. G. A. RADENHURST,` BARRISTER, V Solicitor, Notary Public, kc. Oice, lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to `Ian at lowest rates. we inst-n|=;sEN'r:- ' Allan Line cnnadlan Northern . Canadian Pacific Railway White star-Domlnlon Cunard Rounl Mall Blue Funnel I Holland-America WRITE OIVCALL FOR $All.4lNG.LlS'l` CRESWIGKE. & ALEXANDER, BAR- ristors, Solicitor ; of the Supreme Court of Jixdicsturo of` Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, -Conveyancers, etc; AMoney to loan. Oce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswike, K.C., Arthur Alexander.- Haviixgs ent 1 years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and having served asclinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8; Nose Hospital, London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Mooreids) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in. Royal London Orhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, Birmingham ; former Membexxot British hthalmological Society. /- OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. . ' 51- A. Po 0. BOX. 960 l W. .q._._ E W 1s,] Olllce of the me Dr. smmn, colller s Phone CI. - . 32-ly -j---2-&: L.R.C.P. &. s. Edinburgh; 1vi.F.P. 8:. s. Glasgow } --SURGEON-- I ye.` Ear. Nose 6 Tl'l`u'oaAt.T IInu.'..... ......._4. I ._--_- *r'\,.A A . I G. G. SMITH 8: CO., PHGNE 82. ES- 'tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and nighf. Morgue and chapel in connection. ` Barrie, Ontario.` IVIVIIE. I I U LUHN Wehave a large a.i1io_unt of money to loan atlowest current rates.e1ther in small or in large amounts. on the security of good farm mort- gages. McCARTHY. BOYS &'MURCHISON. unlop Street Barrie. STBATHY J7 ESTEN`, BARRISTERSH IICII No. UNWIN, MURPHY 8; ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc; Established 1852. Oice, - Medical` Building, S. E. corner Rich- `mond `and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy 85 Esten, Solici- tors,` Bank` of Toronto Building, Bsrrie, will he promptly attended to. - DONALD ROSS,` LL.B., BARRIST4ER,VI ' Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. ._..___.___...~_..__________.. ___.._.__| DR. J.` A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN,] -:~Surgeon, et.., Coroner for Simcoe ~-i"Go_'u.nty. Oice and residence: Wil- _f_ .lia=n; -s`tr_eet, Allandale. Telephone `O31. ' `n.-* =A .= T. LITTLE, LATE or Churchill, Ont. Ofce and residence, f John St., near corner Elizabeth. vPhone 213. . DR. E. ROGER WELLS, late of ' New York Hospital, N.Y., Man- 'hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y.- New .York Skin and Cancer Hos- pital, Grace Hospital, Toronto.* V Special attention given to` Dis- L eases of the Skin. : Office and Residence, Cor. of Col-' \ Her and Clapperton St. Phone! 5 275. ` V 21-lyl r DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, BUR-I geon,'etc., L.R.C.S., 'Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. DR. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND Residence corner of Toronto `and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele` . phone 167. V = DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON I St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.),- Eye and .Ear Hospital, will be at 67 -Owen St., Barrie, every Sat-, urday. Diseases-Eye,` Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.1n., and by appointment. . A_ .nuuIiog ol lloffams apI Tow Pio- |n"o rL'tl>os;.