The Goverllmfellt has awarded 9.} contract for 55,000 yards of dredging; at Pe11et.anguishene. The work is: to be done by the Penetanguishene Dredgillg 0-o. VOhikn `thieves Jar working in various parts of the.- County, A _ L- Brad-ford Fair will be held on Oct. 22nd and 23nd. next Tuesd.ay and Wednesday. | Knox Church, Caledon, has extend-i ed a call to Rev. J. Burkholder of! the. Presbyterian Church, BIrad'f_ordA. It is said he` has acoeptedwand will. leave Brad-ford in a month. G. A. Brown, an Orillia merchant, wsa fined- $10 and costs (o\?er_ $50 in all) for selling chocolates on Sun-' day to: `boys. Brown had been let off` with 3, nominal! ne a year ago, on~ the same offence. ` [E0 [-116 Wul'w\`:l1B U1. DI .L,uI,u.u Uu.Lu'uu, D. Mcaw in charge of the fog ' to take effect at the end of this service at Hope Islandi lighthouse, lmonth, _M1_ Nurse has been [in near Mjidland. has `been dismissed | charge of the `parish of Beeton` and 1'01` illegal shing` With nets, _ and Tottenham 7 for a little over two Ila-rry Chester of Midlandl appounted years and, has made [many friends in "his stead- X - here during that time._ ;1t is reported Brown, an_ Orillia ;ne_rch251_1_t:. t'h`_*_fQ he _W1n 3`:__t ?:. 1`~`31__`31__ff ?*`- - The Mid*1'*and School Board hashwd -copies. of the Truancy Act printed and distributed in every home, and} hereafter the Police Magistrate wiil not accept the plea of ignorance on the part of parents of delinquent vchildren. . - ` _ - C1hicke11 thieves age" blamed) for dropping` a; lighted} match "and start- ing a fire which totally destvoyed a 1\Iid1'an-dv hen houses and` woodshed. Collsideramble damage was also done `to the dwelling house. `U1 H11`: -ILUUEU U1 Llvulutly .|Jcvvvu on Tuesday, Oct. 8th, at the age of; 101' years and 10 ' months. He had! been in the institution for about `three years and was a former resident. of Al1and'a.1e-. V T " _ William Sheets, the oldesrfinmate -of the House of Refuge, Beeton, died _____I-__ f\-A. 01.`. .L LL- nan.` -3. - Sewer work in. Penemng .wa.s{ gus- pexxded when a number _of munlcxpal imxployees. struck for 11131161`, Wages. l ` `There were two nevi `arrival: ht` the House of Refuge within `the past- M COMMERCE ` The Canadian Bank of Commerce, by reason oi`-its large number of brancnee in every Province of `Canada, with _direc't*r:freseintati_or;x in London; Eng New York. San Francieco, Seattle, Portland, Ore.. Me co andst. ohn's Nd, with Agents and Cortes ondents in eve part of theworld,`is_-ablemto o er-unsurpassed aciliI_ie'e to the travel! ng public, enabl ng them to obtain money in thesitn lest way at any point on their journey the world over. The Travellers Cheques an Letters of Credit issued -by this Bank overcome the annoying dimculties of obtaining funds abroad. especially in places where identicationis difficult. a - ` _ ' - = Cheques and Drafts on all the countries -of the world, `dz-awn in sterling. francs, marks. lire. kronen. etc., can be cashed. or purchased, at realoueble rates.` f 5,`; 4--4A::nj :'j-QI'LIl" CAPITAL. $15,000,000 - Rnsr, $12,500, Grand Trunk Raiiway System mom NEAR AND FAR MORE MEN nmumenno1*o HARVEST 0 wasu-znnn CANADA enops ; 0 a $10.00 to Winnipeg .- `- 0 -` October 14. f From all station in Canadn via ClIi..3F. I.ndSt. Paul` I Plus half cent mile from Winnipeg to.desbina,tion,;but. not beyond leod, Calgary or Edmonton. ` ~ 0 " `Returning halt cent mile to Winn1peg. plus nvn nnnnu . NEWS NOTES LVULUI llllls I-lull. UUIIU xuuv UV `V Iuulyva. ynuu wbvovy VII uyuvnaawvdvu Ill Clwf . erncanada. _ . A, _ * _ ,_ . - V; The Grand" Trunk Pacific Railway is the`short.e8b "and qniokesbetonte ] tween Winnipeg - Saskatoon - Edmonton. n_ `;~ > . _ V ` Ask nearest Grand Trunk Agent. for full .p',; ;t`,t_cketa;..etfo.,. .919 ' write A. E. Du,.D.P.A., Toronto,`-Ontx. e- ` T 1 1: 'n:n:.._..I-.. A.-. .`...u. SD-..-..:.n" -DI.'.-....'AI.'"-`.> The Cnnadim Bank of Cmmhrce; anon `its `large mimbar of bnuhos in in Dnnirlnnn A` nnnh unrl6`n MCAQ` nnnugntndn `II '10,. "If Vnrk :%ooVonoun} G a s o1 i we TOURISTS TRAVELLERS .sm'-Itnuuno w.