There died at his residence, Eccles street, on Monday afternoon, Mr. John'Grant, one of Barrie s oldest: residents, in his 80th year. Mini Grant had been in failing health for; several years, and for the past twoj months hehad been conned to hisl bed. In his early days Mr. Grant was `a lumberman, and had `business as- sociations .with the late D Alton Mc- Carthy, Peter McIntosh and Allan Gunn. La.te1"- he was appointed `Col- lector of Customs for Barrie, a posi- tion he held for over 16 years. Since his retirement from that position he has lived retired. He was twice mar- ried, his second wife who survives him, being a daughter of the late Sheriff Smith. Miss Nellie Grant of Mon- ]treal, a.nd Messrs. Fred Grant of Vic- itoria, 13.0., "and Harrv Grant of New `(York are the surviving members of the rs_t family, I and .Mrs. (Dr.) Saunders of Toronto and George at home `are the surviving _members of the-secondy family -Mr. Grant was a llifelong Liberal. i jexchapges of: Barrie 'propertie__s: Mr. W. 0. _Thompso1iTl;eipis.w ci1V1;1'1gs moving in the. real estfate line. Last week he put through the following The. funeral was" held yesterday afternoon. interment being made in the Union Cemetery. The pal1-bear- ers .were: H. E. Jory. J`. Sissons, G. Simmons, ' Alex. Kennedy, J. A. Fraser and- Thos. Duff. Rev. Dr. Booth oiciated._ - { { ;6m;1be,1ana S152,` known as the Smith;_.l';Io_11s_e,.s ld~% fb M;.__Ed.W.a" rd J. jlllis, Inpisi. ---"- - i . ` Thqmp- "Band at `Mammoth Roller? Rink` 38* &,.I4br my 9 A axial? hoe and1'o{o`TcL}; st.,I owned by G, H. Eaten, sold to Mr. and rye. Sanford st. . xl On Sunday evening, at 7.30, a Memorial Service will take place, when messages will be read. ~ from 3M-mayor Cowan, Rev. Dr. McI;eo(l,: 'Mrs. Blanch Johnston, Commissioner} !Rees, Capt. Elrick and others. Spec- * lial music, including the funeral` ynmrcll, Promoted to Glory will be Egiven. I I i F. The; ags on the Twn Hall and. `County `Court House were own at `half mast on Thursday in respect to gth memory of this 8'%at leader v0f_ | religious thought. 5011. At Sieverig'ht s and Hunter s dr11g`.stm'c.<. the Constable was shown Hie hmk.< without demurrance,_ but m,(.-al1i11;.r- at (7. W. Crydermaifs he was ;1tl_\' 1'('f11S~9d access to the poi- _-;ou rv, Securing witness, thy ('m1:~'t:1l>]e visited Mr. Cryder~ man's a .-ovum] time and repeated. his p(>qu(`:'f. but ag'ain_ was denied a peep at the 1-<~<,_ri.-ter. Laying a complaint - a; tl1<*0f fendi11g druggist, the Cm: ]l1'('IC(`Cd`C1 to enforce his . .1 H: `I 1 L1, . tilt" 1' {I \`J|\l-` VV lA\J J6$\J- tf|Jl\4llCl\Ju` 1191- I . . -. trxes mvaded by. the blood-stamed banner. To-d/ay (Thursday) from 12 to 1 U 1 , Ia {prayer service will be held at the `Citadel on Collier St. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS DEATH OF JOHN GRANT. LIMITED And as ih the past,` they will be. the Suits the T ' boys of Barrie want. man,` h-re--Gvrill iwiarl Tweed Suits this fall. i\/Ve are preparing for the opening of school with V Are The Best Wearers Tweed Suits And as the boy `takes his styles from the H T1 . . 1-use UK.` 1L\1u\.s:u UL vaau \.u.u.\4Ul. U1. 1.` I35 [aw and the Bruc_e-Hera1d-_te11s1 the - followillg story of tllevresult. of the` p}1arxnaci.~:t s stubb01'nne_ss: _ ' T}1m`c having` been a` large num`- her of dogs poisoned recently in tl1_e1 \1V,q \\'m'd and-V suspicions having `at?-3 m(.1,..(1 tn :1 certain-party. Chief Fer-f gm-11 lnado the rounds of the drug stem last week to ascertain from` um 1-m)1'<].< who had purchased. poi -f As u:m..-,..:...1.+?