Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Oct 1912, p. 2

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`155!/U'IbV VV UTIIU/o ,_ It is fmllly -how, some people dis"- cover` the great importafice . and in- uenoe of a newspaper -when they get into a scrape. They live. for years Without subscribing and .v_rhen] `asked: "to advertise say, It doesn t' But the minute they get into Pay-A , , . . a.scra.pe they rush" to the newspapers. and request them to say nothing Haboutt it__._ ............ .,,,w.,..,... I A bunch of bones belonging' to a long deceased mastodon were found the other day near Aylmer.. And,` of coursef, Toronto wants them. ` `Toronto Telegram. 71`- ___ ,,_ , IN- 1 Fox HOG Towx s Boxn Hamilton Spectator. A L-_--._1._ .. 1------ I ,1 -7 PERTINENT Pmcmns Lovg laughs int Knock-smiths. 'i`omo11to de'cec1:_i_ves- fopnd $3000`; - ,11-_- The melancholy days are here The saddest of the bunch Your wife is making` pickles _ Tinned salmon you get` for lunch. ~THOUGH'1`.TIIEY ALI. WERE. aooxsroaa W.~%r*hvr"WW? DEAD ONES. {he l._ .ost- Qmce Manader YARD. '( :& _"S'_1`EW 831`, BARRIS- ..iterdSolcitorb, Notaries Public, and '_ '- C_o"nv,e'yancers; " `Money to loan in izy su'm`s at 5 per` cent.,0ice, 13 Owen St, Barrie. * H`. D. Stewart, LL.D., VD;-M. Stewart. _ _..---._.-._.. ' ENNO*X`, COWAN `& BROWN, BAR~ risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills," guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oies, Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlap street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41/, and ` 5 per `cent; Branch oice at Cree- more and Alliston: Haughton Len- nox, K.C.,~ Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. `D....-.-.-. `I`,'I', `I1 . . CRESWICKE .& ALEXANDER,`- BAR- ristors, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, ' Conveyancers, etc. Money to _loan. Oice, Ross block,'Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, V K.C., Arthur Alexander. ] rent rates. G. H. Eaten. STRATHY 8: ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, "Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- DONALD ROSS, L13-.B'., BARRISTER,i Solicitor, etc. _Bank of Toronto Bui1ding,*Barrie. Money to loan. ` ~------------------~ 1 --.__. ._.:._._..__.._..._._ G310 ` Haw? Km`: me, will be added to the Sui)` Nuptlon List until the money is paid. A Subscribers now in arrears for three months Ind over will be charged 81-50per uzmlum. DR. _.A. '1'. LITTLE, LATE oF| {"11"-Cn`|:l` nun` n%nn nu; sonu-:Annnn 3 I `____._____..__..____.____._______ {DR E. ROGER WELLS, late of `E ' A New Yoljkp Hospital, IT.Y., Mam! , hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y., New York Skin and -Cancer Hos- pital, Grace Hospital, Toronto. Special atfant.ion " given to Dis-1 eases` of the Skin. [ Oice and Residence, Cor. `of Col-j lier. and, Clapperton St. Phonei 275. 21-ly % L.R.C.P. 8: Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8c S. Glasgow | --S_U_RGEONi--- . I I..- Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8:. Nose Hospital, London: Royal Ldndon Ophthalmic Hospital (Moor-elds) ; for a term as Resident I Surgeon in Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo :and Birmingham 1 Eye Hos 1tal..B1rmingham :former Member of I British Dhthalmoloxzical Snnintv, . |DR. W. A. ROSS PHYSICIAN, sUR-E | Ivtxlnv-n .