Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Aug 1912, p. 2

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....._...._____..._ l DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRISTER, n-1:_:4..... -4... non]: n 'I`m-nntn. `DR. TA. T. LITTLE, LATE OF! `Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John St., near corner Elizabeth. 'DL.._. 019 }l A0 U. U In DIILULILIJ A J-lb-U Solicitor, Notary Public, to. Ofce, lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. . IDR. W. ALROSS PHYSICIAN, sun- ';DR. 1_1. T. ARNALL. OFFICE DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ,\ ._Q6 Tnunnin 1114:: l\` D-nnlflvvun /`KT Brown, I; L.B. DR, E. ROGER WELLS`, late of New York Hospital,.N.Y., Man- hattan Maternity Hospital, N,Y. -New York Skin and Cancer Hos- - pita], Grace Hospital, Toronto. Special attention given to Dis- eases of the Skin. 'Oice and Residence, Cor. of Co]- in ` lier and Clapperton St. Phone L 275. 21-lyi |W- A-- LEWIS-I MO D00 cl M0 Late of_Toronto General Hospital. omcot the me Dnsmlth. comer s Phone CI. 324)` -Published iron: the oic_e, 123' Dunlax: Street. Butte. in the County of simooe. e Pro- ~ Vince of Ontario. Guyana, every Thursday Mornmz. by I Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British. Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assmtnnt in Golden Square Ear, Throat & Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for 9. term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bx-isto : and Birmingham Eye Hos61`1t,a.l, Birmingham ; former Member of British phthalmological Society. OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARRIE. hone 51. P. 0. Box. 96. * I L.R.C.P. & S. Edinburgh: M.F.P. 8L S. Glasgow ---SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 6 Throat. | . A 'won1a,Ii `who marries -for mii has to take it` out 911 her husband`. `am! ITIWIN, MURPHY "so ESTEN, 1 ! I ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. , Oice, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy 8; Esten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. , , _ ___-_.- - av---`val-dbl I. Have no two-thirds clause. ll. Give lar est limits on Live Stock. Ill. Cover we stock _ ON FARM. ON . PASTUBE. and to and from Mar- ket and Stables. ` Iv. Are Issued b|.bAB80LlJ'l`El.Y RELI- nu: M ANI . hlchl 1MPoI?19AN'r. 38 W "'" * CALL AND SEE` block, Barrie. A. E. 1-1. K.C., Arthur Alexander. `G. G. SMITH 85 00., PHONE 32. ES- tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open clay and night. Morgue and chapel in_ connection. Barrie, Ontario. ` run I 0 (`lo I The Insurance Mqn ; mung! TO LOAN Wehove a large amount at money to loan atlowest current rstemeltherin small ox-in large amounts. on the security of farm mort- gages. MoCARTHY. BOYS MURCHISON. unlon Street Barrie. '1`VA.'1Vn1 3 EDLIULV, J.)1LIl.l.yIa.L~uL';4a--v,l Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- fices over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Esten. 91.00 rrlannum IN ADVANCE _UNI'l`ED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE . ,, 4- AL_&._I_ 'UlV AIJJJ RUDD, JJ.ll..I.D., JJIL Luuuuu a. ;.a...u, ` Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto ` I Building, Barrie. Money to loan. _.__.__...j._ ,7_A_ __ _______ .___ IR. JV.~ A. C.'EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, et.., Coroner for Simcoe County- Oice and residence: Wil- liam street, Ailandale. ' Telephone 269. Uvuu KJUI, Phone 213. `JAM geo,' 3;,` "1' 1z 3c.`sT,` `Ea`i`.T,` "1Lf1i. c~".1`>'., London. Gice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. VAN: Jule Lo JLJ.UJV4&J-JJJI \IJ- 4 L\JA.l 4551; Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. |J,S- % ARNOLD Fire and Life Insurance -Real Estate Agency Money to Loan _A 'I'Iuinh_or cl toocllfarnns and Town Pro- M gal: on `easy map. V u _d.uL\/4.UJ..LoIL.l.4J.U JJ4.