Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Aug 1912, p. 1

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5 gua new ite coal of the whole the educa- The Hy.- other sid_ ave an ex- II the useti .L`I.I I c \ I `.7-Il'\IlI Lll, AUG \l `l I , LUI J..JO lettings, E. M. Gil'cIh1-ist, L. Galla- augher, R. A. Gibson. L. B. Gra- ham . B. A. 1-Iatrvee, M. J. Henry,. M. M. Honsberger, S. K. Hisey, M. J amieson, K. L. Jees, L. Jsermyn, Alex. J ohnsvon, Allen Johnston, L. I. Kneeshaw, F.-I. Kirby. =J. VV. Kight- 13'. M. H. Lee. E. M. Laws.'on, A. L. Le~onand', J. A- Mathersv, C. W. Mc- Cann, VV. M. Man-, F. E. Maxwell. I. McC`=as-kell, R. H. McCa.be. D. Mc- Cuaig, G. E. McDonald. M. I. Mc- Eachern. G. E. McDevmid:, R. H.` I .McDer'mid=,` P. G. McNamara, P. M. Mc.Cu;l.l0ug\h., G. McLeod, .M. J. Mc- Leod, G. I. McBri-Ie. V . H. llfitchel-1. E. Morrison, J. A. Moon, F.` E. "Mar-` now, A. Morris, G. R. .Mnlrphy, F. M. jM_ul-len. D. M._ O Brien. M. E. Quigley, G. Paterson. M. Patersoxl, VV. Reed, L. E. Robinvsto-n. J. Ru):- ton, II. M. Sarjeant, C. E. Scar-now, N. W. Scott, M. M. Sincl-air. M. B. Swa=ll0.W, S. T. S'proule.. F. Switzer, E. R. Wfatt, C. Webb, V. VV.a.ncIna.n, `N. E. Wilson, M. E. Wolfe-. C. K. Wilson, M. A. Wght, 'Wya;nt, J. Wylie, G. M. Wright, I. E. Young. Lo ALILIUU \.II V o A BEL-ollk, M. s. -Billinlfsg-I:N7. 3'ie-" neftt, VV. G. Black, M.` B. Brown, C. R; Brown, R. A. Campbeill-, E. G. Clarke, G. T. Chillcott, C. L. Clark, [Ml I. Coulten`, C. Cott-in:gha=In, A. n_'n2_-_ 1.r n h___-.-__ n 1:1 T\--.... ' ET)ll;;1s,V l`V I`:J 76'. DEs.m6Ti{' _"1 )yZ~.I{ J. Ellison, 11. Ellison, A. s. E11T'1,,l ,, I 1:1 in 121----..` n 1:1 /`l'.`_......_... L'lal.\|, AIL. 4.1. .1.l`(AC\.-I, 41- o '\.lLl.y\., 31:. J. Gendron, R. G aJIlagher\,mR. f`,A.Lf-__._ 1'.` `Ir n*.:l--.L_.:_;. T (1.11. p.;\,lruv.q;;.g_p\,-1, (II no .1. JUL AV vs 1.11:. uwauvvuu will open "or; Tuesdary. Sogrptember 24th, a.t which time all candidates -must present themselves. Appli- cants ave required to be -at least 18 years: of age befone October 131:. ,, ,, 3 `I 'm1, 1 11,,-,2 _ L ,0 .1- ____ A ;The following` is a. list. of t~heZ 'suc-I cescsful caxxdidates from Sim-coe Colmtyz ' V I\ cs A,|O -u-x -r Successful cmididaites. who desim to attend} the` com-ing session of Nommal slxhools aremotied, that their applications for admission must be -made. to tha. Derputy VMiniiste.riof Ediuczption not. later than. T_uesd?ay, Sept-ember _3-rd. The Normal" schools ___`l'l .._.._.. .._. Vl"_---._I..__ Q.._._.A.-....L.... CHEAP RATES FOR CIVIC ` HOLIDAY. . Barrie -Civic Ho1i.da.y Monday, August 12th, 1912.- , On August 10th, 11th a_ndi_ 12th- -rreturn tickets` will be sold at lowest one way rst-culnss fare: for the round 'trip, with minimum charge of_ 25' cents, from . Barrie to all stations on ` the Grand Trunk :'Ry_. System in` Canadia,` also to Detroit ` `and: Pt-. 