Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1912, p. 5

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V "ing, _ Brczy St., are holidaying at` Hunts,vi1le.~ _ M';. deige" 1E{= 7 of North. `Bay, is holidaying in Town. T 19/ O I 3oouoo ooooocoggoo Mags Ia;'VVi>a_1et7'5:szi6nday 5, a trip tofthe Pacic -Coast. V I 3 o_66o$6oo66o6o} ! oooooooooooopwbkboiduz mom AND PERSONAL AAAAAAAAAAAAA-A44---AA--- 1 -Mrs F. R. Redditt spe holiday at Niagara Falls.` ' - Mr.: W. J. Hallett of Comwal wasuin Town on Tgesday. ` A __ `M:.... 1,1,. "D... 1.4:; __. 1r.`_-1-_- 1-v.-_ Three Sound shermen got into serious trouble with the Govern- ment sheriee officials last Friday, "says the Owen Sound Sun, being caught iliegally shing at Griith s Island. On Friday, Capt. D. Irwin.- of the Department of Marine and Fisheries tug Lotus, visited the is- land, acting on information laid: by Fishery Inspector J. W. J ermyn,` of Wi-arton. Arriving there, he found a tent belonging to Fisherman Burk-I holder _and around the tent were `nets-,i night lines and a. box partly lled. with sh- -These Nyene oone-` . _.A.- ,1 _ nu vv 1. Ian . unit. .I. LJCBC ,WC1C UUIIUD cated and a short time 'afterwards they seized a launch coming towards the tent in which were Burkholder, William McCombe and John Camp- bell. - In the launch `were found night lines and fish with hooks in them, also sidelines. The three men were taken to Wiarton, -and] were charged before B. B. Mi1Ier,' P.M., with having shed without a license, also with having used night lines. The former charge was dis- missed on the grounds that they sh- edi under Stanley McCombe, who had .. `I:......'..... ..`....II -.. L-~,1_;;-'.. -L-_._.- The marriage of Miss Martha! Alice Du, daughter of Mr; and] Mrs. Robert N. Du, ocf Bluevale, to; Mr. Malcolm Louis Aitken, son of] Mr. and` James Aitken of ;Beeton, took place on the morning of ]August 1st at the residence of the Ibride s parents. _ The ceremony was conducted` by Rev. W. J`. West, M.A., of Knox Chureli. The Bridal Marchl from Loheng'rin was played by` Miss Edna Aitken, sister of the groom and Miss Eva Duff sang-,Con- -stancy, The. bridal party *-stood be-- fore a background of vines and jgoiden rod. The bride was dressed |in White duchess satin,` ,with trim-l imings of rose point lace, crystal: fringe and clusters: of satin rose- buds. Her `veil was of tulle with orange blossoms. She carried a bou- I quet of white roses, and! .Wore the, }g'room s gift, a pearl - and amethysti pendant. The groom was supported by his brother, Henry M. Aitken, of Calgary, While the bride was attend- ed by` her sister,` Miss Ruby Dull, of Utica, N.Y., who was dressed in maize satin trimmed with Irish lace and touczhesv of black. She Wore a lblack picture hat faced with maize satin trimmed with black tulle and yellowroses, and carried White sweet neas. The ower girl, Miss Isabel Kea.rn.=.,'niecea of the groom. was dressed in pale `blue silk m-ull, and] carried -a. basket of pink sweet peas. I lAfter the oerenrony the wedding` `breakfast was served in `the dining !room, which was decorated: with pink l 'a11 sweet peas. `The bride; a.nd g'roorm' left in the afternoon for! the Thousand Isrlandrs. the bride g wearing a tailored suit of coach fawn broadcloth and a. hat of .w-hitel tagel trimmed with black velvet and.` white wings. Mr. and Mrs. J amesl Aitken and Miss Ella VAitken of I Beeton, the Misses Elizabeth and` Minnie Aitken of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. I.ouis'Blake Duff and; _l`TI'7`I1, 1 -D a point to remember. ,, it According to ourmos_t_Wc.Qn fer-._` . Vative calculations an ir` ` ' n. Of $400 will retufn $I,45~.;vithti;},. ; three years-four at 'the'."6utsid.` Th`? *3 getting 3 lgroundi.;00" P0SItIon, whereas buying lots is. ` "53Y a roof proposition." , $40 #2 and multiples thereof. may be in?