Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Nov 1912, p. 1

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\ UVGIII; U1 Vuuuauua. .LuuUA_:uu. LL. folltgwing` we the rest of t.he I,j{0*i H 11 *9=ab1%J?P`* R9- j j W:itnesses-;Jerushas Perkins, niece of the" -plainti, M-issjKipt3r Ross, .Dr.Fmd1-A.` Ross, Mr._Jack Powell, Lennox, Miss`.W_b.-rd; Jury->`*Mi93I 9~T J88: G. .-H. ,D.. ?J ,2;-ioe,, AByron_._vK`ng..;:_'- Bamrmmhms; A-ND f1iHI: opuuubggor ANAoA-oun nrrsnuou. --... ...vauuo~vu H. H. 'Sotesbu1'*V(-;1's'k'e (in which a `Water 101: opposite his prop- erty eomlid be rented for a boat house. v -- A-'L so lI`\,"I-II) auxin).- 'i"'l1(; of ffealth throug:h its `secretary, E, Donnell, recommended the construct-ion of sewers on Wor- sley St. from Cl:a:ppc-rton to` Bayelxl R1 my! n11 Dam Q4. --..m;--1-- --.-- a:\.~`y U! AIUIIL \. l.'E|!1IIJL'l'l.-{J11 [U St., and on Ross St. `westerly fnom Bayeld St, 150 fee, on sanitary 0-nnm na ` ~FAVORABLE To. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Ghjainnan Davis of the Edmcation /and Indigent Committee reported _ fa.vora.bly on the request of the Pub- blic Library Board for Town to take over as-aets and make ins-titutiorn, in- chnding the .c.irc.'ulating library, en- tirely free. The report, "which auth- orized the Mayor to have a by~L:I.w ` prepared for presentation to the rate- `payers on J anLua.ry Ist, was carried ! unanimo11s1ly,T after little discussion. lslmcola HALL WILL 1 ADVERTISE BARRIE -uvusavvu v*vuA v-..Iu_ .L_1v5uL\.|. VJ. .1-1.3150113 'request for the Council -to take up the `matter of garbage collection and night soil removal in a systematic .Way. The suggesntion was -made that -if the Council refuge t.he_Boa:rd may take up the matter themsellves. V BRADFORD ST. WATER SERVICES. . The contents of the mail bag in- c'lu:d2ed. a letter from Chairman Dou- gall, of the Water and Light a Com- mission, in reference to the Torwn s request that all! water services be laid on Bradford St. becfovre the per- manent roadway is constructed. The Commission is quite willing to com- ply 'but know of no s:ta.tutory provi- sion for such procedure. The Council had power to lay -mains and: aallter existing Water services, but the.--Com- mission had not. If the Council is `willing to order the private service: [laid on Bradford St., to street lrine landpay cost of same, the Commis- 'sionVwil1 gladly undertake the work. { .May1o'r Ho-eke-n of Toronto invite-;1 the Council to send delegates to a conference which will dsiscuss the best means of caring for _fpeb}e:p1i_nd- ed children, in Toronto `F1`i&',v. IIII nun-----u--- --..' ---vv . . w. X5118. - . - Munster. E. M. c. HART smrnl. Aumanl, MIR; i The Board of Health also aslceal Council to -have the surface water nuisance from QuIeen s `Hotel prop- erty abated. They charge that the water pipe under the sid~ewa.l:k has been largely used for slops of all kinds. ' Secretary Wm. Cr.oss1a.nd of the Separate School Board applied for I the current year s levy, amounting to $1200. So Says Chairman Hambly.