Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1912, p. 1

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Played Tie Ga_m e With Rus- holme Club.-'-Were Hos- pitably Enterfained `And Had Fine Outing manms CLUB ` I SPENT nounzw m `QUEEN cm; %1ZOLLER SKATINGJ % . MORE POPULAR V THAN EVER -.:-----._ .1~14wvu., wan t=vc'r15 evluellceu Dy "P3hf0}1izing this popular form of `amusement. Last Monday night I'.] I`t-:I'l"aYnvnni>1-. `l)..11..'...' ..:...1_ ._-_ cn-.1 `.';.t`he large number of people who are` w-uyuuvuxvuu. - .ua_.la~_ J!LU1ll'j.y 11'1g'ula `lSl1`_'M:aII1I.I10l3l 1 Roller rink was. lled with a. merry throng, notwithbitani .- ing that the boatev were running moonlight trips. -The band gave al- most 'continuous music and every- body thoroughly enjoyed `the exhili- mting sport. Contrary to expecta- tions the spacious rink `was .quite cool. a lovely `breeze making the skating a -delight to all." On Friday night the band will give an entirely new program of popular skating l Y1 `II 151 have , nuvvv raw! | numbers. That foller skating .will be f:D0P111i11j than ever is evidenced by v\I1-rv-:1`;-nun J __'.\....1. _L. `RAND OPERAL HOUS I5 FRIDAY, AUG. z3:a.- j aim; DOUBLTEST 53! | Mr. Geo. Poucher sa.id he sa.w Mr. Collins-._about two weeks previous to ithe accident, when the latter had `come into his store to enquire if his dues in the Foresters .were paid to date. Collins told witnese that he was subject. to weak spells and _thou_ght it was some aiiction of the hert. Collins was sober that day. ' He. seemed anxious about his dues in the Foresters. Witness had" not seen 'Collins_ since that day. V Foreman Goodfellow asked wit- -ness if the thoughtjsuuch .9. heavy man A-falling from a _t~r'1i.in would not have more cuts -and _.~bruises_ V. about the l_ieaid,` b_1;1t.witns's>dec1iined- ptoi give ' is opinion. Mr. ` G'ood&Ilaw' thought iCo_llins.emust have lit his feet rst ans! t9mb?.<! e_f.:!%5@t2:%; head- E':oI-3z`IIe`?13;T"1333vax.sT-dad not . agree with F(meman-(;}oo_dfe11ow and cited a .si1yilar gase to prove that any per- .Il:Lf\L `U53 ll-`D sauuuo i l\'[1:. Harry `_JiJ-armain, brake-smian, [said his train stopped near the Eighth-.I.i11e. on being signalled by a man gltaxging` beside a prostrate body on the racks. The injured man was lying with arms outsxtretc.hed-. and from appearances witness would ,'say he-had fallen ,from`a swiftly-` moving train, alightingon his head and shoulder and bouncin..<.." or rolling about fteen feet. He did not know |Mr. Collins. In ans-wer to a. clues? tion Ifromrthe jury, Brakesman J ar- main said* it would be possible 'for` a man to fall` up0n_his head. and not bruise the body,muecl1. . l Brakesman J as. Brennan of the lsouth-bound freight whose crew dis-, covered the injured man corroborat- ed the evidence of the former wit- ness. He told of passing passenger train No. 65 at _Bra.mle_v .(half way between Allandale and' Lefroy) and when his train stopped.-'1't backed up to .Where the injured man was lying across the tracks. He told of. his train proceeding to Lefroy- with C01- lins in the caboose, afterwhich the engine` and caboose were rushed back to Allandale, where Dr. Ross met them. They brought Collins to Barrie depot andi helped` place `him in-- the ambulance. 9 Conductor \Va1lace,_ who was in charge of Train No. 65,-was the rst] xvitness. Collins had spoken to wit- ness at the Union Station platform- but witness did not then recognize him. \Vhen"coming up on the train` witness had complained-' of troubles I which were wei-g'hing upon him. He had been drinking. Witness saw that Collins had moved from his seat 'whcn- between Lefroy and Allandale and wastold-`by another passenger` that Collins had gone along the nar- -row passage between the smoking Vcompartment; and the mail compart- ..n_1ent of the coach. ' - . A` . . I I "Dr. W. A. Ross met the train at !