Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Nov 1912, p. 1

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; BETTER VENTILA'l`ION. ? " Trustee King said that" the Toron-E to scho01'reg"u~la.tio11s called for the tlmowing open "of, every window for a few minutes during the recess period. This information was volun- ivhen A1idr_er\vs said A__ I/L`L`~|\.4V.I4' .IVAI.\zAl. AAAL uJo|ru\.1 AL5I\.I.l\;'!V7 uuau L % there was 1. diversity _f.,opinion as `to ` }vhethe_r the Scahool ch `was heat;-` `V IIVJUIKIL Il'\p- &I\.0II\V\IL LI"J\D-I \.Ii `V CAIN! A-11-0-V ` I ing the streets or the schools. Tnrs-E _tee Andrew agreed. with Trustee King that the pure air admitted dur- ' ing recess could. be heated more quickly t.h_an impure'air. V 4n..'I `Old .1 .11 1 Some `of `the children . take colds fro1n'the` method of opening `the \ windows from the. bottom ` during [school 'h01u's, said Trustee Otbon. If! the windows are opened, it should from the top. ? - ' L It is no use nding fault with the` \ caretaker ?over the amount of fuel wasted, if the windows} are to remain opeIi,7ssaid` 'Ilru.stee Andrews. There-r is e11o11gh-Awastecli-nonv, to heat `the, school. V .Al1'semed to agnee -thzat Vth prop-E er ti-1nI to.a.ir the schools was during! the recess pewiod, a.n:d'so:me- such re,-I u~1:atio11s will be put .in_ force. } ._I1~sP1~:c'roR s,,_ REPORT N01` For: .PUB~ ' .Ipector _Sp-ottaon s report was laid on. the table, with rermark that it w_as,.for the , pelrue-al of the ` Bacardi only, and! not for publication. One extract `from it will: b found below. - - T L _Mom: PLANS FOR CoI.LEG1A'rE L Stewart & Whitbon, avdhitects of `Hamilton, sent sket-cah o qpropdsevd additions to `Collegiate building in which they had endeavored to avoid a1_lVcogst.1y" alterations, and` to remain the class in the pgeaent build- ing. We be1i"ve, f their letter said-, _`the. only point `in whidh. this.doe_sf not. strictly cozinply with require- meme bf the "of Etiucation _is Sbllfth east class rdomqn groound ..oo1\-V not twq. b cm`-_rider,~ _as{ sQoonati;- door. woulii cut the 0 , ~1 1`;~, i 1, _ . -_1.' 1; -_L9-_ J wall space for blackboard behind This pptinlzetl out to. the D-pt. in fqwmanding plans for \39i15Pr0val._' An alternative wd_u1d_' i he .'toWha.v_3 both glass jone` 4VSide.>0f-the main . `and on: 511* 100 $50,000 T0 REMODEL coumns '1`h_e .S`c ~hqol` Boyd met on Modixyw LICATION `BOER WAR VETERAN ` BLEW HEAD o1=1= , WITH SHOT GUN Sergt. Alfred Garner Was `Out Shooting When Accid- ental Discharge `Proved F atal.-Leaves Wife and Family of Four. shmving over 3-`%.-'~i.n'c'hes. , From;3'p;m. Tuesday until 9 am. Wednesday orver an inch of rain desoemdiecll, and some diatricts reported_ rsomeshail. " ' "' The October ' temperature .Was much. the same as the 001`1`%D0nJi1Lg month year, but on. the 12th of ` November, 1911, the; weather` turned ,`I_-2_'I-j1~_# ,`IJ_,, ; \J\Jvavsvvus.] 