Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1912, p. 8

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ou,.ooo o_oo_o6uooo: Ikw _ ---~,-r xterials are` Morec_=n,VWoo1 Moreen, Spun xstre arid dftgh. 'QSere;;re many colors, in- 5, Old Rosi5.W_Zaidinal, Wfiite and Black. we Samples, the Manufacturers Agent pays the GIVE max AjLocKr -"- -~ -I-v-`;-on-3U.*vu, gauutuucr LU wtxu `01 8 change` will pl-ov more than acceptable. Sl"e' the gift here if you would have a choice of the lat- est and-most approved designs and a 'Bu_1~ety_of reliability that makes the gift of pefmanent value, though that h`5\i:1'e_tylSi not charged ,for in the :p;19~," F . I if 37011 I W;1i1 J 9 ' mightily. I EVGD if 3mm;bn, -ffiiher to wear 9 {III (I ..';_-.__:L --_ -_._ L`. __ Reevie % undersmns $1.25 up to $5.00 r:/\r`LI A DADfAI1\w `_v;.=.a`r each `year there is a ecome better known and our vv-:-- av-rv -- -v-_-v. --Good, Clean Dry ' H-ardwood at Scott's. Prices on application. 33-34 Dr. J . E. Bennett, V.S., `of Bar- rie, has -been appointed` Inspector of Abbatoirs for the _city of Toronto and left on Monday to report to the authoxities. - -57. C11` A BA1'2.cA`1& Black Duchesse our best silk in the wide widths for Dresses, 40 inches, the nish is perfect and the dye the very best. It is a splendid wearing cloth and is guaran- teed by the maker. It is quoted regu iy at 2.oo,we sell itat 1.75. Our Special In- troduction Sale JEWELRY sronn. ' 3'` QB TB AUGUST 15,191 where they could obtain 1, scene}%y, or lnterestmg Vi L V, Clean Dry Uar1w.,.).1 at Scott s. Prices on app1i<:atirn. 3:)-I34 1'0` Olly U1. auguau, . .u1.;a, -D ` _ a~uu._ av _' there for inspection, and "I_ `,.~-wifhereby call? upon 4 all take V ` 2 _ ,- enmrs ' or ,omissions hoard- .`~-?-imahediate `proceeding; , pe apy. 23; $1.60 Ala Grace Corsets utif -0pe11 for the. season. Little] Lake Summer Resort. B-oats ` for hire. Board by day or .week and lunches .and.soft drinks at all hours. Miss Larwrence. ` 20-tf. -Heard-. the other day` of Misses Peb. Bals with patent tips, selling at 990. _a pair. Oh, My, where is it? Carey s Cut-Rate %-Shoe Store. - Of course, this. shoe is a reeg'u1a r' $1.35 shoe. V 2 v`i\i11=c11 of the Vyheat which has been i cut and got .wet has started to` sprout and some farmers will suetr` considerable loss. It is reported that seventy-ve per cent. of the crop has "been g*ar11e.1`ed'.ai1d safely housed. The Union Services for next Sun- day, Aug. 18th will be 'cond_=ucted by Rev. Andretw Smith. Morning at 11 o clock' in V the Congregational Church, evening at 7 o clock in the Bapt-ist Church. A hearty welcome awaits -all visitors. At a special council meeitng held last 'l`hursday evening a -by-1a.W Was passed` to have only the curbing along Bradford St. chafged against the prop'e.rty owners. The cost will not exceed 21` cents per running foot of frontage, acc:or(1ing to Reeve Ben-. nett. --Miss A-nthes, Toronto, has` been engaged as principal of the steno- graplnc .depa.rtrnent of Barrie Busi- ness College. She is an experienced A teacher -and3 comes highly recom- mended. In addition to her exten-` sive ofree experience, she has been principal `of the stenographic depart- ments in Midland` Business College and Central. Business College, To- ronto. She also taught three years in the public schools of Toronto. bowlers to the Dominion Bowling Tournament in Toronto