3.l?hex1e.aie `G. G. SMITH .85 CO., PHONE 82. ES- j tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open; dayand night. Morgue and chapel; in connection. _Barrie, Ontario. ` _(Succesaor to the late R. L. Barwick) _ fire afnd Life Insurance . Real Estate Agency T Money to Loan "A numhqrw of good Farms and rum. Pro- tor sltbn any man . . A I1'ilVlVUA, uuvvnn on ya... .,_ ...-..._- risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of, wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41/2 and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Cree- morc and Alliston. Haughton Len- nor, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. T.T.'R Duncan l [_ Bank of Toronto Builgiings, `Barrio Brown, LL.B LILIAL, J.Lo\l-, Lac a '1.'K:.lIuDVV.l.\J1x.l.:J (XI ILl.l.l'JJL1.A.1.IJLaa.u, ...~...-. risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court `of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, `F (V A -I-L-an `A1nvn-rn`n1- UIUUIX, JJGILLC/o _ 4:. 4.4- As- K.C., Arthur Alexander. "<",?nui1i11,` 'onE6I%I? an&"sTaenZZ,' John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. - - Eye. Ear, Throat. mcgintthcrugsivautt '\Jq|.VJ.LIJ.A.r .LII\J-qua Solicitor, etc. Building, Barr m..'J. A. 0.. EVANS,` PHYSICIAN,` Surgeon, et\., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil-I liam street, Allandale. Telephone 269. uo aux. :.. 4.I..I.va.I114JJ. \.l.l.'.l..`..|.\.I.l`J ILLVJJ Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza- 'beth Street Methodist Church), Tele-' phone 167. ' . --\.n 275. OUR 1=AR_1y; _1>c_>L1c1E ll--.4 ..- Dr. J. ARTHUR Ros? __ ._._. - `r-uunsrsldhl Have no two-thirds clause. Give Iar%est llmlts on_Llve stock. cover Lve Stockosl FARM. ON PASTU B; and (0 and from Mar- ket and tables. `Are Issued b ABSOLUTELY RELI- l:_l(_)Ll1`TA.NlES. which Is most cnu. AND sea I A. F. 1%. MALCOMSON_ lllrnnr-A I: Mom-`.v ro LOAN D D In!-n-n ovum;-nu.-.4 -1 ..._., _ $1.00 PER. ANNUM -IN ADVANCE UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE V UNDERTAKBRS. I-II\I|sI|g} .l.l.llIJ-la, J.I&LA.IILUA.l\/ J. AJLU, etc. oBank of Toronto Barrie. Money to loan. PHYSICIANS. 'i3ARRIE NORTHERN ADVANCE ' Barrie, Ont. `Tm: ADVANCE rs provcn .0 large 6 circulaon of a ' ~ h"}'0th vT(Rv.`E. ah h; f hm p8pC`.I`1ll[h:lV0uy' -5 as o y 8.1` t 1 . reucphi tsfatte t t d e argcst subscnpuon r~ ac emonstrates :1 its patrons. It you have any ad..(,1}t";S`}}::;l:gy of place it with the paper that rcames the do not afraid to pay the price. erlo .Advm-tinementn m-p. oh...-m... | !->.t3.~tr('>'1'1's"-If; V<>'u`1`:`: a.'"Ee".`V=s me qnaht 0 ) ,d1.` t"" rcaLxfe::s]:]1,gg ` not Ilo - Advertisements are charged aC('0I`ding t o :g'g?-l2 lines nonpareil measure mu}; 'I'I)A\!1`Il|\7r|. . ....,__ 9 Ole THE REAL IMPORTANCE OF THE LIVE STOCK IN-. ' DUSTRY. -"'-"'-"--`- A;,vmuI1a1.\" `Legal Notices. _Auction males. An etc.-F`n'st insertxon 1 cents pm` 1 subse uentinsertlon5centspcr1' . Rea%m2 notices. 10 cents: n....mu`:.I suuuc ucub unmruuu 0 cents p(-.r 1i;w_ .5c per. line. Re mg notices 10 cents p~ 1- - insertion ; 5 cents iaer line for EL-1."3h; msertzon of the same matter. obitmu-v j lVl'I\.l\ll.`l)tI1 A Y "\I.`\v . .. -vv vvn llllld COXMERCIAL nxsmn AT Rates will begiven on applic;m(,,,_ CONTRACT CI1A.\'GF.F. Advertisers will please bear 1 - notice of intention to change zxtlnx-(.Tt1i S`_:`1 than. mustbe handed into the office not` luiemen Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the c.,,,\- for change mustbe in THE AD'\'.A\.\'(`1~ 0 mm` later than 12 o'clock noon on Momlav ' ' week, otherwise the advertiser's :Lx.xnr;1x'n.i.r:n3 may not be made public until t}'c \\`-ck hr em ing. W EOSYDENHRD An\!!rD'I~vr:x.