-- ` ' If Coun__:`il Refuses Board pf Health May Take I - V .Matter Up.~--Much - % Discussion. GARBAGE svsnam wouumor cost % % A TOWN OVER $500 I Garbage . Collection and the Bulldog! [Tire Co. proposition were head-liiners at 'Monda.y s Council meeting, when Iiepusty Wesley and Ald. Rusk were ...\...L....... l1-._:'3_`I,, ,1]- I v\..`-IJNJ uasu. `AMA: ;|.uh`.ux WCLO Coniderable discussion L1, 15 `I 1- 1'1` IrIvlI\J\.Illl|o'\J\4s7O \/ULUOIKLEIKQLMC I,I;j1_';[.I,i1\_]LL resulted over the Board of Hea.1th s .I'D1IoQf Frau fha r`.n1-nnxrn -on +nL-.5. 11-r\ I T-l1of3s' c.ommunica.t.ions were T all Sent to commit.tee. " T T71 11- . "If- yu uu-uuu1vUC_C. ' _ V _ J. E. M-ontagu Leeds was !granted permission to remove. trees on Cm:n-be4rla.n&._- S-t.. under sau~pe1`vi- sion of Togwn Engineer. - Reeve Bennett asked if the com- ymittee were .couversant with the cost tQ_ the Town, and His Worship point- ed out that the law gave a free Fib- H11) to half 3, mill. Perso11a.11y, Mayor I Oowan thong`-ht they .W0mJ:d not spend more than quarter. of a mill, as they had valuable assets now, and he felt that it vv'a-so -a matter for the ratepayer to `decide. The C`-ounei-1 should do all in their power to aid" in enlighten- ing ttheyotem as to the probable cost, advantages, etc. ' - "l'_`),.-__- `D _____ LL (an: m 3 I rary -board; nowerrto spend an amount ` uun v `UAIuUI6`LC, \.;*|/L/c V; Reeve Be-nne.t.b--Tl1e oicrs (em- [p1oyees) of "the .Liba-arry .wwu-Id then be mufnicipal .serva_n~ts -and I" presume they will want increased -pay. ` -l[:nc`.a-inn A: D:nn-4A ...._'._-..A. ...._ SL'.\'~DA:', Nov. _10th. A- - XXIII Sunday after Trinity. 8.3 a.m.--1IoIy Communion. ._ '1 `Mn -Ir uauv "'1:-1. vvua-.u.u Al.DL1C'(lL`CUL `_}JK.'l-J. 7 I\`t Ii-mister of ,Finance Sarjeant pre- ' sentead a. lengthy budget of minor" .azc~ oounts, which were passed; for pay- rnnnk [tri-ant" Committee presented: a report in'w}hic11'A,` H ,mittee endorsed the proprfeibion o` the'Bu-lildaog Auto -Tire Co..f provided: the promoters can fur- nish eaatisfactory"._ proof as to the re- liability of therpenrsonmal of the com- pny, the tire will come ruse; _ _in the even- ;.in:t`i;fM.r;-:T'Kllzgmpxvesentkng the com- -2`)nTJ;..; u......n`..-.....:1. . . McLean of ' the Indfus-I I Mmm Onmx ~17 `'2, ,T'hi1.t.VMarkset.LO1erk Hicliy `be giv- -e,n a $10 for the, balance of ;1;1"1_% account of weighing of *3, -L`I-3 O .In\-NU` > . V ` V ~`pa1.,15y & Cpuncnlu . ' being purchased in Ailandale. ('I`hat .s the best part of Barrie, sai(I Ald. Wisdom). J _ Ex-Mayor Beecroft. was asked to give;-his opinion. as the head of last year s Council jvhich starts-d aw: ne- gotiations with the `company. He: referreci to the fact that the Simooe Hall. Sanitarium was doing a good thing by `advertising Barrie all over the` continent. The proposition had met with his hearty approvaig. and he Dr. Barber said that when the in- stitution wars lled, they .would re- qui1"=a. staff of 25. No pa.t.ient pays less than $25 and up to $100 per week. These patients are all wealthy people and they purchase a lku-ge amount of goods in