\"x.1JsIt~, <.v,o;._x.;x.;i),;i7,n`,'=;LL.;.. AV * ALEXANDER LAIRD j ~ - .. cencratuau-gar ' A - *_ gauxuuucccnuuuuaau Ill: IVE .110-L CI30 LUIUIIUP % J ,E. B illingsle}'f, Agent, Phqn b.; "a"'Ki=ii=*E _ % H. J. GRASETT. Mana`ger.L Richard Stephenson` of Coiling- wood was fined $100 for having `liquor for sale in that local option territory.` -Stephenson V claimed he had. purchasect the stimulant as hop beer, a norn-intoxicant, ' but Govern- ment ana.lyes showed it contained over the regulation- 2 per oent. - Gg`org'etown municipal .au.thorities have V notied Hon. Adamh Beck that arrallgements are to be made forth- with to `secure a. supply -_ of Hydro `electric ~po.wer. This means that the `main power stations at Port Credit and Guelph `Will -be connected and that a loop will be formed consisting of Port Credit, Brampton, Acton, {Mil-ton, Georgetown and Guelph. ' The County of Simooe ~isA,callingvi for tenders for $20,000 twenty-year 5 per cent. debenturel. 0 - 9 Mn John Whitton of Orillia, tells the "Packet that there were fteen ex- cursions by rail and: six by boat} to Couchiching Beach Park during the past season. `The rail - excursions `would average` 500 cm 600 people. This does not include `the 12th of I July excursions. i Beeton Worl-d.-t.-On Saturday, `Rev. '0. J. Nurse tendered his resignation ito the wardens of St. Paul s church, `to [charge 7l'V_LL-._L__._ ` .0... .. 124.4-1.; A.-nu. I-nu-s Harry Ro1lings, _ 3a., oolored" ,1ad, pleaded guilty in the Toronto Ses- 'sions" last Thursday afternoon on` a . charge of seduction, an 1 was remand-V ed for sentence until uesday, The complainant is: Olive Sou-lvl, a fteen- year-old white girl of King Town- lshilp. - T ' J. U W IIWIIIP \/VICIIIULL LIVUD ` 55 Want. to lose the taxes from the Tim? ;elevators, and the proposal to annex .Dol-lartown to Midland again`. . has {been rejected by them; i It is said Midland will arppea! to. the Railway and Municipal Board to forcethe an- nexation. . A A - V }t.w,o"we`eks,` viz.:' . George Gendron "of -Penetanguishene, who is `89 years old,- cocmmitted by Warden Scanlon_;' and Robert Brown, of Vespra, committed fby Reeve `Findlay. - ' l Thornbury Herald - The Winterl 'Banana is the name of -a new apple, |a sample of which Mr. George Wright, the well-known horticultur- ist of Oliarksburg, received from"hi's brother . in Cashmere. Mr. Wright, who is an expert` judge of fruit was so favorably impressed. that he has `ordered twenty trees. The apple is a `large, clean skinned variety, .weig_h- iing twelve ounc'es7a.nd has the avor loft a banana. In 1901 "and former 3/`,.8.l`s the De`- partment of `Education paid 40 per itcent. of rural school salaries of `prin- cipals over $300 and upto $600, the maximum being $120, and for assist- ants, 40 per cent. of salary if`rom_$200 up to $500, giving a maximum of $100. For -1912 the 40 per cent."wil`l be paid on salary of principals cover I$350 up to $500, and for assistants -`over $250 up to $600, making the maximums of $200 and $124.0, respec- itiveiy, being a reduction of $20;for |eve_ry teacher insalary grant. ' ' . `I. ' ief6'{iii3 `i31"ga;1&3t Mayor Frost received a letter from a Tay Township Council does not ...-.A. L.-. `A... L`... `nu-An nAwv| 6-Ln it is rumored th-af the G.T.R. Will: make large additions to: their Tiin clevator in the` spring. ` I :i!18%i:to ;estA#J1ish%3a%=j --vldexfthat, in I the . usual ._nish with a tw_o:[storv_e'y`7 buildin8`.i _7,5,x'10Q 'foet,.,.a_ndL;_equ.ip it vwi-th $5,-' 000 woirth pf mahinery, he ;'__agre eing', ` to refund} the, lattepsuin in tenyears. He wo_u`1d.- undertake to" ez_npI oy 200' hands, -and i)ay`o)1t at least $3,000 in, wages fortnightly. ` T `A ` ` exemptiqns; &c.