1r ____ _- 1:: .1." -D_-n:'..1,. D1.....1- `DA-nl. ` 4 _T'h results for the Middle. school` examination for _ entrance into mrmal schools are given c ` icates bf successful-caflldli`-, Ems and? the statevmaef Tut; bf VI;ll21:lj'i{VSI.l)i`i`: those` who failed be -maillead to the prilnpipals or ihsgpectors `in the course bf a few ` The appeal exa.mi;ners `have. already r-read the paper_s of each candidate whose marks iwou-Id.` in former years have justied an appeal. Where such a.fca,ndidate: had still failed his state- gent of m-amks will be: stamped as 10- nd, and no further 21PPa.l will be aowed. In 21211 other` cases of fail- ue -a':p`peals' will not be rfused, if made before "September 1st. "t6 "1)oi`ts" iii"'1}sifiiii"" "( >`ii`v" t':1E>iiii ~'c t`i f1`g`r V I-IhO\n4 1 up-navy .- Th;-Lu-gh _ti;:k',=t; .wi11 a{1;sio be sbld Ra.i1'wayvand~ Stean1boat ~=I2ines~'a.uth-~-~ __:_-..1-_-_. n:..-..1...'. `KL. Mm '1`:..Im+._-` ., V .. 3,, x .._ . ,, ._ ._ .,.. ., :_: `\ ` -*4 -. .. R .~ ..w '. 3., .1; 2;, . * ' ` . 1:1 . ..,. - ~ , 1;, `QUALIFY FOR L` 0 ..l 0 L319-llbl - .l. i and ,S\vuntI)n, .u.-u-uwu_y -uulu` uucauurvuu ;4a.nn.o wuuu orizendu in. Cinculaar No. 463. Tickets good` tp retum .1xA'x;At;AiV]:;-_-Au.g11s1g,_1.3t h, I mm V mEe.5{1.ii. ivQ&:ijt1 Canadian Northe`m1.Re'LiIwa.y " `rl-. on" this side -of the. lake, alndig for:- thAe. to'mm v pp_1fova1` ` of It is, bo~ rbe` _.-. intetntipn to ,make rou`_'TorP1=-this ' sidg [of}rt_lIe lake?" `run- ning 'I1`-3:ena1 -_'];_"he' C;_P.AR., i..`tfck.';~wil,L - t(i;';"_1e; nori:hea*1.)__, T1;:zais;{{{;;or% the?` .-tbs;'. nw`.`1iii2i, (%ii%:`.bfancI'?."" 5 ` %47r;s%10iF;.;tr11 it 1; -.-`n .13."- `od plans with thfown for7a. mute i |v'l-`U2-"\IiA_`-`.`0Vu VI!!!`/`I --.;-. ,..:zz9.xie,;;zL!h:u.,;2l;.z;g..,: *-__._- .__v...._._.,_` `_-v,-,w. Ftoixi (~`I"l1:i 1:'t;)";.-'-i-5" Mginy tom % :.'.v\G-Q A 1 Q Akitt, 0. J. Atkins. R. Ll 'l.f LV 'I)1II!._,..I..__ {V T) -. \Vork was commenced yesterday on Tthle eixcavationsz for a. new shoe n1a1n1'factor,v, being erected for Mesvsrs. A. W;--Whitby. F. J. Whitby a`nd_A. Whitby ,(the latter two of Toronto). by Contractor Tooke. The bui1d,i`1i.g._._V`VwilA1 be, of cement `blocks, with ~a.;stone.fro,nt of p1a.t_ glass and brass ribbed xyindows. The 1\Iesars. \Vhitby,,__intend to go into the mranu~ facture ofa.` special line. of infants shoes and boys especial made. boot:~., for which they `have: a. ready market for -all -they `can make. They ask no concessions from the Town, and have 'a`h-eady p11~rc'-has-ed some of the machinery for their plant. They are all experienced` shoe. men, Mr. A. E.- Whitby of Toronto having been em- plo_vQd- in responsible positions by several of the best: shoe manufac-1 l.tori`es of that city. I "Another fatbrry for Barrie-a1'1d I a1though~it'.is starting out on a. mod - cst ~sca1e,'~ the prospects are that it will dvelop'into one of our best con- I CI`I1S'. ` 7 ' l Thefpresent. building will be 15 xi 60 fe3t. -with a View to adding a. 50- Tfo0.t- extens-i0n- in the spring. Cu ~1- tom` shoes will be made and the re- pa.irLin-g derpartmen L will be looked a.ftm' by `Eff. A.