Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Oct 1912, p. 7

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wick hey 7% `ffef 1i?t;`$a:1i{`qT""1l_;aaa 311133.118 .;mto~ Vt1L1e:.da.rk11>ess -Alike a pointer dog. ' 4 `mrm; -2` LL- '__xL_- .1 | bfxei ? he sang; were ldo you \P4P33 -they `be now ?7 ` ` 1 `I ' 1 "F1-aha ..-..- .'.... .......-.J. - :.m.-1 -11- r?:'.V.{7fe`St.<? c.Bin I their, out} 6 thr wind; most likely, 4` I smell to-v |.,..,,,,.,,.,~ 77- . _ Jo Aala,VVJVJ ' `iwpuoi `Isis x JAI\J \l UIl\/I. `V `Iv. 0 ' They Went at it in the grim silent V manner of the \Vest, Wasting little; time, feeling` no mercy. One by one the unconscious sleepers were arous- ed, each waking to nd_a steel barrel pressing against his forehead, and to hear a stern voice say ominously. Not a move, Johnny; yes, that s a gun; now get up quietly, and- step out here. Resistance .Was useless, and the ve, rendered Weaponless, They all belonged to Ha.Wley s ont- t; one, a. `black-whiskered~ surly `brute Bristoe remembered having V seen .in Sheridan. There was no time to deal` with them then, and a were herded back toward; the cori-211., |Bar X man .wasgp1aced'-on g-ua.rd,' u\.\Jv5b uuun 1.;-u It l1 sun `be dead then, he mm-l 'tered, lthat cuss will never be got no other Way. . __ __.'..__L -L :1. 3 , L1 __,,' ,"l,,,L "FL `room, boys, he added soberly, and VII VA ` rs O`1.d Juan Sanches in the front there is ten thousand dollars reward put for him, dead or alive. T.. .f 1.1.. ((1'), X799 1 0 1 I 551151, tl.\Jll\I \J'l QJLVVT Wjoguof the Bar X drew in his teeth sharply. _' CITJJII -_-_... L- 3]--) L1_-__ 99 `I ,1, ,1 V THE CABIN TAKEN. I His heart beating with new happi-i ness, yet conscious of the stern duty` stilil confronting him, Keith joined the others, giving them. in a whisper. a hurried account of Hope s release! from the cabin, and of What she had] 1.. _._.._..1. .-_.--- - W.-- J\I'|. ,,V... J. -.... .,....j., yoii to remain right here? . Yes-. He was bending over, andi her eyes were upon his face. Sud-i denly, obeying an irresistible. im-, pulse, he clasrped her to him, and; their lips. met. ' ' g ` Sweetheart, he Whispered .softIy.! r He could not hear her answer, but-I` her arms were about his neck. i I 'haven t either seen or {Of Th=im~ since. The men have left me alone since we .gothere;` have the cabin all tomyself until to- night.3 I have `not suere-dv, only .-1nen'ta.1ly`--Ffrorn dread of what they intended doing me---u~nti-11 to- night; " Tlixreevmen rode in here just before sundown--two Mexicans and an `Indian. One of them was an aw- ful looking old man, with a scar on his cheek, and a face th-atmade me shudder. He didn t see me, but I ` sawhim through the window, and he had such strange eyes. All the men acted asthough they were afraid of him, and I heard him say he didu t care what Hawley s orders were, he was going tosleep inside; if the girl -didn t like it.she'oould take the other room. I didn t know what to do- oh, I was so afraid of him, and I went into the back room. and put up a bar across the door. When he came in hewtried the door; then he spoke tvhrough it, but I never answered; and: nally he lay down and went to sleep. I sat there in the dark so long and when I heard you-I-I thought it Tmust be some of `the other. I .w \JI 1 ID U1. .