-u.-.-..`. lcase bcmounced on solid metal b l.u5o CONDENSED ADVER l`ISE.\IE.\"l'.<. Coniensed a.t?v_erti8ements on first ;.;,g.3s,m as wantsof all kmds, loegt and found, open for sale or to rent, speqxc ariiclos, ..1(_._ W, must be accomnamcd mth the uush. Cuts for advrtisements nmst in cvcg-y 3.583 Limited lhianufacturers of and I)ea1r-z-3 in all 1.;n;.;` 0: Rough and Dressed Lumln-r ' Doors.Sash. Blinds. Interior Finish, E1_ {mi am PUINING mm cnk Columns, Tanks and Water Troughs` Planing, Matching. M0u1(1inL Hot Blust.I)rying Kiln. Laying and Polishing Hardwood Floors a Specialty Contracting and Buildinz: Estinmh-.~ '_'i\ .-n OFFlCE-.BAYFlELD S l`.. BARRIE. our If!`-."z.\\`lng {LICENSED Aucbbiznn FOR THE coun-rv*or`s-uMVc_o}. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales ` JOHN JENNETT TEE ADVANCE rov .1-treat circulation of an\'I:mn.F..n:. 111% E9 WI A-swouxnlxu FACTS OF V1'1'ALtL\1PoRT- ANCE T0 EVERY MAN, W()hl'AN\ ` AND CHILD IN THIS Do.\1IN1oN C'ons}ervation of natural resources is perhaps the most ofarq-reaching Work which any country has to do. The proper time to start is. when a country is young, and this Canada is doing. - [81, John & Omolcerl ADVERTISING RAE NEXT DOOR TO THE TANNEFIYI ji Druggist. VMAKES Youa sxm LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. H 1 Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two appl1ca- trons will remove the rougnnc s, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonia is not. sticky, and gloves may be worn a. few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful` after shaving. 4 1~mI:zS"IiAY, AUGUST 29 ' v . r.'." wt- BARBIE s BREWING company `Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. oum.oP s'ru-1::-r EAST BA R R I E A great movement has been start- ed to boom the live stock industry, and this is 0-ue of the greatest na- tural resources, because,` `in .addition to increasing` the value of live stock, it causes the farmers to go in more for mixed farming and in this ,way saves the land. ' Is open for all orders in CAS'1`I.\'G. ~,'. MILL REPAIRS, &c. - Tramact a General Banish!!! 1' B uaiuees. .' . . . N ates Discomzlrrl (15 redaonable rates. . . Collec- if Notes and AccoIm(.>' given gttention. - Imwd payable any/u~lm~re. f" on outside banks ca-`/W1 `E7-id` qf ea:clan_r/e. ..-- [Oashed or Collected terms. - Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary lnachi1wr_\ nmde and repaired on shontcst n0t1_'(-and moderate prices. .a - Al work done by expert1uu;]:in- ist andguarantectl rst class. T.Beecroft MON KMAN. . Vazzcaor-r,. Splendid ALE and roman The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle CRAIGHURST, ONT. .BANKERS In round gures, the `live stock of Canada. to-day is worth about $700,- 000,000. In a. c0untry.of this size. it _should` be worth $`2,000,000,000_._ and. it will probably reach that gure before the -present great movement has conlpletcd its ei io1'ts. The Fed- eral Go-vcrmnent. the Provincial Gov- ernments. the Railways, the Experi- mental fa_i1'n1s. Agricultural Societies, Fair As;~mcia.tio11s, Bree(l('1s"As.s?ociz1- tions. and -the newspapers are all w0rkin,.>; cowur<.ls one common end. rn -v ... MANUFACTURERS! TRANSIENT` 5,, v mc l`IS1.\ fnffnnn I -nnl>{.... ._ , I - (I Hour;-10 to 4 Expert Machinists ..0F. . 6:. CO. PHONE 136 Manager ,_u. .u\.\C;y bases 9, 1912` Bu 1'!` Pnbitahed tram the otce, 123 Dunlap Street, Butte. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- T Vince of Ontario. Canada; every - 'J.