` W. \Vhitby. `as: usual. During` th winter Mr. A. E. Whitby- will insttruct a. number of operato1:s`,i,n the _.n1-anufacture of the] special. lines which he will put on the market, am! by spring, he ex-. pects to put on a. 1-arg~e1y-incm:1sed "staff. .IJ.I.|l._l.;.\_J.lL,;:_ 4.54111 J.a\J.|., u_. -by, Harry. y_le$, Worsley St. This! is a very hi1'ridy_ _`property and" will I 3 E be sold right; M ` " `LAARG E` SEMI DETACHED 5 " BRICK HOUSE on the `Vest side ` ; of M:i:1-?'1St:;`*`ii1l"`onvenien-ces.VGan , be*` bought psgm; ' 2 I vv A;\. \I ' HKEAT `HOUSE - "AI TD! 1`t);T<;;;OlX_:_` -_& game: of . Flore: def I H9I!..;.; S318: Williake small ` |;_. bne_ i_)};'__,\", lit land inexchange. 1 g.'..`...*g` ...; ` ..b.J._-"4-" - ...~. . ......" -'4-If` yitm---w1's 1i.to entxetrtain - your visitors; ..;y.ou c.a11..conve11ient1y do so by 9. motor car trip. A. B. Thomas has just pu.rchas`ed a mew. Regal Un- densl-11ng._Auto,,3md: he will quote you rats for J usrt phone 280, or` "C5151-`a.t` 'Dhom`2i`S bosathouse, just east of"`th`aS-G:T.R.- depot. 31-32 A yp-53;;-r (.54; Lvn;_,,- ._uu|\, : VA Llnkll olvlkf s O UJCXIII :A.lj, of Qyegmgre, J. Casselman of WyebriHg',. Gebrge Ogilvie bf Brad- ford and Dr. P. H. Sophn of Pene- 19~IFl3'uishne.=..`= V Lle Work Commenced `on Build-e ing Fen` `Small Shoe Manu- : Cfactory, Which Will Soon ' . Enlarge. I The AdV'aI.l1(,`.- W -hes; this new rm levery sixccess in t eir undertakmg 4 `<:*oF1?%1~Qj*N EW ONTARIO. % .Iq1"*y"j1eft: on Monday :;n'f1t"~6f1 bfghga `spciJa1` G.T.R. train party of Liberals, Mai-.N."W. Row1eT 1.1, K.C.,who a."i{<`)"r i` inspection tlmou-`gh. Onii"i':5:'5Tli7"`tra.ii1, which pass- "about midnight, =`ve-Pu:lx1ma.n.s and two dineifsgaxzhncjgz-z.t11emT.<;& N. '0. private `-aa,1-g ag;_z31pj!f.for the use of the - ggother Pu_~1lman INDUSTRY HAS cnosm BARRIE {NEAT BRICK HOUSE on Sophia [A ` St:-eet.<.. Water," light. and sewer BR1:CK;H%Q.UE.AND LOT, qwnedl L__ 11..-... ur;.1..- n'r......1,... Q4. 'm,:;. I > VII-JU U35 `fly ULIC LL _ ggy leader. Another Ptrllman ;:ut;:3f`t':N6fhh `Bay for the ac- emmoatibifi bf the Temiskaming` dis'brictg~a9esp5n~esenba,t.ives. The itiner- rpoints. of special in- Ontarlo," inc1ud`~ 5- It I . 4 -v Q. ;n0 .n fv-1.n nmnw 4-kn nni-1'n.-. .1-a'e4-nnnn "" }[....i*::`: V.-""." 1`' 321. `try; ovgnf the entu-e. distance of N." 0.' Railway line. ; ?5Amr6ffg3"'btl*1rs*`.from this district .Who*~'ai' z(m;?,~%.t.he:tra.in are-.: Joseph \l-:u. -1.` {V............._- T P1,.-- `I;-._, -1- . 11\_Jua:. \._!l _,Va&.Zu._u|, Aalxu 111 w.:A\;uau5\:. F01'If,1?iQ1{ERTfES; of Mr. A. H; E1 0traiIi S"1'oi" Sh1e. Sand ,9 Mulcast- -2 er St., srsooxv '~1`wo- houses, P_at-kl Q and` Florence St.,T-$750 each- ' I '7 f1B $9. on rs. . 2; ;0o11ie15`,f 71'a?iE, iihIiI{g"aIi' 1`)hxmbingc.':Private sewer to lxaka {FOR-.rSA~InE-.-.-+Brick House owned by 1 2:: -Th9..