`W1 Lu. 8 lL11|!IuIa;'1_1y . [ Later `on. in the-ameivng. ', Deputy ..:if;t`roduced3 ,9, L`V1;_m:t,i-oI r` A int- `ithe '_Ei1'.en -and; fPO1i_(:e '(_}ommi1-mar ' havie ft1i'" i18i`i1M Y8tem:pi1ti in Pfrop.e~rW0k'~ 5i1ejL :~r11`%1i9e;.=:%: "3vBI_?.::?`jI.i;f!,it` . thq`. H_b1'l_I_1gJ.11g;uI." zt uvw -VVu._o-' . .~ : :RejeV{e? f Bennett said :he ~ was iffuite "4ii1%*;'`t31#h :5``fsomet1`i1s.:-5-+ *' '9tiiw1 .; 8; . ` Street ci`iticisms;2 indulge` in ',such fou rid` those who the exprese pur-, f vq nu won`, A-Ana vnbv - -\l\4I-\a'o pose. -of\wom'yi-rig the Council, were sixliieets on`-.w\hieh some 'A1der'men "enlwrge'd;_ _i 7 1 ' . . Ald. nearly jolted some of the.A1dermeh off-their seats`. svheni he commended` the Reeve and: En? gin_ee_r`for the m'an.ner in which they -conducted. their affairs in connectio_n "With the `civic workshop ` ` . urm;.~_- _.... '_.._.__1- __-_-,., , ._-_.___ .1 1* 5-Ydu:f"i1eiIe3$,:av, or 'A.}i.gcb:ub1:$' `nver e 11-e2i'1"d* `bf `it i iiib-`re =7i`1i'qii1'e`-iti_v .~s'et~ of civic representatives. than those. who -`gathered rbgndi the Council Board Jdn M6-'n`d.,ay -"evening. V ' A1.- Bunker, Wisdom aj1d_F`r.a_se'r vgere .,-the absen- tees, vibut the ether eleven. kept the Mayor busy answering questions on every Subject .imaginable, from-the laying of water s~ervi.ees to the cost of bwrying the. dead`. ` 2.. ft /.,. . ` FFo'un:jl `_l._) e:.id_es~ to Do`Tl1 is _ all.-!\lo Pjelnt ' ` "'uA`.i:I . *Lot On1Vrad`f rd Street `._%_____,_',vA,_?._.__.,___v,`,., -., .,., ."/.9? xx...` `:3. A;;u.o `:7-an`.--'LVU I ` " Until:Spring.-+Reco`rd `Numer"of"Qi4i:er.ies by Alder-`-f_; ` I _:.,r nl ;a:Aaait.j"'n-'I:%couN'rv or to aA_iANo=~rH: oo_mu|on..vor`cANAnA _oun cnrrsmou. VIOLET JVKJII ' > V .We zhavebeen doing the best we can, but .we c.an t -get men nor teams`, We have only two teams all sum- mer. . We are oering the_highe`st wages. we ever paid, but yet We_ can i. get the med, saidhaiirman `Be_1neti';. rm_A. 1r__-_ I--,- :-,L,;- boo uuv Alli./Al, cnuu \./uaxixxuau. ..lJClluUhII.| The Mayor here interposed w it-h a` little explanation. -V He_ said: AThe` _impr6veine`nt-s voted fpr by t1ie_eMc:t-r ors are being done as .f_astVa`s dssiblg. ' we have done" our hast to get sscuixfle contractdi-' V to Kcender on` the work` qt` the Agijicultux-al Park` butt_he i are so excessive as `to. anpear unmeas- *onab1e.- It is .imp'ossib1f t.odo"it_.-fby day ~1a-bm ; fand that W0 1rav_e~to _ ' ~ :i.N'rs. 1 y ' mu` xv; \.r ussv U...L \ `.`The' Reeve ~a_.nds Deputyshould` be! patted -on the back for the way""the y1: arexing" up Bradford St.,= said! A-1d:..Rus k. The qinders make a fine! job of tha.t'b1-idge. . `As to any more] money in Wards and VI., I think they have both had their share foal thzsrws-? % L . . Iv u-uvuvsnx (I. V (ALLDFIJLUQ Reeve Bennett--There is 9. Cmmty a.p-m-opriation< of $1000 whichjis being 1-aidrout by the Deputy-Reeve and myself, and we deemed it only fair to expend pa.rt of it near the County` property; Mulcastser `and Wonsley Sts.Vare now being xec l_, am} we -have proIcu.recL" coke `cinders `to make tem-. porary repairs on `B11-\ad;`ford~ S`t. | "l"L_` 15- _-_ ..