_-. .....,J T.T....;-_.s- A Big Stock of BOYS SUITS At the request of the authorities of the Barnardo Home, Peterbor- ough, Chief Reid of Orillia interfer- ed on Tuesday of last week to pre- vent thepmarriage of a girl named Ethel Hulburt, whohas been living at Richard Maudsley s, Leigh s Cor- ners, says The Orillia Packet. The man in thecase, named Huffman, worked at Mr. Maud.sley s last sum- mer. He was brought before Police Magistrate Clark on Tuesday, charg- ed .With perjury. in swearing before the issuer of marriage licenses ` -that the girl _is over eighteen, . and re- Iflanded for a day. The Home people say she is only a little over fourteen, though she looks older. A Crown Attorney Cotter Went up to to prosecute, and Miss Ken- nedy; Superintendent of the Home at Peterbomugh, was present.- Manda- authories will endeavor to have ~_he -matter `straightened out. It is :_ley: was sent down to Barrie jail and V ho1_t'>le4wil1 be [ ' Special music at Collier St. Meth- odist Church next Sunday evening. Miss Mysia Graydon of Streetsville will sing Open the Gates of the Temple (Knapp). Mr. S. D. Ad- dison` of Hamilton will sing Out of the Depths (Sargent). - Mr. L. F. Addison, choirmaster. will playas a. violin solo-The Traumerei (Schu- mann) and the choir will also sing a. select anthem during the servi_ce. Al1andale . . . ~ Barrie . . Bradford . . . . `Newmarket . . ;AurOra .. .. . .A4U v One rink from Barrie were to play a postponed game at Newmarket yesterday, and if they will they will be tied with Allandale for first place. If they lose All-andale wins the series. SPECIAL MUSIC {`VfI\`I\1'V In a league Bowling game on Mon- day afternoon, Barrie defeated Aur- ora by 16shots. The scores were as fo11ows:-- Bar1;ie - T Aurora VV. R. King,... . Eli Braund, . sk.......25 sk. .. ...1 R. A. Stephens, Archie Murray, sk.......18 sk. ...1 PREVENTED A MARRIAGE STANDING THE (il{lC.\'l`I`IST PLAY OF HIS. UAREER. T BOWLING. [USIC AT STREET Boys Knick- ers from 50c to $2 per pair OF THE TEAMS. COLLIER \Von Lost . .15 4.12 17 Ta (:1 `_x . I30: J)ruFEjL.`, :; v--`\. 1.: vvvvv vvoqgv .|.V`.u demand to see `your pois_on register, do not refuse, as you W111 then be liable for a ne of from $20.00 't6i| $g00_(m_ A Walkerton druggist res fused the request of the oicet of -the . , ....I Hm Rv'x1n0-Hnra]H. +911 Hun BORN. SMALL--O F `d A it 23-rd,}. Mmzolphus } mall, Holgate S_t., a daughtetr. HQWCROFT---On sunaay, Auzu, 35th. 1912, to Mr. and Mrs; I039- . H0.Wc-roft, John St., a d8138ht.Mr- ' . ` } `d`3)_'._ August e; of V4 by local zlpplicatiolls, as they can- not mu-11 the diseased portion of the cur. 'l`}'.orc is only one way to cure 1<'zIfl1<-.~'.~', and that is by com stitnLi<:m;1l remedies. Deafness` is r-auml by an inamed eondit-io1`1 of Walkerton Pill-vendor VD_enia":o Police a Look at .Poi;og, ~ Register And ` ' Summoned to Court. , . c s 0 ' - Nov ])rug'g'ltR, 11 the pohce comemv and` I U 4.1 gnn ' urn-w 95.4-uann 'l\t%:a`l'\.$ \\'U1`K m "lhe Mummy an_a_; Hmmning Bird here _ last `sea- :MR0SE---At Ed .=% . 20th, %19;2, rlmYn.\n -1 `Y Q 114', " '\\'n-1 an n unaxu 1: \J1\. \I\.lJl4L b\.\.L \..l mt by the strychnine. route. 1guSB ZUH1, '1 e, Vespra, ;L,;;.,;d;:;;nte;.A DIED. ` m.\ \ uu--u--.uu I.\.r uuv \.Il(DL8\t on Thv p1'()miSe that his client would pa_v all the costs incu-rred -in the ac- tion to data. These terms of settle-H m<-nt 1-east. the d1'ug'g`is-t $6.50, a. sum: that was 4-ompar-at.ive]y> small coli- si ring' the awful what-might--have.-l how. Thv poison register was also prmluum and the Chief permitted tnpm-1x. its pagros. As a result of! his I'uHll(].~'. some who purchased. st1;\'<-]111im`- o.