Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Nov 1912, p. 8

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KHUUBDLUIL U1, LIUAV Jttul. D .L'\l'VV l.L \/yr-um: 1 ed, says The Pac et. Several of th present members` have exprewedi an intention to reti:re, but`, there is al- ready talk of a movement to per_suad'e LI.-...' L. `..`J 4-`. ...._ 1\mA.L`ap\g 1-unsnoc _ ;;sa.':1V17a1i;:1,Inount V in- j tere"t_ is-thus early, manifested! in the 1 question"of next yeaym- s Town Goun- '1 : -_ -__-~ rm..- *n..-I-..;. a..--........l .3 +1. . ` lU|alLI"'_ IICIHJL UL I-Iv ll.N\J'V\JLlA\..' yv-_u;swuu [them to hold on for another year.` Deputy-Reeve Johnston. iS1l11IdB 1`Sv`bOOd - to have aspirations for the Mayotr-J alty, a.ncIV=thsere are whispers: th-at Mr. I Crawfordi Goffatt may, re-enter the, municipal eld: as a: ca.nd?id a.te for! oice. A -number of . inuen_tia:l` citizens are desirous that in ca.-i-er Maygr Frost re-tires, either Alderman Thompson" 0`; Axlderman Long should stancl for the Mayoralty. Up "to the present both `these gentlemen-are coy; but strong pressure is likely to be brought to bear upon them. . - Mrs. T. R. Ferguson" of Winnipeg, . who recently paid 7a visit to her bro- ther, .Mr. A. D. G. Hanmer, has been a:d.ding to her -reputation as a musi- cian of note by the composition of _seve1=a-1 decided]-y clever numbers for piano, the latest of which is Government House A VVa1tz.' This composition was . dedicated by per- mision to Mrs. Douglas Cameron, wife of the Lieut.-Governor of Man- itoba, a.nd has had the distinction of being played before T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess ; of Connanght and Prin- cess Patrica on the occasion of their recent visit to. Winnipeg. Princess the composer s work, and sent a note of. appreciation and an invitation to luncheon. Government House W'al-t-z is a. par- ticularly pleasing composition and s,h(\/'u:ld make a d'ecided hit with musi- cians. -It is now published only for piano, but the mamtsoript parts have been prepared for both band and orchestra, and they will be published by an. English music house shotrtly, and the player-'pi~ano_ records are now being prepared by the Otto Higel -rm of Toronto. Theec0II1pos.itiOI`l is on `sale at all music stores. [Mrs. Ferguson is Well-known in `Town, T she having` lived here a .fe.w years ago, and her many friends will be pleased to hear of the success of her musics.-licomrpositiorns. . A"- ....,.... .. LL. L---1. _._, MARRIED. COLE--C-HAPPELL-At the Merth- odist parsonage,` Gotllier street, on I November 6th, 1912, by I. G. Bowles, Henry Cole to Gertrude Ohaappell`, both of Vespra. township. .PORR:ITT--_-MILLER---At 115 Sop- . _' hi-aw Sh, `Barrie, on November 6th. 19i2,,by`theV A. C-{Miles of '17!-11;-.1.' v.Jv....-.4L;.... -1` IE uv. ......,u.;-u,..~.u Vv.u.-]_.ruu;u;v:.I-v. I I As soon as the band arrangements` E are published-, the Citizens Ba:11d'wi1l 1 be sent a copy, and they will, doubt.- lless include it in their reprtoiire. DIED. . BLAK'ELY-A-A;t No. 11, Berezy St. Barrie, on Satm-day, November .9, . 1912, V-Samuel" Blake}.