"1`h chairs `occupied by th n -lrnvv I :.n.I.na5, vvu JIIK/, '9pjhensA ;nd W.fB1=o. wh3"p.3 PAST MASTER. `rhsen "tune"-Qnucriofs Popniu-`,llInsio Store :: lpver` thishistoric lodge, sin`ce its 09!- tanization` until the present.` will no doubt interest many members of fin They are :--- . .There is nice variety in the No- vember Canadian Magazine. First {place is taken by a travel sketch. en- ltitlecl Windermere to Coniston, by }New-ton MaeTavish. Of an entirely Idierent character is the article en- ut-itled Cana.li.sing the Detroit River, in V which James Cooke Mills shows !how the United States Government .1 has`-ex-`pended.- ten million dollars in. .` impmving navigation in - Canadian _l'water& There is also an important l article by C. J . Boylen entitled -Prov lgressive. Ontario , showing what has been of late to improve the condition of the people of province. . Kenneth Douglas cont!`-i- biites a carefully considered sociolo- gical st:udy,. and there are short stories) sketches and poems by Mar- -'I I TT..._'.. C`L..,__...1 1)-- `l"l'-_A. " We offer one Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Gatarrh that cannot be cured by .Hall~"s Catarrh f`I___- Io\IAA\`." \IA&\.'II\.-Au`-V`) ;a..n.1.a. tI\!\Ul|I\l V . A garet BeH-..Virn'a. Sheardr. Rae Hut- ` ton H.arris, M. Forsyt.h Grant, Blan- : qhc Ableson. "J. D. Logan,` Kathleen FBI-a-ckburn. Frederick 0. Curry, Mary Ecomeu; -and Hilda Ridleyg T '- " ' ' _7 1' "V7 most effective without an! `gilsoomtorg.-. Increased doses not need: . 25. g,bpx_-; at your druggis! s. / ` . latlml Dru Ind Hum! 80. If W. . I L I. I 3 .. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, We `the undersigned have known 51?. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, 1- and believe him perfectly honorable l. in all business transactions and n- ancially able to carry out any obli-_ _ lvgations made by'his rm. . _ WALDING, KINNAN ac. MARWN, Wmlolesale Druggists, Toledo 0'. L Haws -Catarrh Cure is taken in ternwlly, actingl directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. v.lII`oestimonia.ls sent free. Price, 75 cents get __bott.le. Sold by . eallfebrneziats. I we Haws F9;m_i;!y Pills for Con- _stipat_ion. Don t . be misled by the appear- of a Piano or by Sa.1emon s .&r3um,9IIt$-W The lasting tono~ qualitzs me its real value. ' gt/vv r1904-- 4A\l\-1 1s5s-wf am; 0. B. Ghalmers. 1s5s+-_ 0. B. Chalmers 1860- V A `H. Fraser. 1861--- .H. Fraser. 1862-R.W. Bro. E.` A. Walker. 1863--* J. W. Hornsby. 18'63---' _ . Henfy Fraser. 1864--- L. Lliver. A1865--- ' ' Henry F raer. 1866--R. W; Bro. M. H. Spence 1867--j_ M`. H. Spence Inna 1896- 1897- 1898- 1899-- 4A`.. i561- 1902- 19o?_.- AAA 'i-.365-- AAA- ii6-- 1911- 1912- BLIND PIGGER . `II `VI ~:`5`P%E. .!??`'5"` ..L 1!