~'tC-nsibly to destroy 1'ats_.' <-t.. nmy have to divu1g\e~'where they M our tho poison. as the stomachs of Thv dead dogs that have been ex- n:`n.i11<`-I .~']1H\\' that. the departed ca- _ __. L__ 4.1.... -A._._-,,'I._-____ __,___A_- 9, '31 hiZ,'"'Z1 MERE C.P.R.~ ! BRIDGEMEN swarms) Then the Islay started for home, The night was dark and the water looked leaden as the Islay ploughed `through it at a good clip with her wake lying white behind. In a` short time Boulton s - Point was rounded and loud- blasts issued forth from the whistle signalling the bridgemen to swing open and: give her passage into Lake Couchiching. Into the channel and through the road bridge the Islay passed with a good-night _ hail from; Mr. Harris. .011 she glided through the G.T.R. lbridge towards the steel bridge of the C~.P.R., which was the last obstruc- tion toher passage. Out of the dark- ness suddenly issued the bridge and? two -bandimen, Wm. Dunk and M-r. Simms, who were sitting in the" ex- ltreme bow. on the upper deck, rush- led madlya'stern.' "At the same mom- ,!ent Capt. McInnes voioe `rang out alarmingly with My God, the` hridge s not open and he quickly signalled to reverse the engine. The boat fortunately was running at half `speed which was further checked by 'the reverse. In a few seconds there was a. tremendousprash, the ndiseiof which could], be heard. a mile away, and the upper deck` of V the Islay crumpled into` match wood for 20 feet back.- The impact and the sud- den stop. severely` jarred the - passen- gers, some of whom were knocked off their feet and pandemomuun: reigned. Several women` fainted and others, both men . and women, 1'11sl1n.'l` for life preservers which they - lwstily-. donned, .al-though there ; was only `about 3 feet of ywater between. the keel of the boat. and` -the b0.tt0m.-- The~captain, crew and 901116. Of 1511i? 1 .-__; 1-_-1-1;.....`A...1 naannnaim-A anon budge ana neaueu my unto my... ..... Band, who played ins1$iri1_1gj airs, marched` from the .b1`i,d8'9 to the town, none the worse for their experiences! of i the evening, - .~ .1, L.;:.1...- -11 (Cohti1111cd.fr0n1 Page 1.) w l the ladies and took them aboard a11d' to `shore, and the others .were also [soon taken off in rowboats. The crewd enjoyed the balance. of the evening at the Island, but made the return passage to the Isulay in rowboats`. . -v...,--.p xzvun , I One thing which will mean a large expense to the Town is the install`- ation of sewage treating and disposal plants. The. Provincial Board of Health have sent a peremptory order `that the work mustbeproceecled with `at once. How uch this will cost can only be vasc rtained after careful surveys are made to {incl the correct levels and` then nd out how many lplants have to -be constructed. It is ipretty sure to run up to $40,000 or $50,000, anyway. Plans and speci- cations will be prepared" by En- lgineer Macdonell as soon as.possible.l ]>I;\ 1-`.\' I-ISS CANNOT BE(CUI,{EDv I Many main sewers have been con- [structed this year, and there is yet much `to be constructed-, including {that portion '-of Bradford St, from `Elizabeth to Victoria Sts. ' ! J. 116 ` Ull-puaxu, '\JI\IVV `anon. --'-.__ more level headed passengers - -restored condence` and order and the} the `boat onto bridge and headed by the Citizens" I I 0 IYI'\'I"`n `crowd got p '----`I --L.` `Slang.-I the airs. OI DIIU ttvcunug. _' The Islay 1aid.un at the bridge all night and steamed into the town dock next` morning. The xdamage done to the boat will amount to several. hundred dollars, besides gout- tingo 1,he_ of hr season. VA .