1J\.r-uvustz. V \rauv II 0 .5. JUL snorwf disappeared and December, up to about Christmas, V 1911, was a. mmarkably milcdi -month, so mild , in- deed-, that ,g_0l_f enthusiasts played. on thelinks until nea-r Christmas. L ` Ther has a; remarkab1e~ra.in; ' dxuting the mpnth of October, the {SHOE FACTORY GETTING` , ' -THEIR MACHINERY IN ` Underhills, Limited, the new shoe factory, are having much of their machinery installed. A number of sewing machines are now in the "building, and electric motors are be- ing` installed and wiring done this week. ` ' ` ~ ` Alfmd Garner, a gardener for Mr. |D.T T. VReses,\B1ake St., was found neat the water edge opposite Canon VCody s property on Tuesday, withjthe `top ofhis head blown gr hy ac- ! cident'a.1 discharge bf Ilia} slibt Mu; 4-U-`-vuwa ****** `"87 4-=--m su---w foame down town and eiilisted the {services of Mr. C. W. Carley, who in company with Mr. H. C.- Ghannen, made thorough . search of the shore. About 10 o clock they discovered the I lifeless -body lying on some boards at the foot of a bank, and but a few feet `from the water s edge, and just op- `. site the property of Canon Cody (the Somers property). The gun was sta.ndin-g- agaihst the bank,` and from the -appearance of the position of the body, Mr. Gamervhad been in the actiof drawing the gun to him, muzzle first, when the trigger caught { one somenthing and the contents of one of the barrels was discharged. It is apparent that the fe forward 1 down the bank. T The whole top of the 'L__,`I -_,`i LL- _.!..LL ._'_`I. _E LL- J3--- 1 On Monday morning, ;Mr. Garner ` went out otowdo some hooting, and ; when `he did not return at night, his wife became anxious about his safety, 1 thinking he must have` fallen into the water, and as he could not swim, ,she feared he must have drowned. Early Tuesday morning, Mrs. Garner ...._1. -.`.-1:-.,..1 `L- --_..- J.'__.... L.......-- .1. an-v I 52.3 ``f{7~ight. si vv:.n.\/1.1.; V-J1; UL IaAo\/ de of the face were blown off, and the man s brains were scattered near the plane where the gun , was found. -5 (`AC - A T 7Coroner Dr. W. A. Ross and Chief Kingwe1e notied, and: the former deolared death `to have been almost `instantaneous. An inquest will be. 1-1] } Alfred. Garner, Who .Was a. native `of Nottingha.m, En-g.1and!, came to Barrie some nine yeavs ago. For some years he worked: at the Barrie iTanning' 00., and two years ago he eI1g'8-8'66: With. Mr. D. T. Rees, as g:ar~ d. -e_ne'r,j'to Look after Gnlen. Ormo-nd:, `on Blake St. V With his fa.miL`y he 1ive'd'font.b.e premises. ~ 4 .1 tn 0 RAINFALL DURING ~ OCTOBER. ` He was a. member of the Sons of `England and an ex-Sergeant in the 35th Regt. He had served: with 1st Royal Scots in India and in the Smith African War. -Mr. `Garner was_ one of thosoe who saw service. throughout. the` whole Boer` War, and was made prisoner by the Boers` once, but was shortly released, after being. strippetd of arms and uniform. `He patticipated in many of the ;no.ta-`ole engagements and was at `Paan dier!burg'.' " Since living: in B'an'rie` Mr. Garner actetii as. Ar- .. Ouries Sergeant.-X was 9, mem-' be'r' of; Trinity O-hufrch and ssmg in ichoi1-".i He among his and "was devoted: to his *iv:ife`f fajmi,-ly,v rarelygbing ` a.way7 ipom. He; w'a*a rma.n- of-gooid, P1'..i'n`,3.ii !19i"_V . a faithful 9'7 ' gofl Lite Gvaxmetr, i`fw:h.`.)f 3` UV. by W. I..'.Q3"'l"_-..'..;J:_-.3. ..:..u; ~...:...._-`_1.1_1._ . .