xuou Luv _L'(,`.". u "5`7om instanee, e es sang "out-. by to .sha.ne- holilrs on Noitethhegefl, ;1;909,`are still bei'ng~ c-asihed. Hai'e=: the*$l1areho!'d> eI's;ben. trmstufiliaf th'm .U=I>, or. have they -been-wandering` about in the m-ailisfor `three.-ye.rs`?_ At any rate", cheques in a1l tov $98.90 `twenty-ire` off _t.hesee ts-t dividendl were cashed? last September. ` The largest of. t11ese;-cheques was for j_SOme (if, the. second dividend- eheqties `sent South. "on December 1, '1911.`ares sti11..being cashed`, though! `these. .h1ve jbeen Wanderiiig {around _f_orI<'losve "on "a. year. V'_ Last" September .12`5`, of these, .tota.11i`ng $1,014.15 were cashed, the Largest being for $42.07.. ' GATHERING INTEREST. ` Until these cheques: are` cashed the money represented -by `them 1ic:3- a.t_ interest in the bank, together with the funds that are accumulating from [tl1:esa1x.. 0rf`rea.} .- estate _towa.rds the next and nal dividend`. The interest that has been added to these accumu- lations in the coumie of the seven years liquidation is $51,941.80. This is `d_istribuit=e<`I . among the shareholdi- ers; - . T-he next,divid`e.11d'11eed not be ex-` pected for a. couple of years yet. The proceeds of the sale of the remaining real estate must be in, so that it will not be llecc-sfsary to make two bites at this cherry. " . So diffcult has it -been found -to iinduce some -people to accept their `inoiiciytliat. the liquidator, the Na- tional Trust` is sending out :a.noth<;r humble appeal, "worded as` follows: - Yovrk Loan Unclaimed: Divi- ' d'ends---Many shareholders ofThe York County Loan and Savings . , Co. have not been located . Any .. . shareholder who` has not" yet re- a C -heque sliould write at " once to the Nat.ioi1al Triust-, T]i- _ T quidator. SMALL Co_\nuss1o.\'. ' It is comforting to the sharehold-_ ers to learn that. the ' commission of the liquida-tor will not be as large as has been fearerl-. The bulk of the li- quidat.io'n 0f- the estate has been the selling of land, and the liquidators have simply taken the reg'u1ar a"-gent s eomniissioii on all these sales} There [will not be a double coxm-ission on the of the proceeds of these sales. The disbursements have been paid right along, so that the amount of commission which will re- main to be deducted; from the nal. dividend will be so sma1.~1`t.hsa.-t it will hardly` make a dierence of :a `deci- mal point, it is said, on the ammmt to be rec_eive(l by the 114,000 share- I, -1 `I`--,_ l'\I lI\J l\ holders. y` 11: 1&)\Jl\.3 an ll. 1`J1a.un'o5,AvALL3 .uu_~,; was 3, ._m-isnomer, _sa.ysv The Orillia Times. Instead of '``A day of N-21. tional Thanksgiving to Almighty -God, -as_ the royal proclamation reads, itlhas become little more than a holiday. Only one Orillia church `held a thanksgiving service on Mon-, day, and there twice as many __~.-._..1.. -1. 4.]... -,.;.JV. an I-`panama tninvvn. of U1!-`y, auu mxcxv vvvxy, vvvavv |n\J' ...-..... peocpzle at the races as there .WIere` eh chm-czh. There were more people an- - _xi_ous to know, Who stole the roost- L`-___ ____.