'24 A ~_St`atae1p.ent read from Treasury D_e~: On.w.ri9,%%,ne%. distribution or s VII chap.14. Sm? 4% A j =9h9ih'%~f@rA.$162s3o;% by; .-Ree"ve]iand; .C1erk,- also .'ag:-reement. the "oompany,_ [and . Clerk in- strimtied to-j.h.aw_z,eV V 9em`e_nt registered! fw-ithm ;,_j ; - ~ V J _..b..\.uy. uyvu. U3 ,)/Ullf cOII1m1t.tef. .`,' _ John Elliott a:ppea.red, and asked Council to allow him $100 and the old bridge as damages` for the clos- ing of Dru_ry s mild; mad. v - ; On; mbtionj-of Smith and Cam-pbel_lI anchthin time and. -passed. Deben- fixi Reeve?sn hands_ to! `h'?an_d.~over to of se'ct1qn- -*%Aisli:133 %T`~1W 1413- alwizing %."h.. L"8`.`.' ,..-..a.,..... vL.In.I_.l.\J'\V1LEH.llI1], nu` agree-~ ment wlth the company was neces- Ksayy. A This had` been ,prepg,red' and " is -here for` consideration, 'and as said company '_ ;'equi;'e pl-an registered at an early date _we meet to-daay, as >ag.g'reveg1' upon by your committee. ; I .Tn}n'-1 T4`I1.{.-.44. ..... -- 1 " " ` ` The Reeve reported that the rea-' son for. the meeting that day instead `of on $4; _25th inst, as per-adjour- . mnt .Was" that` when your committee Isasprpointedg at last -meeting consulted 1/S ot1ic,itor* Creswickel, they found; that the plan of Simcoei'Heig`hts, 0110 Park and St . Thomas Church property .were- complete for approval. In the [case of .Barrillia. Park, in 0-rderr to` safeguard the_ Township, a.n- agree- 1\r\I'I1V\nv\vv --<~-A --`-~ ;See o_urAstoc.k and let us give you our prices. This is all new stock, is ,]us,t to hand and we are sure we can mtcrest you. Q lPursuant to.notioe alspecia-1 met-` png. of Oro Council was [..T0w.n Hall on Nov. members Aprwent Lexcep Cockbu-rn. The Reeve I nnn G nnla-i nA 4th. Minutes of last meeting read and l I held at the! All thef 1; Councillor` in the chair." a t v `.1; A ll u IIbQ_ ~U.I E conrmed. 1 lug yvasn-out, on am c.0n., $2.00; _Wm. I Adams, `pal. for work on .Jennett s bridge, $27.05; Wm. Adams, repair-' inig Lees and Muir s bridges, $68.45;` L. Ross, removing culvert pipes, $1.-i '50; G. G. Smith, burial of Wm. Lev-I iingten, $18.00; David Gibson, sheep killed by. dogs, 2-3 value, $5.34; J ohn, Mason, sheep killed by dogs, 2-3' value, $6.00; John Miller, cedar fori TJennett s bridge. and: repairing 0111:} vertoon 25th s. r., $32.15. The Council adjourned to meet in Thornton on 2nd! of December at` 10 O c10Clk. ` ; "mun rmr arms mvrnmz mm mm LAUGH"! ' _ We no fax! about as old as It LOOK Poopl judge us; by (lie any in LOOK. a man or woman with my hair in be- llnnlnl In an In oh. nu 3...`. m... H . L a-u-.-. \1..-.a ; raw; I. \JlIt FJIAI I l1.'l LIIAII 1 V ' MEETING. . Lennox, Cowan and ,Brown, legali advice, $5.00; Meaford VVebb, burial! ;of James Hill, $13.00; Frank Amo~1d,! building culvert, cedar and repairing) roads on 8th con., $34.50; Hugh: Denny, repairing culvert and road: ,on_5th con., $5.50; A._ Turnbul], ll-_i | ing wash-out on 15th _s.r., $2.25; John E l Annett, repairing bridge on 20th ' `S. r.," $2.25; Geo. Monkman, 1 gal. . formaldehyde and 1 0 pint Wood 2114} icohol, $3.25; John Foster, removing] , 15 s. 1'. bridge, $25.00; Job. Fildy, ]1- , . ing- .vvash`-`Ont on 8th $2.00; Wm. f A_:I.....