-`i deai`? of~iixi'(1igna.tion is ;felt 2 against thexjwh-iiaiSggi;1$1e Vfr: - opening %2Lthq`%0g?.R. it -' __--., \4v-nn\aO_, Jlsvvlq T11is v0`i"1v<" cost $150.50, just 500 more than was appropriated for -it. 11",, ' i l l r ` , _. --- v--v -AVJILIJVVIIIE |.lC\;I.Iu l Dunlop; ' Elizabeth, Charlotte, | Louisa, Blake, McDonald, James, C`-'l`appert0n, Maple Ave., Mary, To- ronto, Bradford, Essa Road, Cumber- `landa Burton Ave.. William, `Brock, I Sanford, Charles, r Collier, Davis. Bayeld, Mulcaster, Peel. . Owen; I street numbering has been completed on the.` following streets : 'r\____`|___ ,T.I' I .1 Iv` ` I The; 1f`or the streets: cost $879,. and the citizens seem to think it money well spent.` 71"! _--. v- Y-vv 3 Fourtee house sewer connect-lons {were`made in J u_ly -and 1'5 in August. r'Besides these some 23. connections have been made along Bradford St. `under the by-1a.W recently passed, and: {the work on. the other 150 will be" [rushed as soon as possible. mL- ' -1 n l'_ " " (Cohtiliued from Page. ` I J $1400,'aIf 10 ta_ken"out` in August to I the value` of`$1507.. (BUILDING msgmrs "t mar .lNCREASlNG ` `I IV`V (Ill lllllI.(lll\/LL \.lJll\llI.'lV-ill `J-L tlic Ill1lt'()l!>` lining` of the Eustachian Ti}l*\`. \\'liw1itl1i. tube is inamed 3'51`. l1:1\'c :1 rumbliiiggsoulid or im- }=eri0(-t lu~uring', and when it is en- lively 4-In.-4:-l, Deafness is the `re- ezult. uinl unless the inammation '51:: l. l:ll\'(`H out and this tube. re- _~rlr~:~ml In it.- nm-ma1--condition, hear- in: will lu- l forever; nine r-::~~ ..m Ht ton are caused by Ca- i:!'I'l1. \\'llll'l1 is imthing` but an 1n- lluirml .-imilitimi of the mucous sur- :. ' A - - +--e-w we-4 weunwns a room w1th`s`oot -an_d ~s'mo'ke.` ' `Mrs. Craig! l was -`alone in the house at the tfme.` Mr. Wm; Fr_ek s; barn was struck but the blaze was extinguished before much damage was done. A horse was knocked down -at_ Painswick but St.,,was destroyed by. a_ bolt of light- ning. -From many :quart ers_ nlxave -come stories of .damage by thesevere e electric storms of jthe_ past fewdays. o J, .3113.` \J3'{ ; %i:n:ghtning:% scrmkj `house of J .` Jacem; shing-lets off a with oot {and smok %meHruxna=srPRms ;l'\0"Iv1 :m 4.` ...L____ . ` _ 0 Ram... ..A;..._.. ckg chimng` F. Craig, I R After the` competition tea. .will be` served to the `members and their guests in the Club House. the host- _esses'_ being' ,Mesdames Caldenwood, Wisme-r, Bees" and Boys. -.1 I `V Miss LeDrew and-`Miss May Pur- `chase of Toronto have returned home after spending a very pleasant holi- day .with Mrs. John Sutton, The Maples, Shanty Bay. Mr. Rex Sutton is spending a fewidays with friends in Toronto. ` Rev. Alfred Fletch-er* of Covina, Cal and Rev. as. Fletcher of Whit- by,,.were guests of their brother Mr. R. J. Fletcher on Saturdav. This is the first time the three brothers have been together in 35 years. The visi tors. .Were accomp-anied by Mr. A]- fred Fletcher (son of Rev. Alfred Fletcher), who has been making a `three-year trip around the world. -on}..- Lfuu [[7 \u L\AAnnAonu twlsull. V1005 DUI) by I\Iag'i.-tr-.1te' Tolton for Tuesday. In tho m=;mti1ne. however, the drug -.-I gist on <.~m1sulti11g' a solicitor becam sndh-lily .app1'ised and .was advised to try In .~'<*tt10. As the lowest nel for 511011` an offence was $20.00, this` .~`<-enwd <*z1.~`i(*1` said than done, but the (Ir11;:`*,:'i. solicitor undertook. the job for him and sucCeed_ed in inducing the ('on.~'tab]e to withdraw the charge! , , 1.1- -\\:."l\ 41...; `L1- ..1:---L __.