Remember the Telephone.`---If you! run out of butter wrappers, _just ring} up The -Advance, No. .53, Barrie, and` order a ream printed, an dthey will be ready A for you when ' you are in! _'_I`own. We handle only V the best! grade of .German parchment paper-E the kind which shows `your butter-o to the best `-advantage. `Price, paper an d rinting, ream (-48,0, sheets) lie 9 y $1_.d25. - " ` --James Vair & -Son will pay for` Red` Stock, Alexanders, Woolf Rivers,: Sno_ws,_. Red Pounds, Wealthy or any other variety of red aprples. $1.40 per barrel in apple barrels. Barrels in- cluded, delivered, canvas tops, we- lled barrels. Green st-oick, such A oolverts $1.25 per barrel. 3-Ones and twos in the same barrel, without any No. three s or windfalls; . Bring them `in as soon as your fruit is ready to pick.._ Prices good until Sept 25. 'l'A`|l"I1r\ ??A`I"'\ n I"l\\V' AmC.3eI;;;1`t:f%l;`(:kwi1`o1; ste,n{;;,`c1;::`1f:. st., owned by Mr. William Booth, sold _to Mfr, Henry Baker of Innisllo [ New brick house and. lot on Tiin .St.., owned by W. C. Thompson, sold to G. C. Lawr. ` .' T Two-storey cottage, corner of Francis and Henry St.s;, owned by W. C. Thompson, so1.d.~to William Parker. T V L ' _ `.5 vI:Al|\/A 7 New. brick house, on TifnTS`t..,I owned by W. -C. Thompson, sold to Mr.` William Pegk of A'1ku1_da.}e. A-_ ___-__L I __' `I lmi3~L;ring~ the past week C Thompson reports the * following. sales: a HEALTHY T0NEoN THE REAL ESTATE MARKET; Barrie property has been changing hands pretty [briskly during the past few months, and. there is a healthy tone to the neal estate business. Peo- ple are beginning to look more op- timistieally on the xture of Barrie, and are taking advantage by invest- ing before property goes _up any` ITIIYIVJ 'OLDEST FIRE CHIEF.` Chief Smith left yesterday to at- tend the, annual meeting of the. .re rhiefs of the Province which con- venes at Woodstock tovday. Chief Smith will have the distinction of being` the veteran reman and oldest chief in attendance. Chief Smith joined` the Barrie brigade in 1864, and has thus seen nearly half a. cen- tury s service. In February, 1881, he was elected Chief. The fire chiefs . assembled at Wodovstock in con- tcmplation. a trip by" special train to ` ..e.-v.:r,.C.<:1-,-..=:I.te,et1.1s2 end, log the Ba.nd_maste.r Addison .was: 1'e.-enga.g- ed for-the coming year at his former 4.3-alary. An-igngemexgstg will be made for the band to rehearse "a. -number fo the best standard and classical music during the winter and they `hope to turn out the best amateur band in Orntario by spring. 1. The`fo1*-mevr `Committee and fall; of last yea:- s officers were re-elected un- animously, as follows: H. E. J ary, chairman; _D.r.- Arnaltl, vice-chair man; W. R. King, `secretairy-_treasLu~ er; T. Beecroft, H. M; Dyme_nt,- .Geo. Vickers and James McMa.rtin. After the public meeting, the nmittee held` a meeting and adopted an amendment of making the Mayor an exwofcio member of the Coin.- mitt/ee. . ` V Q ihugix vety motnel; Ao,x"1_eA . . : PRICES : 80c. _75c.' sue-.` 1aI,Icru.uc. GRAND, OPERA Hausa ` The. -annual} pnblicimieeting in eon- nection` `with the Citizens Band; was he]-J on Tuesday evening, and from the email" attendance present, one wou=l}/d infer that the citizens of "Bar-.| tie are` quite we`l-'1.