ate: _. _best. Ior *nVuisift1_g N `mothers `bebiuse theyxdo not affci L the yes: of the 5 sysm,., Mdbut s_i:rVe.T Sc. ' 0. box` at your I Iuw_ II'l`I`l AI7 . co. oi gAu`A|'n._um11u . " " V ' .' I H. J. .TUDHOPE,..Qlerk. X173. comvrs, Clerk. ___ .-.v- u ..v J\,soA\!,( and him perfectly honorable' in `all busiess `transactions and 311:- anciallya etomrry out anyo '- gations made by his rm. ' W gnome, KINNAN & MARVIN, _WholesaJe D1-uggists, Toledo 0.` ~ }Ha1l.'s.Catar1-h Cure is taken in-: ternaally, acting directly V upon the- bloodi and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonia.]s- sent free. Price 75 cents per -bottle. Sold by DI'u8 8'i,$t~5.- ' Take Hallfs Family Pills for Con- stipation. . = --~. . V ---..v vv .- F. J. Cheney fo~ruth`eu- last 15 years,; honorable] :71 `\Iou:|-up-nu-.. '4-gnusn... .A3_.__ Hows" THIS? 1 We offer One Hundred Dollars Revardi for a.ny_case of Catarrh that gannot be cufed, by Hall7s Catam-hp: man is vent at times and contin- ually thmeatens other people. I : I!` xz `I 1 T. F, J. CHENEY G: 00., To1edo,.O. We` the undersigned have -known` 3`. Cheney for thg 115 yea:r, ...J L-.J`:...... L3--- - _`_-~ _ " "" ""I vvu v--3 - --V-.. follogtygeg-9 `F031 Canada must be addressed ;.;_m-nt)mC_33dian Correspondence Depart- A-Wmgisor, Out. If you desire to In Detroit as we see and treat " _'81'_e for Correspondence and ` all letters as follows: l V W hood F300 0f ChTu-go. Bgoh I-`roe-'_ , ) on eiatherhood. (lllustrst have a full line of A_LirTigl \%t% Wood Heaters. HAMBL Y, a Heating _:Stover Js e e om- newlines of Singl:eandDouble Heaters. l-low Reel of Ill. _ a`a_.4Vi1\ Ranges in Canada THE HARDWARE AND STOVE MAN guarantee % Aim *"' `"01 WP ygwwucuuunounvuuvu lawn-rrV'- - oooliil av."-.:.:.-.v..:;=` ~:::"*:....%;::.... . _CuIInfccovc20Yun. UJRABIZ CASB GUARAN'l'$ A ' OR NO PAY .' Aiqyou a victim? Have you 109` ' _ 9 Are u intending to mar?! bean 2 Have YOU? 9 Nov Ilothod Tuuunonc wt (than done for others it will vim .......I...e._ :3... Na matter - Wm: {than done for others 1: mu WW Concludes I-' N ttor 1. .'d `YOU. writterfor 11?: 'lr11:nest -%hood.` Fatherhood." (mzfstrab SAVED FROM ANOPEBATION W"-939811` because on have created wuu `" et0l'8. used e ectric belts and tried W118 store nostrums. e Our New Method 1- bed hundmdstro yoahnent has saatc om ..p..::.,,:h:.b=.:::d::(.:::W W N- shlilllldeauccentul men of those who were Bdlelfoi-euchlndi d _ I `vi u `"5 `mull case. It d0'lIand out. We Jrescribe specic rem- .,m case according to the ant Ind eomxgications-we have no on. medicines. Th {none of the secrets of not wondertulsuccessu our treatment: cm- fl' 7.6 pg-ascribe remedies adapted to curable cases ac- X. `I. `-1; .I..(.).nl..:..... homes and uu th: Vic nnnann xuu 'UInNANUMlD ` G1'_DM-N -:neucz`;`&Ia ""` ` of early indiscretions and Liter an ` eeuesnvho are failures In life-yx)u am the gteswo galtxrestoro to manhood and revive aspur o ene and vital`: . Don`: rzive u indespairbetggxgo havlreytreate-1 with 0!: er doctors. mm Ann!-v-1'0 ham: and mad -AND` Y0 MEN AND GED EN he viuctTI{1% indisMclrel?1!:`z'-glguxi 14$ ex: A nun l..:I........ 2- 1:1,- .. ..... H-an -.