__lo r sale. on any lmns._ ~ FireandkA& Life Insurance. T3 Real Estate Agency L Q % ; Money to~L9an u-nu--r `or 31.00 Psi: ANNt3ii"I'i'v' 'Xi5'v.Imoi: UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS 81.59 m AowI_I i 4 1156- . ARNOLD `Barrie. Mona; vt `loan a;y4Z.;1v13 JLJIJ\l I(Iv`l\1I\, I V . AI lull-IO 3 5 per cent." Branch oices at Cree- morc `and Alliston, Haughton Len- II `I`- T mg: V I` I `nus 1gf*:iii?r;`i r&i:" Pu'i?E:Ta Qonveygncerh. Money 159 loan_ in any.` sums at -5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St.`, _Barrie. H.` D. Stewart,` LL.D., D._ M. Stqwart. IIIULK Gill] RIIIDIIULQ LLCIISIIUIJII A4 5: max, K.C.,_ Alex. Cowan, G. AE'.vJ. Br_o_wn', I.L.B; '5 1861 J. `II J. i JJKJ J. JJLV JJFLLUJ-WLK1 L JJLUKJ, 9 Solicitors. in High Court. of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, Of- cos. over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Esten. ('81_1cces:or to the {site R. L. Barwicl_) Dr. J. ARTHUR 116$ M. D.'. C. M. (Ton-.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. `to the. highest efficiency wounld be Jeountry, the revenue is. growing :by 'ing the eatpendtitume, let `us, then, did somethingh wm't;h while _;f the xtthirty 0&1` eve11.;fo'1ty '.1'niI21ions.-;vq1'1{1 -be we enOug'h_J' f e ; jgontribution the debt ` It is the cruellmt kind of ing1'a.ti- tude to say that we do not owe Great` 3Br_itain a. debt for `the pmteet-io-n 6f all these years. Her navy and her m-my have been our safeguard in times of and war, and. because Canada has not. became embroiled in a conict, does `not nlean tshat we will not. Tis! then the people: "who cry out against the hmgte ex-p_en:dIitu-re necessary to keep the British navy up askixlg the Britisnh -Gapavennnent to "send a` squadron to defend?` ouur shores. [Canada is an enormously rih leaps aTa1d.'tbo1in4de and far out-distwnc Jlotherliandt and .. na-vy have been os1_n'_ since ; were a` country at A `gjfg: -never he felt by _ .- tor Aroma; guimngs, nu-riie MONEY ro LOAN 3, n In:-on av`-.3..u...a. -1 ____, _ E `A. MALcoMsg;~gM UNDERTAKER8. rrnrsroums. "E31312. Broft RORTHERN ADVANCE ' ` A Barrie, Ont, TIRES PROPOSITION. 11-us` _ApvA:'cE 1s prove -ltfvgt c1:'lc1la:ox; of any paper j 88' 80 5' 81` 1 - I 5 the axgest '- 1.... 0.2.4. .1__, - - ~ v ll recon ulo. ` . ,Th 3 latter fact demonst I 1; F Izou ha;' z 1ota.mia"to pay't 3pric3. m"h" `he "F1 `Advertisements are charged according to 2:`:-e--12 lines nonpargxl measure make 0 Int Aunvnqvn. -...--v-.7: nu` 1 All V 1'43` I151.` h A. alirioticea. Auction sales, Amuscn ` ewL.e-F`irst insertion .14 cents pe ` `cm. . . _ 0 ea In uentinsertlonocents per hne. ' ch ng n9t1c_es, 10 _cents per line insertion : 5 cents per lme for each insertion of he came matter. Obit no per line. t`lA11nn:~u-.n.u.- -- ~ for "3 subsenueu Harv Poetry, ,__I, w.. yva ac.-ave . jcomn:ncuL nxsnn Rates will begiven on application. CONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertisers `will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisement. musthe handed unto the oice not laier um, Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must beoin THE ADVA.\'Cls.