Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1912, p. 2

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I BOOKSTORE WALL PAPER l Manager at STEWLB.'1`i&` in -Z_ ,4 EW SET, ' BARRIS- tera, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and ? Conveyancera. Money to loan in any some at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 . Owen St, Barrie. H. D. Stewart, LL.D., D. M. Stewart. .2-.;._-_. I. Brown, LL.B. _________....__..____..__.__________ i-'E'NNOX, COWAN & Bnownfnm. riaters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- -'ba'te of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, K Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices,` -Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. ` Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. , Branch oices at Cree- more land Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. . t _ CRESWICKE 83 ALEXANDER, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, ` K.C., Arthur Alexander. Eubliahod from the ofce. 123 Dunlap Street. Barrie. in the County of simooe, the Pro- Ivinoo of Ontario. Uanadmeve Thursday Momma, by - STRATHY as ESTEN, BARRISTERS,| Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. L Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Esten. .-.___._...j_.__...-.__ I `DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto ! `Building, Barrie. .Money to loan. .__._. __._j___.` A_..__.________. QDR. J; A. DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John St., near corner Elizabeth. , 131....-- .019 3.. A. RADENHURST, .BA1uu13'11.n., Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Office, ~ lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. `DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, etc., L.R.C.S.,EdiVn., L.R.C.P., London. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. `Inn. 1;. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON Rf` 'Fn1-nvvfn 11-:4-A A-F D9t|r|1r11r--I IN New York Hospital, N.Y., Man- hattan Maternity Hospital, N.Y. New York Skin and Cancer Hos- pital, Grace Hospital, Toronto. ` Special attention given to Dis- eases of the Skin. Office and Rsidenoe, Cor. of 001- Iier and Clapperbon St. Phone 275. 21-15:} I DR. E. ROGER WELLS, late of! U I much attention to E dim7as"l')'; fo: mer y_ `to a_do1Jar it s ;a sign he is PASTOR RUSSELL M. D.. C. M." ('l`or.) Late of Toronto `General Hospital. Olllce of the late Dr. Smith. Colller 5 Phone VIII. 32-ly . vv uu-../_ an |.g'1ns to much dim . rnerlv d-ia in .n ..L.11..a; :n- G. he-. ` L.R.C.P. 8:. S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. & S. Glasgow ---SURGEON-- 1 i I Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat. I Havingspent 4 years Post Graduate work in Britinh Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8:. Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for 8. term as Resident Su_rgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo ; and Birmingham Eye Hoe ital, Birmingham ; former Member of British phthalmological Society. lTl4`I'a`Tt 1D` DD .91.. A- u_._____ v\ - v\-`-- u. are I o (`lo I The Insurance Man , u|\Jl`&I IU LURN Wehave a large amount `of money toloan atloweat current ratemeitherin small or in la amounts. on the security of ood farm mort- s. McCARTHY. BOYS MURCHISON. unlop Street Barrie. UNWIN, MURPHY}, ES'I-`-EN, 75131- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, Oice, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left -with Strathy 85 Esten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. -- etc. Established `1852. J.