- 1- 13 V rveFund. r;g;1a::a2:!s:z pram .o..e.4 ' _ an COUNTY .JUDCE ` FQR 50 YEARS HAS RESIGNED Senior Judge Ardagh Will Take Well-Earned Rest.` _ --Speculation as to ' ` Successor. _ T'l`1e_announcement was made from Ottawa Last week that His Honor Judge Amdagh had tendered his resig- nation, as Senior J udage of the County, a position he has held since the resignation of Sir J ames R. Gow- an in 1883, and `it has since been I____ ____`I A..I_-A_ ,'L. . Speculation is rife as to the prob- abie suocssor. There have been many names mentioned, and among these are: Mr. G. A. Radenlmrst of Barrie, Lt.-G01. Scott of Kincardiue, W. G. F ishser of Alliston. Lt.-Col. Bruce'of Collingwood others. Vl`1._ _-___-.---A. (V-._.__...__--L -1. I\l. 9' Us; llL8VV`l.r\l'\,|. ....u \IIIl>l-\.`-A10 The present Government at Ot- tawa have been appointing local men to -their own county judges-hips, as has been the case in Muskoika, Grey and Ontario, and it is most; likely that a Simcoe County barrister will be appointed; From good auth- ority, The Advance -learns that Mr. W. G. Fisher; a popular barrister of Alliston is the most likely man to succeed Judge Ardagh, and! it. is be- ,~_ -2 L'_,. ,1,-:-_ ._-.,_1J. __---;. ___:A.L uuu.u .';. 4.;;.u..,q.-u., ouu. u.|. uuv .Lu<:v. .LJo B. Ardiagh, the first Anglican clergy- man at" Barrie. Upon Judge Gowjan e i resignation in September, 1883, Judg`e Atrdmgh was elevated to this `position of Senior Judge. and" Wil- lliam A. Boys was nmde Junior ; Judge. V J _u=dge Boys resigned in 1908, Valid J udgve W'isme1' of Essex. was up- i pointed Junior J udge. T..,1...n .\...J.-....1. L... .-,-.a. L.-.,\-- I... Al...-. It was :1 Wet day in Al1an:d;a.1e and the fat drummer ,who wanted the 12.50 train got to the depot platform at just 12.51. The ensuing handicaap was Watched with intemest. -At its .eonc1`usiosn the breathless and per- spitring knight of the grip took the back trail, and a station employee asked}: Mister, was you hryin to ketcht that train? No, my man, mplieci the drummer, I was merely `chasing it out of the yzurd." . v;I;3.t"i`t: `11`.:;s `l:;n m2`1`.ou<:eptzed, and that _a new Senior J udige will be appointed? at once I T_-.'l..- A...`l___I I, I I Judge Ardagh has. been very close- ly identied with the legal ami judi- `cial business of the County for oven` half .a century, a.p.d throughout tha County he has been held in the great- naf tsarlhrsnarn Lo. LLA D-..-L .\...J 1)..` est esteem by theVBench and Bar. Aiter his graduation, he practiceti law in Barrie being a member of ne of the first firms in `business ere. A.._.. no 4 -- 2 - Up to 1872, Judge James R. Gow- ian carried: on, Without aid, the ard- uous work of his judicial territory, `which included the County and the districts as far north as the Frenohi River. In October, 187:2, the Work i grqwn so much that the govern- ment appointed a juniorr judge to as- sist J udge Gowan, in the person of John A. Ardag'-h, n`of1the Rev. 3. A _-.1'_ -41- .1, , !,,.' l/vn.n-.s'\.-\L U 1.-Luau; u \.u.\.A.=, 3 J Lndge Ardagh hasbhot been in the `best of health" for the past two years, j but has;-regained: much of his activity of Late, and his many friends will unite in hoping that he may LC-. spar- ed for many years to come. He is now in his 7 8th `year. o..