-._.A..._......A...:l- .. ...1..nn- >_Xl"U5 U`) 1\.llUW, ll`! DIAJLC uuu Luvvv ' U 'er,_ than were ilnm-r-esrbedi in _giving thanks, -and; they e.xchange of money at the two assemblis does not bear -`comparison. And Orilia was iJ;1o"r. an exo`e7pt~.io-n to the genenal rule all over _Can.ada. V Here and there a thanks-_ giving service was held, bust sport held the chief, place. `From a thanks- ` giving `standpoint Monday is n:otas good: `day `for the '_Na_t-iona1'fe~sti'v'a.1. If all the th2mksg,i-iving is to`-be done- A'\~_ 1 _ 1.1. -J.v.1_.._ ..'1..4.'_-1J `.n-\ 1\n:0:l\'.II': `.11 wl.-I uu-5 uut-luxa-5_1vLu5 an uuguv up... on.Smmd`ay, that d-.a;v Vs` oku~ld' be given the honor of the title, \:an.d Mondiay shgxuld be -oiaoed Spirrts day, or soqxe 4-1.- ....-_._... wht-n- thvrw dm-0:1 hy Rw St.'1_\'nm'. L.\l'L . L 1 Dll.\J'l.|1'\.la IJ\( \.'L|-any/\;. W; my other ,ap-pmpriateb name.` To meet the budlget of the Presby-` terian Ohurch for the year 1913 thl o.fci;az1:ss have gured the matter very} closely, and, claim that each "oom- irriimicagm; of the ` Ohumh in Canada `must `contribute a -little less-_ ;than eight cents a week on an `average to V meet eXp4ens&..v`om.$1,200.000. Thp blue -hook Orf~%the` dhuzrch `shows that" there are 295,935 edmmunioants, L-`i1}"g:a n of 8,000 oven` the prfe-5. .v-mus`: year. "_ -. 5sli-i'p"or thehend of the present is. ;t,I}e '. \ jjju--I : EDU LU!-'_ UEQIJII In :1aw4A.i%?Lwthe rate: is I ~-i : As IT IS Iii: ORILLIA. X It 100155 as if '1`-hanksgiving Day 7l`~L- f\_.!11.. The city of Lonxlson `has `Inst the,` of their -city engineer, Mr.` .Wright. ` Mr. iWright hail `handed in his resignation as `the res ` sult of certain statements and ccriti-,] cismsj .by the inayor and mem-;` here `,the. city council-, says The ` Canadian Engineer, in a-`recent issue. 3 ..`'1`he_ number` of `engineers who I `have held. the city engineemhip of London` is rapidly increasing. The ' most recent 170 -have` accepted the position; only `to leave it at an early unity are Mr. Graydon and- A-1] tT---r`n....,. `\r__ u'7:n, 1r- 1 ill- Vyllvu vuaba VJ CIAIVJ Alli` O \J I \.|.vs| (Q1111 Mr. A. H. VanClev Mm. Wills Me-i La.u'ghlin was city electrical ezn-; lgineer also for a period of a few `months. These men are known to the ,pro_fessiovn tuvughoutr Canada as` capable` men _ and good enginee I\IYL_A. LL--- _._ LL; 4_.-,,`L`I- 2-- T--- I ` ' 'l Au mncgxxox . ` v 9 .Wmnfneet H1 mnventl-on 1n t11eATowi_1. 1 . ' v 11:}. On T ucsday, .\0ve-mb1' ` :5 of S1mcoeCoun tyf Han, Bawie, .~`.('3S.'iO`l1S being ad*ve1'.- ed for 10 a.m., 2 pan. am} 8 p.111.` At; ; aftc~rnuon and` eye;11x1g se:s:s1'J_A=I}s, Mr. II. Rut`hven.. ;\1.(")~'}I]a1d' W111 sing s,0I0.~`. 'I he 1u1~10w1ug 13r0g}`a211:~_ me has been m~r-anged: ' A` ' MOR.\`l.\`U SESSION. ~ V Devotimml (.XC)'(".i*.~`:( S, eolldlluted. !>y 1{m.l{. H. Smm-.1-vi}]'<?, .\'I.A.,`Barr1e. Remlingr mi minut-ea`. P1-esid`~ent s nddres, Sm-1'ct.'l1',\a` l'Cp0l`t n ,l 'l`..l.].. l`nn+.n1-unnn nu 'r..'fx-IV I i \tWI`klIuUlI`J\.l \llLBlII-\a\-vl-I Vac ' what, rh2If,"is"}Ie ?J$b1e in L0n-- I don? Were these men unable to meet` the.requ'irements of the posit.