YOU CAN BUY NEW TEETH N Your P:-aent Instrument tak- en` in exchange. Do_n t' be; by. ighe va1.>pegn`- anceiof a Piano `or by `Sa1emen s arguments; _ The Iasti11g- tone qualities are its real value. -----v -vv_vuvvJIIIV`II j 0' `Canada's Greatest Piano Over; 20,000 purchasefs of Ger- hard Heintzman Pianos in` Cyn- nrln 'nnn. -4.-u-.4-I__ L, `A ...... .....j.b ..uuuu_y up we euuurlng tone qualmes. ' Convenient, Payments Arrang-' 34-ame : Popuiur Music More ______._________.__ Robertson s ` Iuyoctc cont; nrau ours {$1.00 nrnuuuu m ADVAN6 Gerbarb 'JlJein.3i1%iin1 {'hn::In'. ll.....o..-a. n_- - _ *nnuc STORE 1 o_r Bums Howl. (Continud on Page '-'l'o_o,th Paste MURILLIO ONLY AT -uunoulifll .I.1allUB All `Juli `testify to its enduring Hfiaa 6) See_ our stock and let us give you our prices. This is all new stock, is just to hand and we _are sure we can intere` cmtrs` .% nuns ; uuousuus .T Ann . noon . o1LcLoriis 000: E06 IIVU BOY" Extra_ aw" iizi.i.;;1'Ts?;;:;L1"'ix'o;;f' '}zes 5. 60 m, S_pecia.l" per pgir 25c MEN S Black or Heather Mixture Woolen Sox. Nice ne quality. All sizes. Per~*pair . .. .`. `.y . .. .25c and 35a or 3 pairs for $1.00 `A ` LADIES Heavy Weight Fine Quality Cashmere Hose, plain and Ribbed- Sizes 8%: vto.10.. Permfair. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . 50c ____-. .. ..,..., T guvslcu vvwz-qu_r:jus~anu lmuwem. All sizes. A` 0009000} 000! Q00 0. u I o o o 000. 1.00, o o n c I c o Iovno MEN'S. -Plai._nA Knit Wo'r>1iShi:rtl:ndl Dmwo;s.. 50; LADIES P_enman s Natural,Wool `Vesta and Draiwers. . . $1.25 LADIES `Watson's of ],Ndcu1-9.1 Wool Vegas and Drawers. A garment ..... 75o,and $1.00 LADIES Vests _ V color, cotton _ and wool `mixed. A ea:-ment. ..' .. .. .. .3250, 35c and we MEN. S Extra F_ine Imported Woolen Underwear; Per Suit. . . ;.`- . BOYS HOSE-Q-.-IqIeo;vy 'ng Hosiery for This is positively the` beats wgaljing line sold in the, County. Sizes 5 to 9`/o' olco-000000000 cool`!!!-00000000 0 DAM.` 11, 1 , 7" -5:: n _ n--`- - -! 0 0 '0 `O 04 o ._A""25C $0 and 'D1.'awers,_ Watson a make, ' whine or. lnatuml ` o c o u on a `$3.50, $5-00 ` I Odour Kerr, the Ehnva.le~b0y who the by'ra'w 2' . was shot by the" fakir at Elmvale `~ Fair, has suiciemaly recovered: rom,P I113?-`t0I` J85 his wouqud as to be able to attend %S:g'a 333 school. Although the 'buvl-kfst wound the estabshlu in the oalfof hismsg is healing nice.` ng which i: jly, he still walks with a limp. |Ba.n_-ie schwh, ..._car Amide}? A` ga'rme"n.t is g u_ai'a__nteed:"ai|nd' `i_tT`shriril<":fvvc will give }rua%v=wone- " ` K * % t` 38 ,,Heav_-iest` Weight Ribb ed Shirts and . Drawers. Stunel*d _s` sizgs. AA garment. . . .~.-. . . . , . . . . . . . . . .. .$1..50 7 ' M_EN S_ Mefd-ium.;Weight Ribbd Shirt and Drawers, All sizes. Stan- eld s j,.guaraI1teeg _A` gm-me_nt'.".. . . .;. 4. . . . . . ., ;_, . $1.25 ' LAI)IE S_7,,9xtraV he Silk and Woo1`..Yeats_ and _:.-Drawers. ` .*'St'a`n-' eld's A garmgnlt. .. .. . ,`.;'. . _ _ ._ ' VLADIES `_Extng... Heavy Ribbed Vesta uni, 'Draimers$ `Stmelg1 . A ">0. 0,; a 9 6- ;`c o o o`: 0 0,0 o 9 o 0.0 o o u o o o u o o fro`: o 0 go . ,` MEN S Extra Heavy Ribbed ._Sh'iz`ta, angd Dmwers.` ' Stangldfs. A garment .-.v.' .. .- ' 81.00 _ _ Mhj'ah3; fh 6 .- . . .`. " . to be reeve or to be deputy reeve. Mr. Marley has had a. successful! {career in the council, `of . which he .hae'.been a. member for six years. V In his first`. three contests he polled the second.