uguun-1,3 .lJG\._|.:k_l'.l.1.|`y uLu_vID\.l _'l-l-I- ed;ze of his`pu`npose ? f Yot1-.,nosesseg1 no previous`-: kyiowle , Only A the T ;ba.nes-t `were :2i#eri* _11l`e-V`}1.tjv.>`xf. - i 1 ll'I1'ro'I1n "5: 0 `an ` .1'.' lA"'V5v`1i' V-;;;>1:`:aiif.;:s.Ii.' briey a3 iacl. `what Haw1eyV.m1abyu"? T ' ; ? rml... `.`-:..v._ =T1:-_;:'1v:1'_ _;;_1 -___._ .44- 1;; V. `JI.lIV\J Asuv-vvu uua Juan. .l_1lJW_lU`y'. I `.`MereTy' a` few days-rsince I `ar- u-iired in: Shiridan '35.. y__.._. , - - .- B`_1 1t%1`&3`A _(:-,1z` in communication Wit-h.A him_b_efo 1fe: that? V - L ` -V `The plasant-V voice and quiet de- .mea.nor of the sheriff seemed to yield the _irl`{o"ondence and courage.` uv...- 1;- L_.a _....:u.---\ ..-- Lg ` um .-vuuuurzuuu u.u.u; Ul_J'u1`a5U. J A `Y`e_s`~, ~-he had; wntten.` me two or ._ three ff-1 etb,e1's.- ` _ 111? ~ - 1 V A - Jgaumu AL|.'L1lJ 1\.NJuI.' " Vei~y`.wV11,.~Miss Maclaire. `It. w,i1,1 nrequir'e'..on1yA a. 7 moment. How long have you known this man. Hawley ? T _ Mhwn11` n -`Arne : n;vn _n:..s..- A- -"" :""`4\ l `W71 'ClJl\.l'J U115 B-11C1'1u.' . You may ask me anythlnq you please, . she announced , quietly. ``I am sure. these L.g'entlemen_'wi1I not. ght. ii1fmy_ rogzn. T (lTT_ `I I nr 1 o --.` " .-- The two older men stillfaced one another lgelligerentfy, but Keith -sayv. Christie draw the doctor back from between her `and, the sheriif;_' ' ' V--- _.-__, -..`L III lLIDIl\.I GIUCKI Ulla `"' The `T sheriif laid his hand on Waite s shoulder. _ - _ _ - V Com,. hesaidirrnly, this is no way to get at it. We want to know certain `facts, and ` then we can pro- alawirfully.-." Let me question the ,woman. . . . ' vv u-Aux; gxausu at. 111111. 1 7 You old fool, he snorted",-what have you. got to do With this? I v, got this to do with, you lJ 'ndr-the Woman is toabes treated .With respect or I ll blow `your damned ob- stirxgfmte 119ad_off.: _ Clerk. ' lu-Ivovvtl 5 ; uavr! uuut: uuuung." Yqu. re an aadventm-ess;--a [damn adventuress -- Ha.wle- s~ mistress, _ _ y - probasbly-a.- Now, see here, Waite, and Fair bain swung himself .' forward; you drop that. - Miss: I Maaclaire, is my friend, -and if you` say another word 1 1I smash you, s-heri or" no -sherii Waite glared at him. V7'_,_ -1] 0, `In 1. - "I ~ ~ I You d' better acknowledge it! Waite snapped out, with a quick glance at the newcomer. A It will make it all the easier for you`. I tell you this is the sheriff, and we vc got `you dead: to rights. A ND; 97 __L- -__.._J u 1 1 - I -- - J .\L\-uu: uu xlsulb. ,But,. she urged, why should I be arrested? I have done nothing. I V{\.II,IIn. nu I4'\tJ.vuA9\`-I-4\;\.r_ - ,--v yxvouuu Lu -u1.:c-u. `.I.uU Slgll Wl13I1' in held him silent, waiting opport1'1`n- .ity to 'blurt out his news. Here, also, was tragedy, intense, compelling, which for the instant seemed to even overshadow the fate of the girl he loved. There were three men pres- ent, and the wonmn. She stood clutching the of a chair, white- faced and open-eyed, -with. Fairbain slightly behind her, one hand grasp.- ing her arm, the other clinched, his jaw set pugnaciously. Facing these two unnu `Haifa .~..-..]. .. L;...--:L- 1.,,`l- ,.....7 \J\4v `yuauuxauucg-`y. .LfwU1llg' IJICSC two was Wa.1te, and a heavily bu-ilt -manuwearing a brown beard, closely` trimmed 0 II`? I I I - ~ ` ` `crux: aucynu zuuug ,w1l.ll 111111." - ' }WI't:ame IE0 'eith in a ash---it was-' - 8.1 . er aps Christi k . . Perhaps" ttle Gengral knew.e Certr:z(iY- ly Sp1_neth1ug of_ Importance was cry- [stahzmg it: the 'act-resgs room which might help to exglain all else. He` ms: gm: _ e c ose ' oor ore `he It Open. The sight `with [ill o:]nnJ-. cu-..~.:4~:...... ...___-_.J.,L-. lguauvov . upayaa-\.vo > L:=B e_l!-.`\? [ %=m_e,; .