}.... .. 1'-.. __-..L - }10th 0011., $3.00; ,O liver Mc1Quay, 3 repairing hill on 11th c0n.,V$4.50; M. `G-ayiller, re Coohrane award , $38.60; `M. `Ga.vel1er,V re Appiegatae ditch in-Ii ispection, `$11.80; Grant Mo-Knight,` timber and right ofway, $11.55; Dr.` 1 Shier, placarding Ney s house, $4.-00;. ;J. C. Coles, digging g`-rave for iJas.! I-Iilxl, `$3.00; `Dr. West, M.H.O.,` fori 0 professional services, $5.00. ' ` ' FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SEPTI-Z.\lBI-IRA] 0120 COUNCIL. J. Cdxwo1_z'rH, Clerk. 1] pin.` uunc-u . . . . . . 1.011; Tb. . . Vfl -._$9t08S. .neV.v, .p_er bag n.e:w*, per ton. . . . % . No. 1... -'\Ivu-I, ALIA-nu ` \1'u'ol-A U91 0 - 0 , _ fqlfg quarter . .. Lamb.` per ib-., yearhng M3.-itton .. . . . . . .. i Lamb, Spring . . . . . . Hags, -l.ive,% select lure, heavy . . . . ' l Z4 .1 .... - J Nov.` 11th. -- Mr. "and Mrs. J Vaughan of Toronto! visited friends here this week.. .. . . .Maater Wilmur Cochxane is impmvinig-, after his dperation for wptpeuadicitis. .A`. . . .Miss Florence Dyer -visited Sti'0und` friends last `week. .Mr, and: Mrs-. H. M.` Lougiheed spent Sunday at Stroud J. Sturgeon of Bmciford: `is visiting at Mr. W. J. An.d}reIw s. .. . . Mrs. Campbell and tfa-milay wish to thank their many friends and relativ- es fear the killdiliess shown them dur-` ing the s-i-ckneasa and: d4eat,hiof their beloved father. . T For further terms and 1).-n-ti-ulam apply `to CV1113111 A Tmrn n r1rn1'\u' \ T)'l` . --....\. . .L.lll/KC JO -cunt Lu In; \ Axxv `(I 6n said lands :1 o0:111fn;'tz11>le grough cast house 18 ftx`. 4ft.. and a !good kitchen thereto, also lmrn fm-t.v- 1 13_W0 feet by thirty-six feet. with stab- llniabgnezgth same. And :1 young `0l' r 0 about half an ;1<'1`(` an tWO golod wells thereon. This prop- erty ` is conveniently sinmtml to church, store and post o1'<`t`. and ..will be offered for sale snlvjm-t to 3 reserved` bid. TERMS--Ten per cont. nf the purchase money on date of adv and within thirty dn_\'< there- 1 ` e 3'` `` - , i Under find By Virtue of tho 1 mv- 'ers_coI_1ta1ned in a ce1`tai11 1114111-tg'a1g'e `which will be produced at. the time 1035 93.19,. there Will be 0 e1`0 for sale -_by public auction by W. A. .\l:(`m1- `key at the Queen s Hotel in the |Town of Barrie, on Si1tL11'1lil\' the 16th-da"y of November, 1912 2I't. the hour, of twelve o c10ck 110011, the fol- ]0WiI1g! property? the north `seven acres of the .west -i,.vI1t_v-.me acres of the north half of Int 11111111101` twenty-six `in the rst (?0l1(`0.~`.~ic)l1 of the Township of Flos in tho (`m111ty of -Simcoe. The soil is light 1-lay loam of which fty 2101105 i:< -h7a1'ed? I . . land the balance 111 seco11 _;'1-:m'th 1 , , ; hagd wood`. There 1s 5.-11d to he -1-ect- 1 T _ __ z`I 0 1 1 1 .