Barrie. The gro- ceries and meats for the Sanitaru;m paw, vuv wavy! J.L.II.vJ\.IJ. lrlll lulllllg are 18 employees. The Sanitarium is as yet in its infancy and it will not -be rlzong before it is operated to cg;pacit.y,' and Mr. Boys hoped that it' would not be longibefore the capac- 'ity had to be largely increased. All Dr. Barber asked was a xed assess- }ment on the property at a. va.L1mt.ion , of $7,500. -V-.9--v-Avwv, 0|; \.IA\J\LlU UVJ". UIICY \J\IlLlJ`l.IlIvlI ,' `and a Worthy fer-reaching: advertise ment for.Ba.rrie. Dr. Barber and his associates had been given to under- stand, when they rst began ovpera~ tions that the Council would deal liberally with them in reference to xed assessments, etc. In a letter which he. had sent Council on Sept. 6th, he asked: for a assessment, the grading of. William St., also some concessions in regard to water. He had since decided to ask the Council to give him xed assessment only, and lerft it to the Counoil s good judgment to look after the grading andi-lighting of William St. This private hospital had accommodation for 27, and there are now 16 payingt I guests. The company spends aannually son1e`$12,O0O in wages and swim-ies, uetc., not all of which is spent in Bar- rie, but the ma.jor_ portion. Th 1 Ann .1-;o\an.\}A..-A,.-u-. rpl-A C`---3LA-~.~- - 'u'n\n unawnn. J.|I un1'1'1x:u. > , ~ Ald. BidweH wanted the incanda-_ ".e'ent1ig`l1't" at Dr. M0rton s moved to '._a position -aposite the new: shoe fac- Haory. He` `claimed: this matter had lebeen sent - to committee two months ago, `but 'had.' not been reported on. iReeve Bennett said -he - wouold favor 1 another light. The motion'was refer- ired to committee. ' Smic-one HALI. V SAx1'r.m1UM 1 Ex-Mayor Boys, Dr. Barber and Mr. F. A. _. Lett were a deputation lrepresenting Simooe~ Halxli Sanitar- ium. Mr. Boys spoke of the institu.-, ` tion has one of the best-appointed in America, 9; credit to. the company,- n D `Fn1l_IIr\.nr.`r\~:c\n- -:1--A-4--`A-- -was amotion f th red b Ald. Du ` and Marks. Itacafried. y ~ V "A1 J 1')! J 11 . 1 a q IBREACH ov PROMISE iLE1v`iNZO INNOCEINT MAN ESCAPE FUN! FUN! FUN! A: the great Mocx counr TRIAL 1m- 1 der the auspices of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Choir. in the ` - _, ` One of our most vresnectegl citizens wil be ` charged wxth [Ira THE QUALITY E1] [.1 or 0UR BREAD III ' -ON~ Monday Evening, November 11 ments. Ludicrous situations. cal Hits. An Evening of Rened Fun.` PRICES--25c. 35c and so cents Regular Court Rules. Startlingi Develop- 1 0 1 1 Tickets -on sale at A .F. A. Malcomsoxfs Office, Post Office Square. - _..._ nu . .n Open at 7.30. ' GRAND OPERA HOUSE ` 11.0 u.m.- [I1 .00 PER mum: in ADVANG`: IIIOI-I COPIII 'fl'I'o|II lN'l'I car? only be properly appreciated by `the test of `taste. Order a loaf or` two, and after you have tried it you will have sucha liking for it 'that you_ will wantit always. . (Continued on Page 5). BRYSON bx-:urtZca.'lled at 8 44-45 r::as:s ; ITI 11.0 :1.1n.---M{1tiI1-;~'. Lita.ny and sermon " -" Itm.--Sunday School and Bible" __ Classes. - lCABS __- ___l ,_ __ _-, ' `V O.