-uu uuua uuucl. }ILl'DU1l . Old fellow with white hair and !wl1isk_ers--swore like a pirate--had Ithe sherilf along .wit.l1 him. I T+ ,........ ;.- .17-.-.1, - n '- t....:.1 :.`..u;;;.;1I.. ..... ...:;.1. :'.-1.; .......v. ..~.. \1, u.u.u no U110. uavcu l; CUIILB U.U{WIl, `I reckon It must have been her-- lanything wrong? A [[70 U vv LULJ . and t; the s East: I m.11d.'t sure yet, shortly. \Vvho was thls other gpecrson '9 nu. 43.11---- -__.-u- '14. . . . |o Blamed if I know, retorted the `other, 1nd.ierent1y.V C'an"t for the }I`ife- of me tell [those two females apart. One of them passed thxjough bout ten minutes ago; Doc was with -her. Another party just .went up-stayirs hunting`, Miss Mac- `laire, and as` they haven t come down, L-, I `I unnlynn :4 ----rm` ' ` Could they have gonesdown `the eth- er side, in the deeper shadows and ,thus- reachecl the hotel` more quickly [than it,` seemed to him possible? There was barely a chance that . this could: be true, and yet Keith grasped at it desperately, cursing` himself for having wasted time. ` Five minutes later, breathless, almost speechless with anxiety,- he `start-led the clerk. II- J 1:: _ ' vv a`-unr u.:..; u. `Has ;at"t_`1t.~1t:u nine clung, Waite? In? 7 t1yKabout,s; eori`1 pr_e-' hfgdi-t this` '1 jv'aiiis`l`ng. be mam senmea;;t23eeuu `had happened?" 7 How have dis`a1ppeax-ed' `, `Aso"eomplete1y7,td u1-ing V that single moment -the had waited to speak toV.Fairbain`,?__ ,The`.inan .s beat_ like 3, ;tr`ip-ham'mer__..with" hnsion, a sudden fear for Hope tak-. ing possession of `him; Surely `the girl Wfould- never consent to enter "any ' of those dens along the way,_ and Hawley. would not dare * resort to force` in the open street. The - very thought , seemed preposterous, and yet, with no" other supposition `pos sible, he entered: these one after the other in hasty search, questioning the inmates sharply, only to nd himself totally .bi1led,-Hawley and .Hope had vanisheid as though swal- lowed by the earth. He explored dark passage-ways between the scattered buildings, rummaging, about reckless- ly. but came back to the street again l without newardt vuu UL uuw u. _gm-W. redder ` ` h his gaze the shgri. turned to` U_C"\ _5VlIC KIKIIII VVW ` IIKIU DUCIU I-came 0111;; he--she said? he had im-{ neiyvs for me. . - `=.. ,_ `fad to2sho,w _up-`-did he :59 f .1.`7`?;T:"993g_`3.'- " ;1.;z:Fairb:ain;,was Waiting for `L ` .~ .;..;He-.8a1d:L-t}1at~Mr. .Haw- : Q Iy out =.;`1v" .;.L:-.;;.`-gt.-___-1: L .1}U'I`Jlr'll15 UUCIL llU7l` 1lJ1DUllC9(1_' l.ll1u|.l'& He, was to have met me at the tar 'to-nig-ht.,v she said` hr voice tr,en1;bIing,~ but e not there when -_`-L_ L- 1-- __`-`I 1, 1 ` Therm this lets Miss Maclaire out! of the: conspiracy charge, he said, gravely, but it doesn t make it any brighter for Hawley so far as I can? see-.-the:-e s a robbery charge againsrt h.:.... :.c. ..,.n.:..._ -1-` A...-- _--- L-__..D \I\.I\o >` VlO\IA\) L `( \/IICNISKJ lI`6(llI13'U hxm If nothmg else, Any one here know where th fellow is ? For a moment no one answered; al--' though Ke-_ith- took a step` for,vvm'd'. re- rgLi1nde(1.i1ista,nt]y of :Horpe{s predica- Vment. Before T~heeou%1d'apeak. however, (}hristi.e 10Qked.= ;u'p,W_i.t.h swift geslturel ipushin hack` & her loqsene& `hair; `'Fl-'a [tun-a. fri. Hsnrn. rndf -rna. of Han! vvu-J Aanuv URI 1' sense `of duty. ..---awa, 45 ;_:.c1. UJJvv'u1A.LC1, 11.01 C , wv,-M _ .703` so b11{rred mth tears so as to be praptically _sightless. yet still turned .ques:t._ion1_y upon "Waite. The sheriff was rst*to recover speech, and al _-__.- _ 1' .J'__J___ ua-navu. \.A4v\.Iul.AAa VIJUUI7 pVVll!\J' _1l(.7.l\.L UK} .1Ul" get for, an instant the sterner pur- posle of -their `gathering. 