`hA11atnda*]e and examined` the injured Eman at the Hospital. Collins was [unc-onscious. He had cuts on his jforehead, on back of the heacl and {on the ear, and a bruise on the side :of the head . There were no broken tbones. He remained unconscious iuntil the time of his death, on Sat- turday morning. - . The ,iuryWviewed' the. remains on ":Satu1iday evening and adjourned un`- til Tuesday evening in the ' Police Court, when the investigation was] completed. ' An inquest was..he1d on the` death of William J. Collins, who fell from the afternoon. passenger train, _No. 65, j 1_is't' north of V _Lefroy,' on Thurs- , day afternoon last, anddied in the hospita1"on Saturday morning. .The jury empaiielled "by Coroner Dr. Evans was-as follows: J as. Goodfe1- low (foreman), ,Asa Warni-ca, W. Stone, J. D. Wisdom, C`. Luck, John Cannon, W.R. Webb and Robt. Miller. Crown Attorney Cotter represented] the Crown, and Mr. D. Murchison represented the railway company. An oicial stenographer of the G.T.R. iwas present and took all the evidence ;in shorthand. AND `OI-TEN TOOK SPELL OF WEAKNESS ]._FOR- l Co'x"onJer s J ury RelumVe1jdict I" That J. Collins Acci- [ . dently_I`:el! ffgm Train ' IDEATHLWAS HAD WEAK HEART. -;-Had weak Heart ' .. The court` was cleared, and the` .;.jury deliberatgd for h;a.1f_.,.qn_ _hour, -. -when they bmuzhtj-;i:,' 7a `Yd .,9It `that - J.-VV{l1_iam Collins, his "dath, .;hrough-- aigcidentally falling 03 pass?! en'gm-train 3N0. 66 on Thursday % Td~ Ann ..son falling unexpectedly from any! height, would necessarily fall head} foremost, as the upper part of the` body is much the heavier. There wasi the possibility that Collins had taken a weakpspell and fallen out. . The c_onduct_or` did not notice anything. lwmixig .w ithi Collins as he sat in the `any `specigl 1 cafreof him; coclx `ant! saw no reason for taking I Mr.ADa1_1ford Roche of Newmarket was in town a couple. of days last week. He purchased the staock-in- trade of C. S. Stewart and- came: here to ship it away. He` paid! twenty-ve cents on the dollar. Mn`. Roche was in- business in Co11iing- wood about twenty years ago, oc- cupying for a time the Lindsay block, then` vacated by Frame, Hun-; ter`v& Macdonald;-Oollingwood Sat-i -_ \T-_._-. AIL lll\/\.I:\74 urday News. I GOES TO NEW ONTARIO I In Mr. W. J. Hallett, formerly prin-'1 cipal of the Barrie Public Schools, has been appointed Inspector of Pub- lic -Schools for the Temiscaming District, with` headquarters at Haileybury. M1`. Hallett has met with even greater success than he enjoyed in Barrie, since his appoint- ment as Principal at Cornwall, and: his long and varied experience in` Public School work will eminently t him for, his new: position. He will assuinehis new duties at the beginning of the school term, at anl initial salary of $1,800, with A good} prosneets for advancement. The. -Advance joins with his many friendsl in congratulatinghim on his pron!o~ `v1.1iOX1 . J. unxs up \.Iul.L\,J. 111L.I.l.o I . While on the Way to the ce11s,| Wussow talked in a -rambling man-; _ner of -his father, whose death he, said h had caused. After reaching; the cells he quieted down and "talked in a rational manner. From hisi conversation, it was -evident that he! was educated far ah?0ve the? ordinary} farmhand. Hegis about 2'7 years of ` age and has been in Canada somej IfOl1I'_ya1`S. He had been drinking. l `LT- ..... ....J L...[.