-.Qregves, on Toronto St., Q.}:Q10O`1$,i\.I. -3`-`IQ1~`='el1 _a< T-Park. ` This is ii` and will be_ sold .;`>..i:. . : - . -7 _ .~ 1-._...'uI " A 1 '"~'u462;.;`~#. Xi.7 '<"f`>5~'.f`.` .. .- .ph,,m Mt `iZ'2`7}3'arJ.7X} 'E3`vTvn."` 0}: ~.- .. fce-1 dofor north "f the Bank Qf To-A s;rojs1t<;%:i.`* -22,, 'x'`'.`' ~-- ~..' .~_ PROPERTIES FOR SALE `fdr saAle-`or to 3`! , -Plague 288 J i i The driver of the autmnc-bile 'Lm mcscliately c~;un(- to the resc-u.e. and conveyed the trio to Dr. Norman Rogers? office at Stroud, Where it was rliscove-red that. the. child s skul-l was fractured and otherwise injured so severely that no hope was enter-tain~ ed for its recovery. Everything pos- siblewasl done for it, but it succumb- ed in less than two` hours. Mrs. Robinson and the other child oscapezl .with but a few slight bruis(~ ~'. `N0 blame could be attached to the driver of the. car. who reiidrererl every as- s.ista.nce. and en(lera.v0re:i in every way to avert the accident. The child was buried on Tuesd-ay 'afternoon.. The mother is grief- stricken and is suffering severely from the shock. l , . . ' A gfatsul accident occurred on Mon- day evening just south of Stroud, whereby the infant son of uMr. and Mrs; Frank Robinson of the Eighth Line, ,was- so severely injured .th.a,t it died Within two hours. Mrs. Robin- son was driving home with a spirited horse, she having been picking ber- ries, and was accompanied by a son, 3 years of -age and the baby boy of only 7 weeks old. \Vhile coming up the sidcroad just east of the Pezne-. tang Road, and near the 9th COI1C'i5- sion, an automobile approached from behind`. The chauffeur Waited for some moments to allow Mrs. Robin- son to give him room to pass, and then, when 50 to 100 yards. away, sounded a warning on his horn. The spirited animal became frightened and made a plunge forward. im- mediately starting to run. It was 11mm-mxageable and made for the `ditch, Where the buggy was so badly overbalanced as to throw the occu- epants all out. Mrs. Robinson and the younger child a.Iight.ing on some rough stones. in` TEN LASHES EACH FOR OR- ILLIA BOYS. Judge Wismcr sentenced the two Oril-lia youths, Earl Wa.lker and I-Larry Burnett, on "Friday morning last, to receive ten lashes each, the punishment to be administered by their fathers. The boys were convict- led of attempted indecent assault on two little Orillia girls under 14yem's of age, whom they kept out. in a boat all night, while searching: parties scoured the Town for them thinking they ,were lost. After sentence had |been passed on Friday, the; lads were taken back to the jail, Where they have been for two weeks and the lash was nadiministered by their parents in the presence of the oicials only. The hands of the boys: were securely fastenedr to the tops of doors-, and the. ten lashes adiministerod on bared banks, a. salutary lesson to all youths to curb evil passions`. This is the first whipping to take place in the County jail here. I\ -L-'1-IU LCIILAD |VV\4tl(J u.u.x\.xA -.uu.. illia on the evening train. HORSE BOLTED % AND INFANT WAS FATALLY INJURED Mrs. P rank Robinson Was Driving Home Near Stroud, When Auto Horn F right- _ ` ened Animal. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE UINGI-I COPIES TNHII OCNTI ON EVERY LOAF It's our guarantee of _P U R `I T Y I and CLlANLINESSin the making. ' BRYSON it FOR THE LABEL nil: `has LX681` RS 3 xhibit. It Barrie Branch.` _ .F. T. SHORT. -` - Manag en? LONDON. ENG-9 BRANCH, . :4 'I`I.-nnnlnnaullo GI 'l` I", `and [menu up 0` 3?"r'3-7:31:15 $,3.I8l,370% Total Assets (oven. 00 00 " : IV. 7 Remit %M % B`SMney Orders ` J` 'L~~1.1 CLARKSON ___HOTEL 95%;-. Mis'-'2_EENTs L?` ' "J % M. D. Cubitt-Nichols, - Prop. Bank Money Order; _iSgS1.1ed"bythe,' Union Bank of Canada for 'su1ng .up _ to $50.00 cost only from 33 to 15, according to amount. They are my_a able anywhere in Canada ;_ (yukond ~excepted), and in the principa1Unit.b ed States cities. Mom-y sent in this: way is S-"a {-`ef as if you handed it dirct to the, ;\Il.'S l` HAVE :sPE CIs;` The llzmlilmn Spectat0;';:,haQ;ay,`m1(3::` PM its 66th birchr1a.x,%,%.;;an iw Jounmlismiu. vision. j;;,:, mg` <'l.-:n'<-1 (such dtay,-as a. t p"1T.3' -i`I.\'.~`. A perusal of the G~neat4 er 5D"<-'taVt nu1nbesr.:pu.blish_9d V 01:15: annivc, .`1ry, nbutf -v-r.- .. I . - .. . . -;....u-rms '. l . f .......u.sr.s.z11`_y, tout, (_x)11u1.;1a _ 0319;. Q t"*I>oz1`tml1 saying` i'I'1 H? Wviml of the mess. The edi-`E ' 7! $t`;1tI"~' lm.s't,,' iL1u-st`nated`.vvith.vi 1` 16 lxomlgw of the different {i`1nts`.-.a11 cuts of the mthomg da: 5INi*(:tnt01-, down to cit mqc1arx1 equipment of-` mnyiaially. the pride of every :Ham19l;=V . R..'..n1.. n.- _.-z.1-._4.. -1.` 1.1.3: it i `Vila largely devoted '_tO 31 IIIFGCIIIICGIIIG KIOQ IIEOI r. w. ASHE, - - - Manager. 6. M. c. mun" SMITH. Asblunng Mgr. "HI! V'l\'.'- ]_J'ICll1t5 UL CVVGITJV -I-I-W-ll-l~&4|v.'L A b. ; Surely, the residents Of` mdh1t1u~11.; City, as we1l_,aw Titspthousff -her Of recaders throughout out $161; they cannot get co . be 31160, as is `by 3-,;1nued growth and Aianospecim: yo I 1' 7 ` ' ' ,3 9! dari2`..niV..1.`2}..;'_gf.*';.5..?a: % FJ,"T?_""E'.'.E" F OR L`T.L:IE-ZIEJE-IJ BL Bosanko T? . L V} % .LX|. N6.a1 A` wH6L`: VGLTHOMPSON CHEW; PUILIQIQIQIV .-__ -~ v~v\J nu-u uuJ mqu f 2581? J-I'vl|.fI$ dllggent, we115 d.i *5` ' 3! ?'h; of A'1`vhe Barrie A(Ivanoa.- . .~m.1px_,zr&b!|PI[v` ` . . pm we ` 25 per cent. off regular prices if work is brought `in this monfh. SIMMONS & C0. FURS AUGUST Iaavov, .------, -----`.--1 51 Th:-eadneedle 81., EC. Aalllt` _ `an Rmodelled and Repaired During OF CANADA Hats and Furs Have Your A RING 263 wH6LI:';u.o. aoa}; `UILIIHII. . , * 2 2? Irwo ucumouslas ! AT nus POINT %} 1 INSTEAD OFONE1 V1 IIl\-`I8 bi! ed over. At `Bushnell , mileage 47, on the raway, `Supervisor Edwards, who is in dluxrgeof the -first division, under General. Rqadmaster Ydung, _ saw, thirty "moose last week, , following eac.hT other a la Indian le. ` DDispute Settled Amicably` by `I W. A. Boys, M. P.