__S.:_ A- ARNOLD `punishment. This declaration was The pastorlreeently played a jokei on most of -the newspapers in the United States and Canada, and induced the` _Mail and VEmpnire, among` others'to`corn'1ment on the de- cision of I the International Bible Students Assorciationi to the eectl that there was` no place of eternal taken as a good piece of news, and,` coming from so authoritative source` as the International Bible Students Association, it was ifeaturedby th0l]S'.i ands of newapapens. `Now it appears that the International ..Bib1e~ Stu- * dents" Association is another_ name for Pastor R11:~:scll"and. his followers, and that what .was deemed a most important statement from an orthm` I dox body was merely the opinion of a man who is rregarded in many quarters as a fakir, and whose opin- ion on any religious matter would certainly not be accepted by any reg- ular churchgoer. A numb 0! (II Farms and Town Pro- " pull in sale on any terms. q (Successor to the la.teTR. L. Barwick)\ Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency Money to Loan 711'. 0- I1: \.I. .\'JV1.LVkJ, .L.I..I--l.KlA\IJ.A.a.a.', Surgeon, et\., Coroner for Simcoe County. O`ice' and -residence: Wil- eliam street, Ailandale. Telephone 269. ` uvuno nave, Phone 213. . 3. G. SMITH as CO., PHONE 82. ES-' tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. -Barrie, Ontario. '.LII Jul: .l.n 5aAU4.14AJ.a.I.a- \I-L .3. .l.\JJ-I `LAVA-I Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Fliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. - .I.I|.\JJ.U.I..LJIl.JJLU .IJ.L\/AV Us \.JL.LlI.l-J.I.\lA.\ "t., Toronto, late of ,Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. _ ._ .. vyuvuuuu-vnvaluol LJUDICIJJ o OI:`FICE-78 Dumop snum. BARRIE. Phone 51. _ P. 0. Box.-96. `Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS I KNY papers throughout 7 On- mrio have: been =running' a series of sermons by Pas- tor Russell, of. the Brooklvn Taber- .pire throws a little "light on the nacle, under the heading of the Peo- ple s Pulpit, and have thus, unwit- tingly, been the ineans of assisting` l I in propagating the Pastor s be-i liefs.` In many newspapers these sermons are paid` for, and it is` said some papers receive as high as $500 per year from the followers of Russell for publishing the stuff. Ini a recent issue The Mail .and Em-i past of the venerable-looking "`Pas~ tor, who is such a compendium of bible: knowledge. The: Mail says: ` _ _._--.- - urnuawnvll-OJ. Have nu; two-thirds clause. clvelar est llmlts on Live Stock. cover L ve stock ON FARM. ON PASTUIIB. and to and from Mar- ket and sin bles. .Ar`eBlssued In ABSOLUTELY nau- lmkgflq NTANIES. which Is most I '- 4.-_ .13.? WW _.'.___._._.. .__...____.___._______.___ _BADENHURS'1`,V BARRISTEIC, , \Y-A.-..a. 'Du1-din kn nm(e_ A. F. A. lmcomsou mramm Man of Torqnto Buildings, Ban`-is MONEY TO LOAN D II Iowan nuvuauu....L `-1 _._,, UNDBRTAKEE8. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, ' 11 .... nu Pass Q;-nnnna CALL AND SEE rniszcuxs. ` _ sunvngons. "BARBIE was Nokrngklj Anvmg 'lA`u `ADVANCE 1s ldrgeot circulati .'"n. to h T??? al on of any paper 111 th.,'}2"] . as so b t ".m%%i ta. 3` ar the largest subscrir ` TEE `ADVANCE proven largest circulation an r . - hafeth Tow-u. T V pap th"`0I11:t It has also by far subsc;-ipti On l i'i '1' no I t a A II. 1' ac emonstrates th its petrons. Ityou have any aa`.e,S1;ty at place it with the paper that reaches the do not Itraid to pay the price. Deorle Adveigisleitxixents are charged according t . es non `I :11;$:l.e-- par-e1 measure make 0`: 'l`DA|IQ`II!'\l'|- . _...-...-_ g--.---ua-nu; A"yu,l|5`A\b Legal Nogices. Auction miles, A , etc.-First msertion 10 cents er"l1i1[1l:cmenrn an uentinsert-lonsccnts per ine_ ' Cb R mg notices. 10 _cents per line {urn insertion : 5 cents per lme for each subsm "3 inset-t.io_n of the same matter. Obituarv 13 be per lme. f`f\'Il\'I.`I)f`Y AT `l'\vnv . .. 0811] :10 [I95 suave COMMERCIAL DIBLAY Rgtes will be given on app|ica.Lion_ coxnucw czuxc ES. Advertigers vqill please bear in mind notice of mtcntxqn to chan e adverlisemthn ,mustbe handed mto the 0 cc not nu ma Saturday at 10 o_ c1ock, and the copy fora _ change must be m THE ADVA.