`luraday Morning`. by No o11e cl.isp11tes. t1 1e,_,rre:-1t value of the wheat industry in` Canada, but- no coulitry (52111 produce wheat and nothing else and preserve the fertil- ity of its soil. peoially when the straw is burned. as is new the fash- ` ion in Western Canada. Large areas of land in the United States `have been almost ruined by men who raise nothing but Wheat, return nothing to the soil and let _their land Wear out. Tens of thousands of these `very men have come into the Can- adian West and are doing` ' precisely `the same thing here as they did in the United States. ' Were` nothing done to check this process, the rail- ways with all their milllionsinvested would soon be running through ter- I-itdry unt to produce a. dece.nt,"crop.-. By insisting on mixed_farmi'ng,- `arid above all, by giving, farmers a. ch`a_n_c'a to breed` to the best animals, the_-3'laiid' ;can be saved, aid .will [be `as _.fei'tifle: -twenty years from now it* is ,,day. There` is -~pra'ctically no end; vtij} = producing, pow,er`_ of i land,.r._~provigi* _ i it_ is well cared for, sndi,-jtI_ie_'1_'s`.., a*i-ms iin- Onta.1f_i o`_ ._"8.'!iId.;'-i.`;Q1.l,8b?$} = 1B3,s,ttrh?WeAww9rkd:,s~i6 ;g.ii 1tl`f`e"ai'e"as\ * s 1512 1'noM1>sdN onaw. rusmsnnn. RA1LwAvA%`t:um ' w vv r ..a av- v-~vvUDVvIvun W ---pv 3- Duo .....?.Gr9Qvenhurst 9.85am ! xu..'1`orunto & Midland `((42 a. m- ! "ll.00 p u1..Cobalt. Special .. 5.10: In- "` Daily including Sunday. '.|.'0V '4 53.-. 1020am'- 43.... 8.50pm 7.50pm '53--A--l020am `Shawn. Oollingwood V and Meaforda A 1 Ear1NnNr_ Qun:s*r1'oN.. TERMS ow Sunscnmrxox. Tuna Goon Worm. Pentang. uriva1u' and doparhiros t I from name oro,uVto11_'ow!j:. ` _ Maintains. (loin: North. ' Going south In ` ' Vbwnin Hamilton. No. 54. ...7.!7 a n). "V 42.A...l.I5pm 56..._.5.85pm A q, no. . w.1nu.m ; No 55.. 7.45pm | PROM. 54....7.47a.m 56....5.85pm Jun No. a `Il ;a| . . , ,!?3.1.:`"to"l1ir` jwa r;:_-`rEven."`ja, ii 9 hams .6biecit. fai`e,and""iihen. _wheat_`alone f_is roan-gai ged _.Tto::1;h ` .;{g_1_i1;_,3:,.V,,(1-,i`(,,>,", Izof else. on __ the farm`, meat poultrigi butter and -` eggs,.n'1illi,' cream and ` other" food stuffs must be purchased; `, no- matter how` high the price. s ,1 v A CASI-}'.`.lN POINT. _ _ Not-long ago a`ma_Ai1..Was enjoy-Iing a beefsteak in a `hotel in W1'Il'I1`iI')eg",`n Pretty good beef you raise l out 13 here,? vhe said to the waiter. /`Tphatv ` is not Canadian beef, was the reply,_ that steak was brought in`. _ from Chicago. Even in "Montreal it "is a common sight to see beef `and mut-. ton from Kansas City hanging up int the butcher shops. Everyone knowsg 1 the cost of meat has advanced` to famine prices. If you` get a sirloin for two at less than a'dolla r now- adays, you` should keep on patron- izing the shop where` you purchased it, for you can do no better else- .where. There are hundreds of fam- ilies in Oanadian_cities who cannot purchase any excepting the cheapest kind of meat, and the same is a [fact [all over Canada. :81`!!! No. 90* , can In Buk1o&Nurth Bay *o:1'o pin 3;! 10.40 a m Toronto&Mqsk.Wh.. . . . . . . .. ,.Nonh,Bay.&.T6ronto 5.15 pm `I 1 18-30 p m..'l`4ux-onto and North Bay ,..V-. 