o .auvaupJ VJ.` L165 gag J.'|J'L.II|I Via ,, itedcthis "uncle Mr. James Heylands, 111':-no Incl u-mans`, Messrs. W. 0; and J. A. Henry and Mr. Vernon Fletoheir went West 131st. Tu:esd'ay,- -aml J. C; Boake will soon return to Calgary, where he been `.enga.ged: in real estate Business. _ V _ {{J;s;r%s`4Lu1u Byho1ds;ha`s>- resumed ylzerat':..jPin 7Gr6v".Lschpol.` All. will: hex: % -bqsk ; :fo1g< another % A.;__._` _ Harvesting has not `been so 1a.te here" for many years... Potatoes "are beginning to show the eects of too much Should this: week prove fair weather few farmers from this section will beJab1e' to attend the Toronto `Exhibition. Mfr. l1fim;. AL[fi2;yner and M1 7 ;E1si_e 0f Barrie we_1fe% Sunday visitors at--the _`_hqme_; of Mr. Fremk, 1 Shefry Zinger-I s,oll3:were -recent at Poplar! ` ar}d Mfs. R; -Howes spent Sunday ._m . was a. visit- o;%tp,~%Angus:1aat . I a&\lJ\l'IIII\I 4auawJvLv:a. M3rs; Hardy and son of dhicago greturn-ed` home Last week, after visit- {ing her father, Mr. George Green. `Mr. Gfeen accompanied them as far t'|Im1\n-A\anLA 11".- A___L__. fV___ I \/\AlU ClI\/\/`NTLII-r"IQl l\J\.|. UJIGIII G3 .1 (LL 9`_:"I`or1'onto. Mr. Ambrose Green `an wife "of Toron:to, and Mr. Arthur Green. of Stroud ' visited` . their `father {at the some time, `andv a family re- `union wasrheldx. Mr. and Mrs. John of this place were also present. The recent thunderstorms -' did much damage in this neighborhood. A number of telephone poles were struck by lightning. so that the tele- phone service. was much interfered with. .Mr. James Mason had two {cows killed in last Satul-day s storm. | .- V! I L r ` ` `W Ha.;'1'i s ahdv e-};.iw1;i'-1"!;1-;l;;1veV re- turned to Alland-ale, hdvillg spent {Esme "time `with her sister, Mrs. J-.j 'I)_-.__. rie, will oiciate in the absvcencenfi Dr. Langfeld. " aavuasuvuo A007: .141. U; '.I. CUl\*Ul" .lJC1.I"1 Mrs. M. Baker is visiing friends `at_iBmntwood. V * % ' ` _}Misas 'M_ayw is simdng the` visiborg to the Exhibition. 1 has; returned tojher-ghcnne in Toronto, /after 9; short- visit `here. . .. L 14th surIaL,7a1t}- i}'i{i},- Eln 3. `St. Paul s, Painswick V 11 am. Morning Prayer and-Ser- I Uvulsu-u o , -St. Peter s, Churchill , I 2 p.m., Sunday School; 3 p.m., Evensong agd Sermon. St. Paul s, Mission, Craigvale; -6.30 p.ui,, Sunday School; 7.30 p.m., Evensong and Sermon. l fV;.....2..........a..;... ,.`l.._..-_` 117', 1! . day, Thursday and Friday, an nounced. Rev. E. J. Peck,Jo` Bar .4. ...:n ..m,.:..+.. :. .1... -1.-A.v..A; Q;-' I "S`a;;n1T1-<;iV'.;l.3~1:a.ckmore spent afew days .in Toronto, visiting `the Exhibimil: .4 ' Mr. f'I`io'0per went to Toronto to the Exhibifion. S_ept.*A3rc1'--Llkizsv-'.i1;;3'rf Harris of Toronto is the guest of her niece, D". Donnelly, L . ' IH{;rfoc>`tYix1dZi>r67;h;r,*`Bo3', have left Minesing, having -accepted situations in the educational` Work` of the Provnce. `We wish them suc- cess in their work. . - V "M-iss }Mabe1 Eguley 1&1: on. Mon-` day to resume ._ her teaching at Thorn- firn I -. S. R0-we is visniting Toron-i to friends for ;a few. days. _ . 