- . I 1 i -wAdj:1:1" l.1ed to meet on ].'th l)---m- [her at 10 a.m. -- --. -_____ __ , uumna. u. uvvunuauuuu JD Uu\.'(. l,-(..`ll. | The Reeve rgaporbed that ;\h-. Bibby `(wished tojrent wheeled rum] .~'1`a1[.-P1` `at [250 per day, and would ru-turn it yat any time, Gralitxgd. {(-cw- Tn e j" to ciollectioen of re_n_t. If A .1 (`I Irv .\.z-uAJ.u\.vA\JuL U; AS3110` { McArth1n'--Smith-accmunt< turbo ,amQunt Of $59.02 ,were 01'1(*1'<-4] [tam], ; to this special nuec-ting tn- } day, there Win be no m00tin<,1' on the 25th inst. A10 1. app('>i1'1tedT to complete 11i\ to:-m_ G"`-',`3*t.d.-. . 1 up . . Carnpbel-l--Mc.'h'tI111r--$30 _:_"1';1n[1-(I [to improve division 102 A. Rnbt 'Jo]mston` overseer, tobc ox,-m].,V] ml. Vder instructions of COUll(`iHr Smith ' -`J-.IsA Qwu.:J>1\ '1. ,; .1 T5 . I \.RLI-I4LLI.'\J\.alo I ya. ....;.,u uvunvnna u1_ \,uuu\'n]H]' .\]]]1'[[L McArthur--Smitl1--That. the Rm-\'e !and Deputy be 3. (:01n1nitt(`<- Tn mn- `tinue negotiations with G.T.1'l. ro- ,overhead_. bridge at Raik(*'.< 1-Ming until a settlement` is effected. l 79].. 11..___ ,,, . 1.1 .-.. 356Qoooooo00900009960609: ANTEN MILLS. i .' NOV. 11th.--Mr. Charlie Lafrexliti is spending a" week with his sons: in Bualo, N.Y. . . . . . .Mrs'. D. F. Streb and` family. and` Miss Margaret Muir leave for Saskatoon. Sask., on T`hxurs- `day. '. . . . .Mr's. Farrier has returned to Midland`, after spend-ing'. 9. week i with Mrs. La1 1'enie. . . . . .M11s. Irwin Kmyip spent Saturday in `Barrie. . The W. I. will meeds at the home of Mrs. D. Knapp on Nov. 13th.,.....` ' Mrs. Lou Carson is sipendiing a cou- ple of weeks with friends in Toronto.` .Z:._._%______ 4. THE [ATEST MARKETS ! 1"`|7 "V STEWART & S'1`E\\'.\H'l', ~ Mortgagees Solit-iI01`.~`. H . Owen St, Ba1'1`ie. Dated October 161;h,'1912. ~13-46 MORTGAGE SALE m. J; TUDHOPIC. <;1..]-1;. 1911. . $1.25 Starh1e1d s._A A 50" `10 00 30 27 .9j..RREE9P!5!'. 14 80 5' UV 12 /2! .,` AA .12 7.0 10 $5 93 ~10 :00OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO: Box 4&5 " ' '.'m"`I>I.3};e 238 `0mv1cE--15 Owep St, Barrie and 21 E333. St., Allandale. Open evenivngy :- Tv.'.el1 eif:uh,t4_ad;. ne` `gf J corners in `;A*1Iandale. Now, Bcupied by'_Dr. Evans. .For sale: easy ~:This is a ne prop - any and will nxotzbei ~long `on NEW PAIR -OF BRICK HOUSES on Bradford St., in-calling disict . oi` the Grand--'1`runk ,' conven- _For _s`al on ` St Water, h"'ght_ sewe_i'_. . $1759. % F' &QIIJ.I-J-V \.l KJIKJJU \l'Jl< \J\l'vlJ IV} I -S;t.,.12 rooms, 7.withfevea'y oonven-_ T ieuee. In pecrfoct` - order. Posses- sion Nov. 26th, 1912. Price is; $2,500. Rent $16 month._' ~I; have a numberr Tof smanbl houses. Tf0r,s-a-lo in diereut part.ss 0f- the Town, ranging in price from 53375 t?) on monthly payments. NEW % BRiCkoVH01JSE ON DONALD % s'r.; naming,` liguhtinxg} and plumbing. Price _andi tea`m`"s BOARDING `I10-I;-E on` come (`A -1 (I mm -GLAD. jnousgc. isayaem St... heaming, lighting and `plumb- ing.-one south of Gallag- - have store.