Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Nov 1912, p. 5

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ovo- H. com- <*:)'_u;:1y-,'ur%i:L-3%,V1E`:2~`<>~`x;z;o4:=:' or 0:~;4 . rrA1_ub.` %. V 1ii 1:raught_V15vith,t1`mile1\1g-,. f possibilities for` been ..L._.1 v:.. 4.1.... -4-`.`...._ -: - _.--- M; 911 `T L if . form" {if ' `oi .Qntario ?.8.1; ~ye%ar ~&LSabbath ;;t'c>. ` be} L ;ob.efved; ;aae`-"""1':1.iberc1'i1OSiS'f:Smday.f % :T'hve;`.:Inte ie `tional 1o` gsav; B =1 ` ' hid `.-bf0.ria'; and "they have L jo11_;bS;\_Li1:d1 xy, Deu>ecmbe'r-"1st, as W-on ?whioh they .w-i1l,'..,_seek -to ~a,wa1ae: .thq.:i_ntergwt and sympathy of thc e'i_r-= cong1reg_a;ti9ns in` the` noble _w`o-ir_k} be- ingdne 6 suj coon` r `heed-y c'ons'u'mp-j tivesgstay the ravages of the di9eas.fF .eduic:ite `public in- preventive mea- sures,-_ and ns.-Hy stamp, out the of 't3u'bu'cu1o`si.. A genral appeal. _i5$s_u-`_- ed'1;he clergy of all -denomii_1atio in Ontario is m.ee-ting. T with: a c9r tespoxise, andin- hundreds of p1_nl`pit_s" the- of Dec. 51st Willa h; dk,-er-` 1 vdtedr to this vitally "important ' ,snr'1by !. 1 ject; ;':1`hae -active co"-"opem_'ati0n4 _ T the 1 chumhes of the pafov_ineu sho1A11d`-'-r& ,` sult in` a mighty `impetus being given * to the war .u.o11 t-u.berc1i10_rs-isx in`;On- tario. C . 9` ' . ; ` %%AGAI1s3:`%`WHITEjPIAGU143L 'los1>EoIA:;o., _fr_RAIN ,T0 ff1>oR'i-~79 1 LAND,--MAI1\'-E, won}? SA1LI.NGr;- ' T s`.s. 'l`EUTONIG, DECEIL j l T on BER 14. -or A J W `V i I For ,the -accommodation of pasxwen-; .gers.Vsa.i-linlg on, the ,White?'_S`t_a1--Do-J minion Line Stzeamhihi-p '-Teutonic from Portland, Maine, .Decen_1-ber , _14t-lr, the Grand Trunk Railway will run a. special train consisting `of Ves- tibujled` Coachies}, T-ou'rist':_ _;.andt First- Clas Standia.rd Pullman Sl Cars, leaving Toronto a,t,1.~15. p.'m. ' l Fridu3Iy, December 13th, running di-. ` (root to the Dock at Portland, ar1'i_v- ing `there. `at 9.00 a.1n.,_ December '14th. _ ` Berth` raservations, ticketts, and full p~a:rticular s can be dbt.aj11'cd j from nea.1'est Grand Trunk Agent`, or: write A; E. Du`, D.P.A., Union Sta- `tion,' Toronto,- Ontario. J. E. Bill-' lings-leg, Barrie, `Phone 6b. J; l. 1-NEW LAW PUT IN FORCE FOR Tim 1 i 1 ' FIRST ','I`1.\I1-:. V E For the rst time in the history of` tl1is_hcount1'y, says an E~ng"Iish_ news-``; paper, a .co11s.u_mptive_ has: {been treat- 1 ed as `a. danger to the com`m.un.ity and 'deta.ined- by` force of law. The case. '0*c_curre-:1 at St. IIe>ba1L~s (Lancs.), where a .c911sumptive wlf1o~ ref used-' to go in- , to a. hospital `for treat-me11t was or- *`de1"edJ to undergo comp-uzlsory (leani- `tiou for three months-. This: import- ` ant power isfnosw `vestned in ma_gistrat - ges under the St, Helena Cb-n1')oru.t.ion eAct, 1911. Mr.` T. A. .Turtm1, the! {Deputy Town` Clerk, exp1a.ine:(l`_ that` }the. clause Which gave the .Co1*.p01*a-. 