on Tuesday. They defeated High P-ark . in the rst round by 15 to 10. In the sec- ond round. on Monday afternoon, they played Woodstock, `but were de- 'feated by 24 to 16. On Tuesday they lost to Harriston. by 18 to"16, and to Mr. W. A.. Boys took- a rink of Buffalo by 13 `to 4. They report. an `excellent time. There were 138 l rinks. or over half a thousand bowl-ll ors competing` at the tournament. ` --For that new .T-runk or -Grip you need , don t fail to see the. firm that never fails to save youjmoney in that line.` For high-gra-do goods at _outV-rate pries, Carey s Cut-Rate Shoe Store cannot be surpassed. ` Miss Aggie McKnight and Miss` Emma Pratt," two young ladies froml Barrie who were travelling to Brad'- ford on the -Monday morning train were severely injured by jumping while. the train was in. motion. The train had stopped and the coach in which they were was some distance from the platform, and as they went 1.. ..-4. ..1.r .. ...-.. -..A.L_ ......--...`l .L..1.'I A I Vullll V35`; 'V\IlCl.-ll-l\IL `II, (`$54.15 K55` UIl\.lJ \4I` U to get off a man onthe ground `told them. the train would move up.` `They waited until T the train was in mo _tion and when they found that. it V VOTERS ILIST; 1912 V NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the . persons mentioned in Sections 8 and ` 9 of the Ontario Voters Lists Act, the copies required by said sections to be so" transmitted or delivered of the list made pursnant-._to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the` said Municipality to be entitled to -vote in. the said Municipality ~ at elections `for members of the Legelative eembly and at Municipal, eEIeetions,= and that the saidlist `at. pup fat my oce at 4yThor_nt_0fn* .o1_l`~ -.tar:c1a "day, s of` Augi_1st;_.._:.`_;1913 ..._;.:_-in."-..e n.....~ I. ar.:.;- i :.......u 7."."l'-1 TOWNSHIP o1=lNNlSFll.} MUNICIPALITY OF THE -courrrv or since: was going (right 7 thro{1g'1_i; _;5luipd.' `I2..- .'Il'-f/'...3..'L L-) .. mnnuavn nannn `LOBIIII gnocvuvgo _.V--q.- - iiis7l`;;ight had-`al`na1row~ I She gi1ig}.1_txd on" heri '.f11e&d` "_`gi1ii{e`4`v( e`l <:>s;e:.-% o:r't1_z ggji1,:f.wt_xi1e' Pt4ij,tt"p&'ain`f ed"hx* hkle. '~`Th_efv`wr carfi6d~ ,9; ~ t11a%*es;m2.n, -`sin-d arfbeing dated [for by Bradford friendsiuntil they, I___ __..11 .....,.....L'L- I... '....`.u+AA Lama James Peattie of the. Stuhetji Sun was accidentally shot [while shing on Thursday, August 151;, On the Nottawasaga. `River. The bullet lodg-` ,1 3-- L_'.. -L...-1.J.... .....J .`.....n.-..J n .LVUV|KlVVccwgaa -I-ULV(_6~lv .Luw ,I.Iu.4n.\.u qua ed in his shbuldet and caused 0. painful injury. It is . believed to have been nedyby a young lad who 1_'____ 3-- QA...-........ ` IJGIVV Vvvbls snow`; .1`, lives in Stayner. \~ % .-Try scows kiln d:~ie1`.vvoo`c1-`".Forj r summer. ` . `33-34,` While working for a lumber rm in the woods on the north shore of the*Geor.g'ian Bay, Mr. C. H. Bush, of Angus; was seriously injured by falling timber. He is `now in the `General Hospital a't- Sudbury; ,with _brole n ribs- and otherwise bad- AA. ,,_A. -__... _____._ A... I ULIIEW`. IJJ\ll_\`\/ls Janus) u;u\. vvoawu vvguu wvuuu ` ly injured." At first, fears were en- tertained for his recovery,` but he has since improved. . ' MAY NOT HAVE BEEN AN-i " ' THRAX.. ' Provincial ,Veterinary ~ Inspector| Stork was in Stayner on Thursday last, says The Sun, by request of Dr. Fleming, in the matter of asuspe-cted case of anthrax at Mr. 