` A_Th`is is aneat property - 50U8`ht.right. .. " - NEW -BRIQK `I~i0IILSl" o1i :l3radefoa'd St., in c'q11ing;_, digstriw of Trunk. .; ~Ai;1; conveniences, possess .` Bion Will! 'H.ou.easSy- +."............ fl at De Dru Sum or (Inc! an r ` co : % . at ' . as 4 1oA..u4'~'nu .:=;.:..;u':. 3.... "':z.c::' mm '3... ` _ . M _ . ` . , `LIX A nn: ---..H.`-___._..., MITCHELL SQUARE. w. c. moM13_9N. TFr . MINEsI1'I_G{ H_qLLY. - -vuv' _j`P`hAo`ne 288 The i.W1v}'Sl!PI51 on Monday W` ening "attracted: an -Wiygimgnse throng," the 'rputati6n of `the glad- ics as Qopk ~evi(_1_ex'1tly *3?-. ,...V;1 WP.1.;e, :%i{ii .;ur" 1-gieatf j`to- " spegq L, 1-.i1;_e' ey`e n;ii;`;g"'? $v;_;'1:l_1g'f."1_-'.l1eir. , *1! ;' *5 M9 `j % 1!, ;?'l;. ;`bni;;;5} 39 er. * did. 4%: Agotp. _t;6j .g,ppQg` , `IS A, , ;Anu(fvetsary ervices wer_e'he1d-in.` the Me1:_l,1odist-[Church fan ggguiay, conducted';by.Rev`. I. G; l?g_6%v'les of `Barri; Lgitge co11'gvregaft'ion's. _at-, tended %;srvicea-{%%;&, ; w =- --'J\ou\4.'oo up \.'vv xx-uiyb su \l1Il5_ll(|vo o o oo_p The many friends of -the M isses Edit-h and Ma.be1 C-arr are pleased to learn that they are much improved in 1i0a.1.th.-.....Mr. and `Mrs. David Ta.y}'cn' intend; moving gi11_to Barrie where Mr. Taylor h-agi accepted a sit- uation. ,. .. ;W. J ; Coulber "too-k the service's in St. Pau.l s and at theiMis- siou last; Sunday. on accwount '01 the Rector ` being `taken }'1ll. . . ;. .Right Rev.`-_ Dr, Sweeney`, Bishop of Toron-V to, will, -`at St. Pa;ul st "next Sunday at .11 -a..m.' . . . .Mr. and Mrs... Hellmuth `a.ndh.fumiA1-y have left" Stra,-tl1al.ia-11," and` are spe11ding- the wineeri in Tominto. . . . . .Mr. Justice Lennox spent a few daysvreoently..at' Tollendaih Supbrintending the b'u.i.1d- -ingof his summer home. . ;.-.-.Oeme nt - isidewalks have atfthe -:Ree-V 1 $W.31i0h7 ilbrove agrvearance of thea property .-- `Harold -Knk_)wles returned} `his bun_ti ng* `trip laiet S_at_u`.11do;_y.' Q. .` `Mrs; S. Blackmore is visiting ber `sister, Mrs. Thomas Hewson, in To- ronto. . .Miss Maude Hewson is visiting her brother,.G. W. Hewson. . ..A meeting of the W.` A. of `St. ~Pau1 ~9 Church was held }a.t t-he resi- dence of Mrs. F. D. Quautz'on.Wed- uesday. .. .. . Rev.Dr. Lmmf.ldt' is_ s131ui.:ing' a few days in `O1-illia. n0o'oo_o 'I`l.,. .......-- .c..:....._1,. __1 u.. 11-, 4, '- On amount of the illness of the Recber and` his inability to complete. the -prepara.t.ion- of the candidates for Connmatioll, with the -Bieh9p s con- sent the Conrm-a.toin has been post- poned: until'Mi1y. 2 PARISH 0&3` Ii\{NISFIL. 24th Smlday `after 'Brin_it.y, Nov. 17.. St. iPa;ul s, Peixiewick. ` , 11 a.n1., Ho1yVComn'1uniou and ser- h men. Preacher, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. . _ T _ J S,t.'....P9`er:.`.Qh1i'ch-..'i.,T. .. . W 2 .p.m., Sunda._v School and Bible ~ Class. 3 p.m., Evening prayer] and sermon. Preacher: The Lord Bishop ofthe Diocese. A Stu P3.