\.....u.-W... I I Ask the Engineer, said Hisi Worship. ' T ' ' _ That-. oicials-tated that the num- :ber of sewers c.ons`tructed on Coun- 'cil, s~_'in'itia.tive was represented by a cipher. Thirteen `sewers have been `put down, six on prepomimendation of Board` of Health on sanitgry grounds,` and seven on petition of interested property owners. .T-ha.t_ settled the matter. - ' -~ . / . l[`l"I' .1 --\- - - -- - yuuu\..\..c LUL |lAL_L3LI.l. vu'u1`5u|,. ' Chairman Bennett explained that work was still befngv done, but amt ` great difcueltg, was being experienc~ ml in. m.~.....:.....`.....\.. 1.--; Au. rv.L-I . =,..._..u u..u;uuu/.y_ was ucuzg t5ApC1'1UuL"| ed in procurin'g"men, but VAI-d . C=1a.rk` wanted to know when Johh St. was to be attended to. A He had under- stood that the $140 left over of a` $500 appropriation for Sanford St. lwagastill vailable. ' A 1 ... ._-! ...,...,,. T _ What sewers has the Council `con- structed on its own initiative, this summe'r__?` he asked by Way of in- troduction \.., - i 0 [IL I .1 -o- - the Board of :Wo;'1sjcomp1e1;- e'd_its work? _ asked Ald. Sarjejant, `.`I see by the` reportt-hat $450 "was passed fo-fthcm to-night. (V1-..n:....~...... 1).........A.A. ____1_! 1 -I bJ\\.A\l\.'LAO I Mayor Cowan eplailled that the. Hydro Electric poles would comei sinners exvpec-t`t.o use them. ,- 'd0wn Bayeld `St, and the C0mmis- l 3` V FALsl:I'RUM61zs. 4- ' V5` ~ Dame Rumor, that indefatigable lady who: ,vo1A-ks even W11i1em_alder- men ysleep, has been `fsaying.`t.hingS about the Council and the ;;Engineer; Reeve Bennett was o utV after her Scalp. ` (YTT`L-L , `l -" "` " _.,-un -"The Mayor suggtester} .t-hreshinig the matter out in committee, and `later a mtion was introdiifced by Ald. McLean that the" Fire and-.. Police Committee. ascertain the effect on. `insurance rates if a telephionef` alarm system is substituted for. a`Abox sys-A", fnvan as-`.3 LL- - AWL ..v... x n;uuIvuL|/ULULL .llJ.C H `U03 5975. }:3;n, amid` the cost of such telephone system. . The Cammitfe .Wi11'dis- 0 cuss the matt.er_ _ ., / _ Why areithe Eletvric Lightf Dent.` not placing rpoles 111) along Bayeld St. for the lights ordered by Coun- cil? q11er_ie.d. Ald. Rusk. This is the time of year when theights arel uegded. ' ' A. ~ - 7 Ald. iIA{111`<;\_r2_1'x1tvd 0 knowif thre had been anything done in reference, to Alland-ale` weigh scales, ' and AIM. Bjdxvell said the matter had bi-:e11 de- layed` owing `to insuicieht numbers` 0' . his committee being present; on ridaj . evening to cons-titute a quo- rum. ` ' T ` .. HYDRO Pom-rs. ox. E_xYFu:LD ST. I/TY?! . U1 vavv. . . . _ ` . I?ep.eBeeve Wesley said that 't'he prsent system was condemned "by the? underwriters. He ..-had asked S11pt.