--- APOPULAR MAGAZINE. {$1.60 PER muuu m Aovnncl: Quinn: cant: 1-5.2:: nun. vv u --1 -uvuvvun II! IIIIIHIUI onion corqn than ours HOW_ S THIS ? S. Wesley. Q ' Fi'edvJ. ` ;.L. LAGIDGR 'Bro . E. J ; W. Hornsby. Henry _ Frafser. '. I)-.. `ll .TT CL--. .. .12: vs Bro. .LX|. No.40 , VOLTHOMPUON GIIWp III E7Tu~{e'Tnich_ -~1f 1:ed-T W.i1-kes con 95113-55 v. A. Urquhart John Dickinson F. W`. _MoxV1tgom-' a.I-L.l.l\)l4I vvulll J. C. Irwin 3'asI"s`1ir"11;o1e Donald Ross. `Philip Love D (1 `ll`_.._-_1< -.....,,. ...,.., R. G. Manuel Warren Johnso Fred Sneizth Ered. W. Ottom -Ix 1-; can `3 &hf'B`."W" MoPh:; T3 "7' `YT A J.r\ItEIlLl\Vf HI Bosanko 0.; 3 `P70 M135 \JU'VlK L. Barnum. `l"l' frvoicq `Old folks who needmmel r of the kind. find? ~ PERFECT n1scm'l' , . .... --yv oven gives. D..- But an. .oi_ke_nj chronically slow IIIIMYV. _ ._ , .- othcrs, and it is usel:90_f0V5 l"R()M THE KLoNDIKE' It all_dcpcnds on the An n.... vmou: _ No. Puummu `V ~ -. CHRISTWURCH, cauammsn GOLDEN` JUBILEE Short `Hilton 9f the Erlyl 5"m`' ` `F : 4 *"'.'.`n: I ' A chulngh . jubileey is a. matter "of 3'1-eat. moment locally and: spread! injnmeet. _ It is. of_-almost nu? tional cono'em inasmuch `as it 199-- minds as that liishqry` is being-_ in our town nativ%eT-lsand ' spakinI:g',.those events of T neat his-" imyort only through the contributions . of many` underlying bum-nts of less luous energy. T-he-_ftie ohi lowhrssc Church, Ivy. has beencele braved}. and this aspect. of the -sion has forceds itself `v,pon't}he at- temtion of the more awughtfurand perhaps most..of wpon those who`- vhlue the event for its spiritual sig~ Inioance. A Accordingly the purpose of this__ske1ch istwo-fold, namely, to chronicle the more outstanding points of the history of thisiz particular Mr. John Mc'Bn'do. who, for. 11110` pact tun ,years, has been engaged in the 1ni11in{:,' business in the Klondike, gave his br0rtl1o1', Dan, of Midland, a sllort. Visit. last week; says The Free- Pro-. {L180 called on Pl`0~'H and showed the editor some Of thv .\'~l.lo\v nuggets which he brought" from the gold region. The nuggets` variml in quality and value. some lr\"l-4. ...1:.1 ._....1,l 4...1-,..... J.`..,...... 41... `INA- chu.i~oh irndiscatel to .so-vme extent the mligioug value `of its work. % - I .I\UVu `Wu-rrE'WV _.LVuigU11lk `Ill V LOUD . UIIU Rev. Edward` Morgan was appointe assistant missionary at Barrie and took in hand: the work at Ivy._ After sevenvycans of hard and faithful work he had: the satisfaction of `seeing, the - devoted people under his care erect the rst building in the community for the Worship-o, God and to His glory. The opening" took place in the late autumn of 1862, the preacher for the occasion being the late Canon Osler, also known as the father of- some illustrioue `sons. The text for the morning sermon. was PSL 127, 1,. and for the evening Ps. 48: 11, 12. Miss Morgan was organist; and*~ the llat Mr. Geo.VDavis had charge of [the vocal music. T _ ' About 1851 under the aus- pices of the C'h:m'oh of ;Englandi be- gan to be held: in the vicinity of Ivy, `first. in private houses: then in school- house and Orange Hall. Up until 1854 this work was in chrargwe of the Rev. Garrett Nugent. `In 1855 the .1)-__ n.1__-._;1`1r-....