'tion power to deal with" such cases , wgs to the. if A the` medical oice-_r certied in writing that an I] person was suffering from pulmonary ;t tuberculosis" and was in a.n infectious'l state, and that the lodging or accom- l 1noda.t.ioI1 with which such person i iwas -provideci was such that propero 3 ,precautions to prevent a spread ofjrl `the infection could not be taken; o-r V `that such. -precautions were not being '. ` taken, the medicali oicer might make ( lapplication to a court of summary 1 gjurisdictiong anti such `Court uponlc proof of such allegation, might make an order for the removal of` such per- son to a suitablievhospital or place for the `reception of the sick provided within the borough, or .w*it_h-in a con- venient distance of the borough, for I the, `detention and 1na}i11tensance of s-u'ch_1:r.~rson for a period not exceed-l sing three-months, In this case thel suerer lived -with his wife and two ehiyludtren in Gwlover street. There. were only two bedrooms and two living in the house, and there were also four other adults in_ the house.` The man eslepton the sofa in the sitting` `room, which "in the . day-time `was occupiedy by other `ad'ulite.`V After Dr. .Bircha:m,y._the L1 Mediical Oicer of Health, had! shown ` that the to go in- i to aconsumptiom hospital by persua- '- sion, the compulsory detention order lappliedlfor ,was giyantedt - l l 1 V ROGUES IN ARCADY. A tihcg-ill-ing story of 1ove'an(1A ad- ;ve.nt.u:re in baroniail halls. '_ A modern 1 Raies _that"w`i:11 interest and mystify yqu. - By. Sir Wm. M1ag11a,y,'Bart. Read? opening chapters 911 page, seven .01 this issue. . . ETHROUGH -PULLMAHN "SLEEP-g " '_ ING OAR TO OTTAWA VIA ' `GRAN D TRUNK RAIL-_ _. V Grandi Trunk R.ai.1w.a,yop`evra _ .a through; S1eei5ing'_:.Gar. '(eleiet1`ic?` ` f) ' "-`ho! -Ottawa, _ -V1ea.vin'g 10.45? :p.-m.["daiJy. - - - .L.`_`..._...`:4\n.nn 1 11:111. Ulbjdy. Berth ream-minus a = u~1-1 may, -be'secrured'rom;,,.nearest - J. E. ' Billings- A_:._'. '1)L...;... cu. - ~ -,\1l'ull(l1 ,!.`l'Ll_.ll-D. `lauds `le y,? % phone "ab" `r Cl|e:an d58mm 7 $4186 b1"*3h"8 :.`p..-`:.;A.`;'..n"5 '-ir\'.1.`.~.!li.s.nfIL-`I. '}.a `anina s`t;on~' them with em %"<="v1f3"`*% V,.`*f`1f_%`%`.`:"`: .,,inqm ,em.:,m.3,,, 'eo1d__water- % In men; uuuu ....-- ' %e8.%a%`iirm1w sate.` A.%dro;`> ocf 1mde%rsidef.o {SJ-dihmond %%moiua%%on ` A , ' :11: a1; o'n.O$.*"`aIiIIL_make. it CONSUMPTIVE D-ETAINED; 9 . V A COURT. 1 At\ the Division Court held. in `Bradford, Saturday, a trial came Q; that is `of much _ interest to horse `V ,buyersia11d. farmers alive; says The` Blfadfoijd Witiness. It appeared from! i:BRADr0R1) `HORSE `DEA'__L IN` 1 I !the evidence then produced that 9.` 'h0r.ae buyer from Toronto bought. a horse from Mr. S. Jelly of the` Tp.! of West G,wi11imbu-ry for the sum of! $280, and! that Mr. Jelly represented` ;the horse as being .perfect1y7quiet..but . `when the buyer took the animal to' Toronto it turned: out to be very vi-T `mus and he telephoned to Mr. Jelly that he would return the horse free `of charge ` if he would return the `money. But Mr. Jelly refused to die this -and informed; him over the. phone that he had bought the animal {ma consequently wmuld have to keep .n.