- Hare for a price on` putting system in shape, but hiad notrgot it val: T ~ 3;-uxinauxc. 1.05 8. . CI'_1l`(19 SySTBII1, at t1_1`,{`bestI Are" We to -keep` *repairi'n'g" -this}; when - everyone. knows that the 'a.jfority o of the fire 'ca1]s __covrne ` in `by phone now, 'anxwa.y._ Ii this motion entails `the -stringing of a new copper `wir, it will run into a cost of $600" or "$700. I cu`. - tin ' acortl with th mbtibn. pre,seI;t "system .Was: beyond de- sc1!'iipti-o'n--.a _joke---and` instead of 9' boxes `that do not work, the Town `alarm.-.5 C)! LL-L' _, ," 1 1 I C uugfr:-_b Luau ao not work, the Town ,.'.about- 25 that iW0111d be. de- }_el%].`able.V It. s a-Jcr_u.d'e system, at .t1m.-1...a++- A...."-..~ . L--- V >"M1j. Thos. R. Blain of Campbell'- v ford was notied and -he identied the body as that of his sister, and at, once notied Mrs. D. Quinlan, wife of County Treasurer Quinlan, and they : went to Colborne to bring the rfemains. back `to Barrie for burial. I T` '_____ 1, `:0 1:` AAA. Miss Oliv Blain was born in Bar: rie in 1886,` the youngest child` .o:f Edward Blain - and Victoria Arm- .strong. She. was educated? at Barrie, and mapriculated at. the B.C.I. in 1903... She studied music in Toronto .....J 1...! .. \._-..4.:..-1__1_ `_._..1n_',,,,L I .I.c7Uu.+ uuc auwumu: luusgc 111 .l.Ul'0Il1IO,i and had. a `particularly brili-ant course, taking the Gold: Medal at `tho Toronto College of Music in 1910. -Her, father _died' in 1905, and her .mother. followed in -19093. whom the` 'h`ousehold~ broken` up, and `Miss ,Blan- mado+her home in Toronto. and` {spent the'.A_week-end` with her sister,` ljM'rs. D. -Quin1a.ni_n`Barrie. `She is) ruljvived `by -_ three -brothers, Thos. `R. of: .08mIi_13JJ-`0Pdi"'J`-}G~ of Sault Ste- uruv .u.n.:oo JJLG-Ill. VJ. .lJ`:l1'1`l.t7, .Lu.l53 Hicks of Shelburne, and two students from Toronto Went out on Humber Bay, Toronto, in asailboat. The boat capsized and; both the young ladies .\verje drowned. Strenuous eortsl weremade `to recover the bodies, but trace -was found of either of them` until that of Miss Blain was wnshedl afshosre" nearly 100 miles -from the! fseene of `the accident. Mr. Hicks,| [who also visited -Colborne . in the ` {hopes that it was his chi1d s body, [that was found", has now greater} [hopes -that the body of -his daughter IuWi11..be ;9 - _ 1 I Sad Doble Drowning ' Reli call`ediBy Finding of the` A Bod -`Buried ` Here on Tuesday. _ I One of the saddest fatalities which! ever happened, was recalled by the} . `v nding of the body of Miss Olive! ~.;Blatii1A a few miles east of Co1borne, `on Sunday, Sept. 29th. The discov-f ery was madeby apasserby, the body! being` washed ashore in a- secluded: spot, and `from thestate of preserva-{ tion-,' it is believed that it had been, in7'deep1water until a few, huors efoger it ,wasfound; ' ' fl`! '7` ` ` "` ` ` ` 5 ' - ca; uuwn JJGLILC. .LU1' Ullflul. 1 uft'w;$ on th: 241;}; of May, 1911, `t at Miss Blain of Barrie, Miss <:n`vn l\ QLA]L--__- --A 1 45 sley. on Saturday, and he ascertained `that the man had .regi.