-Oneon ; Each Side of the`Ppint.---. ' I New Dock to be Near" V } Old One.` Mr. F. B. G.rey,voousin` of Earl Grey, ex-Go_vesmor-Generval of Can- ada, W-a.-lke-d: eight miles" between theson ands Iroquois Junction on Sunday, .a. week ago, and during his stroll counted twenty-three moose. This would be in the necigl1.borhood_ of mi1eag1et22_5 on the line. Mr. F.. B. Grey is one of the moat enthusi- astic se-ttlxers in the north country. |Persona1ly. Mr. Engleha-rt doc-larres he -saw moose jeuveryvnhemo throughout ibis trip. '.l1l1ere never was 11. times since the T. & N. O. was prorjected when` there`- has been such an abundance of I moose in the north, he: said. Fre- .gge11tly they were obecexrvedi on the 't1`a:ck of the ra.i1`wa.y-itself, and they only moved o when the engine .. was I fairJy_ on top of `them. 4. % L V II , VThere was a ziepdrt in the %p`1,p .1'sV last week to the effect that a tram had run down a Large cow moose. Tl1e.:ca.roass was Aburiedr--~a. report v~vV--,',O|] v-- vvr V}. _ v--v._--- [which Mr. Engtlehart led} and?` s-m'i'1-. Work on the. construction of the Big Bay Point lighthouse was atop- pecf for several days on account. of objectiaonsg made by some residents and. property ownemi to the location, of`t;he tower. .Tlhe owners of pv'1'oIp= erty on the lake side of the Point lW0n Saturdhy, a, coImfeirenc~e ' was held; between Mr. W. A. Boys; K.C'. , M.P., and Government. Engineer MacLennan, who is-in charge of the work, -and] a decided` upon which will be `entirely 7 satisfactory 11:0 mesidieuntsu ands ow-tiers on both sides 'of the Point. lighthouse be nlaced* on the lake side so as to soho.w light to vessels.;`o_tnning from that direction, -'a`n'di "a'n<`>the.r" of ' equal strength will be built at the. new dyock.,,on .. the. -Bhidbf ed as to qond; . -all vegssels - /gaming dQWti $11,3bif3 } atnth9r:1_:42i_kn*.n _ ..c..:.J.A .'J.4....;'. .1.a1n#' J '3' W New Ontario to `beta meal V hun.tr s'para:di's Nvhri `big gvame seastom opens this -fall. Ohailrrnan J. L. 'Eng1eha._rt'of the '1'. & N. 0.:TRra.i.l- way Commission. -who has just re.- turned from an inspection tour cf New` Ontario, says the whole` -north country is overrun with` bull moose, -cows! and calves to a degree of abundaance that he `had never known T UIIB .I.lg'llJalIU`l.l5U ll-la uuu -uyvu uvvu-vu upon, some 30 feet directly -off the Point, cbailning, that thexlake Side | wgs where the ubeapotx light was need- Local: Hunters Will Lok Hr- Awarddto DTe'er Siaa_son.-`-_V l M New Ontario Will`be_ . l 4 Ll`-lunters Rafradisvey ` -a11111`m:1 tw ()Lwo'e;ic;sV_ .c11ase'of the` eet-U . -..v- V 500 sf. uquua: footed; der, V will read` with interest the foowing taken _f1'.om- a. T`oronto dailylof Tuesday: 1 00. ~"e'v~"" .""-Y:-`?v" "`=`.."!*` a rs- o-ckass !ig'ht. % .P1a11s,v-~apgeoiiioaIbion9warid" *~-of ' 4-; `'rA;`ina5`.'