-iion? ! -The answer is the same one that` may be; given to the recent trouble in` Ca1.ga1'5 . Wi1en Mr._ J. T. C-hilds, the city resigned, and! to the in-` vestigation now pending in Ottawa_ ito. the city eng'ineer s department.:,' the abso-lute lac~.k on the part of city} councgislb of the elementary principles , of fairness in dealing with municipal: oicial_s,eand their utter ignorance of t the conditions of engineei'ing' work. t Mr. Childs was forced to retire! from the city engineershixp Oif Cal-j gary after many years of service: as` the result of a moat absurd: accusa-I tion. Mr. Wright no.w resigns fromg the city engineership of London on-i -the trivial charge. of poor, construe.-5 tiori of eeirtain sidewalks. A known! 90111 1.! I`l\JlIv VJZI. `I Ioiulnllb 0 IV (.55 I . ledge of the facts which led! up to; both of resignations must con-: Vince an unprejudiced observer that! the'd>ay of usefulness of city councils {is rapidxliy passing. l. The present method- of election , }of city counils by popular vote is} _not conducive to the 0bta.in.ing of -a` high standard of mtmi(~i;pal govern- ing body, and it is the city engineer New Telephone} e1?i_r, .t g1 The Bell Telephone Company ' l T of Canada ' .45 'l`he'Bc1_l 'l`cl};`phg;>nc Conypan} of Canada is soon to print a new Issue of us _0I'I_Icial Tele- Rhone Directory r the Instruct of Central ntn u-in in;-`Int! incr ` Parties who contemplate becoming Subset-i` `beta. or those who wish changes in their present- entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at. once to insure insertion in this issue ! Should also report additidns and chan es in I t their list of subscribers. either to the cal "Manager. or direct to the Specia.1Agcnt s De- partment. Montreal. ' ' (H110. . I-:11 ()ptin and I"Io.te Accom mor.1at.im1." l)i.<<-1n%s.*+i;o__11 by dnlegates from (`_M.\mt<~r and; (70:]I i11g'wo0d. I ,. _. 1 1 n .' :4.- _`1r..,.;. N.-. MUNICIPAL ENGINEER non_e I_Jll'BCl_0l'!4 _ ntano. mcludmg `Connecting .C6_mpanies fY0-P.A! !ll!_E. .0U.E|l thronzh Early jlkezifm gloomy e ' 5 llmeel. diltrusttull lac: energy and strength, tir _ iresk _ _; _e premature decay,- bone pains, loose, sore throat, etc. / * k_Y_OU> WILL eB`l'.' A WRECK A ew Blather! Treatment, can cure you and make a man of you. Under its man- 1, `v`. -~ Thousends rye} nd middle-aged men are an 11 sw t to man: . e cl`ndiure6?onI. Excuse : and Blood Diilgesy. Itegou hgvgrziny otrghgerglo ptoms consult urbefore it in to: late. Are you nervous and weak, despono 8 before the eyes, with dark circles under them. weak back, lrrlfable. D as on`the poor memorv, e as sunken, hollow chee careworn expression, once the active, theblood uried, so that all pimples, blobches and ulcers l, so that nervousness, bashtulness and des- theeye becomes-brighttthe-face full and clear, energy returns to the pitatlon of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. ` mornin 3, restless nights, changeable \ ' . cthe nerves become strong as steel, so that Dasntulness nnu oes- : . thhe obeoomes bright` the face and clear. one returns V 3 rtheinox-9.1, pg .031 and sexual systems are invigorated: all ains cease-no ~nxore7v1tal~wa,sj'4afrom esysfeem, ADon`tlet. quacks and takirs rob you at your hard . L ~W0';!