-v- \r o uoK\Cl.I: 1.11:1-3l\. i was raised on 1.02:: 134?:-1. 4'3"` I Like to see the old fzaltzilim :+1:1~'x`v" 1'*ep}ied Jack.---Cincinmfi ]`:`;q`.'Ef`L`I`. . IN THE WILD F..\.~iT. "Why are you so cr;1z,v n`,w_:t. ww- boy pictures -in the I1:<\'2:g rm-t=.Ir0 shows ? asked Mask. f __ . . . . 1 v {Continued from page three.) is the case of Almer Olsen. 49 years Of age, whose lifeless bu-1} was dis- `(severed at the foot of the Imtchway on the Schooner Gc0rg`;- A Marsh about 10 o cIbck. a..u1. 0!`. '['ue.~`day l-22nd. How Olsen znct his dcath is a profo`un.d secret. He had bmn drink- ? ing.-during the morning. but whether `the effects of his illt-)Ki1';lILi<)I`. had `anything to do with the taking 3W`l.Y of is largely pI'4>Mv.-111;!tI7_`.;Ll. 3 The doctors called :LI1 iIL1m\a`t '.was' unnecessary, as in vm. 2vH.:-zxt -the man had died of s1rf f~~*:tti~I1. JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE every Stove we v\t vs uuov uwu usv lls]. I VIII!`- B J 3 ed above the elbow iti_ '3 15 VII: matter Iunn [ Richard Metheral of Dunedin, Edged 81 years, had his _arm umputat-. nlxnwun `la.-. :4 LL. (1-113..- A farmer" near 'Coo_kstown had $2,000 worth of alsike this year. rm... .......L:...._1 .......1--..;:-_ -.c -1__-1-..` ?'r"1i;""co{iII$d T{m.f{I.'1 "3? g;-awn by three farmers in that vici- nity sold for $4,000. A The Cooksbown Advocate says: Mr. Cunningham Arnold of Bafrie has sold his farm in Essa to Mr. `Rabin-. son of '1`oron'to. Mr. N. Willison, formerly princi- pal of Coldwater Public School, is now teacher` of Latin and "Psycho- liogy in the Lutheran Theological College, Galt. " ' Beeton s postponed "fair V was held on Friday, Oct. 18t.lL The gate re- oeipts amounted `to only $100, and good races_ were the chief attraction.` T Mr. Ed. Donald. fofmer pioprietor of the Maple Leaf Hotel, Tottenham, one of the best hotels in IO-$35 Brantford. Potato rot has ruined half the c'norp_ arou.nd{ Tottenham,` and other districts report considerable The City Dairy G0. at their New ELo.w farm -are now milking 180 cows and.` expect tolmve `250 by winter time. . A new`a1-enxa, whih is said: tube thelargest in ahoAPro.vince is being built. at Owen Sound. ,, 1 ooooooouooooououwbbogo E New _N9TFSi j:n - g n: i L- A1l~ist`on':wilil'1-evive. its hand} %.w~hio%h bgs been dqfunct for Some` time. ' ` Shelburne Fair had 'a surplus of $400 after paying all exIpen'sBO which were the higheqt _on record . I 3oooo_o_Ao_`oo"uo` The 0.9.1:. will build a faight oi- cetin Orijlia. L ` ' . ' and in the pncipal c_it'i'es ofithe` United the fP1l9\vin8` rats: ` _ . `T > _ '. . v- '; - vv utuunru-ll! vliuasv an all] uuun Ill vvuuuluuv |iG}ll-_. ,-.l!!",`llI'1;l` .- `Q Issued by a.V%cgnaa;g;. Baku -a safe. _inexpen`siv_e metl.-dd. of remittiqgV;,ll_Iall_ sums of" ?lIi0?$.:7 ayable without `:ha.rg'eat any b_a'nk in Cahad'a 'v`(_tw:e`;`> t_v;.T_i" x _1~;thev :Yiikdna er:-_it_qry)_and principal c_iti'es of`t_he United States,'arveT issucdt at Ihould by mm by mom or 6'_u|f 3.1?-Q, `_ ORDERS. Iuuod`-without dolly qt 7`? :~'`.-:; . _ __` ; - _l' mom NI-:Ak`AND _...- :-ru- I 1 opnosn-.I; Ross ST. ; 370,3?` `;3.*.`BRfS ow swvIv%4% *;;2;.?. :: ._-_I.. L__ .._-.'