.rnt r%**%th`4P#in- ll llI.B'lI"'\;lI(Is3n ggaoo - The new -dock: which wi_l1'be a' fir'st-class permanent .structure, _.will,; bd built-juta fenv ytwdss W!es'tof the presoent onva,-_ ,at,_ the Iidger0'!i_d. ' ='Bl'gi_;s-. is nec~essea~.ry,V as the Govegnment do not wish t.oL ~bui1ud3 any""dio'ikss' on private . street direstlgy` _it.- ~ property. but on1y.wh9;1fe *1 Iwdi 91'. f1`Ie~nders.:* are now mug ~askea% for. th 00:1 Mruotion of; akwharf andiam-4; m~o~a?ehat me '-14t1w`~an-e; Iijtnirilff 'I.J1u.p, .n.v.v.. 0f98- I1,` elnjoy . I-ll; tartan-rs oI,`;;~. ` EtO`iJf1IT$?f6F sxmt. %diiii'AR1O, AUGU 1 Vincent, the ve-yvear-old son of Mr. and Mrs-. Nelson Rivard, Sophia St.,` in- company ,with a. younger bro- I ther, 3 years of age, and} another "little" lad, were playing on the of the. cement retaining wall, when Vinoent Rivard fell into the water at its dteepeet point. His cries attract- ed the attention of Mrs. Thos. Greaves-, of Toronto St., who just saw the arms of the lad disaappearing under the water. Mrs. Grreaves has- tily summoned her husband, and he in company .with Mr. Geo. R. War- nica, with rakes brought the boy to, the surface, apparently dead. A boy on a bicycle `had been despatched for a `doctor, and it is probably due to the wprompt response A of Dr. Arnnll, W110 ,Was' just passing the Five Points on his bicycle, that the child s life was saved. First--aid` to the\ drowning was used, and __ after ve minutes of a.rti.f'iei=a.l' resrpi.ra.tion* the first signs: of returning life -were manfeetod fDr. A. T. Little, was also on the scene by this time, and the two medical men. worked with the little fellow, giving him hot baths: and: then wrapping 1 him in Warm blankets, until he. was Suffi- eiently recovered to be moved; -in an automobile to his home on Sophia St._[It was fully four hours before the little fellow regained conscious- nesrsi, and- the parents: spent an `anxious night by his bedside. ~ v `CEME-NT INJURED 9 Wj 5.;'W9R3MAN- ; 9, Wh-il_e: hogs, ___1 .-lumtree; who lives on Co11ier.St.,- was engaged repair- .:ing east '|EWa1l.~.V$.)`f~ --T.-. 3- Brown & Co s;""LIi6f, ' ii" Ia.i'"' "fzii bf "c'e'-' ,meut` gmatingfell vJm'th."wa-1l'a1_1d ~ luiocked him backwards , into some ' `soft earthtfwhich .jusrt'-.been dug `font. The wmbul-anc_e was summonbd {.;a,nd: the injured In-an 1'evnIovetb the B . V. Hospital, whene Dr} Hart qt- "tehded him. H9 gsu3st~ained severe .aB0ut and hands. a1j&>_ha;d"'5fv3` `in we b uk. It was .ht.:rst* was inltr- Lm-. aw.Lvay not ";`?`jq;s;:_1ucT:y fox` _im 1:113 huge -piece pf- fnt -did; 1191:` fall directly uponT VA` .-- ll. -mna`n`n :.L.f.4, -nq.g.a-nIr_' 'T1e. miniature pond in Queen s _Pa.rk, which has been the subject of much discuss_ion- of late, was the scene of a. near-(frowning accident on, Monday afternoon, and` but for the promptiu-d.