'R. J ohnston s `farm. `Dr. Stork inspected the prem- ises, but o_.wing, to "the fact that the cow was burnt by `Dr. F1eming s or- ders, . there` was nothing to go by ex? cept symptoms. Mr. Johnston states that the symptoms were also ~ like other diseases so it is quite possible that anthrax was not present, and the Inspector was not'convinced that` it_was the dread. disease. l i It is noton every trio` W that the I [passengers are `treated to a steamboat- race, but on Monda.y -afternoon. the cxcursionists on the Islay, .which was returning_ ' from J a;ckson s Point, and the Otonabee which was on her regular tripi to" Big" Bay Point, had aniopportunity to judge of `the relative speed of these. two rival steamers. The Islay just rounded the Point -as th-e Qtonalbee pulled away from the dock, and with thestokers of -both boats piling in the fuel, the race was keenly and evenly contested for the. nine mile stretch up the bay. ' The Otonabee maintained a `lead. all the .way, but passengers on the Islay say that Capt. Mclnnis "boat gained a few . yards on the trip. However, _ there .Wasn t very much advantage gained by either boat, and the passengers, f as a whole; pronounce the race a tie. It is said `these boats havebeen an- xious to try conclusions for some j time and-' the opportunity came rath- . er unexpectedly for both of them. Ofcials of both boats claim they : could make better time had they been prepared for the race. The of `;i3,rewster s Millions. at the GranduOpe'ra House on Friday evening, August 23rd, 'is an event of more than passing -in-_ terest, as it marks` `the introduction into the strictlydramatic eld, of Frederic Thompson, the creator and builder of, New Y-o-rk s great Hippo-1 dromovwith its Wonderful produc- tions, and Luna Park, the stupen- dous and magnicent Hresort. Von lConey Island. The fame of Frederic Thompson has resounded from sea `to sea because of what he had done` and it has all been so well done. that it stands as a monument to his clev-, er`ness and ability-.' ' 1 .0 -.I II \........'~ 550-; nu-v_--- In selecting a dramatization of McCutcb.eon s` fascinating story, Brewster s Millions, with which to enter the dramatic world, Mr. {Thompson has found a vehicle .wor- thy his endeavors and one which ,will sustain. his reputation. Those .who have read the book can appreciate it as a great play. So odd, so entirely different in_ theme and treatment from -any other work of fiction, and yet so possible, so .plausible_, so cumulative and so intensely interest- ing.` Brewstefs . Millions . marks -a `distinct triumph _ in late dramatic achievements. 'Scenical~ly and mech- ` anically it is a, Frederic Thompson `prod-u ction., No more need be said. That means it is theibest that can be made, to which m.ust be added the . additional` avor of his remarkable ability -as a producer. ,The cast .is an excellent one. The star `part- that of Montgomery Brewster- -is played by _.Clyd'e Bates, one. . of the very best of the younger generation of American ac.t_0rs, well and favor- ably throughout the country. The supporting company`. includes] Catherine Cosgriif. , Sanford `Richard Morgan, `Den Wilkes. f Mar- ,. _,,!A., 51-.-:_:.i. -;._1 .s.......'.a...T.'-.4.1..'.