-___1-L:-_ :- __ L, LL- __-1_ 7I.UL \/\.I'\`\.l KIl.I\.%\.r` 4--s\.uoT.s;.. u.ouu\.I.' sv ; iyiieved this choice would meta [ most general approval. a $1.09 PER ANNUM m ADVANGI: I ' omau COPIII `nun ctnn-I can` only be` ptoperly appreciated by the "test of taste. Order` a loaf or two, and after` you have tried it you will have such a liking _'f6r it.'that you will _:yv_ant,'it always. BRYSON THE QUALITY or OUR BREAD YOU CAN ALWAYS YouRMoNEY;PRoMPTLy F. T. SHORT. ,- - Mana_g_e_r LONDON. ENG-9 BRANCIL :1 Tin-nnalnooallo EL. ILIL up Total Assets (Over)-: if it. is depos-itred Union" of Canada. When that -unfoxyesabeen need arises, or an apporbunitygomes to make an exceptionally piotablk cash deal. it is worth much, tofbe able to got your casllvwithouigdelay.` _ Bfezmwhilc it- is smbsol-u1te1y._sa'fe is ea%1-nin.g.r I11terest all the time. , ~ ` ` Barrie Bt;anch. r. w. X511?` """5'"'"-.'"" "hi"--I-r` . G. M. C. HART SMITH. Alllsllnl Mil . I [f_||_'-|=IE=I==-El MISS.E%S?=% l'.'| 11.()a.m.---) --VIII u . rer: MEALS+- 2 cams % % F M. D. Cubltt-Nichols, v - l1.0z1.m.---Mattias, Litxany and sermon 3.0 1>.m.---Sunday School and -Bibl Classes. ~ V. ; ....._.._.__ _._ , _ VOL. LXI. No.` 43 Thompson ; |CABS2 sHoR'ra:;'; NOTICE--- - Special attention devot-A "lg guthcringq 90 to comforts of patrons attending even-L C. `H. CUNNINGHAM _. Sl'('C!`.Ss-um an 1 w nnnmv . V} 11- uuluvuiunnlvl , 7 ; P .\l'('L`ESB()R TO J. w. scorfr ~ ~ ` hone 478 day and 410 eVeII,|n8'1 \ Residence: 88 Mary street 43-46 .f 5 fozr. and. IL-be ' `y at FOR- Dr. Bosank S1'.\'1:.x:r, Nov. 17TH. XXIV Sunday after Trinity-_ a.m.--H.oly Communion. ` V Trinity 'Ch_urch F U RS In Grey Lamb V. Blue Moufloon Marten " Blue Wolf -V and a great variety of other Furs. ' Setts as Low as $7.50 SIMMONS & C0. ggpyov, jcwv, -v--- 51 Th:-eadneedle SI. BE` A can _ ll-1 - uw--u---:7- Fur E-EIEIE Furriers um; AT ANY HOUR. of the day or niiht uxtnnmn-"um 1vnrrInIr__.... %s`:3?$8.175.00 )= $63,000,000 RING 263 wubu: 1&6.` 4_os5 PUILIIHIR . ~ . PROSPERITY nom socv saga-yo- V- ._-w .,-v-_-- may -be ascribed to the educative and competitive fega.tu1`es; of the_ Horticul- tural -and Town" Iliiprovement Sb- cicty. 1 -.0 n .I (V, eiety is doing a_ worthy work` in .ed`u~' `stm-ggiling `owew iof..the_ most com- kept. and artistically laid ou-t-and e Thafthe i Barrie T i-iortieuiti1ral- s5.- eating the people of. Barriento the beautication of?` their iirnustgy of itself be a. great satisfaction to-. the few faithful workers do the major portion of the work of keeping the society going and the , interest sustained: among the 300 Homes which formerly had but a few mon varieties, have blodsomed out with many` of the most "beautiful - specilnens and" lawns, jwhich ' were formerly but carelessly kept, ha.ve been turned into velvety sxvards, W811- much of the ered'it_ of `this `rightly! s.-..~>-1', - _ The minual lneting of the So- ciety last Thursday eveniiig, and the ovcptimisti-c -rezpiorcs which vwe-re presented; demonstrated tha.t the So- ciety, far i from becoming dec.aadent,_ was planning greater things and re`-` c-01'-ding` _i11c.reasead.