63 2 28 p In Toromok Huntsville 2.W p m 06 8 50 p mToronto&North Bay 12.50 p m 2 l'I__--.._L.._..s Q! _ _. '11-: IN 1 1 `The export trade in live stock fallen away" to almost nothing. The `country. is not producing enough for ` I home consumption. `Think `of this, in. a country with the immense grazing opportunities of - Canada; The ~Canadian Pacic at its stock yayls, Montreal, handles less than one hundred carloads of cattle a week. Such a company, in a country of this size, should handle three thousand carloads a. week. The Chicago stock yards llau- forty to fty thousand head of cattlefevery forty-" eight hours. I A WHAT WE S11ooI.D BE,Do1N<;; ' Besides feeding her` own people, Canada should supply England with all the mea.t she requires for her 45,- 000,000 of people. Instead of this, South America is getting most of the business. The South American cattle breeder .will pay` as high as $150,000, for a first-class horse. They do things correctly in the Argentin- es, and they have left Canada stand- ing `at-footed. ' In the war articles published nowadays,'you see frequent reference to_ the absolute necessity of keeping the trade routes open in case of war. It is just as important to have substantial food, such a/sgbeef, pork and mutton, to go over these trade routes from Canada should there come a time of national stress. Englishmen are no more fond` of `bread and water than Canadians; they want meat, and wl_1ether"t.here be pea.ce or war, they should get, it under their o.wn ag. If Canada. wishes to retain` an important place in the Empire, she must see that the En1pi1'e s larder is always well lled. Germ-any, the rival now so often! spoken of. protects her land by mixed` farming and if lack of territory com- ne s her at some time to go to war, it will not be because she has not taken full advantage of her natural There are some newspapersgwhich. state. that the present war scare has 'bce11_start0d `by the gum1_m1 and the. 'shiphui1('1crs. [There is Ta. much -'.1.(-)})`I(?al1s(`, than this, Germany has sixty million-st people, and they live in` a. territory not asilarge. as Sz1sl smaller {in area than Alberta, and fty-seven` t.ho_usand squ-aVrc,, 1ni1es less in ,a1'<::1 than the |State of Texas; V resources-. V _ ` I-Iuw Anom` T1112 VVAR S('..\1u;? ` ` I 9 I Her birth rate. is high and her babies are protected by the latest scientic methods of the world s most scientific. nation.. Gorni-ally looks ahead, and itydoes not require any great gift of prophesy to forsoe conditions in that country in-fty years from now, aunlessv she gets an outlet for her surplus `population, and secures `territory in which they may live and thrivep The task di- rectly in front `of Germany is much greater and m'or_e deeply rooted than anyiproblem which `Bismarck faced. She casting about .for "colonies when the. British Empire controls about two-fths `of the inhabitable area. of the. planet. '- _', She cannot be satised with the acquisition of` a few"ma1a_.rial swamps in West Africa. She wants to get more land, where Germans ' can live, retain , their health an . produce inore Germans. V `T71 I"! I'11' s . ma_n_ himself. _-...-.- ..---. 1.-v--._-..., --_-- V .,.___-__.___. Wvllen GermanyVgoes to war it '.vs;i1l be from natural causes, and no. am-. bassadors, no Emperors, a1_1dnoPea'ce. Conferences can control these` 113,- tural causes`. They are a_.s`o1d_ as 7 -Race preservation and . not self preservation, is the gre'a'test"law of nature. Race is a Afact,`am1 race pr`e- judices are facts. It will ,probab`1y be-alwayssos. V V T If the British Empire is to re-. main -in-tact, in the face: of the ex- pansion and advancement of Ger- many, each member of that Empire must" conserve her natural resources, rst, last,. and all the time.= The task is a. greatone. `Some `men who_. think of -,the1f'.British~ Empire as ,a great combiner made up of four hun-. and fty` million`, souls, forget onev8aI.i`e'n,t_;poii1t. `This is, -thjatkiutgi; side 0f. Great Bitaini-:1'1'1i1h!1.: -that f.0n1yiiaba ut iihinrssziah E `.1, ;.