\';'1L\;U U1 avzuxcu In I Tvhatpis ah] done with now, Honey! and we ll have those fellows at our` mercy in. another half hour. But I! mnsrt go now to the boys; lie here. behind those saddles, and don t move! until I come for you. I can trust! lT_- ,9 T1 - ___- 'l ,,, `I , , _ , 1- an JLJIJCU uv DUALLU U1 ULIG UUIACIID. I - He -.stroked`her hair, whispering: words of encouragement. 1 I ."l"'L-L _-_ ..1.1 1-..- _.-L1, , , -r~r F ujj Ii--` 66;; aaCuuw wcuauu ILIBSL Dc uuu1cuac.% Isa ulu V o To 12 n orrespon ence epartmentin in sor, ;;-1Qnt.:.If you desire to `see us personally call at our Medical Institute in L . 1toa;ajwe:aee andtreat no `patient; in our Windsor oices which are 171; `and Laboratory for Canadian only. ooo;-nIs:~;fer.-oa,e:su:ows: : V 1 . "'r&'Q-;-v-jg` " air -_'-n 4 . A---T --n--` .1 guy v -p Q. Q", L. ~ '. " A vi} V-L; D ' .;`J.;-z *>-v_- -..- jyyvr -- -v-v -v-u n . Iv rm-aaur uuvna ttuvwi IIIIIIIC OI XII HOD. E v'l`BEA.TDfENT. __,. V. .. 4. __._._ .#-, 4 - in rm: and cm VARICOSE v:-nus, NERVOUS mzmmr, and IJRINMIY comruums, xnmav and numman nu. ,-T; _j ' - ...`;..._.._.. ...__;.. - - _ f7i,%%j Aye. ma Griswold s:., Den-bit, Mich. .' `A_l11'etter's C8nada'must be addreed to our V .:~`-.i ; Canadian Corggspongeqce Deggrtgpeqtgn W_'_in_dao_r, "9 u ` -.' Il.B of How many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. Sowing their Wild oats in various ways. Excesses, violation of na- ture s laws, ` `wine, women and song--all have their victims. You have re- formed but what about the need you have sown-what about the harvest? Don t trust to luck. If you are at present Within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are suf- fering irom the results of y ' _ . . ~ st indiscretions; if your L "`-. 3 ` .' - "3: "/4", . loodhas beentainted from ' ' 0 v any private disease and you If `you dud` live in dread of symptoms breaking ':`o'nt ant! e=P918-Y0'|1r. lift?`-'.9."`HS ..` K. &."_K'. if -you are suering as the result of a misspent ` , V V . RE ..YOUFl REFUGE. Lay your case before CA1! 11l\91dI3`-`II vl\II null: (n1on$\1n :32; :o';<'i'e_z?ia1l'_u;' ?a"t15? w'i1Y'y&'1'L'3.2?f`i: $33 Zr`2Euffi1.e I }I\IlV Ii 1 `I 1 A It input-nun pun u-u-In-m ow1Nc1j1_s_ WILD OATS V. ,_. , . , . _ `- Bcdle-Fmoaniuuajotuu. lfunablo bull.-vgrlu {ii ' In .ll\lrnAvIIu-1::-um-n CHAPTER gzxxv. Rl:'.APlNG'A HKR'\I1` or soRR'ov_ 7i'?)"I3V"EXt'i "FA? ifif VVC W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.-Unuurhox-ized publication of this adl vex-tisem en; will not be paid for. 52-95 awe ms nomesteaa. rnce 53.00 per acre. Duties.--Must reside upon the homestead or Dre-em tion six months in each of six yars from ate of homestead entry (including the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fty acres extra. A hnlnnfnnnn xnhn Inna Auplxnunon.-I 1.5.. l.......... uuluvuw nuy acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a. purchased homestead in cer- tain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Dut.ies.- - Must reside six months in each of three years, r-nltivate fty acres and erect a house worth . 93111.00. 7.3? ua Luer, mo_mcr._soI}, aaugnter. brother o_r sister. In gcrtann dxstncts a. homesteader; In good standing may pre-emgt a quarter-section long- etde his homestead. rice $3.00 DUti0B.-MllRt reside nnnn tho hnnnpatnn ny- | wuumg nomesteaaer. . . 1 ln_1ties.