-.. _.-- ........:.`.a..J: 'r1{e' {{:;}S'"$}` mg. `various mission- `aries and incumbents `of V the parish follow with alsohies years. in which ' ,Imng'._fot I_ ling: fact bakers. If you want tulovi ov_on;_.ulow re will .prod__tu':e tho desired result. If :.:.`:.1":.""..::':';.*;':.. "*::.;.*::~...*"'..* , WW0?` Gbuiqfy or mace: _AI_~In 1jH'I:- oomnu_pp;_Ao _r cnnabq `ooh cnrrsniou. "fl-Ii ~v-Ilimtacgts` Logi ug_'m_ `,.: IIO.\I'l'I %;AVR:I1EL%%%f:gotiV1vTY1vtoE,` gmsmtbg ,IsIov\13isaB ~1~:RJx.4; 19:2 the church "could: ~be7~muoh improved with a_ little expenditure it has been and -is it credit to the congregation. -Like so many other churches." this onehasshadzitsperiods of powew and progres, of weakness and stagnation.` One of its most pixnperorus times seems to have been the years connect-` ed with the building`, of the church -_...I__ LL- I..L- (`L...-'_ vIf...._..... `RT.-..... I MT-hianeonjgvegiation was favored with fine weather for the Jubilee services on - `Nov. 10th.` J ust before the ser- mon, the Rector. the . W: F. Caz-rpe_nter,, gave 9., -brief - istorical summary 0 -ft the 50 `years and empha- sized the purpclis-e we shomldjkeep in view while celebrating. The; -Rev. Canon Gou.ld.7 B.A.; M.D., Gen.tSec. of the M.S.C.C.,, then preachedi a powerful sermon` based on Dent. 8: 12-14-. - After outlining. tbe_:grea.t in-) heritance: in .wea.~1thA. -. and . opportuni- ties which. Canadians -"j `have,~ the" preacher` demonstrated. that we - are falling far short of being worthy of what God has given us.` Then the congiregaticm was: challenged to arise. and make the Jubilee celebration the beginning of 21 new era maarked,` by much greater work for the Kingdom of God. The text for the evening was Rev, 21: 24. Thisrwas if soul- `stirring discourse on the neso-nable ness and: theurgency of missionary wou_'k.- `Canon Gould _askeB1 the ques':. tion, Was it worth while for -Ohm-ist to suffer; or _is-? it`. worth while for men: -.'__'1!-'_. ..-.... .2-.. LL. . _..__-- .Rev. Morgan : . .%1s55-1363 Rev. J MoI.ea;n`;Ba.l1ard.{u1i868e1869 ;Rav.`:'1`-homas. v. .. .,.~1se9-1870 )_Rev, , C; ,1-3. Sills .. . .`.F14883+18,a8A Rev. H.111 CunninghamL .1891-[1893 ;R.ev_. W, ...V.1v902' . G.rret~Ning`ix.t`. ..1851-13541 Rev. W."-W; Bates ; .; T.,1s%71-1383 Rev. W. G. -G.; Dmeyer `. .'.:1s_94-1901 . these:-it be sent1ia'tj. the loxgeshpastorate was th-at;'o f.the late icanqn Morgo..n, is onlyifair to st'tthat if in ` thisj `done nothing than make available` the Servic- s of such asa'int.1y' man, it'deseI-vas -the'_'[l.iisting -gratitude of - the early `residents of and of their de- `jaoendantgs .. ' - %% 1n1s3'nav.