ..tractors Pay, 1 There. 5,n4a.ttii@lace of oVv,ar: Smcon COUNTY MAN IN Chum . _ . | bOt'ta:Wta. experimental fatrm, read* a' paper on 'bnee-brveeding. I `_ The `following ofcaers were elected for the year 1913: P1'e_eddent, Dennis Nolan; -Newton `Robinson, Onf;.; First` l Vieo+Pmsdd`e11t:, {John L. Byem, Mount "Joy; Vice-President, Miss Ethel -Robson, ~ Iliderrton; Sescvebary- | Treasurer, Morley Petti of the On-t aria A College. I -.....-.~u vv ;uu 1. u.u..I.co U1. gas um I.- .?x}.e belching forth from the five inch casing a.roru.n'd the drill, `which! was boring through s}ha.le 1,450 feetl below the surface. Nothing was done: tostoptzheowortaoctapmasthe pressure: was enormous, and it went isspouting into . the air in a purplish-- 1 blue flame. ` . * - T` ` . 1 A rm of contractors who are; working for a. syndicate headed by. w.e]J1-`known Tomonto men have been boring and dropping .welA1s in the! neigvh:bor-hoody of Cookswilile for gas` and oil for`t.he past four years, but! Lem... .a..... --~. 4.1.- v-_g-L - V `# {The funny mm: for Couch: and colds.` "Shiloh costs so little and does so much!"; V Another big strike of gas has been! inade at` Ooqksvil-l=e, in Peel County. It is the pure quill and gushing from the depths below at an enormous rate, says The Tomato Star a few days ago. Over a million feet has escap- ed.s'inae dawn this (Friday) morn-' ing,_ and the ow is on the increase .withou-t a sigti of abating. Early Fridxaxy morning. .while the. electrical steel drill was boring into` unknown dyerphhs 03 Roumegovus , farm, a quarter of a mile west of Cooksville village, the - air suddenly [was lled with fumes of gas that! nnvnn Fxnljs`-u-:os._ 3..-A-L 1'-----~ -_____ \/v'\rAlAJ`I A-A-Aw fo1:`t'11;:-paxst' four this ow "is 'the Largest struck to` ` /In`:-\. }` This new well is the -provperty of i the farmersr who comprise the Port > Maitlanld Gas C`ovmpany, who refuse ; to sell , .a.~1t. h0`ug-hr they have received itempting orffems, A 'f0um inch pi-pe Fits being 0(`iI1!St1'll-C`ttEid` to Hamivlton, '. and they L-have s-o.o1_d- the gas for the next two years 120 a supply company _at a meter rate. r n;m:;;.;L;e. - .. wwv -V v-14-la `J \/\.I AJ&lJI.VAl.y _The head of the sumily company "f T. Layvlvof, for _Ha1:dimand'. It is Mr; Cherry s intention to form a company for the punpuose of making practical tests and ascertain-` ing whether or not gas and oil are obtainable in suicient quantities ' to warrant the investment of local ca- pital in the undertaking. M11 Cvherry .WiJ:'lJ be pleased to confer with any persons who may feel disposed to be; come interested in the project. | guano L (In to. - --vvv LVVVO `_ Oi]. with indica- tions of `good results should further boring operatiorns be undertaken. The oil was of a crude nature and emit- } ted `an unpleasant odor. 11: is = not improbable that a good supply of gas could be obtained at; a depth of from 750 not 1000 feet. ' \ f\~1 - - fvvvvn v, unavxz-y DI.-ll U125 11. 5LTUIl,g_ IIOWI of natural gas at a depth of 150 feet. I A tmtof the gaswas masde.with.- the? result that it ignited, t-he? bl9.=ze rising about three feet in the` air. I Cooksville Has~Fine Gas Well I ' and Will_ Pipe to Hamil- F V _ ton.-L: ` Meaford Drillers X " `Struck a Good i Interest is keen _in on thei auoces or failume of oil-d."rilJ:ing opcrations. in this district. The! Meafotrd Ex-press says: drill- ing for water at the rear of the Mea-I ford Vleetl-ba.rrow Work sreoentl-y, M-r. Robert Cherry st.1'u'ck a strong ow rrntnra] n-on nrfvn `I;-...