\'(`E omcem; later than 12 9 c1ock noon on Mondav in no` week. otherwxse the aqvertisefs annou'mx> a inlay not be made pubhc until the week g,',',?;:* l g (YOYDENRED ADV!u`_R'rlcI.`u:.~\-...,` nug- CONDENSED ADVERTISEME.\"1`S. Condensed advertisements on rst pagegm as wants of all kinds, log: and f_ound, gmgem for sale or to rent, speqzc amclcs, 1L-"QC must be accomnamcd vnth the cash. ' Cuts for adve'tiscment must in gym, case bemountcd on sohd metal bases , {mt mm mm mm mi Limltprl -----v - Manufacturers of and I)ea1er'-z in all kinds or Rough and Dressed Lmnin-r ` Dool-s.Sash. Blinds. Interior Finish, Etc columns, Tanks and Wat er Troughs` Planing, Matching, Moiilclinz. iic->f2,\\'lng Hot Blast Drying Kiln. haying and Polishing Hardwood Floors a Specialty Contracting and Building F.stimat-:~: xix-on lI33I lYIEI l\ 2!!` [$111-u... _, It is said -that he graduated from a haberdashc-r s shop in Pittsburg to his present position. Of the-Abegin-A nings of the cult of which he.isi -the head` not muchlis public prbprty, but `it is certain` that in course of time he built up a considerable fol- lowing, and that he h ad an elaborate publishing establishment in : Pitts- burg` which he called 'Zion s Watch Tower. Things were `ourishing in. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . U . . . . . u us ,.A\L`ll V ....... --1:! ` ' 0F`FlCE--BAYFlELD ST.. BARBIE. ONT Ai5vER11s1Nc RAT i;_i)AY, AUGUST 15, 19 ' CRAIGHURST. ONT. ;LlCENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. I I Most reasonable terms given on all |Stock Sales JOHN JENNETT lI.b9!*..9Y! fwrvl ISL John & Grookerl NEXT DOOR TO THE TANNER'Yl It seems to be admitted that when he left Pitteburg he changed the name of his: organization and the name of his book, which is sup- posed to be the Magna Charta Of his followers.-. It was called `Millenial ` .Dawn, butsincvhas -been nanged, `Studies in the Scriptu{1ves', - been reissued in si11a11er volumes;_ A. ' It is diicut to say ju:_stfwh`a't4a.is11e ., `theology of Pastor Russell _o6_nj!_i1.stsh. of. He believes that the mil1:en_ i'in_i1 is o_.pproaching,_. riv9=.~but 9 wear; a_ahAa jji Druggist. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkmatfs Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- txons will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and- softness of a. baby's. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves may be worn-a few moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. De1ight~ ful after shaving. -0 "'.eVVed Entlrelu from the Finest ' Malt and Hops. Is 0 n for all orders in CASTI.\ (;.'~_` MI REPAIRS, 8:9. ' Boilers. Engines and an kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on elm: test noncc and moderate prices. . n . `DUNLOP STREET EAST _ A1 work done by expert machin- 1st and guaranteed first class BARBIE BHEWING cnmmnv .Ti'ansact a General Banking 3 ' . . . . Notes Discounted "at reasonable rates. . . .. Collec- f1\'otesand Account-9 115" auemion. `Drqa-Iuued payable anywI1 7`- * _0,l5'9qu_es-on_out.9 ide banks cashed t.Imbebrrates-qfexchang- , y'1tV. otes- Cached or C'0 l _ been ever since. T. Beecroft MONKMAPILN favorable terms. T,`BEE_CROFT, shlendtd ALE and roman The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle TRANSIENT MANUFACTURERSi .BANKERS .0F.. Qvgvvsaov -~----an a Worldly way v:hen` his wife divorced him, and the stories that got into circulation about his conduct caused him to leave` Pittsburg. He moved to Brook- lyn, and there his headquarters have Ham-3--10 to 4 Expert Machinists B_AiAR J|_E 6:. CO. Z91-coiniz 136 `limited , v u.u'r1sx.\,, am am advertiscmenta later um nd fo \DV 4)'(fE omL"3.. : THOMPSON OBBW, T PUBLISHER. Manager Barrie. _ I-Uiylul-vavuvvuuanvovugpui .-v....