` omce not later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday in my week, otherwise the a ]vems_er'sannouncement gay notbe made punnc untxl the week ronow. 3 . coxnnxsmn AD\'ERTlSEMR!\'TB. Condensed axwertisements on first page gnu up wantso! all kinds, loqt and found, pmpem for saie or to rent, spec_1c articles, clc., etc- must be accompamed wnth the cash. " CRAIGHURST. om-r. iLlCENSED ._AU_CTIONEER D3331-2 -.. .-- _A Hui Blll Pumm; Mlll ii Limited Munnfaeturens of and Dealers in all kinds Rough and Dressed Lumber noors.SasII. Bllnds.Interio H I [1, columns, Tanks and latrer '%~?-o..E}.g Planing Matching, Moulding. I1 ~S. -1 ' Hot BlastDryingKiln. C H` ng I roafru eBu_N_1:{o} samcoa. Most" reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales `Cuts for adve'tiscmcnts_ must lcage bemoumcd on solxd mct: rluuugg uzuwnlng, .'\lOl_ll(Un[Z. P(3~S2.\\'ln Blast Drymg Kiln. ` g hanging and Polishing Hardwood Floors :3 Specialty T`nnhsnno-..-u ....;I D..:IA:_._ 13,. - _,,, , . . . . V . . . . u . u. Azunlulll 1`4all|ll!1lCS gl\`C`Il orncs-1Avnz|.n :12. name. our ?_9!9*"="%.v%#vvl JOHN JENNETT u upcunun c 15 `Contracting? and Building Estimates gim. PFl(!P._IlAVll`llrl_n cm nun-.- -_. !.'39n.!!.9!! E9 WI [$1. J_o|m %& Brookerl Druggist. I NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNERYI THA7 Amuxca: I -Teoli cirnlation of arm rmn.~...n;.!`)L .__._._________` RATE MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVF.`/l`- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tnons will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of.a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. I II III II HIV! IIIIICQ` II rnonraon Tcizw. DUNLOP STREET EAST BA 3 R I E Bfewed Entirely from the Fines? -~ _ Malt and Hops. BARBIE Baewms company ' Transact a. General Ban/ring \L;3 !48ine88. . . . . Notes Discomzml 5_L(l.VV1`ea9Vonable rates. Collec- `I--" 350?! Qf Notes and Accounts given attention. payable anyu-here. on-o;_u_sa'd_ banks cashed exchange. . . . . - figs cfiaz or Collected ' 3e,e_r'Ine. ,._ ___..---, wov- Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary mac-him:r_\` made and repairet} on sholtcst nouce and moderate pm.-cs. % Is open for all orders in CAS'l`lI\`(;`S, MILL REPAIRS, &c. Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class __go. MbNKMA1~g. Splendid ALE and PORTER 'l`he`Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle IICPIII JNOIUI ISI 5 'l`0!'0!1I0 I- ll`u'ri`tsvt|l -b."`ora::tg`;. . ~ pm mvn not . Grqu'enhunt& Allandalez lg tllp m..'l'orouto& Midland `MI "!!'.I_pIn..U`obalt Special .. `ll! ' Daiba includinlz Sunday. . ooningwooh $3 mama. ` .BANKERS (3.. MANUFACTURERS. 'rnAxs1i:m- M. v l`4n{TlSl.\ Q .'I\.:4|A| A --._._- _-. . Hours-10 to 4 Expert Machinists ,V ,..' OF . . wP-H7O-NVE - 376 prove" '" h" vc the- . (_ Vpnper " the `ollmy: 1 rgest subscription 3. ..- ` _ Jfanager ipo.. `O8. Kl` must in every metal bases Barrie. ll 40 a nix 'l`oronto&Musk.Wh.. . . . . . . ..-D lllpm Noun Ba 8: Toronto 8. `nm. .. .-.. Huntsville .'l`omnto., ..2. p m V I II n m'l`nI-nntnRr.\`m-lh Hair I! H n m . _ -I(-vIIIII.I V . Jlqm V ' " M .:'I~` '!.IOam= L " `56..v..l Midland (via Elmvale) l... Slpm ' V 21.... E--..lIL... PAYING THE DEBT..- TERMS OF SUBlORIP`l`l0Ho No.58 ., '9 42 .. 1 AR % N6. 53.`. 