-.61. T. `D Q F33 T. `D f` D I 1131:. H. T. ARNALL. 0FFIC'E.AND_ 1)-..J-_-- ..-_._-_ _ "D1; MORTIMERTLYON, 31 CARLTON i 'I`n~|In~nI-n 1n`A AC `D-nA'l-'I-... /`KT M. D.. C. M. ( l`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olcenof theflate Dr. smlth. Collier 5 Phone BI. 32-ly .___.___.___.________.______._ ..- ..,..... ..., ..- a.nua`.uu5L, uuauu; uuu mrmmgnm 4 phthalmological Society. 0FFICE-78 Duxpop snucnr, BARBIE. I i Phone 51. ; P. O. Box. 96. *- I sunvmrons. UNWIN, MURPHY _& ESTEN, in-n T.nn.1 G.-------- Published lrom the omoe. 123 Dunlopstreet. Barrie. in the County of Slmcoe. the Pro- ` vmoe of Ontario. Utnada. every x ` Thursday Moraine. by 1.-an-mauluqv Acuiilll CIIIQC 19011 ' A.-- ;1:.E`?VIS~i `G. G. SMITH 00., PHONE 32. ES-} tablished 1869. Undertakefs. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection . Barrie, Ontario. | IIIUIIBI IU LUHN - Wehavea. la.rge.amount of money to loan atlowest current ratemeither in small or in large amounts. on the\ security of good farm mort- gages. oMcCAR'I`,H.Y. BOYS 8; MURCHISON, unlop Street Barrie. - . . tho I '0 10 I The Insurance Man WA O\ v, ' ht: __Bro wn, IaL._B.. Lo ` A. >A1}IlV ..EI.UI\D.}, .I)1LIl.LU.l-KILJMAU, SoIicit_or,, Notary Public , *&c.- Office, 131: oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan atolowest rat'es. Fire and Life Insurance `A Real` Estate Agency Money to Loan A-numher Vot `good Farms and Team Pro- . n . mm for sale on easy terms. ` ' ' 131.00 rm` Axnunifvi fvmon UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.60 IN ADVANCE % J.:: A, ARNOLD >12. J. A. c. 3avANs, e PHYSICIAN,` Surgeon, et..., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil-1 liam street, A`ula,ndale.. Telephone{ 269. I -u-a-uvIA.a\I V-'*' Eye. Ear, Nose `5 Throat. "?nxi2i.i11f'onEf6Ia s`c anIi.EaenZE,` John St.. near` corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. ' ' '-BUG .51.; LALLAJLU OIJJ. \lJ.` U I. \J[I.LUJ.l .1. \I.l-II.L , \J.LV St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N.' 2;) , Eye and `Ear Hospital, will be} ;.a t`_67 Ow_en` St., _Barrie, every Sat- urday. "Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and"by appointment. ; .A.II\Jl\J\J, .LJ&L&lJ.\l.I.4l.AV, I~J\l.Lu 'eoi{,T$};., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.c.P.,' London. Oic ad residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. ru vv.Ln, munrnx 65 JSSTEIV, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond. and Bay` streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Eaten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. nave 44: LC 4I.LpA14..|..l..JA-Ou `IL .1. .L\J.lJ -.LLV.|J_ `Residence corner of Toronto and [Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Flizae beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. 35: }RADENHURST, BARRISTEK, _ _ 11 -L_-.._. D..