-y, -in his _Z5t.l3 .f9(hII' -D _ 1...... I - ._ on v'i`hurs` | "A rally ofuallllthe Totwn Epywdrth Pggguqg will` be `held ig iC4'<`>l1!ier ,TzSt. EL"EQT_ION TALK IN ORILLIA 'cree'" m.m~e" d;{1gU'.te::1:,M`;: and Mrs.` John A. Miuea-, `to! How- .o1m-1 (`I M 'I)A.....:LJ. `.13 \T-__;_1, -v--, ywsuuvx .I._J1l1-IXQJIJ, `Ill 1115 `D511 `yea;r.- Funeral on Tuesday at 2 pm. to the Union `Cemetery. 3- I 1-; IruAn.I Annblhlt UKFQLII 0 am? 0. M. Po . .LV.ll.I1_1UIl.`,_UU' 1.`.lU\V R of North Bay. A TALENTED COMPOSER. " r La 1 JEWELRY sronn ;A\;_ie`eVe :s BARBIE ' t yw.ii1Arg- pnr_1.1'se.V'. `am in and- t-hae\iAdea. anvengagwement 1-iinlg can `With. Every girl on expcts and; has-a right to have ;Ij9l`1'e.. Our of engagement please your taste Don ! Hug Leag'ues'wi~1I held in Cbllfar, St. C_,l_VIethod'ist Ohumh on Monday even-_ =?HUI:sDAY. TED~ApI>1.v V` St. for all year fork ilrillgm. .i`1:ent departments. M5,` g may; quickly into better this V_oIi ' laborers pay, Emmi .,VQ_o]_;1i_ngwood Shipbuilding ' .1 (;g;ti;;gwood, 0m. 4492; and wife without 1 "Man 'to look i1ft(`1' horseg ~anfd cow; agtexad to fmmm; d'0`0theI' Oll'i.~`1r!: .\\'(n']: ru- T TO RENT, Lot 26. (`on 1`; Innisl, 400 acres,'150 acres 11.11431 . , 100 acres pasture, bgauca _,rough pasture. Possfsssion N ; `March. Apply to T. ])_ SW1-es '1 Pair_1swick, 13.0, T 4446 Imp. %5;;d$a:1e; sale Abbey [10047], aged`? V;"?`?`t home co1t,aa.t. Ihr foot. sh-`ed F: W Fa-11 ,(Im'p.)'.v [11237) r,~1u ;` gm` " I Dd A L. Q ` "6 $311: '2 t11e?r1fi'i(i0::1l(C1.J)f.ciL~11 :1`? any 3 . _ _ . 10 su 501-'h_ ger . 0T0, and Offers W1! 4 be Pecelved e1t~hser personallv b ?1e}~tgr nip to Nov. 30th. .1)` or 13' iemherwiin ash OT good . Jyment i S'ear s time. . Tmmr at `me 45-48 ax'.cu4u.u1`n.LV1gn.tta wul be re ceived by the Undersxgned up all noon MONDAY. .\'UV. 13, 1912. for the removal of GARBAGE. A. and other Refuse. and NIGHT SOIL, for one year rom November 20th inst. n-I__.1--_ __,-,-I , - , .._- .._v.-- -vv- uuuuun -vuan Anom- Tenders may be for each part of work mm` ately-_. or for the whole work in our teruivr` `Specifications and further information may be had on application to T E. DO.\'.\'IiII.L. Sec.-`y Local Board of Health, Pnsnir. `Yaw `nol. `In!-1 TVVHI be reoeived by the llndmsignerl up to Sat- urda . 23rd November. 1912, forlhc pimhaue bf,al _l1Iat portion of lot number twenty- one in the mist concession of the Town- ship of South Ollia. lying south of the public road established by Bylaw munbor 859ofthe County of Simcoe and the northerly eightm-n acres of lot number twenty-two in the said rst concession of the Township of South Oril1ia,the whole comprising about sixty acres. This nrnnp1~h.- in nhnnt half` ninm-ml and vnder av; [ f'8?I'i(:. Nov. 9th.191-2. - A W. C.T .U. pa-rlior social. will be held` at the home of Mrs. John Barr, 28 Ross St., on T-humdaxy evening, November 14th. I wIIu|_e uumpnsulg auout SlXI_\' acres. Tins property is about half cleared and under cultivation. The remainder is par}! y wooled and partly pasture. The nrnn_-rhv lung an n\'l*nn:i\'n t'r'nn.`mIt`. on guuug un: pH.l'l1l'.3 uuuueu ln`I`(`[0. IIIIHHE: 1'4`.- glalxrd unlyto the claims of Which mu, shall `t _enT have had notice and that (hm will not. be liable for the said-assets or any part tn-_-root` m any,Ip'erson or persons of whose tlainu n:)."u;. she! not have been received at {hr zizuu of such distribution. DONALD ROSS. Cnlinionu Fnu L`.