*~ membe-rship ' and receipts, with `consequent e.n1arged_ usiefulness and interest. _ ' ' ' an 1- I 1 %Ann`ua1_ Meeting `Last Thurs- . day.-'-May Hold Annu_l;I % " "Show inR.oller Ri_t_Ik,- ' ` withB'anclConcert`. ROSES AND PEONIES % snow `IN JUNE LPG`/5 tmoogvvv .~-- -- ----- V _ V I TPresideht J. A. MacLziren occupied the phair and in an optimistic.` ad- giress, full of helpful `suggest-ions -for -_--__._- .\.,.A... .1..-.._.-.-.. A-1.1.` 1-.n.rn1I1n~ `f I I *1m=provements dumng the" c~om1ng' year, opened the _meeting, several ' of the ? mpst active membc_=;x-s following with -short addresses. ' - ' ' UJUDB, Lguu UL LxUuy;uJ.. cu.5\,us.--wu.a-, ...v- I ` The -a.dvisa.bi1ity of holding a. sum- ` mer s'how_ in some. store along Dun-` lop St., during June ivas favorably 1"'eoeived, and a motion carried. The display would be vestricted to roses and `peonies:-, and` there would be no prizes g'iven.- V ` - ` Paomm: BAND `Copgcxnrr. A suggestion to have the annual fall show held . in the Agricultural Hall, -and tooombine with it a prom- enade band concert, met. with hearty approval. The` fall` show. oft` this year -was open two days and: the" at- tendance` was a1:n1.ost"doub1-eA.th-at of` last 'yem',j 1. .'4 L`_- 1:.;;. A4.` um-u Jvws` As wi1I_be noted; in the list of newly-elected ofcers below, the direc- tors have been chosen wih a View to` having a1.1-parts of the Town repre-i `lei: - Silk V -III-B ` sented. % MEDALS FROM TORONTO SOCIETY 1 The Torornbo Horti:QuIt.u=val Society,- {to _ show their friendly attitud:e to- wards the Barrie society, have offer- ed to donate two mead-als-j-silver and - bno11ze4-t;o be awarded for the best exhibit of ~pe_ren'nia1s at the annual fall show. This `will, no diotubt, agid great interest to con1petit4ion'in,this lirie. llIlU- -_ ` . H Votes bf thanks were passed to the auditors, the judges, and to Mr. Rees who .esoortesd the judges of the lawn .compet-itions on` their\tour of . inspec- ti01'l`. I . - ' `_ _ _' _ . ,` . ` ' ` ---An l\.`IT\- usutu - Valuable [suggestions were 6111- bodied; in the Pre_sident s ad-dress`, whiclr follows: _ -~ -- - n_-.- a:__\ . L V ` E u .,.-n `,7 -137; -.3-;-.V`i:V}: ;. `-57.5 .1i%711`.nn1maf:1t! ,0 V` c J-' cw '_ `>4-w ..--.`.-, The I. ll: .lU1Lv vvu o (Continugi on- Page Six) 1: :-c__':` `|'N1':iu; s `oI-';` AI.ni:, Tl-IE `cvouufrv or stitch: Aub 11-: ndmnnou gr cumin: ouia cnrrcmon.` . B7A R;RI`E,% %c o,F__s&1Ma.coE, .QN%TARIO,%: NOVEMBER :4, % 19:5 Mr. W.A Bpys Says the Reven- ue is Growing So Much F ester Than Expendittire and We Should Help - . Build Navy. AFFORD T0 cm-: CANADA CAN LIBERAL AMOUNT 7 That Cnanada should take a. les6.0'11 Lfrom" `the decisive n1-zmner in which, ' bold and fearless, has been almost ' wiped out by the armies of the Ba1- kans, and stand, mzin to man,_ irre-` spective of creed or party, for a -sub-.: ;-in the space of one month, Turkey, Q sta.ntial- eontribution towards the "British navy, was the decisive way,l Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., `put it" {speaking at the Womens Institute concert at. Ivy. last Friday night. In a clear-cut, forceful manner, Mr, Boys, pointed