--Six months residence upon and ' cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles or his homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied bv him or by his father, mother. son, daughter. brother or sister. In certain ('iinl.rit-tn A hnmnetondnr in "mm ANY person who is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years old. may home- stead a uarter section of ava.iVable Dominion and in Ianitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Suhagencv for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions bv father, mother son. daughter. brother or sister of in- lending hnmmztnnrlar vn. vvn sun 5 n: i?):(>'t'iI'3'r daughtex tending homesteader. I Murine ._Ri\v rnnnnm SYNOPSIS OP CANANIAN NORTH, I WEST LAND REGULATIONS. i The Northern Advance has con- icluded an arrangement with The {News for the exclusive handling of `the picture in this district, and to .all subscribers sending in $2.30, The `Northern Advance and The Toronto |Dai1y News will be sent for twelve [months and a copy of the picture by `mail postage prepaid. 39-40 YOU WILL WANT THIS FOR D r YOUR HOME. . Possibly no paper in Ontario has `made an equal growth in circulation uwith The. Toronto Daily News. dur- ging the last year. Tihe enterprise of this paper is) seen in the fact that it has had a. ,special drawing made at great ex- gpense of the Dominion Cabinet, and git is said that this picture from an fartistic standpoint will. fank equally |with `the picture so well known gamong our subscribers, The Fathers iof Confederation.__\ `with orders shdot at the slightest suspicious movement. The Indian, then, would be guard- ing the. front of the house, and San- ches sleeping inside. Well, the for- mer could be `left alone; his chance of escape would be small enough with Fairbain and Neb on the op- posite bank. Old Samches was the villain they wanted-dead or alive. With this in view, and anxious to make a quick job of it, the three en- tered the back room, and revol-vcrs in hand, groped their way across to the connecting door; As Home had described, this had been securely fas- tened by .9. stout wooden bar. Bris- .toe forced it from the sockets, not without some slight noise, and Keith, crouching down at one side, lifted the .-Latch. Kp down low, boys, he c.- ed,- where he can t hit you. (To be Continud). caution- 44 V 5\4\l`C V55. VCULI ID-ION-JCINICOW `V 'l \7\ V V5 Y5` b1 as to interrupt. _,a:l*l 'trg1ic with Sante Fe and the more western forts. '1`-he slowness of their prog-f russ was `on account of the General, u'}1.oLse condition became _Wo_rse in: spite of Fai.r'bai11 s assiduous atten- tions. With no nledicinel the doctor could do but little to relieve. "the .~,-u'<~1'ing's of the older man, although ht: that his illness .was not a c one, and would` yield` quick- ly tn ]n`u1)0I` n1edica:1` treatment. They (.-m1st1'u a rude tndvois I from." linlt`-.~` of the cottonwood, and sxeoure-' 'l_x- ,~t,x-uppml him thereon, one man h-zulillg the horse, while "the doctor 1m1n1w<.l behind. L :A1. 11.. A_L!_. , , , __'._ -_-J ' ..-....'.. ` lJ\J\.\.\"\JLIA J \J\a`LIO. IA l'.+-.l}i' .with.the thought th Ivy mn. have 1-eg'oi11ed~ his pa.rty~on tl-14: .-\z-l and: gone south tlwm, n'n-ally broke away` from the m}1r.