`Eaw ~ ___M.org~nn was appointed: rector `of Barrie and the around Ivy. was made into '9. separate` tnown as North I`)... . `About 58 years after the `mg of the church some of the more ener-. getic members of the congregation -thought that tzhey~.weme'a;b_lae to pro \?ide_a. more suitable in which I`) ,VVwGlIIu!I Jlli "WW3 TREALII plishedj in under the -leachmhcip` 01' the Rev; W. G.. G. Dneyer,,now, of Prince .. Albecrt, Sask. ' The interior waste-modellel, new .win_dIOIws pnovid: .5-LL, _ -, _ '--,,I 1 L-` --__,,1_ _..__...----J ed` 91:9 lofxtside bricked. Although? 1 ,V4. UMIG uuuauos Wu "gun uuu vuunlu-u_5 V under the. late Canon Nosw ` it seems to be in"he midst of another progressive era that was `ushered. in by the remodel:_lin.g- of the buN_i-lding in 1900. The nswVcent`ury- seems to have brought` new `l-ife"a.nd power; communioants have almost doubled and oerings have inoreaseni to a like extent, while 0119-0! the most hopeful signs for the future. "is the greater interest being taken in- missionary work. Perhaps ` it ought. to be stat- ad `here that much credit is due to Christ Ohurch. Ivy, for move- ment which resulted in be- coming` self-"supporting-_ in ` 1904. Whatever success has` been achieved has been due -to `good leader- ship, but also in `large nugrasure to those faithful ones in rank and le, who have- courageously struggled: to do their duty. .. V (II ll"l Ill I.1uIullv,y 'rVJI\-I V``i, 9`/CCU beillg .~'-and taken from the eraulu (,`1'eck, `the richest spot in the I)aw.~m1 district. The gold is taken from the creeks "by means of drgdgves, and i- principally of a fine nature. ()-<-u~imml.ly Iluggets up to the size of lu-n'.~` (+.g'p.\s `Villa be found.`- contain- inggu .~]n'il1k1il1g`. of silver among the gold. A `,1 [ VU Uuuyx, V1. '.lG`llI' VVVL vs: vvLu.1C LVL .uu.ui _ `to `suffer -now for , the cause 0 iChrist? Hisanswen-' was; Not if ` Christianity." is only _ one of many gieams of divine light. and` -trutli oorm-K ing to men, but it is aabundiantliyilf wbrth while if Ohristiiamity is the I .' onLy.re1igion with .a1mess5.ge of sa.1- ` vation `for ithae Whola world. _ It was {clearly pointed)` out . i'1h&i.'i' other reli- tgious having` failed shamefully are .cr'umb1in.g rapidly 94ml that there is - ;a. terrible for our religion 3 This 1 by variousillustrations, but by of. people ,in"B_i`hJ|p W_1iibg's"d.ioo9s9 A in Ofh_inait.h!51`9 is` not a Asinsle nsunie Noi I if A V Pi-43" is work ` 151 ikndwsthe ? `icojuV!it._ib1ii_.:`z in non-Gl1ri9- i ~.tian '(m. fan}: to A labor end G I 1 .A a _: I v V '1`-he Garret-- Nugent. .1851-1854. Part `I;5`..l....._.2|. `ll'_....._.... - .102: 1000 `on .-:v v ._v_ . L` St. Andzerw? (1'iL[;:ch;'I`{'i;x'g St., Toronto, at xlmxlsf-past four Satmrday afternoon` was the scene of t:he`m.a:n'iage of Miss Aame1ia.B. War- -J` ~rrr-..L_..:_- 'tl'-_1-\ J.-_-..Ln.-.. -1! Blanche, .daug`hher; gvf `.1 V John A. Mi4l1erg,s`3_.15..S' _ rie, to Mr. H`0Ivs;ard' G.