` A vested to advantage. 3 MI` I--.-_ I nn_, . _--n_n-Q_.._"- .1`... gggu gugncu AJULILO .IJ1`(.lX\I"` JJLIII ILIEI` son, of Welland, were the guests from a distim-ce. Mr. and Mrs. A- |ke.n will reside in Beeton. 1 I 1 1 1 ILLEGAL FIHING CAUSES I ARREST OF OWEN SOUNDERSI \.`\A \AlJ\J\.L KIVBULJAVJ J.I.I.\/\./\lll.l(lJ\;, VVALVJ uuu |a license. and on the " latter. charge! Burkholder was sentenced to pay a ne of $25 and costs or sixty days at hard labor, an'd- McCombe to pay a ne of $20 and costs or 60 days in jail, and Campbell was dismissed with a. rprimand-.', - , ,. ' Perliapqsome bugineas might `be ,,.dQn Simone byja competent \ V 1;jsLf)ector, '; th .to`iVs11i!i?ne,1'T,*%91ii9`f8z is . L 'f;shing~,*T 1'5eopI""ofv t.-his that the Iavze rm \IJQIII L\JU $LJ\JILJ\L j KKK III`? 5" BAG as qoneerveour shing insnnn . Dr. W.[A. Capon of Phi1adebhia,! and his father, Mr. B. C-apon of Toronto, were in `Town for several days last week renewing acquaint- ance. Dr.` Capon says he is always delighted to get back to Barrie, and] I-after an absence of 24 years, during! `which timehe has travelled exten-I isively, he says there is no spot onl earth which offers greater charms, than Beautiful Barrie and Kem-I lpenfeldt Bay. V` g Mr. Alex. Brownlee was taken suddenly ill with appendicitis on` Saturday evening and on Monday morning _was- removed to the R. V. Hospital, where an operation was perfor_med immediately. He was in a very serious condition on Monday evening, but has since improvai and is now progressing as .well as can be expected. His many friends will- wish him a speedy recovery. T17 --. R. POWELL S MEAT {MARKET F -TTf\\-I-CI: A . '1=o'1m7s f BARBIE AITKEN---DUFF. [TENDERS -Eon BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked as to contents, will be me- reived; at the oice of the under- signed-, or they may be sent to Joseph Pierson, Reeve of Tecumseth Township of Tottenhamv, up to moon lon Thursday, the 15th. day of August, 1912, for the construction of con- crete Abutments for a. Bridge over the Nottawasaga River, in the Town- ship of Tecumsth, in the County of Simcoe, commonly known as the Sand Hook Bridge; The excava- tion, piling and coiferdamzning will be done by the County, and all the material, except lumber and `other materials used` in the erection of the .fo 1'n.-2, . will be supplied` by the .Oo'u1_1ty. ` _ " ? .. ... The writer of this adver- tisement-~the senior mem- berof the undermentioned rm---has been in Ontario `for over a month, and while. hearing some adverse com-. iment on Central Western r Property, has heard nothing } but praise for British Colum 1 bia-\'zmcouver especially. If I Man {on dock)--Sure I thought ye was` burning to death, and was going to ring in a re alarm! Man (' M"" ' drowning-!l ? mater) ` H9113! 1 m A Plans and specications may be seen s.t.}Ben Dorsey s, Beeton, or at theffoice` of Frank Barber, Consult- ing` Engineer; 57 Adelaide St., To- _.-._1.- `-_. -1. 1.1.. _&A_ -1 LL- _-_.J._ .0: at the oice of the under- s_ig'ned at Orillia; -I` -I-hi -D-wwwuwu 32-33 I He1`*b'Mohm has gone to Oshawa, ,where he .will play with the I Intermediates. ' It sometihles happens that when a man s Wife dies he loses his only `visible means of support. Witlfal; this material, Orillia will sure have a great little team next winter,'.quite as good, if not better, than We ve had during the past two [years and Orillia will again be the ,team to beat out for the champion- |Shin in 1913. iacau. wrmeny wxm bramnton. Daw- json Parks with the Varsity Juniors `last season, Lionel Hinds, A. Reid land J. Corbeau. These boys are all Al players and fast enough for any lcompany. I i `I'T'VO.I ` ` - _ ,_--.. _..v.-cu .