__ , _ 1$b'AVD'-:lA`='8i`$'g-iihvnu `---'- A .-.._4.- 55 II!!! n s a c n olo 0.0 5 and not ex'O: ee.llIle`-31,0. .. I `g . (5 . . Q1! , n. :.onasmfr1-. : -_..- v V MI~runqrUI;m1i`7>I:- `L _, . Buggies, Carriages; Wgzonsv ` V Sleigh: anI_ pucfs. A ` Q__-.._. 1\;.'__ _ ..........u... _..v.u -uvuuuus. uauwu, um provrwmty known : as MKe88i home, and will make__ qxtenaive im- proxzemenm befm`eL~oIacu-pyingi` `it sun'u1nm:." hasqf laitee ; summqgixig jatj .DL_=:% - Point, ,7 but 5: mmeyteim aso.prwasa:resuJar.; T%f%.8;am-.` In, " .9:Bdr::i;%7:VIIe:::i8 '- 3,. ` the Duke and Duchess of Co_nnaught* The myu truin, bearing T.R.H.f and Princess Patricia stopped at Al'- liston on its return journey from the. _ West, on V Monday of last week. An informal reception followed the salute ofgRev. A. P. Addison, local- sooutmaster, seveual A citizens being. informally presented` to, the royal Pam o " _ u A':C.P;R. ,trackma.n rnear Goldwat- er Junction out earlier A than u!iuw1 .la8t_ \ walk the tracks. It was fortunate he did"so, or there would be many "homes. _` mourning the loss of -some dear one. He found a broken rail`, and: had just time. to make a." temporary zepeit, when the`--ax`preas. train` ` for" Tozjonto, _ ' ;ent in .).too*vt:ev' lspdctoi} rural delivery ,' establishment of a rural delivery. and `it is thought'th at the delivery 1;_v:ilI- 1be_ in the spring. % . T` B! VA;n>T3 ) A-'-1iY`". ; mg in. Galveston; Tex;as.'.:' `.,L.......:I| ...-..."- `n-__._\x-__ `us ,_ -. Th canvass ofjth far"1vn.e1'-s'oxI1 the Bondead` road and through jha _;sett lleme,nt in Smith Simboe. ..-.`.L 3.. a.-.~.1. _ ._.-_'A. _m_- _..~_..-~- Mr. W. M. Reade, K.C., of Berlin, who has been appointed`. Juniorvludgei of Waterloo County, is a former O1" borm there in 1854. Since his mppointment, J udge; Reade had the misfortune to: fall down a.; stairs breaking one of his legs. . _ '. The Uxbridge Times announces that the _Hon. W; H. Hoyle. intends to remove from Canningtori to To- ronto, and thathe is not likely to seek, re-election . It is the intention to tender a banquet to Mr. Hoyle before he leaves Cannington. The, matter of valdry dockvfo-r Mid- land i ag-ai`n receiving attention and The TA`:-gu-s undrstands ,9, proposi- tion 'n ioonnection _t.hel'eIw!it.h Will: be placed before -the town ,au,thori_ties within the next few days.` It is stated: that 5a. number of local ga.pital- is.ts- have $150,009 to put into the project. `i . ' V . $50,931 was the revenue for` - the province last year from licensesr is- sued to automobile owners and chau-T` feurs. It was" only $5,523 for 1908, which gives a fair idea of the in-V nrnmcxn M tlna `((1.2-. T'\..3..'l79 L...--3-- -~ ..-.-v.. .3911: in Aug: xgcu U]. WIU 111' !crease of the -Go Devil buggies as the named them. ' . Rev. A. Berlis, of Victoria Harbor Presbyterian `Church, has resigned his charge `to take up srpecixal work among the" A'Rut11en-ians, of Canada. Mr. Begrligo isnof (_3er'man[ `Inn ........-J - - " -v ---_'_.--V S'mto'r Piuuaon a 1. ll"l*lN'l|Inv PAIn n -_ vw-.