\l.LV, UL \J4L.lIuA4.L\14v T`t., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and [Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.n_1. to 5 p.m.-, and by appointment. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS MORE PERVERSION he C_olling'wood`Bulletin squeaks this nplaintz The Barrie Ad- , * wince delights in working it- Self into a frenqy, particularly when local option is the question in point. Last week it took a. whirl out of the Orillia Packet and incidentally in- eluded` The Bulletin because these journals urge the advance. of the cause of temperance and advocate the curbing of the destroying in- uences of the liquor traic. Were The Advance to getiinto line` with the Packet and .Bulletin_ on this question it would nd itself much more squarely in accord with public opinion. oua FARM _PQLIClES -I.I_-._ ._ A 4-__ (Successor th`e` late R. L. Barwick) :AnENHU12s'r, BARR1sT}`: 5. nmm. , -\1-1.-g.. `D.-.1-.`In Ln A. F. A. Mucousori mrnnnn `Mn 1-: . of Toronto Builgings, liar:-io MONEY TO LOAN I o Ion:-in an-..\.._d. -1 __-__. , UNDERTAKBB8. -:lv1'Y8IOIANB. SURVEYOBS. _ -"BARBIE , references to the smug respectabil.-i 7The editor of The Bulletin should `wipe off his specs. and read again` the editorial in The Advance. He "would then nd that we have said nothing whatever against Local "Option. ' What The Advance does take issue with is the mealy-mouthed ity of Collingwood and Orillia, when the records? disclose` the-_ fact that these towns `furnish the major portion of the criminal cases of the County, The Buflletin carefuilly `siclesteps this portion of` our editor- ial and points with pride to its ad- vocacy of temperance. The dear `little missionary of moral l refo-rxn is happy in the thought -that if it can by fair means `or foul, turn a `\news_ item into a. tcstirnonial for local option, it has accomplished something. The quack medicine business would welcome testimonial writers of this class, but it1is_do_ubt_- ful if the true cause of temperance` isassisted in any Way by such per-9 version of facts. mi WRTHFRE ADVANCE `xe:n.s also b 1 Va. . due in 1: e largest subscnmion _ r emonstrates t.h ito patrons. If you have any advenstmgligy of place it with the paper ghat 1-eachesthe do. not afraid to pay the pnce. pI1e . Adveiamaantrg V are gfnarged according to . ' n on him Daren measure make on G'AHI`l!I!lI- . . ,,,, ._ '1'!`-A1'BlEN'l' M, um'r1s1.\., _ Legal Notices. Auction Ld.18B, Am , etc.=-First insertion lo cents er 112:,` an uent insertion 5 cents per fine. em mg notices, 10 _cents per line {om insertion ; 5 cents per lme for each Sllbseq '3 Insertion ot the same matter. Obituarv pone be per line. elf) f`l`\Il\lD`Dl`I A1 him? A \- `notice of intention to chan e no [IVA uuvo COMMERCIAL DISLAY Rates will begiven on annlicmion. .. CONTRACT CHANGES. -A-Advertisers will please bear in mind 3, _ advertig mnstbe handed mto the 0 cc not lalgrmfa Saturday at 10 oclock. and the copy for such chnnge mustbe in THE .ADVA.\`C1<.`omce M later than 12 o'clock noon _on Monday in, week, otherwise the a.qvems_er s announcemem {nay not be made pubhc unul the week fog, ng cornnxsnn ADVERTISEMENTS. Conicnsed a.?v_ert1sements on first page 5., as wants of all kmds. lo:_;t and found. Imogen for sale or to rent: speoxc amclcs, W etc must be nccomnamed vnth the cash.` [Cuts for adveftiscments must in em, |case be'moun.cd on solid metal bases I THE BALL mmm; mm on I lniltorl -----\. `- Manufacturers of and Dealer: in all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber Doors.8ash. Blinds, Interior Finish, 5 columns, Tanks and Water Trougthcs` Planing, Matching. Mox_xldim:. r;e-s;,-mg Hot Blast Drymg Kiln. Lauln and P()allssh'gg%!l`-`lla`I!"dwo0d Floors Contracting and Building Estimates given I'IIl'| II: VII I'\ 2"` B I Ian!