-JvvvvAg Orillia Will have a strong team the coming season in spite of the fact that two, good men have been elim- inated by the age rule, Ralph Cooke and- Herb Mohan having passed be- Iyond` the age limit by a few months. `All the other stars Love, Quinn But- ltereld, Ken Mac-nab, Pete Thorn- lton and Norman Cooke will be on ithe job again. To ll the other posi- _tions several of the best juniors in |Ontario are available, including iRiohardson, last year with Seaforth, |l'Shep-pard of the Dominion Bank gsta. formerly with Brampton, Daw- lnvu 13..-]-.. -_-.'4.L 1.1-, 1'7 It s a. little early for hockey but the season will soon be .with us again when we expect Our Little Boys to land- the bacon after two close at- tempts in the nals of 1911 and 1912, says The Orillia. News-Letter. 4\ n-nu. ORILLIA JUNIOR , HOCKEY-TEAM . IT WILL BE STRONG 1 every `time when you select ' oY ordr\ meat's `from this market. It makes no dif- ference whether you come in person or order 'by phone, you get just what you ask for both as to cut and quantity. We solicit a trial of both our meats and our 'methods. They are both perfect. _. 'u' It provides endless enjoyment- enjoy- ment in years to come. as well as at the present time. Of course you have sometimes had the desire to take home views which appealed to you--e very- body has Why not get a camera and be able to do so? We can sell you a camera at almost. any price you wish to pay. All prices from $1 00 to $75.00. Photography Robertson s FULL WEIGHT Amwm-:0 ` IS THE BEST or ALL HOBBIES PHOTO supmas 1 D061` E5.e;|of_B;rrie Hotel. II-Iv III! I I'IGI`I',' K be In I 9 `hell are avalluhl osltlon to Dllcatlons for shgres In the gun II II V A 2.22."-:I:% ,@ . < ~ .';'*".'u1 "f?~3;: 515418` `Home: 24 ROMPT 1: DRUG STORE iv, - -so Che_I_ni_c IRONICAL. yJ..I.\ILI ll 6% DELIVERY 13.11. JUPP, County V The West is credited with being overdiscounted. and in some sections, may, to a cer- 1 rain extem.be so,but property like everything else, .is sub-_ ject [0 the law of supplyandvl demand. AS long as the lnllgratlon continues so" long will there be a demapd for; property. I P 1 u u s~.-- - - -nu. - IIV vlulqiaitw W6 307-soar vAnoonvnn.o. * 4 The whole. ted i; the age is to Sgecelgg-"i.1 Some Moderalf ...s` ` cessive. BECAUSE the co.;.m,i developing at Such` that what a few yea,;si"p`;.`'.'- was an optimist s dre;f.n:;h9'. today become an acco-mVS.._ lished fact. NOW see the past experiencie C d- f act accordingly_ Exec a few cases the pmt,S,`I3;_ 117, in the limits of possibuli -4 are not as .13,-ge as a re}; ears; v ,{" -4 50 4 00 3 25 {Do YOU snzcum MOVE FROM BROCKVILLE TO PRESCOTT. Brockville residents. are now, be- coming satised that the G.T.R. ter- minal situated there since the con- struction of the road in 1855,,is shortly to be removed to Prescott.- The details of the agreement -signed by President Chamberlin, Mayor El- liott and Town Clerk Rook, of Pres- cott, are that the G.T.R. is to expend in two years $150,000 in terminal fa- cilities, erection of roundhouse of 25 stalls with provisional, addition for `ten extra stalls and erection of - ma- chine repair shop 250 feet. Long. Prescott xes the G_r.T.R. assessment for 20 years at $16,000 per annum, the town to supply water at current rates, also light and electricity at usual rates, and the town to byuildi a_ subway. The company 0 at present if!` pglymg out in Brockville to_its' 500 e iiloyes about $300,000 per iymrt ', *move is a_st_agger1'ng, blow to ynegotiations been afoot. "yagreenient, it now lea'1*ned,.5_wasf signed March 12( ~las,t`. - * __-- The marriage. takes place a this (Wnesday) - afternoon of Mr. Robt. Frame and Miss ,Mabe1 Archer. Both are very popular young people .in this Ward, Mr. Frame being a eon- ductor for some time `past. They will leave on the 5.20 p.m.' train for a month s trip through the West, after. which they will take up house in this Ward. ' ' TI-IE TORONTOABOARD OF TRADE HAVE OUTING I `On Tuesday night a special train dra.wn by two engines passed through here on its way to` North Bay. The train, which was of the nest type, consisted of nine Pullman -cars, two dinrs and two-_ baggage cars. Two` ,ofcia1s accompniedzthe train from Toronto, they being Passenger ..T-rainmaster Little and Car Foreman W.