~*I?i .A_ BAD>JOB. `loa\1o\/ \J\n~Ao -uv, oov uv uvvc fa. slut`, 1.11 ucu con.s_e)r`v"e. every. natura advantage aI_Id".;a.1l pullogether. . ` -Another year will llshow what ad-l `van`i3.e;,`Ca11ada has made in the live` I stock" :i x_1_dnstry, although a year -is a `shorte-timfe V in which to make any! progress in~this sort of work. ' If the- 'far-niei's_ take to raising more live `stock,-they .will be given. every en- I ~'Nat'ional Live` Stock Exchange re! coura ment by the Government and all of. er parties -concerned. The Big oently organized` in Montreal, will probably make this the great cattle marketof the Dominion. The rail"- wye tare helpinginow, and will `con- tinue to help, -and what is of equal importance to the general reader, the prie of` beefsteak will go down. r it is reported that the railways ',\vi11.som1 commence to distribute" free of (_ha1~ge.. imported v bmeding cattle. sllonp 'a,n-cl llogs, ~ following. son1ethiug' on the, plan of the Nation- revolutionizingtthe breed of light horses and rexnomms by distributing thoroug'hbred sires. Literature will be sent~broa.dcz1st, pri11te'd- in Eng- lish and I1`re11ch, so that all farmers T may learn the great; advantage of a1 Bureau of Breeding. which is` pourishing the soil by mixed farm-'_' mg. ' t tllvexgewcan no` doubt. They `must txnn-n(\t\1.cl\ A-`nan: us.-\&.'-...\1 n.J-._--L- ._- Th'ev1'espectab1e Irish of this co-11-g ;ti have protested against the: stage t`Irisl`nm'1.n, but he is milk and waten cpmpared to the ' cmwentional Runbe .-and Hayseed that we see in} prim, sa.ys ,hThe Khan. in The Toron- t`o[:St_ar. '- They 'don t exist, .aj1d what s `gmore, they never did. What they `ba.l1_ Rubes -and `H-ayseeds are the very-`salvation. of the whole. coun- 1 ` try. -'v].IheqeJitorAial rooms '_ of - the' great711e_,vvspapers, the board of. the great; insurance and banking con- f ce1jI;'s;..are- fun of meuwho camej"in ~ SCHOOL. The more one watches `the. young people relieved of choo`1 during `the 1011g.,v-'acatio11, says The Owen Sound Sun," the more: he is convinc- ed `of `its ,mistake, and the fact that a" long vacation must have been created for the teachers`, who have really. lessneed of it than the` major-' lity of others. `I AIWANTAGE OF` SUMMER I 1 I . ' I But iuiaddition to proving a safe! and` wholesome place for f the clllltlyitl. n 0rds opportunity for the students `.that`has fallen back in his stu `during the year. He is able to inake up his work and thus "keep with his classes in the reg'ular terms. The Va.- caticm. school offers. him imlividual attention and personal ; instruction. `To the`. ambitious student, the. oppm`-i runity is equally pleasing.` The work, is not hm"(l and there is enoiigjli phy-' sical exercise to b'al-ance the brain .work. "which 111z1ke.s' it.'pl easu1e in-I stead of tlr11' H-\ Vhi.s.key sell for T 25 cents per? . - . - 4 I glass up at Coc.11rane,. but the bum` -dfidge `Echo says 1t keeps four bar- ikeops hustling dispensing` `the. `fiery?! uid to the thirsty crowds. T The `little ones ihzivdly know what! to (1') with themselves half the` time, and they so overdo [themselves in the heat that the benet of the. fresh air" is diseountenanced. They} would be far better 01? in a vacation` school, which would only take part! of the time. Probably no department` of e'dueationul system does more! good in the same length of time than} the vacation, school. For `thousands: f anxious parents they` give a satis-I faeto,ry_ answer to the question.` What shall I do for my boy or g-irll to save him `from the dang`e1's- of the streets during the long; vacation? The Btfrks Falls Arrowqexpccts to} movg into` the connn-odious ..11cw quafte1'sA recently erected 'fm5 them. !this \ve-73k. Colxgrntnxlaltibns. 