` , auditor for the Cahadj _`!:_Exp1-ess Company, . North. Bay, a`ndprn1'erl`y I of `.B aarriLe,-.w.as quietly in the ~pre'sen.ce-- of':th-eh 'immaiia;t'e neldf. ztives and~ friends bf the bride -an _ . groom, `at. the home of the brLd3e. s parents. (in " Wednesday, November ` 6th.- The ceremony was performed- A n -1r:1.__ `n A -3 LL`. A._...1: ;:;`A. 257M-:i`t;:i;:2..,"; :e`Kn`;iit can Church, Creemore} 1The bride, wore a goawnt of .<=1'.9aIn `satiny the bodice being-V t'rix_nmed with beau-ti-fu-.1 . lace. and carried` As. bou.que_t of cream. tea roses and liliesof the Va.-L1|ey,~ and_ wore no ornaments. " The wedding` music was 5p1ayed.'7 -by Miss Ma.-bial ' `who was given -away, by her father, "Miller, `cousin of the bride, who re- V eueivuedi ..from the; groom` a god pin, `set with peat-.Is."` .After the wedding`. dinner, at which a -,La.rg`\e ru_m-ber sat Vdnownthe -bride _a.nd` left` for ,Souri: .:Mani~`oba. to with; 5 btide"s " sister, }Mgrs._ ' Derby Taiy-1'01; other frifnd-9: H186 bride wearing" a. navy rblpe " tailored- suit and black beaver that with_wi1-_ r law. -plumes`; The ~presents' wwerief nu- 1ner=_<'m,s arid eostty, . incl-'uding`_.go1d, andya hmmber of cheques; ` N.,. ' of _'Mr and; Wm`. P.`_I-IubbertT(fonmenly.ovf Baafde)`, to Ermesty O. Slingsby, of and Thos. .Slinge%by; was siolemxy.` `by .Rev. Canon Dyson 'H_a_ague.y Missy Annie S. Hubbert attended the `bride, who was given` away by her brother, Mr. D.; Hubbert; Mr." Ed- wartl G. Hubbert was gsroomsmanl After-za short trip the young couple |wiI1 *1-eside at 49 Edna avenue, T3 HLIG Lilli? `I -All-j Llll-52 n&'o `IV nook `{Ks.th.ari;1e daughmr St the late James Wm-nock, of Gvmlt, and Mrs. Warnoclgtos 31:. Jpnbzn W. _Ga.r- `.9 `the for, -the Rev. '1'," C1-aiwfonrd Brown, in. the presence of the immed- iate nelatives and rien&s. Dr. An- demon presided ac-the organ. Mr. J. B. Wamock brbught. sister in and gave her away. ' She` was wear~ ing 9. travellinig suit of amethyst vyel- vetand plumed hat to match, and she can-iedj a satin and hion" mu and bunch of violets. After the oemmony |M_r..andV[s.`_ Ga.-1'v`in drove Ehe 'SLIiN(}SBY-'IiUB;BEitT; Th. Chu.1?dh_ Fuorf they \.Epi`phany,-A Parkdale; .was -the scene of _a quiet wedding on Wednesday morning, N10-` vember 6,`.when of-Ellen N-?f and ;'&. 3" T` pecwd of running a. hlin `pig. `and-on Sunday, Oct. 27th. carcumstanaoea led him into :1. trap. Some boys Wenon- g~a,g[*([ in playing. cards and bought two bottles of liquor from Potts. The (`.P.R. detective at that place ran across. the lads While they were` hav-! ing -.1. {road time to themselves the booze. He made the boy -tell where t.lu!,v got the liquor, and \a(lvisx~d Inslpeetor Fisher, who lai the ~c1uu`{.'.'e which came. up for- hear - ing; on F1'idavy last. Polt-t9"pleO:d'0d not guilty, but the evidence was too :'-t1'o11.;.' n.2'{lil1St `him; and. he was $200 zuul $18 cost or four months in jail. He was givvern tilli Sa.1mrda.y night to put up the money or take a trip `to the County Town for fom ..