- J. Hallett. ` A dospatch from London, ,Eng., says that the Grand Trunk" Rail- .way s half year s surplus totals 390,100, with a, balance of 6,800, the total being 396,900, admitting payment in full of the rst and sec-' ond preference dividends and leavingl 8,500 to. carry forward. The many friends of Mr. Wm. J. Collins-, late engineer of the Civ.T.R. `will be sorry to ' r that the sad_ accident which be ell him on Thurs- day, when he fell o ,passange1fr{trainV No`. 65, en route from Toronto` to_h_i_s home in Allandale, plfoved fatal "early qn - :Saturc1:b.y...;;;xoming, :'.I- 3 yet: f fofi: o A` :3" .*`W15! ;'r; Mr.` Thomas Paton, an ex-conduc- tor here, but now of Cochrane, spent part of last week renewing old ac- quaintances. Mrs. .Paton, .who ac- companied him is now, visiting her son, Andrew, in Penetang. 6 I315 rsso Owing to inclement weather there `was no band concert at Allandale last Thursday. _ The band? .will, how- ever. give an extra concert at Allan- dale Gore on Monday, August 19th, weather pezmitting. , . T-he G.T.R.`are making a great improvement in. the -lighting of the station here by putting in heavier |.wires: and using nothing but Tung- lsten lamps. ' /yucca` l The G.T.R. cement Walk betweeni the station `and the Essa Street cross-, ingnis much improved by, recent re_- pairs. It has been `in a "broken state` |s_in`ce' last winter. j _ _--` _..--...._,. . . j The Hamilton passenger `train was quite late on Tuesday morning, ow- ing-~to ;a_ heavy freight train break- ing down and. blocking the line. rn1_,'r`1rnTu -- Mrs. Alex Ness and'_fa- mily of St. Catharines are; spending a `short vacation with ,the . f,o1:mer s' parents on ` Essa St. - Mr. and Mrs. LM. Martin of Beeton and Miss Pearl Biggar of Holly, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. _Big'garin- Allandale on` Sunday. ` ' Mr. Chas. Poucl_;_er 9-"spent t;1.1e day in the city". ` ' Mr, J. D; Wlsdom spent the ,l_1o_li-4 . .,Mis Kate . Saders ii's Avi?s}`1ti11V8`r V,..V-`f;13_i`{ands' in Toronto. " ' ' " ~ . .11.. tn 1- `I'm- "WW "~- vW~mgas~. at c0up1e or at Mr. H. B1g:g'ar s, Holly. 1 f. lth S- P}i}en G3}`S1d\?A11ad the vmis- Ii _-Junlelto lull wh1le_ a_t v_vor1{ on the ` Mr; Barnard, who has been laid up with an injured knee, `is able [to be out again. - I -urn - an - F Mi'sConnie Merry home after spending, `weeks Mr. Biggs FUNERAL -W. .i.% COLLINS,- QTTL. - A11 I- `.%'Mr. Fred` Ellis is-` ab1e'to be about again` after a siege `of sickness. . _""_M1'. Allan Watt of Innisl visited Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Biggar on Sun-! _ dav. 1'3 vi:';\:`:u. F} Richard` Scanlon of Prkdsale igcviiting with Mr. and ' Mrs. Wm. ott.. V - ' ` ` ]iz(I'1V-"iI'arryV Ovens leff `wek for Stayner; A ~ j ., J-.-"'1;`r.y Scqt|; aL kiln ;:_l-rield? for summer. % % l_ 33-34 ,Pouc1_;_er 7spent the holi-' J;_ Wisdom spent holi- . i N(i)(11CThursday morning, during the 'rain, ,a. second test .was made. The a.1arm came in from the same box and a minute -and a half after_ the alarm was sounded the brigade was on the spot ready for "action. on `this occasion the pressure was run up to 110 pounds at the station and 85 pounds at the hydirant. 