1 No wot -llpm .X'Il No. I I ' t . V L to 0o1iI1iI`_ca1led`f6r'_;a loantof 000, repa.ya.b1e in twvhgy witah-'r: out. interest: The extexitl of the bonus would} be theAam om_1vt of\_`tlie interest, which wvowldghbe about $907 per for twenty years-. Industrial Com- mittee~ Of `the Tvn Council _very wisely presented` a non-committal ac- qeptanoe of the proposed agreement which was mnniimouly carrieii by the members `of `Council `present. The motionis `so worded that the 'l`o5wn e interests 'an etguarded_ in every particular, and` it -would be better to Oulj fty-fouer voted out of the 41,37 2 `cast recn-tzljy in Petembhc-ro`ugl1', were %aTga=inst the g'ra.11ting7 of a free `site and` {en years tax eacemptiolfto a7 Isu.bs~idia.ry company -of the` D. Laval Dair3%' Supply Co. of New York, which will now move. its Mon- trealll and St. J olm plants there. To1~onto .s -assnessament, which is now, given out as $428,000,000,` has in- creased'_$85,000,000 during the" year._ - I The f1`e`ehol:der.`-3 :ofPresoot-t recent.` LV) carried a by-law; to raise "$35,000 for the construction of asubway, etc., `in aoxllxectiop with the provposds p.lan1 of the Grand: Trunk Railway to re- move ' the terminals =fro-m_ `Bmckvi-We |to the For_t Town. The vovtesttood 332 for, with only one . ,'aga~ins-t the by-law. A T - T D1-eAsd'en , Saxony, appears: to be th only town Where the 'prin_c_ip1ie_" of" municipal . 0'WnetreIh;i{p _extnd's to newspapers. his dieath so-me, yean ago, the; proprietor` of 3 ileadiug ` Dre?-dmi l18WSDaDe41' #131 property 110 `tha toW'n_ Wl.1je'1'e"he built. pl ` fortune; gale. _ % % If these promoters are uuwbule to get the biackingo tahuevy requine, the Town` has lost nothing`, but if Eve combine to knock this or other pro- positio1ns-,`._it. is pretty sure that Bar- rie will not; be to consider many indtust-`rial `projects. in- fu~: time. We want i11d*u_st`1-ieas "and ,we want the 'l`ouwn -.~" interests g'ua.rdod', but let us do that-ma thing-s as ge_n1b- men and in a. businesos-like` nlanuer. '" Ori1~li-a Packet--T~11e Bow1{1a11\*il1e Statesman-says that visitors: to thast town c-onnnonly speak orf it` as f`BoW.- 1n-auvilfhe t11=eLbea;utifwl, and hhqgisl thlat. the `agency .w`hich~ has aont.1~ibut- ed most toithis result is the_I*Iort.icu1- tu:ra~1 Society. - S1ucl`1 a. S|O,'O=iety- O1-illia' sa.d11yT needs. 'Ba.rri9- is another bowl: owting n1:uxch_to itsviotrticufturasl. So: ciety, which Ta.pp(Haarrsf t1oi'.t}1nfiv'e and extend its good. ivorkAwithm1_.t Why it _-has a1ways ptr0vedso dzicult to awaken or maintain in- o`e:re's1;in a I{orticul*tur_a1_ Society here `A is not easy to `iimldvelstand. '\ The fact,"= all: all `ewmtsf, `is li_t_t21k5Tto`/ O ri-I,1i&'3, s " ~ \&I ' UK. I ' ~ V ~:Pub!Iohod (mm the 011109. 123 Dunlo Street. . Burns. in tho County of slmooo. > e Pro- ` Vince of Ontario. Ouudmevori Thuuduy Morninc.