Steain Boat Agency, Is}'15Ewn`i:'r% 5} 48,TEW urr, fBAIfRIS_-` -.ters.~`So1icitors. Notanoo Public, and Surgeon in Royal London hthal v-.. `r. . _ - ~~. -------9 Having pent 4 `years Post` Graduate work in British ospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat & Nose gospital. London Royal London Ophthalmic ospital(Moorelrla); for a term as Residen mic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital. Briato :and Birmingham ye Hos ital. Birmingham : former Member of British hthalmological society. o1='1r1cn'--73 Dum.oP suum. BARRIE. `Phone 51. P. O. Box, 96. Wehave a" large amgunt 313- 1i5;1ey to loan atlowest current rateg.either in small or in large amounts. on the security` of ood farm mort- gages *McCARTHY., BOYS MURCHISON. union - - Street Bat-`rig. V LENNOX, COWAN &'rBRO_WN,. 13AR- , ria_ters,.-SoliefforsVo1: obtaining pio- ` (bate of wills, guardianship and ad- . ministration, I and general Solicitors, Notaries, iconveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block,` No; 6 Dunlop street Barrie. -Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. V Branch oieen at Cree- more and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. main Y .1 - ' L.R.C.P. gs. Edinburgh; M.F.P. In S. Glasgow --SURGEON-_--` G; G.` SMITH 8; CO., PHONE 82. ES- tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgup and chapel in V connection. Barrie, Ontario. UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, _, Medical Building, S. E. corne Rich- mom! and Ron ..J.-.-.-a.... m- G. ..A. RADENHURST, BARBl6'1`EIi,| Solicitor, Notgary Public, to. Oce, 1st floor Bank of Toronto Building. ollonoy to loan at lowest rates. Dear Sir,--My attention` has bee to an editorial printed in the last issue of your paper ahd copied by -the Lindsay` Ward_e1_1` in 1 which you ui1d_'e-rtake to point V out ` that we Oril:1ians have living in aifo0.l_ s paradise in regard; `to the n1amu-fac- ture and sale of electric light a and I'\l\IIv1\.`a ORESWICKE & ALE ANDER, `BAR- . ..2-.I.-... '.I2-L-_-' -l LI.` G .... nanng 4 Lnimlpf .;.n.....4. aim town m- nuns _tor7s__alo an by Ltmns. Mo Duo cu Mo _ Late of '. l`o1-onto General Hospital. Olce of the late Dr. smith. colller : ` ` Phone 01. L` 32 JfA3NLD STBATHY 8: ESTEN, BARBIS'l`ERS,| Solicitors in High Court of J ustiee, ' _ Notaries Public, Coxgeyancers. Of- cee over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. `Money to loan at lowest cur- .rent rates.` G; H. Esten-. ii 3631 ESt%te85ny 4 ; - lTIo%11ey3to% Loan rite and Life Insuran'ce V DR. J; A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, et.., Coroner for Simcoe County. .Oice and residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 0011 . DR. E. ROGER WELLS, late of New York Hospital, N._Y., Man- hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y. New York Skin and Cancer Hos- pital, Grace Hospital, Toronto. Special attention ` given. to Dis- eases of the Skin. . I Oice and Residence, Cor. of Col- lier and Clapperton St. Phone ' 275. 1 , 21-ly DR- A._ '1`. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and r`e_sidence, John St., near Tcorner Elizabeth. Phone 213. DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER,` gA`;n;`-A9 AI-A 1).... A` 'D4\-Anal-A DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday, Diaeases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m.,_ and by appointment. _______.