-n,...o,u... anu purmy pasture. The prop.-rt; has an oxtc-n3i\'0 frontage .I3art11ews_Bay and also on the Yake on the east sideof Eight Mile Point and is (`.3;)eci:L'U suitable for Summer Resort pIlrp< S `s. _ The soil in n (rand lnnm mni i< .1] (n9`.IH.`1'7llC LAMBIE-At the R, \'_ Hn_:.pit:1-1, I -B8e1`1`ie, on Thursday. Novexnber 7, f 1912,_i1ifaht son Police ("o11st,.~1b1e ` `?and=M]rs. John Lambie. Minesihg on Mon- _' X hter of J. H. Howell. __ ?88`ed_ 3.y*ea.rs, 3 months and 1 day- ----"'"`_ daaf, Nov. 11th,` 1912, Jean M3110 - n """""" `" ' . NOTICE is_ hereby given plI1'su.nt to the T) ustee Act that all creditors or others liming` claims.aga.inst the estate of the said wmmm McFadden who died on or about the sixth day of March. l9l2. are x` uirul on or befnrcrhe tl1,irtiethda_vVof Novem er. 1912, to .s`'H:1 by peak ordeliver to the undersigned S0liL'm)r for the executors of-the said l-eased. their narnma and addresses and f_u1l 'parli<`l:l2tr3 of wit claims and the. nature of the security, if any, held by them. A XVI : III I 1": 1vp\nI~rrv~ .1 . n. AND TAKE NOTICE that aftvr Su<"n mt m_ent_ioned date the executors will prL\w:u to (hstx-zbute the assets of the said clu-em- a- mong the partics entitled thereto. having card nnlv In the nlninxa nf u-hi.-h Hm; Jul! In the estgte of Willizmg 1\IcF:ul.'h-:1 me 4 the Townslup of Yespra. m the County of 51:; Ice. Farmer, deceased. `O l\lI!'l'IIV c 1 natmmi. Nov C-mber, 191-2. SEAQED TENDERS will be ceived Jndersxzned up till MONIL-\ \1 \'HV .9 -'*+..*'.;t.+*f -`A"`,* `* Wlte wi t_:' .:Ma.n t0 hgxzgt H -7a1Id'_cow;' attend fuma OlI'i`.~'irl ,wm`k. \`\ i?: cooking_r and gmmml .IiJous_e.wovrk.- Board and ]}x1..;; with good \\'z1g.`c;< fnrathg " wi_nt1erA months, and if found Kati. _fac_t'0ry" would e11ga.g(, for u \.(__`;' `from the spring. Ahply to (;'(.`;;.m 3 Riaikes,' Barrie ' P.()., _,_ {(`. ~1i1f:1l(:-'-) V Rxdge Road-, Oro. \ 4;) 4- Mr. D. J. Tuck is building a seven- roomed` brick house ju4st west. of 19.0; Larnbids on 'Lou.isIa.- S-t. All gnoxtvexmiences .wi11 be ineta.-lled~. 45-I7 OWE-.T.9.CRPP1T0R5 ';dEay, . November 7th, 1912.. Andrew Caldwell Hal`1'iS,.'127 Bu1`t0I`s AV? in his 75th year. MA I ADYER'i`ISEME5 TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE GEORGE RAII{E.%. Barrie R0. TENDERS J`.`1lJIJ ('\LIDC- Solicitor for }C.\`0c1Itor9. Barrie, On? mber_ 46-09 Mviss1Alioo Le.ighton, e1ocutiV0nist,: was in Cookastown on Monday even- ing, takingpart in `the programme; of - an onvartaiuxnent giveuby t.l1eMot.ho-, dist_. Ghumch. Over 500 peorrle were present at the few! supper and oon_-_ nal 1913. `D0.\'A LI) ROSS. :`n'.i-iror. Burnt-. fgggjtli Lte of 1 :'im- , Ont. [(2.1 +0! - Anniversary services: will be held in Central Methodist Ghurch; '0n. Sunday next at 11 mm. and` 7 pan.` Sermons .will be prewchett by Rev. Wm.` McMullevu, . M.A., "associate ed-i-; Mr of The vChrist.ian `Guo.rd~ia,I1, '.l.`o- ronto. ' oa. -I,-75149, -bQ~O\JI, anus o, "909 i1y'hl4.)tt';.1'1ham on Mkindny evaninm andl a very enthusiastic meeatingj was held! in. reference to the establishment. of ru-M1 mail routes in thaixdistrictg Mr. Alex Fersuemwaa preen_t.:; gm both he and Mr. q ` _`,.'