-satised .wit`h, the Citizens Band and the energetic Committee which has managed its aairs -for the past two seasons. V Mayor Cowan was voted to the I ch_air,i -and the constitution of the .orga.nization, as recently amended` by the `Committee `.W|as readgand ap- proved` of. The 'nancia1>sta,tement was read: showing a balance of $102, besides $200 in dheques still coming from the Town Oouncil. REENEAGED BANDMASTER P1_dxv\A.aVt_A_,. r;<-~A. Mu1co` A % FALL APPLES WANTED. __P[LL_.IP and sguw preavent " :sI.n1'iIav nazwg _ Vv -Grbint A Fai"`Comedy wninicasozgv... smvr. Isl ims vim`;e, ON. CANQDI OUR CRITERION. - There is one man in Barire who `has had an interesting and some- wh;a.t exciting `time duf-ing the past year. He is John Non C`r9m, who !-vends peanuts in fvont off}_;Hunter Bros. store. About 9. yea{~`1ago, he a'nsW.Bl'ed the call of his` hountry, "Macedonia, to home to fight, and 1 e_;ha8 7beenth1fm1ghA some -interesting expei-ienea olanding back. in .:713.o1*ono-,_:itb0ut `a; -fmggunth V ago. He re- .1;0i B9-1'.Pi? 7~"18`f3' . brihsirig A Iiimg haxi | .s' Mr. H. L. Varcoe of Toronto, re- presenting the Independent Tele- lphone Company, advised the peti- ltioners to have nothing to do with the Bell` company, and to control their own lines and s.witch.boa.rd. He pointed. out that c`onnecting- withthe Bell would- be similar to building a house and when it is completed hand- ing the key over `to another party. The company that controls the switchboard controls the lines of all ocmpanies connected with it. Mr.| Varcoc also -pointed, out. .'mstanoes~ where municipal systems have put in phones in opposition to the Bell and} thenumber of phones on the muni-I cipalwline` far exceeds the number on the Bell" lines. H'e instanc-ed Ripley! an_d_.Port Elgin in Bruce County. I A1"LA, ~~._. -v --c=-~~ -.-- ----~~ 1/V`-*~"-1' 1 I Afterattentivesly listening to an; Ithe arguments, `the. council gave the. Eby-1-aw," . establishing the. system in `village and - township, its seoondi 1'ead`ingand.na1ly_`passed it. - ' --___v-r.. \Ja\1V\J'AAlk7o Mr. It Moomg, on behgaf of the .petitioners, showed how the ob- jections` to a municipal system of- f_e}fed by the Bell representative can be overrgome. After the `by-law receiivecl its first reading, Mr. Inglis, a representative of the Bell corporation, asked to be heard. _ He offered argumentsl to show, the necessity of co-operating with '-the Belltcompany and pointed out the danger tothe petitioners in offering opposition in Elmvale to this great monoply. , Mr. Inglis plan was to retain Elmvwle for the Bell com- pany and have the `municipal lines connect .with- the Bell switchboard in this village. However, he admitted that the carrying out of this plan would prevent free interchange of messages between the Flos and the lMedon_te mu.nici.pal systems. a -II" 1' TN ~|.- I54` 4 - .1x uuumu on west; tsan-Iowa Stwt. $1,050. A V % I % Mgw: BRIG}: HOU-SE onAB19md!f0!`d N-, owned by Mrs. Webb,V.$1;6QQ.1fj BRICK IIOUSE, Cilmberlandg 0:v11<`-(1 by Mrs. W'ice,'$1,55O,-A__! ;.; TWO _ STOREY, 'PLASTE:BFa D? I1_QI : SE, .Mul]3cas$te-rt of R. A. S'tephens, fo_1i7 5 Pggnerty of Mrs. R. z1*3;11;;v"sa1`:l`e"-I-._ance V reports `the proceedings of the meeting as ' fol- lows :- ' '~*~ -~-v, - Iva noon \ . was passed: `to create a municipal _>1ePh0n9 System, and plans have -smce been prepared. and] sent on to! +1... n...;....:- D-:1____ 1 1. . ,_ , ,-_ `._..`,.....,\,.,- `@554. uuusyu UL]. bU' the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board for their approval. The ques- ~tion'~of placing the construction and management system under the com- missionhas also been discussed and this plan favored. FLOS COUNCIL ENDORSES THE MUNICIPAL PHONE Will Work Independent of Bell Co.