__.________._.___________ DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, etc., .L.R.C.-S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Office and residence, Dun- I.-... ..L......L n-.._:- vn-I-_.1,-4, Inn. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AN ' `Daa3.I-..-- Anncnggun "l`-----L- - ` ` IIIUIVEI IU L0 Wehave at tloweat current 'rnfm|_nIHm- an n Ir 9.1.4211 3.1-.5 , can now; .ters,-`So1icitons, Notanu Public, and Gonveyancers. - Money to loan in_ any sums at 5' per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St, Barrie. "H. D. Stewart, LL.D., D. M. Stewart. I .-u- _, --vuavul uuanulug, D. .131. mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions .left with Strathy 8; Eaten, `Solici- tors,- Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will b promptly 'attended_to. ` --u v gnu J.H\Il.V --- Eyg. Ear.` Nose 6.` jrlu-oat.A 'DI1:l|lDnvI4-numb I '....-... I\-_4- mu, lI.IHIJ II J.\lJl-IJ T JILCJJJI-KI-AV Ill-ICU, 5'45-I-U ristors, Solicitors of__ tho Supreme Court ..of Judicature ct, Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, %eyancors, otc. Money to ' loan. _Oce, Boas .block, Barrie. A. E. H. Croswieke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. . A . Unix: Il'_ ,Da|IlIEUl$5"llIIlV| mo rin nnmn IN, Anuxon UNITED sawrns _su3scIunI'ms ' $1.50 iN_ADVANG_E '\.I.L` 11.41} LU\l).!Il Jdllolln JJILLULULSJ L 1310, Solicitor, etc. Ban,k of Toronto `Building, Barrie. Money to loan. uonaon. Unice and residence, Dun .lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. vavr .u.. 1.. ans` nuu. UIILUD ALVU Residence corners of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza- beth Street Methodist Chureh), Tele- phone--167. --r--wj -.V(sqco: tb thejace Ii 1..- imwick) 269. wnI`i"'"s"3a'n9-`in Rnunl Innn n.-. J. ARTHUR Ross 2 5. Ewns. M; 5 MALCOMSQQ1` To the Editor. Barri Adv`a.u`ee-._ _* of LBuil.dings, unnnnmxzns, TI` ' BARBIE. ADVANCE _ ?.l.'l1I Thu-geot circulation 'I"nw.u. ri'Irxe:I-Vcu-cuunon or any also by far the ` latter fact demon II : rust:-nun I en. 1...... _ i;T=?_ii1'Eu .1... u z u, tn. ~ y `' 9 largest subscription V latter demonstrates } its nntrond. If ydu ha .` `. `3.311ty ;{:'ldIt0 it with the pupex'v$1:E:yr::la(11<:`}:3rt'`8 to 3: 31731413030! the pnce. es the mile gdvernemnts are charged accord. Ipuoef-l2 lines nonpareil m . 1": :4; `inch. . V "`s` Me on. V mHIEUQ- A .. .. I. ..-n-.... f-1`HU Ii;SD A.Y,= 1 %_'1;9!*h=rW.v=!#v| "cu ' nentinaertlon 5 cents per xii`; int. each . -n` notices. 10 cents per nm, for insertion : 5 cents per line for each :1. the; acne matter. obit: llbseoue V Poetgy l!l'|Il'IlI.~bru AI Iuvnv . __ '5 Adverun will please bear in mi - vv|.[J 7' you sauovo a oonnn-mcux. msuv ~ gtco will boziven on application. K` ` ' ' : cox nuc'r cnneexs. `mi um tlaemerm ce not 1 1 ~ jay It 10 o'clock. and the co a e! um f g_ J ' mustbg in THE ADVANC`.yo::`:;?g um: than 12 oclock noon _on ,M9nday in H, HOOK. "II Q `IVA:-Ocean - -- =,;e.:.*:-.:*..*:.r::,:.s*::t:t.s:';*;. L_V,_, ' - 111.) 