~ and rode ahead , to `gather ;.w-tlu-r The llG(_`0SSt1.I'y horses and sup- pli:-~' in u of their `arrival. T He (:0nH hut drive from his mind` .the. CHAPTER XXXIV. - Again at the Cabin. They -were two .weary days reach- ing (;`/anson City, travelling along the open trail yet, meeting with no One, not even a mag eoa-h passing them.- Evidently the n:dia'ns -were so trou- ]|,_~____ _._ L_ A. .1 _ ' I1 V.;..._ 1 _..LA_______, --III-I1!` \.l ULIIIILLJO _ Jxmth, fretti11g'1n.0o1 e and more um- 1hi.< necessary delay, and now -.] --.:4.L L1..- 4.`L..--...L4. J.L.2.J. `El'...:.. That makes it clear, Ben",. . fax- claimed Keith, decidedly, szarizxgdu A across the river at the` white hills. "They have `kept 01} 77 the of the water, making for the .which is yonder at the .They' are out in the sand desert by this tinlc riding for the Salt Fork. `Who? ever he was, the fel-lbwbnought them. ve horses, ,and the ve old . ones were taken east again on tlie.trai1.~ The girl is still with the party, and V we ll go into Oarson City and re- outt. " . . T ` MWHER 0F LARBE FAMILY u.\.'>I.l,`/ bow rnua: DH-IXEIQIVB WEED IIUVU ' done me. I live on I farm andhaveworked very hard. I am. -forty-ve V years old. and am the mothez. _ of thirteen children; __. Many peoplq it stra.nge,tht I not brokeqj doj,wn:.; With h8td;W9l'k*0nd"'%` . the care of-m tam--,:. Y. but I tell them of y good g:l`e'ud, ;`.' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Pound. and that there will4`be`tio*;?_l)ul,`9`;*;1- ache and bearing down they wi_ll take it as I have; . ' .ever wlthout it in ` Y ..-su , -- -"A ity, and it has helped .......uuu u. su we 5100599. ` -1 w'll say also thhtl no bettcler medicine to be .1. girls. My eldest daughmt.-ah, Lydia E. . Pi kham a `Vs: pound for paigful period!` H] ,,.. ..|._.__-- ~ h-o--;- - swuwora I01`; hy(I.1I`:gIlu 4 `W 3 Vegetable Compound`; ` one meet that I owe -myfbh. hgzso your wonder!!!)-?V Jamison, _ . 1 --r' --. Fells: How She Keeps Her` Heaith- Happiness I-`or Those Who Take. \ ` ] Her Advice. ~_ 3 Sr-`..1;t.vi1ke=., Mich.--"I total} I V ow m:3'.:h good Lydia E. Pinkham s GE. Author of M1; Basin of The South." mu or IH;mm%a Barrie Branch, V:f.Pbi~|i;t: 8;:. INDIVIDUAL BANK OF .;;.`;;oaa`Lai;. E`. 1"=f.'i<'1a2"m"" e`-' , , etableCompoundand _ ,_ ", Sanative Wash have '." Anna Inn 1' us: no ! i sunpnyfusi I902 - I912 -% In the IA TALE or rm: nuns new or The South." -wa... wuaerness Woof lung. Illustrations bu Dem -bgrn MeIv_lll ' V `- '\u RANDALL C0l_J.!'ight. A. C. Inccfpoftd : ' Theparty escorting Waite reached! the toyvn in the even-i_ng, and in the; f.o1low1ug gray dawn the adventurers! forded the river and mounted on fresh horsies * and fully equipped, headed: forth:i_nto"the sand hills. The] little company now consisted of Keith, Fairbain, `who; in spiteof his `rotundity of form had -proven him- self hard amht, Neb, having` charge. of the single pack hore, the; scout. Bristoe,. and the two cowboys of `the Bar X, rough, wiry fe1l*o;WS'..ac- customed to exposure and peril. Iti was emphatically a ghting outt,! and `boa.-b'e.1;rus ted` in emergency. I V They followed the cattle trail southbtoward the Salt Fork, as this co11rs_,4'jf;'~vld_ afford them a camp at the o11ly"'-s.,, hbryle in all that wide desert lying ._ ~-yeen. With this cer- tainty of wa.te`1`; they ventured to] press th.