-vv-v-uvv parents , was` .reared speiaks ve languages. bid-JO cl-I\AI L10 LU UL uvvuuuu . . In Rusqia, and Amiouncement is made by ah extra` of the Can.ada`Gazette of -the opening; `or! Parliament at Ottawa on Thurs- day, November` `21st.. Mr. W. A. Boys, K.C., South Simo0e s new member. will take -his seat on that rlnl-n. oaol-IIVVI-VII: 4-I651 u 3|}-KXXEU an;i. the directors will have a surplus] of $200. The reuceiupts, tgtalled $460.- 25, of which $85.00 came from the concert, The directons talk of erect- ing new builldings. . v V A card index system will be in-, stalled in connection with. the Oril-. lia_ ele'ctrio ughtins dLn,T which will. show. the number of, lights, elec-' trio appliances, etc., Vused~ by`a1l'-Light {In one: ` - - ` th;;;.`;;'t;;t; `;.:;%::'..;a`,`; %Th;W'.M?f.h&1f *w~8*!WrQf;-P'8:. lvytenanxsm. an Alliston wag. told by. tbg;pastor,; Rev. W. '1`-.'Ell1son. Wi-laliam Brown, son of an3. `Mrs. Robt. Brown "of TTo1;tenlia1I.1, was found dead in at Hamilton on Monday of last: week. ` 'He'was buried. at ~Tpttenham Wednes- J11` no ' Il\Ol|L ~-.c----- wd hjd's 1>`ita1'.`c`>}.vux{i:T:`c'i,f . o1} the l`>ack vuvscg vvvsa Jgsllg JIILIlII7l. ,yvu.J * m;n:.m?`*;s::: .,.,..*``{.i::i..`g, ;"*:::'g trade tn pqtapo diggers this faill Nearly every LTm_y farlger yo_u Lama t\\I\ 4.`, 5 an pg...` -._-_ _2.. Alliston Fal -I `Fair was a suocgss .. 4.1.; .!_'._-_L.,_ -n I " "A1.1isu`m A Prei>yta1'hn33 Aeaebrace L...:_:- cm.:..;L __._:..-._.-~_.'.- ---' n---- J.~_~.' Pouesangaishene Herald" - Im % nan`! iIl'Hl\I\`.n Inn`-A. lung. JA:4.. _ `L34. Lobe 93$ Q, p I 10 .%;1s hi; ` I On m'9tioi1 0!, Campbell hind` Me-. Ar_thu'r,jthe Clerk was instructed to ;_1orward~' a "copy of the` lollowing reco- lutibn ._to Mrs: Npil Bell V : -"since we last in session you . have. ans-A 4t-Va_'fned7 _an. irrqparablef loss '11 the . _d_oat_h. o`f_ you1j.estaeme`d`_huah`and,` Mr. il`e.,L ;B.1,1-A .1 During the % m.any""vars tuu: V%t-an <:;osa1y'A~assoetaeoa '1:h`e , Mmgiclpql L ,Go.tInc'il , he hag; :81W&i-A~'8h9V?h-` th9*f`> 9$F151F!!i31Y % arid` v-Qhlljgtng"7~lp%)s1tion_:Iw'h1ch;r`ggj _ V:' .T' 5;`O'.: ; - yvvvouo ' On. motion '0! "0amp'boll' Mc- awanp. ~,ro`a-51% north of Town Hall`, '_-Div. 84. 'Goun`c"nl6r Cockburn `to in- xv9n ~ , A. ' I-= A-~ ...-~".L1"_-.. -` -- 3 `Arthur, Q50 in granted to improve. `struct Oveiijiot` Joseph Ppund an to ` Geo. Perry. As;-._,_ asked that trees _-..v-v an away: WGB wuup_u5'u- on the road` injurm'g"hi_s `ox-chard" be removed. On, motion of McArthur and Oociburn, the Reeve was asked to attend to this matter. On motion" of oampban and A Geck- -burn. the vnggv of mnn"wonkiIg_ on rondl 4n _ 4'O`ro was lncrogded from $1.35 .to' :1-.5041: _ day o!'_10 % houri uni-k. -` ` _- --vwv__; aux? DVHVUI uuullv." V` On motion of Smith and McArthur, repprf. as-readwas adop_ted ` M . G- _ _|_A C 1`: uuuu uucxuseavas to g|V6 an outlet, `we recommend that this Council con-L ;,! struct a ditch across the road. also . build a culvert with `sumcient eap(c- , ity to carry the water. We would I also recommend `that this Council \ consider the advisability of making a grant of money to improve said con- cession from lot 10 to lot 6. as the ' hills on said place are requiring` im-p provements. ' v I On` motion of McArthur and Cock~ burn`, report as read adopted. ` The Deputy-Reeve further reported 2' Since last meeting of Council I was` call-ed_on to `examine 3' culvert on` line, con. 5 and 6, opposite lot 20, and I found the old culvert was not sale. I ordered _improvements at once to _be_ made,` which will make it safe for the present, `and would A [recommend that this Council t,,ke action and carry out the agreement made with Ralph Connell -and Thos. 3 Kenney `some time ago. Mr. Kenney has performed his part of the work, an-d.Mr..Oonnel1 cannot perform his a puts a culvert in about two rods Kenneyfs `ditch, This will take all surface water_.o the road. and alsb `the stagnant water on Mr. Oonnel1's part of the work until the Council ` south of the `old one, opposite Mr. ` Iplace near the road, which the rate- 1 payers in. the vicinity claim. is dis- iagreeable in-the summer fmonths and 1 dangerous to the public health, being 1 5 fiipottei oi . si;.;:gt,.ne...*s cram * 3 Councilor Smith--"We,f the ;com- ' appointed at flint `meeting to j V investigate the complaint of Donald; Johnston and the proposition or rate- ; payers on ,.line `between con. 11' and I 12,, lots. 8, 4 and 5,.;1o r`the purpose of giving the said Donald Johnlton 1 an outlet for draining purposes, beg ; to report that we consideredtthe pro: 4 position of the ratepayers to con- ; . struct a ditch on said line and bring .', the water to a stream `south of said I lBts.e We took` levels and nd that 1 ; the proposed ditch would require to 1 ; be 9 or 10 it. deep ` at one place to bring the water to. said stream in 1 order to give Mr". Johnston a proper j 3 outlet for under-draining, and we nd i 3 that according to the Municipal Act . - that . Councils are` not liable ior 1 2 drainage of private lands; It appears 4 - to us from the information we got 1 that this proposed ditch "is for the purpose or" draining private lands, 1 L and the municipality is not bound to 1 construct or keep in repair a drain 1 on the highway .tor such purposes, c - and recommend b that no action be c ' taken by this Council to construct I v the same. The only drainage work a the municipality should. construct L and maintain is such as is necessary 2 to properly _'drain the highway. It segmsto us that this is a case where d the owners of the lands requirinq D `drainage should institute proceedings. 0 under the provisions of -the Ditches t1 and Water Courses Act, Chapter 74,` p of the Ontario Statutes for .1912; and o in this way the rights and liabilities A of all parties -interested. `incfuding t] [the Township, would be properly ad- c1 justed. But in. the event of Mr. nc Johnston and the ratepayers, whose lc lands would be `be-netted. agreeing St among -themselves to give outlet, pl urn s\nnnsnniu.n.n;A LL55 LI.1_ /1---, -oI V pursuant V fthog =nt`i__t}ce. R'ooyI_;';gr`is"` un;_woi'd-7:. . Qiggf` biIe_:nte:_-1101', _tho`?~ to1`enoon.. .; .:m0tic zn~ ` qt Mt... McA;-that and 50`oc_k- burn; Deputy-Reeve Gampben. .,\`I_ras_a`.1gs'-_ . .(_3_lojrk rea11'_c9ttmcate o1_ _J.- R; . .';fQ1erk_};"<:tt:_1`:e Poqcg, . that~ `rt fqg iglection qtj jurors '_ 1;: 1913 ._waB:duty`_-1'-'ec"Ived, - corrd1?'; `i (End in gun; air. vjn f"l!9".: pr-moi` we-. ;II,d?g-hta. `pt. :24 and 2,5,-.Vcon.