\' SHOR'l'ES'I` NOTICE---'.` Special attention devot- .d lo comforts of patrons attending oven-T `"8 g'uthe1'ings C. H. CUNNINGHAM -. Sl'(/'(`ESSI)R Tn I u- nnnrm p { 1 hone 473 day and 470 'evenI:'Is'* Residence: 88 Mary Street 43.43, , LXI. No. 4: `'0' How can cntw. 1' gr. Bosallk m_..;; i="6"TI-"TE3 EE-=-`= W In Grey Lamb < V Blue Moufloon Marten v Blue Wolf ' and a great variety of other Furs. F U RS '_=.=.=;;;LI_=_...=|Jf`J Setts as Low` as $7_.50 SIMMONS & C0. |]'IIL1, -anvuuvy -ac!-c-Iu71 51 Tlu-eudneedlc SI. I-LC. frinity Furriers unAnA _ AT ANY HOUR of the day or night ` n\- :unp"I'n-cam un'mn_|r....._ 4 A RINGV 263; _ wnouz" $9..` `.4385: Fountain ; . RATES = . $1.00 Per my hr `,At some `Ieugth, and` m ffqttexmtl ~.7ii1trr-uptions, `Mr. Kelly explained his pi`0p0Siti0l1, which, .i1t brif,` ..;.s` 'fo11-lows; The company. agrees `to erect a. ' factory "worth $60,000 -(as ap- equip the same. They agreae `to em- ploy 100 men for` 300 days in- the . yeagr, --and} to pay out not less than $60,000 in wages each year. Before g~et.ting anything from the Town, me` Compamy agreeess to deposit -axpprovved praiened by the Towi1 s vjaluato-rs) and` seeuritieus to `the amonmt of $97,500.` _~'I_`he4y also agree to" deposit marked{_ cheque for $200130 covverr cost of by- Imv, `if defeated. aQl\..ulu Avunauv av J.\J'lll|U'VVDo Your Industrial committee begs to report: That.` they have considered the proposition of the Bulldog Tire Co., andt_wIou1d recommend: that this Council enter into an agreement has- ed on the proposition made -to this oommittee, and!" submit same to the electors, provided, however, that sat- isfactory proof of the personnel and n.a.rrcia:L standing of -the company is su`-bmitbedi to this. Council, together with satisfactory 'proof that the goods proposed to be ma.11.ufactwred by them are alfikely to come into gen ..-...-.1 L.-. - NON-PIINCTURABLE A"T0M031|:E IINDER mscusslon %-Later in the Mr. J. Carl- ing Ke]n1yT9.'ppea.red: in support of his own proposition as and re- pqrteds on by the Industrial! Commit- teaorf Council . adciressetitlae membersfat the reqaesmof the Mayor. ant] `non nn'non n .._-_ A! 4.1.... _-...-..J. NON-COMMl'I'l'.A'L= jijjj; ...v..--uv-u -wv vuu gvuiutnuv U1. uuau _ AlIJlkY'U1' and was given a copy of_ the retport _ wh4irc-uh refadg ag fo_l.lows: _ _ - .WIIAT THEY ASK. _ % The company asks a_ -loan of $ r0,f 000. repa.yab1e' in twenty years. WW1!` 2..1.-...._.;.. 3.... a:LA A3 Gran. AMI F. T. SHORT, .- - Manage} LoNnoN. ENG.. BRANCH. u -run-onnlnagcllg 81.. l-LC. "Bulldog Tire Co. Fromtefd % Ask Loan of `$30`,000._- -.-. V ` Would Erect? 1%-$605009 I A Factory -`and Employ % . .100 Men. J You also iepreent the Bullaog Tire 00., Mayor Mr. W. A. Boys-, .WhoI appeared: before the C-oumcil in suppbrb. Otf Siuiooe Hall xed assessment` mquest , on" Monday night. ' ' UUU. ITDIJIIQEDULU Lu..I.Ivvvu.uJ J\.'ot-Lo, u.u.. . out interest; a` free site of ve or six acme. The _reprcsen._ oatives have agreed} to accept the ' site owned by the Town next t_o tho Ca.rria.ge I \V$l~:s=. V ' A ' 4 _If_.._ A... .