-air animals to s'wiftr' nace,f: although the 'sa11d vmade Vtrave1l.ing' heavy, and` the trail itself `wast Suarcely discernible. It was a lm'rd,f we.aris;oane -ride, -hon`-1" , after . . hour,` through the. same dull, dreary land- scape of dIS0-latiOl1,- the hot, remorse-' l~ess- sull, beat_ing upon V them._?re- ' eeting` an into ,thei-1~ blisetered 1 from 1A;he1hot surface o"sa'nd. withere- ; L'_.-_;.1_ -3 ..:.. .'...`...1`.` -1.1.... LIIUIU IJIIU IIUII 'L|'14Il-IKJII `J1. U6!-l.L\.lo .|.a&\4l.\Jl saw scarcely a. breath of air, a-n`d)_ the; bodies of. men and hqrsesr` were bath-- ed in pmis,-piratioxm. Not a c1`oud: biird broke the monotony of distance, 'hung` in the blue sky; no `Wingof 9.` I no liv'ingv zanimal crept V a.crss~ the i% blazing`; surface of the desert. Oc-._T_` casoionally a .ditant mimge attracted; the` eyes, making the %_dead_ `lity even: -more horribleby its semblance to WIa'- `m'!?3T:.1.`ld;18'.- Vzmm A =s:1}em1y%%.so % L00. tenfyetfnever_temnti!18ithm, to. 3.171, ~ _ SW9-.4 After "1`9'; 3'9t - KPH) 11110 U5: ,; vv tpu uuu red: jswung sti- ened _ into, the `reds .o , sht an! L A that * Ti .-_~-_....., us... .o;..u-iv. ,1.-ue pue'suou1- ties of such a. situation made the slightest delay in rescue an agony `a1-I most. _un-bearable. , `Reaching Carson Qty, and perfectly reckless `as to his own, safety therefrom. arrest, the plainsinan lost no time in perfecting] arrangements `for pushing forward`. Horses and provisions were procur- edand he- _very `fortunately discov- ered in town two cowboys belonging- to _the Bar X outt, their .work there -accomplished: and about ready: to return to the ranch on the Can- adian; who gladly ,a:_lliedI themselves with his pa.rty,_ looked forward to. the possibilities of a ght with _keen' anlticipatio-n": V-Keith was A more than ever delighted: with adding to `his outt. when on. the nal arrival of the` others; the extra man bnovughtl f~rou1 Sheridan announced that he -. had had `enough, and .Was going to remain there. A No efforts made ' re- vealed any `knowledge of Hawley s presence in Carson City; either he had: not been there? or else his friends 7were very carefuzlly concealing" the fact. The. utter absence of any trace, hovvevear, vrled` _Keith to believe that the, gambler had ' gone elsewhere- probably to Eort 'Larned-for his `new outt, and this belief left him imo're.- fully coivin-'ced than ever of the 1 fe1low s4 eorts to conceal his trai . A .4 .......... vu. uwo,ua.1u L`U;`K.. LVOW, angry withvba,-ied ambition, and a vic.ti,n1 of her -trickery, there was no guessing to what` extremes , the dues- perado might resort. The p06soibilLi-` AF Ellk n 1vI"1un`:..-.u.. --.4-JA _ . Mcclurg 8; Co.) `remembrnoe of the gamblr; s. fat- tempbedl familiarity" with Hope, when he*had- her, as he then supposed , safe in his. power once before in that lane- 15' cabin On the,Salt Fork.. Now, anmrv with hnmn ..w.1-.:+:`,... ..-..1 A Ivgvoz` - "7$2o,ooo,<.x >o 1912 $48.9oo.ooo cionsonmmon L snmn,` . nmqsxrs reiy TOn z' :`;if'h;:'r1;)1fses-'in:thar he ar- '"1r01;.11`od soberly E { V'th<;nV .- `turned to` lKeith.~. `L`S`a.y,T Jack, what. do you .