||'cuu-us: or no pay. - _ ` 'o :nu'j'uc1ou'unu;u nal-no g HI?!) 1 A01 lflll AI \IIU_V!uIIv1CyvIlUI Inigrnyo ` NO . ` h'.B8tI'..ea.te'd you. write toranhonest opinion Free of Chain. ,.L'TIIOGoIdonMoniOot 9(Illustl`&td) on Secretbiuuoaof Men. 3} _ _ 4 SENTON RWUEST A11 Ietters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- __ V ment in` Windsor, Ont. If you desire to ` oi_n'_4 Institute in. Detroit as we st-e and treat `are for 'fCo1'respondence and 91x,._ all letters aa.i_o_l1ows: _y--.. `f7 ma|_Hu'1. A . W11.-1t :1 Lu-:11} cnmn1it.tec_ can do \vhe1'otl1m-0 L 11`-01133." Int.1'Odue.~"} by Hm". L (3. l}u\\'1.es-, B.D., Barrie. IC\'n:_\1.\'; SESSION. ` T Do\'ntim:1] I-.\'m'<:ise>3. conducted` by Rev. ;\11h-c-w I\'1nit.h, Barrie.- "'l`ho Duty at the. Hour, by Rev; Ben. }I. S1).-:1.-~. Sec-reta1'y of the Duminimn . \Hi:lln'(*. Toronto. I)<-1u.~'iun: 4,-u11c(>1'11i11g -a1c01'1o_1,; 'D,... H uv .u \r rn -,1, 7IVv_.......A.n 9- no on mores usan wrmour wnrmm consanr .5: ' 5' . .. ;and"G;yVqld S1,, D.troit'.'_ Mich. BARRIE :.x'. :2. 'i'-A-|('E-KLL'R'li(' uanvous DEBI`g.ITY _.. _...I -1.131`,--.J sun... 55-.` -uwuvu-nn no Gavan` `I A ". I" `W57 : ~ ~51 Cured 5! the New Method Treatment f-, that an `Application will be made on behalf of the Georgian Bay and Sea.- VE board Railway Company and the :1 Canadian Pacic Raihvay Company ..`itsn lessee, to the Board of Railway E Commissioners for Canada at the expiration of one month from the 3. date of the first insertion of this `i Notice, or so soon thereafter as the 9' application can be heard for a recom- mendation to the Governor-in-Coun- 1; oil for the sanction of an agreement if between the said two companies dated `i 3rd October, 1912, varying and amending the lease between them 1, dated 1st January, _1910. . -1 'I\LZ.. -.\T-J.:-- 2- -,__-_ _A~-~----L 1-- uxulrn-I1: \;uuLUInuAg, u.Au.vu-.u, 7 Rev. Dr. \\'. S. .\fz1cTavish, Toronto. 'l`L. .u: 1- .1, . - _. -.,:-;.:..... .-.1...-.. Hvhahas the first to feel the evils }-'A`, # 91 nun gswm. - I `As we have said; we do not be- `lieve. that the Canadian Society of. CivilEng'inee1'ra can do anything. to help conditions. The trouble lies in ithe city councils, and: the remedy is ` there alho. Until . the commission form of municipal` government is brougxht into force, tnotuble .will con- tinue to develop between the city en- gineer and the municipal governing i.,.,i.. I Engineers with municipal train- ing, inclination for municipal !work, will be cautious in accepting a iposistion as city engineer of London `after the past history of the posi- -tion. !- I 7`rVr.7r7" j"-:` 1 Dear 1n the An-: Summesr is gone, winte.1f s near. X-ray dresses now (1-isappcur. \.l.IJU\4\I. LEI} UCQIIKILILJ, LC./J`): This Notice is given pursuant to `the provisions of Section 361 of L the -Railway Act. CQIHVEIC nny acx'es.exu'u; A homesteadet who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a. pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in cer- tain districts. Pnce 83,00 pei` acre. Duties.- - Must. reside six months m each of three years, cultivate fty acres and erect a house worth man an - ~ . W. N. com , _ Depmy of the Minister of the Interior, 7' N.B....Unu.t.thorized publication of this ad- vertisement will not be paid for.