-u.l s' Mision, C'ra.i_g'va1e. The friends attending Sunday School and services` at the Mission are requested to attend the morning service at St; Pau1 se, Vat/,Which the Bishop will preach. There will be no service at the Mission this Sunday eyeriing. A - - ' * Nov. n._u...... fr. Han . and! H. I Morrisoll left on Fridaynight `for a week s deer hunt. at" Pickefel on the C.P.~R. . .. ...Mr. Jas. MoC`-r-woken" spent Friday. in Toronto.`. . . .9 .Mr. E. Gaston 1tbe1'1~c1ed, the fowl` supper g"iv=: on by thae Orangemseu fat Al?l'auwvoo6',. on the 5th of November and he re- ports a large crowd and *1 83006 time. . .Mr. David Miller of Moonstone was the guest of" Capt. Hi11`~on Tues- day. .. .. .Mr. MoCoo1.- of. Sinmoe was in this village on ~Wedt1esday.... .. .' Mr. Wm. Grlennite has " moved: into Mr. A. Richardsolfs hoursae. and Mr. E. Vollibk into Mr. Wise s. .. . . .-Sev-` oral` .uew_ phones have been installed; by theTMe-dsont`.e Telephone Co. fThose' who have had them put in are" Mr. John Jen.nett, Jas.` Moran, ' Thos. Iiiggins, J 03. Ellxsurnere, Geo. "Fras- er, J. Shanasse.y,' J as. Cxaxston, HQ MOPl'i90ll and Allaal MoDon'a.'ld~. E. . . . ~ Mr. Geo. Snider had the misfortune" to -fall on. the 08}l1ellt s'idewaJ k on; Friday and break his arm. . wj -in`: the`; Ohluroh; f.Mii}esin;g`,. ~I'1-_'I 9) {lo , _o`:c _*rgIa&\(Iv uaq;-,-vp- '! c -~ ` o . .. o~` 1 `Baa-me a eene of mneetmgs the key'1wt.e; of ` be What the I.onc1,}-equire 9f ' thee,` but to do justly, [amt to mercy and to work hxumblygviw thy ink for Vancouver, B._(}.,'~5when_a_ . he has seemed: a. position as ler in `one of the mills._.'.; is almost. .;com-pleted-'around'~ these,pa.rtosa.'.. ..p -Mr. 'GeOrge spent a, few` "days *hun'-ting, u-p arounci Point Auybaafil was successful in securing a deer. . . .Miss Amy Weaver, `beach- er, spent -Sunday' at her vhoma in_ Watxbaushene. 5 Nov, A 11th.-*-f}.:f Neil MaPh.e'epe nt Sunday" ab `guests of ttheii-.~-dau`g1hter, F1iedi,Goss of. fwarmimtm-. .. L Robert Rusk has retusnied-home -a'.ft:eav a; few days with friends in Toronto. . `ll ... E`.J.....'l'I .....l L_.. ..1_3I.I..... L -us. "IllIC' J`lI` II` J-`II"Il'U\"O I`O and two. ahildmen have returned -[to their home. in Hamilton, a.fte1fspetnd&ing the past mon'th`- with her:'sister, Mrs. C. G. 'll'..' ' l`|1.-_.`I..- TIT--___-_ -1 'II1'--_L-___L-'.._ \ID \J.I F-I .s1RoUD. TPAINSWICK.-* oIAIGHU3sT.' j EADY- . vv ll\. sl& cu uxuu BR]-J5 IIU CEl.ll:~Ll|U' SUII1' thing .with6ut half trying. he usu;a.l_l fails because he. doeqnfg. half try.` ` v v -wvsa-aux:-was, -\Jllv\ .1.` -l'4uxll.IS contributes zm a.mus'ing,tale of West- ern ~life entitled' Two isrnot Al'Wa}ys` Company, while the seventh "article of the. series; The -Culture of Bl'ack and Silver Foxes nnder the heading Food and! Fee-diing" appeairsr` in: this - isslle`. trip after Cari-bo-us in New.