`,__._ `nmr 1)-)--- . .L\JlIL .LJ.\/ AILIXI. \J\.`\.lL \,llllLI\l.I-L50 .J"'"' . . He appeared before P.M. Raden.-i hupst on Monday and was remand- 'e=d. until to-day." Jail Surgeon Dr. 'Wa1I.win examined the man and ad- 5.-:d holding him for several days. I I I On Sunday afternoon he entered lJ.- D. Rodger- s home of: Worsley` St. _and acted so strangglypthat , the police were notied. P. C". Lambie answered the call and after a stout Irersjstanoe on the part of the` Ger- man, .Who is :1 young man of power- ful build; succeeded in `putting the hall`-dcu"s on him, with the`. assist anoe of three other men. I 1'1 ?! -1 -I `I1 Q Alexander Wussow, a native of Germany, whohas been in this coun- try but a few years, is in the local jail, on remand till to-day, when his sanity ,will be inquired into. On Sat- - urday and Sunday, Wussow, who has been engaged at farm work near Barrie, acted strangely on the streets,f and created no little attention and fear by his srange actions-. He would walk up to strangers -and look them squarely in the eyes, claiming that he was about to mes- merize them. _ ' Young German Acted Strang- ` _ly. and Was Taken Into Custody on Saturday to Examine His Head wAs ANXIOUS To MESMERIZE 1 PEOPLE on sum PURCHASED COLLINGWOOD STORE ' STOCK. Two -Boys SEEN NEAR WYEV'ALE. MAY HAVE BEEN FROM " Toaomo. - _jThat'Wil1ie Archer, _.Who is miss- ing from his home: at 27 . Gertrude street, Toronto, passed through FI_:os` Township, near VVyevale, is the be-. lief of Mrs. Geo. Harman of T Wye- vale, who says she saw -the boy with another at that place. Mrs. Har- man states`_ that they were both] riding bicycles decorated With] V Owen "Sound banners, and they said `they were going to visit an aunt. The names they gave .were Willie Archer and Willie Smith, aged 14 and 15. Both had fair hair and complexion. They spent the night at a farm house and then continued their journey. WAS 1'1` WILLIE ARCHER? On the. recominendation of the ,-Maiiagenient C'o u1,Inittce, some minor `repairs will be n1;1de to the West 1VV.ard School and the B.C.I. It had been decided` upon to build a four- |foot. cement wall at the rear of the W. Ward School. but as the cost [gures out to nearly double that of la board "fence, the latter .was decided lupon. The estimated cost ofthe ce- lment Wall was` from $100 to $125. D TENDERS SCARCE FOR B.C.I. The Ruilding Committee reported as follows in regard to the tenders for the new-Collegiate: The ten- jdcrs received have not been satisfac- `tory, inasmuch as only two were re- ceived complying .With the advertis- ed anvd-usual conditions, and these for only minor portions of the cons_truc~ tion, covering only heating, ventilat- | (Continued on Page 4'.) Accounts totalling $353.88 were recoinmended for payment, by the Finance Committee. This sum in- cluded the following payments re Entijance Examinations: J. L. Gar- vin. $41.81, S. A. Morrison $21.50, Miss'M. Howard $36.15,nH. 0.: Rick: aby $20.50, W. Pierce $21.00. -II'f_ TI - W, _ , A 1 ~ A11 `-i _, .,..v..,v, * ..,..,.- .,,4.;.x.... I Miss Kearns of Allaxidale was ap pointed to a vacancy on the West Ward staff, in place of Miss Dandel, lwho had been selected but who failed [to qualify. ` The matter is at a standstill, and 21 special meeting will be called to consider the best course to follow. The I`(;I)0I"lS did not mention that not one local contractor has put in an estimate. It has been, unofficial- ly, learned that one tender (from an outside contractor) placed the cost of the masonry, brickwork and car- pentry at $99,000. This would leave the plumbing, heating, ventilati.J.g~, furnishings, cost of site and