~e with which Dr. Arnall was summoned` to the scene, a. mag- edy would have vesulte-d. Vincent Riverd fell i1i`Queen s Park` Pond and Nearly Suc- cumbed Before Assist- ' ~ ance Arrived. . e ? A `of ty or sixty people gatherediat the` scene of ' the aocidernt in -a, few moments, and, as usual, in such cases , orowdedj at`-o'u.'nd greatly obstructing the passage of `pure a.ir. `I 32 [to '.ii1Qni,;`a.,,, b;;t'r`a.t Vpmeat Wu-iigxg he doifdg as well as 'an}..be IMLC} ILCEI-IIIl.KI`|.l\IllU, El-ilk`! these ,favomb1e. terms" from the "Government. VHe maxd-e s:evaena.1` trips: to Torm 0, and -on one occasion was accompanied `by Deputy Reeve J 0l1HlStOll.*-'P8C1t. . cmw mascuan rnom DROWNING , ON MONDAY vuvvn \o\4-V---O v--.. `-v.._--V. Fears have since. . .11 ..*M Vthaht. yhe. child may coi1t1fa.ct pneu-` mo. 13.... but"'a.t present wrtiqg iiis J-_'ZLA. `-4 . Ah. `an. hvvsnfna " ~v---- v - - v----v-.1 v-ow I.-v~ vv gn Abuvv Iv -I van on several occasions. 1`-i=i 1is act on the part of the Minister is much wp.-V. preci-ated by the `Coun1ci1.-_ -r.--- we .--;.-_ ` -95%} 0 II 0 -I-0 -l~J-SI-L Ill. AIIJIL IL I. `.`L|I In II./\4I (in most of the nengotiatipns, a.nd_ L..1.....Ju 4.... . ..-4. 4.L`_,_ - 1 .... _-I_`I, L-.._._,. Long 11 wvv-um. __. drained offfon V_ nrxugtrfixxg ord:e1r of `(.3b<)`rAI'm1iss.i('V).I1.'.,` 1~;NEWED.. _ 5" . . . ~\ T . !1`he Hon. W. H. `Hearst, Minister oof,:f,`Lands, Fomsts -and: Mines, Toron- Ato,5{;with whom the Orillia. Tozwn O.6i1nci1 `hast ,-been W. negotiating a. rqnewvzdjof the - "lease .ofL;t,h,:. has promised it for u - of. -Jainolma-y;, .;..1912.~:- L pay, the Qqverlmmnt a rental of fifty |`3.5'1.1't5."i '-3?1'.10?"5 .9 mwer-p;er.year; out 9 basis of 1,600 Mr. Hearst was good enough to remit the rent, due the Ggovermne_nta,mo1m-t- ing to $2,600 in consideration of the mistfortunes the town met with '_(!I1,I1Io >0-10.` Hub lcll u.u-wLaw,y u,_.ry.. v, as It w!ou1d- `have meant" almost cegtaln death. _ ` ' V 2%` 5. v;.:-,:.u' V ;-.,-'.:.'~~ 1+` ,. .. 5,-31;, ._ .,v, am! bk x . `I Lam can be a-;commo-.i ust pod _md '75 111` Uyqv *u_|_A_uLAny-_:;_-rm ..,..`_.-gv-VJ . 6he_tfV1iwrties~ can be` accomm" ; 'o-_`, dated at b:I%%anp9intment- A at hire.`%_-Phone` n4 hn .- .......-A. -1? 1. _ Mr. J .' I carried _.-.__-;.Z_;_3 _ _ 5..., ... The W rm ,_ ofon .Tueeday_. morning, A . ..1.'_ 1)_`..I=-_-_: Ar~..~..-....z.:..:.;..- 9:t'er - .pc;nd' .Was| W `I Iallllit, -mt 'dUN7? 6? ` `irddo :f"'Ain"` "I'I-`it u`c_s Iiirci"o`ic"' hr dhnnqj V aim,-;~amr:_ntou'- \I JI`:1l:(`>l1`1T ]`;ui:a1 1:)`.`_`.`iv|i=aci`<"i{o::l;; Ni-a,ga.ra F1a1l`s, Suspension. Bridge, Rouses Point, Fort Cbving-ton, Hel+ j._jen'a, Bombay, and` Masseng. S.pring_s, `N.Y. Island .PonAd,`h Nofttoh Mills - '1 ___.. -`_ A. 4... `T6 L]. U. JJILIDUII. -.11.. .I_Jl.I.|-J\J'Il, AL... tJu .LJlll\J E. W. Ewart, O. E. Ev1ans:. Ewing, A. Faris, E. M. Fee, B." Fennel], J. C. Ferme, A. A. Fitz- gemld, I. M. Furlong. J. A. Fitz- gerald , M. A. Fraser, L. E. Guaddye, `Ll T l`1,....]......... `D f]....`l.1.....'L..... D T.`

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