1 -up . . Mrs,` Harris is a.visi.tor- in, the Queen `City. _. 7 ' V ` `Ito `I sun A41 uanovgg a.1uu.; t.J\JJ.1.u\J`l1.. V lr Czmrmation classes` on We-d':n'esr day mnuunngc-I -D4-my D T D---`- 11A .. PAINSWIOK _ Sept.` 2nd`.--j-Rev , Dr. Langfeldt .wi1l preach at his former church, _'St. Luke s, Peterborough, negt Sun- day, ` at the dedication of a tablet to the `memory of. the late (Hon.)v Mrs. R. Hamilton, who dieduin May. During his absence the Rev.~E. J. Peck ,of Barrie, will ofciate. - I UV VIJUAII I/18$ JJJSJLLIII IIIUILQ ) The 'interor of the school house, near St. Pa.ul s Church, has under- 'gone- considerable repairs and im- provements and presents a very at- itractive and pleasant appearance. FITI ` - cum '1; -oh-`L -Q4-manna-LL`-. A -._ ___ Igzzvrlrby of. Big Bay lsoint vis- ....I 1..:`.. -......1... '11.. 1-... n'.._1-_.;_ PAR_1sH .' OF ENNISFIL. in; her health. ." V Miss Edith G. Tracy Wntto To-" 011150,, on Monday. ` ~ 5 % - - V VMiss Eva Rawat is: holidaying in Toronto.` . V Ta~-? 9 ~ -cm -I-vn -V`: .|o I .1- I ; 09LWELL- A ff.` . ,7:.,.'v`.f, ; live,` ;.` H 5. Ic .Ion`.o`,o ` _E1d1u.. ;. .550 :Be'f, hind . 10 00:11 00. fore" quarter? isjoof `j;9-Q0 l-;-:#-- s-*--:;-4 v '0 `V THE LATEST MARKETS 43-45 KING TREET-WEST * - - . TORONTO . 2.3.51-bc%xnAu'..u..ua THE musrs AND "GUARANTE >COMPANY,,Limited % 71iav L `l-luv Nu Mr. :1 , , noon --ov H. Izaine; ourjillgga -urns `in -I-\ m1""'o* Visit Bria: Hm Park and Alexandra Gardens 7 ? ~ o while in Toronto Our Automobiles are at your'srvce For Illstrated"Booldet Full Information and I A Appointments . ` l_ HONE_MAlN 7475. or, NORTH 3571, or Write, ,0! Call HILL PARK and :ALEXKNDRA GARDENS offer no speculative .uncertainty.- They are right in the heart of the most desirable of the high class, suburban residential districts, just where the property demands are the ' greatest to-day, where the advance in values is certain, where the possibilities of any set back in growth are infinitismal, and where the history of invest- yyments Alexandra Ga_rdens is an `almost absolute proof that the investor may -A 3----I-----8 an`... :n A`1iw:nII|1lIIn (`.29-rlnnc snarl _ Alexandra Gardens and Briar Hill Park are less than a. half hour's car ride to _the business _section of the city, about 4 miles north of King Street---half a mile North of Upper Canada College, a little `Vest of Yonge Street, the most charming proper- ties recently added to the city s residential .'I2..L....L.. _ A1xan}1}._G:.ie}{sanl1` Briar Hill Pa_rk are situated on one of the highest points `in the North Toronto district` and are pos-_ sessed of unusual naturalhbeauties, a, great suburban 'park-excellent for situation af- fords an outlook and view that could not be exeelledand hard toequal anywhere in or about` the city. Many of the most .5 \J\4nu W51 1'63 l.J1'.lUUU\.I. 1 UPC: unuc, Lu um -- . 