-9. ..-._ `,`, . . . . V . . x - o - u - u u - - n - - 5 4 u L ; A I Jul`.-`3j.'.l\[:]] ornca-Snvruznn s1'.. muznuz. om CRAIG-HURST, om. LICENSED AUCTIONEER 1 FOR `rm: coumrv or suvacoc. Most reasonable terms given on al} Stock Sales JOHN JENNETT uI.'!9_P!!! F9 WI NEXT DOOR TO THE TANNER'Y' |Sl. John & Grookerl iji Dz-uggiat. VOCATIONAL TRAIINING NA his admirable report tothe Com- mercial Club of Chicago on vo- uational education in Europe, Edwin G3.- Cooley points out- that `Prussia V oontains roughly {three million youths `between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, of whom two millions are at .work, says The Saturday Even- ing post. They go to work` for the same reasons that an t overwhelming -majority of our own- youths quit -public school at fourteen *or, under. Our. census of 1900 -shows a million! seven hundr'ed~ thousand childien under fteen employed as .brea MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- t1ons_ will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquirzs the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn a few moments after using it.. Price I5c'and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Is 0 n for all o_1-dcrs in CASTLVGS. MI REPAIRS, 8:9. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machim-r_\' made and repaired on shoxtcst nonce and moderate prices. Al work done by expert In`achin- ist and guaranteed first class BARRIE BREWING COMPANY Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST ` Transact a General Bank-my il8_i7le88. . . . . Notes Discounted 1 ` -rates. . .. . Collec- ; ._tion_ "Notes and Accounts Hm" special attention. Isaited payable an _o/where.l " " on outside banks cM7"` jryexchaizf/e. NM cashed or cozzaw` T.Beecroft vu----vu .-v.. v_._`.__ ners;-, a child vi; "the `United- States who leaves public school gets ` no further educational aid"from the state, though usually be is then `in the most formative period of ._his- ,life. Prussia manages it dierenglyg and about three-fths of her vwork-1 boys under eighteen .yearsA.~};of 1` 68 attend V continuation}? *sVch.oo1s. ; MONKMAIfJL,_. splendid ALE and roman " The Best and Brightest In Cask _and Bottle 'r,a::cnor'r,A L 03-mostfavorable terms. MANUFACTURERS.` BANKERS .0F.. Expert Machinists 1-noukrsox onzw. 1=u31.1snnn. j0_;e Hours--10 to 4 'Llmite d -P-H(O`N'E* 136 6:. CO. ear am advertisement; later mg; to )VA_NCE om'ol"3..*3 Manager Barrie. ~ 33:: in D In ` By arrangement with employers yorking youths attentl schools a. few hours each week-riot pt night, VNwhe_n.- they are tired from". .9. d5a y?s_` T work in the shop, 'but in" the day- iime. V At Munich, for Lexa_mple,th4e. y ,_I}Lttend one whole dd! 0!] two hilt? *3Iv94a Week y%vThex%%v9catibn-`% ` ' `DOUG [I uuwvsrvvuuov w.c\_pw-u- v - '~,,Das1y includinz sumlaiy; U 1' y uasvavu--vguuvvauu -rug ........Gravenhurst ($0 3) m..'l'ox-unto & Midland 7.12 a m_ ".11.I_I p mucobalt. Special `$.10: 11; u I\. In 9,- _I___I! ,_ _, B___.I_`-- 58..'..l0I0a m '35.... ?.50p m CU-IV C III Lvavlnvvlwua .. . . ..No'nh my &. "i`:r't:'x;t.:I"i'.'1'I'i)'V!-1'1 188I`p m..'l`ox-omo ans! North Bay _ . I II p m Torontoszuntsvme SM n In I 50 p mToronto&.N orth Bay 18.80 p In` flnnnvnnlnnu-sf `I - A In ' us a 11`: Bu`alo&Nort h'l:.yN 'O.lI p m"7'3' Ill T0rOt0&MuBkoWh-.Quuoru `O nw-'_n_ 15... n. vlI-_-..a- 1 cl ...... no` Oo11i.n_gwood and % mouoxa. _. No.` . `IMO a. m `S "'""l8.... 8.80pm Tmms ow Bvnscmm~xoN.- Ponetanz. 54`.