--Have Asked Ontario Railway and ' Municipal Board for Approval of Plans At 13; recent meetin-g `of the F103 Council `held -at Elmvale, a by-law cvrnn can.-u..<.]` vvuxncu. uuu Lu. auupv I081` pwsentamon `to the Town Council, and -if their approval is gained, to the i-atepayers for ratication. About 75 hands would employed at the start and -this would incnease` to about 125 as the rm got in running` shape. They now have a markee for all the goods they can manu-factune. Sept. 4 ASHOE FACTORY. `even,-illg) a,.confrnece- is in progress between representatives of the shoe factory .rm, Mayor Cowan and rep- res-en oatives' of the Board of Trade, in regard to the details? of an agree- ment for certain concessions of their ....4...._ 2.. 1`___;_ 1` .1 nu ._ we go to press` (Wednesdayi __ - -- 7 -v . - now An. vvgtvvvlvu U1. IALICJI factory is lbcatnedt. `here. The matter is .well advanced and. it is now thought that the details will be Iworked out in shape fosr presentagon l'\ rnntwru f1........``l -- J 3 P PROPERTIES} `_BA ~_O':K 3410M; MACEDONIA THE WEATHER. Louwest Highest 59 75 ......65 81 0.02 .....66. 81 - ......61 73 .'....55, 78 .;....56 78 . . .64 88 W. H. BUTTERY. ` -.-v rs-raw. i `>Miss Sing`s class will be moved to a room up-stairs. A `Vaccination not Necessary. V Dr. Pa1ling s motion that the by-law requiring each pupil to be vaccihated "before entering school, be erased, was carried. He in- stanced cases where children were rbeing deprived of 31} education ow~ 3 (Continued n Page 8). A number of accounts were passed for payment. I`L- ._S.,__., , -1. 1 . ,___ ___ _.,.__v.... ` Theprincipeils will make month~ yly reports as to` the moneys de posited by the pupils. - `l|.`f.'__ _-- ..|_ C-n the recommendation of the Management Committee, Miss Rodgers was authorized to ap- point Miss Winnifred -Ma;-r student instructor; Miss Bowen was ap~ pointed" as an extra teacher of the_ South Ward. .--- ..,.. .....v.u,u u_y uuc .l.l;U` quentwpoetponement of the question by the` Board of Education. Trustee Love was the only absentee on Mom day` evening when the Board again" discussed? where. they are at in ref- erence to the` building of this` new`. palace of learning. Compulsory va.c~ cination received a knock-out blow, and the motion to rescind the reg- ulation received hearty support from the Trustees. L.\'r`:.-\%'1` .BRIC_K HOUSE on Tasonta 'St%., sale prlce $2,000. . . HOUSE, Sophia Sn, wafer, K hf \I\r]1 nn...... an 1:-nn John Neill was appointed care- taker of the West -Ward at $425 per year. ' > \/ Reports. The boiler in the Central will be repaired. stx-Art arid Witten, architects, enqu_ir ed why local men had not tendered for the new Collegiate building. No reason was forth~ coming. 1. -m That the nal decision in regaa -to the new Collegiate Institute is ncit a conclusion, most easily to be arrived at, may well be inferred; by the fre- quent postponement the qgestion Li` L` _ n 1-!` Two applications were received for the vacancy from John Neil, [and Jas. Re-id.