1 . . , ey havealltt e advantages of close proximity to the city, and its attractions, and at the same time offer the exhilara- tion, healthfulness, natural beauty and open freedom of country life. ~ - sic-.11 avlfthemselves of this ALEXANDRA GARDENS created A a sensation, : buy lots in this-desirable section. i Many investprai made several, hundred per cent. on their investret sold in Alexandra Gardens; and Briar Hiil Park, closer te the city, offers equal opportunity to the i: Alexandra Gardens and Briar Hill Park are the ideal choice for homesites. No situation one could select could be a more desirable one, and their permanency as We_ll restricted roperties, is -assured. - `A -___ L 4 n-.4]uv.\w\`-uiutxm f\p fJl\QQ 5%?-.iEE'T Mr. and Mrs. John Cumming re- turned to their home in Mimico after. a couple of weeks- with the former s mother, Mrs. T. Cumming. ` f miIZ' 51353;: }'n-Zia? 313' Bria: Hill Park. V _ THE lDE_AL HQIEEPSITE And the terms of payment are reasonably easy. _Lots in Alexandra Gardens have changed hands at greatly increased prices netting the investors hand- someprofits. `A few lotsin Alexandra Gardens are still available. THE A1fTRA<;f[1c_>Ns_ $l5,g THE LOCATIQN Mrs; Tracy of O01-lin-gwootl is the guest of Mr. and: Mrs. J. Lavender. The" Ladies Aid meets this week at the home of Mrs. Gr. Hiokling. 7 ,~.,%.}114 00m;.....0 is ',4i!j`1\(::."'c_L~:1sng inf papal f rt0 of algout 40.000 a; year. to bcome. oixe` of, if not 0 City in Canagh - Minmczn I-`OR `ms owmza EARDENS created`; sensation," go eager were investors to esirable " Many invesgprssin lbts in Alexandra Gardens allied per cent. on their investments. Few lots remain to be a Gardens,` and Hill Park, an adjoining prepcrty and .offers invcstorto-day. A coon INVESTMENT 15 70 Hens, per `Tb. -Butter, 17011, per . . `DEW. per `bag . Ha,y, ..I.new, pelt ton ,. . . .` Hides, No. 1. . f.I.n.g.u'o.` TI :-..`l`.... `KT. 1 Irene Knapp is: home again. We trust. she is enjoying renewed health, and` that her. sojourn -in Powassan and: Toronto has resulted in imprv.-` 3.... fL__ 'L-..'l1.L ' LVUQ `$0.0 I ' Hides, N 2 .. V0111 skins, groonfopor lb. .lSheep skim . . . Yhllnu em. 1!; ._.`$V_ICUIV`|P U\ ` \ 0 0 I. ' S l Elii iii.` 1112 It tI'2 ..`I`.4 `T. h * " % ' Toronto. %3&,.V-1912: hE.'....."1.`..'l.;.1 . ` W3`: ' AA A FOOT AND UPWARDS `I. Bllllvit UIIICIIIIIDV rs `ruin 9--..` ..._- ___, '____ ___`_ investment now in .Ale`xa.ndra. Gardens ana AND a year, and}. us" ss,jifV jnpt THE; largest 7"i:i;:' MKinne`yj is taking in the -Exhibition this year_. V L "L Alexandra GzL1'densnn B1-iar Hill Park residents will have available to them all ' streets, an city conveniences, sewers, Water, gas, elec- tric lights, rgxnolitlxic walks, and paved (lg the property is near to churches, schools, colleges, stores, bowling greens, and" golf links. ' Alexandra. Gard ens and Brim` Hill P21 rk are among the most advuzitageously sit- uated properties from the sta.ndpoi1~.t of transport:-ntion. The Met1'op0li w.n Line (Stop 19) Yonge Street passes the property Aonthe East, it is reg:-u'ded as a certain-*.y that a line will be con.st.1-uvt-ed on or near Avenue ` `Road through the Park and Gardens and it is expected that a. line will be constructed on Bathurst Street to the A West of the property. ' 1:--'1 has-pun`.