`J:n' -Iva . nmr p . BEHIND THE TIMES. _ V HE 1e'ader_of' the '.0.ppositign . has 'been assuring his audi- V * ences in North Ontariov that a=ho~u,led ever TBritain s existence "or even `her prestige .be. threatened-,' he would" be one of the first to y to her Tsuc`~eVc'>i'.. This` assurance, coplecl with the`who1e" gist of the speeches, \ makes the inference `to: be -drmvn` quitebbvious, um} itTi.s this--with such succor at hand it does not mat- ter much much what-,so-1ft: a navy policv the country has. Dr. J. ARTHUR % Ross V (succespor to the. late` R. L. I _ __._.._ - my-aa\Jll.JLJ Have no two-thirds clause. Give lar est limits on Live Stock. cover L ve stock ON FARM. ON PASTURE. and to and from Mar- ket and Sta bles. Are Issued h ABSOLUTELY RELI- ABLE C0 ANIES. which Is most - IMPORTANT. CALL AND sss A. F. A. MALCOMSON_ xuranne Mun UNDERTAKIIRS. -i'j:iY8I(`;'IA18. ` P33`-_1_';. Bgrwick) "BARRIE ` ._ porting [to be a. _miv11ut;e"_',!dQscA.1-i1`)vt,io1_1i'f`Of: V` a- $7ho\ir p_,11_t O1L_ at A in _TorqntO the Ciy :,,of Q1i11rjl1's- Juagenenmn pOULD_ D0 WITHOIIT IT. IA HE To-ronto Courts have foud the Rev. B,-3:-St. Clair gtiilty of circ1'11a-ti-n.g `i-mm'o 1a1 lite1~'atu1- e,_ to wit, Ta. .1 3:a1,I1-p`Ii1t 1)'u1f? , 1 ON- .T-Tau" `ADVANCE 1s pl`0\'cn 1 circation of u.nypn_per in Imgteigg also by far the largest s n_q__n3 aunuu. no pay Lne pnce. ' ` ""- neon \,\,;,.,Advei'12:islei1!111ents are chanzca accow 9 .~8paoe- ~ es nonpareil men, "18 to inch. V Sure make ole- - TRANSIENT - ..1. .1u.`.- rcue1pw.- L"l`h1sj Int 1' fact dem its patron . If you have an it -with the pap th not afnaid to pay theegricgt ldvertisements are nhn onstrates the Y advcrus I'cac_he \-and .. _ (111 .---...-..u . Ahynl]5L\h -h ' Notices. Aucti on male , _etc;-'-First i_nsertion la cents Sfue`:n11iu$.cme" so uent msertlon 5 cents per line Ht 9801: Res mg notices. 10 cents per 1{,c f insertion ; 5 cents per line for ouch sub ' 13`: insertion of the same mutter. ()bitua1..s`*0uen be oer line. ` 1 Oetrg l"I'IIIIlISI\tuv . u -. . ..jz?,.';t:A()iC"1`0B.ER 3, vv UV. suave COMAMERCIAL 11151,; 3 1 Rates will begiven on aI)plicu.1ior._ -mustbe handed into the otce n V CONTRACT CHA.\ mS. lldvertisers will please bear - notice of intention to change Saturday at 10 o_ clock, and the 3,` M chnnge mustbg m THE AI)\'_xxgi0mc:l1cn later than 129clock noon on Mondav in M` week, otherwlse the ad_ vertis_er`s a.nx1oxfnm,,\a"! inay not, be made publnc untll llw: week rm.:,` II o ' HOSYDIENQRD Ah\'L~nrv-uo.~...... Janet CONDENSED AD\'ER'X'IS!-I.\H-2.\"rq Condensed advertisements on rim as wants of all kinds, lost and foundpa for sale or to rent, specic am..;(.Q `J; must be accomnanied with the \f(;u5}`|`.` Cuts for adVe'tisements must in [case bcmoumed on solid metal -This as:1ira.11ce of ,succor is good so far as it goes, but it does not xgo; very far-.-not much beyond. being an ex- pression of gpoiod will and certainly not `far. e11.o-ugh to do much crdit to the sta,tes'ma1i.sh_i.p of the man who_ made it, or.to i11d'.icate- on his part fa. high estimate of the i11te:11igeuce of the people to whom it was a.dd-resse V *1 . Hus am mums Mum I Limited Limited Manufacturers of and In-alt-:-4 in 1111 ' - Rough and I)rcs.<(~1 J.`1m'..-r I `Adana nnIu ll-an-In l..4.___e [...