'Fairbain berib pver her, `like a fat. guardian angel`, patting her sh.ou1der, her eyes ...n 1.1_.......'.J ...m_ .--..,. -- __- L L-) The .Search for the Missing. The note of unrestrained joy of re- lief in the wotman s- "voice rang through the room, stilling all else, and causing those .who heard to for-' ....J. 1-... -_- ___,.L_"L A aan\JL\J \.,-1\,uu1J Ill.l.'U' WUlUDu L3llU' 5'W,)'C(l as though. about to faint, and Fair- bain caught her, but she sl-_iprned through his arms, and fell upon. her knees, `her face buried in her hands` upon the chair. ' ((('\1_ ;L__,1 rs wan 1 , I` ~ I ~ .uPv;n uuu \..-Ina-1 Oh, than12' God. 0 she; sow. thank God. I know who I am! I know .Who I am! I take uuuuu. \_ IJIIJ. U U Il\LUUo My God, it s all right, he said. with a choke in the throat. "`She s.-- sh_e. s f:he_ girl. P11.-- ._;. _;_--,- 1 . 1 - 1 1- 53 MIIKJ 511 1- wbhristie stared at him,` her lips, parted, tmable to grasp what it a]lI meant. ~ . __ Sloxvvvly Waite turned about and faced him. running the sleeve of his coat, across` his eyes. He appeared dazed. `confounded. V {`'If., I`. 1 349, `I1 0 1 . II I 0 1 u nun. , OVUJLU aaluc-, W111 ,VULL_ He reached the startleH.2'ir1, thrust aside, the dark hair combed Io.w over the neck, swung her about toward the light, and` stared at a. birthmark behind her ear. No _one' snake, old Waite seemingry stricken` dumb, the woman shrinking away from him as though she feared he wasaecrazede. I nun. -1. ,- - nu I IouIJ\I ull DI What I sternly. ,,..w. . You blunderingl old idiot. the other exploded. I m not -going: to hurt her; Stand aside. will you! I T_T.-. ......`.`I._.._`l 1.1.- -,;-__4`I_ 1 0 1 .`1 . E He stepped forward. one hand] ung out, and Fainbain sprang in-' stantl y between them, mistaking. the. acf.i_o_n. ' In Ul\Illl V-Han'ds off` there, Waite, oom- mandevd, sternly. Whatever she says Chris. dogs. " -run: ALIIUUIIIV. 1 D11!!! . vWaite swore , audibly, his eyes` never -once , the girl s face. I Ha.Wley told you to say that? No, he did not, she protested `warrnly. It was `never even men- tioned! between` us-at. least, not Sue Raymond s name. What. difference can that make. I I.\.vI1 :50:-Liam: I No, I do not, her lips bardy forming the words. The woman who brought me up never told me. Who---who was the woman? 3 A A Mrs. Raym0nd--S-ue Raymond --S'he was on the stage, and died in Tex-as~--San Antonio. I think. ,1 ., . . . Mr. Hawley brought me a picture] which he said was of this girl s half-u sister`: the mesemblance was most startling. `This, with the fact; that I have never. known either father or mother or my real name, and .t.h-at my` earlier life was paseed in St. Louis-, 's1m`iced to make me be`;`iev'o hr must be -right. _ You;--you-- Waite crhoked, lean- mg forward. You. don t know your real~name? | u \ on -r 1 .u ~. -.. . . I ".`J11s1j, as you represented-,,,. Waite, I he said slowly. A copy of the will, your commission as guardian, and memoranda of identication. Well, Miss` M-aclairei how did you happen,` `to be` So easily convinced that` you `were the lost girl? l A `I-`-'5 -5-5"\d_ (MU \./CIILJUKILL \J.IL`JQ ' . I Let me see them. The sheriff ran over -them, merely glancing at the endorsements. II`? . - ..__ _ -_ Yes; those that -Hawley hz-ud=; he gave` them to me to keep` for him. She crossed "to, her trunk and came back, a manilla envelope in her hand. Waite "opened it hastily, running his eyes over the`. contents. `I ` 1 TL - 3,, _,.-_ , 1 IO: ` 1 |.w`` `vT1`1 e'Vin%+e`3`1':71ia`. 1U:::Uc>`1`L1:`dre1 : j he ex; claimed V. hotly. These wem stolen from me at Carson City. T-+ ..,.A M... 4.L..'.... 3) f`l"|L -1, -pr. 5Il'AB\` '\4\3vuvU LII. J.V\}A'ILLI \JG.l.