. ' The Boal"d"of Heult-h held a meet- ing an Fm-idtay evening at which they decided to advertise for handlers for garbage ` and ashes collection and Jnigzht soil 4remorvasL When the, tan- dem are in they will ask tlzeauncil for a sba.tad_ sum to may on th -` The gross receipts from the Bell Riug33s_ concert amounted' to` nearly. 8147. . wer_e;-$199.00 " pdrpcqetia, inchxdnng dbnar f "bi="i6EX 'iu'i.Ei'a's'i ":1 '000000OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOK:' Dant4I'?"i"fig-,.`e is `Cheupgr $5 ? }`fMos'jtp'e`opIe canlnave their natural \ tcctlynll their dausbu tnklnd tamper tcu-e,aot them. Proper, care means /`thnrbuuh and retain c|epus,In with _ kg hgrmless antiseptic dentrlmce. `--St.` And.-rewfs give ii. on-' cert in` Orillia to`-night, (muduy). Special twin leaves 4.45 Ap.m." HI- \ Al `. . will re enl:;ll -' % it A will whiten upiur `teeth. harden . your Ilumq and keep them healtlw. Mur- llllols antiseptic and an alarms are 1 destroued by: Its use. Mr W A, %B% 15.0., M.P,, was 0 I .. 7IV..u.....I......... -... "ll'.-....I...__' -_-....'.. Price : : : : A: :: 25.- oN1.'v.A1f ` Roberts on s 1 lioogmaat of Burma f!otL _ 30090ooooooooooooooooo6o} nnua :1-one The market: st Of (}onve1itiOI`_1i.%;ire i."1>w6 that every in his _ix1_beret. he Weakly Sun, Tomnto, .. the _"fa._1V'm`er s buairlesapaper, is always inthe -lead of .a.l1.othea-`E when itscomses to look- iug after, the fa_riner s,in_beu'ests.T To the farmer it wortali many times tl1e subsacriptio,I_; price- ` <`/9!LIE.Ii STB`ET MEIH9DIST W %1`?6W*t., `?:=S2bb*h=:'-~% ;. :.to;'?s smbject`- V is;_f`Azr1or3_. and his my;-rsasaage-,A and in the even'ing Liv- ing`Ohrist. ' ' ` ` I - = E-D. Wl1en`Mr. J ustice Kelly took his seat on the bench at -Be1`le'vi;1~1e on Mondtay _afte-moon to preside at the Non-jury sittings of the High Court of Justice fou` the` County of Hast- ngxs he was complimented` by Mr. F. I 1 `D nmu-..... 1)..._....:.Jx.....4.-..' `L- 'D...`l`l,.-` MR, JUS'1_`IOE KEI;LY I~IoN%o_R-T IV `C? \7\IIl` IIlKi*IIV\a\[ I] ;ia:'2)=`iam., 1, "-moi u:;,i;11;:| '..I.1- `I3-.. A-_--_'_A._'__. ___ 1.5-. __._.-!..L I -I505, L ?FUIJ\lJI O-CO \ J- J 7 . ' V VJ. .1355} -IJ\r.'II\l 'v1l'lne [Bar Assocmmon on h1s-wppo1nt- meut, this o~casIion_'.gbecing `hie 'rst_ visit to Hastings`. Monday evening the Bar tendered J udge Kelly ti. ban-_ quet in Hotel Quinta. ` _Rev.' H. A. -Bier]-isiof Vi-ctoria I-Iva1'4 bor, who is under engagement td work among foreigners in Canada, arrive'd'- in Toronto on Monday to take up his wqrk under the Board` of Social -Service and! .Evo.n.geI_ism.` The salary.a.'n:d.' all the expenses in connec- tion `with the `labors of Mr. Ber1is are -being provided by Mr. J. `Din - woody of the `Presbyterian `Church. Mr. Berlias will stay in Toronto folk a. while studying- cond`it.ions in con- `nection with his work. ,` ---Buy you1'jCIh'risstmae- iftis for" Siour friends at the Rainbo'w.Ba- zaar on Tuesday, Nov. 261211. ' ?`-V W? ._ -7. _-_.-__.- _. -.u v ----as "The Bradford Hockey Club was or- ganized!