- _---- 'Mnnufaeturers kirlda 0; ' oors.sash. Bllnds. Interior Finish. Etc lumns, Tanks and Water Troughs` Planing, Matching, Mouming. Hot Blast lA)1'_\`im,'}{iIn. Laying and P(`) lissh':2;E5:,il-`Ilsa ;-`d wood Floors Contracting and Buildinzt I`I.s?ixnrx:v 159-Sz,\\'Ir;g .~ xiv:-n 0FFlcE-BAYF`|ELD sT..BARRlE.0N1 L]_QENSED Aucnoum FOR THE courwv or snmcoti` I 5 Most reasonable terms given on 213 !Stock Sales ?;iVERT;s1NG`1{~E` JOHN JENNETT I;h9n!!,9Y!E99AndJrv1 }St. J_o|In { & Grookerl NEXTDOOR TO THE` ji Druggist. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- _Monkman s Glycedonia. U Has a marvellous eect on rough skin. One or two app11ca- txons will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves maybe worn a. few moments after using it. "Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST BARBIE BHEWING % CUMPANY T 1! Gmcml Baralci/2g T _~.- - . Notes Discoztuiezl *-9?Iable rates. Collec- .Notes. and A r_ ,'nu)zts given Is 0 en for all orders in 1,`. MI L REPAIRS. &c. Boilers. Engines and z-. farm and stationary n1iH`lliV and repaired on sholtt.-st 1 moderate prices. _ A] work done by vxro-r 1st and guaranteed lial cl It indicates a (30l~lO`pt_i01l. of 11-A-ll tional defence almost two `hundred years behind the times-`--belonging to a time when the I1`oqu:ovi`s were. the` perennial ellemy, and every inhabi- tant ~apab1eo-f bearing arn1s.u pos- sible defender . T.Beecroft %`1f'%,TBu-zlcfiaorr, % MON KMAINLN spiendld ALE and woman `The Best and Brizihtest Ill Cask and Bottle CRAIGHURST, ONT. TRANSIENT BANKERS MaANUFACTURI;i2 S:` Barrie, O_nt. @_effH9urs-10 to 4 T At that time .a man gifted with the power pesuasive speech, who would go up and down the parishes and reuse the adult male popuzlatiml to take down their lnwsekets from over the replaces and -go out and` repel the i11vade=rs, would have done - real servi-ere---although, be it said to their honor, the i141-hzubitants of [those long-ago days did not need e~x}1orta; tion in order to 1-o=use~ -them to the defence of home and country. ' T VANCE r lgtion anyx;)s(m);;ecpni,:':h"]`}}'e the Rh) largest su-use rim: Igact demonstrates: q 1 on ave - `Hty t e naner t}::a pma.hx ms? to .. OFn- Expert Machinists 6:. CO. P !-I ONE 1 3 6 ' m.vl.u1`1sm(, :nn z~...I,... . in Y DKHPF 1'v\ L Illanagori .. ITANNERY ,'A\"l I.\'I.'.~`, err machin- 4-12.-.: The .p1'eS11t -d a?I1ig'ei9"" ' arises from force deve1lop_ed- to the highest degree! and perfectly orgaxlized, and` the only way in which such %d=2'u1g*er a.1_1 be averted to. have available 53 su- 'p'rio'r force. V L :11] kinds of me-r_\" nmde V|{.Yl11.un:l I "BC gum` M 'cr{IcWen3 ., etc` 1912. .' The Empirefis thre~a.tene`d by Sea, and by. sea only _`canVshe be defended. ._ .When the erislisl clmnnesl it will have to be met by the: p-repa'ra.t.ions,n1-ade 1.1o.w,` and the more am-pclle t-he preparla-. ations the /less likely is 'the,_`e0n1`iug':v of the crisis. ` Whlen l1'1a:t'io.na.1 de"-` fence; veii 11atloina.l existence, is put on tria}},_.pr0testa1:ions of good will; in however `ne -langulagel they` may be` expressed-, would , be broken reeds" to` rely up_0i1. } " ' `V V ' V M-r. `St. C`1a`.ir.~.Was `vn Tevg}. ;1-I _. ;. . ; . L I r L ;.j_,;I ' ti1at t.hi:'_; a:A%%f*:i!;i,r%Vn3~%;[b The d'ang'er /chatv confronts.