-...... ~ - FI_1fTE oPE_N11_\IG A'ljTI_\CTION. Luuuuru Auurguu, JJC-It vv uuyu, Lu: gueritc `Slavin and .tw<;n_ty %o1_;1_1g3rs,_ to give entire satisfaction to all_ rheumatic suerers. ;who `use it. Rheumo is so good we have receiggd hundredq pf testimonials from prom-` inent people throughout" Canada. United` States. -Rheumo every particle of _1iri_c acici poisons V 1-omv `the blood `enriching it ; curing B;i .t-"al1av v1'tlse disease .'W:` W1" ` . 1'. t INJURED IN _.THE Wsoons 4 The. Town Council will not, meet ggain gntil the 2nd of September. V` v` L C\JGb\I UJ AJLauu-nu, > _a us well. enough .120 be. 'oved. home on Iran. voow I SHO? WI\ILE EISHI-NG. ws cumma Anulaumo STEAMBOM` RACE. Ai:EA VvRMED-EowIT ._._]__~I9; 1 1.8, Essa. Duties 1 Rev` Ammlv tn. (2. D. IR)` \II LII H 9* . . . . : M0]?0Dl1d;, Ivy. 5 , ,31-334 `QUALIFIED TEACHER as Pm-1 .-2..-`! `.l.`.... 1\`.\`n#.-.n Qrdvuxnl Qcovwr |WANTED IMMEDIATELY -. A seamstress to A do plain sewing. Apply to Mrs. A. E. H. C'reSW'icke, 7 Bayeldx Street; * 33-33 > ' FARM` FOR SALE. -% The west half of lot 13 in the 3rd concession of _ Oro, containing 100 acres, with brick dwelling bhouse`, one frame, barn 40- by 70 feet`, with posts 24 feet high andghip roof, one frame sta'b1e~~25 by 50, 14 feet high, and" othp out buildings. Good supply of Water, 15 acres of timber. First- class soil andrgood fences. For sale cheap ., and on easy terms. Apply! 9 James J. Hayes, Buckingham, `)0 00 i V--Th_a.t desirable farm, the south east quarter of` lot 11` ` and the east half of lot 12, concession 4,` Veep-ra, i containing 137 acres (more or less). ' iS0 acres good workable land, balzmoe pasture land and bush. Will sell with or without crop. Good bank barn with stone foundat.ion,_ good driving shed, . .fra.me house, and two wells, 11/2 -a,-(res of i orchard. Apply to A. W. Orrock, Midhurs-t P.O. T ` A ' 25-37 1 __-v --_ -.-.._.T..,__ . `!;OO;;OOOOOOO';;;OOOQO;50% Barrie -Property Increasing in Value `Why Not Take Advantage by Buy- 1 v v ` . ing NOW % FOR SALE--Neat brick house ana 1_ot.on `Sophia St., water, light and sewer, Price $1,700 on easy terms. Possession at once. A I\Y"\1l'Y' 1*\11rr1 A I`n'1`T"I"1`I'\ r1r\1"1'1'\ 'l1`I'\`r(`|1`f L V0w\A2uLU&L lav \l& u- SEMI-DErrA0I_Ef)'`QLI1`)` BRICK `l'?f\"'Vf\"'I U V1. KJ\tIv\.IaLa.:u\.ac Bf{iE"K:`oUsE :A1gD L_O'I_`--cor- qll-l,lJ_\l\lo .LJDl0J vua-`.300 ' lB13`I_cK IIIOIESE`: ON 'VICTOrI"{`I;X ner of Perry and'Ecc1es St., over- looking Agriculture Park. This is j a. very fine property. Price $1,500, small, cash payment. Now vacant. BI1{`ICI`{n .H(2USET AN]3_ on uvn ` .lU1' lP.lvJUUu .uaa.y ucxuxo. !Two STOREY FRAME `COT-. r`l1Af`I'I`i {U QJJL4: J..I..'a.LJ .L .I.'lLIn\JJ-J-a...lJ-V an .. . ..... cipat ffor _Dal'ston School. Salary $550` tb `$600 according to length of expggienoe. W. A. Osborne, Sec y,. _.. . ..`-.-_---.-..d_-..-_..__-_..---....._--..-.-.. . Z_Barr1e. 30:33 \1'U VV Ll: FRAME HOUSE AND LOT .011 `Charles .St., with stable. Prbp- erty of Mr. Wilson. Sale price $1600. Easy terms. X 1-1r\`r| nA'r'r\ A11 mn `I11'.1\T'l" 1,4 I lP.LUUUo .l.Ju,a.y uxuuso. . FOR SALE OR TO RENT, 14-j roomed house on Collier `St. Would make magnicent boarding house. All latest improvements. Sale price $2500.