=)tered and slept at the Simcoe Hotel on F.'riday_night,l leavinghere on an early train Sat-l urday morning. A woman claiming` to be Sonhie s wife stayed at the Simooeall day Saturday, but she, Vc'laim,ed"she knew nothing of hisi whereabouts. The authorities at` E'l1'rnva_le appear to be lax in not communicating at once with the Crown authorities at Barrie, and keeping guard over such a dangerous? prisoner. `It is rumored that somecmel in Elmvale will be asked to re:-igngl before long. ` t . _,g I The injured boy is progressingg [favorably towards recovery. { ---av uuu .y.\.u uccu. MJLIZILDCU. ' 1 Word was sent to Detective Beard- EMISS B1AlN s_ I B0DYF=REC0VERE`D& I COLBORNE; __OscarV Kerr, a farmers boy ,who _._livs near Elrnvale, attended O their _fa'i_rv`on Friday last, andvfollowing a fnlixfupi M with one of the cane-rack rxnen, was shot through the calf of the leg. The man who did the shooting. was captured `shortly after- '-wards, and placed in the Elmvale lock-up, where on search by Cons-' table Draper a loaded revolver was found in his possession. He gave his name as Charles Sophie or (Saurie) and saidthe ha`iled-from the States. During the night ' an accomplice drew the staple of the unguarded lock-`up door from the outside, and liberated the prisoner. An informa- tion was sworn out for his arrest be- fore J.P.AMiddleton, but the man has not yet been located. ____ _.V _ _ 7 ` , `f . . I .,. 1 l l Conc'e s$.i'on- Man, Who Had Revolver, Arrested, `But . _ Escaped from Lock-up. I \_ `rue paame >444..- ?_,_._ '7_4A.1T_"l-`i "Hotel-; ~ 7 An_,1n 66jIE DANciN ` Phpng 440 ._Q_1aae'a ndw bi:xg fonne1 , . gerjrigs tb early` applicants . 'rHREE POUNDS SEED POTA- [ ,TOES PRODUI())IED NINETY- , _ S . *. That it pays` to/read The Advance has just been demonstmtcd in a. [striking manner. Mr. A. F. Dobson {of ToWn saw a notice in The Ad- vance last` spring in reference to nlseedling potatoes` furnished by the Central? Experimental Farm at. Ot- tawa. He procured a 3-Tb. sample- 1ot_ of thevari"ety' known as Wee MacG.!_'eg0_r," : and with these he plant- ged 9.5 hills on a lotat the corner of !'J`Y-T`I_`__ -4. __, 1 `ll 1 A v-4 gnu 111310 uu. a 1\JU_olaU Luz: UULILCL U'.l. } NeI1in.g'ton St. and Maple Ave. He ' as/just. dug 96 pounds from this tn pounds of seed, and this he eon- siders the most prolic growth yet recorded in.this district. This has -been an exceptional `year for potatoes, as well as roots, but it is doubtful [if this 1_-eoord has been excel-led. 1 uus .JJ\/V | Iii giving judgment the Magistratie iimia-de some very Strong remarks as {to the growing amount of crimix1a1- .ity among juveniles of the town iwhich he said he detormine.