`|J11[ll11, 1610 by her grandfather in `trust. He] said -`the girl had been taken West, _whien scarcely two years old, by her father in a. t of drunken rage, and" then deserted -by him ir'1LSt. Louis}; V7.-.--, --.. -_-_ lu-avg; uncut IICKL 11.] 1`:-lul All Ola. JJUUIS." ._ You - you saw the papers? 'Wa1te broke 1n. ` if I *`ther1e` E. any` .;frau. anxoonspiracy, I have boa-ne% ilgreonscious-paxtt in'- it. Mr. Hawley `tame saying 9. dying man had left with* papers, naming one, Phyllis Gale, as heiress to a,very Targe estate` in North. Carolina, left `kw ]~.m- m.m...H'..+1.,..'. :-. .;_`... 11. CHAPTER XXXI. nus: it? wu 79 L 111.! `T . \/I CIQVJLIO askeglvz the sheri , quuxvuw nny acres extra. ' A_ homesteade: who has exhausted his home- stead right and cannot obtain 9. pre-engptjon mag epter fora urohased homestead moor- dxagricts. . _ce $3.00 per acre. Duties`.-; Mus; reside aix_ni.ouths in each of three yes _ cnluvate : 30000.: ' . O,.`.~,,'. fty acresqand erect a house w --._.-_, ....... ..-u nous. nnuuucs UL BIBIUL` UL 111` ] Ending homest er. Duties --Six months "residence upon and :01llt1.V8-On of the land in each of three ears. A homesteader my live within nine m ea or his homestead on afarm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied bg him or by his father, mothor._son, daughter. 1-other or sister. In certain districts a. homesteader in good standin Jnaypre-e ta irt - do 1 - side 1t1iis51'omest.ea.d.m .m3&.m.`f%.m`. " ; -D11 es.-.-Must reside uncm the hnmngnm .. uue ms nomesteaa. Price $3.00 per acre. ' T Duties-Must reside upon` the homestead or pre-em tion six months in each of sxx years from ate of homestead entry (including the time required to `earn homestead patent) and _eult1va.te fty acres extra. ` A'hnm9stannb 11111:: has .n.1.-....a....: L:.. L..._.. l0UlBl'p 8011, (ll -tending homestc . Duties: _.Qiv Etendimz homes ?_,_..- --:vu w:-nggwravnlo ANY person who is the sole head of a family or anymale over 18 {ears old. may home- stead a uarter section 0 available Dominion and in anitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must; appear in person at. the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency for the district. Entry by proxy ma be made at any agency.- . on certain condit one by father, mother. son, daughter. brother or sisfer of in- 8!`. .l!llI16S Toronto, July 17th, 1912. 3039 'l_1`e; did <--r -L29 SYNOPSf or CANADIAN NORTH, . wzsr LAND REGULATIONS. _..... uuuu. ayzuvv, U11. UWU blumkr berths on the upper waters of the J ocko River east of the townships of Garrow and Lockhart, in the Dis- trict of Nipissing, Province of On- tario, the berths being designated Jocko No. 1. and Jocko No. II, each containing twenty~ve square miles more or le$.f ' VFor miapsaand conditions of sale apply -to the undersigned. T ' - W. H. HEARST, _ Minister of Lands, Forests and ' - Mines N"l`........L.. T_-'I_. -IP7A`l'_ `nan ` AA -'-A Tezlers r;ot;i:7e:l up to and Jincludilng the first day of October, 1912, for the right to cut white and redpine and spruce, on two timpher Av: -`*1!-- ---\--- Nearly every girl secretly believes that she could. win fame and fortune as,-an a.rtist s model. V They haveinstructions for every- thing. Instructors to show the chil- dren how to amuse themselves. I Tha.t s so. Yes, I realize now that I never knew how to play rationally when I was little.-Pittsburg Post. WELL, HIS SECOND CHILD- AHOOD S COMING These are netim$ for children. said t_he Wood street man. ` As to how? inquired the Smith- Veld; street citizen. V ._ ....`..-~.4...-v-u: umxxuxxvllgo ThusTV the leader of this novel move- ment states his plans. The Reverend Paul Harris Drake, formerly pastor of the Universalist Church at Bever- ly W11 refer to his members not as brethren, but as comrades, and. al- naotliv Ln Lam ......L---- -~AJ '1 .,-v.....