- foundla -nd;, The Sevventlr i Summepr Camp of the Alpine Cllllh of Oanadia, .Tend`erfoot Deer Hunters -in the Laur,entia.u Mou.ntains, A Trip. to the Coast. Game Protection in British Columbia , A Wolf ` Hunt in Sask- atchewan. and other stories and" ar- ticles constitute a` typically Can~ adiali bill of "fare for sI1)0rbsvt'ne11 and lovers of outdoor life. ` T L gggfffllfituli ouuuqlu Gog. 1'b'ro_uIo."0qd. ~ % Rcommaunan DEER HUNTEIS" APPRECIATE The. story of a; 4,000Ami1e trip after moose is told! by 2; German h-unter' in the opening number of the No-" vember issue : of Rod? and Gun in Ca.n:ad'a. fpuablisahed by J. Taylor,` `Woodstock, `Ont. Frank Hdughton t'Il"inf'.II:}m\.f-on on nu-yn.n.'3.... J.-I- -1` `|"I'T- I ~M%~:;%Prxi,%>!1s [`ffP?!.t - the eice`lIencVe .~ of the menu * ampI:y~- re- ;waaaan Tthos 'whc$w`ere ";f'6i:'tu1.1a;te_ ',enougl1 to 'be" there. f _The"high price of tugkey w a_s not ta.;k-en jnto coixsideration by Jche'-.'1adie`s_Of the . .congregation because- there was enough and to `spare _fqr the 500 AL. ___"_..fA.v -1! -.. t._ _._..I_ I ma 'J:Ug $lI.l1'UUll JJIWIVVII `f .. Va A . `I. : ` Forrrm II.-Ken1ieth Ciameron" 82, `Ol1r'ist.i11e'Horto11 51," Harry Wright 41, Clarice Ferrive 39,".jA-lice Atkinson 25%`N Wright 12.: ` mm. 11 T 3: _ A ..-. ; v V Llcztrllv. First. Book C-1ass--Alexan'd.ex~ A-fch- er 31, Norman Atkinson 3], Theo Bvmw-n 25. Cora `Court 25., * T C|_ _.` 1` v1:~.;..... - -- - - 4-n\'.vvlI -av. \'1n ua \./Ulllu 10., - I` -`Form I. Senior--Georg'e Wrig-ht I67, Wivl-lie MoKever 57, Cecil Blow- 'man 46, Arthur ,Court 11. 'l`.`....... ,1` ,` `I 4LI'LIlIUl QT, `IIlVUl'.yII I1-ll-libel` n Honors--Edna Robertson, Kevnnet;};_ }C9.a.n1o.ron. . l . - MISS M. F. MILL:-2N . Tacher 7A: q-ti-artet~ comp,6.ed. _~of - Messrs. ` A. S'tephen_s, J .. F. (>ra'ig3_;VIea- `ford'-Webb, and D1-.`,.S p1vot-`ti: Vwere< among those who came -6_u"t' from J Barrie; " others from` that town` _were Dr. Lewis, Mr. ` L -. J .` Salter, and Mr. and Mrs. C-.M. G. Smith. ` zu. LVl_Jl'Il1'&il"l, wrngm; 12._ , Form `II,--- azzle _.Tuck 11, Bessie W1lson., - . U . "\ .9 1.: -- _ .&\J, 4.1! Ulllll ,\J_\}u=l'|I 110 V Fonn =I.," J nnior---Mary Woodrow/f T53. Beatrice Molndnleras 36, . Npymg; " Brow? .1; f-I_.ean.i,i.i~:. Wilsn, 2.8; _ Arher 24, Evelyn Hunter 17_._' 1'-Tzxuupsuuu. 1,J--- ~` 7 ` "Nov. 9t;h.---Rerpsolft of SS. No. 1, U Vespra, for` the .mor;th;` of 4. October, T Form IV., Senior-;_-Ed*n-a. -Robert.+ son 7 9., Reta Mic-Kever 17, `Margaret .Wi-lsou 14. ' " ' ' 2 orm IV,, Junior--_L-4Jea.11 M:cKevv3r so - i<`o1~1n III._, Sehior--'-GeE>rge MeInd- less 55, Leoluud Horrtou 2-29 J essie Wilson. " ` ' ' -i-v--- _. .- ~- .Nov.. 11tl1.--Venera:ble Archdeacon Iugles of Toronto Visited` Mineing on Nov. 2nd and 3rd. Hie` _ preached on the Q6-mrrfutnion of -Saints,` and Ferri.s'46.-`Mabel Brown 44. `[7 _ _, , .1 Q r IN` " $5212}; 111, J1111'im-C'harli 'Mc7Ind- less 68, -JrIug'h'P1owman 65, -Freida 'l'4"A...... TT _., wv wort C ..* quiiy good??? intafnt-s,L cIiilirn&%.6r %4d1*8_.b}f- 70 13"?` *1` '.':' .'-A 9! ` 5:5 }26piE. thvizA1'2a_;jb};3? Us svhomfwaitejyl ipatiengly "u.