1 AA pf; omce "5; than oclock on Mo d ' W693. othox-Wi_le the a lvertis_r s ann W In gay, not be I_nade public mm! 11- 3. A coxnaxsnn ADVERTISEMENTS. ' Gonienaed advertisements on rs! an wantsot all kinds, logt and f_ound,page 8" for saleorto rent apeqrc amcles. etc etc mtut be accompanied wxth the cash. ' Cuts for.advo'tiscments must in _ every case hcmounzcd on solnd metal base; CRAIGHURST-, om. LICENSED AUCTIONEER `E33 11-: gg.._._... _ - -_.w :-vAv&-IJI\ `roa To-iE-c<->uN-rv or sIMco. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales THE am wigs MIME gumuuwnurers or and Dealer; in all kinds ' V Rough and Dressed Lumbcr noors.8asII. Blinds. Interior Finish. 1: columns, `ranks and water Trouggcg Pla Matching. Moulding. P. -3, mg, Hot Blast IA):-ying Kiln. C V M Luuln and l :llssh':giLlla';dwood Floors -Limited llanufaeturers of and Dealer; ROIl2h And nrnacn I .....1, u oycvuully ` Contracting and Building Estimates given, 0l"l"lcE--BAYFlELD 3 l`.. BARRIE. ONT JOHN JENNETT f It wpullud appear; aaocond_i11g` to `the. Otillia. pazpems, that if one wishes to (by way of . contrast) the Business azdmeinistration (oxf the un- bueinesslike administmtion) of ' the Orihlia `power plant, you should go behind the barn or under the bed; and then do so in whispers. It, 53,. also, cutnrently 1`e'D0l.'hed that if a11(}A1-illixa citizen suggegtgeny improvement, or advocates any change in the system of mahagement of the power plant he is guilty of lese maieste, and liable to hecionle 9, marked` man for ever. Such is the excessive egot.is1n' of the Orillia boio's-texfs, gs seen by outsidmsa 1 duli ~ Druggist. [$1. J_lmF __& Groolml FIE'19D!!.9Y!99.n%!1Hl Tn: Anuxcn 13 Lmjt ah-nnlntinn no M. I NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNERY n for all orders in CAS l`l.\'G REPAIRS, &:c. Is 0 MI MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. Alias a marvellous efect on rough skin. One or two applica~ tnons will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the ~ski_n acquires the smoothness and softness Of a baby s. Glycedonia `is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it. "Price Iseand 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. T. RATEE Brewed Entirely from the Finest ` - Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST B_A{a R I E Publuhoilirom the-oloe. 1; {male Street. lsn1e.1n tho County of Simone 9 Pro- vlnoanf Onmc- lknnulmn I-v 7 :"K_`7.'?anj8-act a General Banl-Eng" . . . . Notes Discountul 4`.-A780nqb_le rates. .. Collec- ' `h A` . . . . , V ,f'pa_1/algle dnyu-luzre. ogucfde banks ccwlzcd W Q/'ex,change. or Collected Nots. and Accounts given BARBIE BHEWING GIIMPANY T.Beecroft " `L:-;1'i:IVo;Lf_'ak1;vorable terms. , _, _--..-.., .~.,. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of `farm and stationary machinery made - moderate prices. and repaired on sholtest notice and -____-- l.--..v-av TJAI work done by expert machin- ` int and guaranteedrst [class __o. MbNKMAI]. Splendid ALE and women ' The Best and Brightest in Cask and Bottle BANKERS MANUFACTURERS. Expert Machinists `,. .o1r.. 6:. CO. IIIIUIIIIIE nara a special! nA n..:I.u:...._ 1.`, A _P_H7O-N_EV {as thicounty 6! Simone tePr6- ' 'uI0O0f On 0 .5 Thursday ornmc, $1 , IIONPSON LOIBBW. ' PUILIIIIBI. -- : px-oven tn of any paper in th , Ilanaggr nust every hm- Barrie. % - ~ ` .. o ` . . o ` o - V m Grunvonhnx- st`&"Alhnd &le. `its `Km 11 II 'f7`l;.Ip `n_1..'l`oronto lmnidland 'MIo,1n: -'11.: p` |n; `III um ' {Daily inluding`. Sunday. ` ` .