-,___-..J- LL- L_-..,... --1.,1 +1.0 3ullUa L'UllDl3qllt7uI;l.y wuuuu u;u-vu vv AIL-1: it. Afterwa.rds the buyer sold the, animal; for $200 _and then sued M12] Je.lI1y fonf $80, being the d'ierence.. I The case was tried` before a jury and! [they returned: a judgmeiit for Mr.` Jelly with costs, as in their opinion, Mr. J e1:ly had: proven to their satis- faction that he had raised.` the horse . and." had worked" it` and used it in` every way g_nd it was perfectly quiet 1 while in` his poesegsion. A. ' . 1 l\lIl\ rowth iwu.L Asx COUNCIL 3 F011 sso,ooo%'ro 3 % REMODEL _COLi.EG IE; ' SteW;a'rt' &` Witton; % fA1etter._fr'on1 lady taeachrswaas as .f1;12WS.=.` F ` '(Conti'1.1ued from Page 1)'. `A be light at north end of corride1*.4 . -`-`- , One set of blue L -prints for.x\rar$.i.sd"|' to Dept. of Education.- . ` XAROUND ROBIN.` ;- . I _1,...:.-..._-: 1-3.. ;....;.1.,......a| IU'l'l.U'WU I ' We the undarsigyed lady, teachers irespectfully call your attention to! the fonlhvoing facts: ~ . i . (1) The greatly increased cost of; liv_ing`. u ` ~ _- ` % . I " (2) The salaries of teachers `in "rural schools, where`._b6a.1d: is-so much less than in` Barrie `_ are_ e'qua1Ato,- and I inmany cases h_igheu- jzhan . .. V (3) We `ou1fsePves%L4~v1l tb17eas1> I `of "th 7b'y" ddwfantag Of ' eVr:r` ;rtuni1>y;% .-0 1 `~imnr. our I , .` " '. I` ` ` ' 1-` I A\' _-_.L` %n F}1'i~'Ii"% 1T(T'fT')?z reItahbie, .riiii =Usher,. E"`M,: :.U"h" % M'%E? ere their` `Winter Supplies at this Store. We':re, ou't`fafterw vasxluegthat cannot be beaten. ' '.. .. I RREQUIREMENTS S01e_Agcnts for the Celebrated Austrian Collars M. J. L. V 3 for 50. V `j1VIe1i% %s arid Boys ` Blih. Reeve } Se. oizr "`K'lnifty v ". Cap,` with F ur Bands, long peak, and stylish tweed patterns, at..,. . . . . . . ..4....T$1,50A Other Grades soc to $1.00 s:T%:6R .1-1% , O fF' s A": 1 lfA 'c'r1 0 N " Saifj egnt & King trnude Kearns, Emma F. King`, Kat.h- arine Kennedy, A. M. Small, L; C. .1l`-,i . A This` wags "sent to oommittee. i ~ ENDORSED E. W_um S1'n:. ' Inspector Spotton who visited the school recently presented his report from which we -\ take the following; It has given me much pleasure to `revisit `this scho-0&1 after an interval of -several years, and to nciv a satis- g.factory spirit. of work pervading the institution. .The tone of the school .` is distinctly goods. `The principal ad- ministers its affairs with his usual ability, and he is supported by a oonscientious staff. . vv---v -`.__- ..---_ 1 The activities elf the school" are, `however, plainly ' `hamperetl by the ! present limited acoommodat-ions. 'which though satisfactory enough it `under earlier conditions, h:a.ve, with the natural development. of the school, `become quite inadequa'te.- I `had the pleasure ` oi, meeting the Chairman land some other membeis of the} }Boa.rd, and of discussing the preseiiti situation with them, and I ea.rnest.ly' hope that such. 9. solution of-the dif- -l culties they are called upon to: face | R will befound as will satisfy all 0011- l `cernedt My own strong op2'm'on is; ithat. the ratepayers shotulcl he asked i ]`ag~aiin'to approve of the plans: for r..