` Communications. Thos. Henson tendered h-is res~ ignation as caretaker of the West Ward school. Some Plain Talk, in Refer` ence to Conditions At Present Collegiate In- stitute Building. VACCINATION `BY-LAW STRIJCK FROM RULES Members Decide To Have Heart-to-Heart Talk and Consult Architect Again. ' NEW COLLEGIATE IA rnosuam WAS {, AGAIN FOISTED P-Lf\S'I`EI{fIs}D HOUSE ON MARY M. hr-zlllliflll Lot, $1,400. ' 4 T\\j<> STOREY COTTAGE` on ` *'=~*1u~- SL, .with. stable, $1,600. N12`-\'I` (`IEMENT BRIC!K.HOUSE_, 1 V I . , 1~mLm.,.1. Q4. mnnn {C1.00PiR ANNUM IN ADVANCE IINOLI COPIII Tlfll lI1'I - 8tore--Elizabeth Sc Factory-- BRYSON `E ifwe say that no home baking can possibly equal the products of this Bakery. Take the matter of practice `alone. _We bake hundreds of loaves to your one, and as for facilities, no kitchen `range can equal our specially built ovens. Try our Bread for ca` `iv1l&n ' :; DON'T 31-: 3' Offencled ` :4 _ ` ' """ \'L JVLWFLC .Ll.VV.7o, IPUUQQ -"_ 1\};<> l [,ArSTERE-D 'H.OUS=ES.-._._ on B an-kvbtreet, sale priore, }Ef`.lx HOUSE "Wat S'a.n%fomd 1v4.;.4- LID-I [\-vn -..:.| I \'l7AL\'.l.rJ4L` F1'(+.d4~1'i ck St, 831 A LL PLA.S' }`.21.~st. side. of ] If you llavemft '0. -Szwings Accullnt already, come in open] D119. ` F. T. sHOR`i'{ .%%;L`:'v......... - Jhi TQIJ 1: ---.--_. , " :v0uld be much safer inithe. U nionv Bank of Canaadi}-`--le'ss to be s:pent---a.nd instead of . being -idle. would be earning Interest Iiih-t and day. and risk the principa.l itself iug a. lot of money in your _h.o-use or your pockets. I - T . .,,..- 1 ,. _ _ or cnnangf % . 5 % ggclidbunpdl? :.:'-ma. .un.a2o Total Assets (ovelf): LONDON, ENG, BRANCH, 51 TIIIQIIIIIQQIIIQ Qt- I10- ..v.c--w-- ---w`.- ..g.r-.` 51 Thxfcndneedle 81.. ac. F. Wu ' C ' _ G. M. C. HART SMITH- Angina-no ml..- to Iv. Hana. - G. M. C. HART SMITH. . I:-2-JEII`.-_='.II.'=` M Your Furs DON T WASTE mmnssr VOL. LXI. N9. 31 ` wH6LEI."7"f.v: ii ? THOMPSON cant. p.unu.aouu_q',;;~"-3 '\ All the new.dsiLgns and styles are now cm exhibitioxl at o`uh _smre. SIMMONS & C0. More people are buying them early thus year than ever be- fore J. FRANK mcxso That little girl of yesterday is a. young lady Lo-day--her sum- mer tracks are} mosg becoming`. it is the happneat ume of her young life. I - Nothing but. it picture can keep her as she is -isn't it worth a picture 2 ` Make an Appointment_ 'l`o-day; [( I;i(;1.{...s.`,%:. v - .l.J.\J \J i 1.. PLASTERED O'OTTA G;E,A I 5.1,` f\ 1\,r...,.1- A--- mr-_v.:-1n . i v-~ .- .n44.L.LJ .1. LJLULJLI \J,\l L L Maple Ave;, $55(f For Sale NOW Barrie B-"ranch. , 'I\B"I' I I Maker of Portraits . -~..n4, nuurrboal NJ Wer, $1,600- Furriers , '): s5s; |vUa6 kl 1lLe acc1,`?o1:`.*(`3`:i ad`i`<`),I'iv;- J. H. *%`Ben-V` lnett, Geo. Vieloetrs-,v Philip Love. n_u..;.: ._ -1 'k'...4.,......, `DL.:`l:.... Tngm. | ILU IUAVJ. D, &&&uI.L 'J. H. "Bennett, Miss Campbell; , well, D. C._Cmupbe1zl. .- _ . . Collection of Pvansiesi--Philip Love . Collection. of Dahliasr--Mrs. H. of Love, Collection" Plants in Pots-R. Bid- Robinson, Campbelf; Geo.` I Vickers. ; Floral ornamenp+Ge.L Vic=lei;s: _]~ vi.-`Mr. Guthrie,` vvho was `acting as judge for the fth consecutive year, continues; to give the bestof satis- faction, Each year, `as the educative inuence of the society s work is be-. ing evidenced] iri a better etamiand of qualitm of the - judge be-. comes more diicult, but Mr, Guth- rie eontinues to give. the best of sat- isfaction. ' - I i I Notwithstanding the - continued wet weather, the exhibits were more numerous than last year, and the quality. was away above that of any previous ,. year. Possibly the most striking displays were: the glmdioli exhibit of Mr. J . H. Bennett, the! full` bloom perennial phlox grown by Mr. Vickers, and the sweet peas grown by