1' . . . H w T -f---- - ' "- '"-`,"-*7 A Joint Apouhts.may be opened in the names of Two or more people, At,heT money from which may be withdrawn by any one of them or` [the survivor ofthem. - V -V ;sA;.cNnALs BAgN; BUSlNESS TRANSACTED MONEY LOA_NED TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE 3` ;Barrie' and Allandale Branches 3- A4 81133: `NOTE AND COM.\IEN'l`; Ba11k Depgftment} RN AD.vM*CE; Every courtesy shown to our c]i_ents.. xnconponA'r:b 1355 . . `~ l Hyd~ro-electric power for farmers `between Barrie and Orillia, northern district, has been assured by Orillia s amiable attitude towards the com- mission in passing a resolution that their engineers keep in_toueh . with: present local distribution work, says` The Orillia News-Letter. In con- lversation .with Distr_ict Engineer llleacock, their reporter was informed that demonstrations of Hydro appar- latus will, in. the near future, be {open to inspection at various hydro gtowns. .Milking' machines, electric `pumps, stoves, choppers, milk separ- ators, in fact, all farm in_str11ments that havedriven the farmer boy toi lthe town and city. Not only the} {boys will be relieved but tired wo-5 IIDCII and girls standing over lieavyi lchnrns and washing machines will be ia thing of the past in this district when the \vl1itc.-coal of v the Severn River is distributed upon rural feeders. from Bu1Iock s Cornnherst and Coho.-`I conk, from the oolmessions and the` "sidelines and fyom the little why- back towns. The Judges on the Ibench, the best of them, a.nd{ the best of'the men in the` pulpits -came" from .[the' hayeld and the woods. The _moderator of the great Presbyterian Church was born and raised on a rough bush farn in Beverley T,o.wh-A lship. A I Crawsh, which, by .the way, work! backwards, were respoilsible for let- ting away the .water held: back by a dam at Alliston. ' Herein `lies a moral for the citizen .vhoe works agaiiist the improvement of the Town,` who works backwards; The [destruction that such people "do never }can correctly estimated. No. ` 1 When will the weeds and Arannki Vgrass at dif`fe'rent. parts `of the Town` be cut? Even on Dun1op- St. un- sightly patche-,3 detract from the `otherwise fine. appearance of_ the "1`o_wn. A ` l The Elnivalei Lance voices a com- lplaint which could be duplicated ihy |nearly every rm whi_c.h` receives exa- 'p'ress andifreight. It says: The pub- lication of The Lance. was delayed !t\V0 days last weelf: on account of the `failure of the G.T.R. to `deliver paper `for last wock _s issue before Friday `noon. The Grand Trunk periodical- ly becomes unable to handle freight lat the divisional points, and Allan- dale `is one of the places where `freight is allowed to` stand _aweekl or two to become S_aSOI1.ed before it is forwarded to points further north. ilt was always known that railway employees might rest in the shade of fast freight that could 11ot be leaten, but it was . thought that ex- press .'arne-\on the rst'tr-ain._- Condi-_ tions in regard toithe handling `of express have also changed as it take parcels delivered to the express. "com- ,pany' in `Hamilton at three in ` the` afternoon until.i`t.`iivelve` the next day` to ,reach[ Elmvales But `Why should we complain, exist` for they? benet of theirailwaysl o t WALL `_ SCTT S New and Artistic Dsigns in J M Mamazer .-.__. ._ __-.,_... .._--... TSTEWART - &. smw s.B'r,~ BABRIS- te'rs,. Solicitors, N otanes Public, and Con_veya_ncer`s. "Money to ' loan in any sun): at? 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Barrie. H. D. Stewart, LL.D., D. M; Stewart. _-_...._.