- model-l'ing the present building and ;to vote the lieeessafry funds`. l V V` _ Moneys. * . . Frawley--King -- That the blue l3 prints by- rS.teWa,rt _& Wliittoni for ex! tension and improvement of Collet- i `ii-ate building -be approved. by Board and otlwa.-rdted to ~Despm'tn1eIit._ i carr_v2'LA full range` of Stanel.ds" Undgrwcar. ` Red` Label, ;$x.2L5"per gar. Blue " $1.50` . Finer grades at $1.25, $1..-7?.nd?2.5o l`:I;elican" . n r w ea r, English make, all sizes, 34 to 46, per suit. . . .$5,0o Fra.wle_y-.--Ottx)n--'That Whereas it- has become 11ecessa"1-y to provide. in- creased aooommo-dation `for pupils at- ..tending the Co1.1egia.te Institute this }' requests the Town ~Oounci1 to take necmsary steps to submit a by- *L 1,a_~w:a.t_t11e Ja;nua.ry,e1ections for ra.is- \ WE HAVE JUST _p}_aded' in stock '25 - `handled for yea rs.- Sui%ts of the celebrati ed MMC-A;-R make, which we havef "1Th`ese Suits are worn from coast to coast by the be`st drssecl men. See Our % Special $15 Suit If yo_ u want somethinig special we can fnake it for you. Fit guaranteed. 200 samples to choose from. Prices `range from $15.00 to $32.00 .. :4.-._---aw mjff-l\`TE I if T` ; _A!tRIB'g Limited IN Tl-I15 MAKE W1-:s'r WARD.--J. E. 1\Iorri. 41, Miss I. Usher 42, Miss E. Vsther 30, Mis M. Morrison 34, Mi$ G. Kearns 35, Miss E. King 52. Total 234. 4 EAST WAnD---H. C. Rickby 47. . CE'N'mAL--Jas. Marlin 33, R. W.` _ Stewart 44, Miss Booth 32, Miss .,1Morton- 37, Miw Longman 36, Miss " Ball 32, Miss Sing 32, Miss McRobie 1371, Miss Rodgers 46. Tota._1 263. Ll A . PEXXY B.-\.\ KS. ing by debei1ture the sum of .$50,000 for the purpose of repairing or re- _model]ing,_ making additions to the - I present building, and the further! 1 equipment of same. This motion carried unanimously. OCTOBER ATTE.\`DA.`ICE. SOUTH WARD--E. Shear 32, Miss Kennedry 43, Miss Small 46, Miss Bowen 39, Miss Meek 69. Total 223. `SEALED TENDERS addressed to the ` Post- master General will be__renei\'ed at Otta.wu un- l` til Noon. on Friday the 29th. _.\Iovember. 1912. for the conveyance of His M9,]:-.sty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week`. over ` - --V-nu: - `rm: --`an--1: ---ru-- -may from the Postnmster Genera:1's Pleasure. --vu-. --.v - vvvnnlunvvvn \.4I\dIu\v|vv~ v - ..4-noun Printed notices. con'ta.inin; further informat- `ion as to conditions of proposed Contract may Ottawa, 11th; October,` 1912. be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- Vtninegl at the Post Oices of Thornton. Church- ill. Vme..C,ookstown and` at the Ofcc of the Post Oicer Inapec' or at Toronto. ' Post Qmce I)epartment.; Mail Service Branch. 1 A \YI`\IFI'l$I\\; South Wavd . . East _Ward . . . Eves? W`?:`3' ' : II IAAl'\,L' .?ra1 schooi 46-43 ~ u-.-- v v -4- THORNTON RURAL MAIL ROUTE Look Air YOUR . TABLE EXPENSES after you have used om` meats awhile.