` last week with the fo1l`o.wing officers: `President, A. E. Scan1on;_ Vice-Presidient, D. F. Porter; Sec-; retary, W. .J. Watson ; Treasurer, G. G. `Green; 'Execu'tiv'e,. Dr._ Campbell, 0. G. Be-mhazrt, R. McKi11s_try, ` J. " A. %Webb, T. W. W. Evans. It Was` decided to renter a. team this: year in the O.H.AA. and: it" is: ezxpecteodl that -the boys will make goodi undr Mr. O. G. Bernlmrt, who was captain of last yea.r s champion Preston teary}. A Mrs. Mary. Ann om, wimw -of W. A. O-rr of Vau.gvha.n' Townsahip, and mother of Dr; J , O.r1=a{nd1o Orr, man[-`y azger of `the Cfan'a:dia.n National Ex- hibition,` died at 15 Beacollseld St., Toronto, on Friday`-last, in her `nine- tieth year. - . 1 ` ' i M who was` `born in Mary? bonqiugh, Que,en County, Ireland`, in` 1823, came to Canada with her par- ` ents in 1824, and hen rst years were spent at Bond I-Ieadf, Simooe County, where her father settled: Shs` is, sur- vived by ; four sons and three daugh- hnum . THIS COMEDIAN WAS A CAR` ' TAIN IN THE BOER WAR. ' ' Lionel Walsh, who plays one of the . most _la.ug`hed-at .sil'ly wssl English "characters out the Engish-speaking stag in support. of Alice Lloyd `in Little Miss Fix-It, at the Opera- House. to-`nigh-t, is really an English- man and came out of the Boer War .a full edged captain in: rank, He. can tell rsztories of,_ro1'1-gh life on'the _great ranch in the fur West, of. which he is /part owner, that seem to` `agree but poorly ` with his thin appearance, but the stories have plenty of corro- '_bora tion. ' u. u. ...wu-4, -I-let-LI, uz. uvu-.|.LuL5w.vUun, morning, efternoomand evening, and he preaohed~n1ost._helJpfu1 and i ir- ing sermons. On Monday, a en- did supper was served from 6.30 to 8 n by the `-ladies of _ the `ch-'urch, and ample justice was done to it by a large end.-haptpy crowd, The meeting that followed was an unqualied; suc- cess. Its spiritual tone, its enthu- sinen'1,; its optinie and the mizszical renderings of choir friends-, made it 0. time of -great blessiilgwhieh will long; `be remembered`. T $}00.00 was raised, whiohzoleared oe. small decit one the?` account, and bwuazlw the I for the anniversary services [to `more than Most. suoTesVvsflT Va11-11:i_;_1js:21'.r`y".Aservi<$es were held. on _Sunday and Monday `lash Large crowds 8'l'eeteid~ the Rev. W. J. Pwdy, B.A., of oolungwood, r.n`c`nus\AAv. ......l -_....2..-..' __..`l vvusvwovnn, goose, 4.1: 1950 VVJIV-I UV VIII V . 3. rm be we ELECTRIC ,RAILWAY 1 FROM `PENETANG TO` VIOTDRIA L % % .HARB(;)B;1 % % A `The I News :-o9n- wtwy, to f beans `qn > 1: ,5: V N ssumy ing, N 17th, the %`md'inance ofe v:1ieverS `gapsm win he `admin&stei*ed.: 0 J. oamewn, B.` ., -B.Th. M11 befthe I . .._.._1.-.-.. 17.0.2`... 911 1' --I~ - VY@>RI.AM9NG %r`0I:EIGNE1s-% U1 uuuu: uuuquubu, -.54 ullU&'IIr& ..I.Ivwaoov, or Floral eecta, put up m the m9st artustx-c manner, see Wm. Taylor, Fltorist, Dunlap St;, Barrie. T ` tf.r 3 The building pelmit-8 fair the year so far amount to $92,000. Tlfwventye three new, houses, and three new fac- ,'_torries ame includecl in this total. Bev- sidtn these are many repairs and im- prrovenlenta. ` . BAJ)_1"o_1D _'1`._I:3.A_M FOR Q.H.A. MRS. `M. A. ORR DEAD. BA.P'.l_`I_ST CIAIURC`I-I..; of a dunlit!1W.18fni8Siiii1=& 1ine V`: their .am!