`0RII.LIA*s POWERJPLANT `"f5"];[{4iia"n-:1.` (via 33:... tlpm . ` 21.... --..IIA A-g Tunm or . Bu %' bx. run 111 AQQIDOOCD Ono ' A`-1-I um... No. 53.; N no -llpm v-....-mu-~. 0 w..~W w '.."*%-xx: 0 ~19 0 has wa8zmg0tin8[ 048.000 in ;the :'P03.t` twelv wears +-during` 'm..j0.'Z-Vb aumptiom -had? M 00 0 zuiihgw f pbwef-'0 . _Sa_1fy*;0.0?%j` `In reply to Mayor Frost s letter, let` us here state that if-he reads~o'_ua- editorial ,,' l1ezwi}.I ;oh-Serve that we'refex1re_d! to the rates ch.a.1-gecf dur- jng the past few years, when power `was sold at $16 per h.p., ' and! we stated that d`uring__-this time a bal-| Vance from thigrat o-u':1dJ not reason-* ably: be ..toabe found '0nthb right "side of the ledger. `His Ship points out that . A. 4' I tvnnnn. 8180 n m.11j`w,ho.d:oes not.,!t Accord:-t tliiiiplilztt has -pdyin88 stated` that d'u:ring_ this time` ba1- [ 30,4,` We ;du- t,h':,_t Q1.i1a_ has a_ dgbetil- 1 anoe from thi\ra,te oaulds not reason- * tum indbtedness of `$537,373, as a_b1y* be, `expected =b fd. `"1 *9 oompaiedv-witht $327,055 in 'Bam'ie.. right side thetledtger-, Hm Wor- Again .we.nd that they levied taxes ihlli wrllwtmggethgtplagignligsw lag t0 the amount $82,803 as against. we-ve years 9 _ learn - g - i -' - $48,000, olvei-t-ands tboe all charges. $70 355* "~1.3r"" And W m whiclrltas gone to rduiise the taxes of the'.people,.`t`Wlno'se"taxe?s? -'1`he?V _ . A 3 V . .. m'a.11\w.11a o'. power and .. 1ig'ht= and `F8 Wkaiiouttreeiwiingt 3` ingto' this .g \.1min' at wtt has &,.;pQ!`.011'_t33. 0$t -. nur_.;_.1.-':- 32` '*~-*`-'- a. ' - vrvv vv-vv-- Pvcvuyl up-.>_`1;v"\;. . She ;r1u;waa[.been ail its obhzatnom. ~1m-. it-...;wuy;': ,and y In; * . .. =.;....`:_::`.:.:;; .2` ~w-herre. everything goes as you say we ~{v'uI.|I \aIU\|(lII,'_ LIL?` .I._1J'VVl. nupuu I Merry ash an--marrlaxge `be1l. _ The Town is st`i:ll- proepering, ne;w factor- ies are ooming in and: bst of all we are holding -the ones we have. The people of `this community who blaz-' -ed- the way for H37df1-o-E=1ectric" de- velopment in this Brovinoe may be trusted.` to_sta.y .with the gwam, ne~ ga-nclyiess. of any criticism. They'hav.- ing..1_ong'.ago` marked out a course, will 'foc1'low,. steadiiy .01).. ' seeking -to do their bst for Calla-da _by` doing. tvhoior best for O.ri;1-I-ia, . I have the honor to be,`dear Sir,_ ' ~Y0u=r9 ve1'.y tru'ls_', .. 3 new 4-. --.-go.-.....' % " `_i==9,hke_ for 2 ftand .ixtar-ve}; To g"-ive_. this :_oon`t.ii1-. nous we'ha ve %spemt-thoxmanclta The I ameum; can b_eVrveas`oma.b1y expe`cte_d{.41-omy.poweVr 'trans.m1tted at long d1stan9e, an the -increase rates wil4lf.eventl1a}l737 have Ito be -mtt_by this Company.. operate by p0w!er>doeloped'at.'long" distance -.I_ imagine many dz"icultiesL you will meet with .in`those' You: will Jsu-rely .then Vha1z e more` :sym`pathg for yam` `neighbors. . 1 BVIIVI III VII `of - plb as.a.~Town where poxwgi is sold cheap,-; -The.' Town Ahead! n:v`n A - A A . ..\._..b`-.:.-_'. ' _...-.. -.. __ ---- misfortunes ,thot. have V ` u . bake:- a: dozen among. ouro`citizens".';vwhi_6` ; dbnsefmost to place thIs_. ".*?1Vi9N position aheo of I certainl-y `feel! tllatryou owe Dril- }ia a. retractioxl of the ,' publisled!