\..-.:..., unlit! \.V U1'I`u.`?`. The company offrsc to: equip any' car which the `Town will send to To- ronto with` a. , set. of Bulldog tires, for the purpose .of demonstrating the `practicability and succvessa of their invention. Mr. Keiy prodiuced: a_ copy of Orders from 62.g`aa1-age men who Want agencies, `and have agreed 7 1-4-- .....L 1...... Alan cmn` and-_q' N56 ma}; {am mwg.-re of, saiaMr; Boys, at']:eas_t I `am here wit;11dfit the bull dog to-night. _ W A . \V'LlU \Vtl:llb agcluauya, unuuu Auvvv to purchase now less than 200 sets each, on which .they nmst pay ten per cent. of the cost -at once. He` said _the company now had/a small fac- tory -at. Bmntford. Hwlif of '1:he capital of the 'c'ompa.ny is -new 1fim1-er- I written in Torontov, hands Mr. Kelly cl-aimed` they now have orvdem amounting to` many ,tho1 Lsands of doll-ans; ' ' V i . -~`.;.fI ~l1e tire isva-new product, `and a. radical` tglmnge. from the mbberf tire nokw; in general use on autmnxo-bi.les7., The oruter -covering is made_ `of chrome-,t. a.n;1ed. \]1eat.her,- so prepared `that it is 'i'm'pea'vi0'.ue `to moisture. This outer, tubing is etu,d1d9ed with . NOVEMBER BAkcAmsJ In % HUNTERL 3303., BARRIE. We.a;re endeavo to inek this November the biases month in on!` businesselnstory. 800 Men's. Suite` C L- ...'I-'.L 5-n-vn"e__ UIIEIIIUBD IIIDUVLJ 0 } to select. from" :-1-A, .1 .-uuua Luugv cu.-u.. 7...-.- _- $25.00. Men s( Uls ae_rs,-` lovely Goats at `$7.90, `$10.00 : and $12.50. Men's Sheep Skin Lined -Goats. -fbr I `$5.90 - worth $7.00. Men s. Heayiry. Sox,` 6 pai-ns0 for $1.00; Men 9'Svi6ater``.OoatS, $2.00 va1ue:~-`.--.f" $15.50. Men s Wood mmmes fo;009s, :Men?s00 0075c i*'va1ije;,fom.i-500~` s Mamie`, .aoai%0is,x:;ge You cm ALWAYS YOUR MONEY PROMFrLiY ' , 1.1-- -TT..:A.. 'D_n;:u`;u`- VllllU;.J.uL'. qvvo . ` Alluvhsv iv..- .- -. J penders7.vw1ue for` 1250. CMIn s' " - /W.1`_t`h 750` 01` 500- THE CoMPANY s Pnot-os AL. ENDORSATION ! fr:-0-`c '|u1':gI:s?rs o_|-'.- IARQIC, frag cqunry pr .,;.c: BARRIE, %ClOU`NTY*A%0NTTAR10,*;NOVEMBER 7, 1912 ~ United Empire LO.L_, No. 45-2;! celebrated Guy` Faux Day (Nov. 5th) with a social evening_; in .Whi_oh a jolly crowd of` about 250 participated. The (=.vecning s rpmgramme com- memoed with" rousing speeches by Mr. W. A.--Boys, K;C., M.P., "Di-. Bant- ing (Cobkstown) and Rev. Dr. Boorbh. 1 11.. T.._-....-...... m-...`.;.. ..`an.1.-. nu.-1 Mimana Many of the Counil se.em_ed- skew` tical as Mr. Kelly =revfusescl* to divulge any .nameu var1dTson1e were p-i'epal'-d 'to; discreditethe claims made for the s-ucncessof the article as one, likely to come into genenal` 'use.; inter- esting reupartee followed -and the Council. adjournedj to mlldw of a. mmye* .informsa.l discussion of the .-Imatteri and as closer ezxa.mina.t.im1 of the;s:am- iple tine prodiuced: by Mr. Kelkv, . C'l":........ .'.f #1.. L4-u-.4: nan`-A niin Imnf 1 ' ' - ` d 93% 31` 513351"; ? . _.