Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Oct 1912, p. 4

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Oct. ltith. II T "$1.00 All sizes LA 10 O0 5 00 11 O0 8 00 100 5 1i 15 17 51) 60 8 O0 10 00 12 _..a . Wu- . .$1.25 50 N) Mrs. U. S. Rliyndress of Saskatoon is in Town. A , 7, 1912. lsn} s 50 7 so 19 15* . AA ii i6 27 27 AI\ I Mr. B. D; 0 Nei1-1 left last week on a trip to the Pacific Coast. . l VMrs. dud Miss Spry returned` last week from a. fortnight s _visit in Toronto. ` zooooooooooooqobuoooooog :........................:1 7 The Greatest Musical % Sinceis AA1r`ica,` Eief Do you renllzc what It lnurxs to` 35: tafhavc` 1 H I. really m`uf:c(ofS' range in year kitchen! For. jwenw-ve year: he ` Happy 'l`houzht'*,hu begn. `f A_ tried Ind -gated nude? all bad: 'of condltionI..' '1! `L has prawn pm-and `om unlniu 190 pct cm, H eiglenciu . urns: ineanu u:ma1[.dVo!lan`and,cngi' to yqg %1';"v1==v- 4" H You an. buy stoma that East you list thgglflhix 8!)?! ThnuVsht";' but you. gay for.-th:|_$'I8!l_!lI,. ~ z- g_..:'__' ` Back _o_ This Stove` s...:. 3 Gmt ,_Insia:utin % _Co:ntains more-Song H'its,1'Bright` Music. Sprightly Dames and Georgepu. CostAur1v1s'than`zAan_y travelling V Company. ` }-A F reshet of }.Mirth-% And Cbfitiuous` JWa\}es `of, `Laughter. ' ` ' ` ` * Hear the :"Yama Yan`1.a,Girl"` anAd Ct'1dd1e Up a. 'Iitt}e Closer. ` ' " V A - - 60-PEOPLE. T'M,osm GlR[S--60 Mid the Exploitationiofguis Mine` `of Merriment T21 -14 1-: 23` 44 C A` -n4 " ._ . _ ` ove'r"n .cua rter3Miuloh ._irqmen'..v rho .buy cost Im the ` have` discover. this. unhc '.!lam'z_'!'h_au;ht"~~ Thought"; but you pay (or that Iavl_ug ..e;veryf_day. .:_ ' . ` 4 ; :. . ..__ J. Plan at A, F. A. Malcomsqn S office, phone 447:.` PRICES -g+5oc,7sc3s1 .oo and, $1.50 `Mr. Joseph Ganle.-y returned Em Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday after spending a Week with his father-im law, Mr. James. McOa:b_e, 16 Welling . wanm-:snAY 23 Jot. M Gaitefs Superior Prddutioh. , ` The "`linpp y:'l`honI[;:" in product_ of due okillndi long experience of the lfcumt azure-Iukint Inst! tutidn in Climb. It zine you full value. in Man `for every cent you Invest in its It aim .-youf full! ' hen eiciency {tom e`veZouuceof fuel you bum in . i:. Itiathemonf, _ _: . I 1 W` -tr=`v.~1!en W-A inany times` `aver ever} year In the WIIIA ` .Under the patrdnage of Mesdames `-S. Dyment,` S. G. -Caldwell, O, T. `Devlin, J .'W. Parrish, Jae; Vair, '=George_ Momkman, E. E. U. Lawson, `H. E. Jory and H. `M. Dyme-nt, the -Citizens Band Committee are hold- ing a Thanksgiving Ball. on Monday, Oct. 28th, in the Toivn Hall.` Addi-. son s orchestra will provide the music. Mr. Newton Jory "of Vancouver spent several days with his parents, Mr. -and Mrs. John J ory last week, on his way to Ottawa. Mr; Jory, [like his brother, Mr. H. E. Jory, is a leuocessful insurance yman, and has Just been appointed to a responsible poet .with the. Capital-Life of Ottawa.- . Mr. and Mrs. Kexvlt and Mi"s's Ke'nt, cousins and guests of Dr. -and Mm; 'Bosanko arrived at Barrie from Sut-I J_A__ I 0 `I `IN ' fV-1j_1] -1'! , ton McC9;Be has nbelen in poor ~hea1_th for some time. ` ' . Mr; Ed. Armson sailed yesterday from.;Mon1greal for a trip to the Old Counfry.