im- provements to grounds, etc., to be gured-on, and these would bring [the cost up to $125,000, at least, and lpossibly much more. That the building of a new Col- legiate .wil1A not commence at once, or even this summer, is the general opinion of those who have been on the inside in regard to the few ten- ders received, and this impression was strengthened by Tuesday s meet- ing of the Board of Education. Trustees Dr. Richardson, VV. R. King and P. Love were not present and a bare quorum resulted. The Management Committee `recom- mended that two tenders for plumb- ing, ventilating and heating be not accepted, and asked for further in- `.`tI'UCti0119. SCHO0L Bum mo NM CONSIDER THEM New Collggiate Still at A Standstill.---$99,000 Re- "ported to be Lowest 3 for Bare Building ' -"Bi-iEi'tBr?l' St. ` . {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE OINGCI COMIC `rm-mu: CINTI stm-c-Eliub6t'h St Factory- Bradford = BRYSON if we say that no home baking can possibly equal the products of this Bakery. Take the matter of practice - alone, VVe bake hundreds of loaves to your one, and as for facilities, no kitchen range can equal our .s1:.ecially built ovens. ._Try cur Bread for a week and judge. Offended and .1. Pm, lllvno MEXl_.S'---25:-C-EZNTS M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, - Prop. WOULD ` `l -LVUE `.11. 1Bb1'1Uu.uB. _ h `M11 Dickedi stock delivered the Tam, day as pulled, or on the fol- W`r`~ (18.33 in good condition, (no. 311115 _or wmdfalls wanted`) for, which be lnllost market price will be_pai.d` Y `James Vair, and Son`. ' T ' nC0mmr=11rce to bring them in non` ;1;.tL1r` Aug'ust 24, up to S31-,Vu,1--. by August 31st. Procure your own, wfgs at. the. barrel factory. .YO11.. Ms 48 Dmd on delivery for the bar.- Am I I` 0. as: .well as for the a-p'p1_es.- Wi] 1"`*`2Toxv11 on cuIt1vated*o0mha`1'd8;_-% bmlg` the highest price.` net together and employ T do has -a heavy srnring waggon 51:0, your t,(xami11g- in_ - T I _ ' Jzmpas VA I.R:& sioN.;:rno;o_1 ' , Dlilhl. \ ._ ,_ N -:"i .. It is astonihing--the -gas.`1ilIb thS1'ef 0Hsume'r1' at. Midl-and. ..8.B.JB. "Jess Press. Hanlyf Bros. -' six .thousaI'1d' = CLARKSON HOTEL 1000 BARRELS or EARLY APPLES WANTED! 15. T. SHORT, . . Manager LONDON, ENG., BRANCH, KI Throndnd-odllo RI, l:`r', ~ Qnx. 5? Id-up Cd Ital. Rest ? ` med Undivlged Proms `Total Assets (Over): l. ' or CANADA. f *:::.'u".:z.%' ;*:"..-:.~':.%.s ss.:s1.37o% to be spent-\au-d` instead of being my. would be earning Interest nigh .:;n(1 day. -' . ' [ 1 9 . r1 0 `-5 u duu A-- .. . "' ' ing :1 lot of money. ' ? .. A . your ho `. .your pockets. - .Au8er: It \ynu1d be much 3 f . _ , Union Bank of Ca11ad:ir1es;n1il`{t111e ' \ 1` . I ` h` ` `uux. H t. . If you 11-a.ven t; a q A(:('>1lIlT. a.11'ea(]5, Q0meLi?1V1g _ all 0 P911 D0n. t.WF9!E?F9?*} hi and risk ;he_: rincipal its * ` ` * T ' - ` elf by kee F N` `N I 1 P. ' an alt: wuuuucuac 9|, IBOIAO F. W. ASHE. - - Manager. G. 1':-L C. HART SMITH. Allilltwllf ----._.- liEEE , LXI. No. as wHoI..l' ' ,'N ` VOLTHOMPSON cam. Puuyiuucn`. SIMMONS & C0. 25 per cent. off regular prices if work is brought in this month. AUGUST F U RSV J. FRANK JACKSON Nothing bqt a_picr.u_re canvkeep In-r as she 1:3 - Isn't It worthn piL7lll1`(`. . ' Eoutl} llM'l' 1l'UUl\3 um; IuU.'5_l ueuonung. if is th_e. hapmest time of her youuglxte. , ' . u.u.`.`..J'.4 I3k.: gm Appointment 'l`o-day- That little girl of yesterday is 1]. young lady r.o-da.y-- h'er sum- nu-1` frocks are most becoming. it i4 Hm hanniesr. tinw nf hm- Remodelled and Repaired During .