` highest vote for; council- lor, in the next two contests the` ,highest- vote, end last year was re- turned with the` dther . members of the council by aoelamation. While Mr. Marlley is the only member of! `the old council` who has denitely- announced himself a` candidate for ` higher honors, there is no doubt that; sevex-ml of the other gentlemen name ed will enter" the ght, and.-as each has numerous friends years: of. successful municipal experience. the contest will be keen. and the aairs of the township in safe `hands no _ !matter what the quteome maybe. `Iv \-'nu , . ~u_yu Lxst; .uuuvou0 uuaauwo fl-Ivl'o' A. R. 'l`udhope, who has successfully pe1'f01'n1ed the dut~ieS' of neetve for the past two _vvu1-.4. has decidecl to become a 1'0.~'i(|t.~nt of the VV(3`Sat~ umi not again .~`(,'(.`l\' the stlruges of the G120? tors of this township. _ For the 1'68? .ship the 1m.1n0S of Messrs. JO80Ph Gralmln. Ju..'~:.. McDe:rmo'tt, 'A.I!10S Tram and J. T. Marley are frequent- l,v111ontium~.l. and for the deputy- 1'em'o.~l1ip ,wu hour electors expressing a p1'L'f.-1'mxm- 1'4 .1` deputy reeves Gra- ham zuul mm1ciIl0I's ,Marley' and Ri('h:11'd.~11. M1`. Marley has been waitml upun by a number of electors and hm I.-nitvly announced that he will he in thu eld for higher honors; but has mt .~1;|t41'1l whether he aspires - - -,-v v- -.- - ->-ufvu our o u 0`: oroo-0-on -"nib" '1'? Extafa Heavy ;_Sh`iita, ana Dmwg;g's.,' %%smnag1a%s1 0% IeavyU _Ri-bbd W001-`S h_i1_`t5 8;I1d Drawm-5.. Au siies. A` `fill: INTlIinfifs` ` or 1-Mums. .,- , _Inspe`c-tor Jas. L. Hughes spoke on Penny Banks before the Lindoay School Board, which is considering `the establishment of this system of suing is wocrking well in the |".)......:.. .....1..~`.1.-4 ' Li, U8 L`\ m{ oting on y-law to aautzinoxiize -borrowing of $7,000 toaprovide for thy cost of a plant to d.'i:st.ribu-he elec- Jnn... on-L._.._ . 13`-.. I... 1-..- O0 - A ._.-_'___ tric povyer: the by-law, bl-6l\J%VIII~'\II. \J1&I.ud _lU `G ELM J U]. 1216!. [u-iorawpwev Yes,s2; i~ I'3, 3. . 'lT`..A.:..... ..... L...1-__ L... -_-..1____---, LL `I-V558 VAX; -I-.l..,I.ll\I_&'4LWt1.7Ull\J L '\.IVVC[' lu.` mission; of Ontario 9. supply of Elec- du-:n. D1-..n-gun.-'0, `,1...-u OD. `T- 0 J` The hydro-electric .minat:ed- as _ant.icipa_hed_ with over- whelming majorities in favor of the The opoosition that was rampant [Some time ago disappeamd as polling day appmached like `snow `in the `splendor of a summer sun. ` by-laws, says; The Elmvalev REEVE TUDHOPE I come TO WEST; v`. _---.-v- v- ~--------v_ Irv-- , The fo1lowwing._is'the voge on 6.-algh `by-law: .- V - . | (IA... _____ 3,- f___-, 1| 1. I I j" you in favor of obtaining ` from the Hydro-Electric Pgwer Oom- ....-....... -. I\__A.-_2. F `I31 ELMVALE cmzmzo HYDRO BY-LAWS` Luann VI} \I.`u:IuILUu'llU ULIOU` F3: by-law, 83; Agains O UNDERWEAR I C`./UILUIJEI `III: IIQIIIIH 751150-gap azllsor made a Tsliort address. ` L The Direcboat tlimgh whose ' ef- forts the day was carried out so suc- oess fuo1Lv were: M2319.` `Chas. Hick- ung, A-1:bert Prieat.~ 11 G. Richard- sion,` H. S; 0. Campben, Jas. Maw`, R.` Hisey, _ D. ~.13:enn8tt.~ Geo. HOIWY and A. Park-s,f~;Wit1,1i`Mr. `Er- nest `_Ma;w" he L imam-taut 'dL'171;i e1a_7of % . .. mu. 1.1...-`_._:-.v....~ -'__.;._`.:1;-.'..:'..~..;. .....`... TG_rm"e;s,L__b25c.