-. :....o-...Gl`&'V8II'h\ll`Bt: our 8.20 p m..Torunt.o& Midland `M! a. m "IMO p m...Cobalt Special .. `ll! 8 In I '\ 0| 9,, _I...I! , , E,____]___ .16 ae....1m am '36.... '.'.0pm IV-`IV 6 us svsuluvuvu-nun-n vv ...... ..---. .. ..NotIh Bay 8: Toronto '5.15.pm 18 80 p m..'l`uronto and North Bay .. . . M MI 1) In Toronto& Huntsville 2.3 p In 8.50 p m'1`oronto&North Bay 12.50 pm ll-nivnnkliof Q I n y U 3- us-.v wv---- w...-___.. . Daily ipcludinsz sun1day. i Oolltnzwpod` and Mustard. m L ;,mmamT -- I80-pm n`V' I . 'l'l'IIl| ' ' ' KO?` 1`! a In 1utYu1o&North Ba) . `'4' D Iii " Ii -- '8! 10.410 3` in Toronto8cMuek.Wlx...` . . . -- .. \v.._.I_ I1--- 9. llV-_A...4.. I ll nun Titans or Bunsomlmox. Mntfiznz nu... Hamilton. Penetanz. No. /.'..7..;7.,47 a in " 42 ...1.u p m.. " oc..<..s.a5 p In` Going South fl`-in A FAKIR?i 54....7.47a1h 56..-as-pm :su.%.mv.:. ma =dops&uu: from 353110 us as follow: ` Lrun AN0. -1 *1` _ able true `meaning ~ fx_fg>xn- i'th:;.rHd1y` ywrjitinissg and it is his viewsffofthem f3'f5t1;atiie&so:isitut_the % _'s.ubJ'ect matter ;.of' the gieat propor- tion of his yvIvritin`gs. He has had no _ classical education, `nor is he `skilled in the dead languag9$, 5 etihe_ cheer- fully and*_ condently undertakes to interpret the darkest sayings in either Olld or New Testament, and the meaning of the Book of Revela-V ' tion is as clear to him as the multi- plication table. A recent attack he made on foreign missions, `through 'the agency "of the A International Bible Students Association, _' has roused the orthodox churches against him, and it may bethat he will `taste the `bitter sweets of martyrdom -in ' the next few months. The surprising part `of all` these V :new._ cults, is that there ' are 1 so many people ready to follow every unknown. leader who wishes to or- 4 ganize a newvsect. The, .world is full l l of people groping, ever ready to take up with something new, and unfor- tunately `many, do not consider the matter very thoroughly before. they take up with these self-styled teach- ers, many of whom are money-grab- lbing fakirs. Our land is crowded with churches, in some smaller vil- ilugcs overcrowded .with a them, yet `these new sects continue to ourish for a day and pass away. But who can tell what fa-lse -reasoning they have inspired` in many unthinking persons, what doubts they have cast, what misery and despair they have `occasioned to many a heart. Yet, `this is a free country and they `will continue to rise and fall, and `the .will always` nd. followers. A 1 i . It is getting to be the thing for towns and cities to get presexlts of swans -"from King iGeorgi,'e V., say The Lindsay Wardaf. At the pres- ent rate the King` -,will have to estab- lish a_ swan farm. T Owen Sound s Mayor `started the fashion, and Mayor K1'ugofChesley fo-1lo.wed suit, writing` to the King s `swan keepers` some time ago r obtaining awdlls I -for Chegley. The other day he re-` ceived a reply _stating- that King George V. had been pleased to _ac- cede to the reqnest. of Mr. Krug `and the swa.ns.' would be there in the course of a few weeks. The Mayor, ias Mayor Lemon did, agreed. to pay all C)npll'S( S for the care and keeping iup of thedbirds. I The Warder would have Lind~say .3 `Mayor go and do likewise, and when we got Queen s Park Pond put in shape,` Mayor Cowan [may take. a notion to have a pair of these grace- ed surface, but that s speculatixig on the future. T " ful birds s`-wimmiilg on its unpollut-. Several weeks ago twoboys engag- .ed a -sailboat at a local boathouse, and .went down the bay some nine miles when the-boat capsized, and only through the resourcefulness -and expert 4swinnning' `ability of one of the" lads was the other one saved from a watery grave. When enquir- ies were made at the boat house the names of the boys were unknown. They were two lads visiting in Town and that was all that was-,k11own of them. -This seems but .to - indicate that boat liveries. should never rent a. boat, especially a sailboat, to any one they are not sure. can success- fully manage it. The_name of every persvon whgients a.T1>`<)vut.; s`}1o1;1(i. registerqi with, the time of deparq ture.V - | ` What shocking blasphemy one hears on the streets, says The King-. ston Whig, 'C_z_1nnot something be done bocheck it? Boys_fan men in- jdulge in'it without mestraintr It` is spoken out -loi1d'ly; and it is dread- 'ful_ly oenaive, Cannot , something` be done to stop it?