-...7.47.a m _66.....)5pm LIIIII No. 11 F1` Z? -I 315 _ experienoes.T `Munich . A'm aix'1`tain,s: I taugh hop wank-Fa to'link_i'the school ivith `the; y_uth?. actual A d.i1y_' breqdwlnnipsiai ftytwo oontiiiuatidn. " schools, and 1 the yearly cost to the `city is _only ` sixteen dollars a -pupil. ` A. 1| :-rivals and de'p`rturos~ A it - "tron Barrio are an t6llQI'v_|:_ `V Naturally. ; employers o obieted V surrendering `half at; ` day of the youth s tithe"-twice - ~a- we`ek_--I-the-ti~. would disorganize" the" shop and inv- terfere` with the production of _tubs';' but from a national point of View producing good ,,tubs is -less import- ant than producing good citizens. The arrangement now viorks satis-9 factorily all over Germany. An educational scheme like our own, which stops short `at the thres- hold of . indu.stry-when an V over-' whelming majority of youths enter industry before they are eighteen- is obviously a good deal of a failure. { 01-mi; "Packet, "xiohed- for` its fairness in discussion, has transgressed considerably from the truth in a reply to an` editorial ooIpment' in'T-he `Advance. We cannot charge our contemporary with wi1- ful misrepresentatidn, but prefer to_ charge the misstatements_ to poor sight-reading, as our musical friends say. A ' The Packet says: In generalising the Advance keeps on comparatively f safe ground; but when it conde- scends to particulars it shows the baselessness of its own case. ,`Two or three murders in Orillia within the past two or three years means, when examined, one murder near Orillia (that of an infant) and another mur- der miles from the town, with which no Orillian had. any connection. The case of rape mentioned by the Advance isentirely imaginary, and other cases. are not specied . How-A ever, the Packet is not instituting any comparison between the respec-' tive morality of the two towns. Bar~ rie,. no `doubt, has reason to be proud of a relatively clean-living` commun- ity and a well ordered town, except for such disorder as is the natural concomitant of the licensed traffic in strong drink; But Orilliavhasmuch reason to complain V of the evil in- uence of Bjarrie s open bar, .whip.h -extends more or less, every day in the week to this town. _ I 'Wil1 The Packet endeavor-_to make- the people of Orillia and Barrie be- lieve that the principals of the Me- Nulty-Dolan murder` were not Ori1- lians? -Surely not in the face of the evidence, produced: at the trial,` which. disclosed the most bestial conduct in an Orillia stable! Sheridan made his home in Orillia most of3the time according tq._, evidence, and many of i the guestsi':atVthe fatal. party were Orillians. The ogging at the County jail of two Orillia boys was another instance in which The Packet re4p-u`- dia-,tes Ori11ia s sons and-A-daughters. Other cases might be mentioned, but .why uncover -the details. V of crime which are becoming forgotten? The Packet sheds Hcfoeodille bears l over a rwanderring hobo, who nearly bit a man s ear off on the Sir. Islay, ; and charges Barrie whiskey "with the crime. Surely The Packet is not so V unsophisticated as to think this class of criminal would not act same in any other place whether in liquor or not. ` V 1 ,Then The _' Packet, `by one fell swoop, .wou:ld annihilate The ` Ad- vance. It brazenly. omisquotes as follows: . - ` . The statement" of the Advance that `there is said tohe as much liquor SOLD IN QRILLIA under Local Option as .in any town in On- tario under license is sheer rt`)-bbisuh, I which no upholder of the traic here . would dare publicly to endorse. Local Option has been axbleseing to Oril- lia, and has practically abolished the sale of strong If the editor ' `of The` 'A.'dvanoe_o3J1d come to Oril- lia and. spend a week investigating conditions here for himself, he wpuld not afterwards. lend "an open ear. to the . .wi1d?'_ta`les about _1i_qnor. drinking` in Orillia circtilated :by peoi>1e-who i fither know nothing: ,about the. f_1nb.t-V7 W 01? 5 1'kl#$13t11**?1i??11f111s l t.n T116 , ftdyankge never saidV was .