-. It will sur- prise you. to find) them con- siderably less . than formerly. Yet you have enjoyed ner meats than ever before. The" "reason is simple. Our meets are so good. that every ounce of them is egwen. There is`, th9r9f19..rn0 WW? .a!1dU`-he MAI1: ' CONFRACF Fownes G1ov es sold here. $1.00 -to IBUIN ll '5! DELIVERY $3.50 gun-- _`G. o. ANDERSON` Superintex_u1enL - .$ 39.66 4.82 59.37 72.47 $176.32 10. ' 25c 7% E6 :6 no` _ 4 O` ' 50 :ra1'nted % ROM. ' `Pow , Lana `the ~ \ I mlci on `V easing l I6 ` 730.. ;~1?:: snlh g if p.55 j 50a 7 Mrs. llurviu B1'o,w1'1 vis'iti`n', . 1'1`ei.' daug'htm'. V.\h-s. Mosely yang ' ` . ~ ` ` - ow Avc-.. P:u'kdz1]o_ - ' ' : VH9 .\h-. J`:]]i.~`m1 -.1151 fa~mi1y_ of haw lnuvod to 1.0-wu. Mr. Ellison is firing` on the G.T.R. M 1'. Robomt Moore returned.` ahead of his hunt.in.g' party on Tuetsday evmniulgr with :1 fine buck dteer. .\lr. Frozle (`-m*ni.-.11 1'Ctllvl`1134-i on Monday from his hunting, trip} near E(l{:i11;rtnI. Ho b1'mIg'ht _}x0rxie.g|. ne Joel`. _ ` ? T V oo00"". E` V|""' .""' *""<`_-;r oooooooooooo99g Mrs. Mclicclmie is 6 p;gtsl>n11'g- - \ -.-\ .1 , _ __ ,..... l'\:\ 4- i1 -|1".r`Vxd:IVv 94; ; ~'v1'\'i-u t.-, '. ` I N. . . T01,`llto. J *1 bltxllatlh in Mrs. .\11(l-.1501)` of` B . . }\hg]Lz1s lA,(\A. 50,1; W81` _-1111-tp1\ Ave. nmproml. A 3' 1], ls r -\ v . . .0" `\.> Mrs, '1`. N. 'IIoble:/Q Who. has -been` snr~mlin;;' :1 week with her mother in Tornllto, 1'0tu1'ned on Frid:a.y. _ g I M1-.-. (hm. Miles left. on -Friday ni,q'ht to juin 1101' II.u.S-banxd, .Wh0 haS LW11 \vm'kin;;' at Fort \Vi1a1`iaI'n `forithe 11:1-t yam`. I ('mu]lIx-tux` Fred B0ntei' has 1'esigu_-_ (`:1 from the (:.',['.R. to accefpt. a more luumtivv pu. with the C.N.R. at--V` Par1'y4SmInd. ` V ' oOOOOO9O9.V.VV;V!.V..`.' 9000 ACROSS THE BAY . - \4&\l\/ll ~ day from his .l'l|oLm....-,_, M1 G60 P0u("]1er ` `~ ` with rchltlvos 111 Mimico Hinds muld Gm L; lmn.t1n-g trip. 5 Fost111astc1' Mr mid \Ir'- Fla . ~. > ~' ~ - -- . f uk Gm 4.; , . oe-y_ have_. rotur110;l from their h Ollevunob ' 0 n. . `._l, The Cobalt Special did . .. .. ()`c]O('k yQ_gtQ,,d_}y - 110?`. . . L '.. llloruing. . until 7 and .\h'.~:. '\\'i5do-,~n V. .. hom`ef1'0n1 at visit in P;`1:S`r.S 0:';ai1`Ae- .Mr.:u1d .\lm,-wm Pwk . from their l:)11<*`3'111)(')n`(";m Tfurlied-i ' f 0-nday ewexlixxg. .oooooooo99oo;O. 037 nnnc The ,wavo.' on Tuesday morning` pi1in;: up on the b+rea'kw'ater at the head of the bay, xvere the hig`hIe's15~ sr-on this season. - ' I AM. \m1..m is being 'c~0x1g'm1.t)_:1111.s1.t-` ed by Sixth \Vard:eu's~, on having` :_the 1'3.-:~'u St. 4-1-u.~si11g's cleaned. th.i_.Wee;k. 'N., 1. .1 ._`.1 .......L1.. L....... ;4r.`l |1|_. I |VI'`\`III`7 \_ They lmw hr-on in ditiml. .\lr. .Iu~1< H:n'ri.~'. of (}1m,p1e`au, haS- MM his 110ll.~`+( 011 William St-9` t_ Mr. A. E. 'l nttm'svo-n. Mr. `Ha-rrgs was hero last week InOVil1B' "hm famlily n\'<'l' tn Ramrio. ' flflxnor, the `little . sou Of P- Hu:l;."i11.<, (}.:,\v-.111 St-., .g`0tAa piB0e. Of` Mass in his <-yo, last Tvh1m.~`.d a.y. D1`... Arthur Ru wzu caed.