-~v.. --yo, ujcuucqi 51 Th'r ea_d-ncedle St., E.C. A GIFT .. Eln- and No.7/II_Duch4ess. and No. .11 Astricans. Hats and Furs MAKE ROCKFELLER` ._SmLE+ =%H?I Maker of Portraits Bamfie Branch. ovu- 1- 33 A): s5s,ooo,oooj RATES : $1.00 Per Day V5116 -ll`-`BID VI-\ -41-vv -v ------.-_ The test was a very satisfactory one, and should demonstrate to all the wisdom and economy of keeping all re ghting appliances up to the best possible standard. The insur- ance rates are high enough, even in Barrie, and money spent on first- rates at the same or lower gure. The report the Inspector will be sent along in the course of a couple of weeks. Oomaxawoou. Soonsb -.BY INSPECTOR The underwriters g are after. Col- lingwood yet, `says The Collingwood_ Saturday News. A year or so ago it was promised,,if a new -re hall was provided, with a number of pen;-_ l class equipment means, keeping the manent `men, the rates` for insurance ` would be lowered, New demands are now. being made,` ,_ and..i1ii" the ,I,ne8'n- time there is no change `inthe ins surance `rates. There `would appear. ;to of Trade toco-operate with the council; and ratosther secure justicg gr people. . V 5....- -;.,a;.-r .......'.. I JUDULVU `vs V... r--`,, , The new demands were made known bn Wednesday and Thursday when. Mr. N. M. Wilson, an` inspect- or of mnderwxfiters, drbpptl in and `gave the new me _b;i'ig_ade a. number I `..,_.~ V_ ._|, . _.__ _ VA,` 1d The ahbtljleroeoxl-l nection made, .With ve lengths of I hose and nozzle attached-; then an- other and another -nnti-1 six separate lconnections were _made from hy- drants along Dunlop St.. `from Mul- csaster to near the "Five, Points. Spectators wondered if he was en- deavoring to nd outthe number of Then the order was given to turn [feet of hose, number of nozzles, etc. V water on to ' the six at the onei time, and -the test showed that the prssrure was well up to _the standard. [At the Waterworks Station the pres- sure was 120 lbs`. when the rst stream wasplaying: This gave a `pressure of nearly-100 lbs. at the` hydrant, which is considered. -remark- ably good "for a town `with buildings. I the size of those along `our main streets.` When the. six streams were turned on the pressrure dropped mi 90 at the pum-ping station, which 2:a.ve. about 70 lbs. at the hydrant. Inspector Wilson stated. to Supt. Brownlee that he was well; pleased was better than the average. with the tests and that the prcrasure i The members of the brigade `work-` ed with rapidity `V and` demonsrtrated the eiciency towhich a company ofi re-ghters -can be brought by train-l ing; The re teams were well- handled, that on'the hose wagon be- -- LL- 1:......`I:...1..; -11 4.1.... 4:.-..,. nu .llllll.'U1C'U. uruu -U11 vxav IOU ing in the limelightall the time as they moved from `one hydrant to an- other. Driver Beatty had them un- der perfect control all the time, but they made excellbnt time ` in get- ting from one spotto ~another._.. T _ -_._. ;.-L:~.nn&1\;nv on Friday afternoon, Mr. N. M. `Wilson, an inspector in the employ` of the Underwriters Association. stepped off the train and touched the alarm at the` post ofcebox. Driver Beatty had `his team on the reels in the fraction of a minute, but owing to a slight hesitation in the striking` of the alarm the rst time, he had to wait until the gong sound-s ed the numbers the second time be- fore starting out. Thus he lost some} seconds throughl the .fault of the ala-rm, but, nevertheless, he had. the reel on the Way in less than a -min- ute- The horses .were in excellent` condition and made 9. great race dqwn to the hydrant `at the P. 0. Square, and thefirst stream was playing; in less than ' (two minutes from the first stroke of the gong`. That the Board of re underwrit- ers is determined: to keep ' the . re- fghting a.ppli'ances of 7Ontario towns right up to" the standard may well be inferred -from the ` gruelling given the Barrie brigade last Friday. The remen proved to _be in ne shape for the emergency calland the equipment showed .to_ magnicent ad- vantage, demonstrating to the in- specter and the citizens that .we have just as eicient a company of re- ghters` as is to be found in many of the cities. ` coumcwoon nasr % WAS NOT so soon Severe. Test by F ire Underf- writers Inspectors.