__1J % ABARRIE GOLF CLUB. Saturday afternoon next at 3' Jclock on the Links, Bayeld st;, there will be a competitionfor the lady members of the club. ` T Three events will be competed for, viz.: Approaching and putting, driv- ing, and `the play of one or two hol- es, prizes for which will be`give11 by `the gentlemen of the Club. ` I i A quiet` Wedding took place at the! parsonage in Brampton on. Tuesday] of last week, when Rev. Dr. Long united in marriage Miss `Lily~ Skin- ner, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. HI Skinner of Bradford, and Mr. Chas- W. Graham, son of Mrs. T. S. Graham. The bride was mar- ried in. her gown of navy serge. After returning from their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Graham will_. reside in Toronto. `Just previous to hermarriage Miss Skinner receiv- ed at "set of pearl-handled knives and forks `and a cut-glass berry bowl from" the members of the congrega- tion of the Bradford.` Method-ist . Church, in which she was an active member. She --also received. a- ma- . =h6eany`,I3e ta1. iffrom` the yo1_1ns ladies` of 1 her Sunday. School` ` v - - v---'- z ----- -- I Q . AMiss Gladys Clubine T of Newmar-`l `kct is the guest .of Mr; and Mrs.` A. S. Redditt. Mr. Clarence Clubine 0_" Toronto, also -.was -in Town for a few! days this week, on his return from :1! trip through the West. . _ , V ` 1 Mr. `Gilbert Smith,- The Glen, Mitchell Square, announces the en-' gagement of his sister Tmian Mar-[ garet, to Dr. George McNe.i1.of`L`on-_: don, Ontario. The ma-r'ri_a2'e will take place quietly the latter part of September. V e A ' I Toronto Mail and `Empire---Mrs.\ `Jarnes A. Stewart, 918 Manning Avenue, .was-th_e- hostess of a linen, Ishower last week, in honor of her` sister-in-law, Miss Belle Stewart_.| Thornton, whose marriage" takes place early in September. . --.u ', ..' .-\. `Mr, A. Hay has returned to Towni after a pleasant. months holiday with: relatives and friends at Toronto, Haysville and other places. Richardson, Worsley St. `L Mrs. Torontb and! Miss Lawrence of - New York, spent the .week-end- with Dr. and Mrs.`- n u l 7f.X'}]Xti1"{ 1o}L=i}Ig" Jamged with. 'AOril1ia for` Labor Day. v_ , , v~-- ---v-----v--w uunnvuc _ 1 Miss Ida Lewis, who has been spending the summer at her home on High St., leaves to-day (Thursday)-' fox; `Abernethy, Sask. . % ] V will g_~iv- One Hundred D01-V lar-< fur an) (-2150 of Deafness (caus- *1 1'5` I'2II;H'l`]1) that cannot be our 1 I IN C` L `H iv 1. 1 n__, it and say they were waiting foi the boat but did= not hear her ,whistle. The ,a.ttendants at the other bridges` heard distinctly, the night. being one ih ,which sound carried well._ The `whistle, `was distinctly heard by peo: ple` to'wn "miles. away, `.4 ;1i _the- pgsf . .\I, NC .'-_;I. _".." L'L4- '-`" . T`::A,n NBILIQUIEV1 ID .FVllV:VP ~vv Luu G63, `and m .evemng,; _L1fe s .% . 2 . ` _ --.,......-., -u..vuAJ KJUC D1; afvl Mrs; Richardson have re- turned to Town after a two-.weeks [holiday on the Muskoka Lakes. M1-Q. Bi'ooks'and little daughter of Toronto axje visiting the former s; aunt, Mrs. Ba}`., Mary St. 7 1 '`f. 'I"I I I `jar-121'.1$;f;'s."&}t;<:'uJ.Ki11g ofg Midland spent`the week-end with M12} and Mrs. J. Powell, Owen St." | Mrs. MacVicar of Goderich is` visiting. her daughter, Mrs. F. R. Redditt, .Mary St. . . Mr. and Mrs. Pomery of Cross~ land,` ,Micl_1., were recent visitors -of ,Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hobley. | -`I-_ I __A J v... --. ` Mlss Kathleen Wallace of Toron-' to is visiting her aunt, Mrs. - Alex.` lMilne, Muloaster street. ` I `gnu. ;.La11`_y .|;u1'Kel' is :visiting her mother, High $treet: 7 AMETHODIS1` ".` "(llilllllj llldl. UUIIIKUL UK} U'U.1,c\1 by 'II:xH`.