-by vzllhnnun `animus! unnuuuo 9-on-u-n let the Imatter :stand:_ at that until some further move is mader V by the` promoters. . ` . -` T . A ` t It is no _s6onet that men`who have made the overtuzres 'to the Town Council have not the .pita'l1tb_g.o aheadl with tlieibpronject, "yet they ask-`nothing further from t/be Town until they secure the necessary uids, -which, it is said. they. are new endeav- oring `to do. A If the articleis to. be such_`de- . mand that it 11evolr_u-tionizei the tire business, why do not the promot- ers gb,a'l1ead, 01-gietarutomobile manu- maotumers `interested-? is one` (if the` qucstioms put by those who'ha.ve1ittIe faith in the new tire. It would seem to be good business "for "a company with a new article such as this, if they have as much faith in it as -they claim to have, to wish to it themselves. How many men have _been out of the prots mm new inventions wlwy they got into the -hands of uilscrupulmxs combina- tions of manufact-u-rers. ` A NOTE ANI) COMMENT, know Vxyhat to do. but this is the happy position of a.a.irs at the pres- ent time in Fargo, ND. A The city has a. surplus of $10,600, `largely by oiruses, and cor- pomtions. Fargo/taxed its public- 'service .'con.J-oraations this year on: p The executive secretary of the American Road, Congress has been giving out some statistics which ought to, maI:e couiity ioouincrilllors show some interest in the movement for improved= highways. T-heseeretary -_ claims that if the public highways of the United| States were .im~pm'oved tvventy per cent.,. it would mean a saving of $250,000,000- to the country in moving this year s chops.` Tihisi amocunt wnoyuald build 50,000 miles of road` at $5,000 per mile. In five years that would mean 250,000 miles`. Here is?` a.nother statement he makes: 'l`here' ` are more `then -025,000,000 farm horssiand muulses in the United States, vagluedv at $2,700,000,000;about 1,500,000 horse-drawn vehicles valliued at $83,000,000, -amimm-e than 450,000 automobiles va.lued`. at about $500,`- 000,000.. A depreciation of ve `per cent. caused by the wear and tea:-~hf_ bad roads wnouuld amount to $104,000,- 000 ai_mua.1iy,'.which at $5,000 per Vini-lie wxovutlldl suicient to build 32,- V. `S00 miles of improved roadie. .u-v vv uzv uuwu. .uuJU .|Ja.1'1 10 L UWLI i Coruncil last week that he had: never `hea.i'di-of Orillia. was Iiort scuoha foot] as he. looked. He was trying at the time to atter the town fatliers into risking $30,000 as a botmis_ on a d>0u.btful enterprise. 1 If it had been` a matter- of $300 they might have sAWuaJ410Wed"thebait.0 ' ` ' " 0-_DAY' marks ytheopeningi of. the second session of the ode, and d=u=rin.g the next few weeks A` the houses of .parliaa.tne-nt will be the scene of an historic debate, when" Qommoners and Senators will weigh the merits anddemerits of. the naval The Government e Naval Bill, `pro- viding for an emergency contr'iAbu.tion to the Imperial Navy, .wilJ, not doubt, ,' be introduced in the House of Com- :7 a policy of the Bordin. Administar-ation.. 'l`weIfth Parliament of Can- mons by the Prime. Minister as soon ` as possible after the opeui11,gi. The debate will, therefore, well under way before the session far advanc- That it will be an historic de- bate everybody admits. In fact,` it is_ safe to- predict that the eyes of Can- ada and of every other part of the _ British Empire will be focused on _ Ottawa while the Bill is under dis- cussion). ' The greatest period in a` male hu- ma11 s: life is the"yaar.gh falls in lime with his school} teacher and.