\..., uuu an \1J.ll.ll'i:l.&,lC, `anal 31" ready he has exchanged the dignied: pulpit of the Saoo auditorium for a soap box .in the. public square of the city. - _, , r--- -- 1;: us;-\,Aul15. ~The~pre-achin'g will be from a. plat.- fomi, not ,a pulpit. The Bible will furnish an arsenal of texts, and the Gospel teachings will be applied to the social conditions under which the |people of today are living. it .will be a. singing church, only the people wil_l not. sing Rock of Ages and Jesus Lover of My Soul, but Edwin Markham s Brotherhood song, J ames G. Clarke s The People s: Battle Hymn and- Gerald Massey :-1 The People s Advent. There will be no form of church membership, no ex- communication formalities and no initation- ceremonies, unless some form of baptismal service shall be used as a.' ceremony. |, "II___, ;1 1 1 n .1 a - .. _-- --ya-vv nu \JICCklg llU' az1L'I'Zt.IllellDS. no eoeleslastlcal affi1ia.t1on.~v, no ht- urgy--nothing that usually comes to mind} when the church is: mernti-oned, except prayer and: preaehinfg. q1L_ _____V1Ao ' -11 1 on - .., _- \iJ-11-1`;-.4 \Jl.l.lJLU\J1L The first Socialist church in the United States is to begin operatiovns in Portland. Me., sooii. It is to be called` The People s- Church. Yet it will have no cmeed, no sacra.n1entx<. 'nn (Jl\l!]DQ":oa.fina] .-.2].'..+:-.--. -~- 1" --.e ,,.....u;;g;u1ALr` anu LUU stage 0001` OI lthe. Trocadero. I esoortetf Hope there dressed -as near like Miss Maclaire as possible, and left her inside? the vestirbule 'witin'g' for `Black Bart to ,appear. At the `hgad of the alley I ~ran into, told him some- ithing of the circumstances, and per- 'su=aded him to escort Miss Christie [back to the} hotel; He was not hard ` . (To be Continued). `taunting I.lC\5l-`.LC`.lI' UIIJIL `a Hla.SK"""' ` What sVthat, Waite broke in ex- citedly. Is Hope here? ([17 1 The old -man stared at the speaker, bpeinnsouthed, and} muttered some- thing about _Fort Hays, but Keith, paying`, little attention to him, hur- ried on .with his story. ~ , `-`As I say, she decided urpon im-per- `sonating Christie here, hoping in this way _to learn more regarding Haw- _Iey s plans. We had` discovered that the two were to meet after the even- ing -performance at the stage door of fine q`TV\I)t]l$1Iru T .~n-A-~l--~ 3` 1.7- __. ___ry -ov-V; Yes, has been for a week; we ve had the `police - force of S~hertid'an hunting you. T how I can relieve the doctor of `his. embarrassment. Mia` Hope- Waite. aindi I have. been associastecf t0g'6thB1" in an effort to solve this mystery. This evening`, taking advantage of the remarkable resemblance existing between herself and MissMa,claire, Miss Hope decided unon. -a mask- \X7'L..+7.-. 4.1....` 97 n7_,-. FIRST SOCIALIST CHURCH TlM3I;:kY761{ SALE PM 13; nising LT - __ _ _ - milks u uuauvv the ` their }OES . ..nA\J\l'l The ' Z-10 did . tha ` at- 'Thessalon, Ont. -'- "1 cannot speajsq hlghly Of your medicine. When ` .petite is poor god-?'I.o ;have that weak, ~la.,n-3 ,, . .__ guid, always tfir.ed. ' feeling, I getafbob-.{ I ham s V e ge'tbj;l;5,; ' Compound,ea_.n:d`;; ` . .S`,,-.-':.'.:' I ' me strength,,an;gt5 g::. "3 health agtliri. truly alblessI:a1:,,tsr;% tleof Lydia E..Pink;w . builds me up, _.' stores -me, to p` I .. = geek highly eugllvgniinf __ `M ` Mm.1rmcommending it z; . $;tl:`l3(iss1ng ills poculiar to ' mW@w@WW vegetabe abxhty of Lydia , , health 18 Compound lto.`ire3t9ro ~ llis &lIl,`_"(`I'. . 3 2 You women beat the .devil,' 'he`; <;ia<-ulzntml. gzrtxffly, prete11d1'ng to be. ~:4; particular. Maybe you d ult.l1u' . out there. on the prairie and talk !" w.ith a sweep of his hand :mun Tllv horizon. ' ,' Y<~.