- `He will be away several months. _Mr. j Bert Brooks i11tended accompanying Mr. Armson, but was prevented through. illness. the month. Mn and Mrs. A_ J. garjeant weptias1{1Eo"-i$&'$`a;7r{ in Toronto for several days last week toll, Coldeld. '_rBlI'II11`118`h8m. E118`! and attended some Of} the b,i11iant land, on the 8th 1I1St. Mr. Kent heldi concerts of the Arena Musical Fes- 3 3 Very P1'mi': 15 P031503 in the ill ! tiva_1_ . _ _ lsuzgaince worltdO11hJngland- and. /3 yery' Mrs. cm x. saw Weum : ton St. W111 receive on the third and fourth Fridays? in October, and }ifiSgi'f ft};f,,, f`;{,(k:`f e:f,`;" f afterwards on the fourth Friday of which he was held by `i th 7 many agents. and superintendentsunder his nMid.-l`a'nd' Free Press.-Mrs'. J. u`1" Am `37 the number may `bei Sibbald has returned from Winnipeg mentioned a very beautiful `illumin- to spend -the Wintr with Her dm1gh_ ated address and smoking cabinet. A , r_ _ `. _ _ tD_ lrearty welcome, combined with the t.rSF0,e"Q G Arthur and `Mrs best of good wishes for their future e ` - health and prosperity will be aecord- Mr. Ganley returned to ed them. Mr. Kent -`left Barrie on the 161:}: just to take up an important insurance appointment `at -Nova} law, McCa:b_e, Wellingr Seotia; ~ - . V " ...`..,..,v u... uyguu puuuag wuu Lglcxlus lat Midhmt. .. .Mr. Thos. wi1- [Hams _of A Sunnidale Corners and; Mr. . and -J. Baker of 001115011 attend- ..6d: thevfuneral of`.Mr. Richard Thorn- toini ion` -"Sunday. . . . . .Mr. . Clarke of " 0riI1ig,`iswthe - guest. `of. ~Mr.-Thos. `f VPratt'. .. . . .Miss` J. Ingram of Black- stock `is visiting her sister, Mfs. Geo. McLean; '.; . John Key andjson, E IAI5bert, arriyocl` home from Hu~g'~hen- [ defn, _A1ta`.,_ bn Sundgay. Albert " Ky .w.il_lvt a'ke:up the study ofjmedie " at` 3,-Queen- s~ Q01,1.689,..Kings' n. A cme * . .%~.n' rth <:ameAto?*Mr.`2Richara1T1mn to` " `Hg %`was: 79 years `bf - 11%.1d};h9 1'6'-natly 311 :13 1f>_1aoe from _ \!','.. . . .`r v..,_, .....uu_ um ulnxnuu-1. M111} _ut:1't: lll-3L5 !~week. .. .Mr, Th,us.- C'ra.ig got ve? 1T)s'.,` of seed potatoes from __Chase Bros,, -7called ', the New O_nta1-ios, [which yielded 390' lbs. .. .. "and .Mrs. Norman, I McLean of Toronto were the guastksv of_ Capt. Hill! ' overl jSuuday,'.,.,._.Miss B. Jary and Miss" Susie Hill sTijent Suhday with friglzs 'mI- 'I[.I1....-..`...L7'.: . `If-. . m1.-- ` Oct. 14th.-A-Dig-ging potatoes is the_i order .. of the day around here just.` now` and several `car-loads have be-"en", shipped already. . . . Mr. MoCol1,. ex3M,-P. 0-"f Simcoe, has bought. the pine on the .Mc.Ia,n.es-t-ate from Mr. H. Wise, and- Mr. _E. Shaunesey is hewilig the square timber, which will be shipped "from `here . to the old` ., Country. . . . .Mrsf Watkins `sale was `held on the 10th and was Well! a_.t- tended. . . .~ . Geo. Snider, Who, has been/' out West" for the past' month, returned home on Wednesday `and brought .with him some ne prairie _chick_e11_s. `. -. . .111`. ~ Merrick ` Of _ _Mitchell Square, tax oollector , for` Oro, made his annual trip here" last; .nvoA'.- 1 '7 V1,`. VFW`... 'I`1-..-.'__ "---L .E_--i i ea, 14--Mrs.. V13T \v.'sx:'1i1-.11 of grie "visited with Mrs. H. M. Lougheeqt, [last week. . . . . .Mr. and Mrs. N. Li ,cum-be and of,_ Big Bey Poi `spent Sunday at Mr. Thomas` _';_ l`fern s;. .. .. .We are sorry to report [the illness of Miss Carmetta" -Srigleyfi who was rushed to the R. V. Hospitalf on Saturdziy and operated on -for" apf`-7 pendicitis.. . . . . .The anniversary secr-{I l vices ofvthe Methodist Church will; be iheld. on Sunday,` Oct`. 