-rgtil `~ 19:00 .fc1ock_ far the cntertainmgnt to 1 commence. _ ` ` ` ? V ' 4 tuuwo ' . Notif;:;.fqualc`_ h'(Io_`cIa't;3i,Ii_cl,; ' wymgg" ` .:\C'. -v'- - - ` ' ` ' 0 I The Pastor, iev. Mr. I,-amb,` ocf. cupied the chair, and ;.he . wisely closed the program -at 10 o'clock in order -to give those from g :diS- tance , an V opportunity to . reach home before the night iivas 1:50 far `advanced. .7And there were __many- -from 3, V some coming `fmtn -Cou1s'on s Hill; on the south and others. from Croivn Hill on the north. L ' . V ` A Tl1`e ntettjninexit furnished by Miss Ricl_1.t.dson,' and Se? -dore` of B`a.1"rie;-`T Qralgft Mayo; of -Painsw-ick, Jaxgdt Rev. Mr. Humph- reys or .A 'lIanda`le, all pfvvhmn ,-w~e'r-8 enthusiastically received. . *1 f .sca1'1'isVl:M}ILsIo1vdri`ves out _co1ds--V-nourishes `the _me_x__nbranes '. of the throat and lungs ah_&;keps. Tthexn heglthy. _ `.5- -O-9-.. Vauthoritjo;d;eyerywherLe." " JIt:contains'the grade of cod liver oil,__medica1ly perfected; it is a. cream_-IikeVfo,od-medicine`, withdut_ drug pr stimulnt. En- dorsgd and advocated .scrupulously pure` and heailtlxful ` by 11dical?- take scorr-s sjwzacizv regu- larly to repair wasted" vitality -`and enrich th blood tp`withstand_ _wi_r_1ter colds and exposure. X9. - .Wl1en at Vmn says. he can .130 sox'r1.eT-I '1 1... u.:a.`l.`.`.--a. `I.-1n ;_-_2,A , 1 nun nvunmsm ueluury aoel HUI" VIII GREY hairs-itvnnu the one: of Youth. Th bi things are being .. on by the "YOU ER ggnemiou. % . 'l'lIe're'.c r not! of Ha. Bun lok about than `Grey'Haiu. " There iulwnyn _ono to criticise and smile icorhfullyr V 'I`A"nA- I. - -5--.` .I!_.`!_Is.__._n-_. 7 ssotta 9nt#i Multitudes Wof Pgople :-.._ .___ % CUN_DLE.. !%bu{id5`g$i'v'7%$. i 3 5. i`. l3<`f3o-31$ jg; 2'(l)?hbr3apson. 64 ft; ax ac. irex`-* ,ft.';L % - 5 0hnVDob s'o' . `"`e1:h` $1.35 hull . T C'|I'.. .1-31 :1 1w`~`'V. u-=~:-sq gm. 1 . - _ ` 1 ' hT'h eV sum ofv;$1O.'.OO.w1as granted; to' Geo.}.'DaviSI for Mrs..'C_Iayton and": 310,00 H. L; Ta.'1-_Bt 1s_h for Mrs. =Beer,Vindi`gievn13. e - ' . ' The`follopving`%iiiGk56imf$1L1ereAVorer~ of_13`sa- , - I -Lowrie-,Banti_r_xg---Thxit the Clerk be7instructed V to have A a` -suiciernti number Of copies of the by-law`. re- lating. to the erection of wire. fences fxrinted,` am] a.eo>y'1of the same sent to ' freeho1c_1;er'i'n4,,the Township The Council met Nov. 41:11" at Thornton with allxthe members pres- ent, and the Reeve in, the chair.. Minutes of 13191: . meeting Jresad and, `. nmnfan ' - ' ` ' ` ' V Miduland Free-Press-Miss` Bertha *Robinso_11oaf Barrie, is visiting her_ cousin, Mrs. Goodifellow, and] other friends in town.. .-. Cook of Barrie is visiting -his daughter, Mrs. John Smith, Victoria. street. . . . Mrs.- Chas: 'Tayl:o1'. of Barrie-, was in ~ .1_;`o,wn "on Tuesdky attendin-g~,the mar- riage of her son to` Miss Ba1*tha`,Ac-V ;_ kerman. . - ' ` I _ ,,.--,,._--. ,1 . _l Major and; Mrs. Christopher Cooke annolmce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Alyce Constance I Meikle, to M1`. Thomas Sydney J ack- - `$011., ..of OsW.eStry,' Shrdpsihire, -Eng-_; } land.` V Marri-age at St. Pau1 s, Nome Nov. ' 11th.