<. I would, catching desner- Imlly at the straw. I m not afraid of _\'<-II: I'm not lllaming you at all. only l--'l' don t want "to. go to `Slzu-n_\' .lo(*'.sn ' ~ llv lml at ltor, puzzled at her at- titiulv nml yet somewhat reassured` by her 1-xp1'<*.~`.~'i0l1 of confidence. Oh, well. wlmt was the dierence?. It mlgrllt lw lwttm` to let. her have her ` own way, and the {change ,would' not maIm'iall_v interfere with his plans. Of ('(Hll'~'<"-. it would be pleasanterlsib - ting tl.;_rr4tlw1' at one of Joe s_taab1gs, but l1<- muld talk just as freelv out yt_~mlm' nmlor the stars. Besides, ifk might ho as well now to humox: the, girl. l - . V` D`"J VI JUUL IIICUH at ` Freed From That guid, Always Tired Fl-~ V ing, by Lydia E. I harn s Compound, _ y }u~1_ befl ammo WOMAN'S mmwi __ \I\J' 5., .....,.v. H2t\\'1<-y was evidently surprised at this r<:fu. naturally supposing frmn hm` life that Miss Mac]-'a.ire 'auI0o.1o.\o A'[}sB8 eq pjnom l. This nbstinacy of the_gir1 aroused-_ Jl]|| .~._. . V Oh? I would -rather not, Hope falu-1'(3d, bewildered by ' this unex- pm-,tv-I 1'('(1Ll(i`St-, "already half-tempted to< away and run. Really I- I dmft .wz1nt to go there. ~ . ....-_ '1 `IT ....1 ,. A--- -_.LL ' ` ()l?lA.P'.l'ER XXIX (Continued) Sl1cc.ny J0c s.? You mean _the saloon near the depot ?_ -_-, Sun-; what s the, use }of being so sqm-axnishf You sing andi dance to -.1 saloon crowd, don_ t you? ,Oh, `I know you I'c at good girl, Christie, and all that. I m not ranking you with t,l1c.~:e y-by-nilghts around here; But t.l1cro s no reason that I canxseei why you should shy so at- a. saloon. BeSi(lc.~', you ,won t see any. one. Joe lms got; some back room where we can he alone, and have avbite to eat wl'1il,a we re talking. Whando _.... ._`../9 ' you (ll M21 rig,-`ht, Christie, his mice; L vv 5:: A\; sav { ..u ... Author of MyLady of The South." .. `When Wlldernessv Wag Illustrations bu Dem-born Melvin j ' Barrie Branch, Fivje ,Poi'nts.' ' INDIVIDUAL GROWTH- 1902 1912 sunpnusi In thg A TALE or Tl-IEP/L'AIN$=' $3,0oo 9`0 . RANDALL EARRISH Copyrxght, A. C. Mcclurg 8: Co.) VIn'c"or_pr`ated V-183,2. 'WI1c`.M_)U_l8l:7IxuBu,y.`_ _ V` _ Yes. :h._NV91}t~ _0Il,; Ised with. .her;-T -xc`,1a11!'at1oQ1. ;Of course, I know; she s. d'e`au_i', vorV`ai1,t.,7le\gstV,, you say so. AbLutA A vhaiverft evt. enough proof ' without * .h6r-.-`noit tlie; Lwayv o1d=f: Waite? i)I?.0"n3' ` o1aime-}+an3i sg-.. we y bldu L .I reckon, C'hristie, he said" slowly, between pus` on his -cigar, the 1ighted.`e-nd~ ofwvhich faintly illu- mined his face, ``you ve got. th idea ' I have [brought you out here to. make love; Lord knows Pd like to well enough,` but Vjut now_ there s _\more_ irnportant ]matters on hand, `Fact is, my girl`, We reg Tup` 'agai-nsth ,.]i1;tle `back-sset, and hajve. `gotwiston make a }a11`ift. in ` our: plans-.-.-ea ;fmighty:. .quick_ =s ='hi-ft , _to9; -. he added,` almost qravagg-_ V L `,`.`I-:->l',`{" think I}; understannd.-A?` A -`No,_bf\:co1_1rs'e,* you .` dor1.*t.~'~':`;=1Y[i<.">11z __ 'i7magin'e,'a.1l-we. vev got to `mat: ; te_f {of this kind is t_oTstep: `neai*Ieeet`:. ;i'z>11rt.n`A.`end'- Qneitrouble n evidedgwtn A } "{,l51t`-.'7V.\ . V*?"f-'`0t., nt0fn=.n' T A_wV\.. whoi bmught.,%ygp,=,:gpg _ v_ "I!!1ow1n'g1 xv. -amt` 1-ropg; : W L`- _L..s.-a.J...4 - Me nu; uu Cuu.ucA,y Uuu l_I.l 3151.10 bll|`.'I`t.'. He helped her down the rather sharrp declivity until both were thor- oughly eoncealed below the prairie level. Feeling about.__,Wit.h his `hands he found the surface of a smooth rock, and seated` her upon it. Then a. match ared-, `casting an iinstant s gleam_acrossj his ,face as -he lighted his cigagr. Blacker than ever `the night" shutdown about them, and` he groped for a-'seat beside her.