--2!i686. _45-18 Solicit:>;' LC:);I1,pa11ies. Dated at Montreal this 16th day of ` October, 1912. . 43-47 ` SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND REGULMIQNS-. 4 I p ":"`:" 7""""" ANY person who is the sole head of a family . or any male over 18 ears old. may home- stead a nutter section 0 available Dominion land in ianitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Suhagency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, mother son, dau hter. brother orsisfer of in- tending homeste er. Duties ._Siv mnnthn` residence nmm and UI . Juu. l.LI.\1s)Il, .J.\.IA\Ian-vv The (vim'x'.s of the astemciation a&'e: U.l.z1nm1It. (`)Hi11g`\\'00d, Presidnent; A-1. .-\. .\lzIl<-nnsnn. `Barrie, Sec: -Whn'.\': A. 19. Hunter. B-a.rri'e, Trea-L surer; Hm`, I. (2, Bmvlles, Ba-rrie, 1st: Voe-IT 1`r-M<.: (I. H. Hale, Ori-Ilia, 2nd Vxm; }\Ir<. S. G. E. McKee, Barrie, 3rd \'i-; J. (_`. .\li1~ler, Oril1ia., T. W. 3106 11.13 IIDIIHBSLCRII. _ l'l'lc6 -LUV pet acre}. fmt1es.;-Mu_st resnde upon the homestead or Dre-empuon 311: months In each of SIX years from date of homestead entry (including me time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fty acres.extru; A hnmpsxhmdpr wlm hm: e\'hm1st(~d his Imme- lelg DOHICSDEEQBF. Duties -Six months` residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homdsteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied bi him or by his r father, mother. son, daughter. other or sister. In not-tnin (Huh-it-in n hnmnninndpr in onnd IBI HEX`, Ill0.[0l'..30l}, UIIIKHECF. UFDLIIUL` Q1` Sllf. In ccrtam dxslncts a. homesteader m good `standin may pre-em ta. quarter-section along- side his omestead. rice $3.00 per acre. fnnipn ._M|1nt rnnin nnnn than. hnmmzfnad or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN F.&sH1o1~i NOTE. _E. W. BEATTY, ,. .L`.. -__'1 f`1-,_:,, -A non. TWO WOMEN what Lydia E. Pinkham s V68` etable Compound Did For Their HeaIth--Their own . Statements Follow. - 15);` 3 0 . "1 113 ~ ,1. ."' `uuL DU, f.11 lingof `d I had .f1 dia examine me nd he Satieen takmg Iciyand `heWmb 5.01 havtable C0mPn E. Pinkham s Vega it has the i done me 3 10t Of j bear 'thanI . d. V I . ve Va'nl.5he L; O ing_d0wn I;31nSuYI1:isin have gained W poe and I feelmknny -discharge is 3 go time hi `(I1 for have f01_` alongsuffet as I d.` _. { : woman is foohsh E10 1Iars./ ' the sake of a few 0 uv- it gr: we of a;;;Z1"o1T;`;7` 0 male Itma "110 Suffer as I did to use your Vegetable compou Haliburmn, Lot 7, P.E.I. 11 can use my letter as a testimo-._ y encourage other poor women % nd.--Mrs. Geo. CoLL1cu'r";'.e_ 1:34 What This Woman Soys IUT e . on w Mooreeld, Ohio.-- Itake giant . Sure in thanking you for what oyourf VegetableComp_Q|_1n5 has done forIm_e.j5 pains,_was in not be upon In long enough? meal; _. Ag Haliburton, P.E.I. :--I had a doctor` EY\Yh:nn _. INDIVIDUAL cnbwi; 1902 1912 ,`H'AlI \IlJ'I.'L\JlLO .l..ll|.L\l 1}. McDermid_, B.A._. TESTIFYI Incorp6fa:tl.' _CQLLINGWOOD,\POT_)IGE Pnt have inla po.rhicuJay neat}; and, atwaatiye uniform, 9'.` great ;_o_vva1'- the T` -formerVsome:what gaIid5'-'..)_gve3%r,T sa.vB+` The I v`... 