` the British people., of ivlmm there: are a.ln1os_t eighty millions in this % m`inio'n, does not take the` form of- the dangwer that Tthreatenedz the pioneer settlers .011. the ba11k`s'of : the St. Lawrence, 11o1: A<:a'!ij_it be n1'et-Vasv they met the cla1igi o'f-their" timse,_1 IIIIIIUWII |Vl\-VOID II 9 I moursox ' annw uiix.msnm. - 7 `- 1 v-~-VV%VvU, I-v-...-..---~-`~ up situation in tvo : wHich shouTld be. j-by .'W.h-:'h`i*.% W - inters `55 3:` ;"3` '1:---vs---vs-nu -.--w--. -- - 3 agny `including Sunday. \ ; Jun 9. in Tor-onto8cVYnsk.Wh ..... .12 80pm North Bay & Toronto I E O V II o u 3 5 o &- v u 3' u 60 p mT0ronI`o&\.7urth Bay 18 60 Gravenhm-st & Allondalen 9.83 80 pom..'l`orunto & Midland `Mi 13 -11 p`. 8. a I 311 . vs I` 5,-_I_,.|!,,,, (`-__..I___ ....Ipn`I Cfg -.IIL-an Titans our sunscnuvuoiv. ` -2'`V. . 010' p m No` V ;tha~.eecc tax: ous- Yet . whit-let -_ in`; _i -teg J arouse pnxblicf "1, opinion, Ipifintg ._a_._/A = pamphlet. about it` is V photogmphed _ for the gallery, "`tr_ied? convicted. Vismethods may have: `lacked J'ust.iati_o'n,i but so did` the play its-'elf._ If -`motives. were as evil as the Dolige _a.ppear tothink they were, what. else can be said of the motives of those .who deliberateliy h served up `indecency, obsice-nity, and *- lth to the young and old Who" at- : tended. the `Darlings of Paris? ' and meanings. that "any reasonable` I -It`jdoes _ `not. do tq Iileadthat `to the `pure things are . pure. The judge points -out that `the inferences, Mr. St. Clair drew, and the mean-i ings taken by him, are the inferences person attending the show would `take. '1:-here K6 purpose in . the `actions words refermed to, other than to excite 4 the worst thoughts and the worst pas-`. sions, When words -which have either no meaning {or a lthy -one are greeted `with shouts of laughter and applause the only conclusion is that the app-laudersw have seen a meaning in the-'\yor`ds,' and it is fair to assume that it was: intended they should see a. meaning in them. ' _It is 'manifest7fro~m t-he. evidence"| advanced. and the statement of the] presiding judge` t11a.t: Toronto could dispense with the Star Theatre al- togthelf. or at leat with s-uuch shows as are said to be given there. AU 1`HENTI(;` MYEAARLY ~ MILK-I ' ING RECORDS. g Acc01"d'_ing to Report No.4 ofvbthe Record `of Performance for Pure Bred Dairy Cattle just;-izssued. by the `Live Stock Branch of the Federal l Dephartlnent of Agriculture, nearly 500 cows in Canadian herds have won, on -performance" of milk produc- tion` and regu-1a.r' b~reed.ing, certicat- es` of` R'9CO:1'(1 of . Perfo-rmailce. This has been accomplished within the six years that the tests have been iin progress. . 