%fiWau- 1>a?t1sh1ene...whid1 to ~sup1')l'y kpo\var to 11116-0ntaafio,-Hydxo Electric 'Powe1-'(}qr!i11tnias:ioi1;- T L T W; fea` or NEW j0RcAm2A'r19:N, " g ' 3 - TT;hombuir'y, N,o\,r.* 512.--A.t 13,; `very enthusiastic and. 1-e1i1'1i`ase,>,nt.a1;i`veA ` A t-_ ing held? in the Revere. -the .ThOr1rbury..Beiwver1's"- elected: the. fol-; lowing ofoem for the s eason'1912-13: Patrons--C._ W. -Hartman." Dr. Kent, T. H. Dyre a;nd7D1-.~ Moore. - _,Hon.-Presi-deilt--Hy. `~Pd=W0]4l. z _ ' ` 'PresidIent-_-M. Snetsinger. 4 1st VicePresi~d ent---L_., F Boyd; , T 2l11d- Vice-P1-esi4'1`evnt+-0. J. Loug- Management `_ Committee .- T; E. Connors, Geo. Woods mdi Richard Lowe.) 7 Captain;-P_. A. . Sparling. -- V Traiuner--George Woord s. . It" was uinanitnously deci=ded to en: tel-' a team" in the Junior VO.H.A. and with some twenty `eligible players_ tminivng will begin at Once; The meat- Iing was` the most representative held- in Thornbury `in years. `With one of the bestrinlts in the 0.1-I.A., the rev` vival of hockey in the ,nor.ther"n town is hailed with delight. i V _ ` " Newspaper publishers and? citizens generally 't-hrorughout the._ Dominion are `unanimous in their `opinion that the. picture entitled Mother s Trea- sures, given with The Family Her- old and` Weekly Star of Montreal, this/` season,_ is a most delightful and beautiful subject. Here is the opin- ion of one publisher: `Mother s eTre,asures, -is `a marvel of ' beauty. The. subject" is Dine` that willyhave a tendency to strengtheil home ties. We, in theesame business,_ wonder how you can atfond to give such value in pictures besides the Vvast amount aof `good things in The Family Herald `and Weekly Star. Signed, E. W. D - Richards, The Mirronv, Millbrook. More, not hame in Canada. should he .witl1out_this beautiful picture. One` dollar pays a full year s sul)sc.ription to The Family Herald and _Weekly A Star, including the picture, wl1ch'i.s` rea-diy for framing, size 23 by 29in-` chest. It is a big dollar- s wo1=t:h,_in- . An'...~1: ' " "Wii-In The Advance, $1.75L per yar for both papers and premiti'rr_; pictyre. Town Council meets ori night. ` - WI`N'I.`ERiBOTTOM-VILLIE-RS 'A very pretty house wedding, took` place Weciriewdlay evening, November 6th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Willivam Brydotny 154 Rupert street,` Winnipeg`. when their niece, Miss Maude Viilliers of Barrie, was united .in marriage to Mr. Jwmes Winter- bot-tom, contractor of that city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. David" C-lmristie, Miss Gertrude , Ptolo emy, cousin of the bride, playing the wedding march. ,, 1 unples Mr. William. Brydbu, iwas prettily gowned in white satin and } carried .0; boo.ruquet 6f white rdses and vlil-ies of the va.ll:ey.-, She was the. re- `cipiesnt of many beautif-.13` and costly gifts, {among tbetn being several sub- stantial cheques- . , - F V The tlvrride`, given` away _by. ` Mr. aria Wmearbottum will Ijeside at 148 Spence _st1`et:t, Winni~_ h\ 44- 44:14:` 1 ".LLnLV U \JULV aqua; IULV o . "An optimist nds some consolation `in fact that if he could get what he w-ants.phe mjghtonot want it._ MlLlTARY_ FUNERAL FOR`SERGT.