`;, J 99.; L\ M'u`i~r,i 5_0cj;. Neil` TULUILIJ `IL KI'\J\/L\l'V'IA|A _ C \/ lfcn \l-I Q The fqlllowing contributions were made after: the~bi-Us wane Vprinted---. S. Malay, $1.00; J Cullam, $1.00; Chas. T Harris, $100 ;' ` Robt. Stfanag -~ han, $2.00; Thoe..Rog\ei`s, 5.00.; Jno. `59c;% Jno. Johnston, F 504:; ` `vAfterU1;haeY-v1a:1` -Mom eon-V tidnai of grat_u.1ateod< the Association `on. the sugows of the rnatch, ,anc1 added that too great. importance co.ulzd.-- not. be placed upon plowing as farming was one, of the most pnodu`ct.ive.oocupa=- belt._- `l')_`___:J.._L AI`I..--_.. -.`I\.. . 1, _ Thv ~i;:nt~ of the times point` t0" wz11'<.ls an vxvitillg` municipal `cam- paign :1 t. F 10>` at the close of this 5:c.a1",, sa_y.+ T he E1-`111V:.'1e Lance. Mr. ,l`___ _ n'1.1 I 1s.Li"nZ3n`g,ws72.oof` `wlggst 6-c1-own f`urmws,in aiass_7.- J. Martin, Sunnidsa1`e~-Ciomers. $1.00. $ Best finish in class 7.--J. Martin, 1.00. `I'\1I n - - - - $7.30. wIv3.e:s`rt six cr(;wnTfun9ovws in class 2 and 3--Wa.l oer Mid-d.lae oon, Edenvale, ft 0 I O V: c` . 4 A- `J.r\.o.7'u LILLIOLL Lu. n}A1.'.LM}UC'|1'b Dbfll` a.ghan,' Grenfel, $1.00. `Best 6-crown furrtwea in class S an:di7 6.-Peber Gilchri/am, Edenvale, 1.00. ' . - \ A II Ciassu 7. -- J .0 Martin, Sunnidale Oornerrs, $6.50; John Campbell, Eden- vale, $5.00; Gliorrd Knupp, Mine- sing, $3.50.; Oliffomdl Thomas, E_d'en- vale. $3.00. _ , " SINGLE Fuanow Rmma PLOW. Class 8.--JamsesA Middleton, Eden- tvn`n Q0 l|{\ Cl-a'.ss T9.-B; s.tWs`i`1`:w.:rovs'rn furrows in Class .I. - Robert Stranaghan, Grenfel, _$4.00.V ` -D__L ___ I \;\ ' u 1 A u-v-Jung) .5:-BI-J'U-I VD` TEE`. Awa_.tched- `at least a._"hund1-ed interested- spectators; _and' the -iawo.-nds by that "veteran cha}n1pion, M-r. "Jas. `-Mc.Lean ` of Richmond: Hill, am Mr.` Wm. Pat? isfactory. Special interest was shown in the class for boys; there being ve competitors, the smallest of the lot being Oliotd Knapp and J ohn` Mar-. fnn ~ Class 5.--K."M.cDona,-ld,V Eden-vale, $8.00; "Alex-. Strath, Cvrossland, $6.00; Peter Gilchrist, Ednenvaalae. $3.50. Class 6.--CeciI - Kidd-, Langman, $7.50; Chas. Gvaqy, Sunnixjizrgle Qat- mn... m:-nn. 1:1_.n An--_-2 ' Plowing commenced a.t.`10.30 algd it was 4 o e1ock before the Bast sod was turned; when those who were present went -to the home of Mr. Robert lIcMurray," where a delicious e supper was Qservede by" the Sunnjdale branch of. .~ the `Women s` ns`ti1_:u~be. .A 'I"L... ..._.--L`- ----- Ml'.\'I('lI ;\l .- POT I Asptvy W 0U ""o1'ass 4.` " Henley, Czrosslzand, `$10.00; Walter Fralfck, Mjnesing, $7.00; Frank Livingstone, Edenvazle, $4.50; W. J. Langman, Langman, sum - V v`w':[.'vhe'win4r1e1's were. ' ` .~-- ` 5 PLOWED IN Son. . _ Class I. ~-- Robert Stranaghan, 0Gr0enfel, $20.00; A. S. Maw, Mines-' H18`, $14.00; Wm. Dickey, Minsesing, $9.00; Ohas. Kidd; C1-osssland,` $6.35. Class 2.--Walte`r Middleton, Eden- vale, $14.50; Wm. McGee, Sumiidiale `Corners, $10.00; `Jno-. Kidd,` Lang- -mnn "sen An. `M.-...`...1...n I ,____.,_-___ ......., tyvouu , 4.uaLUu.uI.~1 1;uugu1zuJ., Langma.-n, $4.75; ' . Class 3.--Ed-win Priest, Phe13pston, $11.00; Geo.` V MeGinni.s. Elmvale, $8.75; 0 Thomas ' Hughes, Sunnidale Corners, $7.00. * ' A I11- -- A (*1 11- 1 An I - comm - itian s,[t 1`:h.e4 my `nunl ma ' of Simcoe ,-Plowing,` Association". held; on Thurs- day-otn the farm` of Mr. John Rise- bnough at Sun'nidule`Coa`ne1s.+`Thirt.y contiestants entered. the and? some of the work done .w_as pronounc- ed byoneof thejudgveswaas the best {Annual E'y'ent\V'7a%s I` cess. -`-e Supnidalg Scene '; or the Activities.