1 .1. In an introductory paragraph this report points out that while this work is-of great `bene-t to the raiisers ofpure bred stock, it has an even wicler in1'.1e11.ce in 'fu1`n.ishing to .the_ owners of grade herds reliable and valuable information to govern `the selection. of `bulls to place at the head of their herds; The chief aim of this work is statecl to be `to de- \'e.lOp and perpetuate high producing strains` of dairy stock under normal gonditions of ma.nagerme1it anclfeed mg. - In addition to the rules and regu- lations, standards for -registration, etc., this report furnishes a,i3on1-plete index of the 0-.Wl1e'I`s of qualied` cows together with the record, age, etc., of each suicc-essful ani1_na1. Anticipat-T ing a; keen demand r from breeders and. owners of both pure. bred and -grade herds` 0-f dairy ca.ttle, the Hon; [Martin Burrel], "Minister of Agricul- ture, has authm-iz<:-d` -the (printing of a large edition of . this report which is dristributedi by the Publications Branch of the De-pa.rtment oi Agri- cu 1t.ure,A Ottawa. ' 1 ' These questions of world;-wide in- `tc-1'e_st.s and imp-01-ta1`me were ai1swea`- ed ;by ;Dr. Frederick L, Hoffman, LL. D., F. S. S., one` of the dJel3ga.tes `to the Ixlterniational Eugenics -Oon-A g'1'ess, in (a. recent interview in. Lon- doil. ' ' V -._.,- 7T,` _.,._ _.-._-- `<,on711e"*3ther hand, they are bath ,sti11%;s_uf.cient1y% %:>1asic%~hd~ nialleabki. W re%dvst 4%?t1%ems1ves;:a1d 1 ` I1V1cident`a21Ily Dru Ho1i1a;n explod- ed what. he describal as one of [V the L_1nos`t~ `popular fallacies that has ever` I p-revailed rg'ard'ir_1g ` successful ma r- riages.` 4 My experiexlce and `H dbse1'.v`at-ion, said: D1'."Homa'.n-, have convinced me"~ that the A best ages. fou `I_11arryiI_1g`{ 2-..- .'1..AJ...-..'..-- no .....J 00 '.E___ -_._-_ aoA\_; vuu~v vux, uvvu Luau) -IIJJ. fuuxzgxfxg` are Tbetwell 23 and 26 for men. and women _alike. I have no fa.ith in the theory. ;that ther should be` Ta w1'de disparity between. `age of the man` and v_tl_1e A v---~ - -v-vc-:-u>. ~--'*` The man and the woman are then; so far has ma1-rigage is ` concerned`, at their - best physical, mental amg]: mo'ra1` -`development. " Their vhweditary traits, are'1ii'dxv L.-daom-ina.n,t. . On ' the one` hangl=,-.' fh "twig has: `bent or the` '_tempe5ramen.t hast Been '.-n1OIde(l_.in the ?fo i`1n._: it xsiia1i1`i_1>toba.1;ly~?'.T.1:etain% `a__;_ l `WHEN MARRIAGE IS `HAP- = A PIEST , - _ What__i.s the best age `at which to Vlnarry, and .w;hy? - - T 'M`y* -/for xing on between 42.-`1_%a.nd as the .idea.1'marryiu'g ages for both {sexes r9ugh1y,,.these: .. ind new-ems L from Barrie are as follows: , * = Main Line; % Going South \ `Thain I ` com; mm. {This one 9-of the oo11di- tions of time 'ma1~.riage. Perfect loo-ordination is another. A boy or a girl of, say` 18, "quiteI ,apart from other considerations, can- fnot be expectedr-'to'knorw' his or her `mind. This point, I think, "requires .110. elaboration. At the same time `I should like to state with`ai1 pose sible emphasis that every man of 25 or` thereabouts who 'is earning his] living and wishes to marry should be` permitted to do so, provided only that he -.and his prospective partnerj -_.- L...-`|4.L;- V .T1ie of Ta ihz{n s choice has` no" right whatever to demand that L- -1._11: `L- --_._.:__.. - -....;.-:_- ._--....1.-..| IILJIIWU Aav > .IaLll\,|i are healthy. 4 IVJ J. 16.5? V Iv so-ya V-\al UV \A\-~-I-`AA:~I-xx uuu v I he.sha1a1! be` eamlng a. certam number` of pounds .a wee_k before he enters into wedlock wlth her. I` strohgly 'd`eprea'c.a.te. ; these I sao-called `marr1ag&< of co_nven1e_nce. _ Moreover, no re- striction. should - be p!a,ced-\vithin reason, of ~oourse.