` Rent $16 per month. I have properties for sale or_ to rent in all parts of the" Town. Ofcel one door `north `of the Bank of_,Tp- rontop Open evenings. . `J ` W; c. THOMPSON, . Box 462 ` - Phone GASOLINE LAUNCH mom FLORIDA AND BACK AGA Unique Trip of American Tourists--Went up Great ' Lakes and Via Chicago l Drainage Canal to I M Missiasippi Theypalatial yacht, the Doozy 4 has been -,a visitor to our town for x a `few days and brought on bo ai'd i one of. the has! been `American basetl)>l-l stars, George Teabeau, who, we - ieve, was, at one time a prom- inent star in the large National lea- gue,.says The Owen Sound? Sun. He `1-ayedh for a period w1iltliI`].;;s;ton,Tb} ore t at starring wit o o. e ya1cht1 ,p}rty ogvekhavlsailied a] t e way rom atat a, ori a, up the Atlantic coast, down the __St. lI.z11{wreno, thrlciugh thse czriivals `and ' a es an na y, on, atu ay mom- ing, landed in Owen Sound. The extra long trip for the boat covered I `a very .g)letUi.`sant 5:316 for the paesegi -gers an ew e voyage prov .uneveiitfu1._ The beautiful yacht is piopelledi by_~gfasoline1,1` `and isA of ca size .91".3|10 e tel v .tstay here they left fo1'f`Meaford,_ ~Col1in'gyvoodt antl ._a`roiundv the entire . upper .1akes terminating leiri: 7,19k_ ` WP ~ H ~P -`1 3' . e ;3*b:1!I=xss:as1pr>1t ~ #0 NPW =0! to >` the:r~t.p1_aoe _. . T H , n-.-z 1V3W AnvER'r;sniMEN~ I"`.`l I/\Ol `AI ` . At the end of Ma-rc11__ the party left Patatka, in" Florida..." They sailed around Cape Sable, between Cuba % and;.the State, then. North up the- . calling at all ports. At Nor- they spent` about a week vigwing` ', a1l'.~$he`_ol i Jiistori places` a'I1d""v'{iV?s it-` Qiilg. .-"They -then to _ -4 " 33 oft; `-4 .. HOUSE on Mary St., all conven- iences. This is a very ne house and will be sold for $1800. Va- c_ant rst of `September. ` H n-rrnrr Trnrron A1\T`l\ Tnm ,..... Bradford St. In calling district of Grand Trunk. Latest heating,l lighting and p1un1'bing._ Price $2,500. Easy tmnls. ' |1`IT(\`l'7' TT(\`l'YC1T.` t'\`KT TTTf`1"I`I\13T A St., .water, light and furh cc. This is a new .house and will be -sold for $1500." Easy terms. ' l11rr\ nmrvnnxr -1.11) A `urn nt`\VI` | VV \I .J.l.LI.LIaJ.A .A.. J. LIIALAILLJ \.1\z4. TAGE, corner of Francis and Henry; beautlful lawns and gar- _1-_, -1.1-.. ..-1- .9-.. anrznn as-unn I Band. Concert in Queen s I"arls: `to-E night, and at Allandale Gore` on Monday night, weather: permitting. -Ll\-Ill.) 9 -U\.'u L|Ul.|. ul. Lu vv Arc) L|A;\`, aw- `qen. `For sale for $1500. 1'-`ARM FOR SALE 1\i`<)1z'rHERN ADVANCE -2- `1'>`1'a.}ie 233` GAIN! aqua. 33-`38 | the party gained New York,.1anding ' `there on May 2nd. Here they re- maincd until the `twenty-`fth, of June. From thence. they proceeded ' to the St. Lawrence, covering all the principal harbors and points of interest. Boston, Portland, St. John, V Halifax, then gained their way down the river to Quebec. After leaving Quebec the next stopping point of importance was Montreal. -Here they landed on July 1st, and although be-,. ing American bred. and born Vpartook of the festivities on the Canadian National holiday. They sought the St. Lawrence again and down to `Kingston, stopping oil at all .the summer resorts: on the .way., 'They then proceeded through Lake Ontario and then down the Welland Canal to Lake Erie, then up Lake Huron and [round to -Owen Sound. They have 1 now departed for the upper part of ' the Lake and the north channel and from thence they will circle Lake Superior and out through the Soo _ and down Lake Michigam to Chica- ` go. Then comes the novel _ part of the trip. the yacht is transported from the lake to the Mississinoi through the Chicago _Dra.inage Ca- nal. Down the Mississimsi they will sail calling at all the principaulcities l and issuing into the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans. They .will then `pro- [ ceed to Patatka.. 