20th; Rev; `G. N. Grey of Thornton will con-`. `duct the services at 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Special music is being pre-.- pared by the choir . . . . . .A number 'from here attended` the funeral ofn- Miss Ethel Eden a.t Stroud on Mon{;' day morning. Miss Eden had. lived: la number ofyears in our midst, andj.._ was well liked by everybody. The be}? breaved ones have the sympathy of, 'their many friends,.'. . .Mr. Kennedy-`; Gibson and sister Lizzie spent Sun;-. day at Angus . . . . . .Corn cutting is; ` the order of the day. .. .. .Mr.`eHarry7;` Woodlan-d Xof Egbert spent Sunday'-`]? with his brother here. ` ~51. w Oct; 14.+_-.-Rev. 9 rMr. * has-.`3 been7"very.seri9;us1y _i1-1_. =Jout_.i.s;;_h.ap-- pily, rec;o_vering, -. . .".M.iss -G. De-_: Geer; Barrie, called` gm `Mrs. `and her ';.da1ighter,_.1a`st weesk-.-... .I';_ -V.;._ n_Mrs. Parker. of; ~A11ge1es,- _,Ca1ifor-7 nia,_;isa visiting relatives in Minesing.` Mr. :Kem1dy .of_ -Torontb, gave an eloquent summing up of the aims of the Dominion Alliance. and th'"e"du`Atiesa of-`_ Christian men wh-ere.`n the` ballot is oornoerned,< on, Sunday,- to a very attentive `audiencge. in the` Methodist _ Qhurch. dOet. 15.-.-The "ftieth anniversary", of the bu'i]dinfg`r of C_h=rist. VCh-urch,:- Ivy, .will` be eelebrated. by special ser: vices on Sundays, `November 10th.; The Rev. Canon `Gould, gene_ra1'.secg ` retary of the M.S.C.C. will be the preacher. . . . . .The1Iv'y Branch" of `the: Women s Institute are preparing for" a Fowl ' Supper and entertainment in-.` the Orange Hall on'Friday,; Novemberi '. 8th. Hon. Jas. Duff and: Mr. W. A. 3 Boys, M.P., fwill deliver` addresses; and Mrs. .Sp1`ott, -the Ivy `Band and others will take part in the, entertain-. ment. . . . . . .The1 subscribers of the; Ivy-Thornton"telephone`line nd it a great ecc__mvenience since co;n'nect.ion has been made with Barrie. ' j:"_;9oggg99o6oo39o:-. ':o66696o6666oooo3j % -MINESING. j jgoct, -15.;M; "L{15'Z:E.a of V Craigyleithi is visiting the Misses Mc? Lean. . . . . .Miss A Mae C`arru.thers of; Collingwood spent `Friday and Sat- urday at her `home here last .Week. . . . Mr. D-`an Shaw, returned- to. T_.0ronto last `week owing "to continued ill' health.._. . .. ,The? annual Thanksgiv- ing meeting of Zion W.F.M.S. will be held on `Friday .:p.m., when Mrs; Cameron of Allandale is` expected to be present to. .address the meetixlggi Stayner Auggiliary wi1l_also be .pres`~. ent. . . . . . .West` Simcoe Association p1o.'wing- match `is to take pl'ace on " Mr. H. Risebrough. s farm `on Thursday, Oct. 24th. {At the `close the day s labor the Women s Insti.'-'. tute will `supply a fowl supper at Mr.: R. McMurray s,-for `plowers and tatovrs. .. .. .Miss Shaw of Toronto- spent .over Sunday with her cousin`,I Mrs. W. G. Meir. T3] TP0NDENc1-: Charles T. Sargent, Wellsngi St, will receive the fourth Fridays: I `SUNNID-ALE CORNER-S QRAIGHURST. TNURLTHERiN'AI)VANCE~ HOLLY. r _ combined Sunday Schools of. St. ,` 0u?"t'O "it :3_r`lI`;:`Ot: Pa.ul s"_and t.he Mission. An address ar y g ' r V Will be given by Rev. Mr. McKitt1-ick. `$1.25ff3e%$?:?3`:1I.:f E: H Holy com- ` V` ` " 1- munlon and 7 p.m., Even- onds for his poultry.... .Miss Mabel Song and Sermon Rev E J Mc_ $`;i`."i..