-j--`u-ug Lots` in` Br-r--I1'i1-1`-f>'a:1'rk are being offered at most reasonable prices. llI.|.I.\lD\ILl..I(7 (.I:ll.\.l. vUA3uaJ I.I\_I\IO`\/I.) 4.1.. 4...-... .,.. Toronto are located in the Gar-den..~3. It is condently expected that Briar Hill Park which has only been available to builders for a short period will be built at least as rapidly as the Gardens. handsome and costly houses in North m I ,_,A_- _--- 1--.-L...J :-- 4.1.- {1....,1.\.-_ T; `A` 3001000 22' 1M.~A xen;1;a;,;;% 3... gm :z!i!0r:;`e# *.h home oer Mm aw THE: CGNVENIENCES TRANSPORTATION 1'13 5% 10 g` THE PRICE Bentley"-N". BARRIE Amapmzsnumnvxz D. MCLEAN 7" WJrig1w1- is yisitingi +*":*3**`;";t% Q9?_P`*-L V * 63 V MIisaa'JeI1i1ie~Richar'dSm1:is holiday- ing at her home here. ' -Ir "1" I 'II Thu Bis Bis the 013,1 Sept. 3rd-Mr. and-` Mrs. John Palmer have returned from Co1ling'- woiod, where they were attending the wedldving of their son-, Ira. ' AI/I HS -:'aTnders_0u of Caxledoin` EaTs't.,A who has been visiting at the P'ars6n- age, returned to her home this week. 4 :\4 III % WWI JIQV C5555 ' C55`?! moved tap nearer -the - nllage. .._.._..._.a V Mr. and} Mrs; Aihibaid of. Gvrena fel have returned, after visiting the ' .l'atter sa sister, Mrs`. Lavender. "1s&. an1' Mis; TA.` Hickling ;pen,t_ Sunday at Mr. G. Hickling s. ' fououooooooooobooood | Amy L. Webb, who has L- ..._..J. ...E `L-.. .L'-A.L.._ "If- I`!.-..o...._A !E-%"g-1`P!%'<;3-'-;`-Ie_u'I-`is.'=_' 2'-'v-5-'Ve"- `3.'sI-' 44--Q4 PAINSWIGK. " ; The picnic` and regular meeting of the Strand Branch of Women s In_- affitute, which was to have been held at '1`-ollendal Aug. 8th, was postponed on account of rain, and: .will' take place Sept. 12th, weather ~ permitting, if not, will be held at the home of Miss Jennie Wamica, '1`ol'lendal._ A colcectiotn for W. `I. library will be ta n.. ` - near and result In all r:.II.=can. wish. It Inc an 1011:- covarlnn can `mouse I rgnunm. clunnnnr than an _=(f}<;`rg Mcleila (`Sf ` '_T<:ronto1 pnasenvmxvl-:s% r our-vv- __.v- "5tto15;;i;`"1:as.had_ has W ____`l . _ _ _ _ . . _ ._ AL. __I`I-..... If.`--.deVs ircd can bLfurnished% in` any quantity at lowest prices. - 'E}iiii{rZ'r3iiriBia}iE:' AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA DO oooooooooopooooobooooog %Robers9n s JVJIBQ `$511. -IJI VVCTI-(ll, VVIl\J llC II\v\dIId the guest of her -father, Mr.` George Webb, for the past twogmonths, has returned to North Battleford`, `S/ask. Her "sisters, Mrs. Herbert Fennel] and Miss Reta .Webb, accompanied her as far as Toronto. . V JAR numns "SEALING STROUD . T7--____. I__ -J! - urn -u-2 1 Do-gr-East cg Bu:le'Hote1. FERGUS0NVA'L/EA. IIVIP ml! ._ Ll I II `VIII n`""&-and? . . 6' . Illness ~ were `not .. I ` . . PAROWAX ~ 2 fI5'5_G ._T.R. DALSTON. Sept. 3rd--Miss A. E. Richardson left on. Monday to resume her duties ~'as_t_{2ach_1: a.t_ Latchfordi. . % % in: cement, n_,qur.vil1a_ge.'. J; R. ;cro:t of .