-_-j' Du. 11.5 1.11.` Best` I IIIVO Best nish in`s;od-Robe13t. Stran- n`.L..-..-. ` {1.........-`I an AA Iv , \/Allow: \.l UJI-ll1l.lZlI.U U01" 3, $6.00; F. "1auop1a, Mine-sing, m . DEVLIN 81 MUg --v.-J xyguoyv , ' U 1.5!)`. J31`-I-K1, V .lJuJ.1 ' r1, "$6.50; Marshall I.zipgman., no-nnom ' Q11 WK - Bovs CLASS, 15 `AND UNbEn ever SPECIALS. STUBBLI`-`.. A102 \a\lV\aL AIM After hearing several. Russian wit- ` nesscs. all of c whom were for the town officials. who claimed that complaints had been made to them regarding the accepting of money by the chief, the defence in the invcstiigation put on Provincial Constable Clark and Magistrate Deni-psey, besides the ex- chief hiniself; The testimony of the defence was to the effect that it has been the `practice of the provincial and t0oWn _-police to arrest -at man and then take what the oicer might con- sider a `suicient bail money to war- rant his i-azppamance in court. and not turn the money over until after the case was disposed of. This practice, it is said, has been in force because of the diiclrlit-y at times of getting in touch with the magistrate when bail was to be given. The testimony of the ex-chief and the magistrate re- the receiving of money from defendants coincided " with that of the other"-side, but it was shqwnethat this` money turned over in the cases mentioned excerpt the onecharge of accepting .-$150 from Ticheno, wh-ioh casethadnot been disposed of the investigation was institut- ed, money was immediate-. tby ~Jan1ieeon -in the hands `of`hisfco`un'ee_]_.___' ., -:_ 1 , 1 11` be wen .: 1 I 1 Richardson, Thee, 50c.;Ja.s. Wat- ; I .rigst, V_$1~.00 and 31 An- r-w ' I ' ,: " .\ voL. LXI. No. 44 ' WHOI. = rs-com-sou cum Pluooqgp, A "11 ).l.|JI UJAUUIIUIL LLIILLL, uuuauu call a. e'r'1"1aei1" gt Oochrane. W5 wswvnan.--\.p' .... ---..,..u. ., ovvnxz, .....u,..,5.. the payer had no funds in the bank. The cheque was presented in court and bestifnony was to theref- fect that the Mayor advised the`Rus- sian not to deposit. the .money` to covlef it.` 1 1'1 \a'\.u AJ Adtllbiix/o T-he witness testiedr that the chief askott him for $200 and that he later agreed to accept $150{ -and that afyer ____ ..-I _.-_L_..._ ._ & &-X1 .'.eZZEB`g' C"Ei1e' :;:;.;:;- en the chief by Ticheno and was cashed . at Kertzer s store, although ,I'____ J... 3 L1, _ 'A.L_ _-_._.. L__'l .._ J.K.R. Iamies.on, Fo_rn%xer Bar- . I-ie_ Policeman, Satisfies ` Judge.-3 H_e Was ' `Not Working ` TSystem'. _ VI-I I-HUG .uu:C5a-ULULL umu Uu Utilhlllfl U the chief of police visited the board- ing house owned by D. Tieheno , and that the visit led up to matters which brought -about his suspension pending the hearing. MayoriCaa-ter was the nsrt witness called. His evidence was chiey re- ganding the Council} meeting and the reports .Whichv1ed up to the investi- gation. AFo11owing him was Tiche- no, the Russian, who alleged that on the day named the. chief visited his house at 5 o clock in the morn- ing, and, after introductions, charg- ed Tiehenoif with, keeping a disor- .L._1_- L -__-._ dverly TL- __.`A._.