`,; ' fur 4 ` Approval of. the project to build a` railway from Montreal to_ Midland, under the terms of a charter granted before Confederation of the. Central. Canada Rail=way Company, was` ex- pressed by citizens of Midland at a public meetingheld there `last Thurs- day, ' -in the form of a resolution which undertakes to assist in` carry- ing out the plan of the company and authorizes the formation of an or- ganizaftion charged with obtaining Federal and provincial subsidies for the construction. ` ' ' rm yeti thema uof -5th`ej -0riliia;f`j'1`i,n"1es; was favor- .yed.;,,wi'th-~ ,1;he4;pri~vilege of 4reg_a _linjg`on thi-'~delioaoy.`;-We%-`mill let him tell . jst" how=;;_i,tt-happened: `?S1if1ash! and thefwindow; ew in countless yfragmeiite [all "over cthe store. 5 Our" ' rst thoughts. were i to `s,e.cure--the of- fender. -and "rune him in. There was noone in `sight, `him We heard the` utter of` a .win'g`-g upon the floor, where a `p1u`m-p`:psaxtridges was kicking its last with a broken neck. In swoop- `ing under the trees it had seen the re- ' ected light. of `the lake in the Will .- dow and came right on. We suppose it. is against the 1aw,to take` part- ridge; 'but_ how when the partridge takes us, as it certainly did--by sur-" prise. However, as we could not turn it adrift in the cold` world, with a broken neck, we concluded it would be best rfried. Died Sunday, fried Monday. If the misguided bird` had not broken the window to get in, what a welcome it might havehad. Proposition Endorsed By H. Bennet, .M.P., and Re- } L solution `Passed `at Public Meeting to Assist.`-, Charter Very Old One. The proposition was endorsed in "a speech by W.-H. Bennett, _M.P., .who promised every assistance in his pow- er. ` J. J. Drummond, of the Gan- ada Iron Corpomtion, D. L. White, W. Finlayson, W. J. Parkhi-11 and Reeve Frank Cook also spoke. Mayor -Digby Horrell presided. -*" A. -- MONTREAL T0 MIDLAND RAll.W Y } AGAIN TALKED 0F T It was stated by C. N.- Armstrong and J. C". McClennan, oicers of the` company, that a bond otation _ has been accomplished" in England, and that contracts have oeen let for con- struction work, which is to begin on the western section of the route next spring. An oer ben made to the Federal Government to grant running rights to the Intercolonial Railway over the line from Montreal A._- 'Il'1.J.I_._.'l' `av ,Sii1;2' {hen the pmmot-rs. have obtained ' apprbval of a route map from "Montreal via Haileybury to South Indian, and are understood to have done some .Work ` at the Mon- treal, end. aux mos mmsmals com; um wm uC`BCII 7' W \IV\I1 to'_Mid Miss Mabel E. McLean of Orilliau has been appointed: a missionary of the Pre.sbyterian Church and will go to Korea this fall; . ' `- George R.- Guy, iwroprietor and manager of the Famous Guy Brothers Big Minstrels promises this season to `give his many L and patrons a bigsurprise in- the way of a grand entertainment. * Several! big Euro- speeialties have been secured and" will positively appear. ` The S019 Singers and rQ,uarte'tte -will be fworth dotiibie the 1pri_ee' '. df- . ad-miesiong. the .,eig_hti C End} Men, are` -`certainly yqy . rimve; to .e ~ 35 Th; a{1}.ay charter referred`: to by .W. ,H..Bennett, M.P., is a very oI'd large lan grant. - one, and foa-mer1yV_m1-ried with it a ggyyuu uu. , `gyvvgug. _yvu;' u`1u1n7`yu you.` .__buy V for. the o1cIL`s,v:or;it,es`,` Gmiy Brot_1_1ers. 'Don .t kmiss ~seeirxgLAVthn;iA%`1zhis Jiassthex %h6`'`i01?`1111`11'1:3`3d7`'1i> ` 1 N" '12-S " ' The company s agents approached the Dominion Government last ses- sion with the object of obtaining a subsidy, stating that they were pre- par`ed,to: build the line from'-Mon- treal, establish a steamship line on the upper lakes and build a branch railway` v_-ia Orililia to Port Stanley. Part of their proposal wasthat trains of the Intercolonial Railway "should use their line to the Georgian Bay. This proposal was not accepted` by the Government, and the subsidy -was not granted-. , ` c ' ' :`oRrmzN~ Ab vANcr:%% [ORILLIA Is 1 REALLY ``DRY ; ~SAYS DETECTIVE: Paid Sleuth Could Not Find a| Blind Pig.