|' 'g'1'1ve `this .s-hebang, ' to-' be, anyhow? L! `ts% do xr?; % `Youi:fdo'n t reckon it s old saneheafg `9 `V .1 u `-6 LLIUILIAJLI: yuqtuxvugng. _. T__I1ey_round'e_d` the co1'ra.1 fence on hajgldsfand knees, cr'a.wl_ed _into a of"~.'bushestV spmejwhat to the V95` $119 f3i'1Bi1t-J 1 ]5e9"m`*3'@P`P3Tin 8` A t`>w_u at ` ._a `;iii;l .po'sitio'n' % V ~ Th'eT Four Crossed: the Stream, Wad`- ing to in't.he Water. bank, and finally crawled out into a bunch of musquite. As they crept {along through the darkness, whatever 5doubts Keith might` have -pvneviously lfelt regarding the presence on the gis11a11d{ of the party sought were dis- fsipated` by` the unvmistalca-ble noise !nwde by numerous horses in the-`cor: ,ra1.T Slowly, testing each step` as they.j_ advanced, i so no sound should" .Vbet_r4a y;-_` them, the` four .men- reached "the: shelterof the Stockade. The older of; the Bar3-X . -men li_fted;h.im- Itself" by hmdas,,and can-' ;`tious1jy`overr.4-e ` _ __ `NV. '?`~Y<" `Had I-A`;-[Jud-l!A.l gnu. M ovr in the ','J-b:(;g:'l1e1 Ivii;-VA`cheek with tobaooox,[ .staa_'ing'. ;' about through ~un1;1.1~.e: 4.1.-;.- .'n= ---..,.~ __. A`A`n A-H .u.Vau.,4.I.l. , uvuvuv La;_;vu3u van. \;wvn;\.u.~s>o.n W311, if that 01:. cusSfis- yere now we ,1ms- surev ix; fer p, ghi5, be com meuted .Ypi9sj tive;1y. 1 ` ."rl'VL'_;._' _.`;-...I-_1 1.`I..`~ _-..~__1' .'... ..\.... z;s_? '` 1101?, Joe, thdtxgh I nev- erVV"s9,w"him_'ar91_111d here. :~ V- V Atltli right thxxg boys , don~ tV get excited and go off half cqcked; be easy on your trigger ngers. Come ialong, you fellows who are travell-ing -...'a.L ....... 9! . , ' No one said, anything, the silence. accentuated by the desert wihd howl- mg mournffully ins the branches of nearby cottonwood. : IIAI` - - if : \TheTf crossed the stream, wad- ing to their waists in the water, their horses: left bunched` on` the. south ' ~I'f Hawley is here himself, he said quietly; ,watching their faces in l_ starlight, _he will certainly have a guard set, and there may be one anyhow. We can t taord to take chances, for there will be ve men, at least, on the island, and}. possibly several more, If they are looking for trouble they will} naturally` expect it to come from the north-consequent ly we ll make our attack from the op- posite. direction, and` ereep.i1i on them under the shadow of the coral. The first thingliwant-to do is to lb- cate Miss Waite so she .will be in no danger of getting hurt in the me- lee. You boys hold your fire -until I let loose or give the word. Now, -Doctor, I want you and Neb, to creep up this bank until! you are directly opposite the ca-bin-he ll know the `spot--and lie there out of sight until we begin the shooting. Then both sail in as fast as you can. I .ll take Bristoe and you two Bar X men `along with me,_ and when we turn loose" with our shooting irons you can `reckon theght is on. Any of you `got. questions to -ask ? I W /._`.r_-. ihhhhhmimir;ui;;inhmeh Qhen Kijeith amused -once more,` > a Iiftrleg .be;f61:e " nin," fgunablel -in7 his un- V"'p at`i_e1 1 7tO`'-brook.1onger. delay. With. in. nb1inut,es;hmaes'.,.wer`e saddled; w69eP0lf1S_ tb~ cafefully, and thehttla pairty - their advance through ~ moving cau- tiously over the u'n`eve.n- ground, as- great1y'by-__the bright desert s.tars~g1eaming_ down upon them from the"cl'o11dless'srky overhead. The dis- tance proved somewhat less than had been anticipated," and; Keith s- watch was not yet at eleven when his eyes beveakad the fa_3t.that they hand` reach- ,...:I 4.1.- ......._ ---.....2a... ...2 4.1.- 1-..-1.. ; mi _`te.n. V belo (a'9bi'11Z%.fsou,'ght-~ mated; 11`rs ~' rest, with Mm-A; % Put * both]. 