` and . an apology fdrI.'. the injury done a sister town who have never lu51d..a't heart a.11ythi1Lgil;)uAt the most kiudaly `feel-iug~ for tl1'e'oitize.ns ` of Ba.r1`ie and} the pnogress and; pros-' pewity of our beautiful County -'1`o.wn. I am at a loss to know whore ;-you got such erroneous irnpnessioius of the facts in to the develop- meut of Ori1.l'a?s plant, which has, proven `to be -a. proposi tiou axiagla a- most valuable asset." I doubt vrymuch if, even. with `the mistakes thsiwhwve been and` , , with, ,itjw01_d?-be possiblej to`-"u37-' vote.-to {par't;.'vvitgh uplant_th*gt* has -in the brief of a"few.-years ...,. the o In frwniing our schedule of rates! for light and; power we conaulated; and` investigated every source of in-forma-' ! tion with the one desire of fairly` charging`. for service rendered and in.` seeking to perfect `our plant -have at great expense installied new appara- tus, `recoxistrueted our distributioxi station and` built an eauxi-liaryi line t6 the Big Chute, and at present are engaged in rewi-ring and.-_l:ighting-rthe Town in niostwaapepuroved form, giving _0ri.llia as eicient vserviee ' and pm- tection as may be found.-, any where and at such. prices: as are fair to the ` consumer and protable to the Muni- cipality, plant; A ' 'We hope still =to--keep in the game flan nnnnlln. .1`.-. n "`A..... ._L_..- ....._....| I-I` `Kc `VIl llV7IV_IIJV`,Ul|-`UVVf'lb and selling piice of power. .` That the householder is helping toapqy for the -light burned: in oices, hotels and stores. That the debentures are paid of `general! tax rate an-dnot .._ LL- --....'2`..4.. -`LL- ._'I-..L ; wau aa&AvAuawnL>VUJ v'u.1 ]lV\VGl` up` partment that; the Vestimsatd receipts for the current year will} amount to over fty-ve thousand} ($55,000.) dolvlars. Take from this opera.ti11g ex-_. penses amountin-g` to seventeen thous- -and ve . hundred ($17,500.00) dol-p lam, 7'l68.VCS us `with thirty-seven thous_and- ~ ve hundred ($37,500.00) do] to pay princicpal and: interas'-t` d-ue, amounting to twent.y-three thous- -andl two '1m.ndred and: ninet.y-four` ($23,294,00) dolxliars anti you wilulnd thzmt we shall have on fourteen .thousaud, two hundjred anti six , ($14,- 20_6_.00') ' dollars for ~1'gdm<;tim1 of tax- quvvoun-I] \.|NJI~l|I-LV `VII J`/u|`|J'\.alll|U|ll |l.I. van` ation or to be spent `in improving or extend1n_g the plant. ` You,.fy.that the -txpayer ._....I ....J'l:.... ......-- -1 ..._..`_ - "I.`L-A. 51"..-. J \lIIII'9_ LE7" II. `JD ' I II! \W1`J,,`J\I`-'0' 00) dsoars 0:8: cost of operating,` diebentures , and interest, which has gone to reduce the taxes of our people. ` ' ii-ZTm"}h"ea1 'g" o?h3"uE" 9 Let me say that the i'evenue- -fmm cost of production with theexception of one` or. two when them were heavyv Ilossee through accidents, of. this theme can be no doubt .wihatever, as the books of our 'l reasurer--re- putedi to beone of the most aocumte municipal services of ._the hI rov_ince_-- will show. Further that me say t:hee~ over and certied; by our Audit. De-' quite recently `woharve had! an audit made by a firm of chartered ac'oo1unt- ants in Toronto andwe have also had the advantage of the -service` o-3" ex.- _ L- r -.. -- 11...