3 ._- .: I The trip is one of -a very peculiari `character. It -probably has never: been precede/nted. They encircle the; eas-tem half of United States. The boat is captained by C.` T. Howard and is -owned by Isaac Elwood. It was built in Racine, '_ Wisconsin, a few years ago. In ch-a-ractery _ the` boat is of a very staunch. build"; It is eighty feet long with a thirteen foot beam. The main deck is tted up with parlors, lounge "rooms, state- rooms and in the centre is _the en.- -gine department. - The fu1'nishings_ are in the finest woods and the wares inside are stately. -The hurricane deck is covered` over with a canopy and is tted with` lounges and easy _ch-airs.` The. boat `is propelled ~ by ;e ?PORTl!NITY % Mr. N. Grose is goingback ouhis farm at Lefroy this fall. His bro- ther has had t e farm rented -for - several; years. a This opportunity .to save ori' greater rush? for` these` ne Skir customers are quick to take adx lull ljL\\pa .5. may __ - . You do not have to go to the c'ity to b1:yv-Silks. The reason is obvious - lower rent to pay, lower tax: items then come and see. ' RELIABILI FY IS ( Black Paillette which is given many names; "is a good wearing Silk for dresses and blouses. It is soft with a Satin de Chcne nish; is 40 inches wide; regulan $I.25--some city stores quote it at $1.50. 323:i`i?; $1.10 0114: Set [of English &Ii`Ianufacturer VIIU "Y5 VI C -U- ----y__- , Each is of different `shade and `style. The materials are S Silk, Taffeta Silk, Satinde Chene, Moirette. Lustre cluding the new Paddy Green,'the popular Greys, Rosii buy these eachseason at a deep cut price, being duty. e They represent-the Makers best` effort. `- *- - IQ Q 4 KI`-`DJ: Q1191 .r.__-..-, The Prices Run From - - EACH A BEAUTY . ON SALE NOW {__.--j Nemo Corsets U1 I-Il\ahJ\p Illa-\a -' t_d~ advantage.` --For reai good ow.ers--wedding `or table Bouquets, Funeral Designs-`, for` F1ora1.a_eects5,.put up in the most. -artistic manner, see Wm. Taylor,` Florist, _-Dunlap St.,Ba1`rie_. H tf. The Town Council hasfrefused `to `repair the roof of the` cottage in St. Vincent Park, claiming" that the matter should. be looked after by the. Parks Commission. . V -_.;-u I _Q.`j_v_v --.V. Jthe buy Silks. We show you the same silk: at a l'3wer pricg rrent lower taxes, less. expense all _round. Read these thrcg CY OUR WATCHW_ ORD. `O ` I v I two slxty horse power gasohne en- g1nes.' - I` ' 'I A $-.--'-..- The passengers are out for sight- seeing and are certainly leaving no place out on the edge of the water e on" Skirts comes twice a year : Skirts. The bargains become . -CLYDE BATES AS MONTY BREWSTER _ In Brewster s.' Millions at the Grand Opera House. Fm- Black Paillette in wide width, suitable for Waists, Dresses and Trimm- ings; soft, good wearing and rich finish, The dye is abso- lutely fast and reliable. OUR SPECIAL Introduction Sale" 9560 an vvo nun sa woo-----.0.-.'__. -County Treastlre-r D. Quinlan will erect a brick residence on -a, lot_ he owns to the east of the` Court House, He expects to move in `as soon as he can get it built. ` Y\ 71' `I -1 -A

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