` She could perceive just one~stai'- peering throu-gh a rift of cloud',- and in` her nostrils was the pungent odor of to- bacco. With a little shiverof disgust she-v_drew slightly away from him,_ dreading `what was come. .One thing` -`alone she felt was in her favor. V -'-However familiar Hawley attempt-e ed to. be. he was evidently not yet suioiently sure of Miss Maclaire to `beconie entirely oensive. She might. not have frowned at his love--making, but .ap1iarently he had not yet pro- suiciently far in good graces to venture "to extremes. ."Hope lpressed` `her " . `(lie1'a61, IIliI1i.- .4 "ed to res'st ny"a:pproa'clia oil the ;man. his `earliest words were `t * ` ~ `ll`I' `I - 99 ..-n, - .49.".- .1`. Only a few steps; the ravine is yonder, and we can sit dawn on the rocks. AI want to smoke, and. we will -be entirely out of sight there. . T1-A. 1:.-.1.nnJ 'L...~. 1--.... LL- _,_.1,, Yes, that and loneliness, resent- 1ng' his fa.miliarity._ Donwe need to go anyvfarther? Surely, we are` alone hem. regaining its pleasant tone. - There is_ too much at stake for us to quar- relover this. ' g . Frightened, yet not daring to._,_4re- _ sist or exhibit the leasVt_1-eluctance, - she clung to his arm, and permitted V him to lead her to the right downa a dark passage andoout into the open) ~ land; beyond. He had tofeel his . .way carefully, and scarcely spoke," yet proceeded .as though the passage was reasonably familiar and he had some denite point in view; `She an- swered in monosyllables, new thor-_ oughly regretful of having permitted herself to drift into` this position, yet not in the least knowing how to extricate herself. Hawley took every-_, thing for granlted, her very silence convincing him of her acquiescence. , With throbbingwpulse, Hope felt the smal revolver hidden .within her dress, undoing a button so that, in -` emergency. she might grasp it more 3 quickly. Hawley felt the -movement, the trembling of her ar . ' ` L You are "afraid, just the 'sa1nc, said. pressilig her to him love_r- 3 `like. Darkness always gets on a woman s nerves. - -No'1' CONSOLIDATION `L. J. sman, Manager napqslrg . %oHAP1`ER.{xXx._ " In %cm-miasT % % _Iei;th` ` i=8 ..3`l.a.n_c_._ 11p ` and .d!,0_ `19e6I1-1tS- surly} his . %M51fh9'.? hr- % Mgd `WI She`[.Pi1l:1et1 `the j IICIC IIIIL Unllo 5 She jerked away, half-stumbling. backward over a. rock. The revolver, carriedxconebzledu in her dress, was in her hand; Mad with terror, scarce- ly knowing what she did, she pulled- the trigger.` `In the flash she siii one man throw up his hands ant} "g9 down. A . 1`h`e- next=instan~t the othes `All IV Ila .1. Il\l g: were ubon her. , T She 'struggled3 to break loose-, twin-I ing and turning, but the effort was nselesal . Suddenly he whisvtled sharp- ly.` There was the souncl of feet scrambling down the path, and` frightened woman perceived the dim outlines of several approaching men. She -gave one scream, and Hawley `re: _leased5 his grip on her_ arms to grasp her threat} * 1 ,# `I -11 -L,_,;_L'I!__.. to be pumped day?` his a big stake` Oh, butyou` Wi1l,.my beaujy. he growled. I_ thought you might aot up and I m ready. Do you think I am fool enough to leave you here alone I m playing after girl, and I am `not going to lose "through the whims of a woman. If you ivon t. go pleasant-' ly. then you ll' go by force. ` Keep still`. you tigress! Do you want me to ocloke you ? ` ' , `,L____-__.1',:|v L- 1_'_--.1- 1.... L_..:_. :2,-I-4. v. VVI-'3-J.` V. .. 