< (`at-.11'x'11 Cure. L Send-fo_r vim-111:11'.<. 1'r<-0, V . F. J. (`m-:.\'1-:3` .& C0.. TOLEDO, O. Suhl Ly l)1'11;:;1fiStS, 750. _T21k4- IIz2l1'.~` 1z11ni]y Pills: for C011-~ r T aiud -.~` . . >. ` W Villiers of Winnipeg is visiting her `mother. . _ R."Redditt of. Toronto is visit- ing his brothers, F. R. and E. G. Redditt. 3 Mrs. Gould of Englehart is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. K. `War- YIGF ' ner. -mm v\uu_:.uer:j._ gas ret1_1r1_1ed; to New` iY:j`k;% - .f\. _ajo'r;Cu1"rie,VM.P.`, was in Town on Saturday. . A `A ._ .._ Jud'gve;Macwatt of Sarnia was in; Town yesterday. V ' ' Mr,` A. F. Garrett spent the week- end at Muskolia. ` ; v 074-` s-r~guuvIn_|:Vn11U' I Dndvh f lbuocgbdoobcbooouqgbgo gliiss returned` to New |York. \ M_!'S_. _ Harry Parker of Transcona, !~I1!cI+1v1nn Ln- ...-A.L__.. 1: n GRAHAM--sKIN1\;ER. .n. A |.u.LJOJ\aUll(h, Mrs. Spry, `J-`:;. ' Im.`-,p.~t th1'n11:.1'h the courts, and a` trial In (](`t(`l`I]lill0 the? a'a1'r was set . 1!, ,'L..-A.,.' 'l`..1L...- .L'___ "l`.'---J-w- . \r\_\\,\1\, nu \JlJ1.Lll\4\J 1113! Last Friday night was the formali opening of the ne new council! chamber and rooms of the recently! organized local chapter of they Knights of Columbus, the occasioni being the installation of the oicersi iby District-Deputy Grand Knighti John Rodgers of Lindsay and for-I` merly of Barrie. Mr. M. J. Frawxleyw was installed as Grand Knight of! the local chapter, with Mr. M. Shan-f acy as Deputy Grand Knight. ' Al number of visitors were present from Collingwood, Stayner, Creemore, Or-I illia and Lindsay. The rooms of thel ]sc0iety are situated over Vickers" `store, and are a. credit to the mem- Sbers, and the o.wner, Mr. M. J. F raw- ley. The Council Chamber" is parti- cularly nea.t and harmonious in de- corative effect. The ceilings are of pure .white, the walls of green bu-rlap and green and gold wall paper, with neat electric xtures. All the furni- Iture is of oak in the early Eng~lis'-h nish, and the whole presents a very I neat, harmonious blending of colors. `The adjoining` rooms are tted up as a" reading` room and an ante room, the decorative scheme being- carried out along the same plan as the Coun- cil Chamber. Visitors who ` were present spoke in `attering. terms of the ne rooms, one saying thev .were the finest society. rooms he had - yet visited. The work was done by Mr. `Wm: Shouldice. , - . ' . "LI ; `.1 rs. In MEMORIAL SERVICE. The S. A. Citadel has been draped i11 mourning during the week, `the flag has own at half mast, the sol- ldiers wear a white band` around their ,arm--the great head and founder of the Army is dead, and the world mourns ~ his loss. Canadians still young can remember when `the S. A. ,was an object of derision, when its members were laughed at. and even misused-' on the. streets, and when `the blood-red_ banner . was ~ 9. target for missiles thrown by small boys. `Now the. S.A. is an organization` as much as any church in Christen- dom; and'no leader` .f era` Christian _C_.'?i11 greater rev-` eerenee ethane e i `About adozen members of the So- ciety will visit a Toronto lodge on Labor Day to witness the working of degrees, by members of the Order from the Southern States. The Bar-I rie Society has a membership of I about-35, whichris constantly on the` increase. - - ' ` ` KNIGH'1`S or COLUMBUS. fbItbwillsoonb be school time, and no doubt that bby of yours has gone `through his ` L b Knickers, and his` Suit is rather shabby after the helidays. BOYS Shirt Waists, extra value at 50c Prices range according to size and quality, from $3.00 to $12.00 I-"tip-(1Ii