` and it is now thtmgllt the ]{.ll],`.s' oyes=ig'ht will be 8:1\'ml. ' A do:>1'-lltlmntt-1'5 .s1')ecia1 is fbaillgi run by tho F-.'J`.R_. from South River` T0'l`m'm1tn. the first one o0mi1ig`= this n1m'ning_: :md' will be oollt-ilmed 1111tilS1111<.1:1y nm1'ning'. The train L ll\J& on of -ounty - clay -- _ _I 2*m---- "'-`\`0mim M118, 1- . ` mm n it)`. dura `oe;;_m(`)1}_;;,0f k1];?; ;;*s. ...,, men`; ware. sure `gage ot ,.,,`;nse. ..;'..;-5 "' Olmlnggg .' Dle 3 ~ `ex-g ts} . Jess ll1{1Pg(:\-I sggggyy ' 113; $0 |'lg};.~~ syste I taint Sm 3 0 all Y r _ h8P_in9o?I$11s}:'tior,\,"s`Qr does "1 Allandag (3'n%nta!;i 0. y 9 . }` ~ . . 43%`-`1 ~ Li UNEXCELLED TRAIN SERVICE WINNIPEG snsuwroou EWONTON REGlNA ::*W_D9~ . cnucmv `sp(I).o.u` ROSSLAND _ CT AN! VANCOUVER Ncoomn SEATTLE ._ 4_ MA PORTLAND 5`*1*`|'l1f11' and 'l`0urist Sleepillg, .159 ( mnp-amneut Obse1'v_a- tum (,`:1r.~a. via (i`,:mada s.. (Inna! ..,.+ II ! ..I_._....._ General A October 27th, 1912.; V Tickets ood niolnt Nov. Ii (6 1?} _ _ Inc uslve v j ,_ I`. ` 2 '3 Return Llmlt. November II-"I?!" ..vlU Plus 25.` .n. J.i. R050 has left the Express s0l'\'i'(' to take - -. .... uulnlaslll coIll_l0|| 19 `0NTARl0`f= Horticultural TFORONTO 1 - VII` Tickets good I Clerk. F__5_s_1' TIME To ( i rea c. for Ad 1 Wu ' n In -.-"1 31? .'l"'-'" ' a `nu \./uauwuw {{il,.t Iligzllway. $1.90 \_;J\|l.|all.\JLl- I./`1153 ,Iv _\I\ruuI a. derp1_oma,_bl5 anlie. 43-46. 1widoxyA.`aw:a%,~ "the. bi\ __ L ` I noon twin to. -'N'ewmarket, ' where m'0nth last year, -from rai1roa_ds_ `making weekly. , . The. `Ev? intm'n1en1t 1_6k`.plaee.';..` Dr. conduc_txed"the_ Services at hpu{se._ Gross Aeaniings ';of all . rainlswaycs reporting 30- far . for show an inoreaseiof 14.3 per cent `as `compoamed with the earnings 'of the same roads _ for :.the mrrespond-ing In? the United State`; the re_turns so , faxr receiver}- `those of the same mont31,a.- year `ago, the total` =agg1egat.i1xg $4OV,074,554`; an inc.rease of 6.9 per cent. In the _s'i)I;1tl1 a few am-all _1osscs still "a',ppe:.1r, but they awe not. at all signicant, and a, number. of import.ant. systems reporti p-ronoumzud gta_.insz. . . ' , ff Sa`h1rdb.y;L % 1 show` that gross earnings for;-3 the! month ' of October were welll above . Tho. Domini-ou1` i_Rla.il.wa-y ' `Co1nmisg_ S1011 has thrown out -a, stmng hint `to the` companies `in the" matter of p-ro- ` Ltctioii. of the. jfublic through improv- edr coaches; A'c.ircu1a.r sent out r'etads,: The boamdbiodcers a.re.of, the opin`-. ion tl1va.t theumber of _persons"ki~lled ,and injured in accidents dJu.e'to de- ra.i.1meut-, head-011 and 1'(m:r-and colli- sions would be 'vbry lnuch 1'educetI -i_f_ the _tru:c'ks of the cm were so attach- ed to the body that the body could` not leave the truck in case `cu? d.c:ra.il-g jnent, head-on o.-__r' rear-end collision. The boamcl desires your c-ompaliy to give this n1a.t.to1' serious coxiisidemt-ion so that when it is-,s.p'oken to at an early lsitting a decision oan be arrivegl at. %'j ]`3URT-ON _zMVE,. ?M-LETH`%oDIs1 ? ST. G.EORGE S. CHURCH. ' % The Rightr Rev. Dr. S.wee11ey,i l Lordl Bishop of Toronto, w-ioll Voceupyi the pulpit of St. George s on Sunday evening. - ` ` 1 Iv` Cwv A Q. .l I A'0 A. and).