--Club and Pri- % I vate Patties Send for Liqubr, But Keep _Within Law. , it The Orillia Packet says :--.To test the assertions sometimes heard lia, arrangements .Were recently. made to have one of the best liquor detec- tives in the Province visit the town. After spending a week here; boarding .in two of the hotels,` and knoeking round with the boys, doing his best to purchase a drink of liquor, be pre- l sented a written report in which he declares that there is no illegal-` sale of liquor _in this town. Though he . treated freely, he utterly failed to get anything `stronger than Cobalt beer. -In his written report, the de- ' tective sa.ys:-- ` A .1 o n that liquor isil.lega1'ly sold in om- 'r After enquiry and upon the infor-I 'mation I was able to gather, I can! say there is not one place doing busi- I ness as a blind pig. There is a cli- que among the town citizens who come together like a club, and send . for liquor, and have a good time to- gether;- but no outsider would be al- lowed to join them. Some citizens have an idea that booze is going right and left, but there is no foundation `for it. It is a1l,got privately and ac- cording to l`a.w.~ I used different ways of enquiry with ----,' who has been telling several persons that sales are going on in the town, butwhennl got to the '-bottom of it, he- did. not know, and could not say where x. it .was to be got, though he declared there was lots around. The. thing i . there:-is no salegoing on.` From my Ex-Reeve Matthew, H. Clark of! Collingwood: has been appointed su- pe1'int<+ude11t of th new Gotvernment Fish Tlatehery there. i `We will gi; one hundred {lbllarsg in gold to any man;___woman., or child that cannotbe bnetted by .;Sage`ine. hair tonic. T We. are anxious.` to Vhav'e' everyong try. Sageine` for-%we know it 1 is 7the, _'_hai1j;toni` _ V that has; ver`-bee_n ..-_ Sggeine-., .v9i1l:.i positivliri cure an .s`ca111>`.f tiring` $100.00 IN GOLD. experience I was satised that Local` Option is being carried out accord-' ing to law. There are no loafers or` d-runkards around at night. I tried all the `drug stores. One keeps no liquor_ for `prescriptions. The. others , !want a prescription. Strangers in town think it is/one of the strickest local option places in the country. They think the police have good con- i tire]. I boarded at the _ house, and KI was satised the fellows` there did not know where they could get` li- e quor.` Saturday `Was my busiest day. 1 had a feeling som'e*liquor came in- to town with farmers but I did not lsee any `violations. ---.was telling me his experience in the north coun~' try, Where he- `used to make whiskey, but said thatthere was no chance for `that kind of thing in this town. I lnoticed the police, as far `as Iycould ,: self We have a} full line of Air Tight Heaters. % J % you a Heating Stove see but new Single and Double Hatrs. A V K EFF PANDORA CAST RANGE SUPREME.STEEL RANGE Two uel Saving b Ranges Manufacture/d in Canada Rev. R. J. D. Simpson of Newman-' ket,`m1c_1 formerly of Midland, has accepted a call from the College St. Metho-dist Church, Toronto. ' stgfndi every` Stove we ~ ARE THE ` ~AND- "i*I.:I': _R:AS`:;I1JAY,%_0CTOBERA 17, 1912 see, were domg thelr duty. I con- :sidered it no use to stay any longer. Tho detective reported that there was considerable` illegal selling of [ cigarettes and soft drinks on Sunday; also selling of cigarettes to minors. [The town police are taking steps to put a stop to these infractions of the I1-.. 7: In. K law_>) i'.l.'0!.V.I1. W9 ,h.an_oue Qmy we PW; Eraae of aermah parhxdenit papr-- the kind which shows your butter 01} to the best advantage. Pric, paper {and printing, per team (480 sheets) __ _._`l_. 01 oz Remember the T'elephone.-If you run out of butter wrappers, just ring up The Advance, No.53, Barrie, and grderg ream printed, an dthey will . ---`\1\v\ vvnuu nwn. In :00ooouooucoooouobuob,3 4 gin-Icirn 1!t\I'III"l('I " p|1A\L R-IL AAAIIQAAD, is only $1.25. Ulva LCCOLLL yL&JAvuu, u... .....-_~t, .. _ be ready for you when you are ,T01g_n. `E9 handle Q%1y the best, -O-.sfha.wa s assessor niakes `their. population 8,000, with a total assess`-, .1r'1eut of $3,142,790. % g