Mrs. Rees. "Other promin- ent exhibitors with fine displays were`: R. J. Fletcher's phlox drum- mondi and salpiglosis; Miss Camp- bell s, Mr. Viekers and Mr. W. Pat- terson s asters; Mr. Campbe11 s- sweet "peas; P. Love s pansies, and A._ Car- son s verbenas-. But when one at- tempts -to individualize it seems a most difficult task, for al1.the-ex- hibits were of 2 high order, being ample evidence of the interest taken` `in orieu-lture in_`Baarrie. _ - ' -u----r-o The; following were the priie wiri- ners:-- . h . SPECIALS. . A Collection of 'Sweet Peas`--lD. 0.; Campbell, Philip ve. I n-n--.:-.. .-rn...1:..1: T 11` .'n.,.._.I V ` The doors: were thrown. open on Tuesday evening, and the crowd sau-ntered~ through .the building? lad- on with the perfume of almost every known variety of cut -owers, a verit- able riot` of color,-and; many . were the--exelamationsof-', surprise ntbe ~ tiifferent "exhibits were viewed-. Here was the dainty pans-y,. the delicately shaded: sweet peas, the stocky glwdioli with its profusion of bloom and even the old-time garden owers in room- petition for the prize `given for the A ;owers* mother used to grow. 1" v; 0r`I . - U-J. uuWp1'a'. ` 7 {The scope and usefulness of the` Barrie Horti'cu1-tural Society has grazdiually broadened, year by year, and the members have good`-natu-red- ly vied; with one another to produce the best in olricultune, until to-day Barrie has one of, if not the best orail. exhibitions in` the Province. Your exhibition is gt great crejglit to your ourishing society and your beautiful town, ,`said- Mr. Guthrie. of the Steele, Briggs Seed Co., -To-t ronto, .who wins, judge atthe sixth annual exhibition of the Barrie Hor- ticu-ltural and? Town Improvement Society on Tutesday and Wednesday of this week. Speaking of the qual- ity of the owers on exhibition, Mr. Guthrie said: I have never. seen better, in fact, considering the wea- ther, I_do not think you could get better. Any eity might be justly proud of such .a `magnicent. display [of ilow,ers=. ' I hog. Sixth `mnucunum-: nmu-zn '. AN ADVANCED sms BI ; B`033|l|(A0, FINEST nowtaks / `/ Lnd ` Citizens Have Takeit It % Up as a Hobby. Prize Winner: at Sh6_w ad` in Lawn Com-A `y _ ..-.____-_ '?Continued ZPa-ga petitions. ammo 261 - rm: 'm'r:`nI:1_s `or `P-er. J 1. LI`! V IIUL D` IN`! 39 I-4&0`! $13.50 to '* 1. All that is eoesgary is" to: shake the ~trees:.and bag 01- barrel: them and: 1-.o~ us.",The` he _ BARRl%E E&VAPORA%TpR . _ef.`afpOrabor `will. .Ac(:`vmmn ifc`eA. Monday, 9th. want all `your apples ithat 7 large` enough 1 . . ~A._' ...-- ' `I "n u i Small St., Barrie, Sept. 12, 1912. To all Friends :-I wish to convey my heartfelt 'thanks for the kindness and good wishesyou have _s-hown, in such a very` practical manner during -sickness. Especially db I thank organizers, artists, fel.1o.w bands- men. and . audience, as well as :Mr. `Powell, at my benet concert given 1 in . the Opera House, Sept. 1st; 1912', `rebeipts of . which ammounting to ~$85_,01 handed` to me by `our bandznastr, `F; Addison. " T iT'ha.nNl5in._g`-. }V8e'r~-andv a11,C `- T It is interesting to note that one gentleman sent in his cheque for $10.00, signifying that it should be divided between the benet and band funds. I An anonymous: doner enclosed a bank note with the memo: I am ' more than glad to send a good work of .b_e-aring one another s bnndIens,, and` many persons handed their quota to those in charge, as they yfezie met on the street, ' ,3- -_._ __..I _'I1 A __..