`Han'1iltbn is .the`;gusest ofujr. am ms. .1-A.~W.. .n -`.1-.1` `viii-' \"".>" :3 ,1 '-.`":_`l_' .",'J"?".'V _ 'v" ';7.Y mg. - .; ``V'_,, .-." ,:; `I 5 Egw my up the R. V. Hos;sma;` n ,-11. ` A3 on union nu|.,.'nIu- -'u in .;., 1%: Il&vVU .vuw . . Warmca. A S%ept~ `ar&:1`iT [fr3a shw era} of! the past .aT h.;nd4;; `; Ilene p_-___ 13-....- __..... Q-....1 .._. ...-._.:a....... n; trik na1je~~: ai'1d_',` from were Sunday visitors at M1_'.__M. Du-gxondia. . ' ~ - qwyuvu w -.... 3 . u '"mZa'%X.7o.'".raon*" . spnf` thiweelo end with her -cousins, the Measrrbv Desjmdineg ' ` -I\ u 10 ,1` Mns0' of De-V. Ttn_oit,' Mich; is .lmo1idbYi.n8 with her parents he . T _ - Miss _Katie_ _Hoga.n of Oshawa spent '9. -few days with her sister, Mrs/. Joseph D1`1mond .% I MINESING. ' . Sept. 2nd-.-MrS_.. and` Miss Flet- cher of Toronto are visiting at Mr. A. Ro.naLld s.A A J v3 v3 ,:-, ` " Mrs. and Miss Clark, Torono, -ar staying at Mrs. John Kerfoot . mini `"];3fWG-\1 "bi Winnipeg is- visitingat her fathefsyhome, `Mr; E. ____A , , ` ` V T `- ` " 'i`'i1w<;'-a,-x'r1iliar M0; the Atb-neshingo. machine is onceomone heard in` our neighborhood: V ' Our public school openeci on. Tues? day under the management of ' .the former teacher, Miss_ F. VB; -Maxwell. The following is _ a list of those who took in the `Toronto Exh:ibiton,: --Ma-s. F. McQuaig, Miss T. Desour-A die, Mr. andl Mrs. Gerald Tr'uin,Miss R. A. Dumotndg Ma`. and Mrs. F. Des- jardyine, Mr. M. Desjardine, Mr. P. Des-,iard*ine. ` ~ . M Mr. J. A._~ of Vancouver, is renewing` `iacquakintanceso here and also in Baz1" rie.- He is; ajson of the -late J. Hunt'e i',` a former principal `of the _ Barrie Collegiate % Institute. We are pleased .vto i-state he Vis Lyrvygresailgg .in .'Pdc,ie 1 rQ'v: ince, as.-he. ~`sa ys,- under the able ; Sept. 2nd.-_-Miss Olive and Ennd Mc.Cracken' are visiting friends in Toronto. V - T `Miss R. Marshall and. Miss ~ M.{ Greaves left for Adanac, .Sask., on Friday. - x -rv on o 0 -.0 `I .0 Mrs. A. Keil is. `visiting relatives at Arden and Kingston. 4 ' . ._-- ..~.! uSf#burg, Sask.;1 was the guest of Mm. Geo. Binnie on Friday. - ` ' ` ` u. -w-3 I : A 19* ! naug'11t and']I'Princess- Patricia passgd through he e on Tuescbay night at -in ,9,1__1_ I_-_____1 3--- 1.1.- 117-..; n.-:4... 53-"a"1 i{$mp`L?on. "5"* W" Mrs. Coulter and son, of- Toronto, who have beenvvisiting Mr. and Wm. Spers '.a.t' Ivy for `some time, returned on Saturday. ' 3 j Messrs. `Frank V. Banting,'. of I'y, D51.D-.Mi!1eLhave`sn`XVs*~ '- if of (V Bvyualov L his holidays, ewitgh, ._\, . 1:. (1 .10 o'clock, bo1111d.forut:}1ue~.wWest..QuiI; the royal tra-in go ~'through.v_ | UIIJ U U311 JHUJU U15 J. u JICBIJU a number wentto the station to see "3211"," `xvi -uikeilg of, Tofonto, _is` the guest of Mr. A..Jary, [NI -1: vv . run .'1 if spent part of lzist week in'To1T-onto - -" . L_ I I `II fl!` is in Toronto this ` Week attending the `Exhibition. Mr. '1`. Muir. shipped: a car-load horses to Strassburg, Sask., on Thursday. and Mr. "D, Strong 9. car: load to_ Rocanvit/`e, Sask., on Tues- .1-.. W joo:nmernced: }.1ere. on .Thursday- last and fall wheat is turn- ing out well. " . -7` . 