` Why7do not the police get busy and_ makee f.ew'e_x-` auiples of the sweaters. ` V V - ' Kingston is not the` only place; on the Americon `continent where this plaint might ,be uttered with just as .mp.ch Tjutication {as they,` have, in the Penitegntiary City.` The fact ~ F!liI8.North.' `7 :.v. .__v_ _.--.-w is that them. is hardly a town in Can-aduwhere it is not a `common oc- Curnence _t;o l_1ea_r mre children cura- ing like_t m`opers. _T_l1ey, seem to, f,ee14that1y@it`V,is wank V.ab16:$% :t<>; CURRENT COMMENT and seven in their ordinary _ conversa- tion` many boys` and` young men have a shocking tendency to prex almost every sentence with theiname of. the Lord. Here s work for the Boy Scouts. -A Get` after evil eompanions who blaspheme. It is: a senseless, de- grading habit and.` it is invariably `the -boy Vlvith the scantiest vocabu- lary who indulges in swearing to give-emphasis to what he says. LESS _ D From a recent issue of Toronto Saturday Night, .we clip the follow - ing: The -guarantee of the Do- minion Lightning _Rod ' Company which `you sent us is nothing but an insurance policy issued contrary to the `Ontario Insurance Act, and these -people are liable to you for do- ing a business that. they were not empowered to transact. The Super- intendent of Insurance, when in- formed. of ` this business, with com- mendable promptitude took action and asked for an explanation. This was given that they were not aware that this was in violation of the On- tario Insurance Act. They have agreed in writing to not do any fur- ther business of this "nature, and have notied `all agents to cease sell- ing these guarantees. Any furthe-r `transgressions will no doubt be GUARANTEES T ARE lwonrn- severely dealt with by the .depart- ment. You have right of action against the Dominion Lightning Rod Co., if they do not refund the money collected at once. _ ` AGAIN-ST LAAW` TO SELL YOUNG CALF S MEAT. The revised Ontario statutes for 1912 have been sent out and pne of ! .5 5.11 ll$lV`./ |.r\.\,sa AJLIJV Vuu usnu Uanx, \'|. the new sections is worth noting; by those who hive been in the habit of s'el-1ix1g'fvery young veal. Section 102 provides that no meat of calves un- der four weeks old shall be sold or kept for sale, and the penalty for 21? breach of this law" `is a ne of from $10 to $30. / It h2iS.'bee11 a n1a.t.te_r of c`0m;mon knowledge for some years that calves" of two days old. and 1ip;wa1_'ds have been `solsdeach year to be used 111 one form or another for human con- sum tion-, and it is awainst the rac- . , a I) tice `that the -law. Tis.ai1ned.--King- stqn Whig. No"; " I3. . . V . _ _ / Moreover, in the case of such meat being found in anyone s possession, the onus of proving that it is not for sale. is to rst on the person having the meat. WHY LIGHTNING` STRIKES - BARNS. _ A writer-in Rural New Yorker in discussing the causes of lightning striking a barns, says that a vacant barn is seldom struck by lightning, but a barn full of hot hay or `grain [is often struck.