2 r-The tau-n.ic. is af .undn-ass silver` but? `tons, the 1e`g`e'n& O.P.I. being on ,the left side of the eo1la;r in. silver letters and the ..ecpau1erte ` on the `ahmsliggrs 1_,..._...___ V .. ,;.:.`l_.__, L Vsmamd; ammos; Kx{ox Stayxier, A ' gocwonsn ScH`00l. msromsi sulamlr ~-cvyu\_,_L|JL:I.uI U11 |:11U haw? L 'aL-"i:]1ve:1'._.cmw11 on `I. IV 1.--- In .B-__J _-_!L1, `I I\.'L- ,.\.':vw u. V11 uzwul. .1137 with lgxmd Collllingwood" Po1i'o'e"in silver ` letters, Both "combus- tables the ambulance badge on their right arms.` on` the pains" is ~.now done away with. The uniform ag in,a:l1 is a. great credit to the designer. - comm convmjnon; NATTY UNIFOR iS':.<']}(`)R 454/. -....'_.___`_ `_ s.s. NO.-'11 INNISFIL. - A I 1 Sr. `IV.--Jolm: ` J ohnston, Agatha, ; Nightingale, Fred Purvis, Roy Good-` -`:1'x11ru-Iuv ' A19`-`an-u-n 1-1-4-J-n B121i<, ` iired "II:-<:11a.1"v:l:~ T;:1,gla: "r r'$i rell, J ames: Leonard, Arthur Greene, \\71`I1!.~.... Q......... 4.` .n.eAva.IJ3oII\J, L LIJLI` `L , LI ! fellow, Arthur J acks. T'_- TIT `IF . 1 L15, U LBIIIVE -I-JKa\ILL i Will-iam Spring. Q4. TTT ` VV uuuxu Dpflllgo _ ' ' _ \ `k -S1`-., III. -- Evlyn Reid; Alice Greene, . Ross Brewster, `Robert Sproule. ' ' ` ' V j T.. `I'_TT . {V_,.1_,-,_ I- `\Y' ,'LA!,, _,_'I. \.l `\'\I'L 69 vJ;{i{s, iixfred F9_s1;;.v `I'I`S,'f ,' Uyj Gertruklo `Nightingale, Christina Richardisoal. V f -S1`. . II. --`-`Ina; Black, Josephine +Green:e, Mlary Reid , Audrey Fagan. -J 1'. II. - George Foster, Hazel ` T.. ..I.,. 117311.... .1 'lF-_1. -... . ,ua\;np, H ll 1'1?|..|.` .l."U..P|.Cl a _ '_v ~___~_ __ 3 Sr. VI.-T-VMmerva. Le-onard, Wan-d i G oodfelmv, .Al~ina, Fa-gall.` TQ. T TJ'......`I.1 TlT_'l`I--.. ' A11---` " ~ Gfgeneg. Chris- sie Fagan, Rilida. Ri`c'haL_1`dson,V May i Foster, Kenneth Jacks. -1: 117..."... rn--,.L___l 1. 3. Held in Barrie Nov. l9llI.~-Pro.min%ent 7:413 ers'Will Be Here. " % r II\J\l\.bJ.\.aBll\J'IV A6151 ` Jr. I.- Ifam1Ei A\?V8a`ii;,ce-, M Allan \VGbb': Tom $pm'1_11e. "l )..!._ 1)--.. .. {`1.._-,_ .- (`11-,,!_ `Bro-wn, Ernest Spence, PencyBr_own, Sr. 4th. - Muriel Nelson, Edith Currie, Rerbta Brown," F-lossie Deben- ham, Grace Will*iams,.',Le'w.iS Wilson. Jr. 4th.---Emerson Hickling, Viola Helen .WiI;liams, Vearl Covutts, Elsie Gi1'ho'o1y.' ' o_. VI`L2_-Jt 1r_-'..i.1.--'n;...'n._. ni...1...- \lJIlL\}l\I1Jo I > ? Sr. Thirdi---Myrt.l!e' Beelzby, Gladys ;Hick1ing,. Lottiq Lawender, Hazel Key, Alice Roy -Emms, Gladys Jory, TLu.l'u; Emma, . Leonard- Colutts, Alma Perkins. .' I 0 -r__.rm.:___1 1:w..-_1I'.1_-_ 1\*r..1--.. A..,L.1I \4'U'uDl.1D, xltula 1.t:'LxI.u.a. Jr. `Third--Fredsdie= N Watson, .Erlad Watson, T e1son;' Axdelil Beatrice Young, 'I`vhomas. Holimes, Don Key. `D 'rr\;1r\1'A D nan Tn nlkauv I J\R. ROOM s.s. No. 3, -ORO AND VESPRA. % A _ " ~S00l1vd--L810. Nixpmm, ILILI "Bertram. Sr. First.--Gen'trude Yard,` Jean` Cont/cs, V O];a.renceL ` Brown, Viola Cairns, Elizabegh 'I`:ho Nina } Pegkins," Arthur Ben~ha.m.' " T ` . , ,-4L 13.....L]...-. D.` In-un A-`mnty Jr. First-Berthg3, Babes, Amy Gilhoodey. ' * AL Sr. Primary-Cath_a;ri*11e `Pearsasll, L`Ra;,y Robson, Gi1bertVLa`.v_e~nder. ` 1')-:------no - Innnvmtx-:3. `.L\.z1`,y J.vU'UB'uxL, \J1lalJUl.u .LJot-v'\.'Lu\x\.'n . Jr. Primary.`-Francis_ P. Williams, Alsbert Pearsal}l_,_- I;om_e-1 Jory, `Jory, Stella. G4il1no_~.01ey.