-__ mite - to help the Band in their UL! .VV 9% \/ Ill`; II \J1L UllV' 3 III Kalil : Xgain-, , to one and an, we thank you. V .x - l`1...n.n.-n `D...-.. (`1-..-.'.'.-_.'_ Broadhead received j the su-1)-i stantial sum of $84.51 -and the un-. feigned gratitude of himself `and family, is herein, conveyed to all who by their manifestation of sympathy, even more than their contribution of material -aid have "brought so much cheer into their home. 1"-*2"W~ To, Manager Powell. -who madeno charge for rental of the Grand Opera House we say, thank ` you, and to Mrs,` Laiclman, Mrs. Duff and Mr. Stanley D. Addison of Hamilton, who so acceptably. supplemented the` Band s'eEorts,'we likewise say, thank `you. _ - T ` I 11.. n_--;n__'_1 ___`_o ,1. .1 1 AIL-(mu, vvuu no a v:u.;I.u.u UL I.-uUt.'l`(.'lLlua'l'.~I.` The benet concert was the con- ception of Mr. L. F. Addison and` the members of the Band Organization. It at vonee commanded the end'orsa- `tion of the Committee and .We take `this means of conveying our grateful appreciation of the conduct of our clergymen in giving publicity to the undertaking from their respective |pu'l"pits. T _ `f..__,__ TI, 11 I UUIQ \.rv11>tI\II-VIALILVJ DU (II\.I, \JLL.I' IIJILVJKULILI.` `ate? bandsman;" `W: ` H:"Broa;ds? Inna.) `-..L.. 1.. - __2-A.2_-_ 1` L I `I. ' vavduw nanunyu ` Me-asu_x-ed by this test the citizens of B.r_r1e lqomed `lgrge when given an opzportumty to ald our unfortun.-_ Uni-m .I..u...A-s.`.a...x..- - .`|l.`...... .3xt. 11-.`..--::n ` , -1 in Dear Mr. VEdtitor.:--'Ii`he characfer of the response to an appeal on be- half of alicted humanity is an in- `fall-ible` test of the standard bf true citizenship. mr......_-__-.1 I, , .1 - wvv uuanuuunulx, .5114. V1. 1.1.. JJl'Ul!N.l" head,`who is a victim of tuberctddsis. mL_ L-.__QL ,,, "Band Coqnmitteeand Bands- e maxi Broadhead Thank All Who\ Assisted.- " $85.00 Were the Net Receipts. HEARTY masronsni AT BAND BENEFIT , mun cmzansmr vvv11su5,. LINJLLR: WU after I eleven p.m. T , ,v__ ..`-w- \r\IOI-A-b\-IL IKMLIJ. After a. -hearty corn supper. supple: mented byr-a fruit treat by thehosts, `an invitation was given to inspect the whole plant by the aid of elec- tric light supplied by a Lantern. Much enjoyment of the evening, out- -side ofthe hosts - kindnesses, was giv- 'en by Mr. Arthur Monkm-an withhis singing machine. Carusos numbers were equally enjoyed; with" Harry La;uder s. After. `thanking the hosts for so many kimdnesses -during the evening, home was reached shortly nftnr Alatrnn urn _ -~- "*."t ?t""""9 Wu PVPPIU-5 com and` popping jokes` were` the order of the _evening. Messrs. Wm. and Marshall Freak were, apparently, everyvwhere at thqsaame time, making everyone/welcome and comfortable. After hearty corn supper: sgp_plae- UlIL\1-\`1\;J L_. - .L`__,,3;_ A V H (cHo1R oofciir ROAST. % .The. Co1I'i`erT S-t. iMethOdis1; ' _choir g .nd_f%1-i enuds were invitgl 'w a Oorrn Roast in `Mr Wm. F reek e} brick yard on Tuesday evenilig, Sept. 10, and a. `very. `jolly time wasspent. A1`riving -at the brick _ yard. a`t_)o'ut 8230 thebusiness in hand was com- menced I by -all hands procuri-ng sharp stiolw on which to hold oorn while ro-asl:in_g. The brick-kiln re-s were _ideal for the . purpose, and popping M I Y\l\1\I\`:fIru ~ --A-- `-L` UAIRII. THQ GOQJNTY OF UIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF " vuo |` Orriz1;Ns BAND COMMITTEE. 'I"3emh_i;; yam faith.fu11,{'.- ' BRQADHEAD.