'With six streams on the pressure remained steady at 40 pounds, demonstrating that good work was being done` at the station: and thatthe town s equip- ment, was now. good to ght almost -any re that might` break out. ' wkxifi 1iJ`ftItthI{ Vihepeethr. ex- pressed himself as quite satised with the work of the brigade and be lieved that the best `had been gotten from the system. ` thzosq chickensrin vivid 0010.19 and sendlng them out on the road? ` 41 . 1IT:_- T-.__ ((1111 , n Si Pike--Why.areA you painting I `He later examined the different hyd-rants, all of which he found sat- isfactory. One, that from which the supply of water for the street sprink-| ling tanks is taken,is made more or! less ineicient owing to the upright pipe ._ connection which `prevents a free use of the hydlrant key. ~ This, however, will be remedied. scene ,with a hose. wagon in two min- utes. The second team, which at the time was out on the watering cart, arrived with a second hosel equipment a minute or two later; Unfortunately the water pressure failed, it is understood owing to the well` at the ` station being pumped dry. `and the emergency intake `not having been opened. V" The" inspector intimated that it would be necessary to instal a num- ber more hydrants, particularly on ` Hurontario street, a demand: that has not heretofore been presented to the town authorities. "He also, greatly to the surprise of the powers that be, stated that -after the ~in'stal- lation of HydroElectric power at the pumping station and its connec- tion with the .P`11.mP5 it would i be necessary` to retain the steam plant and maintain a steady. steam pres- ' sure "on the` boilem : of 40 pounds. ' This will: mean a large expenditure, one _`that- it was believedwould be ob- viated -by the introduction, of elec- trijcity - for the motive of [the : trumps-,~ _ `kn :.;2h'-\.,..-S 1; 1- -;;;` _1n_ 1_'__0____ yuan` Ann` vv 4.1 Ul.'(Ll. J 3 - ` V A I Nativ~-NO; it s -the man who 1 donated the site for the: new, baseball p-ark. V . _ `o)'\.lI".lAA1&' |,v.u\.1u Uuy Uu hut /* l Uu'.M.l `J Wise Lem-W}1en the autoists run over one .they 11 think they hit. a rare bird an" I l1 settle for $10 apiece. ` v j Visior--I sppose the_ wholel town honorsw the V man who donated I the new library ? - I '\T..4.:--..'. xT.`_ :;.9., 41-- ' l - Now\ is your chance boys. andl girls; even if you don t h_appen to win a. prize the experience you will 'gr_ain will inc_1-ease your chances next ltlme. A I de1andfs_ are 5150 being mad,` nvarly `all of them being ex);-,_ tirely.-new`. .Together they will `be gprgdenteti in report iof ~ in- !W;A:A%b 1; oi .._.uu; uuc uuxu U610: L111: CI'Qp `IS (3ULi Those proposing to compete for these prizes shoulki arrange at once to make the necessary selections and lshould also Write` to Secretary, }an- ladizm. Seed :'Growers Association. Ottawa, Ont. -and obtain` a copy of the prize list rules and special at- rangements regard-i11g the transpo-r- Itation of exhibits. The business of this firm con- s sists of acting for Estates, Com- panies and private individuals In loaning money secured by mortgage, but, to meet the de- mand of the more speculative sections of the public for some- thing offering better returns, we have taken an opportunity pre- sented to us of securing a limited. number of shares in a land hold- offered to boys and girls between 1.2 and 18 years of age, `for exhibits: -of springwheat `i-and white oats. A sweepstakes prize in the form of a beautiful gold mo:_la1.. donated by Dr. J as. W..Robertso21-, is also offered to the boy or girl he wing the best exhib- it of cats in the Maritime Provinces, Quebec and Ontario and wheat in each of the Provinces `of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Each of those exhibits is to consistof a sheaf .Which.must be `at least 6 inches in diameter a.t theuband, and a gallon of threshed grain. The plants for this shea.f should be selected by hand from the eld before the crop is cut. , Thnleo `I"\I'I\'v\f\c:I1nn Ins nr-vm-~ -`L A- ` In `addition to the -regular prizes ` PRIZES OFFERED. ' . Oicial notice is given by the Canadian Seed Growers Association for selected seed, that substantial p-rizesiin the form .of cash a.nd spec- ial trophies, are offered for seed grown in the province and exhibited at the next Annual Winter" Fair or Provincial Seed Exhibition. The date of this Exhibition will be made public later. . " The jfuneral. Mfas` conducted and largely attedndedl, by the vBrotherhoo_d_ of ` Locom'otiveEngineers and. Inde- pendent Order of.F'orester:_s, of which "organizations the was an esteemed member, 'also by the Brotherhood of _ers were cho,sen_from the`B., of L. E; =a1'1d I.0.F_;, namely: Messrs. Ward-" -man, Mac. Flaherty, `Graves, Pouch- er, Brunton and MacLeary. The casket was covered: with oral tri butes from friendg and each of the above organizations. Great sympathy '15; extended to the bereaved family. ' Locomotive Firemen. The pall-bear-` ' PRESSURE AWAS GOOD .-A ~ - William and` Jghn in: home. . \` Igtermeilt took place "on `Monday; ` ._= thfrom` his late.re`siden'ce,f _- *_ St. :.to 1_;hAe`-Union` Came-A (Continued from Page 1.) THE MAN TO `HO1~\IOR. MAY BE` THAT S' IT. V mu-xa%az-i ADVANCE Vancouver has a deep-sea aport open all the year round; is now, in the language of A Earl Grey the recognizeid land the West, the gateway h which the double streams of commence be- ;tween the Occident and the \ 4 Vgateway between the i East L()rient and between Britian L Eantl the self governing nat- iions of New Zealand and; llr\t1strl:1lla will How in ever lincreztsing volumes until-writ.-, lslmll become, perhaps. the first and most important port lin all the world"; is destined {to be the chief export ter- lminal for grain from Alberta fzmtl Western Saskatchewan. iaml the chief import distri- lbuting point for goods and E immigrants to Western Can- latla, on the opening of the 5 l an;tm;.t Canal -- notwith- lstzmding the proposed dis- "crimination in canal tolls, which is purely an academic lquestinn of National honor.- ` Mr. W. `A. Turner, -principal of the Barrie Business College, who has been holidaying at dierent Ontario points, will return to *Town_ this week, to prepare for the `reopening [of the college. _ ___ -1 IIAO V VV \\. IIO ` Mr. H. G. Richardson` and wife, Dr. Wesley * Richardson and wife, and Miss Richartison of Toronto,- spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Richardson, Worsley street. . -- -91- 4\I AV a Mr. and Mrs. ,J. H. Skinner of Bradford announce` e engagement of their daughter, Lillie, to Mr. Charles W. Graham of Toronto. The marriage -.will take place this month. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood of Thom- bury announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Lolo L., to Mr. ' Russell Le Gate, of Creemore, the marriage to .take place early in September. ` run I o g p ' Miss Smith and Miss Mitchell off Coblingwood and Miss Fern Chap- main 0-f T03-onto were holiday guests} of Miss I-Iazel Smith. _ 1 I Miss Doane, representative of the `Spirclla Corset, is taking a. holiday through August, an'd_,wi1l resume her work on September 1st. -.--- - An. daughter Mabel, are spending, a .few days in Town. _ King is now. Western travelling representative of the Miller & "Richard Type Foun- dry, .with headquarters Dat Winnipeg. 1r_. _-_.1 1:... TIT Q......1,.... -4 I Mr. and ins. N. W. E. King `and; `A Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and` [family are on a motor `launch trip down the Trent Canal to Peterboro. They will be away a week or more. 1. 1:: .1 Muiss Steep, Mviss Pill and` Miss }i11men, who. are` summering in Muskovka, were the guests` of Mrs. J. Frank Jackson for several days last week. ` ' T I`! "`I. `I 1 , 1 '1` LIIJ, gVVI-VII ll\7(|\.I\`|.lIL Iv IILJLLWBI Mr. and Mre~.