--on the number of children. No mvarriage, is perfect or -satisfying if there are no children as_ its? outeome. ' - Men, "pa.rtic!u1arIy,' .who are over the age of 30 af1d\vish to_marry,` do so at thelr ppm]. At thls age or 9\ }"$-1 mlqnedls g:en.era&1. ly. `so t1`Q'l1g1) l 111 an ua 1z , so sert.v_n1 111.4 __mdg-, ments, that too often 1n courtlng a wife he is only courting` disa.s oer. c6'I`L,.;. ...1.......... :.. ..A..-___.L_.`._.1_.L -.c \VlJ7\' ILL! AB`, \I'LlIl. D`- LlL LEASE ) \I'l`D(l'-3LK:`lo That phrase, `i11co-m1)~a;ti'bi]ity of temperram`ent, so frequently heard to-u "day in .co-nne.c.tion with unfortunate" marri-ages, _means in many cases sin1-ply that the tastes a11- tempera- ment of the man or .\vo.1na.11, or bath, were too llafrdeno-:1 and xed to psro-` mote '21 successful union, ' 11 A 1 `u . . V... mote a. success:-ux 1_`lIl.1OI1_. f ., . Again a. n1a.1!ria.g'e celebrate-cl` after 30 tends to become an affair rather of 'frien(l.:1ip j than anything: el.:;o,[ a11d;.1_;l1is,.1n. my opinion, at. least, is| by no II1eaI1s=;_ all. or a.nything:' an-, p:I'Oa.L_'l1i11g` all, that marri.a.ge should; signify. Altho-ug`h I co1_1fe.=,s I have] no facts to bear -out my c0nte.n.tim1i on t._l1i's. poi11t., o=brse1'v_ati-on leads me to. think that the su~ appearailce. on the sc`e11'e'0f `ainities of both; sexes frequently` follows thesio `overj 80 ma,rriag'es. . N A -_ J. _- ____ `I L -_- ' L 1 1 l \.\IAJk`'l'luLI|IL.x`) Illl|.I l`J\v`K1il 1ljClALL(lCo , The so-ca.l:l`ed -uniformly `happyl marlriagevsl, likre. happiness itself, are largely ~myths,-' made up of memory a.nd+ a11tici'pation. You have only to` look" into the calm faces` of old wo-' men and talk . to them to that the outcome = "of unse1sh11ess `and abnegatibrnl fdrxns the Qneaurest `ap- lprdaich to ,happiness. in married life 01: out. of `_it.V ` T ` ' which` does not know sorrow, loss. v: r AIILIII A l(4>si\A7I And: now let j1_1sut- touc.l1 011' the qua-s1;io`n 0}` successful 1n:a.n'ia.ges. There was never a. greater fallacy than the -popuvlarv belief t_ha.t a rea.11 y| successful Inamriage. is llecessarily a ha.m)y one. Indeed, I co11:s.ide`rr that that marri-age is` still incomplete disawmointment, aye, and? even death! .lU1"I_-- _L---1_',, ___'I,, P `I . l.l`\T'l \V`l|ll t'U'lllC IIl`lJ\" llcf \}'VVIln I "Go Into the National Gal~e1'y and note the pictures - which. -n10s.:t . at- tract you -; then analyze the source of their a.tt.ra.ction. You will find that grief and t`ra.g'ed'v in most cases -constit`ute~ their lur. So it. is 111 connec.t1o11.w1th m-arr1age. , urn! - n` nu. . A 1 -. 15.: ;.a.AAI.I\.'U`l\.IAL, - IV LVLL J01`!-A A lob-"q'\Jo A The Inarriagve: of: Thonlas Cmlyle and Jane Welsh, fr instance. was in :my opinion, a.n a.#l?most, ideal union. Astig:mat.is;m, with `improper lenses, was in both of them resrponsible for many of their` domestic trmibles. but with` lier sense of frailty and leaning toward her `v hu-sba.nd=, [and Thomas Carlyle, with his sense of protection and leaning toward his. wife-,j came very near that-Iniltual-, yielding which i `even apart from ' this Jane Welsh, con_s.ti`tute.s the ideal marriage., (`7l`L- .