~:01'1`1c time Pot-ta has beenseur! i:ofuto. ` 'io2wm`1ftIT 56%-a"'{I1 F8? `New York, On their return they will reside in Glen maxi. LGVIIOL W.` l\}U'l\V\.l. `/CBCHLIX % \.Il`.\.T\n'\A in cream silk embroi {elm voile, more white bridal roses. The young couple were unattendeci, only the im- fmediaxe relatives being pxvesent.-_. , The Thorpe of Mr; and Mrs. D. W. } Ackerman, King street, M;id1an:d,`w_as ) the scene of a very pretty on [Wednesday morning of last. week, when their eldest; dgmghwr, Eva Beh- [tha, was uniteclin. marriage to Mr. Srigly. of Toronto, 3011 of Mrs. Chas. Taylor of Barrie, Rev..J, J. Sparling dciating; ` s K "After 8. dainty dejeuner, theyoung couple left. on the 11.15 tra.i`n for To- tronto, where they resitie". The bride s tmvejng costume was a navy b1u_e tailoredi suit with black be-aver hat. ' ` . - V useful and dostly pres-T ents testied to the very high esteem I in which the yqung couple are `held. A FIFTY9YEARS M5ARRIED~ The goiden weddxixig of Mr. and Mrs.` T. Lenuox .was.ce1e-brabedr at -friends and, relatives. were to exteudfrtio them their oangratrulatgiom. .; and raised in this County`, and livd here continuously` until jzbout as-year "ago; when t.h_ey"removed tor-Tbrovnto, .:Fo.r _b/f.nu!I`1be2rvof Athey made thoi-r -gt . when 7fMr;r ' *l'.e;1I;6x, __aa_"'in.hp .aftaerWI\N1' .. V V .3s'F9mVi ;t6VLBam` ";`wher8` ` 31.1.- _-,,""l'E-1-.`_5 -_2"`-`IRA..- 6'1. . .;_L.L2I> --.`.".L:.... their home, 18 T1-anby. avenue, To- ' ronto, Iasty week, `when a_ number of r Mr. ahd~Mrs. werebon_1' %:it;j{;,aa.;[`m :.`:m. away by her. father and looked charming dressed -_ -211- -__I-_.-_j.._.`_-,1 __._:1- __.1 Igazvwmwwn B LKJLl.lVJ'V`llLB `UV Lrwnaavy no-wow th`ey% ` on `Katy . St. a ' . %V"i1r.1.eunT% ouhhais sitbrothers. `aiz_dorie 'sister; .J_.I7. sixty-nvo -of v ; ,:hb.w; Isix. 1:..- `.15.-*:`..;..;~L:L1_5..;.;I.`I.;....;,`;.3t .: bl Ill uu l1]0l lth.~'. .;0ck1ey," :The marridge of',.,Miss` Ethel n___1.- _1~--_._L..__. ;'n"`El9..".. .-.__1 1:... Iil llVl.l,_o.,. ` . ` .. _,"__ -. 7. wannmcs vSRIGLI3Y--ACKERMAN. GARVIN-iYVA1N9K PORRI'1T--MAILIT._ERf, Werensung by Mvess1'~st; Shav} e"1"'.; Monkman. Welge, G. S- Law-` _ne-`nce_, R. N. Johnston, ` E I _ .... .. 7 'l'lw -nm.1lest piece of money used in tho- Klondike, says Mr. McBride, is tun luils. 01' 250. Living is `V61 ! cx1n-n.~i\'u- out there and the winter xwutlx.--1' wry severe. M1`. McBride 11:1 ulmuf (]t`L'id0(1 to give up mining fun: the [um-.<(-11t~ 11.116: Will thevefore not 1`0tu1'u In the Klondike. ..,_ `V ;`Fon_1f)er Qccupanis of` Chain `V the Officers.--List % U _' Wbuhipful Masters 1 ~ Since 1858. L if Th list ctf_Past Masters with the years during: which * they presided -T; W. W. Evans` `of Bradxfond, Mn] Smith of 'H=a.mi1f.ov'n,A andrmany others, all of_ whom -spent a very enjoyable` ex'{jer 1 i'n.g"; Some of the guests had not seen each` other for a. g're:Lt_number of years andlabookg gera pleasure in relating" many interesting reminis- I e_n of early days in Simc-oe_ '_C_`c;11nty-- . ~ _ ; em... W t nuxber of "mn;g.;rg* 'ar`1d,vi_sito1-s of the year. ` 1 Lennox, Dr; _E;v:u1s,of Allandale, Mr. rrr 117 1:1 _- _- 1- 11---J.L'-_._1A 11.. PAS!