%li`. f:*::f:.:;;e`*.,*'3a.:.;:3f%`?*3t`? ggggggk (}m"e1}e0 W;a1 m;a1c,1zer. Mr. Neelly, .who had the eontract of Wm Sin ~t both _y r. ;OyA $015? laying-. the sidewalk on the -Innisl - g 51 el'v1ce.' t dill" y-_. . . _. . . .. .0ffel`111g` Wlll be received in the otter- l.__ side of this v-Illage,_d1(_l his work well term p is and he certainly did it W.ltl'1 -speed., Th _R p_ _ g Owing to the heavy rains our toiwn- . e ector 1.135 lsiuefi, the 1W' y._;' ship Council `had its hands full at- mg letter t0 h.`S~1 a`"Sh`'"e1'5" yi tending to and -culverts , but My Dea.r Friends,:--The $638011 f0!` we expect to receive some as_svis-tance- l`t1l1`!1i1l8` thanks to Almighty God 1 for our sidewalks next year. .. . for the fulllnellt 0f H15 P1`0miSe that j` Messrs. J amieson and Reedman both _W_h11e the earth remaineth; Seed- e shipped= stock frogi here`l:s'1t_Week... 1711110 a_I1(l. harVest***;l shall not. ;1;: S. Simcoe a-bba _ .Sch conven- cease is once more wit us, and I :1" tion held a. two-days session here last have much pleasure in calling you to 1,. Monday and Tuesday. Many excel- the House of Godsto return thanks in e lent papers were read and educative deV0uVt_-and revemnt worship to your. ,~_ discussions follilowed. 5 The sessions HaVe111y\Fath6l`- . ~ ' 3 were held` in t- ennglic-an and Metho-5 We are livin in an" . ' 1'1` odist churches. . . . .The strong ,winds~ of .Which is mairialistiagepeiigeksigi dlof-last`Saturday played havoc with ing a form of Godliness without 3 the fruit in the orchards in this knowing of its "power. The spirit of ;- locality. '.. .\'es. ezgtexd 3? our young the day is adventure-; its tendency to 0,, and: esteeme frien 3, r. and Mrs. forget God; a spirit to be descrihep .t'Dougl-as Stewart, our;eo11gratulations' by thewonds of the Almighty` Nomi y on.;the1r recent marriage and wish nothing will be restrained from 3. them a. pleasant voyage through life. 1 them} which they have inmgined to f. A 11101.0 P0'P11~l'a1' 00111119 hSf110t l3e.911 `(Genesis..XI :6). The "fall of 1- marrie`-d`here for years. .'..`Mr. 'HaI`1`y_-th-etqwver of Siloam was made use Of. tlCa]1igh_an of the ranger staff in-- Al- by our Lord,` for one thing to point 3 l gonquin_ hag. visiting; his moral Of `rapentance t . Luk family here for 1a.e._sho-rt,.tirne, ;. .. . auxin :4). I cannot. help tginki " M1 and 1M1'_3- -Albert. have that th9=3DP9l'1il18'c disaster in tllig i1`et1i.rned `to their ' home in fNo rt`h Atlantic on Sunday night in` "after :visiting. friends _..here...r*.. .Mr. ` April when .'over 1600 souls `sh ' 3 . _ ,. p I _:__ , _ ` _per1 ed and Mrs. Charl_e;s..;{_.(}111;1I11ngh.am: of atzyseagthrough the loss of the `Ti_ `-`Barrie..visited.`friends,herea1ast`Week.`_`{;gic was another. call from God to Wm Wilson. , * - N irecgently t". iwb I V. . 1 1 1 3 erepce y p_ Babel Towel .bui1ders*of so - * Oct. 15.--Mrs. J. McEache.rn of ' Orillia, is visiting her uncle, Mr. R. `J. Crawford. .. ..".Miss Ruby Clark! ?` has secured a position in Orillia. . . .- I ' Mrs. S.'C. Crawford -is visiting rela- tives here. . . .Rev. Mr. Wearing of Guthrie represented the Dominion Alliance in Oentrah Qhu1_-ch Iast Sun- ..w........ .,.._...,,.,, . W, ..,-...