-..\ ..._'I`lL. J --...2_L'--.__-`I_; 1- _-_____ '. CO1,(A1* te2i~is excellent for cleaning` *` of _` paintede wood except -White. T.h`is- should be cleaned with` mi1k.ee I \- A . MIA.`-u~v v`7\)JllUll.l\.IlU 't.]Cy cl:LJ'\l" KZVL -ll \lU(lL\1lv . _' The; sterling value of sorrow has never yet been properly A recogmized. Some day grief, deepening, broadIen- i11g',, chastening, cleansing, liiberatinrg grief will come into her own. I (In :n+n +1-no .NT.n+:n11n1 f:`.n1]n.." nu,-1 :he Ne3sP%vets`~5 To 1thi,nk'about replenihing your libraxfyo with some _ the tandatdi Works. "Perhaps you do not care to purchase 3 oi.0.`AI3l`c*te get ofoshorqe of the standard"autho rs works, as th1f` ar_eJonIy~o. Tfevw, them'wri"ichV-appeal`jtoyou, t % o With pub1ished~ If _ M.b"',<-_'{'_az,i7n_,e' ,cEN2u:.L%BANKIivc BUSINESS TRANSACTED` 3; MON EYjLOf"ANED TO R.ESPONSIB1~.E PEOPLE {I'll ` .JoiI 1tr Acouts bpend in the"nains bf Twd or more people, the money from which may be withdrawn by any one of them or the survivor of them. V ' ' . `Barrie and'AlI:indale lviranches` 14- A. 811313` Savinss. Balaki Department- JUST THE TIME Every courtesy shown o_our clients. A ~1Nco1;ponA'rEn 1355 l _ . A . ' Money can t make brains, but 11: can buy: "them, as you have, doubt- less, observed. - 8- `S . I z When ahIna11 s s1sl'ing?ca.bbageS, hel should never get into arguments. He might lose his head. V ` | w'o;:l;U$;U st312"1I}Iv}'21ry"{{;. .l1;ii(;v5:' `table leg, Of course they pulled. its `leg. ' . -16 -)t- 96 I I 5 I A new anae-sthetic has been" dis covered. It is based on the odor of the essence of oranges, and is said `to be ten times as strong` as the odor of ether. Now we know "why orange hlo-exsornls -hold rst place at wed- dings. It would be awful if the patient should come out of it . just as the parson was pronouncing the fatal words. L- Who says .the plumber has no short` cuts in 'g'ui'ing. ` Here s a sample bill: materials $2.00, labor $4.00, total "$16.00. "V Extras $8.00, ; grand total $60.00. Kindly O.K. and] `send cheque. - A I A4 A. An ` I I You can t Help admirilxg the nerve, of those boys who were bold enough to enter during the early hours of: :the. morning,` the room where two` "Allandale ladies sllept and steal. half a hundred simeleons. They had more courage than many a married man has -on coming home to his eppns~e. `at the same hour. I What `are we to do with` ourl mothers, the. g'iddyVthi11g*s' They are; `wearing the kind of clothes that the` ladies of the Black 'Crook' used to! '.wear w,_11en' mother "threatened to! Esue father for divorce if he ever} iwent. to such show a.g'ain! g {omen PAPERS OPINIONS! .5. u: unuuu .n. vvvu: u/ulvu Too many Ca-nadian speakexs: .-wa.n- der round: the of Ian.- guage in which they bury the mummy (of an idea. 1 5 I Ottawa, Journal. . -T \ i A Vfootball star. named; House ,1_ike1y play with Oytawa this year. Ilopehe: is not that inan'Ru House so much heard from in sport sbmes times. ~ ` \ c lA1N"r `IT FIINNY WIIAT A DIFFERANmr.' l V A LITTLE SCRAPE MAKES? _Beeton5 World.` T } ' ' y`... ou- ,-wuupu 1 No M .. 750 B. m . - Noomoo-in -5.1 D an.

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