(l to {put down with a St1'OI`Ig` hand. He ifreely (-xp1'e:<:_~'e;(l the opinion that the parents of boys: who go astray in this [,way"are very much to! blame and he lsounded a warning note to all parents that they `should look after, the up- ~`bi`inging of their Children in a more 5ca-reful manner. Certicates of the {good behaviour of the lads. will be `required, and sho_u1d any further de- I_inquenc_v occur the bo-ys. were given Em uiiderstand that they will be givn `a term in the Industrial School. ! . ;The. two llad-s'whoa have been com- mitting youthful burglaries were `before-P.M. Radenhurst on Thurs- day last, and sentence Was deferred for two months, the lads being prac- tically put on parole, their parents being responsible for'their future good behaviour. Three. charges were preferred, that of breaking into: the home of Miss Averill in Allandaale and stealing $58.00,`stealing an quan- tity of jewelry from Mr. A. J. Tuck s house on Toronto St., and breaking into Martin s store on'Owen St. One of the lads pleaded guilty to all three `Offence, but the other maintain- ed his innocence. 'Most of the stoleh property has been recovered, and the parents have made restitution for the lbalance. Boy B1\nglars_ on Parole--- " ,Magistfate Radenhurst De- ferred Sentence For Two Months. :j;1:ro'-1;ii;erLs,_Mrs. D. of Bar 1fie,'-a~n-d Mi$s `Alice, Blain of Edmon- ton, j " The` remains arrivd on the'noon train "on Tuesday, and.-a private funezjal Was`he1d: to St. Mary s Ceme- tery. the Rev.'Dean Moyna oiciat- ing. Messrs. T. McCarthy, A. Ham- lin, A. W. Beardsley and W. Hickey \'e"`1-`e the .pa1lV-bearers. PARENTS BLAME!) FOR DOWNFALL OF THESE YOUTHS [$1.00 PER 'ANNUM IN ADVANCE IINGLI COPIES YHHII l N`| I isA`asi1ys.ettled. All you have to do is to order-. same of our pure cream Ice Cream and you have a des- sert-` uTnequalled in *da`-in'tin`_ess and` avor. _I't'jtempts the most 3}--``hi`cky. taste. Take ~4so; m"e_,_ home to-daf. Bnvsows QUESTION ;:;1;;;;a3V safe by JLL.I.I.LLvoavw D. Me-1 her ' I139 - 4;... K cut) CLARKSON JOTEL er. =:I_uIy_. _ MEI-\1--`Z; M. D. Cubitt-Niclgols, .`,._: n I I. he` `W- by, V V.-81' Eov'.e'2;-_t,`1,,11A"g1 11 " Malia!` or rortralts . . '-I | ' I i \ EEEEEEFZAJ '9 give .~'pecia1.a.tt8_I11?i-0`I1. 50 my.-5 hzmdled in this W33 ; 73nd` be glad to have You make; useof $[.1`Vi( (`. -\ :.'. .-- .' . 9 fllitilliillzlc-E% //. . . _ / R - 'l`l.ll'DI'-" IQ N PIPTITDF ` V? J Bfarrie B1fanc h.` 5 _. ' F. T. SHORT. -4 -Managgf` F _ (u `t 1ReseT'e!`t x`I.1 _,:,"`(11d(_;l1}:li\l'?L;(>z:1Prots ( 35:31.); ` . ...;_-_.. an bv cd1`l'\ i110` on V0 -? ' ~ ' - - . '7 u '. ` ~ 9:.` J 1'1 `t 111- ' r bankm3'* by -m8i1 *" 5 ll -3 your W , .:.- `:9 3 (*11c xx-119.11 yo-u-`,ant mcxxwy. ' 1 . ` " XX 'gun a - Total Assets (Over): F. w. XI!`l7:'.mvm+ww- '7 `nE`..;.o... G. M. c. HART smfrn. Assistant M_gI'. ` F0R~~-L-~% WL0ND0N. ENGQ, BRANCE; :1 Th:-ondnoolllo EL. IKE- . SUNDIY, OCT 6121). . I 1 :11'vcst~ 11`esbival. Services _ 3.510 A..\1.--HOLY COMMUNION ` 11.0.\.)x.--.\1`AT1Ns AND HOLY _.- COMMUNION A 3.4 V..\1.~ S. S. AND BIBx.1s`CLA[$s 7.0 1. xx. ---Fl-:s'1`AL Evuxsortu as _` C1__L_-..