` diecidel ltmarryher- ~ have Abeen_cAolleotedT at the -regular it-y rate. city hasvbeen by pedilinfs and cimuses. It has levied heavy to]1s'forr -the use of-the stmeets. These amounts have been added to .. the oanti11gent fimdl, until that fund; has been increased-L by $12,000 more! than the city needs. Two thotwsa-nd#-` dollars of this will` be kept aiid the remnaindr will be returned to the` people. in the form o:f~a. dividienxll at the rate "of 61/: per cent. Them isl no paraalial in- munic:ip;a1'.l1i'srto1'y for what Fargo is now_ about to dio.-- Simcoe Reformer. _ `iv-v, vnsv LIIKIIII VVIIU IAIIKJ WAC JJG-111`: people last week; that . he had [never heard of Orillia was not 3, ora.veer 01.` a 'bre He was a b~9n1.11s h._un- ` er. -. % The .1-adies of Barrie are g.iving' a rainb0.w bazaar A in oonrlectioaxr with the _ l1os3pit}alL Pdpuluaur idea for the Rama. Reserve`. V _T1ie high cost of living in Bar `rieg gaoul (nine ce1Lts_a. diay) as re- ported a week or two ago, is attract; i_ng CI_Ol1Sfid1e l`ab18 attention. _ ~ I `Ba.m*ie s latest enxtgrpris is a coil!- lege of dsanci1mg.f _ - No; the man who told the Barrie _,\,.___1_'- 1.- -1. '__-- ,1 LI, _ I 1 V AI;-itst%Lj Ma2.azsn,esij 'AII "I`.d'_thin1_abou'tw replenishihg your" library with some of the nstandarcl` works; VPe>rh1ps you_ do not \c;are_ to purchase a cpimpletefset of %some_-of the tan'dard authors `works, as are a7fe w of`t1:1,eni_'which .appeal.t'o ymj. -` 1We ;_f_:a_i1%T{4 _pu'b1.ishEfd. f ha'Veft;'I _ Ihe__n1_an who .t}_Le`Ba1`wrie: Town tron`-nude In as follownz f i WI 13130. I " tang North. Going South fnln 'I`unIn %Busaness$M`th%oas A pptied _T;Fa;'miI%8. : 1-Q ~ ' Farh_1_ e'i'S shdu ld mke'as` free use c>`f- 2'1, bank's facilitjes as merchants; for farming, . to `be protable, must be d6,_n.<-j: on busitjess lines. THE BANK OF TORONTO M1ak. a. frind: and condant ofthe Bank Nlanagerf` _Consult, with `him as 10 `loans. investments, purchases arid bthr.business.tran'sactions. . , V . ; _ The_.~busin.ess `of farmers iswelcomed by I RUDE JIBES `AT BARRIE ; A8S_'f$5%OM.M0' ~ Barrie and Mlildtle; Bran_cl|es. , H. A. SIMS, Mange From the Orillia {Packet %JUsT THE TIMEJ THE`NORTr1Er;%N ` Ivy al\Jvur\4\7.'Ul-II} LVPVG i And out of theos-ilem bay, ` a [Like a little white ghost, it oats` '- . I To the land of the Far-away. 5 As though stepping out from the A ' frame ` ' , A . l Of a. picture of na1;un'e s9 own,- It was thus that the Voyageur came 1 And`. ,1ikeo distant d1-eam_-sladbiw. was gone. A From the lieaart of the T sunset light. Wedo'a.1nliappearsaomedhy,-o.o ! But like ships that pass in the night, Do we also pass away. Barrie, Nov. 1, 1912. - V. H. M. u--u sunvver ` is a. valuable plant "Its seeds make. ne... food` `for live stock, its oil` is equ':I to! the yest :J.~. -..L`-1`-- -~ _Rioe, raw eggs, `and boiled vguison are the easiest foods to digesat. At the other end of the scale are pork; cabbage -and hard-botiled` eggs". ` :The most .d.ngenous part of `the British coast is between Flambomugh Head: and the North Forehand`-. Next comes that between Anglesey and=_th'e Mull of Kinltyre. . - ` By a convention signeti V in `~1904, the French in Newfoundland have an equal footing with British subjects. Esperanto has more than 9. hun- dred magazines and journals of its own, which eitrmnlae in every civiliz- ...JA .........6...