4an;d TIr'1.en - again in Vcoxxdivtvion , and` the} V. travelling" was ; e"asie r", along: the bank ofwthe _.Fo1'~k.V With :this in mind, ci_x_'mhes" _ the animals` tu1f ned"~o'utT tb graze, land the men, a: hasty bite, ung: them- selves wearily on the ground. ' . A1: I l 5`-`V\4!|\4`u' MAJU J.cII:v vs.auou uUuJ luau Lvwuu' ed the near v1cnuty "of the lonely island` on which cabin stood. Rei'ni'!18 in his horse shamply he swung .to the ground, _ the others in`- stantly following` his example, realiz- 2..... LL-.. L-,_I-~..--_L.._I 1.1.. ._ J. -1 LL- VA. J-AI `I50 . I \.K4ULLB 3}? they {`1I'e"`end~ of the route. Hands instinctively loosened revolvers in readiness for action, the younger of the Bar X men whist- ling softly in an effort to appear un- ooneerned. T Keith, with a gesture, Iglfttlxered "them more closely about um. , A V kind __antI is` good by 'EBrist0e crawled back like a. `snai-I", voice: cl IJICWIXLILE LIL IJKJLCO : and condent the others would do their part, Keith thrust his knife` blade deep into the narrow, crack and began probing after the latch- In spite of all caution this eort caused at slight noise, and suddenly he start- ed back at A the sound of a. Woman s . 1 .0 1' ,_1 1 H UUDULVIL \1`l. U V` `f"0_ He drew her back into the: Vfringe of bushes,." pjlafcingg; her safely behind ` the-"stack of~ V_,sadd:1_ies'.j., She was -not fying .a'.i1$" J ua't`'-olir_1'i,n8" 150 -him;..' `as neygx`-V 'bea'`i~ to ; 2': "aria." `.14.:-7 `L `7 "77(>1: 1 to 4zv..- T.'r'_"-..`n.- "...-..'.J.L':..;-.'_KI.~."..'-x'u__;=51-:7 9.? -; -n_.:_;-- __...__1-_1 \_-..1_ 1:1 _f ;.......:.I.. 01115 .IL(.tL'\.I. Vll UJIKJ L\|.|LJ.vu ! Five, and` anotherout in front; that leaves the eighth. man inside. Bring our fellows up closer, and post them-where they can cover those fel- lows asleep, While I make an effort at breaking in here. V 'w`?V7cV.I1z;t do you Want? I am armed, anti will re through the door if you do. not go away I ._ . 'r1-_--. 1.--... 1..-.A-....-....:'n. ......1a. ..a.:.'... uu uuv 5U uvvua . - , . V` His heart leapipg with _exu1tat1on,l Keith put his hps close to the crack'.- ` n1 10 1 1, `I1 T`:dI`4i.c1-pe, he exclaimed as lodly as he dared. This is Keith; open the- He.cou1d' hear a "little smothered` cry break from her lips, and then the ` souncl of a bar being hastily removed. A11 instant, and. the door opened si- lently, just wide enough to permitl _her lslenzder gure to` slip through. She ' grasped` .' him with her i hands, turnin`g{VhisV face to the light` of the ta1's. and he"ceuldHfee1- her fo;rm* tremble, " - " `ur'\1. wt I ' . ~ `.11. '0 1 uc`l`3i;:, I. knew you would Qomil I knew you would come! she sobbed, _the. __ rdsb_are] y. audible. ` "`1..'\ ......... .~. 15..-: ....uL .c..~....1.. 1 > ...\.L l4IIIJ' VVV\- L\A I131`./lJ' (uIvLI\L.lIJl\JI The m-a,1_1 s 1=i.ps*`set rmly, yet he" `heldi close to him, `begging ` `her -not to. Break'dov9m...119w.% . ' 1'11-I-.'I ' 11' t `I no 5 ' 5-I < It _s .al1"right,' little _ girl, , he "said pleadingly, .wi3-"ve gOt`*ou Safe, but. there is-ia` ght to"beft9.ttended_to. Corrnegg with me; , I _,.'mustv ask... you - aj questionor tW0;.: " ` "V n- ;~.-_v n_;_` `.._..1_ ._.;-L_ ;a _;"}___-_;__= Uni` _llJC|.A|. ELVVLI |,|lJ. pun: sun} 8 9 Wh t s round to he west. 17_'9n-9_ 13,.-- _`I-_-J` `L2. 