-' . '4. * V B. C1aaes--.-I.e{ jEmms, Minnie I Paenham, . Zad.a= `' Giliiooley, Alvin `0a:ins.~ . V. V. . 1- .:-,1. ;.'I`\-L.i...-`I...-.......x" T.....-.-g. DALSTON PUBLIC. soHO0L- SR. ROOM, (`R8, Nu-1'ut;ll')`a` rupuu, I I\` ` V` ` s ' ,. v` _ `Rouml Lllt (onfmencc on Law II,nf0r(~en1ont. vm1d11cte:i by '.R,ev_ >D1'. `Y, .\lz1<}T;]\'i. SeGrC_ taxy fur S1111.`-W \(.`ounty, .'\F'l`|il{.\`U0,\` SEs,q10_\1 : Q 1)evotimm.1 -.\`m'rrise..~`. cumrluc-ted` by . . S. ` x vi; . ` ~ Ik`v J ll111)1]1111,.y.., B.A., All-an-` 1)ebf1haui,j'Jan1*S. ` Pearsgall, ,"I,10yd{ .Gi}]._- lmoley, A _ , ~ A V hm---` -_-_...~.- ,:../.,,...,: `n`n-Hn1n--~ Jlooxey, . Present everyT__ ,d1{y- :.and [on Jean Couttsk Bel`-bha; .- Emms,_- Cathue?j'ineiPeafsa11, 1 Minnie? .I.l`>LLIllA7, Benham. \g.s4v I... .'_ Nov. 1;.--The ~fo1f ima re-I mport of S.S.fN_o._15, er: i" Q , - hog?-I', ; Edna 2 % ; A Sr.,.II.-; -`e-VGoldiie 2787,` A - ` 1; ` 1`>1:....1.=.._a+`,.,.1.-"T . Albert I A ~.Jr---iRezzi%*1B1a;l 'v]."\V76:'.6`,-` 4BYri y'~JoL\/' Iv Au. MILINL U Ilfblln ' Jr. ,TI`V---M3ax `Wallace, Mario I I nan]- 1.}`......'I T .....- ..--..'l -T\ ._ -.1 _ - m__.. ! I. v alcz IIIEQQ. LLKIJHIIUD, .Ll\Jl.l. .L.L\./`.1: E. I.oiI1NA ROSE; T_aahe;'.' v wwna. 1 "M. WARNICA, Teacher.` .. \_ . - '_Tea3_ch-r. E 3-.41; ERN ONT; - ' - . . ` .~=.\\`,- . ,` 2. M` Y ' .4` . - -. - `.`.`{;, `: Q ~. _ . . . x. . - ' - , ~* ' .`- .. ~--.;*. ~' .. * , .:,_ . i` .1 _: '1- ' x** . " ,.'." .--`-~ ` .- ,, . `,_ -:" . .~..-i ' W ` ` .~ ' ~ . . ...L_ _ ` . V ~ r - .w ` ]['UHl \ UH l.\\ (I U I u um I; `,.'\l'JlIlla vv vvuu Lou.-1.1 ()1tim and its effect. on >b1lSilll'.'~`~`." l)i~unssi0n by delbgates fnmi ()riHi:1 _:m )I.ir]-1~a.11d. T7! _A.-_-2 _ T] ....'L...'.1 In! fDpt% ` f " gnu: j howsgxcellehf ,R'*"Whit% 3i"? L * f f 1 1;; Best Avagriety. ; % L ?%l?11j .e.%_.1>.ro4~%ri;1,1<:e}:+ of Ontario; gro_..wmg `become 3; very pmta_nlile` In `to _ T try 011 a" slibstantial f<)dt_-`_ 9 - 1'1,____:__:-_. 11---- -__-,A- - N - R :vu.4-us &L... It a 'U|lbUU|I.l$I.IIun. -lU\ lo_' ."~"' -`-`??*T*`~.`-Y .". . 1_ng,Lthe. ;Department of `Agricnilture some three years ago es- tablished} '=ai1 EX15`6rime11_tal_` smion at- Han-ow in the _ County` of The scacionhas been eq 'ppea`:with shed: a . `a . Qther facilities.` This j, but one of: sevei-a1"Tobaoeon `-`Experiment Stations. operated` _. by 1e~'f Tobacco_ Division, ` whieh is.f'.iI`1 of a tobacco Specialist; % Harrow Sta- tion- is_i1if A. Bar- net, B.S.A'.,"wh,o a*-re- ..-..4. -1 `L- _..l_.1- .. _._..'XJr __ _*-_;_1.; L:,. '% A The Staiibny .f.t111:irty';i1';`ht' and . 3' . is C*9,r+- rie&"o~n to some oxtenffas ordinary farm. year fteen _acmes- 'v'tre devoted to % tobacco exiyeri-1I,ients'- .i_n'1 which nine of irrnpnoved` Burlevy and six. of Warne varieties , ,dea.`1!t with. Tests were made with diereut kinds of -beds, methods .- of curixig, various combinations of fer-t.i1izers', seed! selection, cbmbating the" tobac-` __ ._4-....__ -J._ '.'.