`~'\9 ; I also. Thoma Ghuljeh~pmp e'rty`,` Shanty." * " _tiQn of Smith and ,Gockb ur_n, the` mug, -Deputy-.3931 and , Coma- `omor . M'cArt.l_:_ur, _ gvercppointed '3 cmnmittes to commit" ._ solicitor. to- ,.za!'_d,i_I!8 .Iab0VA.-R1;I}n8.l5IId ac`t, `ates ,1 -squire ii;--` suph j - T399012 of Union` `Bank. Barrie, ,'aho1'ving. redit tq. 'I';ea.ain-er a. ace *count `on Sept. .30, wa`s,foun-d cor- 24` ".'T.';"' f"_,.'--`-""."'.""'_ V". I?_II_L I.1`uIq&. 13;. {.36 3; 27.;con.`. i 8;;-19! a]Hs.`proval- pt :Coujncil._ . . ~:"'tll .'.--_.~ .'-2.1-, . ,_-_'.A... ' ...-- "v-,_-Vrg-v_`.o --. I I * >~- , ' 9 _. - a n ` ` ~ j A;;g%;.V. j.rd8g~l 1-. -o;L,; S.,{'ans1' `Mr. -Jack-v1 .f;te9en`t94 Nani; at :{ m:ne3; ; J `Pg;-E 1. Q: nail .5 1:! 1 0n"-.._~.' Stator Pause" M ' I`Ti4}`N'I`I'oIi Pmxhm j .%HorI.I.lto`eingA Ql - :1 . --.-A-__.._.- _ Since the arrivaal of Cote." in the .ja_i.l, G_ov'ernovr',. been .able Att) I)oa_te_. his} bmgher, : Albert -0.01`-a in . who 33'. x ` 137 was exzunmeu I by tionary enginer _in F0IrtAWi1l.ia.m or ` F. i #04 wand` tad Mr.` `Ryth`etr a* in fa vain-` % to Li1_;i&ay,_ he S :..__-_.., -....v, vuac uuuvuw pounce and on Thuratiiay afternoon, (Jons- table Draper went to Mr. .Ryther s and bryought the unfortunate man to thev11IagB,Nvherehewnsex_a.mineti 1. - auusi-[uru.y,R any-3 ;e .l5lInV&_lB Lance. . ytaher, - w o suspected that the visitou- s. mind was unbal-' infoximsed` the Ehnvae` pooe and on Thiimnv n:nn-In n.A- I`--- -- BROUGHT TO BARRIE J AIL AND WILL _ BE SENT TO`AN ASYLUM. On Wednesday of `last week a de- mented I_nan, a.bout ve _feet ten inch-` home of Mr. Joseph Ryther, con. 6, F109, and stayed an night and part of Thursday says Ranting. `M : if}.-.l. - ----~ ,.-_..... "yaw usuvxpu puxu. Adjourned to - meet at 10 Nov. 25. ' T DEMENT`ED MAN SLEPT " % AT FLOS FARM HOUSE .,'--- vac J van On_ motion of Cockburn and A Mc- Arthur, accounts to the amount of $762.64 were ordered paid. Ainnv-nn.:I J-A ----# ` `ever willing to lend a helping 5 liand when the saw it required, he will be much missed by every one` of. us: And we, as a Council, desire to ten- {der to_you and your daughter our 'sincere sympathy in the sad `loss you `have sustained. ' And may an all- wise Providence protect and prosper [both of you; ""-'33'3` o'!;1;;;l?;<.ls recommended Lydia E. Pinkhem'e Vegetable Com- ? pound and after taking It for two months Iwlee 1 well women."-lite. Joann A. LYNCH, Jeuup,`Pe. ` ' ......".:n ::*;2..~.:-:..::.-:.:-=w-'- '- 3 . ' ble Comtgund, one of the tul remedlee the world hu-everknowuy: .ggm -uhmitnc we _- -.--.. -- vv-u up VVUUVO : On motion of Coutts-Knupp. it was 3 decided that no action be taken re - Dr. Brand's account for attendance :_ or! two families for scarlet fever, and. s that he would have to_ look to the l parties engaging him for the 1 amount . of his account. . n `The Clerk was instructed to notify the .C.P.R. to repair approach to crossing on Minesing Road, and to notify the G.T.R. that the road a_l- lowance between concessions 8 and 9, south of track, is- now in shape for public-travel, and that it the