7 V _ -Hawley must have expected the resistance, for: with a single move- ment he grasped` her even as she hturned` to fly, pinnii12' her arms help- lessly to her` side, holding her as in a vise. ' i /1/\I 1 . ` at: u - In C w2ii";;o;;;;: she de- clared, indignantly. Keep back V. DOI1 t_ touch , mel. . - 7 T]'_`___`I,,, __ K 1 .1 S1;r,dbn t be foolish and kick up a. row. The horses are here waiting just around` the end of the ravine. QL,_A,,,,-,,1I 1 `I. 1 1 . J1.--_:v unvuznu LILU UIAKI U1 IIILU laVlIl.Cn A She pressed" her hand. to her breast, shrilikfng away from him. 'KY-' `T- T _:"IT ,, ,1. .,, I99 `I 1 To-night! she crie/d, awakexiingl to the` immediate danger, and rising} `to her feet, You urge`. me to y! {with you to-nig'ht ?-now? i `-`But_ my- clothes; `my engage-' ment? { she urged`, feeling the insist- ent eamestllees of the man, and Vsparringifor delay. Why, I cannot go. Besides, if `the sheri is hunt- ing us, the trains will be watched. . Do you SIUPPOSG I am 001 enough to risk -the trains '2 ? he exclaimed, roughly, plainly losing patience. Not much; horses and the open} plains for us, and -a. night the! Istart of them. They will search for] me rst, and you ll never be missedl 'until you fail to show up at 'the~Troc-[ uzidero. Never mind: the clothes; they) }can be sent after us. I Frssa -same - --r avg vv.. -nu-y vup, auuav V6 you. .1? rising to her. feet, indignant- ly, Wh`at have I ddne to be fright- iened.o'ver?. ` _ V _i J E T He'hd, but not pleasantly. 1 | Oh, hell, Christie-,x can t you uin-I lderstand? Old Waite is after you the same way he_:is me; It l1 knock our .whole case if he can get you into court before" our evidence is ready. All you know is what I have told 'you--that straight enough. - but we ve got to have p-roof- I can get it in zymonth,` but he s gotihold of something which gives him a lever- age. I don t know what. it; ixs.-may-i beit s just a b1uff--but the charge is; cc-nspiracy, and he s got` warrants .out. _ There nothing for us to do. but skip. ` ' I ; euw uuut DWICGA 1 tVTWice=?- - s`rpris wrung the ,Word her." . ~ " .1 _ _Yes`; thought 'I- had him o .'qn' 9. false. scene and out of the way, the first time; but he turned up ' again like a? bad` penny, VVhat s worse, he s evidently ` stumbled on to a bit of legal informationj which. makes it safer for us to disappear-until we can t the.1inl_ of our chain forged.- `_ _e s?taken the case; `into court al.- ready, and the sheri `is `here tryin to nd me so ashto serve the papers. I ve got to skip dut, and so ve you. .1`;`G_`:`I\(D +n Lana -can` :--.J:...._----L ` .._...u,,o_-Vv _Jr~IaQ _1IlA 1191" . I:Lkn,own9f But what% E10. ' ,Y99i-Q-mean" ?:` .th}oughtf evoryth _. .SY'58?:'};E|`:lf`i 1i'gI}t`?`L ` ' ' } f`TI1`a%.1:~ `there was "no 1ques_gi'oh::%_aboi1tT my right to ;inher`it`?L ':W,e.11; "i"Sn t,' -Chi'i_stie, V. pull- `i11`gve'rclyV-on his'cigar..? But the courts are particular ;_ `they have got tcyhave the ,whole thing in black and white.'*. I .thought all aloilg I could settle the` entire matter with ' W site outside, "but _the old fo,q1 won t' listen to reason. I saw him twice to-day. TW{0A-2 , c.|i`rnw:.-so u.-._..... 4.1.- ------3 Em agnaptionmat there any. fraud in h1g1-lclam. .._ L V `(NA -[.1,_`_`___ __ _;.- '_ vane \/uv\.'L\7u ` %_ Yu vmet . him `here then by ap-. Vpoiint.mentz_ w. L - . % T 7 He was to cme to Shexridam`, and 3x'p1ainato"mb more'fu]_Ix, what .-his 1-_1ett1:sih9d.TQn]y hinte41~ja. _" -~ ` . - lVa;-' ...`.. ......a....LI.I ...- ....__.-.A-_- "I..- __._`|- wuuu .u.a. `y r|L}Il.lI`,Yl(JlLK % (Inge `git-I"s v%viIiej-ed= warm, , (ed""-`from me mj,'fgce,:%hemmtumga_ "to? the waitiing eheriff._ 5 A `Mw%IwI%tT 2'? aw .|.1 svuung ` . 7 sankjamgm into the chair, . and; %:evn`%K9ih 819349` .` `4:lL\L' :|. -PL Ill`?!-195.] `II. 1-afraxd, for wej .w1s_h to`-be you; i``f.nenud"s,"",` v: I I _ }'.,W. . ,_ ' I .a_ -I 1' -15 " 1` .. -.1 ~"q~ o . -u