--- ....... William H. Sheield. A liarge num- ber `of oral tributes were placed on `the, casket. Mr. .Meafo'rd Webb of Barrie had charge of the funeral.` Mr. John Thornton of Hillsdale is a] brother, and .was unable to .-attend` `through i11ness.. . . .Misses H. "and G. James are attending Havergal `Ladies College`, Toronto. I ; day.. . . .Owing to ` anniversary ser- vices being held'- at Guthrienext `Sunday, service wil1_be_he1d in" Cene ltral Church at 2.30 13.111. ` Leonard Savage, Geo; Binhie` anti 1 1rr:n:-... 'n- cn._m..1.1 A 1.......- ..-...,. ' DEVLIN sz MURCHISON Mid.-rand Free G. has re-turned .Winni-peg "the winter her ters, Mrs. ,-C. G. Mrs. A. Fowlie. ' ' % 1>mrr:c1~ - rrrrmrc -Ummzwrzzm or MITCHE.LL SQUARE. THORNTON. I; , Gontx?ibutions_ are _as1:;d-`-"<`) `he 9f St %Ii43a1?9 -.:. K s ' ` ", ` y n. . 4 HIS 0 N ;- :----r.*e `"99"? "5*...+*"? .91` we 1131" vegt y_71..l1.b with up and pour out a Lb;1qes_1n'_g upon -us, I_`am w :amu:'.a1 -fiind, ..a- : A. LANGFEQDT l- ,.'. 1.`. ~ .o-' ' , _. cuwxvuu, wu.n we approval of the .wardens,-`an.enveI1o_pe for your - ,thankfoering, which you will make ,a.ecording as God has prospered you-, with your prayers and praises `at. the Harvest-`Festival. icAnPars`;Ln`ucs %. uuomums . AND . FLOOR . OILCLOTHS I ` ' -V < `.. ` ' I U . - O I 0 See ourstock `and let us gwe you four pnccs. Thxs xs all new stock, is ]ust.tohand_.anAd we are sure we can interest you. , Master Grant Mayor, i sing at services. A thank- '20th Sunday after Trinity, Oct. 20, St. Paul s, Painsnvick. , 10 a.m.,- Children s service of the combined Sunday Schools Pa.ul s"_and be given McKittrick. a.m., Morning prayer, Com- munion and Even-` Sermon. Rev. E. J. Kittrickwill be the special preacher. -boy s-olloist, [ received in offer- tory. p The Rector has issued follow- : ing his p`pa.rishio'rners: - `for the While time and; harvest**** shall not- is more with _ have much pleasure in ; devout. -ande revemnt toiyour. Heavenly` Father. .-chasedfrom Mr. J. G. Keenan, a Bandmaster Add-isqn has just? pur- hand-some `Gerhard-Heintzman piano. I "Mrs. Hugh Calderwood went .150: Toronto on Tuesday, where she is; the guest of Mrs. Perfy Beatty, Lowther Ave. A i Oct. 15+Q`uite a number from our ; `village attended the funeral this 1'morni 1g of the -llate Ethel Eden, for- merly of Belle Ewart, who died in Toronto on Thursday last. i The re- lmains were taken to Stroud Metho- > dist Church, where an impressive sermon was preached by. Rev. Mr. 'iiLa.mb> of Stroud. The oral tribut- I . .. . {es were_ numerous and beautiful. . . . . `Mr. Robert Grose and Miss Vivienne _ of Belleville are spending a few days I with friends, having come to. attend ~ the funeral of the late Ethel Eden. . II. .Miss Zilla Reid has returned to lRich011d Hill, after a pleasant visit '_ with her mother here.. . . .Mr, Robert Marshall of Sutton spent Sunday . wit-lhl his brother, Mr. Stephen Mar- sha . ._ S living in age, the spirit! which materialistic; people hav- form of without. power. of` tendency,ito` forget a_ (lescribedi by the words of Almighty` Now nothing will restrained them, which have imagined to] do. `(Genesis.XI fall of= A-the tower of` of Lord, thing, the moral (St.