-. Ilr. Bosank ghyfch Save Time %WheJn Are Your F NOW | More` people are buying them. early, thls year than ever b_e`- forc ' ` vn ` All the new designs and styles "are now on exhxbition at our store. ' SlMMONS& co; Uur pox-t.rzits in this style are woztsixlg. Make the appointment to-dug`. ` J. FRANK. JACKSON more beautiful. jthangg: picture of the mother and her chlldren. `t . THERE IS NO PICTURE .-,`,-- :_-yv 1---.--1 51 Th:-eadneedle st..~ BC. A QEC . Q Q- I 1'4-HLKIIJ LUVIHLVUULVQ CW SERMON _ _ T E. R. J . Biggs, _Vi_c`a.r as cAxAnA.%~;`:.,;;f-g ,l`.,_.JL!.n& Maker of Portraits BUY %$s:?ss,1`75;b6b >= $6.3.000.ooo%; RING 263 VI TI IIQI PuII.mun A RATES \: $1.00 % Per :.Day wuouz No`. 13:64: upon" a dying the news of th` "H llllillllllo ` .1-ILL: uuau -U-LAUO .Lu.aa.;AnJ uLLV\/\.A Ain AlEandia1e (where Mr. Baillie was in the employ of the G.T.R. as des-3 patcher) for a_ number of vyea,rs,'. oc- cupying the house at the corner of Burton Ave."and' William St. and re- moved toi Aylmer scftne. years `ago; Before _her marriage shelwae Miss Agnes Nairn, daughter" of the late J: Nirn, M-.P., and `has? a. br9ther,}' Mr.` J . .J . Nairn, President i6f;;.;;It.hef ADoininion Canners Assam,` while ? her: husbamf is fmanpger of 'th'e;Iage';AyIt- iner -.`_We.~i'W s>.thisbis etrms Two v.daug'-h -ters a1sa-"su_rvive, T, msie a1;1*d=7- Beatrice jtttetoch living I at` ;h01t.n.-.2... wands 411$ . 90"! *%*:.t _mor ning. Mr. and M.rs. Bai'l1ie`1ived` ' _-_- A`l1-_..1:..`l.. /...L...'.- `M - `D...:l1. .. twvln 5. pecial Car to Allandal abr ` theperformance._- b V ; J: IN One . Luxurious " Long Laugh .50, $1, 75, 50:, Gallery 352:`, Dire ct tron: record run; at New `York; Chicago and Boston. T _ . T ` Seats on Saie Nlonclau. 06!. It at A. F. A. Malcomsolrs otlce. ' Easons Feature Attration Tdl-iURS., I GRANn::':,';2 our *'Gratst` A; Character `Comeclin'ne` MAY 66 rmczs`: ~a'ufI;ntTs for - i c0;JN'rY OF 51 M%(;ofE; ONTARIO, {ocroam :0, {.91 2 '1:-UJ gtu'uu.g\: llufl-`J11: . . A[ Chairman Sa1'jeant s nancial ,. re- `port. recommended payment of ;1 long list of 'ac`oounts} for supplies, salaris `and wage_s.M_ . - rn,,# r\ ______ __.____ A~ vv;uun v v wvq\--I -THE QUESTION TDRAWER Deputy-`Reeve Wesey still bewails the passzing of the re alann system. `After consultation with-. `the Electric -Light -"D'epa.rtme.nt- he was advised .,t_hat. it would be to string` a new copper .Wire |110Wel`.d0W'n on the Tgiolesv than~"to nemov_e- thga; present j; `j `tn more ` eff-g4ctiv~e _ positi__on. This vibrrk could? b done at much` ei- Lpen\ sWe. ` it i,s,,1.eft` u'nt.iI the I-Iydro~ '11`1eei1. a;re at` wbrk. '1. . 4+4-..v - -, - 3=__:_'_a. `n.......;-- nr.;...-* zsbuuuu. - . T .Dr. Barber, managing` director of the Simcpe .Hal1, wrote asking. for the following concessions: (1) A x- -edhssessment of $7,500 for ten years. (2) Electric light at the ,1().WStD.0S- "sible rqte; (3) Free Water.