` JMASTERSA %` WORK DEGREES } AT comummu, ` Past Masters Night, which hag now I aimual event in Corinth-5 ian Lodge, duly celebrated Bast Thursday, and W. Master F. R. Red- fdm-; andhis oors omcmly welcom- [folalawixgg 01-`t7he pu.rpAose.3 ocf Safer- ing Auhe>_Fi1-svt " -W.M.`, Ross; I.P.M., Alex.` Cdwan; _S.W., Jas. Shmbsole; J. W., Johnsqn; Chaplain, E. R. J. Biggg; S.D., Mlm-kuian; J.D., R. G..'Ma.n.uel; S. S., G.G.Smith;` }J.s., F. sneam; I.G., F. T. Shot-t;| wu `.9. A _ Geo. Port-s qf Por_t McNiooll,' `u. up befom Justices: of the Peace dell; and. McC'01'{n1ck, selling` hquor wlthout a. lwense. and fined $9.00 and costs or four month; in jail. says The Midland FY88 Geo. Monkman, Treasurer; A. Wilk-i es,_Sw y.; _0. H. Felt, S.D.; W. A. Lewis, J .D.; Jno. B. Barr, S._S.; Geo. 0. Brown, J.-S..; M. P. Duff, I.G.; Wm. Taylor, 0.G.; W. Bros. Cowan, G. G. Donald Ross, Warren Johnston, Jas. Shrubsole, F. Sneath, F. T. Short, "E. R. J. Big-gs, and R.I G. Manuel; Brethren F. Dunn, F. TarBtish, T. H. Baker, R. King, J.- H. Swan, D. On-rrie, W. Mcliasber, W. Graves.-` T. Lougheed, H. H. 01:- ton, G. S. Lawrence, Geo. Parks, J no. N. Hobley, W. B. Webb, A. Wilkin-I son`, Thee. A. Stone, Archie Burton, F. J. Lower, H. B. Myers, J. A. Mac: |Laren-, R. Pulsford, J.` Frank Jack- f`l I'I Y. I1-_`I-__ T1 T1` T1,--- f`1 _ Q _, . _ , The customary boasts of the craft] -were proposed in the time-honord earl. way by, Bros-. . Ross, Otton, and IIeddi'tt. ` Anti Mrs. A I;en.nox were we re-' ,cjtpig;1ts of `a of handgouw sia-fm the ~ V0 J. QLLLVAVI, vi .5. CIQIDLB vuv\a-AA `;ou11`,w6.`W.: Carley, H. H. Burns, 0. ,Smit;h; and_A. S. Redditt. i | S Visitors--R.W. Br-0., Aw. Smith; P.D.D.G.M., District No. 18, Stur- geon Falls; R. W. B1-0., W. N. Shav- er, e.s.w.;. W. Bno., T. Crew, W.M.l Kerr 230; W. Bro. F. Mart; W. Bra,` F. T. Grafton; W. Bro., Meaford. -Webb; W. Bro.,-R. A. Stephens; W.I Bro., J. F. Palling; Bro. H. A.Sims,l W.-.N. Du, E. L. Welw, R. W. `Stewart, W. Edward, J. A. Ga1`vin,! J. W. Merrick, A E. Stone, W.-;B.; Hi1l,`In.gham Sharpe; W. B1-0., R. J ., Sprott, and J. E. Billing-sley, Kerri 230; Geo. McQ1;-i.~lJa.n, Zeta, 410. Eyj, G. fl`urn-bull. Coronation 466, J 213.} `Maxwell. N0. .55, -and! H. V. 1\Ic-I r.'__...;_ `KT- ADD ~ I E After tth refreshments some'e1;cel- lent` after dinner speeches were made, 5__'nota.b'ly:.by RW. `Bro. A. W. Smith, _v;v.1`3no. 1-1. Marrr; W. ro.,`R. A.l` __,J YI7I`\__ 1')- ' T-ose. prsent were F. R. Redd-itt, W.M.'; F. W. Otton, I.P.M.; John Little, S.W.; R. N. Johnston, J.W.; (1-- 1r`._L..-_._ m____,__-,- A I1'Y'II- 45`-l$II`UV'\uLl, Kennleiy, N;:2ssi" co1s1pi:1z ANYTHING BUT THE` 35;? 2 NAJD PU-c