- His theory is that theheat rising from the barn full of new hay and grain makes the air light and oers a channel for the lightning to travel in. Dust _parti- cles, a current of moist air, or a cur- rent of hot air, will aordi such la channel. Moral: Throw open the` barn doors to the end" that air inside and outside the barn may be uni- form. `A team of horses belonging to Dr. Karl Elrich of New Minden ran lqway on East_ Main srtreet Saturday `morning; '1"l1e,doctQr had driven in _to meet V some relatives ' who were frightened: near the public square by then single-tmees ' hitting` their hind legs. % nus BANK 01-` TORONTO A , BANKING BUSINES s TRANSACTED' MONEY LOANED T0 RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE Joint Accounts may be opened in the names ofoTwo or more people, the money from which may be withdrawn by any one of `them or the survivor pf them. ' . as . - I _- 4., --__. -'|!-_.L.. Barrie. and Allandale Branches SKITTISH RELATIVES Savings. Batik Department. `Every courte2s_y_shdwn to our clients. n~tcom>onA'r:n 1355 I A STILL ON THE JOB. ;.Tomnto Telegram. .n.u:vuuvv -Lvvurauvv Increase in the price of oil remind us that though the body of the Standard Oil Trust lies mouldering in the gralre of dissolution, it s soul J51 U11-`J 51. (II V \I `.11. goes marching on. v_vH_R13 IQNORANCE 1s BLISS ] .Never_,prebab1y, during its long` life `has the Peterborough Examiner known a Tory politician to do any- -thing right, or a Grit poliian anything Wrong. Happy Exa-mmer! Ho\_v such a creed simplies the Work JIAJIV swung: (0 \IA` of journalism. A '0_Vr~z'vlE;j .a;7_rcc.;t. We stand at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord, A says the Colonel to the convention. Often heard that Theodore, the gift. of; God, mistook himself for the Giver, but this is the rst time .we knew, him to make public announcement of the belief. _ A i $1.00 rte VANNUM IN ADVANCE UNITED STAVTESV SUBSCRIBE_R$ I $1.50 IN ADVANCE BNO new name will be added to the Sub- scription List until the money is paid. u..|........II..._- ..-... I... ---nu.-n 0:: Ghana unnniha TEDDY THE OMNIPOTENT Toronto Star V A deciion of the Supreme Court of Canada can be annulled by a in Canada. It is nearly time that Canada ran her own show. If it is necessary to put a kink in the Brit- 'sh North America Act,` let the kink` __,__.,J,. . `I311 .$`Ul'bI1 IXJJICIJLCE JLNVV, SK,-V U11`: JIA'JJAl be so placed. ,Ki.pli1'1g s Words: D_aughter am I in Vmy mother s house, mistress in my own, are hol-1o,w mockery, so far as Privy} I . Council decisions` go. 1 Too MUCH `MOTHER-IN-LAW. East Elgin Reformlan. IN! ' Shakespeare must have had John Smith in mind` when he remarked that one man in his time plays many parts. At. all events, :1 Mon- treal magistrate thinks that title. `gets altogether too much notoriety in being wrongfully used for purposes of identication ' by many prisoners brought before him. Why not . give John Doe a chance? - ' If there is anything in a name, ; Honey Harbor should be a favorite #1-esort for" couples taking their in iitial `step in married life. But its title `will be forgotten wllen, they ? reach the stage where the-W throwi E cups and saucers at each other across ithe breakfast table. _ The Toledo Blade says you never see a ho-bble-skirt at a prayer meet- ing. The Toronto Staradds, nor a harem skirt either. And the Bow- manville Review says it might cause qiiite as much astonishment to see the editors of these papers at a `pray- er meeting as either of the skirtsV.- I VOR _THOSE "EDITORS . EITHER. Little Billie--I d* like to stay home and mow the lawn, but I pro- mised: to help another boy ..who has too mugb work to do this afternoon. 1 om!-:1: mans omens} Inuayvsuu IODDII uuvoc uoow uncanny; GI: '-.-u 1 Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will be charged 81.50per annum. IN THE FIRST STAGES Hamilton Spectator. . % The Mother-That was kind of! you. What is his work? i amyilton Spectator. `Little Billie--`He s a. bat \ the league park. E);llza Packet. A JOHN SMITHS COM-MON. HIS GENEROUSIMPULSE SCOTT S New and Artistic Design; in H; A. s11gg_ hcgurthcrngdtrautcl

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