` (4) Im`-` zprovfedi lighting on .Wi11i-am street to the Hall hand `an are light opposite _sa71':n`e.j 15), That ~.Wi11i~a1n' street he 'im3royed;:~ V ' ` - I `xx .111 `.23 mg- -1 l_ 'Mrs, Finlaylwrote complain- ing`ab0i1t vagrant dogs being allowed. ;,toj,roam` the streets preying upon pet janilnals` of residents. I &he had three {pets killed by" them, theilast on the. !16th `ult, while sitting on its.own `doorstep. She did not askfovr com- pensation for her pets, but for pro- ~tection... Why do owners of really` va1uable dogs keep them conned to , tl1eir.oW.11 premises? .She also.wrote_ "`If a man "keeps a-dog for pdleasu-re, `prot or protection, does he. not miss his aim while it is roaming the Stieets foraging for a living, which is done very suiccess-fully as "many a_ long-suering housewife can testify, and not long ago I called? the atten'_-_` tion of a grocer` to -a. dog licking at . {sh infrontof his store. Is it , not 7 `important - that owners of dogs be . icompelled to keep them `where, they i , be1ovng.:~ l. _ ._ - r.l1L'_ Q{-_....\..-.1.` (1,. V -Qllf` " `i"1{' S,`aVrjeaht 00., W. Scott, ,-W. C. Thompson, Thos. Rea, C. I Ambler and Edward Luck -petitioned` for a sewer on Francis street, from [Elizabeth to a "point 66 feet north-of i Henry `street. . . n`L-2.._....... l'\.........'l'l .......;... 4.1...a.` 4.1..-. I lIIlUl'UVCuo` l `,Sec y.- "Donne-11` of. the 1 Board of Iealth, asked the. Counci1_to' appoint la. committee` tor meet the Board pf Health`' for the purpos-e \_of discussjng I t`. 10 garbage question. q-..:;.....v..' n..;..{..:..1 `D913; (`(1. -2......'... 1e`Uh1`u: 111011 mu `a-u vv 3 Iey "to, :bring ~ in a motion - for` discus-, Fion `by.then whole` Council; `as _it, was `?vi`th. summarily; ; ' ` `$41--A - - - -._'I.1..--`.. gun:-xii`-:-runuv nD1~1+.v `A H V W`orship- advisedffeptlty Wes -A 1t`o'o "i:i;port.ant`t*,a-`niatter to dv_e a1t._ V1 5 VIII blvl/3 \Jl V Jv\J VV\lI. l\C'lL\ yO ( I ,TI'1e're are -`people gaoingttaitoxxnd tsayiilg that the. -Reeve and the E11- 4 eg'1'n'eer tape the whole show, but I ' think they have been working "in the best -interests of. the Town,? savi-`d the Sixth Warder. ` . ` ' I A '~ ,x'1`1IE 4L1:T"rER Box. . That the sign posts on the Brad~ `f-ord,`St. Gore1do" ho-t enhance the lppearnoe pf the. property was the op`im'on_ expressed by the Parks Oom- lqnission, per , Secretary D. H; Mac-` !Laren. They` `asked for the removal iofthe sign. P.C. s._ Lam-hie` and Sweeney asked ithat Coun-cilgiwe them the `custom`- iary ten-`days `h-o-1iday;3. - . 1 Inc EV. Sec y. FlB1>c11er told of the effect -J11?1yjter- Pluvius showers. had `on the ;g'atejrecei=pts of the Barrie Fair. He `asked "for,-a further grant of $150 to _he1'pg:p`ay the prize moxney. `I1 vvv- -r-no ' `I i 1113111 E DLCUM . Cha,1\rm.an. !)ouga11 wrote that the d ela;y, in installingthe extra. street {lights was caused by the xtures n-Qt |h-aving been shipped`. As soon as [they arrived the lights would Be i in-' /A._11...'I - ;;i:_1;'1ea`.`