__\ - CEIQEBRATED ON VII-C 171-`-"LN|l!uC'\.Il `VJ .LlI.loV -lL\/`bl-`Ya . ares: of the -best make. M not guaranteed for more than.5000 miles, `and many not that, while _ou1~s is guariinbeeclr for 10,000 miles, andvsone set was run over -18,000` miles. The tire is patented andi the company has `L __.j...__. mk ox-in I-rxvuvrun. 1-un.n`xTll' UUILVIGL wueu: U110 b\uu1Ja-A1,). uauu D113 13 In charter . Other towns, notabILv Peterboro,_ :11.avA_T made. ove1'tur'es,- were replies Mr. Kelly `-`made to en- quiries. The -p'1`.omotez1's evpent'. T'neday in. Town interviewing a ' number of prominent men. and promised to send i denito word within _a few days. \\A)|)l\BsuUwu; a.u.1.'p. .:.uuv . J./1: .LI\r\.rvIAnu ; M1`. Laurence sang a solo and Misses ; Wiseman and ~Bucha.nan and Mr. *`Alx.LF.rasesr ,gave- spleaging recita- `V tions. .Mr. H. G. Robertson ably lled the c`_~hair.1 ~ V -_-- ._.-...'...- -_.._..n L.-u"\`4\1\' um: Uuuu. ' _ After the -prognamme,'sma1l tables j were brought in and a; tasty luncheon served , after which dancing and _c_:3rds were `indulged in `for sgevenal 1 J17 ___-._:..... _ A.-.5;-s.`-bn:r\.vv\.('n'\4* AINZUI-NI VII`? .\".I. Ilfryo _ .We are very much `V in H earnest about A this proposition, 4 said. ; His Worship Mayor Cowan, and so arel - the people we rerpa"es3nt,A but-..1;we`m=us_t know who are the people behind this I `concern? ' 4. ' V n .1 tn '-1 1 1,`-,_ Two YEARS AND MS}! 1 FOR cmmmxn OFFENCE1 " make. the atu-e. poslttvely Vaj none; 1111 . St`-:33 orced: `home : and! if.:.a -m_1t< _s `made in: a rubber time`. it is ruined! Econ- equ:_eant llossjdf about $60. .:Wit;h .th=i-a new tire,-_ the,_-Iiromortels ; ,_ola.im the. I Aabutdist .f1-om siurehi delays 1_1d.' expense, as it is im-1>095ib1' to" 'punc_:tum them, andJ_ t-he way,t,h.ey__ 9,1-e_. protected: by the meta21I'ic..stui(1d-ing, the wear is minimized greatly. They claim. this tine has as much vressilency as"hhue ordinary ina'12edi rubber tire; ` Comm em.ts have appeared on si,m1-f` lar makes;-off . tires in different jour.- %. nals. not-ably. V Chambers "._J 01l'.'_lf'I18], - `which speaks of sL_saimi1ar inventiorn? being successfully used. in England. .: This \ mputwble journal and othgrs %` predict that some such make` of tare` will eventually -smxpplant -- the pI1611" m-atic tire of to-day. 4-TIT- -..- __-.._. ..._-.L' L- --`---mt [A ' L .Th<; .wl1o1e eve_-ing"s ente1't.aimnent L was well. managed! ` and: carried out, `and _eve1'ybo}i_y V had a pleasant time. Young Map Given Severe. Penalty in County Court Last Week. 1 Abbidor Shmv, of Corldnmater, was found g'ui~lt,y _in the County Court on Wed_nes`day of last week of .a.1:be1`npt- ed rape,- and Senbe-11c:ad1Lby J udgeLWis mar` to two. years: less Giie day in the Central Prison and tobegivezn twelve 1-ashes. - V. ` . ' Th alleged of`fe'n.cIe p1ace_0n Saturday, October; 5th-, mi Va ngzilxway siding at Waubaushene, and "within L,,__` L-_...]_n.;J- vrnuuqa Qf: ,SlU.?lug am vva.wuwwu-uvuv, um... ..I...._..