` Luke EXIII:-'1). cannot thinking. the appalling disaster in the " "North Atlantic Sunday inl `Aipril, whenever 1600, souls perished at sea, `through of Ti- tanic was-another from _God to '.bring men; to repentance -, for into imany V of `us has `entered a spirit of the rolder"_Babel' Towel b}1i_lders' of so n4-any LL- - ____ -A PARISH OF 1NN1sF1'L. LEFROY. Wdol Shirts and Drawers. .-auuu, ' . ` '11: [Mut-tony .. `Hogs, live," select .. ' (liive, heavy . . . ressed . . . . `Turkeys .. ghicken, spring, pai: ' ens, per IT). . . . . .. Eggs, per dozen . . . .. g/gutter, roll, per IT). IV I ard, per pound` . !Potatoes, new, per bs Hay, new, per ton .. :CuIed*Hides, No. 1.. Hides,- No. 1.. 'IJ'.'J-'_ `KT- n LJIJI L.|\., \J`.l4 `Wheat, ew .. Oats, new .. Bar1ey'..'.. Peas .. `Rye ...; . . . . . . . . . .. UF1our .. . . . . . . . .. Beef, hind quarter . .. If L fore guarter lnl-IJCIO 0 ,Flou-r.. .. . . quarter . .. per 11)., yearling Bandmaster Addison was in Chat- ham on Tuesday, playing with -the, Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Their first concert in Toronto is next week. owers tot he sent to the cl-1m'<:li not later` tha_n__Friday. Decoratin-,,r of the church will be done on .\`;m1rlny afternoon. AThe Dutch Supper will 1.9 mi.) in the old Rectory on Momlay ;1l'tt-r- noon and evening, and will he ~;1'v- ed.from 5 to 8 o clock. A tour will be on the grounds in which .-i lm; will be held, and articles (l(|1|i1T(` by friends; such as ha11(lke1'<:l1ivf.<. l'21!1vy~ work, groceries of all kinl.<. .~ ups and many other thing's will l~- for sale. The lecture A Rhino 'J`,m-, illustrated by 50 views. will will- mence sharpat 8.30 o clo<~l<. Mr. W. `A. Boys, K.C.,- M.P., i< TH l- the chairman. SV8l'a1/_,C](3l';l')'lll`ll will be present, who will give al:lr<`-.~'~>s, and sacred solos and du will lT=t3 part `of t-h".programme. 'l`li.~ admis- sion to supper and lectm-n is ::3.- for adults and 20c for children nn "3 4-J OCTOBER 17, 2 p.1n., Sunday School anal Bible Class; 3 p.m., Evening }n':l_\'M' and sermon. St. Paul s Mission, C'1':1i!_'\ uI. No service.` The 1ne1nb<=r.~ am] at- tendants at the Mission z11'<> 1'1-<;Hv~IeLI to attend the Sunday Sx-I1-'-ml and __ , 4 L` 1, , anIt7:4-Ana Ad Q4. T),-_-1', "" """"-|~ "115 |-7l|lll.l"1.y s`,('H"l H1111 services at St. Paul's next Snmhxy. mi 11` 11 .._..J P7 ` Counnation classes an \\'-Ius~ day at the residence of `"111-. Tlm.<. Nightingale, and Thu1'.~: at St. Peter s Church at 8 p.m. Thv Hm- rmation will take place p1-.1mN.\' "31 Sunday, Nov. 17, at St. P;m]`.< am ? St.Peter s. , yers. V-.. -s.x.,u uv K .I. at '10, 11 an)d 7. - res'ex-vationts, - V , n` gnsorwrie M Passeiiger Agent. 3` Y;Agrent. Phonob 11 fi3E'iT'EQ'31'31`vi"`i `LECTRIC LIGHTED ._ AN SLEEPER . -.---, .-w-u-raw 0.: Invnn nun... . _.betweeu- Toronto and V0!)-tr'e':i.1'. and Toronto and other principal cities in Canada. Also Double :Tl'Ik and Solid Trains between ...Montreal and-' Chicago: also be- ;_W90n:~Ontario points, New_,Y0Tk :anda;;1?h;ladelp1iia, via Nlgam Judge Hewson was in Town for a} few hours last week on his way home] from Torovnto to Gore Bay. . . I .0_IIil'y:'LDo__1_n!>le `Tree!-: BailjYf`} I..AA.__ _ , ma 141551` MARKETS S) 00TH ROADBED Fi!-:s17 EQUIPMENT `Y . VestsT and Drawers. S Hose. Sizes St. Peter s, Chm'(-hill. Barrie, pair _ '55:; Stane1d s. A $1.25 Stane`d s A , _ . - v;

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