---Miss May McLa1fty and Master Gordon returned! on Sat- urday from the Soo. . . .. P: K. Dayfoot of Toronto will preach in the Baptist Church next .` -Sturday (n10l l1illg`.. . .A11i1iversa1'y services; will `be held iii the Central Church next Sunday. Rev. Dr. Gray of Toronto will preach at 11` aan. and 7 'p.m.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Orawfortl are visiting` in North `Bay. .. . ...Mr. J as. Corbett secured aw {position in Or'i'll'ia. .. .. .Mr. John 1VIcLuoa_s has started. work on the new rink. .. .; . `The local deer hunters returned Sat"- /urday with their full. quota. of deer. 'uu., vuu 1c\;c'AvU_'Uu .vveuue=1u4a.y and Friday, 20th and 22nd of November, and afterwards onthe faorurth Friday 4 of each month. M _V | Mrs. W. A. Boys ~a.11d= family leave! on Sa.tu.rda.y .for Toronto, where they will take apartments for the .Winber.* Mr. Boys will lave at the middle of the week for Ottawa. for the opening of Pqrliaxnent. ` ,1 - J 5`: Mr. Roy Bolto-n 1'eturnei lat Week; ;f;~9m the West. ' ' ' V - :`-Mr. A. W.\hith of Sturgeon Fa-l~l.s_. .;waS the guest of Barrie relatives for ja few . V q _.n ._ _ iii Mr. ;;;a% -M173.--V Fredi_. Edwards- of! ;Wi11-11ipeg were here: at the week-end-, ,_the. guests of Mr. and! Mrs. Wilekps. ` Mr.` and Mrs. W'm. Wrigllt, of ` 'Stroud ~an-nounces the engagement of, -their daughter,` Gertrude _to'. Samuel J. Gondon of North Bay,` the marriage to take" place Nov. 20th. I 2 H511. Sn;a(te;i]'3r()w11 an_fd- "fa.mi].y gleft on` Tuesday for the'Bahamm Is-i ;'1ands, where they will` spend! the win-I ` , . , 1 ",l_; Mr. Geo. Vikersa left on, Monday] f; s;ve11i11g on" a, business visit: to the. markets of the East, inclusdvilmg Morn-1 tresjl, _ __ Mms. Harry Smith,` 12ACos1Iier St..',! .will receive on Thursday, November 21st, and? afterwards ' on the third Wednesday of each month." * ----u -- v-:~~- -----v--- | Elmvale Lance--Mrs-. H. E. Jory of Barrie and_ Miss- Pa.tt1e.rson of }Ne,vv-brurgh are vis_iL_ing at Mrs. W. J ., lM:artin s, .Hi~1-1sad4al`e, this week. . } u... -_ auv luau U5` wuullu III! II DO` I?` to (es in the inst : CIIII." u wenticth Century does NOT want 'IIiIl-`I ZIIIOQ Oh: Annodn A` VA-IL E Mrs. M.` "(Bi-8-.i)p0rt0l1 % St., will receive on `Wednesday `and '11`:-{`rIi.nr onn. .n...-I" 00...: ...c 1\1'-..-_.-L--- Mf,h1 Mrs. IIe19be.rt . Simpson and little son and` daughter of Win- nipeg, ~a.i'e holidaying. _at Thornton! a41_1dJ Barrie. ` _ . [ ALQA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA ':8oooooooooooooooobcoo: g..-`_ -___ _:_-___ V ~'-- -"Y0,-,\/vast xydu UV, W %i*d*ve*eu1mlvn1 I _;;- ,.-..~ *:o....o............;.....31 LuevL1N`& iviuncnlson ESSA COUNCIL - and 1' if-'v.;,"i`,fI-!';',_\,-I"El'_JHI%`.'I-`v-lpursyt V5531 IX. 08 %`Ifl19ye;T.3g:fL,Lfhg,.p3e. of ov e.1-seer Kc)? A Gilchrist be UIIU Iv vuucuu IIIII IIIIIIB I0l'llIIIll'vv ` In Father Time is a mu`: diocipliurhn. .60! tho but of him. Give high the liujh. "Dcntbu "I-luioon." ll : unuocuuryy Utv. `.'1AY'8 HAIRHEALTH ' %