- as'muh ,1iquor SOLD. -in_ V p1Ha,. as uaunua vassgwtvn yvqaw. no g xv-------y butdid: State that .thefe`'is amble evi- dence _ that there ` is as` much cotn-1 teamed. thepe as-"in a.nVy`vTow1i underti . licensei I "We do not in` any way attempt. discourage the enfovroe-ment~. of fldj_ca1; . pptiton iii Or`il1ia,.but, for the Lsake_"o' _ ffai-rnieaa,,._ _AIet , The Packet ` " stick - _>} aet.:and`%forgejx `this tendetiyf '- = = A :;- :. MISREPRESENTATION. ness"(.?) in comparison to Bar- ire s wickedness, when `the records go to show that the citizens` of Bar- rie are` far .less inclined to acts of crime than the citizens of Orillia are. 001. the Hon. Sam." Hughes stock has dropneda few points since that Vancouver speech. ' ' The Bux-k s Fans Arrow speaks of The Advance as. one of the model Weeklies -of the province. Thanks l The Victbria Harbor Era speaks` of a funefal being wonderful andl up-to-date. Enough to make the living envious. . , q Collingwood will endeavor to or- ga'nizeT an amateur bagpipe. band. What have the citizens done to merit such punishment. _Li-ppinoott s , ,wats -an aswer to this riddle: Red is a color, and black: is not; yet the negro is said" to be` ,colored, -and not" the Indian. ` ~ I `over their domestic -water supply. _Co11ing-,wood- again is in troublei I Their liquor supply `continues to` prove a source of -trouble, also. . | Didn t Hicks predict :1 dry, hot` summer? asks The Orillia Packet.` Apparently, the -St. Louis weatherl prophet is not more successful in his predictions than some of the` goose! bone prognosticators whom he despis-I The Messenger says vCol1ing'wood s much-heralded afternoon Council meetings. are delayed because mem- bers do not attend punctu-ally. Busi- ness men A cannot aord to neglect their work to attend to the Town s business-. ' . Orillia merchants are exceedingly] Ii-beral advertise:-s`, some credit them with 'being"the best in any. Ontario town. That aocounts for the pro- gress and prosperity of our East Simcoe neighbor, says The Coiling-I wood Bulletin, whereas, for the` past two years The Bulletin has been at- tributing Oh-il-li-a s success to local `option. ` ~ T How easy it is to" write a news item in a most confusing manner. Witness the following` slip from an; exchange: The running down of` the robbers of the Bank of Montreal at New Westminster, B.C.,_ nearly a year ago, `in Toronto, was _a clever. An analysis of the water from. the wells at Zouara, in Tripoli, shows| that it is s.warm.ing with -typhus germs." Official despatches received in Rome report that an investigation has btrmght to light evidence prov- ing that the Turks, before abandon- ing the town to the Italians, delib- eratly `contaminated the principal wel-ls with these deadly microbes, The Orillia Packet speaks in terms of praise of the class of immigrants brought to Orilli-a by the Salvation " Army. The Army is doing a noble work among a` eclassv of, people that . the churches seemed unable or un- willing to reach, and perhaps there is no Town in Canada where their activities are more pronounced or more productive of results than in Orillia. The S. A. band is a credit to our northern neighbor and 3,. p0W- . er for good. A GENERAL X Bi_A_NKlNG= BUSINFS s TRANSA_lID, VMONEY LOANED TO %RESPONSlB%LE PEOPLE ,utNo Xe}; 'n;m$'v'vii1T.:e{;qdaea to the sub, Ionptiou List until the money 19 paid. . - n3-L-..-lI____ ..-._ 1..--......-us Inn $1-`nan nnnnfhn J oinb Accounts may be opened in the names of _'1`v_vo orpmore people, ' themoney from which may be withdrawn by any one of them or the" survivor of them._' ' . Barrie and Allandale Branches NOCFE AND` COMMENT Savings. B`.`1`-DP?E*`e?