__ two hundred yam 9f the big mi.1!1 at ) .were at Work. , The victim of 1:h;e+'as- sault was -Cvlmwa. Maseortt, who with her. `companion, Emily '-Morrow, was returning from Fesserton. ` They am both French, 19_ and '20 years: of age respectively. A struggle ensued} when Shaw, Laidi on one of the girls; L "and :the g_v'mrl sA -hands`-ansdi were go.sh_edx~o1_1"a. wire fence over" Which` Shaw to `faucet her. Miss` M0fPOW e?ml:1l'rfoir- assistance. a.ttra:ct-r - "0'f_-Workman `loading 1_u"n_1 satttheg - Shaw db- Waubauxshene Where many emspxloyeuers I I , -~.1. ".I..':..`l...'... .;.-. ngsamku nmnmrn'n_ | all Ulln llllhl-`I-, .|nLn.\.n -um--v-n campeci; -`He hidj in:a .nea:rby swamp, wv~heuie-Constable `N69.-Ion bf Wa:mba.u- himytakiug him to `the \l0C.k"l1p -9.3, Vichoriawarbor, [ wheire`"b9 wasoounmsittedu for tr-ia1.by` _ Police Brown. I At ` the :"M.*`" j 7 ' % 'GvU_Y i FAU: 1.:~1}A* A 7 LOCAL MEN GET WORK . `V Mr. Thos. Rogweu-9 of the Barrie Planing Mill has been appointed Clerk` of the Works for the improve -V` ments to, the 'PostjOioe, of which Mr W; A. T`ovm_ of Collingw\ood.is the successful} tenderer. It is new learned that the contractor is making a1'ran.gwevments to. have local workmen do all the work tl_mt"they can handle, `and that contracts will be_su-.b'-lert to local contractors for all the work and material, but that for the Roman stone and stmctuml steel. It -is im- likely tlmt the work will be proceed- ed with until the Srpring, on account. of the lateness of the Mr; J; J. sum r...in.bendi1t `(if the {Department for. :3 T......1..'C;.`1`....14 -'...1 'n,.__.__.-.1-_... ru__-1'_1___ vw-vvuuvu. y1luuuc1. _ Lint: U-u:ua|_.5Lu5 S-V-I.` '__;t-he` here `was discussed, `=fp1a.ns for. a vigorous '~:campaig'n. to secure _a permanent shel-_ which is urge1itly~needed<,-and`-to -{appoint a: County ' Inspector, who `con-ldgive his whole time to- the };work. `jThis sxplensdici j.woIrk- for the `fit is felt by all" that the must .Shal1!provide adequate means for the i..meert`ing of `the 11ng.ent and ever "in- -creasing demand made upon it. The i Society feels sure" that when t1;`epub- ~lie understands the need',,.md realizes the magnicent opportunity of mak- ing a `worthy and: life saving . in`- ! vestnieht for unfortunate children that they will rwlfly to this 'work of phivlanthropy, `see that the -County Town of Simooe is han-dica:p~ ment and insuicient funds ' 1' 1! I flV\.. 1'1` 11 1 T7 1 1- ` -{chi-ldrn "is "'-growing so rapidlyi that.` -.be .:placed- upon` such footing that ped no longer by inadequate. equip - JVV" ' if it. is derposited: in the of Canada. W119. tha need ariscae, or an to make an exoep-tnomally . . 1 :4- :.~_.. urmvi-111` 1n1ian}\ frfhe an .u. vua anus: can 1.1; cu.LI.bv-3. B . J |, At the ose of the -lecture, ihe ur- gent need of enlarging the work was again emphasized by Mr. Kelso and _a. general `disctrssion fodlorwed`, Bezfore s'epa.1'-atiI1g,' the meeting venthusiasti- ca.I.l{v endorsed a motion to call a rpreselltatiive committee for the im- mediate launching (if the. scheme. T.`._..;L'_`__ ~:__r-..__--.2_,, 311 1 ,1, 11 ,1 All\.'l.|ltIr|.'\J W_(.l.ol.l1lLZsllJ. [16 III. III I`? 3.'Ill(7llLC- Fxurt-hr! 'i11formation will -be glad-ly i given to any who desire it: by the` sacretalfy, Rev. Andrew -Smith, Box; [441, Barrie. j % % % 1 .