1| rt` vE}.'1I'. on Thursday -for Cobalt, where he will resume his 1' `W89 3*? ;*`:`.`_*- % A Mr. and Mrs. F.` Hill of St. Oath-l arines are the guests. of Mr. 1-Ii11 a sister, Mrs. W. Christie, at thle sta- lpiou this week. ,. . 1 Miss M. Thompsbn, of Toronto, and: Mrs. Stubbs, of the Canadian Soo. are t-visitin their father,?* Mr. amf thueia- sister, [Miss A..4_..-...-.. andr Pratt are attending the Brethren` Confereunce in Orillia this week. `Mrs. A. McDonald is visiting friendsrin; Tqronto. ' f`__ 2- 1.. VI`-----.A... _Miss Thurlow of Hillsdale .and Mrs. W. J. Maneer of Toronto spent last [Wednesday ,with. ..the Misses Thurlow. " .- miss Etta Craig of` Atherley is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Bell. -up-Isl T Mr: Jas. Southward, aocomitant] for H. `Wise, spent part of last week] at Jordan, Lincoln County. __ __.... ,. i Mr. William Binnie. spenusunday at his home. at Anten Mills; ` McDer'mott `of Muskokai is the guest of Miss Audrey Jary. Mrs. C`. Bell is visiting friends in the Queen `City this Week. T Mr. `Henry Watkns and: Miss Clar are_v`isiAtingVre1g1tives i'n Toronto . _' { THORNTON ` . -Sept.` 2,nd.-1---MrA.L MoClea.n and family, of Owen VSduVn'd, are`: here for the holiday.'.. . ~ ` -..- A.-. ,- .. .1 `m. Wiiiis5t"co1ean andr wife, of` Toronto, `are visiting the forme-r s parents here, _ . V 7 Mrs. Ferris Miss: 'Kei'serr', of |'1`<~:-Vnnsesee, `are visiting their ialunt, J oh_n Grossley. III ; Mrs. Janice is visiting ~fv.'u ds in `Toronto. - v ~--"v - "Th`e_ Dulgggagad Dughqsg `of con; BREMWOOD. R4!GHU3sT f'i1}:' ii. J. `Middleton is spo.;nd`niug the holiday with `friends here. E , .; C . fmce'm_:lyL [ th_`h3'by- % o h,: Dr. .8?-1. .1.-``-`g ,L~>."s..z,.>"r:..: vus .a.7-`vault A He is -in '1"__`*`?`i_14i`3?7`59`3' "'-h`?- ,7; LIE 32$} Jrsmd. ion-3,.-v_isi,toii"? and M1-sL.L., Doane here for a.` couple of weeks. .` King a.nd.`;d:o.u`ghter, oi ~'T0_` 11610 afhoft `time `Mr. Kin g'is.'o;'1 e; 'ofHthe_;-.su`c+ rgontr9.cto1's* of the Quegn " Ti" ` ` - ' '- 5`-;'-L * ,PA-leaed_ to report Lillie` Boake as able, to beamongat us again. She. .was operatedi on recently in To- ronto for appendicitis`-and has made a favorable ngoovery. - -u- 1. % ;.T.'fi3a}'1}}v "4113 spending fa. holiday with. friends in Port; Perry; - - . . . ";;1I3>xi1:g'ie7te 'v1VzI'n:aC1*Aza;'(:ke1i, ;of Detroit,-_ ' his `brother, James, pf All-and`a'le, visited 'their- aged mother `here one dayvlastv week. " rust-\ Avvu In-A u4avu.u,- .u.u.o uwuxcn .L:,v,y1xu4Lu5, here laast w.eek. There were `no services in St. `Jude s `Church last Sabbath, owing to pecial harvest home services in St. George s Church, Utopia. as I P ` ',vering"~*Percyj ,('who had paid 9. -1598 7. I. I "Visit 150 13116 h0.}1'se')='-Thtt 8 ' Q, fl 'T *;"iOVfVrty-stck91'. 4101189 ,b1ess;xou.%~there a-play11;g 7`6n_ ~ Gordon McLellan of `Toronto is spending some time at home here `after. a recent illness. `