out the wonderful growth` of Canada. s revenue, and also the fact that the revenue T was grow- `ing much faster than the expendi- ture, thus leaving -a. surplus plenty large enough that the people of Can- ada, would never` feel a contribution of twenty-five or thirty millions. No oneof us can ,tell. said Mr. Boys, when Ca.m'1dra s turn will come to be embroileacl in la _wa.r, as history has shown nmny. cases wherrc- wars have `been preci,pita.tedg upon countries totally unexpected, and unfortunate- . ly `totally 1mp1wepared'. . 0!,-'l\ ,__-_.1- __ . _ . . _ , _ _ ....__L -4. ; Lloyd comes with the sarn the Toronto papers spoke so highly t IJVBIJ If-llI\/I I rmarkable _company that W535 sol widsely -praised: last year, and of,whic.h*V l..,.4. .......J- last week; `both `sides of the Atlantic: has -made gnight, the` - reputatibn 7" bf ` }Eng11ish st ` am} her jcompany s_11`on11(}"' fill the opera. house to the doors. % A1ic%{L1o;di.'m.e poppm `her -a. remsazrkable gure win. the thea-" -trio-a-1'wo'r1d, gomegr 'rr;...J-__ LL- -__:.1_'____ 1- .111- ill, .; ` .194" 9-1 vpLaAuvLIn:I I/U -lulu ` .. Underothe guidance of M enbe._am; oI;11esoherpwhOse.p'ne`s,eIu_;ation of Th6? _ jS13r,i ng Mai ,` and f"1`he Rbs Maid ; .. on a Lavish scale have made. tho; I fogemosty prociuoers of foreign joperet -.; ta,` _Miss Lloyd comes i_IiA an e1a.bor..-I;-. ate comedy xvithomusic called ALitt19 Miss Fix-I't. _ Miss Lloyd as the star; . Little Miss` Fix-It-' aga.in "anti 9,gaiI'1f;_* prolonged her s-ei1son'1a$t year often; -. plea-tving second engagmerits in same` cities`, untilv it. was one of a_E -. scant half dozen music`al- works lefjg in the swmmer fseason . ' '1`-his, eombin+- . ation of star and! p-laygllais been con.-'; sidoered one of the few-on r.eoovdv in which the .' fascinating ; qua`.itie of both play and plzayer are -perfecyj " t-ted together. ' 'nr:__ 'r1__j .-.____,_ ,,,_u1_ 1.1-` .___..._-L w....._, ... Over 350 V people .werc<. presentriat the fowl supper which" preceded the concert, and the excellent` menu pro- vided'enha.noed`v the reputation of "the Ivy laid-ies` far their. culinmzv skill. ` The concert. which followed, was. en- joyed by 9.11;` -Miss Alice Le'ighto`i1,_ a. talenhedi. young, elocutionist. of Barrie. made `her initial 'a.ppea1~-anc'e in Ivy and Vmradeia decided. hit with her rendition of three excellent read- i1'Lgs._ Her nst l11lIIL bGriWaS Artemus Ward s . soli-loquy on` -Woman s Rights, and the} audience showed their appreciation in smsta'.ined ap- piause. E-ntertaining a. Missioimry T__`|_. ..'...`l. 'IF...`L..A......... `.0 A......\'I.J) Jr; A`.1A\/1JI.Iu \/\.IC ,......m. ....w..,........,,, .......,.v......`, Lady anti Foo hs4aecps: of Angels de- i.monstra:ted thsat BILQ Leightoxllwas ,equa1'1y `at home on hu1norous orr pathetic selectioxls. The. Ivy people 'will- welcome. her back at any time. Miss sang a'~ duet. `with her father santl also played: the accom- pa ll lulnnulxvc ' Hon. J as. _Ijuff c0mpl:iun'ented the Ivy people on their ne` ohu=m'hes and \`1_-n n...:.. .........'l`|....a.. l.'.-...,!.- ,....1` Lamb 'l)IUuIlJI|.xJ uu IlLL'Vu'Al IIlL\J uuuu-1-tanlpv um-nu *iL`i1,k their 'exoels1ent ham; and best p _11 u:._'__ -_..:;.._ -1!