\7J. vsuu - .l..lIa' UlUl4Iul\lL.l.Il gin :the\~i1i_teuf-_ests of the Barrie Society. _f-He .eo;1duge_& an interesting and im- yportant oo'n.fre'n 5 o clock in the :'Council- `Chamber. _ TH:-. en-llatging of_ 4.1.... .._-...;.I-' 1....-- _ _' .1:,.-____...1-. ......,1 " :ana }Depende`1s Ghimrii, ~.was in Town`. on -Tuesday, Oct. 29th, In. the T-btwn Hal-1, Mr. d e lighted a Large audience, with an in- teresting 1ecture'on the general work, _ whil:e D1`. ` Crease very kindly operat- ed this .splendd l:anbern, in. pr:-e~sent- , ing. a very fine set of slides. - ` ` I `A; ;L_ -1--- _1- 1.1-- 1_-L__..- 11-, ,, T HAT BREACH jOF PROMISE { - . CASE. 1 -The Mock Court Trial to` be given under the -auspices of St. And;`reW. s Preslbyterian ohorir, in `the Grand Opera; House, next Monday `evening, '(_>veunber 11th, promises to! be an event. of umxstuxl int4e:-est; J udgihg from newspaper neiports of similar etxtertainments conducted by V the" p1"~e~sent managemmlt, it wou.-ldr seem_ to be oneof the mast` things I now offered for -public patronage. Ta. ...:11- L-` :.. L1-.. E--. ..1.v-_. ,..; `Pummmsnamzn Eon CHILDRENS Am socum ]IJ\JVV vLA\.IA\.'LL A-V: FLNUILL: !.'I4IrIAl-`\.ILlVl6\)o V It .W1L1 be, m t.11e-.3-rst place, an exact reprouductlon ~ of . a court. scene in me-thodxs. and procedure, and on I this account wi-lzl be extrelnely in-J` teresting to ladies and ot.-hers .who} have never attended} a meal tria.-1}._ Best of `atlil be the nenedi fun "fVl.I of the whole affair. With- Mr. Jus- tice Jory .p1-esiding over the court Mrs. Jemsha. R. `Perrkins appearing as. the b1~oken-hgearbecl plaintiff, Mr.` W. C. Wahls as the de..-fendvant, Col.` A. V. Newton of Wonoesmezr, Mass, p1-oisaecmting the case and His Wor-V` ship Mayor Corwan. 'defend`ing the aouseds, ,17o`say' nothing. of the brib- liaut. ~ar.ra:3;.-oIf ciou.rt of-cars, .wit.ness- es and jutirji it is pre_tty 'o erta.in we shall h-a.ve`.. ' reaI1ty of `a. `court; scene and! enough wholesome funtoVg last `av Whole year. 7 , '1-_,_:r-,-,1: _'L_} ._-_-_1:-;.-_1: 1f_. 4.1.... ".2." Ja/-Irv u. VVLLULU Juan. , In`dee'd3, it-as predicted: by those in? position to_knouw, that from t.he'o3pe.n- ing of thze~oo11r't .1u1`.t,ia1 the clbse of the case,` theaudienoe wi1`1 -be kept. keyed , ,up to the point of oonvulxsiong, by the unique proceedings. - 4_Wit, pathos, 01:0-quience, laughable ' 1:0-cal. hits and vagaries` will bedmawn upon without -stint to 'kegp up the! ' %cu.rr'en.t of .me;irimgent.' _ _ 1 z__;. .._;..'A. \'Jl4Ll..I.U&l'U VJ. LA.L'\..;L4.Aan.u.Lvo -As an nterbainmzenl; of innocntl A fun, conducted, .wi_bh mock dignity` .a shade of offese. to rened tastes,.rthe Trial `will ,be' as.i- mentineck-`above, an .ev of Vunusual intexjest. ` ` % -1-- M * *- -_- u... ._.l_... -141... zuw an v--vvy v--v~-v--,, `K (-3511 deal, it is wofull.` much to able to LIP-t 3'0? cash With01t'd6],1\3_',\=,-T Meanwhile it- is asbS01.111'y safe e;m'niug' Interest all the tim. ` Barrie Branch. I 13

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