-t11eir fi'ie;11ds "arc .preparing for -a, `big bazaar and sale of work to be held in the ,Y.M.C'.A. mnnrna mm nnnmnknv Rltrlt . Act fhi {R hxgoms 0:11. Docetlnber 3nd`. , As th is |the time when people are. buging their. Christmas presents, this L will` afford` a ne oppoirtunity as a good bselcctionyof [articles will be p_1tovidAed. .A.v \lI&I . . B I}v'.' EA" ;1'u,:1;,vJ1a'e_.V"\yTs:v1;n:\st_oi~VT 0; V urton . ve-. ethod-ist will preac. at both. services` next Sunday. ' His? 1no.'r11i11g,-su.bje`ct_ will be Enoch,} aildi Children 5 mi11u:tes,"`Life s -Lad-3 Ider'Dowm::ax1*d., and in the` eveningi (KC! ___________ grill -be no E. L. on Mondvay next, because of an union .E. L. of- `Bu.-rton Ave, _C.`eutra1amd'Cosl1ier Ste.` `E. L. s at Collier St. Chumhv on M 1 "day ervening nievxt. 1 I .1 (1L__.-,_.1 V54 \.-v $450550: -.`\...u. A 'n'umbsr attaenderl tl1e?St_.roud fowl supper last Monds_1_y. -Both Mr.` [Brown and? Mr. Humphreys were p;e;g,;z. Eaibby .'rap`er TIME LOST BYFREIGIIT CARS; I L - - . - . ;J. J. I{1I.1.L SAYS _A\ ERAGE TIME ml 1 MOTION Is ONLY Two`HoUns TADAY. ' James J .A Hill, whose opinion it. is that freight traic can-g'e'st.ion is`d`ue| rather to insufcient terminal fafc-ilities `than to shortage 'of cars, in discuss'in'g the `smggestions of the Interstate Com.- meroe Commission ~ for improving the ._fre:igl{t car service the poi11Jt'thqt the average tiirne a. freight; car was j11~moti0n'wae 9_n-Ly-stwo hours , ---L_- '.L'--.'.. 4.`I... ,..... Ianhaa I 1 WEIS 111 ~IILOLlU1l Wws 1,511-1a,y=~ uvvu wuuau out of ,the twenty-'fou;Ir, the car being during the rema:in'ing twe-rity-two h:o.1.u~s-, held on _siding_s or" standing at te.rminaIs aw-a.Ait.ing'` Tlowding on` un- loading. `5Supppse that `factories 'had 1 the mea of their main; planit fotf only! two `hour-3 every .da.y,. remarked. It is not hard? to imagine what | wou1d.`11appe.n. ' ` ` " A 0 . \1';_4.L-.._. `mix ! wuluu uwyyuu. _ V Cars an ,.the Gvat Noherno M - %I-n1.1 continued, at Apreganmh ave1;ag~e `six and` oa11_e-ha.Lf"d>aY3 1. **3"m`'1`"' I`n_tha;t` time. a on could be hW10d:`| narnln I _ - _'I .'..'I .4`k I ln. t'.ha.t time, a car coma: ue 1muur2u_ 500 miles, loaded with mmodities. and .b2-ovught back. to the Atemnxinala. \ He was inc-.1\ined.` to favor a. `per dfifernl `rate `of seventy-ve c er1_1t., in pme cznce to the mm of forty-ve. cent; a 11 1, ,,,-s'1.1 1.--........ 3.m'... nn once {O we ruw u; an ..,-mu .,.,....., day which wi1=1%-.become eaeouve. oi January 1,. as some of the roads, be- (eauase o-f thei,r poo-r1 credit, were` em tire.l.y unable" to funds nsecescszaxy ifotr additional equipment and` in periods of gheavy ._ ara.fc~ movement ava.i_led of -.(;he;_ -`tears ofrthe I " . .AUC'1`_I_ON`SALE On Mmnay. A M1s%ch,.;Mrs$. Silas Huhisg ,C?i$hv*S_t::r y;i9.e11: 7p1ib1ic ~Z;uc"ioig 1 .% and -' - :4- g ,,,,,m_ ` uuuauwuwu' uu. . ........ , nmence an 1: o .;lO;k- J ahn C Jem_1ett',`_ %on u:1.~umaay;A`%;~1o-em 2*21st;? :' 'n=.~ ....;.;...`;: .. .lal&.I1 P.-; nrf "?':-ll.

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