`--- 1'3I-_;__'2, and capable accountants in the accounts have been .gurefuilb' gheekedf partment, and to makeideou-hbly` sure.` ....- w...,......,,., \J'J. ....., W. 1.1`). ..... parts from tl1aHy~da'o-Electri_c-COIm- mission; all on the accuracy 'of the accounts which show that the power. plant T inste-ad of . axlding to the bu-rdsens of tqhq ratepayers.` has actually earned` in. . the last twelve years forty-eight thousands` ($48,000 nf\\ 2....-... ....-.3 .....n_.. ..-..J. J T "W, sf'FRosT, (_)riyla1i9a,`-N<\)'v. 4th, 1912. `Mayor, L Vo.....a.-1..-.4. madam. main: `I am-in&'o rxnesd,Vby our w=er_d_e~ ....;.....-..1. 43...; J.'L_~ -..;.2___-;.-JI -__-___-;_ So we see Orilliifs power pliant, which was paying, a dividend for twelve: years, found it_ necessary to increase the rates, about $7 per ho1jsae_ `tibwer. Why ?. To earn bigger divi- dend-s?e Surely not in Va municicpa-1 I.i11stitut-i911 run for thefbertet of the people." In the face of these sux1'~pl'uss-' es, Hon. Adam Beck, .who is moedued 1:0, be -p1veAtty"wel:l' informed on _mat1'ers electrical, stated? on the public plat- form that steps would betaken to put a .'stop to_suoh -places as Orilliia, selling` powerat a loss. Who is 1-ig_ht? Adam Beck`_or the` Ori-Ilia, ' A-g\, if the taxw `are bein}; re-! duced at such a` liberal rate 'fr.ovm str- plussg from the people's peorwerr plla11t, "why do they not redn1ce-i!he tax rate? In Bookiugup 1:he`m11n.icipa1 statistics 'a.8 fl1:1'I`li8=hed by the =govetrnm'ent pe- 'Q\tu\a`- Q-vl\ Jnlunl. f\__`1`_'_ `L; `I; __, ,,.....,. IIIVJVKII .....u.. W w,~....,w. . I Council not elaim ito ! have evolved "a `perfect tari`, but has elxdeavovedto make an equitable ad: justmseant of ratwf anti time _of course alone will prove whether~this' has been done. - Meantime every user` of- electric. current should pay ` the I new rates cheerfuJ11y.. I tours uu.\.r-unuuu; vvuvbuu . I Factory rates, one d9o11a.r per ,an-' .num per 16 c.p. socket. `installed. -To" nobtai-n this conoessioxr there must be employed the year round not less than 12 hands apart from office .sta , and at least twenty-ve lamps must be : instalied, or twenty horse power motor must` be'ouperat.ed. 60131..` (Y---..-1 1.-.-.. ..-J. _3-2-;-V ~.L_ 1 "W!" ( There -has" been an adjstmsent in meter rates favorable to the` large coxxsumer, but this section will not become operative till J uue 22: Meter rates, 10 cents 1ier`thousand_ watts per socket iustailnlled per_ `month. Con- muuption ` over that to be 71/. ' per thousand watts. T TB. ,_A...... _..4.... - 1.,11, lamp. _ The recent changes in tasri for at rates for Jtighting in; the new by-law, viz.: Dome-st-ic, 25 a month, and oommefcia-1 30c month, for` 16 c .p., or -50 , watt tungsten urnL-___ 1__- 1 _, , 1,? . A nal meeting was held Wedmes-L day aftefnoon, . when a by-law was passed putting a- new tariff of power` rates into operation. The recent changes, in skighting tari mere also embodied (in the by-1a;w,- with some amendments in regard `to meter ra.te._ the indie bin'.( )ri`lE`a. Oril-H lia of .M.amch 21st, 1912, M9 clip the - following reference to in- cgea.s_ee in in Orilliaz ...,,. ,..... _............ . . I LOver 10 horse powe;-,9 actual cur?! rent consumption on `basis: of maxi- mum 20; minutes peak by kilqwatt ampere -measurement, $23 per -11. p. `per anuum. ` ` ' AL.._- -__, 1-.