cros- sing is not opened and graded to - standard within 3 reasonable time, that` the Council will apply to the Railway Commission to compel same The Council adjourned to` meet on Nov. 25, at 10 a.m. " - _ ...._ -v.ou yaw, quovu , . H. Partridge. balance, for gravel, sideroad, 15 and 16, con. 1, 81.12-; S. McKe_ver, lling washout, sideroad, 20 and 21, con. 5, $3.50. ' A ' 1 n_ _.;4._:-_ n - --a--- -----u' vvv-v v`:vuuv-u ' The following accounts were passed: [Union Bank, for debenture No. -14, ,_Swg1ey Creek, $186.01; Wm. Coup- 1a_nd,_ covering. `stone,*con." 8,. $8.00; John Russell, cleaning Vespra's por- tion "of Tracy-Davis Award Drain,- 851.00; A. B. Coutts, ticket to Bee- ton for indigent, and` phoning Re-eve of Flos re scrapers, $1.05; M. Cto-| nan, vfor shovelling snow, ' winter road, and .stnt'ute `labor, $7.00 ; Thomas Harrison," ` lling washout,` con. 10, $7.50 ; Wm. Dunnugravel for con. 2 and road--to pit, $3.92; Wm. T-T 'D~nv-4-I-8.35- I.-I....-- 1- ..-_A v--v V1 o-cw v `:0 vv-0` `light damfwen o NIL- c-n-_.:.._ ------..L.. v vv \; QwU:uv-w:\ av- , who H. Spreule, ~Aua1st:n'-E` .I"'i"t;;i-;1ci:i~. Treasurer, enclosing " account '0! patients in_. provlnciagln aeylume.` `chargeable to Vespra, for_ $182.50, also cheque for 825.18, being the bal- ance of the railway taxes due Vea- pra after deducting the amount of the account. . _ "'ieE'de'_?o banding 3 bridge` over tho ~ Willow! Creek at the old }ectri'c:l uni` glam. an-Aug 4:-._AJ ' ' _; The Council met Tog -the 211 dtnst`-;=;;_ puteua.nt/ to` adjou_rn'ment'," o`a`ll_ Agtheg menfnbi-3` ptaent, and; the Reeve ' Iii"- the miuuteoot the last . meeting. were `read and...ooi1_rmed. , " Cgvnununictonn ,l\ro_n1L`l j`Hy.- Priest, notifying the Council` - to `clean out their portion of the Award -Drain, known as tl|Ie.9thfl.ine, drain; 3. (E. `Maw, . _8ec`y., North. Sintcoo Eiowmanw _Aocia_tion,V Soliciting grant for,_ said uaocidvlon ;. F. 3; Ball, re. assessment of his property -:1 nn....._.: '.I.- a. re ' c:a'""'w{i{'I'63T;" E3 "'aig"'. ii;-I's' account (or ateendance on twd families; for scarlet. fever ; * C.` ___-.I- _ A___j.-_L v\_`_-_o_.s_I ' fourth child, I had severe organic inam- Peoria, Ill.`- I wish to let every one know whatLydiaE.Pinkham sVegetable ,-,.,,, .,5.,,..::- ~ ..;, Compound has done ',.y{I/ / W*"~ * ` 1,-,. for me. Fortwoyears . . - '{: Isulfered. The doc- , . f . ~ m ' and the only remedy . was the surgeon's .- . knife. My mother /-,.-.~'._'.-" bought me Lydia E. ', ' , Pinkham s Vegeta-M" A . ble Compound, and today I am a well and A healthy woman.` For ' months I suffered from inammation. and your Sanative Wash relieved me. I am glad to tell anyone what your` medicines have done for me. You can use my testimonial in any way you wish, and I will be glad to answer letters."- Mrs. CHRISTINA REED, I05 Mound St.,.Peorla, Ill. . Mrs. Lynch _Also Avoided - - Operation. - Jeuup, Pa.-"After the birth of In matlon. I would have such terrlblepaina that it did not seem as though I could stand it. This kept up for three long` ` months, until two doctors decided that ' an operation was needed. A urn... -..- -1 _.--1..n-...a- ..-`.-...... -_ I :