-lL`....'|`:..... ......`l. .... of their iinityy of ';e1ing and` ac- tive cooperation for the advancement of the" community.- - 1-. `n r n..-_; `D... 11'? 1:!" TV-.. Lanai wunuy; up \I" b Rev. `G. I. C-raw, Rev. W. F; Car-' i penter and the. Ivy Ba1id- also took part in the drrtemtgainmemt. . = ~ The pnooe-eds of the enhertainmejnt amounted to ocmscidetrably -over $100, _whi'ch wil be devoted; V to the `pur- of_2`>V acges of_ 1a.nd'fo1-Va pub- -1icV%`~i>& 1'lA:'._ _ This worthy object has -b_een,_taken 'up_.7 -by (the __Ivy Women s :~-Ingstitutp. are meeting_ with U]. DING Uulllluunngu o g?:i?Tooes&.% }Mt:.'S'1_`A R_R URGES THEIR ESTABLISH-. . MEN'1*..ALL OVER ONTARIO.` ` dbsirab_iIity7 of ` 9; Juvenile V at; ervry foovunty seat. in the *..Pr6vince was:;strongPsf by Com- . ":misioner`-,.J `Start, `of the Toronto? [TI '. Soviet .f ALI(}E ` LLOYD :'rogNIGIiiT .' JU.\ T_ENI LE ooumis. Iwm; ASK councn. v Rate.p$jvers Vote on , `BY law in January.---Vntil- [ ation of"P. Schogls Un-W def 'Disg:ussion. -ROUND ROBINFROM `LADY_P. s. TAcm;Rs `evening _;and."appr0vedi `of the sketch plans for the ane-modelling of the present. Collegiate, building, and pass~ ed 9. motion asking the Town Council :to ,subIit at byalaw on J anuamy 1st "for $50,000 for-the work. There was- little diseuSs*ion~' over the matter, the question having, apparently, been `settled: at the committee meeting on `F night. There was just 21. sep- tette of the representatives present, as fo1`1oW,s: Chairman G. G. Smith, and Trustee- Andrews, Frawley, I{in~g,~ Otton and Richardson. 1`... air: 1 1` .5; 55:5 \r-:ry:v-- .-._.. _-_-___,_ Mis Collins of Midlanii 49.1.0 holds a 2nd.` class professional, was `engaged to ~ take Miss Sm,all s -room in the South "at the" New A Year, Miss Small` to be transferred`, at her. own request, to different class. rx 1` . (`I T v`V~_1\~vv-'3 -rv ------,-v--- ~~---~~ ; The. report of the Cadet Corps II}- _spect0r was received. It showbd that there were on hand` 92 `ries; tl1a.t Lthere .are' 75 n.c.o s. and cadets, `3 bfficex-s and 1 instI'ucto1-.~ The gen- eral appearance and physique - was graded good, `arms and accmltrements ,__...1 ....._.._I J-;:`1 nrurvsnnnvv .l'lUU.ULl EVJKILI, alrluo u.u.1|, 0l\r\4\JI.lvI\aAnL\4LA|ru` good, squad drill fair, company drill good, manual exerci;-es indifferent, `ring exercises too hurried, and in the general remarl~:.s the. corps was -said" to- be_impr0ving. I11s.t1'_11ctor S. ..(\.' Morrison is` int-harge. ` _- . . 1`! A1 4;: .4vn wv.. -.. --- --v.._c_- i Mr. A-llinghani, now of in-iu_ce A1- bert, Sask., was given a testimonial. ` = . GRANT WILL BE PAID ` The Deputy Minister of Education wrote, sIat.iI_Lg that this year's gr-ant1 will be paid. . g 1-` 0 .-.1_| . V` r"""" ( After some discns-sion as to the! complaint made to Trustee Richard-D son that `the water in the -Central % School was closed o too soon`_`after,7 and in some cases before `four o c1xJck, g .a motion was passed that the prin- cipals .of all the schools be notified that the ca'1'etal<:e.rs will closeethe wa- ter off at`--, 4.15 `e\"erry day. A i

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