--- l _ . V ___.____ LENNOX; COWAN 85 BROWN,_ BAR- ..:-..L..-- m-Mn-nra -Fnr nhtaininxz `Dl'O` -v-olrvuvu `gnu: u..-3.-- vo\r on-vauvg ow yuaasoo Subscribers now inarrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50per a.nnum.v _ G. A. RADENHURST, `BARR1STF.t, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c._ Oice, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. [ _Money to loan at lowest rates. puzp, yup uuurv marnage 8, W W CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- 8 ,,9_L -`___ 1-`I:_:L.._... .. Ll... Qunvnrnn """"- ""l STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High. Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces overthe Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. .H. Esten. DONALD ROSS, Li.3., BARRISTER, Qn'I:nLn- `Ln 1):.-.1; n rl`l\l\'II+f\ IV. DR. E. ROGER: WELLS. late of "Nw York Hospita1,.I1'.Y., Man- hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y. New York Skin and C-ancer Hos- pital,"Grace Hospital, Toronto. Special attention given to Dis-' easw of the Skin. . I 1 01500 and Residence, Cor. of 001-! 1 lier and Clapperton St. Phone; 0'7: n11 [Having spent! years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Uli `cal Assistant in Golden Squarellsar. Throat 8: ose Hospital, London: Royal London `Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident I I Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye Hos Ital, Blrmingham ; former Member of British phthalmological Society. OFI_~`ICE-`-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. `Phone 51. P. O. Box. 96. I l I _._--...__.__.Z.__ UNWIN, MURPHY &. ES SURVEY_OR8. _._._._.._._.__..._._ TEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. . Oice, -Medical Building, S. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. The H1111, M111't.i11 Burrill, Mi11is/ter of Ag'ric11]t11-1'0. is ha11d1i11g'1 the .work in a st-ates111a11lil ma1111e1', and al- ready has (10110 w011de1's for the 021.1150. The R-1i11vz1ys are n1aki11g' every ef- fort. to i11 the 1`111111l1er a11~di im- prove the q11a11ity of live stock. The Ca1'1z1.d'ia11 '.I 11c-iv. Railway, for ex- ample, ]121s_01'g'z1l1ized- 11 new Depart- 111p11t of A1'1imz1] '_IT11sba11d1'y. and has Sec111'ed. 1'01` S11per.i11 oe-11de11t, D1: J. (3. R11th(=1'fn1'd. who xvas Live Stock .Com1ni-ssi01101' of Ca11adz1 for over `ten years. 13010410 I The Insurance Man DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF I-1.......1.:n n..; na:.... .....,1 ......:.u........ u l M. n.. c. M. cror.) . I Late of Toronto General Hospital. I Olce of the late Dr. smith. Collier S ! Phone 61. . - 3'2-ly -j-j- .. V I ' L.R.C.P. 8: 5. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 3; 5. Glasgow V ---SURGEON-_- 1 uuvuar Iu LUHN A Wehave a large amqunt 91? money to loan atlowest current ratesmgxther xn small or in large amounts. on the sec-ur1t.v of good farm mort- T ages. McCART,H-Y. BOYS 8: MURCHISON, Eunlop Street Barrie. |DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- |e geon, etc., L.R.C.S.,- Edin., L.R.G.P., L_ondon. ()`ice and residence, Dun- ` lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. IDR. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND 1 mm - 1 'D....:J....-- -_-..--- -5 |DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON : [St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. ' Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throgt. Consultation hours, 11 | am. to 5 p.m.,- and by appointment! C'No ;1ev5v' name will be added to th Sub- Ionption List until the money is paid. $..I__-._1L____ _-____ 1,. A__.,-_____ A-__ Ll__,, ,