%GARNER The Qoznpanias` Wm paradkg a}-, the VArm'qri`es-, Muloastaer. .sweet, on Sun- day the 17th.,;inst., an - 1 p.tm.i. sharp, for the pmwpose of attending [the _fui1cmal of our late comrade, Sergeant Alfred} Garner. j All old members. oif the o'mpa.nies',T as: well. as present members, are to parde. ; - An `(`......';........~ --1: ....`L:_.L 0-----. _-,L R GU 55 In A'ad'Y ` Il>I\/L4IlII\/`LN , DUO`! -lr'\J\`IJ k4|I\'J.'Vv IIU `you. Tact ` V`L`A C`ompa.ny',` of which Sergea-ng \ Garxier was foarzne1jIy.a."mmbeI', wil `furnish the ring party am mem-` beta of other Oompaies are invited "'\1` I`i'(4.)_B`1\I*'1:3 IVf1.{'S.( f~FOR JUNIQR7` % . O.H.A._"- f "A bIaziug ohimney on Sophia St. gave the fine department a;-run` "on -Tuesday evening. ` _- . , -.--Special brain to Orillia om Th-ur-' day at 4.45 .p.m.--St; Andrew s Ghoir Concert. Fare 75c. \ lJ.\a'\.-II Seert.ary.-.-W. R.` "Fawdtt._- _______ _._.. VI` 1') II? 1)] - -.I_ UNANIMQQS VERD1_CT, `GEO; ` _ Ckomm d_-gz A CO. 35th Rggt. ALEX . QOWAN, .Oa.;`>t. 8:, B15. Mdjoef, E? Co. 351:1 Begs `and A@Ymm%~in :/LE!'1'-HAND CONSOLATION. m)1i4rHE%RN ADVANCE .. _, .,' ,' : -e_-`V .- % TWOINJURED W,B:., Ai%ken% H5d FRibj 4 Arm` rat`m"ed' ' in Acci- _ ` : dent: at Tgii-onto.--N6yA` in 'l:6ronto Hospital ` 1 ip;"ho'el;;;i ALJIMR-WC`, ALVL-Klc 1-! 00111 from `injuries susained' when a scaf- Kfold he was .working on _. 111 Toronto last Thtirsday rafternoon gave way. The Toronto World reports the acci- dielnt/as fo11o;ws: * T ` ~ tin _TorontO,_ "suffering --The following students have re- cently enrolled at Barr-ie College: J. Lockhart, ,New Lowell; M. Palk, Shanty. Bay: A. Desroche, Penemllg; J. Maurice, Be1'1efonta.ine; _ `F. Somervil-lc, Stayner. A` _By"t`he collapse of a seziold sit the new`-G.T.R.' ebridge near foot of Dowing `avenue, Pa-rkdale, about 3.30` Thmfsday, afternoon, Peter Miller,` address unknown, was so seriously in-' jured that he `died K later, and G. Scratriooo, `311'Eliza.beth street,, and W.` "B. Aikns, of B.a.1'rie, who has `been living "at 8 Windermerel avenue, Swa.nse'a, `are still in a ser- io/us oozr'1dit'ion at" Grace` Hospital. `I911 I I *4 ._/Miller we hi; "2':>. 71">,pe avenue, b}1tA it. was afteryxrds found` L`__A_ .1 Z1353; 51"i"113t"1*i 3e1'21-;' - The vie; ;i;isi:--:c;mpJef.ing . a new bridge over the tracks-' at Dow}: ing avenue; The three men were "employed; in lling in" between the girders with concrete, and were work- ing underneth on a Scaolct. A large amount~of water had ' been.'us-ed to mix the cement. consequently the gir-- ders wem Wet and slippery. V ' , `I Evid:Ie13.1{"}J;2 ,'_1u1>1ding the swing scaffold to the bridge slipped, or` the knots became` loose. . The planks gave way, the `men falling 20 feet on to the !-ails anti stones. VETERAN SOLDIERS PASSES AWAY AFTER 1- LENGTHY ILLNESS Miner receiverl a atured skull: and a broken leg and died soon nftar the accident. Aikens arm was frac- tured and several ribs broken. Scat" ricco was generally injured`. -`,'- 3:3 . Mrs. Aiken with her son Wymnd, left on the noon train on v_Frid.'a`y and `has been in Toronto attending her husband since; T _ __ | Mr. Samuel Blakely Saw Set-g - ice in -Fenian `Raid.