`\v?vV`.a'.B`:v ` lon of `Winnipeg are in Town. Mrs. Scan- lon was taken ill. at Huntsville, and had to be reniovedi from there, to the R. V. Hospital, where she is now pro`g'1-easing _ favorably toward ` recov- Miss Mary McKinnon has return- ed to Toronto after spending two weeks with her, aunt, M1-3 T. 001- lins. Mr. Duncan M:oK.innon and Miss L. Abernethy of Toronto. were also holiday" visitors at the home of "Mr. and Mrs... Collins, Blake Street. Mr. and Mr.` Alex. St'ewa1-t,_ Thorn- ton, announce - the engagement of .,.tl1e_il14 `duly daughter, Annabell, wMr. Charleen .01m`pijy of Traders?" -__"I_ -3 l`I.._'.-1|- ' 'l`l1'.`...-.'... .-a....-7` Il'.-..."" in: snci i'c;I1""1oi}iiH"}." HE: block of land on the Fraser River between Vancouver and New" Westminster with over 2000 feet? A`. -.-_A I . Mr. P. A. McEw'an, of Chicago, and a former Barrie man, was in. Town yesterday on his ,way tO.v`isitl [friends at Pexletanguishene. l Mr. and Mrs. George E. Garvin have returned to Chicago. after -a month s visit with Mr." Garvin s par- ents, Mr. and_Mrs. R. Drury. `vu- W. 'A. Swan of Torovhto .was| in Town on Tuesday. He has beexii 'n fz1king :1 visit with relatives and -friends at Craighurst and vicinity. I - u. in 1 J. Dyment and her 1_nother,f Mrs. N. Grose of Lefroy, are spend-. ing a week .with Mr. and Mrs. J as. !Gardhouse at S-arnia. J .l.I7'.l`|EI II \JLlIuJLVU '\J1.I&tI-Lg: V1. .5 A wgxau 1 Bank of `Canada, Wi11 nipegjf Man{,' aindA second son of Mr. an_d "`j_ . 5-. 1'1`. -F. Chaopin, Beeton, Ont.` ' The w'ed- in ding will take place; in Jude ' | _ _ . Miss Ethel MacGregorA of Dun"- t'1'oon is spending a few weeks with her sister, C. M. G. Smith`, C01-lier St. _' j . I % Mr. Jas. `O Nei11 of Kansas City,! has been the guest of his brother,` Mr. B. D. O Nei'l1 during the past? - ' } r I Miss Norine Simmons of the Memorial Hospital. Niagara Falls, ..\'.Y...- is home for a three weeks |vacation. - Iv\/A u v v \/ yaox, J&\llL\A$O`] 0 Mrs.`Jas. I/! :Wi-S and Mist-:.-` Pearl Lewis, Collier St., left on Friday for a visit with friends in Peterboro. I {h Migg 1iMvs?;1.11 and Mrs. J; R. Brown `of Toronto ,Were the guests of Mrs. `H. Finlayson, over Sunday. t\c\w n - so These: commerical facts itaken with the fact of the ex-` excellent climate, devoid of }extremes, assure for Van- tcouver a wonderful future. Misses Gladys TIV17' and Mas-l ter Donald Kelvcey visited friends in Peterbqro over the holiday. I Dr. VFred;T`Rw0ss is recovering iiicely after `an operation for appendicitis in the R. V-. Hospital. uwv - - -- Crogsilid and Miss} Marcella Cronam are holidaying at` Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. T Eur; J .-7_\ \7(.f(V.;`:r:a.Z1'-vi11 `of Toronto spent several days visiting his brother, Mr.` J. L. Garvin, P.S.I. V V '_ I Ms." VI; :'J._ Salter, manager ofthe Bank of Nova Scotia, spent the holi-b day in Chicago. ----- 1.. --- Miss Hamilllzhas returned to v'.I'o-I ronto `after a two weeks visit with , C. M. G. Smith. A 1 'Missm,AmeT1iaTRvy2Ln and Loyola Stritch are visiting in Toronto, Hamilton and Arthur. Miss.-Z of j Toronto spending a week `With; Miss M. h`inlayson. . ' I U _._ V-__ V. __.._ Mr. W. A. -Ldwe and Miss Edna Lowe spent. the holiday in Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. "Richardson and son, Randftll, are holidayiilg in` Musknka. Miss Ida Lewis visited her bro- thers at Cookstown over the holiday. T7 . `I `A 1`: --\...u.uullBLCl WILU UVCY ZUUU IUCL1 Of waterfrontage and through, W_hiph runs an interurban car line, glvxng an excellent car service both W3) S~ Existing--not promised t a5P0rtation-is the r st;cO m Siderati_on in settlement andrthis 15 a pomt to remember. .;ut`.5 \

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