-__ 4--- `1:_ _ - I 1.11.5 ucnauusalo Above _a.r_e for ten `hour service. If '24 hour service is required, $7 per ,_h.p. willfbe added, making the rates 1m 3 'h,p.,' $42; 3 to 10, $37; 10.] A....]. A--.-... CD011 V.T'1; e b:lav~ pi-&3{d2s"r< E1}; ' _1owin g- charges for power, all rates _of eoursae being subject to 20 per cent._ discount for prompt payment. " 4 Mowoas. . 1 to horse power $35 per h.p. per v u: 1'wl`.`(;:`3;~uE$mt 10' horse power, $30 per h.p. pem-_annum. ' .(\_- ... an 'L.,.__' __,,,,q. , - 1 4- . vv v lgl-II, Ipi yandi over $30. jTlm Town Council has had a busy Wleek` into -the question. of -a revision, and readustmemt-, of . the rates charged for ...Mr. C`-has-.. Leacock, ofthe Hydro-Electric Comm 1ssion s- -sta of ' engineers,` spent a day on-two in conference with the Council `and a~- d;is'-cussion of the whole question -has been exhaustive]-y entered; into. . ` motive yowcan have for g`-iv` ing prublicity to suolr` ..abs_u nd! :;t`-.j1tu}' ments I caxmot unudierstiand. Becf 3. sclldfmg out statements W-hich.` wi']a1C1i doubt injure our Town, you fmighf at least ' tak_e11 the ti~bub1ej,a in- vestigate the facts and yopr edtibovrial would: never luwe T ' I` no 3, T'3:o.-.Zi;_I`|-~85` To think ab_out 1fepl`enijshing y}ou'r` lil)'rary"\v;ith.`sc >r'ne; of the .stndard_ works. 1?er'haps: ?y.ou do` not care to pu`rchaSe 3. % Sm 0` *6%stande.rd%5vihrs W<>rks~ 58} f<=s**%i+f them`W!=% %35SineS5s$MehdsAms1id% " gI5aw;:i;:sLjshqu1a rrmgg ofA?a'%ba`rjk s% rg*i1i :ies ag merchants :1 for farming, to be prptablhe; must he Ad ogc;`on .b_usiQ`gs .line~s, ~ V 4- BANK OF TORONTO ' "Tl%\ [ak e: and V condant (Of th AAIf3_ank% Man'ag`e;r Consult with gbimtas `to loans, "investments, ; purcha'se's and other business transactions. L ' V ` The b usiness of farmers is welcomed by` % % 2. Ass'n%1's%%s57,ooo,ooo-A % _ L_ 3'! |5*~L ` A 3-A5W5_"5I .ms'r -ms Ixaujrnia. The `new -post is in ioperation in `the United: States , and-. a series of twelve stamps for the ex-. elusive use of this service" is to be issued; There will be three series for 'distribution on December 181:. i u \4\Io, V_VLL.l\.'JI La 1..ll.U1'UuB'l.Ilg' 1% IS not the Toronto` RaJ':].1Wa,y 001., `H even `though you might think 30` around six p.m-.,.re1ma.-rksg.The To`-nonto ' However, this. Cmxadiafn % sandrine : Co.,' which is increasing` its is (not. +}m 'I1m...`..+,.- p..:.1v...... rm -_--- It may be sur-prising,,'t`o most Canadians to learn thazit the number of business fai-lsums: im' C'a.n-` ada,` last ya-r was pro:port.iona.tely greater than those `in the United: States. According to gures , unoi-' cially compiled, there `was one busi- ness failhmre ' in` :(}an_ada last year for every 5,100 of populsatioxg. while in the United States` rthere `was one failure in every 6,978 of the po:pul_a- tion. Blarrie, as usual, `Was one of the fortunatetowns` in this 4. To what account have the ex- penses of the Imfortunahe accidents and renewals` (not additions) to plant been charged? To current expense account or to.oa.pita1 account?` VWhhVt, provision been made for depre- ciation ocf tihelvaluelof thefplant? ,. . 2." That Orillia .