~`r' V """`" :.r_n ulanunvw vv #1301"? Of ;`c1I._q11 .supervision in 1911}; 1___ 1$5oo DAMAGES %1 ; FORLOSSOF sou; EL` Refe'rring V to the `ret-urns` from Ebright tobacco as compared with bur- ley, - Mr. Barnet ooncludesthat. white burley prferable for the average farmer to` Duing the past three years'. tl_1e average price scugrcd for this tobacco has been twenty-ve cents per pound, or an average gross | return of two hundlreedc and fty dol- lars `per acre. 1 V This report, w'h.ioh is Vdesigniaxteid Tobacco Bulletin _A-14 is available. `to all who apply for it. to the Publi- cations Branch, Department of Agri- i culture,` Ottawa, Ont. V Remarkalfe Accident at Mea- `ford Redalled` by `Os- % g9 de Hall Action. J u.clgment.t has been passed by. `Mr.| J ustice` M.idd:1eat-on' -at Osgoode Hal in the suit arising `out of the acczi-V dent.` last sulnineqr at Meafordt, w-hen two men were -`killed `and several others had imirrow `escapes. `The plaiutis,` Mr. W. B. J ohnston and his wife, whose son, Chester, was `one of "those, ki:]Jed=, were awarded $500 _ damages against the contract- ing vrmof Wm.-C`-1ark_.e' & Son. The aboidenit occurred! dm-ring the con- struc.ti'on of ' a` cement _bridge over the stream which A crosses _`one of the ,treests of Meaford; ' L Q n R `In . . A piIe~d-river broke, and in falrlting I a steel bolt at the end: of the upright oilght on. a wire orf the _Georgian Bay & Power -- Company, which .ca.1`ried 2,200 volts`. While `the lives of - those below were szparod, young J ohnston,.. who was wdrking on _the appamatug, was and `dropped into the water. Another man [six-tyfeet away, operating the en- -pille driver by a, ca'b?5i; was also in- stantly killed with his h.a.nd1 11513011 thTe'.'1.hrotlt1e. `- A " ' on '.'1-1-- I"'|'|'_ gin, wliibh, was connected with che` H'U|ll Ulllllu uuu .u.1uun.u\.u I The <':n11p:1i;:n-.- in Victoria. Harbor 11M } v11vt.;n1__>uishcnc. V . 1 .1: ,___r-_'1__---_ ...L' /It . T` In passing judigment. His Lordship remarked U-pon `these facts those lfesponsible might well have been pro- seou.t:ed for mans1aug*h_ter. Both the mtm-icipality and: the power` company were Wfreend lfrolrni responsibility, ' the disater attri.buted to ignor- apce and-negl-ige11ce" on the part of -L._..... WHE`1:E PUBL__IO` OWNERSHIPY ,/ . PAYS. , _ From the report. Tiss-ued by the gen- eral manager: of the Live:-poaol`, E%ng., city street, railway, a fair. idlea can be gained of the susocess`. attending i11g11;nicirp;1r.ao1yIL1e1'shivpL. `_a_,11d operation `of 'P11b1i` - in` the United year Ending De-. `the 1 prots; .90 ;0f- $1_120,000,- ' ` nvv vw-wvy -__- Vt. _<;ontnac1_;ors._ C0nJaI',lDll].l_'3lL IQ! `.l.`\uO'.L __vu. luvvuu. vV'v6~I-~g' ]?:0V6!_`? `$`13500;000-.5: ' T~here - has: been Vitzf 1'61`Ve.. -. L d'@`5'9i&ti91*v'.`a001lt:3.``uP*3VBPd9 j giifor. Three Y`a;s.-?-lr I_t_er- ; ;est Is %As:curhi:Iatins.-:- % . '._T'w_o'Yea`rs " Before " ` T -V Final Pa_y_me.n"t; are things that pas lut=m.an`* ` SOXIIG ` `Of thigs `arise in connection with tihej liquidation oi the Ydrk Loan Co. in-which many people of this` d-itri_ct are3_ixt:et`1'est`4a - '9'.-- _ -_ lhll II'Hl'l.nIH};HIucuu. Hm\` In uxtr-11:1 the u'sef\ih1 of the ('<>unty m-:_-m1izatiov11. 1nt.1'od~uc- ed by Mr. J. ('. .\li11er, Orilslia. . Wh:1t:1 lm-n.1 committee `can `do i< l,w;`x.] Option. Intro- II n I! 11 \l'-1'\--..._2.] 1) A