1.... "ifvi:h "1"i$ 1"osZlf, i{{"1aand shut- ting hard on the knife. ` 11:__- __._1. .....`..L1..... ---1. 3.. ._......L. .,.W.. V ...... ,..... ............, ...._, ..-....,. T He waited until the scout had dis- appeared, and then silently crept 'for- wand himself, -yet with less caution, until he _ was able to peer, about the corner of the. cabin and dimly` dis- tinguish the blanketed forms of sev- eral men lying close in against the side wall. They rested so ne_arly to- gether it was difficult to separate them in that darkness-, stars giving the only light, but he nally deter- mined -their number at ve. Five: the Mexican would make six, and there -would surely be another guard posted out in the front-seven. But there were eight horses down there in the corral. Then the eighth man --Ha.wley. ..without doubt--muet be in the cabin. At the thought Keith s teeth clinched,` and he had to strug- gle to control his passion; But_ no; that `would never do; he must dis- cover rst exactly Where the girl was located; after that they _. would at- tend to ' the curs, Before` creeping back to the _,others, he made `quick examination along the the rear of the cabin, but could nd nolvisible point ,of weakness`. He tried to recall from memory the nature of the lock on that back door, but could remem- ber nothing except an ordinary wood- cm hatch. If he could` insert a knife into the crack thatmight very easilv be dislodged. He drew his hunting knife for theattempt, and, first glancing about, perceived a man creeping toward him. It prov- ed Bristoe. -- 1! ' 14 \"kl |`l7"Vl)\.7 .1401 IDDUCQ Fixed the szrenser all right, cap,` and I reckon he ll be quiet for an 110111` or--two. Look Whar he slashed` me; -struck a pack 0 playin keerds, [ore I d 21 got my ticket. The `front of his blouse .Was_ cut wide open, and Keith thought he 1)ereeived `a stain of Blood. . i " Pricked you as if/was, didn t he?. Opened the skin. Thought the cuss. given up. an got careless . TITL-1J_ L_-____j L- JJL- ___,..;.n97 damn as >:.ieft his lips a` .man. _ came. sauntering .elo.wly] around they `corner, .h'.is_` dutllines bare- ly visible, but the glow of a pipe bowl `showing. plainly. He stopped, directly facing them, yawning sleep- ily, and then turned the other corner. Another moment and they distinctly heard a voice: ` V Hutle mp that now, Manuel; an tu-mf out ;. it s `your watch; Wake up, damn yer--maybe. tha.t ll bring yer te/r life. . . Uvl. L5` . vThewreii1etiy.:a1;>1$lied to must have been eicaeious, as, an in-, stant` later, another gure sllouched into view, the new arrival rubbing hisveyes; with one; hand, the other clutching a shor't-barrelled . gun From the highpeak of hisihat it was * evident this new; guard Was} a Mexi- can. He walked` to the corner, glanced: along the east side wall to- ward the front. of the cabin, and then, apparently satised the coast was clear, started toward` the stream, shuffling alon'g.wit-hin a foot of where Keith lay at on the ground. A moment later the men heard him splashing softly in the water, and Keith rolled over, his lips at Bristoe s Slip down there, Ben, he whis- pered, and quiet that fellow. I ll nd out how many are on the west !sidTeT.- Do the job .Without any noise.- , ___2A.-J .'__.4.21 LL-` ---__L L-J J.'.. LII: ek s

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