`6-I-. -13 Ian _-L I ALSO 0. AT \ KSTRIKING slavmw. PLACES, ANOTHER Ems WELL. "ro1N'Es nmam Flow. A by-.1-aw was duly passed empowr ering the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow on the credit of the munici- pality, money to pay current expens- es, from the Sterling Bank, Lefroy, in such sums as may be required from time to time, not bxccedirxg in the -aggregate $1QQO. On motion the Reeve and Clerk were inst-ruched to sign plans of sub~ divisions of part broken lot 31 _and: `all of broken lot 32. con. 14, and part. broken lot 25 in the 4th con. of tha -Township of Innisl as laid out by A. G. A1-dagh, O.L.S., andgto attach `the corporate seal thereto. .1-\v&L.l..lJVV'.lJ`., -L`\.l.L 'LllIJl.I-J Th ()w-on Sound Times` says: The dim-tm~.s~ of the Simt-.oe,; Grey and Br1ue<- rui1.way intend axskingfor re- newal (yf the (;-o1npa.11y s charter, a' 1-mmx-'nI which will ~nQ -doubt be gr-.1utml' them. 'La.t.terIy the M4ea,.ford[ 1':1i1\\':1y proposition has been given at 1'0.~'t "by the councl and board: of trade` -1mt. it does not by any` means fol-' low that t-h- di1'eutso{rat.e `in-te"nd. a.L1p.w-i in.,: the project to pass into: desue-I tmh. M r. J as. M.cLauchlau has been: |_>u.~_\' all summer` pra.ct.ica;llry "in .are} 1'u11;:il1;_:' int.e1'vie.ws with ratlrwaymen` mul -m'1'ospondintg' with "the poxversl that M`. ' I The Cxllerk was instructed to notify `Wilbert S. Gibson, 0.L.S.. that this Conin-cil have no objection to grant- ning consent to -plan of susbdiv_isions of part broken lot 25, con. 5, Tp. of Innisl as submitted by him in out- line plan. The Clerk was instructed to write- Mrs.' Cooke `of Belle Ewart, request.- ing her to remove the fence shie mainttains a.ci'o& the vlane, running from Maple St. to Robinson St be- tween. Alfred and Frederick Sta. } _On motion, the account of the Northern. Advance $109.50; R. M. McOonkey, selecting j urors $4.00; `also. E. T_, McC0nkey $4.00; ancl R. IJ. -$6.00, be paid and H. 0. Wil- _.-__ Qt) AA f-,_ , , vo .-`gnu Vyvuvxry uv Irv!-A'\.aI. .|a'Lu\,n. AA-I \/o wt Al; _eon. $2.00 for use of room for meet- froy on Friday, Nov. 29th, when the resignation of R. J; Hill as `Clerk will be a.o'ee'pted* and; another a.ppoin~t- ed to -l-l -his place. ` 1-5 -1- 1"!` rI'l 1511 1 . The Ingot Iron Culvert. Co., 1 pipe, $10.88; Is.u;u- Spring, work on 8th line bridge, teaming, e.tc., $29.- 75; R. M. McConkey, 22 yds. gravel, -$2.20; Fred Warnica, gravel for Tol- lend.-al bridge $4.20; \Vm. Jack, 42 yds. gravel $4.20; J. Thompson, drawing. gravel V for Thornton side- walk, $36.00; Gcorgze Moore, supply- ing and rlra.wing` gravel on 2nd side- road, $5.25; Sylvester Moore, draw~ ing sc-antling for Tl1.01'l1tOI1 sidewalk $6.00; .-Louis Neiley. $144.60 in full on account. of Thornton sidewalk and $200.00 on account of St.r0ud side- 'walk; Rueben Lucas, bonus on 36 "rods wire fence opposite lot 18. con. 5, $5.40; VVm. Cooper, bonus on 81 rods Wire. fence, $12.15; Robert 'Rainey, building bridge on 53rd con. iancl cedar su.~pplied, $26.00; Samuel Faga.n $10.00, and J amos Fagan $5.00 for ditching on 9th 0011.: A.~'-h- ford VVarnica, suppl-ies for Tollendal bridge $5.00: F. W." l\la.tl1.ors' account $4.50, disinferting Mrs. J. Ferguson s house. i `The Council of the Corporation of I Innisl met at Churchill oh Tuesday, Nov. 5th, 1912. All members pres- ent, the Reeve in the chair. -The 'fOl=lorwing accounts were order- edftos be paid :- {FOR SALE AiiB'iiEEEiM'r;{E"1;bb I BY GEO. MONKMAN. MF.:\lORD GIRLS INDULGE . . .4 IN DAINTY CIGARETTE? Now that the. local option voam-A paigu is in f11`]1 swing` in_Meia.foIrd1, it mig-lit not be amiss to institute a (~ru..-.`ul<.~ zxgaixist cigarette smoking on the-. part of ,v.o1u1g'gi1'.l-9, which is be- (~.u111il1g' quite common in this to-vm,; cuys The Meaf01'd- Express. If B01118 of the clear 1110f-] l!.T!1`IS who look upon: t.hei1' as adorable angels, nc.t11_ul"Iy knew what is taking place; in Hue vicinity Of t11e'ba.nd-stand! :1t't<`-r the time set apart for the ring`- ing of the curfew each evening they, xmiulzl know Where modesty ceases to` [:0 21 "il`t|ll(" aml-_wh0re vu.L'g`a.rity' tr'L1I111]>li..s' in, its native lement H