-- After e hearing drawn out into: the middle of the !afternoorn"Judge "Valin of North Bay, on Friday exonerated. ex-C`-hief of Police J. K. R. J amieson of Cochrane, and a. former member `of the Barrie force, of the charges of aoceptihg bribes, neglect of duty and malfeasance in oioe, but tempered his nding witha statement that. the acts of the chief were not above criticism, and "that the system ob- taining in Cochrane is subject to seszueine gondeI.n.nat_;ion. The investigationtwas made as the result of a. resolution passed October 7th by the Cochrane Town Council in committee, but, as the hearing progmessed, mu-rowved itself down to one case. The.whao1e . matter hinged on the .al]egati?x1 t1L.t_ on 5 4.1.- -L:_1 ,r -,_ 9, pr:1zrr:c'r ~rI1"rIM: -uxvnrzxzwmn e I BAIL COLLECHON % % THE POLICE SAY - out cnn':mo,u. ' *lEENA N, ANYIIHING BUT THE BEST 2 19` vi 2 Local Representative- A sequel] to the death 01; man who was accidentally killed in a row f.With a` fellow employe of the boat Olsen was born in Norway and has been a -resident of Milwaukee, Wis., for a. number of years. He was 43 yeals of age and the sole support of a. widtonverl mother living in that city. He was connected; with the schooner George A. Marsh since last; spring. V FELLOW EMPLOYEE Dms SUDDENLY ..;I` .\{M/ERING IN FLbs ....v A\rL.l\l|VVLll.b vcnuxu. was return.- ed- after about ten minutes de1iber~ ation: The said deceased, Andrew. Olsen, came to his death from justi- fiable homicide from a blow dealt by Louis Larsen in self-defence. We dad not believe the blow dealt by Larsen caused death directly. but that death `resulted from a. fall against the hatch. We attach no blame to Lab sen, whatever. --_.. ........-s. ucuacu ILII: ui-sen W110 fell on `the-deck striking his neck on the hatchway of the boat, killing him i-nstantly. T ` Larsen seeing that his friend had been seriously injured, gave alarm and after learning of his death gave himself up to the police oicer and -he remained in the Jbek-up until ,Monday evening, when an inquest {was opened in the Town Hall by ` Coroner Bennett. , V The following verdic_-t was 3'e_t1_im- or` .-.34-A... I\LI\lIL L--- 1715 VI? jtcc IVIIII-Q 11- IIGII ` .91` j and keep them henltIm.--.|lur- liunuspptlc and all terms are ____..,. ...,. ....uu u; we schooner and was making trouble for himself on board the boat. The George A. Marsh entered port a.t Meaford on Thursday and unloaded a consignment of hard` wood lumber for the Seaman, Kent: Co. T On Saturday the sailors were cleaning up the boat, and while sweeping the deck Olsen became an- noyed because Larsen was working faster than himself. He then at- taeked Larsen who pushed him away and went-on about his work. On his `third attack Larsen hit O1-sen who ` fell `on deck_ striking -On Saturday afternoon, October 19th, considerable excitement. pre- vailed in Meaford `when the news spread that Andrew Olsen, a sailor on the Schooner George A. Marsh, had died from a broken neck, the outcome of -a row between Olsen and a fel low_-sailor, named Louis sen, says The Meaford Express. It appears that Olsen had been drinking since the arrival of the schooner and was 'malcino- +m..M.~ 4' L=-- '" Most. people can have their natnran teeth all their duos IIII talcum proper, care of them. Proper care means thorouth `and reular clelnslnt with u harualess antiseptic dent:-In~Ice_. i Ivl prvent further decau. It :'1gInwjnltnuourtoeth.InrdenrooIr nag... |...|n... _ In..- , ! Row on Boat at Meaford Ter- [ minatea Fatally for Nor- wegian Deck-hand. Another Sudden | . A Death on Boat. 1 %J"5T""W-E ' nomcum smrs %CORONER S% JURY 1 A Good Dentrifice is Cheaper 1. `r; so bBOI\1 Vosvb U, '