-401d Resident of Bgrrieand I Life-Long Orange I Extemlsive improvelnenbs! . in level ling the ground are being made on the Su11.nid.a~1e Rota-d side of the Golf Links, uni the ` proerpty purchased from L. I. Vair. ` . Builcjl-ing' in Cllumhill for Sa'1e.--:9` 20x50 ft., 18 ft. sidies, principally Lpiue, good -timber. `Will be sold cl-vealp. ` Aprply R. W. Slioan . Ohm -' chill-. - 46-481)` , --~For real good owers--weading or table Bouquets, .Fune1:al Designs-, ..-. '91....` ..1!;....&. _..I:'.-- Inn #1:` unaud- The geath. of Mr. Samuel Blakely at `his = ome, No. "11" Bemzy _St., on Saturday, removes on of .Barrie s oldest and be_st-known citizens. ` a /Blalcelf `ee;;,";;o;;`3;i,etand' duzring the `troublous period of 1838, and had bitter reasons for remember- ing the strife of those early days`, as he {was but ten days old when his father was killed duringa disturbancei among the contending factions. Sev- en years later his mother came to C'~anad'a bringing him with her; and for some timethey stopped with Mrs. Orchard-, .-an aunt in Inn islz As he grew lip`, Mr. Blakealy learned.` the abinet making amt for some years hadi -a shop on`D pm1o_up St., nearly op- 1 posite the Queen's hotel. Another- stroke bf bad luck wiped away the savings of years. when his shop was destroyed by re, .a total loss `as ht `was without - insurance. He ' then accepted Va; position in the furniture factory of the late Davlidv Dou:g!a1I,~ on the corner of M.n'lcaster and Wors- iley sheets, later going to St; Cath- arines, Wthere he saw active service in resisting the F-anian` .raide.rs. "After. working a few years "in" Toronto he returned to '.Barrie . the 35th and,Was_ a member of that regi- ment A for sevemaal ' About that time` he entered!` the Ba2|1,P-laa.ni.ng . Mill, `where the aAt:rust`ecB_empIo-yee for .ye9.rs, ton~1_y_r leaving there -when Mr. 7W.B. _ ik:`e:s_'14.r:"`1 Vee1..SA_tV. is s_ti11 _ _ L_'-__3A.-1 ; The funer,a.I,~ which was held 011 Tuesday iafternoon to the Union I Cemetery, was in charge of `She Or- ; 2:ng<'a_ Order, the Rev. Dr. Booth eon- { --A- A-1-- -A----_m.., .4 LL. 1.-u-..~.n 5 M1`.-.,B1akely; ivas ?_a_n-.., `enthusiastic (xnd"loyal5 member of the Orangemen, ;;ba[ving "taken all the degrees, and e_i1temd,the Roiyal Black` P-receyprtory, Th_e- aket; lay: 'n the _room _d-raped in a Union` Jack, the orange badges and fenipari '1-aid 1gedaI"b?i_ngVpl;a.ced 911. tzhe'brea:st. `He was a lfegulaer at- . tendant . at the ` 2 Central Methodist "Church, until his . illness prevented ;him from going out. ' I. -10` -7_ widow arid "two dtlglxters, Mrs. G; Mazrtin bf Afsask, Sas-k., and H; R039 ' of \"`.'ebb,` Sask., survive. Mrs.) rn;= her three children have been `here f>.'rL several` 5 itgo, L_ from which never` ` en- -V his 3 i . mtherimpaAixezi' by fall , "wh(,=; he had; s broken and. was otherw.ise`in'terx_m11y-iniufted. A l J-16 ,\Jl'\l(ll IIILC AKIVI .|J.I-n Jrvvv I -. dubting the services at the home. --.--You. can get the Engagnnerd and Wedding Ring and the Marriage II.ic'ense at E. H. Williams Jewelry -Store, and .. feel thoroughly satised that you have the best value obtain,-V `able. . % 'tf._

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