*:4 Every courtesy shown` to our clients. ` INCOR`PORA l`l`. l )' toss piece of work on-` the; part` of Detec- tive Tipton and his assistants. The robbers were not run down at_1_\Tew Westminster nearly. a year ago, but the robbery was committed then, and one of the supposed robbers was cap- tured in Toronto last week. However anyone who had read thevparticulars would know what the editor meant,. and so is` the spread of knowledge continued. ` . | In recounting the woes of Lind-l say The Midland Argus complains` that they have `troubles enough of` their own, and cites the following: Here in Midland we have -a purse lsnatcher that has been creating a sensation in different parts of the town, principally on_ the side streets | for some days back, and only a. few gnights ago a lady was attacked and | hadei-her clothing badly torn by some ruian who grabbed her While` on her way home. Some protection will have to be provided on the side` streets of this town before very. long as well as on the main thoroughfar- es, `Such ruianly conduct is un- known in Barrie, for which we all` | feel thankful. : I ' - - SOME RULES FOR THE_ LEAP YEAR GIRL l Don t look before you leap! It s a long leap year that has no lmatrimonial turning. T ' 1 I Ivfljllvlllll IJJDV uuwa vuv aaaillqvg av ywouu subscribers now innrrears for three months and over will be charged 81.50per unnum. Girls .who live in glass houses `should invest in a screen or two. Half a man is better than no man. ` While there is .1912 there is hope! |-Satire. Thrashizig commenced on Friday,! J u1yo23rd at the County Jail. A fair } crop of wild oats was reported, `Down -at Kingston 9. local preach- er has been ned? $1.00. for selling liquor. Dispensing Christian forti- tude in liquid form, as it Were. An excitable young lady went into a drug store and asked for .a. sponge bath. She only wanted I a. bath sponge,` but the clerk nearly faint- -J 7 - Barrie whiskey has much _to answer for, says the Oril1ia- Pac- ket. But not so much as Orillia citizens pure cussedness, as is plain- ly. in evidence. : An American newspaper has a 'touch of Irish Wit. It advises its readers to vote for Taft, to pray for Roosevelt and to bet on Wilson. That s equivalent to betting against `yourself. - A The island of Elba, -once the brief home of the late Napoleon Bona- parte, is to be auctioned off. Here s a chance for "some enterprising real estate agent. Possibly" the` spook `of the great commander may be _thrown.in. ' `. I The you first, Alfonse Vattitude of the Town Council and; the Parks Commission over repairing the roof of the cottage i11`St. Vinoeht s Park, will not materially aid in keeping the rain off the aged inmates . I The wonderful West owing with milk and honey, Yankee oratovs and subdivision sharks, is not'.so inde- , pendent of the East as it was` at. the "time of the Saskatchewan elections. F They are _no_W, asking fty thousand able-bodized Eastetrners to come out .and harvest their props for them, PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS 59013 BOOKS RE New and Artistic Designs in ` . % ALL PAPER .... ag_.._ --v--- Majmcer ' 33--_._ V ~ on-...*..- -... as rem ujrr, *BAmi1s tors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and :.Cohveyaneere. "Money to `loan in may some at 5' percent. Oice, 13 ,0wen St.,e Barrie. H. D. Stewart, LL.D.,-.D.' .M. Stewart. -1- I I LENNOX, COWAN &fBROWN, BAR- risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, "and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, 'etc. Offices, - Hinds block, No. 6, Dunlop street,` Barrie. Money to loan at 41/4, and 5 per cent. Branch oces at Cree- morc and Alliston.` Haughton Len- aux, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. TTB _____;_______.__.__..__________...._ CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- risters, Solicitors ' of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan.- Ofce, Ross ` t_>_lok, A. E. H. Creswicke, STRATHY J5 ESTEN, BARRISTERS,l n.i_-_:L___ :_ u':...1. n.mp+ hf _TntiM-._l Wtcgurthcrugdvauccl

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