-{power rate has `been incneased, on `advice of a. Hydro Electric Commission Engineer,` when it shou-Id have been nedauced. If a prot -has been realized for the past twelve years, why increase the rates, when the peak load is greatly in- nviao can-`.9. i ' ` Is Valiy evidene_ in the tax rate -for each of the past ten from the, Oril-liaa plant waslessening the brundiem of the ordinary taxpayer |on' _lo,we1-ing the assessed valuation? yea:-s`,'.t1ha.t 'the re,venv.e (11l`p1?i1S) |' -I--. -11:111. 44.L'wcu.u,.1.I\7.:|\ .uu_Iu.' uU ll! /D` |x.tat1on` H1 sta.tin*g on the open plat- '1o11*m~ 0r11=1-1a s `power .was sold` at` ` at-No Eek} %n;m 'v'v1'1'1' ;e}':ia;; :0 the sub-` common but until the money is paid. T Buhucribera now in srrearotor three` months, and over will be churned !1.50ver annum. gave-. pg 5` ';-eased? town whgne big from the `power plant are going ta pay 9. por- tion - of Aecordtinge ` to Mayor .Fmst s guring them will by a- surplus` of $14,206 to" reduce the taxes_ this year," and: if thes increases `keep mounting up, ~the people of. Orillia wil-1.soon have 'no` taxes to pay'a1: (m theory); _ " `- .A between` rates in Barrie" and Orilalia not be,` l of place -here.` The Barrie Electric Light plant is conducted under separ- ate management from the Town Coun- cil,and the plantis made `to pay its own way, any surplus goingm reduce the rates. Upon investigation we learn that * the average Barrie house hav- I ing 20 incandescent lights pays about Orilnlia. householder on at rate would pay according to their rates `quoted above. Twenty lights at 25 cents each makes $5.00 per month or $60.00 per year, and the 20 per cent dis`- count "brings" it "down to $48.00, or just $23 more than the average in Barrie, --for the privilege, we pre- sume, of- a-lalowving his lights to burn` all day long when he does `not need them. Or, perhaps, this dierenae in the price between what experts have certified to she a. ` most equitable charge in Barrie, and what the Ori.l- lia householder is `called on to pay, according to the schedule given above, may have been going to re- duce the power rate to what Hon. Mr. Becakstated .was.below zest. $2500 per year. Let us see what an In summing up the situation we would direct attention to the follow- mg: ` V 'H0weve;', this. ` ...L3 .1. Min- 1. Hgn`. `Adgnn Beck` had no 139$- L-1.E __ , NOTE AND COMMENT. In The Ad.-vimrce of 31st appeared; an editoari-al; reference to Orilliafs power p:1ant,_ and: although the L article was written only for the` purpose of deinonstratirig the advan- tageous position of Barriss . electric -liigl1t.._.plant in- with that of Orillia, and was not pub1-isvhed; in any spirit of malice tvotwyards Orillia, or in hopes of injuring our -sister town on Lake Couohiching -- the- green-eyed glasses through which it has been read`, undoubtedly, have had ? tendency toohameleonize the mean-. ng, and the contents have acted somewhat as a -red rag would to the bull. A moderate and well-temapered letter, in which he points out alleged inaccuracies, has -been received from. His Worship, Mayor Frost, but the three_ Orillia papers have J)ee;n" throwing ts of varying degrees of severity. These .ohil:d.ish displays of bad` temper, on the part of our con- ten1_pova.ries-, we can well aordl to_ ig- none, but we gladly give 'pu:bl-ic_at1pn to Mayor F1'ost ~s-'laetten',.a.s `fsol-laws: ,