-.. Buthecrvies form ah article of food .with some of the Australian abori- gines, milillions of them being `devot- .. J .._-..._ _--_. Caxnels are fit to work at five yeam old but - their strength begins to declin at 25, although they usual- ly live 40. . ` . - " ` Out of the sunset he came, -~ O er the top of the pine-clad! hill, In the glow of the after-math ame,` T-hroughthe heart of the f0ll!_->515 stilt]. .Down fraotm the-mo%untainThe comes, I f\...J- ......... 4.`L..- ..-_........ m:._1.;.- Chi_1ui 64 tt1-eatay and other open to foreign "trade. - New Zealsind has 233 daily, weekly, `and: monthly pewiodjoalsz ` Salt Water eriihinguisvhes fire much i more quickly than_ fresh.- `HAT `THE TOWN COUNCIL. 0/f . In E1igLa_nd the xst dock con- Istmcted at Liverpool in 1708. The Ohinese 'divide_ the day into` twelve parts of two horurs each. In Norway` `the Tavearagie duration of life is` greater than in any coun- L._. --- 4.1.1.. ._._._..`|._`l- Scottish 'oiu1 companies alone hav oont.racted- for 200,OO0_to1ns of oil fuel .}tn0 be supplied to the navy. . I Constituting a reoo-rd, the popu-la; Lion of New South Wales has in.- creased by over 36,000 during.` the. [last six months. ` ` | Salaries of 0 profeszional baseball players in the United` States range from $1,000 to $10,000 for a season- of six `1nonth:s. ' -- Of lwmie, a song he human, But looks not, left or right. Over the 1eaf-c.rimsonedi j | Hesrwings with `the I_ndian se head, Till. he reaches, the boat With. the sail I In the bayou, on ahead. ` ~ ,. I Silent, he 1tooses,.th:e ropes, A....`l' .._-.5 -13 1.1.- -_"l-..4. `L-.. Fiver rivers in the V_v~o d.1'=ai11 over a miullion square: miles. They are the vAmaz6on., La. P.la.ta:,. Obi, Clovngogi a11d" .'Miss:issippi. Vulatiqn is_ only 4,000-. Labra.d;.0r, "the great` peninsula of British North America, has an area of 200,000` square miles, but the pop- 4 Sea water freezes at 2_dseg. Fa-hr`., I and; at 213 deg, Q'No Ilew name wlll be adde the Sub_ V lunpuon List until the money la paid. auhacbers now in arrears tor three mohthe andovcr will be chanted 81.5.'|uer annu__m. THINGS WORTH KNOWING , THE PASSING. P03! _0I,I<=-;.. :`-~tI.1 hersixueenth _ JV ~ s7r1:wA1vr` is S'i`17:w um`, mlzms-' Oun a`:A:@l|`Q$ 'KTA"`n-Ina D1-|`|`:n aha LENNOX, COWAN &. BROWN, BAR- risters`, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- xminiatxation, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancrg, etc. Oices, Hinds block,`No. 6 .Dun1op..street,1 "Danni; ` `fauna {-175 `nan a5 All. onai (`lo 1'0 PHONE 4478.. - Steam Boat Agengyl What Mr. Borden intends to offer as an emergency contribution to the Motherland is known only to himself and; his colleagues, but it is an almost assu.red fact that the cotntribution will take the form of a iunip sum of thirty or forty mil-lions. It is assur-` ed that the Conservative members of P-arliament will` stuidl behind their leader, almost` to, a man, and. it is` pretty safe to ass.un1e. that Lauvrier and his colleagues will oppose any measure .introd'ueend by the Govern- ment-. The Liberal. press is shouting A Not. 'Money---but `Canadian Ships Manned by Canadians, but Ca.nada s .experience with the Laurier-toy navy has .proven what. children. we are at the game of na,v~a.1 defence, and the thinking man of -to-day, unbiased by polit.ie.~*., wil-1' oonpur in the movement to give an emergency contribiu-tion at the .p1'0Sel1t time, while we go , ahead laying plians for builsdsing and man- ning our own shipsuy '