-_The Brigade Worked ` Quickly l PR ESSURE M WASGOOD _ `rm: aurznzsrs 6? , B.ARR%IE,vCOUV1\%ITYOF sIMcoE. ONTAfR% IO. AUGUST" I5. I912 I { ahe _' Se}! a,':..;:.**.?.} 5:::o:.':::;'.:;*::.*:v .:`:';:9; Mr. Choppin, playing with hig-old! team mate, Mr. A Boys, strengthened the Barrie team play in the boubles wggidelgxbly. - % ` ---__-A_ 3_ '_--_-..A.-...-,'I 1.- I-opaumc of tho; s1-:AsoN `circle BARRM CU'I`CHEON'S FA s V _ % `s9roa.Y . _Mt_ . . c 9. we .` - .\3*;$`&.9-::;% `7'7:"~ m2:.l '.~:,:= l_ n:reo' '~ : . -" ': 1 "etc. . rI;IcBs;'1. sue. oaueru` W3. ._ Plan qt 4'. j_m A. Lmloommnm once."-kin-*' Boys` & Choppin won from" Innes-{Taylor `and Legge 6-0 6-4" Purkiss & Little won ` I from E.` Bicklc and T .MpKcnzie .A . . . . . . .3-6 `6-1 6-4 Lewis & {Cu-m_ming won g fronl .M=cTaggart and V Mitchell 6-2 7-5 |Beecroft & Felt `lost to - Robb and H.-Bickle. 1-6 6-8' "Result being. a tie---won 6 and lost 6. ` ' . A V ' ` I - NOTE-S. I `Mitchell saif(1-;1-e-M}'1ad sold his' .baIoon--b1`1t he .went up in `the air just the same. I M1`) ,_L1_ ,_,9) IV , ' 1 1| BREWSTER S MILLIONS ` " IIIILI-II-B v\` , f Purkls had too much Legge to con- tend Wlth. ' ` 1'5!` 10 1 . no -..._, ........- V M0T88`8ertV `says. he was too busy (with the. ladies?) on his trip. up Stoney Lake. He hasn t had time to keep in form, but `he promises to de- sert the fair sex and will issue a cha11enge'toDr. Lewis. ` ' 1:71.." 0.}; _..J 1):-1_1- '--___- L- mt; [ 32- I wvuguo `V . Innesu-Taylor was `director `Of cere- -monies and kept things moving. His genial manner captivated the. visit-[ VSIIIS I'\I\-I I $034.] I Mr. _VBee<.-`roft is 'accustomed, to `handling the cash, but McKenzie ltook the coin, I u IllA\.aL \./ Llllvlllll LL15 IV klll 3 from Mitchell W. Little lost to Robb. H. Choppin lost -to E. Bickle .. .. . . . . . ..3 I J uov valv Uulnlwt Brother Cumming, borrowed from the Rusholmes, proved his bro- 'therly love for Barrie. by assisting ini winning both, single and d oq`b1e./ I I Pnrkis: had too mm`-11 TAQHA tn arm- up to his name,` says Billy Litt1e.- ' l 'l[.."l"........._._A. ....-___ 1..- _____ 1., .wete. - 'I',, -, - \.rlICAyLI\-'lIb\.' V\l .AJ 5 u .n.4\.I 1' Au: I When Felt and Bickle. came to- gethei it was a jewe1er s clash-kind of _a diamond cui `diamond, as it. M rn.-,,i_ ,,,_ 19,,, L U :- Lo -lJ\JJJ VVUIL LIULII. LIILIU N Taylor .. .. Mr. Purkiss lost. to _Legge ......5-7 D1?" Lewis won from _M'c- u"i`agga.rt . . A. . . . II. Felt lost to II.` Bickle !'Brother Cumming won -L`.-1.`... ]I3L..'l-..`l1 ' The Barrie Tennis Club paid. 21- retu_rn.visit to the Rusholme Tennis Club, Toronto, on Civic Holiday, midl played a. tie. game, "with a score of 6 wins and 6 losses. The mem- bers "of the Rusholme , Club were lmost hospitable` entertainers and "the local team Speak in the highest terms of 9 the good ti-methey had. Luncheon was `served -at "the club house and laftere the game a tea was served on lthe lawn. _ The -score was: | SINGLES. T. Beecroft lost to McKenzieV3-6 W. A. Boys won from Inues- FI`....1... :1 -I

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